JESS HALL Architecture + Design Portfolio 2013-2016
CONTACT +44 07443 888164 London, UK Canadian/British
CONTENTS Curriculum Vitae 4 REVELO 6 Glenbow Museum 14 Pharmako 20 Stratametric 26 The Weave 32 Portraits 36 Sky Centre 38 Barcelona Housing 42 Liquid Lite 48
May _Aug 2016
DIALOG Architecture Calgary, Canada
May _Aug 2015
Group2 Architecture and Interior Design Calgary, Canada
Winter _2016
Fall _2014
Curriculum Vitae
Jess Hall +44 07443 888164
Studies Abroad
Worked as an architecture summer student, editing, preparing and reviewing drawing sets. Gained experience with contract administration as well as exposure to client dynamic, design work and office environments.
Teacher’s Assistant- Architectural History University of Calgary, Canada
Involved in course management, student support and grading. The course focused on developing writing skills, as well as generating familiarity with significant architectural movements.
Teacher’s Assistant- Sustainability in the Built Environment University of Calgary, Canada The course focused on finding innovative and resourceful solutions to issues in sustainability in the built environment. Alberta Association of Architects AAA
Registered Intern Architect
Member of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada MRAIC
2013 _2016
University of Calgary Calgary, Canada Master of Architecture, Faculty of Environmental Design
2012 _2013
Bill Porteous Art Studio Victoria, Canada Life Drawing, Technical Drawing, Abstract Painting and Painting
2006 _2010
Queen’s University Kingston, Canada Major English Literature + Minor Political Science
Spring _2009
Worked closely with a small team through design development for Proposal Applications within the city of Calgary. Personally contributed to conceptual design, parametric modeling techniques, representation, and physical modeling resulting in two successful proposals, a university library and museum.
Brentwood College Mill Bay, Canada Preparatory High School
Summer _2014
Student Research Assistant University of Calgary, Canada Research focused on parametric techniques for digital and physical modeling, with emphasis on fabrication and competition entry. Worked alongside Professor Josh Taron in categorizing waste in Calgary’s suburban landscape. Construction and demolition research involved visiting homes to be demolished, producing digital models with respect to materials used and recording the demolition process.
Summer _2014
Student Research Assistant University of Calgary, Canada Worked with Masters of Environmental Design Candidate Ryan Meier to actualize his thesis, ‘Preferences for Urban Form: How Density Perceptions, Lifestyle and Urban Form Affect the Acceptance of Increased Density in Neighbourhood Redevelopment’, for final presentation and defense. Process included digital modeling for an immerse and realistic 3D experience for users.
Fall _2015
International Semester Barcelona, Spain Completed studio and urban systems course in penultimate term of master’s degree
Fall _2015
Directed Study Edinburgh, Scotland
Fall _2009
Keio University Tokyo, Japan Semester long student exchange
Formulated a self directed study alongside the Associate Dean for the evolution of the city in Edinburgh
2016 2016 2016 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2010 2009 2006
Technical Proficiency
ARCC King Medal Award Canadian Architecture Magazine Student of the Year Nominee U of C Academic Outstanding Status Norman Fleming Award Brian R. Sinclair Scholarship Murray W. Waterman Architectural Award Alberta Graduate Student Scholarship Shirley Bird Memorial Award Masonry Contractors Association of Alberta Award Murray W. Waterman Architectural Award Queen’s Dean’s List Canadian Student Study Abroad Bursary Queen’s University Entrance Scholarship
Fall _2011
Madurai Messenger Magazine Tamil Nadu, India
2008 _2009
Queen’s University Dance Committee Coordinator Queen’s University, Canada Executive Committee for the Queen’s Dance Club. In charge of web design, marketing and event planning with a fixed budget. Scheduling, studio booking, pamphlet/ticket/clothing design and flash mobs were all organized by the Executive Committee.
2008 _2009
Orientation Coordinator Queen’s University, Canada Collaborated with a team of thirty students to organize, plan and budget Queen’s annual Orientation Week for 2,200 new first year students. Frosh week is a four-day event with multiple activities and presentations ranging from Mental Health Awareness to Plagiarism Seminars. Interviewed over 200 second year students to become Group Leaders.
Winter _2016
Lived with a host family in the south of India while working as a volunteer journalist for important social and political issues. Contributed two cover stories while posted in south India, and was responsible for photojournalism and magazine layout. Also worked as Assistant Editor, overseeing every stage of development for print.
Building Information Modeling Seminar
Advanced elective course including training in Revit and Dynamo 2D Graphic Software AutoCad Photoshop Illustrator InDesign
3D Modeling Software Revit Rhinoceros Sketch Up Grasshopper
Rendering Vray Thea
Other Ladybug+Honeybee Microsoft Office
Digital Lab: Laser Cutter, 3D Printers (Plastic & Plaster), 3 Axis CNC Workshop: Cardboard, Wood, Plastics, Metals, Fabric, Plaster & Concrete
Robert Claiborne
Dr Graham Livesey
+1 514 916 4648 Principal, DIALOG Architecture
+1 587 438 7228 Associate Dean of Architecture, University of Calgary
Phil Vandermey
Joshua Taron
+1 587 438 7228 Founder of SPECTACLE Bureau for Architecture
+1 403 966 1531 University of Calgary and founder of Synthetiques
REVELO Programs: Rhino, Vray, Illustrator, Photoshop Instructor: Phil Vandermey The Military is a massive and far reaching institution, concerned with national security and protection that is sometimes fought for violently. It therefore wraps itself in a veil of secrecy, with information purposefully being kept from the public. Covert/hidden agendas shape what can be represented, and oftentimes only a fragment of the whole can be perceived, negating one’s ability to question both agenda and authority. The project, a military museum entitled REVELO, is built upon a methodology that aligns models of urbanization with militaristic themes and strategies in order to critically engage a system that manifests beyond what is readily apparent to the public. In Calgary, the model of continuous and unstoppable suburban sprawl is a palatable but aggressive act; strategically maneuvered for quick consumption by capitalizing on generic ideals. This model is unsustainable and can no longer be executed without question. The design proposal subverts common architectural expression by placing the bulk of the project underground, reversing visitor experience while echoing the military’s unseen influence. This embeds a subtly critical layer into the architecture—of both the military as an unquestioned and opaque institution, and of urbanization as an accepted and widespread application. By revealing the depth of the project, REVELO exposes the interconnected nature mobilizing the military and urbanization.
Form Finding Building upon abstracted militaristic imagery like shrapnel, bullet holes and explosions, physical modeling explored formal master plan opportunities for the site. Specific prismatic shards above ground are glazed, permitting controlled light shafts to penetrate through the ground to gallery space below.
Remembrance Day Plaza _01 Massing Iterations
7 museums
central connection
normative programming
tunnel circulation
circulation integrated with normative/BOH program
Precedent REVELO first explored the notion of limitations through architectural, historical and theoretical research. DOGMA’s theoretical proposal Stop City was studied closely as a symbolic reaction to urbanization; Aureli’s project claims that in order to attain successful urbanism we must first establish clear limits to its growth.
Militaristic acts in a city, such as Canadian troops ‘Mouse Holing’ in Ortona, and the underground tunneling system used in the Maginot Line by the French, were precedents synthesized and hybridized in order to create limits to exposure while providing a robust framework within which to mobilize. This translated into a formal architectural system, emphasizing the stance that what is evident on the surface is not all that there is. 9
Infiltrating Urbanization 50 year 6 Phase Mater Plan
Program Allocation: Phase 01
Visible mass above ground
-5m below grade Connection to new form, BOH and storage
Memorial Garden
-10m below grade Exhibition space connecting Phase_01 masses
-13m below grade Voluminous exhibition space
-17m below grade Connection to parking
E X H I B I T I O N GUEST SERVICE Ground Floor Event Hall and Circulation Tunnels
Physical Modeling Physical modeling was used to explore museum display opportunities specific to the gallery themes and spaces. Additionally, a sectional model was used for tectonic understanding as well as spatial and experiential qualities.
Holes in the ground either support displays or shine light
Women’s Gallery Display
Sectional Model 1:100 12
Tunnel Scale
Volume and Light Effect
Under Cover Below ground, a tunnel like system stretches the entire site, connecting seemingly discrete objects in unique circulation routes for visitors. This creates poignant experiential moments when passing between constricted space to large voluminous gallery space.
The Glenbow Museum Programs: Rhino, Grasshopper, Ladybug, Vray, Illustrator, Photoshop Project for DIALOG Architecture Client: Glenbow Museum Calgary Grasshopper script: Matt Stewart Project Director: Robert Claibourne Museums around the world are looking to transform themselves into open, accessible spaces that interact with their publics in new ways. The Glenbow Museum in Calgary, Alberta has an extraordinary opportunity to transform itself from an introverted, opaque building with no street presence, closed off from public view and difficult to access, to a highly visible, open building visually and physically. While this requires a bold vision, the design solution is simple, clarifying and streamlining the experience of the building from both the interior and the exterior. This process removes everything that is not necessary for the museum and then re-imagines a new cultural hub for Calgary’s Downtown. *All graphics enclosed are self produced for DIALOG. Contributed to design development, parametric definition and client relations.
EW Section: The Tornado
Building Transformation
01 Existing Building
02 Explode Unnecessary Parts
03 Visibility+Lightness at Pedestrian Scale
04 Circulation Axis
05 Diversify Circulation
06 Re-skin
Worms Eye View
Interior Bridge View
18 Glenbow at Night
New Pedestrian Realm By opening up the ground floor and creating a large lobby the building is for the first time visible to the public. The proposal opens the lobby to the city-360 degrees-creating an urban art space that engages the city.
Existing Building
Pharmako Virus Research Facility & Museum Programs: AutoCAD, Rhino, Grasshopper, Vray, Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign Instructor: Dr Brian Sinclair Group Member: Grace Thiel Comprehensive studio takes projects to a refined level of detail, integrating structural systems and mechanical systems in addition to taking design to working drawings. Pharmako embraces contentious medical politics to engage the public in an educational center with the goal of demystifying common misconceptions. By inviting the public in and showcasing viruses in an artistic way, curiosity can take the place of fear and stimulate new conversations. The program’s primary function serves as a safeguarding vault, cataloging and preserving inactive viral specimens to ensure viable research and the development of future vaccinations.
Physical model 1:100, maple, white oak & ash
Site/Massing Model 1:200, walnut, oak, MDF 1st Floor
Sectional Model 1:50, white oak, ply, 3d print
Aerial View
2nd Floor
3rd Floor
Parapet detail emphasizing appearance of undisturbed glass wall
Spider Clamp north elevation and shielded program Space between glass and floor plate to create feeling of floating
east elevation with complete transparency
Parkade level below grade
Wall Section 1:100 west elevation
Exploded Structure
Pharmako at Night
View into Viral Specimen Vault
Interior Cafe
Hanging Vault Section 1:400
Interior Lobby
Stratametric Programs: Rhino, Grasshopper, Vray, Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign Instructor: Josh Taron Strata(metric) is a robotic design project based in the heart of the downtown core. The nature of the project is that of a spectacle, reimagining the operating processes of the architectural field, seeking to draw people in to expose them to a higher resolution of urban texture with an extreme architectural skin. Machines are vectors of narration, producers of rumor, and at the same time are directly operational, with an accurate efficiency of production. This project signifies a fragment of the potential for human and robotic synthesis. The development of the project focused on simulating a specific material effect and utilizing parametric modeling techniques in order to explore design potential.
Pseudo Definition The aim of stratametic’s skin is to simulate a material effect. The effect pursued is inspired by artist Chun Kwang Young’s series ‘Aggregation’. To achieve this effect, a parametric definition was scripted, correlating curvature with protrusion size, shape and angle. The building’s program is a robotics lab, housing and showcasing innovation and technique. As such robotic Kuka arms would be employed to manufacture and assemble the building itself, continuing to add to the building to altering it over time.
Chun Kwang Young’s Aggregation
High degree of curvature creates high expression of triangle
3D printed material effect exploration
Low degree of curvature creates low expression of triangle
Example Skin
Site interpretation
Form Genesis
Nest programmed boxes together for optimal relationship
Apply mesh wrap to create an exterior skin extract line work from surfaces and refine
Create new multiple surfaces ready to receive algorithm
Top Floor 1 administration 2 it/staff office 3 washrooms 1
4 staff kitchen 5 robotics lab
6 storage
8 7
7 washrooms
8 conference hall 9 staff offices
Ground Floor 1 retail space 2 cafe & restaurant 3 kitchen storage 4 open workspace 5 marketing office 6 washrooms
7 entrance lobby 8 flexible event space 9 production lab 10 washrooms 11 visitor and guest services 12 material storage 13 general loading 30
12 13
12 11 13 10
4 5
9 9
Site City mapping and site understanding became an exercise of infiltration to impact the downtown core. This was combined with activity surrounding the site, mapping gestural human traffic envisioned as wavelengths, around the site to influence the massing and form.
NS Section
The Weave Programs: Rhino, Grasshopper, Vray, Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign Directed Study: Josh Taron Original Grasshopper Definition: Matt Stewart Group Member: Grace Thiel The Weave is a parametric exploration with a focus on image mapping to influence pattern expression and structural integrity. The majority of the project emphasized physical modeling techniques, demanding logical translation from complex digital geometry to realizable models. A series of physical iterations were explored using various materials in order to control variables and create a comparable digital to physical representation.
Comparative Physical Models Sewing connections affords plasticity around individual connections and adaptation for the model as a whole during fabrication process
Stretching Horizontally
Stretching Vertically
bend break
Paper Model
Plastic Model
bend break lost connection Laminate Model
Real World Application: +15 System Shading | Structural Support
Primitive Structural Analysis
Portraits Medium: Acrylic A portrait of my father as a young man
Portraits Medium: Acrylic This portrait was inspired by the artist Wayne Thiebaud’s work.
1. Staff Offices 2. Storage 3. Furnace and Services 4. Indoor Presentation Space 5. Coat Room 6. WC 7. Outfoor Presentation Space
Edworthy Park Sky Centre Programs: Rhino, Sketchup, Photoshop, Illustrator Instructor: Phil Vandermey The project focused on designing a space for users to focus on the sky. Two domes work in opposition to one another, one blocks sunlight while the other receives it. The closed dome has punctured windows to allow daylight to stream in, creating a kaleidescope star-like effect on the interior space during the day. The underground, open dome welcomes natural sun, providing visitors an experience of the brilliant day time sky in juxtaposition to the simulated night sky effect.
Section emphasizing light effect in “day� dome
dome shape 40
embed into ground
step sides for seating
obstruct environment other than sky
Day Dome
Night Dome
Section emphasizing light effect in “night” dome
Night Dome
Day Dome
Starry sky
Dome pattern
Star simulating perforations
Barcelona Housing Programs: Revit, Rhino, Grasshopper, Vray, Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign Instructor: Josep Ferrando, Rafael Gomez This semester was based in Barcelona and involved designing a master plan for a derelict but gentrifying neighbourhood block in Poble Nou. The studio work intensified around the development of a residential building, concerned with high density urban organization and circulation. The residential building needed to signify a morphous social identity, be bold and unique in order integrate with Barcelona’s avant garde community. The project is charged with creating viable outdoor space, commercial opportunities in addition to the residential units for an emerging community. This project took the idea of void space and reconsidered it as inflatable, voluminous space. To intensify the density of the city, the Bubble House branches between the residential units with bubble-like balconies, creating unique semi-private circulation patterns while modifying the signature Spanish balcony.
Inflating Void Space The Bubble House seeks to inflate void space, playfully animating the space to transform it to a vibrant community. Balconies swell between the residential buildings, bridging communal space with exterior circulation. Space cut away and sacrificed for communal bubble balconies are then reinstated with private balconies, allowing the geometry to push through the entire building. Residential
01 Bridge between buildings
Semi Private 02 Create light apertures
03 Private balcony in place of communal space
04 Proliferate
Ground Floor Site Plan
Interior Promenade
Exterior Public Market 45
Unit Floor Plans
Standard unit main plan 0m
Standard unit loft plan 6m
Unique unit main plan
semi private space penetrates in
private space pushes out
Unique unit loft plan
Interior Stair
Liquid Lite Programs: Rhino, Grasshopper, Vray, Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign Instructor: Josh Taron Group Members: Grace Thiel & Brett Sanderson Competition entry for the Arts and Architecture Warming Hut Design The competition calls for an easily transported and built project, as all materials are brought down the frozen Forks River in Winnipeg and assembled on site. Lightweight laminated veneer strips would be fabricated beforehand and simple bolts are all that are required to hold the structure together. The design intent of Liquid Lite is to create shadows which mimic moving water patterns, transporting users to a warmer season. As light passes through the woven strips, a shimmering shadow moves across the surface of the ice, changing the season from winter to summer. The parameters of the weave are controlled and specific to optimize the pavilion’s capacity to provide shelter from predominant winter winds. The rate of undulation, thickness and amplitude of the weaving strips all respond to winter conditions the river faces. The weave effectively provides shelter, but is structurally resilient, providing a reinforce and dictate the pavilion’s form.
Diagramming Structure
Rear Elevation
Plans basic form of structure with areas of structural stress identified
Basic form of structure with area of structural stress identified structural surface stress shown showing need for reinforment in built pavillion
Structural surface stress shown identifying need for reinforcement structural frame needed to translate to the diagonal weave
Longer strips with intersection points along identified frame called out for extra lamination longer strips with intersection points along identified frame called out for extra lamination
Structural weave integrated into overall patterns structural weave integrated into overall pattern
Fabrication Technique
‘Invisible Cities’ -Italo Calvino
CONTACT +44 07443 888164 London, UK Canadian/British