Youths and Covid-19 Lazarus Tawasha Jesuit Development Office - Finance Assistant
Introduction Zimbabwe is a youthful country, with approximately 67.7 per cent of its 13 million plus population under the age of 35 (ZHRC, 2015). As such young people are amongst those heavily impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Affected Priorities of the Young Education Efforts to contain the spread of the virus have seen severe disruption in
learning and the suspension of academic semesters/ terms and examinations. Suddenly online learning in Zimbabwe Online learning has become a great topic. The underprivileged young people barely afford internet access for continued learning. According to the Herald of 3 April, a lecturer at Great Zimbabwe University said; “I do not think the strategy is for Zimbabwe, we are the ones who interact with these students. Most of them do not afford the data needed
to learn online, maybe if mobile network operators allow them to connect for free that is when this can work.� This has been further worsened by a lack of gadgets to such an extent that some students rely on borrowing laptops from peers to do their assignments. Meanwhile, Professor Goolam Mohamedbhai on the University World News African edition platform (9 April 2020) highlighted that online learning requires the teaching material to be
Magis Mozambique, Beira, Matauane, St John Baptist Parish
Mukai -Vukani No.77 | July 2020 |