Original Post: All about Selenium Testing: Features, Advantages, Limitations & Updates
What is Selenium Testing? • Selenium is used for testing and automating browsers. • It primarily automates web applications for testing with the help of some large vendor houses who have incorporated Selenium as an integral part of their browser. • It is a core technology in several other browser automation tools, APIs and related frameworks. • The entire collection or suite of tools in Selenium gives way to a power packed and rich testing functions which can be implemented to test a wide range of web application browsers. • A primary feature and one of the best indeed, of Selenium is that, it supports execution of tests in a multiple browser platform.
Types of Selenium Testing
Selenium IDE
Selenium Grid
Selenium WebDriver
Selenium RC
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Selenium vs QTP
Selenium is better than Watir? Offer Best Support More Easy Common Testing Tool Supports Multiple Languages Browsers
Selenium vs CodedUI In CodedUI, the tester has to create a host of codes for regular simple tests, unlike Selenium CodedUI doesn’t give any support for browsers Chrome, Safari or Opera Selenium is much more natural than CodedUI
Selenium is a quicker than CodedUI
Features Selenium Multiple Languages Support Support Parallel Test to Save Time TestNG & Junit Integration Maven, Jenkins & Docker for Continuous Testing
Multiple OS Support Multiple Browser Support Support Cross-browser Testing Fast Test Execution
Limitations of Selenium
Visit Original Sources: http://nexsoftsyssoftwareoutsourcing.logdown.c om/posts/7819763-selenium-testing-features-adv antages-limitations
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