Jesper malsten portfolio

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Jesper Malsten Industrial design portfolio

Me Personal info and intro. Design is one of the best things I know to do. Besides my partner Maria the second passion of mine is music. In my childhood, I had parents who allowed me to try many different expressions of creativity, but the sketch and drums have been in my life for as long as I remember. As a student at the Umeå Institute of Design, I have been able to develop my sketching and incorporate it as a tool in the design process. After these three years, I feel it is a necessary for me to look for a new place to facilitate my design practice when I wish to have a steady employment and an understanding of the design market. /Jesper Målsten

Index Design experience Internship - Innoqlura 2011-2012, 20 weeks Work - SVID sommardesignkontoret 2011, 7 weeks Internship - Front Design 2011, 10 weeks Education

Software: - Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Illustrator - Adobe Indesign - Rhinoceros 3d - Keyshot - Autodesk Sketchbook designer - Logic (Audio Recording)

Other: Running my own buissness as a professional drummer.

Contact info


Volvo CE Braning project

Thorhildsplans Gymnasium - Industrial design programme, 2005-2008

Thesis project, BA in industrial design

FIDU - Preparatory education in Industrial design, 2008-2009

Sketches and renderings

Umeå institute of design - BA in Industrial design, 2009-2011,2012-2013

Sketches and renderings

AKG - Module clavier

Umea Institute of Design Studie time 2009-2011, 2012-2013

What is a digital shaker? Thesis project, BA in intdustrial design 2013 (in collaboration with Toontrack)

Project Info and research I´ve been thinking of doing this project for a long time. As a percussionist myself, I have encountered many digital percussion instruments and non of them have felt like a real instrument. As any project done at UID this one is about user centered design, therefore the project is research heavy. In this case the main objective have been to find a good view of the needs of professional percussionists with focus on physical perception of an instruments. Every stage in the process has been evaluated together with a activ representativ for professional percussionists.

Professional percussionist finds little joy of playing on today’s digital percussion

Today’s percussionist has many shakers to carry to live gigs.

Problems and main focus Today’s acoustic shakers have low and various volume, and is therefore dependent on very good stage volume to accommodate the playing.

The design of today’s digital percussion is not adapted to suit the use of shakers

To define what a shaker really is, weighted mockups where made. This allowed for playing techniques for different kind of shakers to be evaluated. In this process, limits where set for anything between the oval of a tambourine to the weight of a tube-shaker. The models in the picture to the right, was used to explore the relation between the tambourines width and weight.

The project was carried out with help from professional percassionists all over Sweden. But as a smaller group three persons where picked as a target group for deeper interviews and observations. The main user(Mikael Emsing, bottom picture) was provided from the project collaborator and sponsor, Toontrack

Form Form concept and moodboards A form language was built upon the initial moodboards(2 left images) which was reflections of Acoustic and Digital form, patterns and images. Following to that, instruments where cut and pasted to recreate; first the visual significances of acoustic instruments, second the significances of electronic music and finally a mix between the two.

Concept Parts, renderings and models Mode 1 Head units interconnected and sound bank is automatically set to sounds of tube-shaker . Center display on the base unit lights up. Mode 2 Head Units parted and sound bank is automatically set to sounds of caxixi . Right and left display. lights up. Mode 3 Head units interconnected with maracca module, sound bank is automatically maneuvered to sounds of maraccas. Display on the corresponding side of the head unit lights up. Mode 4 1 or 2 head units is interconnected with tambourine module, sound bank is automatically maneuvered to sounds of tambourine. The central display lights up on base module.

Mode 1

Mode 2

Mode 2

Mode 3

Mode 4

Mode 3

Mode 5

The project was presented as renderings with pencil, markers and photoshop and as a full scale model, hand-built from alder wood and Polyurethane foam, hand-painted, all work done by self.

Hand-built models, scale 1:1

Branding project Project duration 5 weeks, fall 2012

Project Design guidelines for Volvo CE Ugitates as as et et aruntiandi dolorit iandebit hitae plantemped ut ra dolupicia dolores tionseque moluptat. Ilitiandera qui nes et que ommo eturepe repelent quassum solorunt faccab isciur? Qui

INTRODUCTION TRANSPARENCY AND SMART PARTS The following pages explains the new core value transparency and demonstrates how to apply the connected form element called smart part. You will find application guide lines for smart part as a separated shape, how to apply it on products and what restrictions there is regarding thees matters.


TRANSPARENCY OUR TRANSPARENT VISION Through out transparency in communication, development and customer relation, Volvo Construction Equipment provides durable and efficient product solutions.



The new core value transparency describes Volvos way of handling comunication. In media, in products and survices Volvo continues to deliver construction equipment solutions that is easy to over view. The transparency lives within showing intensions and proof for claimed accomplishments, such as achieved ISO-standards in connection to Safety, Quality and Environmental care. But until today this valuable aspect of Volvo CE is only shown in media.

FUTURE SCENARIO 2030 The National institute of occupational health and safety in USA predicts a tough market for construction companies. Construction sites will be occupied by many different contractors and consultancies, resulting in a wide variety of cultural backgrounds among the worker on site. Since construction will appear more within the large cities of tomorrow, deadlines will be tighter too, in order to get the inner city environment efficient for the inhabitants.

DESIGN OPPORTUNITY TRANSPARENT RELATION We are constantly improving the relation between man and machine. Our machines helps you and your co-workers to have a durable work progress by spreading information of whats going on in different places of the field. This makes the progress transparent for everyone participating. We also keep a transparent relation to our machines, even after they have left our workshops. We know when and how to repair your machine in the most professional way to keep it running for long time and making the next owner sure it will do to. DESIGN OPPORTUNITY The relation between human outside the machine to the machine. See where your co-workers are and what they are doing with their machines. To make the work-progress transparent even for those not sitting in a machine enables a more efficient and durable way of handling construction .









VOLVO SMART PART TRANSPARENCY THROUGH FORM The Volvo CE transparency is embodied through the "smart parts". This feature is a sophisticated split-line that aims to increase the awareness of Volvo construction equipment for its surroundings. Consisting of a pause in the otherwise compact shapes of Volvo CE products, the gap between panels is enhanced to deliver a message. To accent the motion and emotion, the smart part lights up in pulses of clear blue, making every move visually enhanced. Smart part is to be implemented on the design with the people around the machines in mind. It is the primary visual recognition of Volvo CE products and the primary sign of durable and efficient solutions.

SMART PART VARIATION.1 SLIM The smart part slim is the one to be used as a smart splitline.

X/4 X X/9 117°


SMART PART VARIATION.2 BROAD The smart part broad is rather a communicator than a splitline, moving focus to where its needed.

X/4 X X/9 117°


SMART PART GLOW APPLICATION AND USAGE In daytime smart part is mainly a good signature of a unique design language. But as the daylight slowly fades to evening hour dimness, a new way of observing construction equipment emerges. To achieve an impact on the people around Volvo machines, the smart parting lines starts to glow. As the machine makes a movement, a pulse of light streams through the glowing lights in the same direction. Depending on the amount of stress measured from the machine operator, the pulse becomes more or less intense.





Smart part should never be applied next to the outer surface of the chamfer it follows. This keeps the design from looking fragile, as in the examples below.

Apply the smart part next to the inner surfaces of the chamfer it follows. This gives the product an additional expression of robustness and durability.





The pattern is only to be implemetned on the lip of broad smart parts, in direct relation to the lighted step. The pattern can be placed on a broad smart part of any angle, though the pattern direction should be aligned with the part that its applied on.

The Volvo logo can only be applied on lip of broad smart parts that is horizontally placed on the machine. To be preferred is that the logo remains horizontal even when the equipment is used.










Gradient begins Gradient center Gradient end A










All yellow

Yellow/ Gray

Gray/ Yellow

Gray/ Gray

Without "smart part glow"

Without "smart part glow"

Without "smart part glow"

Without "smart part glow"

Glossy/ Matte/ Glossy

Glossy/ Matte/ Glossy

Glossy/ Matte/ Glossy

Glossy/ Matte/ Glossy





All yellow

Yellow/ Gray

Gray/ Yellow

Gray/ Gray

With "smart part glow"

With "smart part glow"

With "smart part glow"

With "smart part glow"

Glossy/ Matte/ Glossy

Glossy/ Matte/ Glossy

Glossy/ Matte/ Glossy

Glossy/ Matte/ Glossy





Yellow/ Brushed alu./ Yellow

Yellow/ Brushed alu./ Gray

Gray/ Brushed alu./ Yellow

Gray/ Brushed alu./ Gray

Without "smart part glow"

Without "smart part glow"

Without "smart part glow"

Without "smart part glow"

Glossy/ Matte/ Glossy

Glossy/ Matte/ Glossy

Glossy/ Matte/ Glossy

Glossy/ Matte/ Glossy





Yellow/ Polished alu./ Yellow

Yellow/ Polished alu./ Gray

Gray/ Polished alu./ Yellow

Gray/ Polished alu./ Gray

Without "smart part glow"

Without "smart part glow"

Without "smart part glow"

Without "smart part glow"

Glossy/ Matte/ Glossy

Glossy/ Matte/ Glossy

Glossy/ Matte/ Glossy

Glossy/ Matte/ Glossy

APPLICATION COLOR PALLETT Gray and yellow for the machine housing, blue for the lighting of smart part.

Gray covering 50% of body

Blue covering 5% of body

Yellow covering 45% of body




Want to have the chance of seeing more of me and my work? Feel free to contact me by following Phone: +4670 788 19 89 Mail:

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