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About JESNA Created in 1981, JESNA (the Jewish Education Service of North America) plays many pivotal roles: • as a change agent and an idea generator; • as a trusted consultant to communal and educational organizations, both embryonic and established, and a valued advisor to philanthropists and education leaders; • as an essential resource for knowledge and empirical data on Jewish education across settings and subjects; • and as a working partner to all those looking to explore and create a future where education is at the core of Jewish life. Aspiring to standards set by our founders and visionary leaders, including those being honored here tonight, we strive to exemplify excellence, accountability, innovative thinking and the spirit of collaboration. We recognize and appreciate the support of the many generous and caring individuals throughout the Jewish community who are our true partners in ensuring that Jewish education is meaningful, engaging, innovative, and can face the challenges of this century and those to come, serving each generation in its turn. Building on our proud history, we hope to spend the next 30 years as we have the last 30 -- helping Jewish education thrive in communities throughout North America.
We are thrilled and delighted to join with you tonight in marking our milestone anniversary and honoring three such special leaders. Certainly, this is an occasion at which we can point with pride at JESNA’s accomplishments over the past 30 years. More importantly, though, we see it as an opportunity to look ahead and a time to reflect on our shared vision for the future of Jewish education, as exemplified tonight by the next generation of our honorees’ families. These families, like so many families represented in this room and well beyond, are passing their commitment to quality Jewish education from generation to generation. JESNA is proud to be their partner in this work, and to share with you the opportunity to join us in expanding these partnerships with the next generation of Jewish leaders, educators, and dreamers. It is the good fortune of the Jewish people that, throughout our history, men and women have stepped forward with the foresight and initiative to address our greatest challenges and shape our destiny. For those who care deeply about the Jewish community, Joe Kanfer, Mark Lainer, and Diane Troderman serve as shining examples of exactly those qualities. Their commitment to Jewish life and learning – locally in their respective hometowns of Akron, Los Angeles and Longmeadow, Massachusetts; across North America; in Israel and around the world – has been nourished by their inspiring and expansive Jewish vision and their tireless work on multiple fronts to make that vision real. As longtime leaders and supporters of JESNA, they have each been champions of excellence and accountability in Jewish education and have never flagged in their commitment to the agency and to the principles of its founding, and we are delighted to have the opportunity to celebrate their remarkable accomplishments and look forward to the future of Jewish education that they have helped create. Thank you for joining us in this simcha as we celebrate three cherished leaders and JESNA’s vision for the future of Jewish education. Together, we can achieve our goal – that the next generation and the next and the next will know the joys of living a rich Jewish life. David Steirman Chair
Cass Gottlieb Chair-Elect
Donald A. Sylvan President
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To donate to The Fund, or get further information, please contact Ellen Goldstein at 212-284-6886.
June 6, 2011
JESNA 318 West 39th Street, 5th floor New York, NY 10018 Dear Friends: On behalf of the entire Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles, I’m delighted to extend my greetings to all those in attendance for JESNA’s 30th Anniversary gala banquet, and to join with you in tribute to three distinguished honorees: Joe Kanfer, Diane Troderman, and my good friend and longstanding constituent, Mark Lainer. Mark and his family have been outstanding leaders in our local Jewish community, and they have been as generous with their time, energy and wise leadership as they have with their philanthropy. The list of educational institutions which have benefitted from their contributions and support is long and the number of students and other individual beneficiaries longer still. It’s a pleasure to recognize publicly Mark and his fellow award recipients for their dedication to this worthy cause, and I’m very proud that he has done such an outstanding job of representing the Los Angeles Jewish community at your event. My very best to him, and to your entire assembly, for an enjoyable and rewarding event. Sincerely,
ZEV YAROSLAVSKY Supervisor, Third District
Jerry W. Levin* Chair of the Board
Alisa R. Doctoroff* Executive Vice President & CEO
130 East 59th Street New York, NY 10022 Tel: 1.212.980.1000 Fax: 1.212.888.7538
John S. Ruskay General Chairs, 2011 Campaign
Jonathan M Harris* Linda Mirels*
June 6, 2011
Campaign Chairs
Alisa F. Levin William L. Mack Jodi J. Schwartz* Commission Chairs
Eric S. Goldstein* Evelyn Kenvin* Tina Price* Helen Samuels* Treasurer
Roger W. Einiger* Executive Committee At Large
Al Berg* Lawrence C. Gottlieb* Michael G. Jesselson* Marcia Riklis* Jeffrey M. Stern* Special Advisor to the President
Wayne K. Goldstein Senior Vice President Financial Resources Development
Mark D. Medin Senior Vice President Strategic Planning and Organizational Resources
Alisa Rubin Kurshan Chief Financial Officer
Irvin A. Rosenthal General Counsel Chief Compliance Officer & Secretary
Ellen R. Zimmerman Executive Vice Presidents Emeriti
Ernest W. Michel Stephen D. Solender
Dear Friends: On behalf of UJA-Federation of New York, we extend our deepest congratulations to JESNA on the occasion of your 30th Anniversary Gala. As you reach this extraordinary milestone, we celebrate JESNA’s incredible advances in the vast and complex realm of Jewish education. With a clearly articulated vision, you have conducted extensive research to determine best practices, tested these models in a diversity of settings, and applied the most effective approaches to enable larger segments of our community to experience the power of Jewish education. You have formed lasting partnerships with both national organizations and local Federations to implement these programs and initiatives in synagogues, community centers, and other institutions of learning to cultivate a yearning for knowledge and achieve intended results. For the multiple ways in which JESNA enriches our community – we thank you. With great pride in our shared accomplishments, we laud this evening’s honorees: Joe Kanfer, Mark Lainer, and Diane Troderman. Each of you has demonstrated an unparalleled commitment to promoting lifelong learning and increasing the accessibility of educational programs in communities throughout North America. Your belief in collective responsibility has been manifest through your unwavering dedication to strengthening the capacity of our communal institutions to engage Jews of all ages and across all denominations. We are confident that with your bold leadership and abiding recognition of the present challenges facing Jewish communities, JESNA will continue to have a profound impact nation-wide. We thank you for all you do to strengthen the social fabric of our Jewish community. Again, it is with great pleasure that we extend a most heartfelt Mazal Tov to JESNA and this evening’s honorees. We are proud of our collective impact, and look forward to our continued partnership. With very best wishes,
Jerry W. Levin President
Alisa R. Doctoroff Chair of the Board
John S. Ruskay Executive Vice President & CEO
Honorary Officers: Meshulam Riklis Laurence A. Tisch** Life Trustees: Robert H. Arnow Lawrence B. Buttenwieser William Kahn Irving Schneider Stephen Shalom Daniel S. Shapiro Samuel J. Silberman** Sanford Solender** Wilma S. Tisch James L. Weinberg Elaine K. Winik Life Benefactors: The Belfer, Ruben & Saltz Families Jack & Zella B. Butler Foundation The Fisher Family Leo & Julia Forchheimer Foundation Ruth & David Gottesman Kathryn & Alan C. Greenberg The Jesselson Family Leni & Peter W. May Henry & Lucy Moses Foundation, Inc. The William Rosenwald Family Jack and Lewis** Rudin Family of S.H. & Helen R. Scheuer Helen** & Irving Schneider Joseph & Marcy Sirulnick** The Tisch Family Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz The Weiler Arnow Family The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation Past Chairs, Board of Directors: Morton A. Kornreich** Joseph Gurwin** Irwin Hochberg Larry A. Silverstein Judith Stern Peck Larry Zicklin Morris W. Offit Susan K. Stern Past Presidents: Peggy Tishman** David G. Sacks** Alan S. Jaffe Louise B. Greilsheimer James S. Tisch Larry Zicklin Morris W. Offit John M. Shapiro *Executive Committee member **Deceased
June 6, 2011 Jewish Education Service of North America 318 West 39th Street, 5th Floor New York, NY 10018 Dear Friends, Congratulations to our dear friends Joe Kanfer, Mark Lainer and Diane Troderman on being honored by JESNA. Joe, Mark and Diane are passionately committed to Jewish education and have invested their time and resources in organizations that enrich the lives of young people from pre-school to graduate school, from local community organizations to national groups such as Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life and the Jewish Federations of North America. Diane Troderman and her husband Harold Grinspoon are longstanding members of Hillel’s International Board of Governors and have been partners in Hillel’s transformation. They have contributed in inestimable ways to fostering deeper Jewish identities among Jewish college students and educating our campuses abut Israel. Fellow Hillel Board of Governors member Joe Kanfer has been a staunch supporter of Hillel within the Federation movement and has raised Hillel’s profile to new heights within the Jewish Federations of North America. Mark Lainer has immersed himself in the life of Jewish college students through his involvement at the local level with California State University, Northridge and as a member of Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Life Board of Directors, Hillel’s global governing body. More significant than their accomplishments in one single organization, these honorees are innovators and visionaries who believe that inter-group collaboration is the surest path to a brighter Jewish future. Our children are enriched, and our community strengthened, when different Jewish organizations cooperate for the common good. They not only believe it, they live it and support it. Through their commitment, their vision and their achievements they are role models for us all. Mazal tov on this richly-deserved honor. B’shalom,
Wayne L. Firestone, President
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Dear Joe, Mark, and Diane, It may look as though we are honoring you tonight, but everyone knows that it is you who honor us. You are three very special people, each of whom has played a unique role at JESNA, but what is truly striking to us are the ways in which you are alike:
◘ Your vision and optimism ◘ Your passion for learning and respect for teaching ◘ Your outstanding leadership skills ◘ Your consistent willingness to lead by example ◘ Your incredible generosity ◘ The remarkable energy you bring to every task you take on ◘ The centrality of family and friends in your lives ◘ Your extraordinary commitment to the Jewish people in every community and country around the world
We trust you, we depend on you, and we honor you -- not just onstage tonight, but every day -- for the difference you have made for JESNA, for Jewish education, and for the Jewish people. With deep respect and profound affection from the Board and Staff of JESNA
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to our dear friend
Diane Troderman C
Best wishes to the honorees Joe Kanfer and Mark Lainer
Jayne and Harvey Beker
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How fortunate that JESNA has had the benefit of the leadership and support of three unique dedicated individuals. C
Diane, Mark and Joe,
You are each committed to advancing Jewish education in a variety of settings.
You have each made a difference in this world!
Bennett Yanowitz
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And our esteemed DIANE TRODERMAN
In appreciation of your devotion and efforts on behalf of enhancing and strengthening Jewish education in North America “And you shall show them the way they should go” Exodus 18:20
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We also congratulate Joe Kanfer, Mark Lainer and JESNA on this evening of celebrations. JOYCE AND FRED CLAAR
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We congratulate JESNA for its 30 years of service working to improve education in the Jewish community C
Diane, Mark, and Joe for their transforming leadership. Samuel and Helene Soref Foundation
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We are so proud of our brother,
Mark! C
His devotion to Jewish education is exemplary, and his achievements are monumental.
Yasher Koach to him and to his fellow honorees.
Lee and Luis Lainer
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In honor of
Diane Troderman C
With appreciation and admiration for all you do for Jewish Education and the Jewish Community.
Debbie and Jeff Swartz
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Mark, Diane and Joe Your vision and leadership continue to shape the Jewish future.
On a public note, you create community. On a private note, you are wonderful role models, teachers and colleagues. Thank you, and Yasher Koach!
Carol and Art Spinner and the Avoda Arts Team
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Honor people for what they are, but honor them more for what they do. C
Yasher Koach on this well-deserved honor to our great friend and esteemed colleague Joe Kanfer. Mazel Tov to Diane Troderman and Mark Lainer and to JESNA on its milestone anniversary. Audrey and Albert Ratner Charles and Ilana Horowitz Ratner
ολςγξ ρπλσ όηγβ λϋτπ
The acts of fathers are an inspiration to their children
Dear Dad/Poppy, Mazal Tov! We are lucky to have such a special father and grandfather. Your dedication and commitment to the community and to Jewish education have been a real inspiration for us. We admire your passion for all that you do.
Not only are you and Mom/Bubbie wonderful role models for all of us, you give us lots of nachas! We love you! Lisa, Brian, Arieh, Zev & Sara Jeff, Lynne, Benjamin & Joshua Steven
Dear Mom (a.k.a. Saftah) Thank you for being such the brilliant light and love in our lives. Your children: Lorin, Sarah and Josh Your in-laws: Jill, Sam and Debra Your grandchildren: Dylan, Max, Maya, Noah, Eden & Elias
In honor of
Diane Who has taught me, and so many others, so much.
Sara Berman
JOE MARK DIANE Our Exceptional Leaders Who Know that JEWISH EDUCATION Is the Strategic Plan And will Insure our JEWISH FUTURE! May you and JESNA only go from Strength to Strength! ALLAN and SHIRLEY SOLOMON
ACRE, The Alliance for Continuing Rabbinic Education and the Lasko Family Foundation congratulate JESNA on its thirty productive years and on the effective work that JESNA has done in this exciting, evolving field of continuing rabbinic education.
Kol hakavod,
Diane, on all that you do for the community.
From friends in Chicago
MARK LAINER and the other 2011 Jesna honorees
Your dedication to Jewish educat ion has ensured that the next generation will forever carry Judaism in their hearts and souls.
Ilan Ramon Day School previously known as Heschel West in Agoura, California New name...same award-winning preschool through 5th grade program
Let the honor of your student be as dear to you as your own; the honor of your colleague as the reverence for your teacher; and the reverence for your teacher as the reverence of Heaven -Pirkei Avot 4:15
Diane Troderman addressing the 2009 Awards winners
The Grinspoon-Steinhardt Awards for Excellence in Jewish Education winners are delighted to honor our dear friend and teacher,
Diane Troderman For her unending commitment to Jewish education and educator recognition throughout North America. She inspires us each year to learn and teach.
We are blessed to call you our teacher and colleague.
BJE Los Angeles joins in congratulating JESNA on 30 years of leadership in Jewish education and expresses appreciation to
Joe Kanfer & Diane Troderman and our own
Mark Lainer distinguished Past Chair of BJE and leader and mentor to an appreciative community.
Marc Rohatiner President
Phil Liff Grieff Associate Director
Dr. Gil Graff Executive Director
Miriam Prum Hess Director, Centers for Educational Engagement & Day School Education
To our dear friend, Mark You have been a pioneer, leader, mentor, visionary and supporter of Jewish education for decades. No one, (except Ellie), is more deserving of this honor. Yasher Koach, With great admiration and affection. Faith and Jonathan Cookler
Congratulations Mark, Diane, and Joe Your steadfast support of Jewish education is an example for future community leaders!
Irwin S. Field
“If you will it, it is no dream…” Theodore Herzl From dream to vibrant reality we celebrate JESNA’s achievements and innovations. Mazel Tov to
Mark and Diane on a well deserved honor. Thank you for all your good works that make our world a better place, and for your personal kindness and leadership on behalf of the Jewish people. Joe Kanfer
It is our honor to honor Diane Troderman Diane Troderman, let’s count the ways of what she has done for Jewish life and community‌ But that is impossible, because what she has accomplished is just too numerous to count. The lives of those that have been changed and enriched are endless and are of all ages. No matter where in the world they reside, Diane has and will be there for them.
Congratulations to Mark Lainer, founder of the Heschel School, whose vision has energized Jewish Day Schools in Los Angeles over the last four decades and to Joe Kanfer who took UJC (now JFNA) to new heights.
Diane and Howard Wohl
Thank you for your passion for and devotion to Jewish Education. Our community is stronger and more vibrant because of the leadership roles you have assumed. Congratulations to you, Joe, Mark and JESNA Paula and Jerry Gottesman
A man should so live that at the close of every day he can repeat: “I have not wasted my day� -- Zohar
Joe and Mark, You make each day meaningful through your dedication and devotion to your family and Jews throughout the world. Your boundless energy and commitment to Jewish education, and JESNA, has brought so many new and dedicated people to this vital cause. May you go from strength to strength and continue to inspire us all with your tireless efforts. With the greatest of admiration,
Diane Troderman and Harold Grinspoon
Hebrew at the Center is proud to join JESNA in recognizing Diane Troderman, a founding member of our Board of Directors, for her commitment to Jewish life and learning and her passion for the Hebrew language. We want to also acknowledge Joe Kanfer and Mark Lainer for their sustained commitment to excellence and innovation in Jewish education. Walter A. Winshall, Arnee R. Winshall, Barbara Skydell Safran, Dr. Vardit Ringvald, Joanne Blauer and the staff of HATC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.� Anne Frank
We are proud to honor JESNA on the occasion of its 30th anniversary and the remarkable and inspirational leadership of Joe Kanfer, Mark Lainer and Diane Troderman. Together, your tireless efforts continue to infuse Jewish education with new vision, fresh thinking, and innovation.
Arnee R. and Walter A. Winshall
GOJO Celebrates
Joe Kanfer for his Vision and Leadership of JESNA
Yasher Koach!
Congratulations to us, the Board, Staff, and Friends of JESNA, on the celebration of this milestone anniversary. Our family is so proud to have been part of this agency’s history, and to be honored tonight alongside two such special people,
Diane Troderman and Joe Kanfer Ellie and Mark Lainer Lisa Lainer Fagan and Brian Fagan Lynne and Jeff Lainer Steve Lainer
JDub is proud to have provided the music for tonight's event. Best wishes to JESNA's honorees: Joe Kanfer, Mark Lainer and Diane Troderman
JDub is a not-for-profit forging vibrant connections to Judaism through music, media and cultural events. JDub operates JDub Records and, reaching hundreds of thousands of young Jews every year with creative, inclusive and inspiring content both on and offline.
‌Just as you found trees which others had you should plant for your children. - Midrash Tanchuma, Kodashim 8
Mark Lainer with the Cohort 16 Winter Seminar participants
The Lainer-MASA Fellows would like to thank
Mark La iner for his continued commitment to planting the seeds for the next generation of Jewish educators. Mark, since 1992 you’ve sparked the passions and careers of more than 800 educators and communal professionals who have gone on to make a significant difference in the Jewish world. May you go from strength to strength.
“I learned much from my teachers, more than that did I learn from my colleagues, but most of all from my students!� ---Rabbi Yehudah haNasi
In honor of Joe, Mark and Diane .
And congratulations to JESNA on their 30th anniversary.
The Soslands
Diane Congratulations on this well deserved honor which celebrates your leadership, commitment to excellence and devoted efforts to the renewal of Jewish life and Jewish education throughout the world. Renee and Steven Finn
Mazel tov to our friends at JESNA on celebrating 30 years of commitment to high quality Jewish education Mazel tov to Joe Kanfer, Mark Lainer and Diane Troderman whose dedication to Jewish education inspires us and whose vision has shaped a lasting future for our Jewish community Board of Directors Arnee R. Winshall, Chair
Stacey Fisher
Uri L. Benhamron
Matthew Heilicher
Lisa Breslau
Paul Levitch
Dr. Barbara Davis
Bruce J. Powell, Ph.D
Rebekah M. Farber
Lesley Zafran
Weston, MA
Miami, FL
Sacramento, CA
Syracuse, NY
Encino, CA
Cincinnati, OH
Minneapolis, MN
Louisville, KY
West Hills, CA
Boca Raton, FL
Dr. Marc N. Kramer, Executive Director
RAVSAK strengthens and sustains the Jewish life, leadership and learning of community day schools ensuring a vibrant Jewish future
“Great are those who give graciously, even greater are those who anticipate needs before being asked.” – Maimonides
Mazal Tov
Joe, Mark and Diane “May you go from strength to strength” With much admiration and appreciation for all that you do Cass and Sheldon Gottlieb
Diane, Mark and Joe Your spirit and devotion to the Jewish people serve as an inspiration to all of us. We are proud to join the community in honoring all that you do on behalf of Jews and education throughout the world. Howard and Michelle Rosenbloom of the Ben and Esther Rosenbloom Foundation
Joe, Mark, and Diane Thank you for your exemplary leadership on behalf of JESNA, Jewish Education and the Jewish Community
Anne and David Steirman
We applaud
Joe, Mark, and Diane Champions of JESNA’s noble quest for excellence and accountability in Jewish education. With admiration, appreciation and affection,
Sandra and Arnold Gold
Mazel Tov,
Diane On this well deserved honor
Michele and Marty Cohen
Mark, Your good works enrich our community. Your friendship enriches our family.
Peggy and Ed Robin
Congratulations and Yasher Koach on JESNA’s 30th. Mazel Tov to the honorees Diane Troderman and Joe Kanfer and a special congratulations to a good friend Mark Lainer whose remarkable career in community leadership and philanthropy is an inspiration to us all.
Jean and Jerry Friedman
Mazel Tov, Mark. The Jewish Community is truly fortunate to have your support for education.
Helen and Ian Fagan
“Let justice well up as waters and righteousness as a mighty stream.” —Amos 5.24
Kol Hakavod! to
Diane Troderman, Joe Kanfer and Mark Lainer from your friends at
American Jewish World Service.
The world stands on three pillars: Torah, Prayer, and Good Deeds --Perkei Avot
Joe, Mark, Diane Each of you are pillars in Jewish education…in your communities, across the country, and across the world. We honor you tonight for recognizing the limitless potential of Jewish educational endeavors and creating venues for your vision. May you, your children and JESNA go from strength to strength. Cari and Gary Gross Rochelle and Harley Gross
Kol Hakavod Diane, Joe and Mark! Tonight we honor and celebrate your many achievements in service of a bright future for the Jewish people. Thank you for your years of leadership, partnership and unwavering commitment to Jewish life and learning.
Congratulations on this well deserved honor to
Diane Troderman Diane, the vision and leadership you have brought to JESNA and countless other Jewish organizations has been an inspiration for us. We consider ourselves blessed to have you as our dear friend! Wishing you and Harold all good things. With love and admiration, Jeffrey and Wendy Schwarz Schwarz Family Foundation
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Congratulations, Mark! We proudly honor Mark Lainer for his extraordinary leadership and tireless efforts to improve Jewish education in Los Angeles and nationwide. Mark’s avid support and dedication is an inspiration to us all. We also salute JESNA for its significant contributions in enhancing Jewish education. Lorin M. Fife, Chair / Marvin I. Schotland, President & CEO 1-877-ENDOW-NOW
Mazel Tov
Joe, Mark, and Diane With great admiration, Laura and Gary Lauder
Mark… my friend… It is a pleasure & a privilege to honor you… for your outstanding leadership & contributions for the
World Jewish Community Thank you for your loving dedication to
With much love, respect and friendship Bruce Whizin
WHIZIN PHILANTHROPIC FUND At the American Jewish University
JON WOOCHER AND LEORA ISAACS WITH APPRECIATION AND AFFECTION Over the past 25 years, our field and our agency have been privileged to learn from you and work alongside you. Tonight, with great pride, we want to publicly share our admiration and gratitude for your extraordinary leadership, for your wisdom and guidance, and for the gift of your friendship. Your insight, energy, and profound commitment to our community has changed us and changed the world. You have modeled Jewish values and consistently demonstrated the highest level of professionalism. Your good humor, kindness, and collegiality have set the tone that makes our workplace so special May you continue to go from strength to strength, changing the lives of Jewish learners across North America through the power of your ideas and the impact of your efforts.
Kol Hachavod from your friends and admirers on the JESNA Staff
Diane, Joe, and Mark, We are exceptionally grateful for your leadership of JESNA, and for your personal mentorship. You each serve as a Ner Tamid – an eternal light – for us.
With deep admiration, Anne and Don Sylvan
For Diane Whose advocacy, imagination and innovative spirit will have a profound impact on Jewish education for generations to come. With deep respect and affection, Barbara and Steve Grossman
and all she does to make a difference in the world “Am Yisroel Chai� Carol
and Irv
pays tribute to Joe Kanfer, Mark Lainer, and Diane Troderman for their extraordinary leadership and philanthropy. We also thank JESNA for their continued partnership and shared commitment to sparking innovation in Jewish education. The arc of your achievements over thirty years is a source of inspiration to all of us. Yasher koach on this milestone. We wish JESNA continued success, and look forward to our lasting collaboration. The Board and Staff of The Jewish Education Project
the Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education salutes JEsna on the occasion of its 30th anniversary gala celebration.
We offer warm congratulations to our Board Chair,
D iane Troderman and to her co-honorees,
J oe Kanfer & M ark Lainer for their longstanding commitment to Jewish education and to a vibrant Jewish future.
PEJE PartnErs adelson Family Foundation the aVI CHaI Foundation Paula and Jerry Gottesman Harold Grinspoon Foundation Jim Joseph Foundation Brad and robin Klatt Bobby and Fran Lent Jess and sheila schwartz Family Foundation David and Fela shapell Family Foundation Deborah and Jeffrey swartz the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Inc.
sustaInInG PartnErs the samuel Bronfman Foundation steinhardt Foundation for Jewish Life the Wexner Foundation Diane troderman, Chair Michael H. steinhardt, Founding Chair rabbi Joshua Elkin, Ed.D, Executive Director
617.367.0001 phone | 617.367.0029 fax | 88 Broad St, 6th Floor, Boston, Massachusetts 02110 |
We join JESNA in honoring
We appreciate your life long dedication to Jewish Education and to the Jewish People. You enrich the Los Angeles community and FAR beyond!!! Sorry we can’t be there to celebrate YOU!
Janice & Benjamin Reznik
“The more Torah, the more Life� --Avot 2:8
Diane, Joe, and Mark You have enriched our lives and the lives of Jews throughout the world through your endeavors, your generosity, and your example. Mazal Tov
Jon and Sherry Woocher
Mazel Tov to a special mensch. There is only one Joe Kanfer! I love you, Bubbe Janette Kanfer
Mazel Tov
Diane, Mark and Joe
on your visionary leadership and all your passion and effort in enhancing Jewish Education for all. Best wishes,
Claire and David Ellman
“Our Judaism is Active and Our Activism is Jewish� Marina Konstantinova, Tula, Russia Project Kesher congratulates Diane Troderman, whose life exemplifies the interconnection between Judaism and social activism. Her commitment to tikkun olam has helped thousands of women live openly as Jews and actively as change makers in 170+ communities throughout Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan. All of us at Project Kesher join with JESNA in honoring this extraordinary woman. The Board, Staff and Activists of Project Kesher Rita Kashner, Board Chair Karyn Gershon, Executive Director Svetlana Yakimenko, Director, Moscow Office
The Covenant Foundation salutes
Mark Lainer, Joe Kanfer, and Diane Troderman for their outstanding leadership and generosity. May they go from strength to strength! Harlene Appelman
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heartfelt congratulations to
Joe Kanfer Mark Lainer Diane Troderman
On this well-deserved recognition For your work in supporting innovation and tikkun olam in your communities and around the world
Francine Lavin Weaver 18 Pomegranates
In honor of Joe Kanfer and Mark Lainer,
In honor of Joe Kanfer and Mark Lainer, and our beloved and long time friend and our beloved and long time friend Diane Troderman
Diane Troderman
for their remarkable and creative leadership.
for their remarkable and creative leadership. You are all titans of Jewish education!
You are all titans of Jewish education! With great affection,
With great affection,
Blu and Yitz Greenberg
Blu and Yitz Greenberg
In honor of our good friend Kanfer In honor Joe of our good friend for his continued leadership and Joe Kanfer work with JESNA to improve for his continued leadership and Jewish education !!
work with JESNA to improve Jewish education !!
Mazel Tov to Mark Lainer and Diane Troderman Mazel Tov to Mark Lainer on this well-deserved honorand !!
Diane Troderman on this well-deserved honor !! Hili and Marty Scheck and Family Scheck Group – Miami, Florida
Hili and Marty Scheck and Family Scheck Group – Miami, Florida
In In Memoriam Memoriam
Bennett z”l Bennett Yanowitz Yanowitz z”l Since many remembrances remembrancesand andaccolades accolades SinceBennett’s Bennett’spassing passingthis this past past Tuesday, Tuesday, many have Jewish world. world. Bennett Bennettmeant meantsoso havebeen beenarriving arrivingin ininboxes inboxes across across the Jewish much and there there are aresome somevery veryclear clear muchtotososomany manypeople people and and organizations, organizations, and commonthreads threads— —his hisdignity, dignity, his his humility, his common his keen keen intellect, intellect,and andhis his abundantkindness kindnessand andgenerosity generosity have all been abundant been much muchnoted. noted. Even Eventhose those whoknew knewhim himwell wellwill willsurely surely be be amazed in seeing who seeing the theremarkable remarkablerecord recordofof hisleadership leadershipand andthe theimpact impact of of his his contributions contributions to his to his hiscommunity communityand andtoto the Jewish people tallied in the days and weeks to come. the Jewish people tallied in the days weeks to come. ForususatatJESNA, JESNA,Bennett Bennett occupies occupies aa very very special For special place placeas asaaleader, leader,mentor, mentor, and friend to many. He took on the chairmanship of the agency in its and friend to many. He took on the chairmanship of the agency in itsearly early yearsand, and,with withhis hiswise wiseguidance guidance and and sterling sterling reputation, years reputation,he hebrought brought accomplishmentand andgreat great honor honor to to us us and and to accomplishment to the the field fieldof ofJewish Jewisheducation, education, continuing to the very end of his life. continuing to the very end of his life.
Wejoin joinwith withhis his friends friends and and colleagues We colleagues from fromacross acrossthe the Jewishworld world in in offering offering our our most Jewish most sincere sincere condolences condolences to Donna Donna and and all to all the the family. family. May his memory forever be for May his memory forever be for aa blessing. blessing.