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The Expert in Caring, Compassionate Personal Injury Law
C. Glen Ged, Esq., Founding Partner GED LAWYERS, LLP
C. Glen Ged and the attorneys at Ged Lawyers, LLP, a fullservice law firm in Boca Raton, with offices in Sarasota, Naples, Estero, and Panama City, are committed to being there when you need them, whether for evening or weekend appointments—or home visits if you’re unable to travel. He and his professional staff have the resources to represent your case against opponents of any size and have pledged since 1995 to provide comprehensive legal counsel in personal injury, wrongful death, and product liability cases.
AThey should do their research to find out if the firm has the experience, the track record of winning their cases, and the financial resources to take on billion-dollar [insurance] companies. We have set up a courtroom in our building, complete with judge and jury, to conduct mock practice trials and crossexaminations. After all, practice makes perfect.
AThere are three parts. First is liability. The clearer the liability, the better the case. Second is the extent of the injuries. The value of the case is based on the injuries—the worse the injuries, the higher the value of the case. Third, is there sufficient insurance to pay the claim? The best advice I can give is to purchase uninsured/ underinsured motorist coverage. Because Florida doesn’t require bodily injury coverage or uninsured/underinsured coverage, drivers are nowhere near protected. And, when you buy uninsured motorist coverage, you can stack it. For example, if you have $100,000/$300,000 uninsured motorist coverage, and you have two cars, stacked coverage would double to $200,000/$600,000. So, if someone hits you, each person has $100,000 in coverage, or $200,000 for two people. You’re protecting your family that much more. It’s really the biggest secret! 561-500-6000 gedlawyers.com