Product Design Portfolio - Jesper Cassiman

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Jesper Cassiman
Product Design University of Antwerp 2020 - 2023


In this portfolio I discuss my skills and competences as a 3rd year Product Design student. I present work of which I am proud. At the same time, these projects illustrate my learning journey throughout these years. I hope you enjoy this journey as much as I have and for further information or questions don’t hesitate to contact me.

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Cassiman Personal container Ola Mediterránea Furniture design Inclusive design New workflow My skills 4 6 8 10 12 14 20 Table of contents Jesper Cassiman 2020 - 2023

About me

My name is Jesper Cassiman, I’m a twenty year old Product Design student at the university of Antwerp. I was born and raised in Barcelona and after eighteen years I decided to pursue my creative side and started studying in Belgium. In my free time I’m very active, I spend a lot of time doing sports, listening to music, spending time with loved ones or exploring on my own. People close to me would describe me as composed, hardworking and loyal.

Hard skills

SolidWorks CAD





Soft skills


Leadership & teamwork


Self drive

Problem solving

About me Jesper Cassiman 2002 - 2023 01

My design interests

When it comes to design I tend to focus on two issues: usability and form. The interesting part about usability is the engineering behind it, understanding how everything really works. I am fascinated about how modern designers integrate engineering in their projects, making problem solving a key feature in my designs.

Second but no less important, form giving and expression are critical elements in my design process. We know that for a product to be successful it has to be beautiful in meaning and shape.

5 Contact information Jesper Cassiman 3000 Leuven Belgium +34 606 58 84 55
Creative Efficient Perfectionist Independent Jesper Cassiman

The project

The objective of this project was to design a personal container for a predetermined persona. A persona that we created from scratch. The personal container is an object that has to store three items and has to execute two functions. Our persona is called Piérre Caillou, a thief who specializes in diamonds. The personal container stores a diamond tester, a lock picker (both especially designed for him and his container), and his first stolen jewel (a very sentimental object for our persona). It also has a built-in police radio and EMP-“bomb” so that he’s always one step ahead of the authorities.

In order to design the perfect container we had to explore this persona, his likes and dislikes, how he lives and what he does. We had to understand his style by sketching recurring shapes and forms and by drawing inspiration from his surroundings. Afterwards we presented three possible containers and chose one to further develop and optimize, creating the perfect personal container for Piérre Caillou.

Furthermore, we had to think about the perfect combination between on-body positioning and how it interacted with our persona, and about the materials and the colours that we were going to use.

02 Personal container
Personal container Jesper Cassiman
2021-2022 02
Ennis Jacobs

Ola Mediterránea

The objective of this project was to design a foodtray for a predetermined situation (Spanish tapas in a food truck convention). The process started by making quick designs. It was important to keep in mind what, and for whom I was designing. Not only were the looks important but the food-tray also had some functions to fulfil. The food-trays had to be able to be carried in groups of three and had to form a whole when set on the table together. Afterwards, the food-tray would be made in a vacuum forming machine so there were some specifications to be followed. I worked out the model in CAD Solidworks and made quick prototypes out of cardboard so I could get a sense of how the food-tray would really feel. After some further optimization, I made the “Ola Mediterránea” in CAD ready for production.

03 Ola Mediterránea
03 Food tray Jesper Cassiman 2020 - 2021

Zero gravity

During my third year I participated in an exchange program and I studied the first semester in Rovaniemi, Finland. At the university of Lapland (Lapin Yliopisto) I was faced with different challenges. Furniture design was something that I always wanted to try, and it did not disappoint.

The goal of this project was to find inspiration in the work of young Finnish designers, design a piece of furniture and make a scale model of it. I decided to be inspired by Harri Koskinen and his design of the Valovoima (lamp). Thereon out I started sketching potential designs. Once I decided on a design I started making prototypes and testing out the final materials. Finally the scale model of the final design was made. With extra detail to ergonomics the Zero Gravity lounge chair was designed for comfort. By laying in the lounge chair your body lays in the so called zero gravity position which is the optimal position for resting and relaxing.

Throughout the process I acquired a lot of new skills, mainly working in a metal workshop. The university of Lapland has a lot to offer, working and testing all kind of machinery and materials really made me advance in the field of prototyping.

Furniture design
04 Furniture design Jesper Cassiman 2022-2023

The fight against Tourette’s

We chose to investigate the world of people suffering from Tourette’s syndrome, understand their problems and design a wearable to help children suffering from this syndrome lead a better daily life. The Swear2God is a conceptual exercise with the intention of taking the first step into the world of wearable design against Tourette syndrome.

The main idea behind our design was to create something that kids would want to wear. Something cool and maybe even something other kids would be jealous of. But of course it had to be something that would help kids cope with Tourette’s syndrome, and maybe even get some friends involved.

Kids that suffer from this disability are often seen as misbehaved, different or “not normal”. Our intention was to design something that would make them look differently but in a positive way. Now they are not seen as someone with a disability, but rather as a hero who flies through life.

05 Inclusive design
Inclusive design Jesper Cassiman Pol Sauer 2022-2023

The project

My bachelor thesis was in collaboration with Van Camp’s, a Belgian company that specializes in mustard, pickles and various pickled vegetables. They work with a variety of jar sizes and they really struggle with filling and capping their smallest jars. It was my job to find a solution and make their lives easier.

The workflow

The project was focused on improving the entire workflow. Efficiency, exactness and cleanliness were key points when looking for a solution. I redesigned their workflow introducing two new machines, one for easy and clean filling and one for efficient capping. The current workflow was able to fill and put a lid on 200 jars in one hour and forty minutes, with the redesigned workflow it is possible to do it in just under 20 minutes.

In order to come up with a real solution I did extensive research, 1 on 1 scale models, 3D printed models for testing, ergonomic testing… Once the final design was ready it was also necessary to choose the right materials and processing techniques for the job. I contacted businesses that specialized in such matters in order to make sure my design met the regulatory requirements (especially food grade) and that it was indeed possible to make.

06 New workflow
06 The workflow Jesper Cassiman 2022-2023

The filler

This is the filler. It has a reservoir that has a capacity to fill 200 jars. It has a double funnel at the bottom that feeds the pickles into the dosing system. With two simple actions, the jars are quickly filled two by two.

The dosing system is based on a ball valve system. A cylinder rotates in a hollow cylinder and the dosages have two extreme positions. In the first position, the dosages are upright so that the pickles’ mix can run in. In the second position, the dosages are aligned with the pistons that will guide the pickles into the jars cleanly.

The system has been designed in such a way that it remains simple to install, clean and store away. The design uses many industry standard components in order to reduce manufacturing and maintenance costs.

The filler Jesper Cassiman 2022-2023 06

The clamp

To provide the jars with a lid, they are clamped by leaning on the tool. The tool ensures that we don’t have to put much pressure to clamp the jars while having both hands free to easily place the lids on the jars. The lids are then tightened with the help of a handheld electric jar capping tool.

The system consists of three parts, the base is slid onto the table and the two profiles fit together like a telescopic system. It is also adjustable by means of a spring to provide extra comfort to every user.

To ensure that the jars are securely clamped, a thin film of anti-slip rubber is applied. Also, some sponge rubber is used in order to ensure that it remains comfortable to lean against the tool.

The clamp Jesper Cassiman 2022-2023

What I do

These are some of the skills and competences that help me throughout my design journey: from sketching to 3D printing prototyping, from rendering and complicated 3D modelling on CAD software to the occasional graphic design work.

These are just some examples of my capabilities and I am eager to further my knowledge in these fields and I always try to expand my horizons as new projects come along.

My skills
2020 - 2023 07
My skills Jesper Cassiman
My skills Jesper Cassiman 2020 - 2023 07

Creative Efficient

Perfectionist Independent

Jesper Cassiman

Contact information

Jesper Cassiman

3000 Leuven Belgium

+34 606 58 84 55

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