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This portfolio comprises works from my Bachelor Design studio, Masters year -1 works, competitions, and my conceptual Arch-Viz work. The selected works are from the year 2018-2023.
All the units are Metres unless mentioned otherwise.
The Garden Block
Academic work | Year 1 | Assignment 5 (Individual work)
Chhiwali B.F.D_6
Academic work | Thesis (Township) | 2021 (Individual work)
Bhavani Medai_16
Academic work | Urban Design Proposal |2020 (Individual work)
Academic work | Auditorium |2018 (Individual work)
Voro Tree House_24
Volume Zero-Tree House Competion | 2021 (Individual work)
LeviQuarium 2121_30
D.A.M_Equim-Parametic Design Competion | 2121 1st Runner up (Individual work)
D-LY Towers_34
Parametric High Rise Tower -AI simulation | 2020 Honourable mention (Team work)
Competitions, Miscellaneous works | 2018-2021
1-International Top 50 (Individual works)