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Generation Alpha

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Generation Alpha is the cohort born between 2010 (the oldest only 11 years old) and 2025, (making youngest still yet to be born), by which time there will be an astronomical amount of 2 billion alphas or otherwise known as ‘screenagers’, ‘glass generations’ on our planet. Generation Alpha (the children of the millennials) will be growing up in an entirely different world. We will begin to see them take over the workforce (and arguably the world) by 2030, they will become the wealthiest and longest living generation yet. Although generation alpha is still developing, they compare in many ways to generation Z, it is already possible to identify noticeable features. Generation Alpha are the next generation to shape the future, as they will undoubtedly face challenging climates, sustainability is key to this generation. Despite their current age, this cohort are already highly conscientious and will prioritize the planet over all else. Even starting a family will be put to a hault, generation alpha wants to put their full attention to improving the world around them, they will be hesitant to bring a new generation into the world before positive changes are made for the better and future. Ensuring that they are recycling and leaving the minimalist of footprint are just two examples of how this generation are seen already to be tackling this concern, it is likely to see plant-based diets grow in popularity as they find alternative ways to keep tackling the issue.

Technology will define Generation Alpha; they will be the most technology supplied generation ever. The ‘tech savvy’ cohort will be the first generation to have their life fully emerged in technology (as 2010 was also the year Instagram was born and the launch of the I-pad). Since 2010 when ‘app’ was the word of the year, technology has not stopped there, artificial intelligence devices such as Alexa, Siri and Google (which many households own) are especially aimed at this age group. Alphas will favour technology over human connection, these interactive voice technologies will therefore provide the interaction they desire. Being totally comfortable with electronic devices, generation alpha eats, sleep and breath tech. These devices offer substantial education, entertainment and distraction, generation alphas will be highly developed visual learners. The Alpha generation are already creating a unique aesthetic (whilst being fashion conscious). Childrenswear is certainly booming, with parent run Instagram accounts, generation alpha is entering the influencer market. Generation alpha can expect an element of social media in their profession. Furthermore, social media is also a platform which younger generations use to get the latest news and stories; they deem it as a trustworthy platform unlike older generations which preference the traditional newspaper. Alongside this, shopping has become even easier for generation alpha, they favour an online experience, without the requirement to leave the house this generation can be forecasted to work and Technology will define Generation Alpha; they will be the most technology supplied generation ever. The ‘tech savvy’ cohort will be the first generation to have their life fully emerged in technology (as 2010 was also the year Instagram was born and the launch of the I-pad). Since 2010 when ‘app’ was the word of the year, technology has not stopped there, artificial intelligence devices such as Alexa, Siri and Google (which many households own) are especially aimed at this age group. Alphas will favour technology over human connection, these interactive voice technologies will therefore provide the interaction they desire. Being totally comfortable with electronic devices, generation alpha eats, sleep and breath tech. These devices offer substantial education, entertainment and distraction, generation alphas will be highly developed visual learners. The alpha generation are already creating a unique aesthetic (whilst being fashion conscious). Childrenswear is certainly booming, with parent run Instagram accounts, generation alpha is entering the influencer market. Generation alpha can expect an element of social media in their profession. Furthermore, social media is also a platform which younger generations use to get the latest news and stories; they deem it as a trustworthy platform unlike older generations which preference the traditional newspaper. Alongside this, shopping has become even easier for generation alpha, they favour an online experience, without the requirement to leave the house this generation can be Technology will define Generation Alpha; they will be the most technology supplied generation ever. The ‘tech savvy’ cohort will be the first generation to have their life fully emerged in technology (as 2010 was also the year Instagram was born and the launch of the I-pad). Since 2010 when ‘app’ was the word of the year, technology has not stopped there, artificial intelligence devices such as Alexa, Siri and Google (which many households own) are especially aimed at this age group. Alphas will favour technology over human connection, these interactive voice technologies will therefore provide the interaction they desire. Being totally comfortable with electronic devices, generation alpha eats, sleep and breath tech. These devices offer substantial education, entertainment and distraction, generation alphas will be highly developed visual learners. The alpha generation are already creating a unique aesthetic (whilst being fashion conscious). Childrenswear is certainly booming, with parent run Instagram accounts, generation alpha is entering the influencer market. Generation alpha can expect an element of social media in their profession. Furthermore, social media is also a platform which younger generations use to get the latest news and stories; they deem it as a trustworthy platform unlike older generations which preference the traditional newspaper. Alongside this, shopping has become even easier for generation alpha, they favour an online experience, without the requirement to leave the house this


generation can be forecasted to work and forecasted to work and shop from their home environment. Impatient may be a key characteristic which is recognisable within this generation. Given that technology has offered speed and responsiveness throughout their early years of life it is likely they will hold high expectations elsewhere to offer the same response. Generation Alpha will have a huge impact on the sport industry (a sport industry not like we know today). Traditional sports will eventually become less popular, football, basketball and tennis are deemed boring by generation alpha, e-sport and virtual reality sports are desired and favoured. We can expect to see the Alpha’s highly skilled in the sports (e-sports) they participate in, due to human interaction being discontinued and artificial intelligence taking over the training and coaching role. Gamification provides opportunities for this cohort to compete all around the world, alphas will globalise sports as technology has no boundaries. The percentage of non-whites is rising by 22%, due to this growing diversity generation alpha will without exception be a group of inclusive and accepting set of individuals. Race, gender, sexuality will be a selection of categories which will become less of an issue. The concept for being accepted as you are is important to generation alpha, they want to create an equal society. Open to accommodating differently cultures, tribes and races will create an explosion of multi race relationships.

Whoever you come across in this cohort is likely to be a rule breaker, someone who does not play by the rules and anti-sharing. They are likely to be selfish and require immediate gratification, this is due to the popularity of one child families, their parents most likely spoilt them growing up. Without sibling’s they have not had to understand the concept of sharing with others. For the future of generation alpha, this can possibly create a demanding generation. I conducted some primary research to see how predominant and reliant generation alpha are on these mentioned factors, as a result of the short questionnaire, it confirmed that 100% of participants (aged 11 and below) owned a technological device, some from as young as three years of age. Secondly, the questionnaire certifies that they have an understanding and

duty of care to look after the planet, 80% confirmed they are passionate about protecting the planet. Finally, I asked the participants whether they prefer to play e-sports or physical sports, again 80% reported they favoured e-sports, this could therefore be the beginning of the sport industry changing. Although it will be tougher to win over Generation alpha, their loyalties will lay with the brands who have similar beliefs and passions as they do. A sustainable, ethnically diverse, technological advanced company may be at an advantage over its competitors, a brand needs to be on trend and targeting the upcoming generation to succeed and thrive in the market. A great pressure has evolved for companies to create a better society, standing for more than just generating a profit, alpha’s will be particular when settling with a workforce, they must align with their values.

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