Role of ORM in Digital Marketing

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Role of ORM in Digital Marketing

According to Jesse Levine Norristown, 91 percent of consumers research a business online before making a purchase or availing a business. 70 percent of businesses read at least four reviews before making a purchase. What does this mean? If the reviews are negative, you probably won’t buy a product or visit a restaurant. The internet is giving consumers power. We live in a world where consumers already form their opinions about your brand without ever meeting you. That is, they trust what the internet says about you or your brand. It’s important to make it a good and this is where online reputation management comes in. To know how your online reputation can impact your digital marketing, here is a business expert with good and successful reputation, Jesse Levine from Norristown, to explore more on the role of ORM in digital marketing.



I am Jesse Levine Norristown


Role of ORM in digital marketing Online reputation management is the act of controlling and influencing individual’s or brands reputation online. It determines how people perceive your brand when they google it or come across it on other platforms. ORM plays an important role in digital marketing. No matter the amount of time invested or effort put into your digital marketing. if prospects don’t trust your brand, or you have a lot of negative reviews, they are likely not going to patronize you. Here are how it impact digital marketing:

Orm gives a competitive edge With the keen competitive landscape, maintaining goodwill and a positive image is a must. Businesses can make use of ORM services to distinguish their brand from competitors and grow their specific niche.

Hence, having a positive reputation with good products and services will give a competitive advantage as customers can also decide based on your reputation to choose your brand over others. A good example is Apple, well renowned for its quality. This help Apple boost sales and gain entry into new markets. 5

ORM boost SEO Positive online comments and reviews play a crucial role in SEO. This means it impacts the search results as ORM determines what makes the top page of the search results. This means online reputation management tends to push down the negative ones to the bottom while pushing the good ones up in the search rankings.


Review Management Managing your online review is a crucial part of your business as It plays a significant role in determining both the success and failure of the brand. Your reviews online define how people perceive your business when they goggle or search for it as it plays an influential role in your business. 85% of customers trust online reviews and personal recommendations of businesses and negative reviews often make the customer hesitate from purchasing anything from the business. Hence, ORM controls what people will perceive about you online. It helps in getting rid of negative reviews while promoting good ones including testimonials and feedback.


It improves brand visibility and awareness ORM has improved brand visibility and awareness through the use of media, forums, social media like Twitter, Facebook and many more. Interactive content is often put on these platforms which prompt people to stay and engage in a lot of discussion on the brand and also share it with their friends and family. This creates traffic on your website as people tend to want to know more about the brand and also helps you to know the kind of people engaging and sharing your content. Also, this allows new people across the platforms to discover your brand, creates great awareness and meet your target audience.


It builds trust and credibility Trust is a very important instrument in business relationship. If you want everyone that search for your brand to become a loyal and permanent customer,then trust must be a certain. How do you make that happen? ORM helps to stabilize everything read or seen about your brand as it is being controlled and managed to gain trust and credibility from the consumers. This provide positive feedback about the brand to everyone that search for it. Positive results give an insight about the brand credibility and how well they can be trusted.


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