How to Choose the right Selenium Automation Testing Tools?
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Selenium Automation Testing Services Selenium is an Open-source(Free) automated tool. Selenium is used for web application across various platforms and browsers. It is not a single tool but it is a set of software which are supporting automation testing. Selenium is developed by Jason Huggins in 2004 to do testing in web application. And it has many others developer too. When it developed it was known as JavaScriptTestRunner , latter its changed with Selenium core. It is very flexible compare to other testing because it is supporting multiple browsers and languages. It is the key feature of selenium automation testing .
ďƒź Selenium has 4 components: Selenium (IDE), Selenium RC, WebDriver, Selenium Grid
Selenium IDE
Selenium RC
Selenium Grid
Selenium 2 ďƒź Selenium 2 is combination of Selenium RC and Web driver and Selenium 1 is RC.
Selenium QA Tester focuses on the tools they needed but to know all the selenium automation testing tools are sometimes beneficial.
Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE) It is very Simple and Easiest to learn It is a Firefox extension so just like other plug-in we have to add extension only. It is also providing recording services which will be helpful in future to check past records. Its not require programming knowledge or special qualifications, Limitations: It can be useful only in Firefox and creates only prototypes of tests. It is not supporting Conditional and iteration operations.
Selenium Remote Control (RC) Selenium RC is the first tool who allows the user to choose the language they prefer like Java, C+, Python, Ruby, Perl. It is executing faster than IDE and support data driven testing. It can be perform the iteration and conditional operation. it is also known as Selenium 1 and it is provide a support and some features which are also not available in selenium R2. It supports to almost all browsers. Limitations: It is needed Programming knowledge. Installation is complex than IDE and execution is slower than webDriver . Result is inconsistence and API contains some confusing commands.
WebDriver Its have many features where are best than Selenium RC and IDE. It is not depend in Java Script and it controls browsers by direct communications. It can be simply installed than Selenium RC and browser realistic is more reliable. It is supported many languages same as in Selenium RC. It has a purpose to provide a friendly API that's easy to explore and to learn, and to use than the Selenium-RC (1.0) API, which will assist to make tests easier to understand and maintain. Limitations: It Cannot support to the new browsers. It can not generate test results or any recording services.
Selenium Grid It is used with Selenium RC to run simultaneously tests across various machines and browsers all at the same time. You can boosts up performance substantially of slow-running test suit or large test suit by using selenium grid tool. So, it is saving lots of time by dividing tests o various platforms and doing parallel works. Limitations: It needs to maintain other system on which node are running. It have no capability for user input if your test needs user input.
Selenium 2 ďƒź To make a powerful tool in 2008, Selenium team decided to merge selenium and WebDriver together. ďƒź It is the answer of limitation of all others selenium tools it is more modern and object-oriented APIs.
For Beginner, it is good to use Selenium IDE, it is only an add-on so you can easily do small tastes within seconds. To effectively use selenium for automation testing use Selenium 1 or selenium2 as per suited to your test suits. In terms of cost and flexibility, selenium is better than QTP(Quick Test Professional). It is flexible because you can add your functionally in script or framework of selenium tools. So you can customize the selenium test suits. These all are the reasons why selenium is the best Automation testing services.