Jeska 4D: Portfolio

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Jeska 4D [jes-i-kuh, f么rd] - noun. A creative person whose work shows sensitivity and imagination.

Portfolio [pôrt'fōlē,ō] [pôrt'fōlē,ō]- -noun. noun. Portfolio A A collection collectionof ofcreative creativework workthat thathas has been beenselected selectedby byan anindividual individualtoto showcase showcasetheir theirskills. skills.

Artist Statement Artist ArtistStatement Statement To create create isis to to breathe, breathe, to to feel, feel, to to form formaasort sort To To create is to breathe, to feel, to form a sort of connectivity connectivity between between the the physical physical material material of of connectivity between the my physical material and the expression expression ofmy mysoul, soul, mind,and andmy my and the of my mind, and the expression of my soul, my mind, and my experiences of of the the world world I Ilive livein. in.This Thislove loveaffair affair experiences experiences of and the world I live holds in. Thismy love affair have with with art art creativity interest II Ihave and creativity holds my interest with art and creativity interestI in have a wide wide variety of mediums. mediums.holds As ofofmy recent, in a variety of As recent, I I in a wide variety of mediums. As of recent, am fondest fondest of intaglio, serigraphy, serigraphy, and relief relief am am fondest ofof intaglio, intaglio, serigraphy, and and relief methods of of printmaking, as as well as as painting, methods methods of printmaking, printmaking, as well well as painting, painting, and mixed mixed media media drawing. drawing. Digital Digitalmedia, media,such such and and mixed media drawing. Digital media, such as photography photography and video, video, also intrigue intrigue me as as photography and and video, also also intrigue me me from time time to to time. time. This This provides provides aagreat greatmeans means from from time to time. This provides a great means of inspiration inspiration for works works done with with moretactility. tactility. of of inspirationfor for worksdone done withmore more tactility. In the the creation of of each piece, piece, I intellectually In In thecreation creation ofeach each piece,I Iintellectually intellectually engage in in an an act act of ofinterpretation interpretationby byevaluating evaluating engage engage in an act of interpretation by evaluating my emotions emotions and perceptions perceptions of howI Iboth both see my my emotionsand and perceptionsofofhow how I bothsee see and feel the world that surrounds me. The process and feel the world that surrounds me. The process and feel the world that surrounds me. The process in ininwhich which each piece and the cognitive whichII construct Iconstruct constructeach eachpiece pieceand andthe thecognitive cognitive engagement of the individuals viewing the engagement of the individuals viewing final engagement of the individuals viewing the thefinal final work are what I truly enjoy about being an artist. work are what I truly enjoy about being an artist. work are what I truly enjoy about being an artist. Stylistic Stylistic features found my work tend stem Stylisticfeatures featuresfound foundinin inmy mywork worktend tendtoto tostem stem from geometric, organized compositions. These from geometric, organized compositions. These from geometric, organized compositions. These are are coupled with feminine figure-forms that are arecoupled coupledwith withfeminine femininefigure-forms figure-formsthat thatare are presented either representational or abstract presented either representational or abstract presented either representational or abstract fashion.. fashion.. Overall, the initial figurative imagery fashion.Overall, Overall,itititisisisthe theinitial initialfigurative figurativeimagery imagery that inspires the creation of hard lined shapes that inspires the creation of hard lined that inspires the creation of hard lined shapes shapes that I break down into geometric forms. I that I break down into geometric forms. then that I break down into geometric forms. IIthen then use colour to celebrate the aura of the work and use usecolour colourto tocelebrate celebratethe theaura aura of of the the work work and and the essence of emotion it is to convey. Bright and the theessence essenceof ofemotion emotionititisisto to convey. convey. Bright Bright and and often unpredictable colour combinations are often often unpredictable unpredictable colour colour combinations combinations are are apparent when coupled with varied techniques of apparent when coupled with varied techniques apparent when coupled with varied techniques of of application across the mediums in which I choose application applicationacross acrossthe themediums mediumsin in which which II choose choose to work in. When working with colour, I resonate totowork workin. in.When Whenworking working with with colour, colour, II resonate resonate with the fact that each hue has a frequency. with withthe the fact fact that that each each hue hue has has aa frequency. frequency. This energy and beauty of every hue speaks This Thisenergy energyand and beauty beauty of of every every hue hue speaks speakstoto me meand, and,in turn,inspires inspireseach eachand andevery everywork. work. me and, ininturn, turn, inspires each and every work.

Havingbeen beengreatly greatlyinfluenced influenced by the softness Having by the softness Having been greatly influenced by the softness andfemine femineforms formsused usedbybyEdgar EdgarDegas, Degas,thethe and and femine forms used by Edgar Degas, the characteristic application of paint used by Vincent characteristic application of paint used by Vincent characteristic application of paint used by what Vincent VanGogh, Gogh, I have learned to appreciate the Van I have learned to appreciate what the Van Gogh, I have learned to appreciate what the creative process in art really means. The emotional creative process inin art really means. The emotional creative process art really means. The emotional applicationofofpastel pastel and paint give life to each application and paint give life toto each application of pastel and paint give life each piece. Notonly only does this grab my attention, but piece. piece.Not Not onlydoes doesthis thisgrab grabmy myattention, attention,but but tells mea astory story of howeach each piece came into tells tellsme me a storyofofhow how eachpiece piececame cameinto into being.More Morerecent recentinspiration inspirationtotome me is comes being. is comes being. More recent inspiration to me is comes from severalartists artists whom I have been instructed from fromseveral several artistswhom whomI have I havebeen beeninstructed instructed by at theMedicine Medicine HatCollege. College. The realism of by byatatthe the MedicineHat Hat College.The Therealism realismofof Laara Cassel’spainting, painting, the free and energetic Laara LaaraCassel’s Cassel’s painting,the thefree freeand andenergetic energetic marks of Poul Nielsen, the line work of Craig Cote’s marks marksofofPoul PoulNielsen, Nielsen,the theline linework workofofCraig CraigCote’s Cote’s etchings, andatmospheric atmospheric movementsthat that is etchings, etchings,and and atmosphericmovements movements thatis is both dynamicand and serene in the works of Mato both bothdynamic dynamic andserene sereneininthe theworks worksofofMato Mato Higashitani; all inspire me to explore countless Higashitani; all inspire me to explore countless Higashitani; all inspire me to explore countless possibilities source ofofof possibilitiesinin inmy myown ownwork. work.Another Another source possibilities my own work. Another source inspiration toto me is isthe dynamic, illustrative, colourinspiration to me isthe the dynamic, illustrative, colourinspiration me dynamic, illustrative, colourpacked style ofof work by Sarah Wilson, an artist and packed style of work by Sarah Wilson, an artist and packed style work by Sarah Wilson, an artist and aa The intense colours and heavy use ofof lines afriend. friend. The intense colours and heavy use of lines friend. The intense colours and heavy use lines inin inner passion for art. She inher herpieces piecesignite ignitemy my inner passion for art. She her pieces ignite my inner passion for art. She inspires me to achieve a higher sense of self and inspires me me to to achieve achieve aa higher highersense senseof ofself selfand and inspires spirituality inin my own work: aasort ofof enlightenment. spirituality in my own work: asort sort of enlightenment. spirituality my own work: enlightenment. What and how Whatis is isseen, seen,what whatis isiscommunicated, communicated, and how What seen, what communicated, and how artwork is understood by others is a constant artwork isis understood understood by by others others isis aa constant constant artwork fascination for me. I believe creation fascination for for me. me. II believe believe creation creationand and fascination and interpretation interpretation ofof of art art generates generates awareness: awareness: interpretation art generates awareness: awareness of the world, how it works, awareness of of the the world, world, how how itit works, works,and and awareness and how all function within it. This search for an how all all function function within within it. it. This This search search for for an an how ethereal connection between art and how it ethereal connection connection between between art art and and how how itit ethereal is isexperienced is essential to me. I feel that this experienced isis essential essential to to me. me. I I feel feelthat that this experienced this connection is important to not only understanding connection isis important importantto tonot notonly onlyunderstanding understanding connection art or the world, but to understanding life, itself. the world, world, but but to to understanding understanding life, itself. art or the life, itself.

Serigraphy [sĕr-ĭ-gră-fē] [sĕr-ĭ-gră-fē]- -noun. noun. Serigraphy A Aprintmaking printmakingtechnique techniquethat thatuses uses aasilk-screen silk-screenprocess. process.

Zodiac ZodiacPrint Edition Edition Print

Lucy in the Sky LucyEdition in the Print Sky Edition Print

Octophant Octophant Edition Print Edition Print

Journey Through a Sleepless Land Journey Through a Sleepless Land Monoprint Monoprint

Rhythms of a Bamboo Forest Rhythms of a Bamboo Forest Monoprint Monoprint

Relief[ri-'lēf] [ri-'lēf]--noun. noun.AAprintmaking printmaking Relief technique techniquewhere wherethe theraised raisedsurface surface isiswhat whatgets getsinked inkedand andprinted. printed.

Nesting Nesting End Grain, Woodcut End Grain, Woodcut

Where’s Hollywood? Where’s Hollywood? Woodcut Woodcut

Untitled Lino Untitled Cut Lino Cut

Sollitude Sollitude Lithograph Lithograph

Mercy Mercy Reduction Block, Woodcut Reduction Block, Woodcut

Spoken Dream Spoken Lino Cut Dream Lino Cut

Intaglio[in'talyĹ?] [in'talyĹ?]--noun. noun.AAprintmaking printmaking Intaglio technique techniquewhere wherethe therecessed recessedimage imageofof aaplate plateisisinked inkedand andprinted. printed.

Lounging Lounging Monoprint Monoprint

Lady Bird Lady Bird Edition Print Edition Print

Meditation Meditation Edition Print Edition Print

Home Land Home EditionLand Print Edition Print

Squid Bitch Squid Print Bitch Edition Edition Print

River Pig River Print Pig Aquatint, Edition Aquatint, Edition Print

Sucubus No.1 & No. 2 Sucubus No.1 & No. 2 Monoprints Monoprints

Illustration[il'е-strā-shen] [il'е-strā-shen]- -noun. noun. Illustration A A depiction depictionthat thatisiscreated createdtotoelucidate elucidate aa story storyor ordictate dictatevisual visualinformation information

Voltswagen Voltswagen IIllustration, Prismacolour on Mylar IIllustration, Prismacolour on Mylar

Mass Effect: Comic Spread Rendition Mass Effect: Comic Spread Rendition Illustration, India Ink and Watercolour Illustration, Mass Effect: India Comic Ink and Spread Watercolour Rendition Illustration, India Ink and Watercolour

GraphicDesign Design[graf-ik, [graf-ik,dih-z朝n'] dih-z朝n']- -noun. noun. Graphic The The means meansof ofvisually visuallycommunicating communicating information informationto toan anaudience. audience.

Fukuda Shigeao Poster Concept

Dook Logo Concept, Black-footed Ferret

MHC Visual Communications Logo Concept

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