2 minute read
Delray Beach magazine is published five times a year, with bi-monthly issues in-season and combined issues in the summertime. If you have any questions or comments regarding our magazine, call us at 561/997-8683. We’d love to hear from you.
[ subscription, copy purchasing and distribution ]
For any changes or questions regarding your subscription, to purchase back issues, or inquire about distribution points, ask for our subscriptions department at 877/553-5363.
[ advertising resources ]
Take advantage of Delray Beach’s prime advertising space—put your ad dollars to work in our award-winning publication. For more information, contact our sales department (nicole@bocamag.com).
[ custom publishing ]
Create a magazine tailored to fit the needs and character of your business/organization. Ideal for promotions, special events, introduction of new services and/or locations, etc. Contact Marie Speed (editor@bocamag.com).
[ story queries/web queries ]
Delray Beach magazine values the concerns and interests of our readers. Story queries for the print version of Delray Beach should be submitted by email to Marie Speed (editor@bocamag.com) or John Thomason (john. thomason@bocamag.com). Submit information/queries regarding our website to tyler@bocamag.com. We try to respond to all queries, but due to the large volume that we receive, this may not be possible.

[ letters ]
Your thoughts and comments are important to us. All letters to the editor may be edited for style, grammar and length. We reserve the right to withhold any letters deemed inappropriate for publication. Send letters to the address listed below, or to Marie Speed (editor@bocamag.com).
calendar ]
Where to go, what to do and see in Delray Beach. Please submit information regarding fundraisers, art openings, plays, readings, concerts, dance or other performances to managing editor John Thomason (john.thomason@bocamag.com). Deadline for entries in an upcoming calendar section is three months before publication (e.g., to list an event in March/April, submit info by December 20).
[ dining guide ]
Our independent reviews of restaurants in Delray Beach. A fine, reliable resource for residents and tourists. For more information, contact Marie Speed.

[ out & about ]
A photo collage of social gatherings and events in Delray Beach. All photos submitted should be clearly identified and accompanied by a brief description of the event (who, what, where, when); photos will not be returned. Email images to people@bocamag.com. Or mail photos to:
“Out & About”
Delray Beach magazine

1000 Clint Moore Road, Suite 103 Boca Raton, FL 33487
Would president/publisher margaret mary shuff group editor-in-chief marie speed controller jeanne greenberg customer services/video editor david shuff
1000 Clint Moore Road, Suite 103
Boca Raton, FL 33487
561/997-8683 bocamag.com publishers of
Boca Raton
Delray Beach
Worth Avenue
Greater Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce Annual
Florida Style & Design
Salt Lake, Utah Bride and Groom
Utah Style & Design
2022 CHARLIE AWARDS general excellence magazine of the year best overall magazine charlie award (first place) best overall writing best in-depth reporting best custom publication (1926) best advertising for a client silver award best feature best use of photography best advertising for a client bronze award best custom publication (Worth Avenue)
2021 CHARLIE AWARDS charlie award (first place) best public service coverage best in-depth reporting best feature best service feature
Florida Magazine Association How best humor writing best column best photo essay/series best advertorial best overall: digital innovator best special theme or show issue silver award best overall writing best public service coverage best department best use of photography best social media best custom publication (Worth Avenue) bronze award best traditional illustration

2020 CHARLIE AWARDS charlie award (first place) best overall writing best in-depth reporting best public service feature silver award best commentary best overall design best overall magazine best website