How to Make a Website Customer Friendly
How do online customers use the internet? It’s an easy question, however a question many small-business owners forget to address while working on their website. Far too often, web design firms get so focused on the latest tech innovations they lose sight of the basic and often simple needs and expectations of their potential customers.
From ipads and smartphones to oversized video display units and laptops, how do you deliver your message to your customer online today? Is the site easy to understand and easy to navigate? If you have a website, you must have some kind of metrics or analytic programs available to you. This is a easy way of tracking visitors on your website, as well as an additional feature offered by most applications to review browser information. This gives you reliable insight into what internet browsers and operating structures your clients use and what they see on the screen set on their monitors. These analytics can assist you in making a decision to upgrade your site to deliver content that displays properly regardless of the device being used to access your site.
Mobile Friendly When your website is visited on a mobile web browser, how does it look? Does the information you want to deliver visible without having to move their screen? Here are a couple of things to bear in mind while thinking about the effectiveness of your website. The first thing to remember is that photo-heavy websites take longer to down load on mobile phones. The second one is that flash animation can’t be properly displayed on all phones.
Print style
Most websites built before about 2012 were designed with features meant to work well on a desktop or a laptop screen, including being able to print out relevant parts of the site. But with the huge growth of mobile internet, and the fact that mobile may involve a wide range of platforms, with updating the site many people in your target market may find no way to print your pages or articles. This is a simple fix but may be an expensive mistake if not addressed. You may want to provide this option if you have details on your site that clients would want to print. This is a feature important to many types of online
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