Jessica Castro Romero 3°B MYP4 May 15, 2019 School year 2018-2019 Math: Quadratic equations What applications has the use of parabolas in the environment?
This work shows the comparison of a quadratic equation using the graphical method and general formula to solve it. I solved it by both methods and graphed the answer. I got the same answer for both of the methods, I always got a “no solution�.
Parabolas in our daily life
I found this lamp in my house as a proof that we are surrounded by parabolas. Is a small lamp on a wall. We can identify the parabola on the top part, descending opening the “U”, as parabolas do.
This is a “lava lamp”, it’s not from the same materias, this one needs electricity and only brights, nothing moves inside. Anyways we can identify the parabola at the top of the lamp, giving that “U” shape that it has.
La parábola.(2011).[Foto]. In Blogger. Retrieved from 952.
Parábola 1.(2013). [Foto]. In Blogger. R etrieved from
Conclusion What applications has the use of parabolas in the environment? We are surrounded by parabolas, and that we don’t pay attention to them does not means that they are not there. We see parabolas everywhere, starting from architecture and technology to simple objects that we have at home or that we use everyday. Parabolas are part of our daily lives and of our everyday surrounding.