ORIGINAL CONCEPT The magazine is going to have a page banner running throughout.
Columns laid out in a newspaper style.
Growth and development are needed in order to be innovative and new (Brookbank, McGill and Beech, 2017). This concept development has given room for exploration of improvements made to this magazine, that has allowed for the innovation and development of this project. Reflecting on Whittaker’s described traditional roles of the magazine production process in comparison to this project being completely solo with one person working on it, it is a good way to shake up the traditional norms (Whittaker, 2008). This project followed the work-flow chart (Whittaker, 2008). The action plan for this project had to be revisited twice in order to achieve the best time frame while ensuring it was consistent with the work-flow chart. The project followed most aspects of the chart apart from the design, the design of the magazine came into the process a lot sooner than on the chart, as this way of working, seemed to work best for this project. The original concept for this project was to do a magazine but in a vintage newspaper format. The idea sparked from the fact that magazines have not progressed as far as a society may think. Magazines are still categorised by gender and even though independent magazines have come about as a rebellious movement against the standard consumer glossies, indie magazines have the same visuals and all look the same, just like the glossier did, which lead to its decline. This idea was a way to portray the message that there is room for a unique and innovative publication in the magazine industry.
UNDERSTANDING THE INDUSTRY The high popularity of print may have been due to recession and politics.
Decreasing due to online becoming popular. Print may need rejuvenation.
The publishing industry was worth 11.75 billion in the UK in 2017. Which is an increase of 1.74 billion since 2011 (Statista, 2019). The increased worth of the publishing industry set a president for the project to be created in print. However, although the publishing industry as a whole has been increasing in revenue, the turnover of retail sales of newspapers and periodicals has been decreasing in the UK, from 3,675 in 2011 to 2,718 in 2016. As there has been a decrease in sales, this showed that there is a need for something new within the print industry, which is what lead the idea for this project. The project would be based around news stories as they seem to be popular with readers. A study from Statista shows that there are 30.2 million readers of newspapers monthly in Great Britain. (Statista, 2017). The target audience of the magazine is aimed at 17-34, the reason for this is a study from Statista shows that of the 41,702 readers of print magazines, aged Increase in value as 15 and over. Magazines and newspapers in print reach, there is an increase in only 12,153, 15-34-year olds. Therefore, the aim of this the popularity of independent magazine is to break into a target market that does not have magazines which a high reach of print media. However, it is not effective cost more than traditional consumer to lower the age any more than 17 years old because of glossies. some of the themes of the articles, would not be suitable.
The idea for the magazine adapted throughout the process, one of the biggest changes came when images were commissioned, the realisation struck that the black and white vintage newspaper theme would not do the graphics justice. The National Readership survey states that 94% of Great British adults, that is 15 and above, consume news brand and magazines across print, PC and mobile devices. This is a huge target market; therefore, the decision was made to combine news and editorial. However, as previously stated the demographic for Matter Magazine is slightly higher starting at 17 years. This would also be reaching a young demographic while bringing them current, important news in an exciting way. This changed the theme from completely vintage black and white newspaper to a newspaper and indie magazine hybrid. This way the basics of a newspaper could be a theme throughout, but bright colours and images could be incorporated. Running with this idea, each article ended up being based around a different colour. This seemed to work well with the overuse of typography throughout the magazine. A study from Statista shows that daily use of social media networks has increased in the United Kingdom by 10% from 2013 to 2015 (Statista, 2015). With social media usage increasing an Instagram account was made for the magazine to post content, as readers are
change concept social media increasingly becoming digitalised. The account was made under the name “mattermagazine12� this is featured on the back page of the magazine so readers can access it. Along with editor in chief ’s details of professional social media if a reader wants to get in touch. The reason Instagram was the platform chosen to produce digital content is that as of June 2018 Instagram users have reached 1 billion up from 800 million in September 2017 (Statista, 2018). Instagram is becoming an increasingly popular social network; therefore, it is a good platform to reach an audience. Especially with creative content and the format of Instagram being based around imagery, it is the most effective platform to showcase magazine content.
This chart from Statista shows the major newspapers with the highest reach to readers. The top five are The Guardian, The Telegraph, Daily Mail, Daily Express and The Sun. So naturally, these five would be major competitors. However, The Daily Mail and The Sun have a different tone than Matter, therefore the main competitors are The Guardian and Telegraph. There is also a new newspaper listed on STACK magazine subscription called Good Trouble. Good Trouble would be another main competitor for Matter as it has similar themes. However, Matter is going to be in a magazine form whereas Good Trouble is a newspaper format. Therefore, Matter will be produced as more of an artefact to keep and collect, this gives it an edge on other newspapers.
The Guardian and The Telegraph are the most popular newspapers in the UK.
competitors most read newspapers
PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Headling was decided between two articles.
The front cover was created to indicate the theme of the magazine. Therefore it was made to look like a newspaper cover, while also having an indie magazine feel. The cover showcases a headline and image from one of the articles within the magazine. A piece of work was used by Mia Angioy a graphic designer. The headline was based on one of the other articles from within the issue. The tag line for Matter is “The Things That Matter.� This runs throughout the magazine. The theme of the magazine is Art, culture and Real Stories. Margins and grids have been added at to the InDesign document and the beginning of this project to allow for the essential design of positive and negative space and help to identify a structure (Landa,2018).
Pink was not striking enough.
The black and white background image did not stand out enough.
A more striking background image was used.
Two possible headlines.
Using The Guardian style guide, this is the correct approach to using ‘A&E’. In editorial work. The font was highlighted and a screenshot taken. This was then put back into InDesign, which gave a highlighted effect to the text.
Advertisements were going to run throughout the magazine. However, the advertisements, were fashion, editorial and did not match the tone of the magazine. The tone of the magazine is inspired by independent magazine content with a graphic , creative tone running throughout. Therefore the decision was made to remove adverts from the magazine completely. This was the right decision to provide an innovative change to magazines that are funded by advertisements. In 2017 magazine advertisement expenditure amounted to 776 million, these figures are set to decrease year on year (Statista, 2017). Magazines such as Vogue who solely rely on advertising, it’s circulation has been decreasing (Statista, 2017). The matter would be a membership magazine that is published and distributed to readers quarterly. This allows an organisation to budget and knows exact revenue, while not relying on the income of advertising.
EDITOR’S LETTER AND CONTENTS The layout was changed and blue was incorporated into the design, the editor’s letter and contents merged into one double-page spread, the font was kept the same throughout.
The concept of using an oversized drop cap was used for the contents page was an idea that developed and used in the final design, however, the letter was changed to a blue colour.
An editors letter was created at the beginning of the publication just after the contents. To provide the reader with an insight into the tone of the issue, and to thank them for their loyalty in purchasing the issue, to maintain good customer relations.
ARTICLE 1- The NHS These extra pages were added, to consolidate the removal of advertisements, as the publication was set to be perfect bound, it needed to have an even amount of pages. Perfect bound was chosen for this publication as it is a more premium than saddle stitch. Perfect Bound magazines have the title, date and other contents printed on its flat spine (Pipes, 2005). Meaning the magazine can be identified even on a bookshelf or with a bundle of other magazines. It was decided that most pages of the publication would have the title of the magazine and the tagline running throughout were relevant to the layout, to communicate the aspect of the newspaper theme. The magazine plays on typography throughout as this would be a typical of an independent magazine, it contrasts well from the newspaper aspects of the layout. Typography is important as even though it is simple, it is also distinctive (Ambrose & Harris, 2011). The colour, size and placement can change the aesthetic of the page completely. Two extra pages were added to this article showcasing some typography, this was done on many of the articles as adverts were taken out of the magazine, these pages make up the page count for perfect bound. The article started having three columns of text this was done to represent a newspaper layout, however, this may have been difficult to read. Some of the introduction was removed as it was too long this allowed the article to have just two columns, which made it a lot easier to read. Entry points were added to each paragraph as the article was too text heavy, this made the paragraphs easier to follow.
The articles will each have a different colour as a theme.
Most of the pages will have the newspaper heading throughout. Entry points needed to be made in these columns to make it easier for the reader to understand.
The introduction of the article was shortened as it was too long to get to the main point of the article, this allowed for just 2 columns of writing. This also makes it easier for the reader to understand. The paragraphs were text heavy, these had to be changed to have entry points, indicating the beginning and end of a new paragraph.
These extra pages were added, to consolidate the removal of advertisements, as the publication was set to be perfect bound, it needed to have an even amount of pages.
bibliography Ambrose, G., Harris, P (2017) Typography, Bloomsbury.
About the NHS (2016) NHS England Available from: <> [Accessed: 15th January 2019] Adam Kay (2018) This is Going to Hurt, Picador. Adewunmi, B. (2013) Sixty-five reasons to love the NHS. The Guardian Available from: <> [Accessed: 15th January 2019] BBC (2012) London 2012: Olympics opening ceremony details revealed. Available from: <> [Accessed: 28th January 2019] BMA (2018) NHS Stats, British Medical Association. Available from: <> [Accessed: 28th January 2019] Jonothan Ross (2018) This is Going to Hurt, Pan Macmillan. Available from: <> [Accessed: 31st January 2019] Pipes, A (2005) Production for Graphic Designers, Laurence King Publishing. Public Health Matters (2018) Ten years on since the start of the HPV vaccine programme â&#x20AC;&#x201C; what impact is it having? Available from: <> [Accessed: 15th January 2019] NHS (2018) NHS Performance Statistics, Official statistics. Available from: <> [Accessed: 16th January 2019] NHS England (n/a) Urgent and Emergency care. Available from: [Accessed: 31st January 2019] Marshall, S. (2018) NHS is facing year-round crisis, says British Medical Association. The Guardian. Available from: <> [Accessed: 16th January 2019] Watson, C (2018) The Language of Kindness, Penguin.
ARTICLE 2- PARADISO The colours for this article were decided around the imaged provided from the interviewee. The images provided were predominantly red, therefore the chosen colour for the article is red. Only certain points of the interview were included in the article, subediting interviews is like trying to find gold, you must extract the best information without changing the meaning of the quote or its context (Angler, 2017). Like many of the other articles, this article features an oversized drop cap, in red, that takes up the full page with text laid over the top. The transparency of the oversized drop cap had to be changed so the text didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t blend in with the letter. This was easily achieved by placing a white frame over the top of the oversized drop cap and changing the transparency. Posters and images were used provided by the interviewee, also pull quotes were defined by an oversized quotation mark like many other of the articles. The red images provided by the interviewee were too bright of a red to use in the magazine so these had to be toned down on photoshop then placed back into InDesign and into the article.
The red on this poster was too bright so it had to be toned down on Photoshop.
Transparency needs to be changed of the oversized drop cap.
Red text needs to be moved, so it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t run over the article.
These extra pages were added, to consolidate the removal of advertisements, as the publication was set to be perfect bound, it needed to have an even amount of pages.
bibliography Angler, M (2017) Science journalism, Taylor & Francis. BBC (2019) Radio 1â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Big Weekend, Middlesbrough, BBC [online]. Available from < > [Accessed: 7th Feburary 2019] Benson, D., Whittaker, C (2014) Magazine Writing, Routledge. Miller, H., Sumner, D (2011) Feature and Magazine Writing: Action, Angle and Anecdotes, John Wiley & Sons. Schumacher, M (1993) The writers complete guide to conducting interviews, Writers Digest Books. Schwartz, D (2003) Start and Run Your Own Record Label, Billboard Books.
ARTICLE 3- MENTAL HEALTH Paragraph entry points were added to divide the text into paragraphs to make it easy to read so it isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t too overpowering for the reader. Writing in a newspaper form for some of the articles was an easy transition as writing form and styles of newspapers and magazines are not too dissimilar (Garrison, 2010). An extra gap dividing one paragraph into two was inserted to separate one paragraph into two, this makes the text easier to follow. The last page features orange pull quotes with black text over the top. The transparency of the orange text needed to be less as the two texts blended into each other making it hard to read. A white frame was added underneath the black text with the transparency turned down. This allowed the orange pull quotes to not be as harsh and the black text to be easy to understand.
Indents need to be added to identify new paragraphs.
Transparency of orange pull quotes needs to be changed.
Extra paragraph and divide needed to be added.
Mind (n/a) Crisis services and planning for a crisis. [online]. Available from: <> [Accessed: 14th Feburary 2019] (2019) Add Mental Health Education to the mandatory teaching curriculum for all schools in the UK [online]. Available from: <> [Accessed: 14th Feburary 2019] Garrison, B (2010) Professional Feature Writing, Taylor & Francis. Mental Podcast (n.d.) Available from: <> [Accesed: 20th Feburary 2019] Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Commissioner (2017) Briefing: Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mental Healthcare in England [online]. Available from: <> [Accessed: 14th Feburary 2019] Mental Health Foundation (2017) Mental health statistics: children and young people [online]. Availble from: <> [Accessed: 14th Feburary 2019]
ARTICLE 4- GRAPHIC DESIGN This article features a Q&A with a graphic design student. An interview feature in its simplest form is a series of questions and answers, this can sometimes be called a Q&A (Angler, 2017). The article layout showcases Miaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work well by organising bigger visual elements and utilising the negative space (Apfelbaum & Cezzar, 2014). It is important to make the most of the white background and not overcrowd the page. Negative spaces are crucial players in any design composition (Landa, 2018). Bold initials were added at the beginning of the sentences of the Q&A to make it easier for the reader to understand. Images were organised and a black and white colour scheme was adopted, as many of the images provided by the interviewee of the interviewees graphic design work, were black and white. Much like the previous articles oversized typography and speech marks were added to carry the theme throughout. Typography shapes a key part of graphic design practice and has played a crucial role in design work (Richardson, 2017).
Images were grouped into briefs and organised based around that, typography was added and the font was changed. Initials were added to the Q&A to make it easier to understand. The image was made bigger to fit the full page and the text was moved to crop the top of the letters off, a technique that has been used in some of the other articles.
Two extra pages were added to showcase the graphic design images
bibliography Ambrose, G., Harris, P (2006) The Visual Dictionary of Graphic Design, AVA Publishing SA. Angler, M (2017) Science journalism, Taylor & Francis. Apfelbaum, S., Cezzar, J (2014) Designing the Editorial Experience: A Primer for Print, Web, and Mobile, Rockport. Dane, J (2003) The Myth of Print Culture, University of Toronto Press. Garrison, B (2010) Professional Feature Writing, Routledge. Landa, R (2018) Graphic Design Solutions, Cengage Learning. Malinic, R (2018) Book of Ideas: A Journal of Creative Direction and Graphic Design, Brand Nu Limited. Smith, R (2016) Becoming a Public Relations Writer, Routledge.
ARTICLE 5- CRIME SERIES REVIEWS For this article, all the illustrations were hand drawn and scanned into photoshop to show a range of skills. The illustrations were enhanced on photoshop then placed into the article using InDesign. They worked well with the layout of this article. Illustrations in magazines engage the reader for a little longer, rather than having just one opportunity to make a point. In turn it has to interest the reader (Zeegen, 2009). Yellow and white were chosen for the title of the article as it was a striking contrast to the black background, together the colours worked well, a gun illustration was added to the title page once the lines in the drawing had been turned white on photoshop to make it stand out. InDesign was used to create lines and boxes around the text to add a newspaper editorial feel to the reviews while still keeping the bright, bold numbers behind to add the indie magazine aspect to the page. At first, the number seven was a big number and had its own illustration, however, this layout did not fit the page so was changed to be identical to the previous page, the illustration was removed and the new layout worked well and is much neater.
These articles had to be changed around as the police helmet illustration made the page look bare, once the articles were switched and the illustration removed the layout worked well.
bibliography Campbell, C (N/A) The Sinnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Finale Leaves Us with One Last Shameful Question, Film School Rejects [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 14th March 2019] Chamberlain, Z (2018) The truth behind the real peaky blinders, Birmingham mail [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 14th March 2019] Corrigan, T (2015) Short Guide to Writing about Film, Pearson Higher Ed. IMDb (2013) Broadchurch, Series One [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 20th March 2019 IMDb (2014) Fargo [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 14th March 2019] IMDb (2014) Happy Valley [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 20th March 2019] IMDb (2016) Rillington Place [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 24th March 2019] IMDb (2010) Sherlock [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 24th March 2019] IMDb (2017) Sinner season one cast [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 14th March 2019 IMDb (n/a) Tarsem Singh [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 20th March 2019] IMDb (2013) The Fall [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 20th March 2019]
IMDb (n/a) Tarsem Singh [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 20th March 2019]
IMDb (2013) The Fall [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 20th March 2019] IMDb (2014) The Missing [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 20th March 2019] IMDb (2018) True Detective [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 14th March 2019] Moscowitz, J (2000) Critical Approaches to Writing about Film, Prentice Hall. Murray, N (2017) ‘Fargo’: A Guide to the Show’s Coen Brothers’ References, Rolling Stones [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 14th March 2019] Rotten Tomatoes (2015) Broadchurch, Series two [online]. Available: <> [Accessed: 20th March 2019 Seitz, M (2014) Let’s Not Be So Quick to Anoint Fargo the Next Great TV Show, Vulture [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 14th March 2019] Stolworthy, J. (2018) Peaky Blinders: BBC gangster series to return for season 6 and 7, The Independent [online]. Available from: < > Tallerico, B (2019) A Very Simple Guide to True Detective’s Multiple Timelines, Vulture [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 14th March 2019] Thrillist Entertainment (2018) Everything We Know About ‘True Detective’ Season 3 (So Far), Thrillist [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 14th March 2019] Zeegen, L (2009) What is Illustration?, Rockport.
BACK PAGE The magazine Instagram has been added to the back page so readers can access any future content online. Professional Twitter and Instagram accounts were also added for potential employers to easily get in contact and view the various projects on the professional accounts.
Concept developmenTďż˝ bibliography Adams, S (2001) Interviewing for journalists, Routledge. Ambrose, G., Harris, P (2017) Typography, Bloomsbury. Andersson, P., Steedman, J (2002) Inside magazines: independent pop culture magazines, Thames & Hudson. Emil, R (2019) Typography: a manual of design, Zurich Niggli. Frost, C (2003) Designing for Newspapers and Magazines, Routledge. Landa, R (2018) Graphic Design Solutions, Cengage Learning. Masurier, M (2012) Independent magazines and the rejuvenation of print, International Journal of Cultural Studies 15 (4) Sage. 383-389. National Readership Survey (2017) Total Market [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 10th March 2019] Phillips, A (2007) Good Writing for Journalists, Sage. Potter, L (2014) Fashion Journalism, Routledge. Statista (2017) Gross added value of the publishing industry in the United Kingdom [online]. Available from: < file:///Users/jaywatson/Downloads/study_id25852_newspaper-industry-in-the-united-kingdom-uk-statista-dossier%20(1).pdf > [Accessed: 10th March 2019]
Concept developmenTďż˝ bibliography
Statista (2019) Magazine advertising revenue in the UK 2011-2019 [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 10th March 2019] Statista (2017) Monthly reach of Vogue magazine in the United Kingdom (UK) from October 2012 to September 2018 (in 1,000s) [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 13th March 2019] Statista (2017) Newspaper industry in the United Kingdom (UK) [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 10th March 2019] Statista (2017) Number of adults consuming newspaper brands monthly in the United Kingdom (UK) from October 2017 to September 2018, by nation and sector (in million individuals) [online]. Available from: < > [Accessed: 13th March 2019 Statista (2018) Share of individuals reading or downloading online news, newspapers or magazines among individuals in Great Britain [online]. Available from < https://www-statista-com. > [Accessed: 13th March 2019] Statista (2016) Turnover from retail sales of newspapers and periodicals in the United Kingdom [online]. Available from: < file:///Users/jaywatson/Downloads/study_id25852_newspaper-industry-in-the-united-kingdom-uk-statista-dossier%20(1).pdf > [Accessed: 10th March 2019] Whittaker, J (2008) Magazine Production, Routledge. Vries, J (2008) Newspaper design as cultural change, Sage.