Jesse Vaughn Portfolio

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architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

Children’s Public Library MUSC MU CAT AT, OM OMAN AN Th he fo follllow owin ing g im mag ages es are r fro rom m th the he fi firs rstt Pu Publ ubl b ic cL Lib ib ibra bra ary y iin n th the he co coun untr un try tr y of of O Oma ma an. n We W werre hi h red d to d dev evel elop op p thr hree e sche sc heme m s fo me or th he ch chilildr dren n’s libra rary ry to be lloc ocat oc ated at ed a adj djjac acen entt to tw en wo o new ewly ly y bui uiltt chi h ld ldre en’ n s mu muse seum ums. s I co cons ns nstr struc uc cte ted d al alll of the e draw dr awin ngs fro om the ve v ry beginning of the conceptu t all pha phase, and d develo loped th hem int n o a se eries of rendered floor plans, ellevations, and perspe pectives tha h t were presented e to the Sult l an of Om man for approval in Nov o em embe er of 200 0 8.


01 Digital Rendering: 1 of 3 presented to Sultan of Oman

02 Rendered Elevations: Study of Entry Facade architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS



Digital Rendering: Study of Interior Lobby

Digital Rendering: Study of Children’s Space

05 Rendered Elevations: Study of Rear Facade


01 Digital Rendering: of 3 presented to Sultan of Oman

02 Rendered Elevations: Study of Entry Facade architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

03 Digital Rendering: 3 of 3 presented to Sultan of Oman

04 Rendered Elevations: Study of Entry Facade


architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

Philadelphia Housing Authority Office Building PHIL HIL LAD A EL ELPH PHIA, PA Phililad Ph ade ad el hia elph aH Hou ou us siing ng Aut u ho oriity ty loo ooke ook ked to mov ked ove th theiir offfi fice fice es to to a loc cat atio ion on n Che hesttnut Stree et in n Ph Philadel ad de phia.. I work wo rked to de rk rked deve ve elo lop p dr d aw awin in ngs g and nd image ma m age ges th thro roug ro gh the th he conc conc co ncep ncep eptu t al pha ase se in in or orde rder de er to cre eatte p prres senta enta en tatti tion tion ons s th hat at were e use ed tto o win app ppro r va val al of of bot oth the th he cl clie ie ent nt and d the he P Phi hiila lade de d elp lph a Ar lphi Arts ts Com mmi miss ssiio on..


02 Rendered View: Entry

03 Rendered View: Lobby



Digital Rendering: Street View

Rendered View: Rear

architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

05 Rendered View: Terrace Entry

06 Rendered View: Terrace Entry



Rendered View: Roof Terrace

Digital Rendering: Roof Terrace and Garden


architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

Camden County Community College CAMD CA MDE DEN EN COUNTY, C NJ Camden C mden Cou ount nty y Co C mm m un unit ity Collllleg ge hi h re red us to des de esi sign a new sciien nce bui uild ildin ld din ing ng to house the dental program, stud st t dentt loun unge ges, s, classrooms, off fffices ices es, an a d a ca c fe e. Working g witth th the he dire diire d rect cttor o off design, de I created a series of renderings at several diffe eren er e t po poin poin ints ts iin n th the e pr proj o ec oj ectt th hat a wer ere re u us sed d to pr pres esen es ent the en th h ideas to the client.


02 Rendered View: Aerial Study

03 Rendered View: Grade Study



Digital Rendering: Street View

Rendered View: Public Entry

architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

05 Rendered View: Night Study

06 Rendered View: Cafeteria



Rendered View: Classroom

Digital Rendering: Interior Materials Study


architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

Dance Studio PHILADELPHIA, PA This project was s de es sig igne n d as ne a pa arrt of o a gro r up eff ffort d du uri rin ng g tthe he ffal alll se al s me mest ster off 20 007. Along with my two classmates, I cr crea eate ea tte ed a da anc ce sc scho ool ol as pa part art o off an exp pan ansi s on on to the Un niv versi ersi er sity sity ty of th the he Arrts t . Loc cated just a block from the Kimmel Cent Ce nter er,, th he sttru uct cturre in ctur ncl clud clud ude uded ed d la arrge ge pra r ctic ctic ct ice e stud stud st dio os, a grand rand s ra stu tud tu diiio d o,, lar o arge rge ge pub ublilc pe erformance hall, cafeteria, bookstore, and an d ad admi mini nist stra r ti tion on n sp pa ac ce e. T The he h e des esig ign n feat fe eat atu urred red a str tro ong g ve vert rtic ical cir ic i cu cula latti tion e tion ele lem ment that supported large cantilevering men s ud st udio i s att eit i her end. d. An A iint ntterac n erac er a ti tive ve e fac a ad de al allo llo ow we ed fo ed for th the e ac acti tivi tivi ti vity o off th the da the danc ncer ers to to be exxperi riien ence en ced ce d by by the he ped edes e trian.


Digital Rendering:

01 Interior Study

Digital Rendering:

02 Street View Study architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

03 1/4” Section Model: Material and Lighting

04 1/4” Section Model: Material and Lighting

05 1/4” Section Model: Material and Lighting


architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

Music and Motion JANUARY 2008 - MAY 2008 In my final semester as an undergraduate, I be ega gan n an a exploration into the possibilities of interactive media. My interest in creating space that is more responsive to the user led to o the successful creation of a remote control operated, audio generated, interactive wall display.


01 Arduino Board + Remote Controller architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

02 3D Audio Array


01 User Created 3D Audio Arrays architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

02 User Created 3D Audio Arrays


architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

Pennsylvania Convention Center Expansion PHIL LAD ADEL EL LP PH HIA A, PA PA With the expansion of the Pennsylvania Convention Center was coming to completion, the city of Philadelphia needed to o under nd n derst stan tand d how ho th he ne new ad addiition ttiion n wou o ld tie into existing historic buildings neighboring the site. I put together a series of renderings g and drawings g displaying p y g the di d ff fferent options p for creating g a connection between the two buildings. g


01 Convention Center connection with existing Historic Hotel architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

02 Daytime Renderings


01 Ground Plan - Option 01 architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

02 Ground Plan - Option 02


architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

Camden County Courthouse CAMDEN COUNTY, NJ Expa p nsion of current building pa Sttudy ud d of reorg gan a izzattion of o progr g amma m tic pieces


01 Exterior Rendering and Massing Studies architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

02 Exterior Rendering and Massing Studies


architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

“Gimme Shelter” PHIL PH ILAD IL LAD ADEL ELPH EL PHIA PH IA A, PA A Desi De s gn of a le si ear a ni ning ng g strruc uctu ture tu re ffor or the the S Sch c uylk ch uy ylk lkililill Ce Cent nter nt er in Ph Philili ad adel adel elph phia ph ia S Sus usta us tain ta inab in able ab le e des esig ign ig n to o ada dapt pt to mu mult ltip lt tip ple e pro ogr gram amma am matti ma tic fu tic func nc cti tion o s on




Plan View: Rest

Plan View: Learn

architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

03 Diagrams: Lighting + Water Collection

04 Construction Detail




Digital Rendering

Digital Rendering

architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS



Digital Rendering

Digital Rendering


architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

Atlantic City Jewish Holocaust Memorial ATLANTIC CITY, NJ Proposal for Jewish Holocaust memorial to be built on the boardwalk in Atlantic City, NJ. Complete submission includes plans, sections, computer renderings, and verbal description of project


01 Plan View architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

02 Digital Rendering


01 Section architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

02 Digital Rendering




Train Station Illuminated Model

Train Station Illuminated Model



Artist Community Site Model

Artist Community Site Model

architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS

01 Philadelphia University Fashion Show Animated Stage Design


01 John Stewardson Memorial Competition Board architecture :digital media : design

Jesse Vaughn: WORKS


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