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gery, itical MD casa S n, P Choi, ate? No al hernia my ” J of ted March gery r, MD

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Lacey McNally, PhD

Abhilash Samykutty, Karl N

Thomas, Molly McNally, Jordan Hagood, Akiko Chiba, Alexandra Thomas, Libby

McWilliams Bahareh Behkam

Ying Zhan, McAlister Council-

Troche, Juan C Claros-Sorto, Christina Henson, Tabitha

Garwe, Zoona Sarwar, William

E Grizzle, Lacey R McNally

Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Tumor-targeted Gold

Nanoparticles in HER2-positive

Breast Tumors Using Optoacoustic Imaging

Radiology: Imaging Cancer-

Accepted Hunter Chalfant, Morgan

Bonds, Kristina Scott, Anna Condacse, Isabel S Dennahy, W Taylor Martin, Cooper

Little, Barish H Edil, Lacey R

McNally, Ajay Jain 2023

Innovative Imaging Techniques

Used to Evaluate BorderlineResectable Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Journal of Surgical Research 284:42-53

Tereza Husarova, William M

MacCuaig, Isabel S Dennahy, Emma Sanderson , Barish H

Edil , Ajay Jain , Morgan

Bonds, Molly McNally, Katerina Menclova Jiri Pudil

Pavel Zaruba Radek Pohnan

Christina E Henson, William

E Grizzle, and Lacey R

McNally 2023 Intraoperative imaging in hepatopancreatobiliary surgery

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