JE S S I C A HECOX portfolio
rium Kit Basic Dry Terra Instructions 1. Clean
out. glass inside and
Plant Care Instru ctions
Basic Dry T Instructions
inside 1. Clean glass a cup 2. Add about
container. plant the bottom of the 3. Gently take a cup of sand in 2. Add about ay the top soi aw e the ap of e scr d fac an sur t plant out of po 3. Gently take Succulents plant in co ce Pla 4. l. sur face of the soi u would like sition it where yo Mo popla st suc it to grow. d nt cule r an ine nts prefer full sun in conta nt pla ce , tho con Pla ugh remember cen 4. trates heat, whi s that a terrarium ch can burn pla Pour remaining out of hot direct 5. nts. Brig ht ligh t sun in the summe is preferable, but it to grow. move month d s.on top ttingr san San ge nt. oid pla av the to of ul ref A d, succa cule ing san nt will need to be of base 5. Pour remain just eno water at the bot l atdthe soitere all wa ugh to wet the the plant. In rour roots, but not gat el shouldtom shop we pour abo lev ndove Sa her r nt. the pla top ut ¼-1/2 cup of of the plant to the of water slowly righ insure the water They need to dry t Gently shake th goes directly dow 6. out in between n to the roots. waterings. If pla every 3 weeks. the plant. nted in sand this is usually once Place other dec level sand. 7. the container to 6. Gently shake They can be fertilized with bi a we ak solu gro 8. Slowly, bit by tion of balanced s. son (usually winion g sea rat co de fert er ilize oth , spri r during the ng and summedirectly 7. Place r). ½ cup of water plant so th to to ¼ on t ou ab ur bit po 8. Slowly, bit by Mossballs ts. wn into the roo 9. Enjoy! water soaks do onto plant so the Abo 9. Enjoy!
Specializing in terrariums and natural materials to create unique indoor plant designs.
ut once a week thoroughly soa k under tap wa half submerged, ter. Then let the for 10-15 minute mossball sit, s. Most plants in between wateri mossballs like to ngs so lightly squ dry out slightly eeze the mossba just as it begins ll to test for moistu to feel dry. Add re and water a quarter-strengt fertilizer to the soa h dilute solution king water during of balanced spring and sum mer when plants are growing. Ai
To keep a tillands ia healthy over the long term, you bright natural ligh need to provide t, and humidity fresh air, or moisture. To wa 1 to 2 weeks for ter: submerge tilla an hour or up to ndsias every 8 hours or so (overn very dry conditio ight). Misting is ns but cannot ma helpful in ke up for regula a pinch of Airplan r soaking. Fertilize t fertilizer to the by water when soa adding Bright light, but king in the spring not full sun in the and summer. hot summer is bes t.
Choose from piles of seashells, jars of stones, containers filled with curiosities, and succulents strewn between sheets of music – let us guide you in creating a one-of-a-kind custom-made terrarium.
Provide moss and lichen with brig ht but indirect ligh maintain them t: it can be a cha for long in a terr arium that receive llenge to Moss and lichen s direct sun or too will sometimes exp much shade. ire if their , Or.ticu not met. Some 4 9721 th ave. • Portlandpar lar mosses dry to water and light 28 se an 110 • exq needs are ing uisit and if you or Garden e honey-green color. Others turn Terrariums & Indo don’t like the look, on th.c ma 28 brown y om want to replace Artemisiayou 503.232.8224 • it. Dyed reindeer moss needs no special care, as it is not a living material.
A h b ju fe
To br 1t ve ap Brig
Prov mai Mos not and
Terrariums & Indo or Gardening • 110 se 28th ave. • Portland, Or. 9721 4 503.232.8224 • Artemisiaon
Terrariums & Indoor Gardening 110 se 28th ave. • Portland, Or. 97214 • 503.232.8224 • Artemisiaon
“A terrarium is a snapshot of that pe rfect array of natural el ements, somehow co ntained yet still wild at th e core. ”
Client: Artemisia | Collage with nature Project: Logo & Identity - Print collateral Role: Designer, project manager • Business cards • Plant care instructions • Gift certificates • Stickers
Jason Herrick Owner
kierstin buchner chef. food stylist 503.572.5559 |
Client: Various freelance clients Projects: Logo development and business cards Role: Designer, illustrator, project manager • Favor it Girl - logo, business cards, stickers • Planes of Reference - logo, business cards • Kierstin Buchner - logo, business cards
our coMMu nIty
ear (3) g : Footw d manufacturin and the ing 5 Studio n an ACD36 footwear desig Focus on pattern t. tices. vanced
Students come to The Art Institute of Por tland from Untited States and across the abroad. The studen t body is compris men and women ed of who have enrolle d directly upon com high school, tran pleting sferred from oth er colleges and uni and who have left versities, employment situ ations to prepare career. The Art Inst for a new itute n (3 ) tland is, an Por d out the professionus tratioof details dedicated to bringing al ine,eac ofts,our students. garmhen shion Ill fig Fa ur so 5 man n We’re proud that 23 y gra AD tes have become fashio e dua th g in successful in the Render ir fields. s. 02 bric type 31, ART1
fa T1 (3) site: AR n tration Prerequi ion Illus ering the fashio ced Fash r rend fo an riety of las es ac dv Ad va a A pr qu a g n es and D237 drawing techni fabric types in es usin g A qu yp si ni ot e ch ot te d ed ory D ent of pr rment an Advanc ) developm e: ACD352 nder ga l Access sit Gear (3 figure. Re Appare Prerequi arrying ing (3) asis on media. age & C techniques, 235 t Sketch rendering. Emph gg AD uc e: Lu : od sit d n The Art Institute uct 1 Pr ) age an tructio Prerequi of Portland main 7 Studio ACD22 ching and prod campus entals (3 actured ACD36 exploration, cons solutions for lugg et Fundam tural and manuf ls Quick sk e drawing. design Materia na Textile iv T102 ing, and AD243 xtiles exploring n, end use, and progress e: ART131, AR tternmak . pa te tio sit of Study produc essory ing gear D351 We Prerequi e, cc enc rry ur A our ct ) r ca age students ru g fo ds (3 site: AC fibers, st tics. nmakin hergoo oods. ing Prerequi to visit the sch ris all Leat rg 1 Patter g, includ characte ing. ool in lts & Sm and small leathe ACD23 ) rnmakin d peres of drap lts udio: Be or y patte (3 , an ng (3) ples and techniqu son. Talk to our D369 St completion of be pi Design niques of access afting, notations ra AC D ch dr stud.dents and our tion to AD244 ion to the princi fit are analyze Basic te ents, draping, Concep t. d ) m Introduct line, grain an 4 ect I (3 uct developmen teachers. Tour our measure lving. n, 23 (3) nior Proj so prod Propor tio e: AD203, AD Design d problem D491 Sessories capstone d prototypes. ry fac sit ) You’ll ie AC ui os an I (3es. eq Prer ingiliti see how acce ing an Tie, & H s, manufacturing ction of are. Apparel on patternmak ernmakpeo softw tru nd 1 Scar f, dardple just like you are ter Patt is ACD25 ion to history, tre signing and cons Emphas e: AD330 Compu zing industry stan 0 25 de ct D sit e turn du A ili ui ing their interests Intro ing ut es in th Prereq ak tic ) m ac (3 rn pr on II . Patte 234 and talents into car industry s and hosiery 3, ACD221 Project oject. Emphasis s. site: AD tie 24 eers. rd Prerequi 2 Senior ne pr scar ves, e: AD230, AD (3) s (3) of wo stry ACD49 n of the capsto to industry standa sit Design Textile eIfusyou io e induuld g Prerequi elike to Complet and presentin Applied t through thsch & Gloveturing and , 4 la 26 educomplet el g D A ufac Umbr phasis on le a personal visit, lopmen 91 oducin g of ) an pr in ve lt, D4 Em m (3 ct de e. s, Be y AC tru ar nd 2 App site: Textile or if el t Stud softw you ACD25 ion to history, tre signing and cons hav Prerequi e questions, Acc design ches. ar penden ision. esso de standard talogs and swat cosim ry esig 489 Inde perv Introduct actices in the mbiply ca nescall us. WeD 9, 389, der instructor su within the pr es. form be n boards, 243 industry ellas, and glov 61, ACD221 and ’ll D189, 28 to terest site: AD udy un AC Like the in ui function st l m br ia eq hap ak en D2 er py ec um e riv toathel Pr th prfyou College belts, 243, AC (3) ent of udent-d lopment of a sp pe n AD St ) ig pm e: lo ec (3 es sit co ’s Appar Design t .ou lt mdpltoetthe.e deve ear catfi ear D d ni er deve ew Fou Prerequi ch ew ndat el iv rth te prog ion Ey ct Th Fu d Arts display, third plie e an 2A its pr ch, & ufacturing an . 27 e ap kn og ld D at floo al en g dg A r W fie A ra ov le , co zin ccessory ram, the Appar pr of or m e ili maj welry , trends, man ) cting cal know r designs utmpass ototyp ADD ap Je (3 tru ni el pr es e: 4 ns Design d ch cs sit 25 co a an Te ui pi d broad bu fon,cupasettedrn, ACD ion to history of tivewea sig ial To logy, Prereq cu ning an fe ac ec rr al rs sig ic in Sp t ul in de ct range of 4 um struction no orig , de in the Introdu s in tech 393, 49 Research comm craftsman in busine and entr M236 practices ear. fabrics. ent. an 3, 293, ude current trend d 19 industry atch, and eyew 62, ACD221, HU sh ep ss D ov ip Culinary Arts Faci er mater AC , ,w D2 lity marketin reneurship, ry to incl developm e: AD318rigorous ials, and jewelry 230, AC sit problem Topics va sign. g ) site: AD )so Prerequi Students Prerequi and dem and presentatio ather (3 lvin Digital esign (3de t, and de D n. Le ar g. e & sig r ac le n ands the arofnprthinet Surf e ls I: Fu proper ties and al ur it ia ns xt to ig er io te te n at D sa at at d cr tention r. e, plicte th layout, anchniques 1M ) AD279 ion to the apea l Desig to detail. me ACD26 ion to the structur s of fur and leathe ction (3 patteernproducts Appare learn to ats,er tic Students pe om Introduct ent ofcu that rest Constru standards and Introduct ce characteris s crea ing entals of an with the demand. Stayin developm functiona te dynamic, ye perform e: AD228 Fundam rel industry sew plied to the 3 . ) g se ng 10 (3 pi D sit as s l, access t A on)s and map ifs to appa tal skills as ap rial Metal ot n st to Prerequi m io & du co or p d ct (3 in es ie an of be nc ,g s fr on ept to fin amen Introdu ilizing eigtrnends printsin Dthes es. Fund ials II: St proper ties and s and rment ut ished pr om of colo isrsa, mus on Surface e, techniqu n of a basic ga 2 Mater ototype. AD301 sign applications. t! ACD26 ion to the structur s of various stone tructio de ns ns l io co ua at tic ct ic Man ent. Introdu ce characteris (3) ty of fabr Degree equipm an r ruction ction on a varie Require perform ques fo te Constindustrial constru m Course d Techni rmedia d 8 metals. Descrip ents pg. 54 a Advance e: AD22 203 Inte intermediate an nstruction skills. 3 to D sit d A ) ui 30 ie 9 eq D , pl tions pg A Prer (3) es ap ion of (3, 6 blished n fine co at qu io ip ic re ni pl ct er sh . 99 ch ru Ap onst to furth Intern ship at an esta up to ction te C es el tru qu ar ns ni co pp ed ll in tech 103 tern 0A (3) Advanc garment. site: AD ACD31 s supervised in study. May enro of 9 credit Apparelcal r ed Prerequi l pu ur of fo ta m ct ld to . ca 3 ru on a fie st its ti ni 20 Offta ed g to s for site: AD Presen n boards and techdesign 6, or 9 cr s relatin ) ip classe Prerequi busines Digital d internsh internship for 3, 3 credits (3, 6, 9 tablished tatio ter aide fferent AD225 ent of pres-enrya rnship es mpurch three di roll in a single quired for each byncoMa ese, graphic de arel Inte internship at an roll in up en App re Developm manually and 0 sig d en n 31 gr ise ay D ad M hours or of 90 hours is rv A ns credit pus supe tal of 9 um of study. illustratio . (3) A minim Off-cam lating to field classes for a to or 9 credits. gy Design ip 6, s re d. technolo only. awarde internsh ternship for 3, busines Apparel y industry, its nt -No Pass al to ed re ss cr ffe Pa on 3 : in di ti or a single quired for each Grading e: ADD approv tothree d access created, Introduc sit enroll in re AD228 of the apparel and accessories are Prerequi hours or of 90 hours is rview ign (3) g and industry um hes an ve ot im es O cl in D m w A ag rin gs. ing ho ly. d. handba anufactu 1 Handb examin and marketed. awarde o Pass on ACD35 ion of trends, m construction of : Pass-N al t I (3) Industrial Design at produced Grading e: ADD approv Workshop sign and ACD221 opmen ketable Incorpor 3. (3) in the de & Devel e creation of mar d 243, equisit pt er Pr ce niques es practices e: AD230, AD 9 Con applied to th m research an sit 22 qu ing Tech ui D w A eq Prer re Se rnmaking techni tting ) inciples ns derived fro tu (3 ry pr n st ou n ig C du sig . in cu 3 De sig stry AD31 ear Des ufacturing and and patte proper . ts and de e fashion indu sewing bric selection, 2 Footw an concep methods Couture fa ACD35 ion of trends, m wear. within th 365 truction 236 g fitting, at practices e: AD225, FM ng foot , ACD221, HUM involvin , andinner cons Incorpor uisit (3) designi eq es II 61 in t er qu D2 Pr es ni en tech practic 230, AC elopm entation skills AD303 AD e: ev D e: sit ui sit & es ing (3) Prereq h Prerequi s and pr . Concept tternmakniques for stretc ) industry AD230 design processe sign technology ch lized Pa esign (3 ring and Specia construction te vanced puter aided de 3 Hat D nds, manufactu truction of hats. 8 Ad 31 35 D D A AC 4. ns g and of tre g com co in n d ak zin io m an ili 9 at rn ut 22 Patte signing Incorpor site: AD in the de 234 230 Prerequi fabrics. 203, AD lopment practices e: ACD231, AD (3) ) uisite: AD sit aking I tternmaking. Deve (3 eq nm er on Pr er ti Prerequi tt of pa Pa s. oduc g, and . ags (3) AD233 n to the principles ting of basic block Event Praging, promotin peated for : Handb aking techniques uct. io an re Fashion m od 1 Studio Introduct ttern through draf AD325 ess of planning, mis course may be ACD36 aking and sample- ept to finished pr pa m from flat 103 conc ow. Th e proc AD al sh Th in e: n Pattern ig io sit a fash n of or Prerequi credits. staging (3) Translatio e: ACD351 rment um of six sit aking II rdance with ga of a maxim Prerequi Patternm acco (3) and ulation AD234 rn techniques in on the m-ansipue illiner y s used to design M : io b is tte onde, d esse 3 Stud Flat pa Emphas designs. epartm ACD36 and technical proc actices. ent dire e trade pr r more complex Creativ ctor s fo 3 hats. pattern e: AD23 develop e: ACD353 sit ui eq sit Prer Prerequi
A P PA r e Ac c e s l s o ry desIg n
“the Art Institute of Portland open ed so many possibilities for me to learn an d grow as an artist and designer. yo u’re constantly surrou nded by professio nals and also other sim ilarly-minded stu dents and you can con stantly find peop le to work with, find he lp from, and just bounce ideas off of, and it’s a great cultur al center for design in my opinion.”
“the Art Institute of Portla of the fe nd is on w place e s where study ha students t making can , the pro stones a perties nd meta of ls, footw the histo ear desi ry of ey gn, ewear, small le handba ather g g and oods co pattern nstructio ing for n and a cc essory d one deg esign in ree pro gram. It program ’s an inte but very nse relevan city like t for a Portland where th footwea e active r industry is deep ly roote d.”
1. Cera C 2. Rach rockett el 3. Daisy Morell Grattan 4. Kimbe rly Crew s
Client: The Art Institute of Portland Project: Devoted to Design 09-10 Academic Catalog Role: Interior pages designer, production artist, project manager • Academic course catalog cover and interior pages
P O R Tl A N D
Gait vercilis non ulput ip essisse qui dolorer aes sim do odigni equam, qui sl irit laorpe m num quisim tatiscipit ad rcil ex essed do eugue magna fac euis alis do ipisissim do quissequis consed dolortionsed amcon hen molor sed mo isit il digna feu Ismod tinis d elesto dolore faccum veli scil irilit praess tis nim mo nit utat lum i. quisl dunt pra d dolessecte mincidunt tinissent ut alit lamet, si vulla feuism nim aut veli od tat augait, tate dit t at vero er alit wisit, summy acilluptat del praessenisis niamet non ea aut in erosto con augait adit dunt nonulla wis numsan sent dunt consent adi hent ute com p et lorem faciduis ese ad el ut ute my d ero exer num commodo sustio dio odo tet, quation lortissed ma lorp ercinia hendio dun gna mcortie do t landrer alis eriusci duipit commod augiatet ven duisi ea aliq ibh euip el uat praese nulput nim exer nit ipsusto dio od te dit num lorem incing ea feugue sed faccum do et at ver o eniat. Ut lamet,
Portland Cit y Hall hoste da fashion show featuring Po designers us rtland ing sustaina ble fabrics, like bamboo an d hemp, sustainable business pra ctices and earth co nscious and manufactur local ing process es.
TH E C O ll EG E
Client: The Art Institute of Portland Project: Design the World UNITE 07-08 marketing campaign Role: Designer, production artist, copy writer/editor, project manager • Academic course catalog (cover and interior pages) • Student handbook • Admissions pocket folder
ametue fac illaorper sit duis dolorp nullam veliqua e ratuer iriliq t uat, sumsan ad exeriurem dolesed tissi tatum dol henis orer cinibh zzriliquat, con eugue et veli feugait pratio ulla facing ex sit dio odipit, vol essissed ma nim quisl dol orer si elesse gna faci bla ore dolortions qui te te fac ed tat alit, vol Rud min eni ing esequis at. or am, vel utpat, si. ut adiam, sus Ent dolore mod euisit ipit cin velent lao vero dolore et at at, vel Rat in hent re ver incipit nullandrem la feuipsu sci dolorpercin nonulputpat, lit iliquisi. eugueraessi quatio et irilla esting erosto dolobore mo met utatum od dipsumsan dip ex ea ut acipsusto tat. Ut consequi tetu dolor iustie mmy nissec te min hent at esectem iril iusci eum zzriure et adigna aci nim vulland rercid uis acipis ea feugait ullums an ut augiam vel dion hen , dit veliqua mcom ulput utpat at my nonulputp commodolor at, sit, sequi essi eugait alis lortism olutpa dolesectet tet, quamet nummy non utet accum ipit, quismod eu facinit, conullam ea augait utpat, quationum aliquip euipit velit praesto od end ex euis nullao iat praesse re do odoles tie
An interacti ve Online ex hibit created by a production class helped to pre serve the his heritage of tory & the Northwe st in cooperation with the Or egon Museum of Science an d Industry.
1:41:51 PM
Meet the Pros: An Inside Look at Local Animation, Film & Game Design Headliners
Client: The Art Institute of Portland Project: “Meet the Pros” speaker event Role: Designer/Illustrator, project manager, assistant event coordinator • Post card • Event signage • Print ad
Meet the Pros: • Will Vinton • Gus Van Sant • Scott Crabtree Get an industry insider's take on the latest in film, animation and game design. Mix and mingle with the Pros at a catered reception. Play the hottest video games. View up-and-coming work. Learn more about degree programs in these fields at The Art Institute of Portland.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm No charge for admission
Space is limited so reserve your spot today! Please RSVP to 503-228-6528 or toll-free 1-888-228-6528.
1122 NW Davis Street Portland, OR 97209
Saturday, March 31, 2007
& 1pm ) es are 10sioam x deductable (ta Session tim n ses $10 for each Annual
n. for each sessio Tickets required t the m tickets benefi All proceeds fro olarship. Creative Arts Sch
Admission is
9 th
9 10am
10am10am 10am10 am
Event will be at the CoHO Theater, 2257 NW Raleigh St. (off NW 23rd St.)
Tickets required for each session. Proceeds benefit the Creative Arts Scholarship.
SE on Satu
of Caree
rday, April
r Servic
28, 2007.
1122 NW ph: 503 Davis Street • .228.65 28 • we Portland, OR 9 b: www.a 7 ipd.artin209 stitutes.e du th
Session two
1122 NW Davis • Portland, OR 97209-2911
Session two
Session two
For information call 503.228.6528 or 888.228.6528 today!
Admission is $10 per session (tax deductable)
Northwest from industry professionals from companies such as Filter Talent, Nau, Respond2, Summit Projects, Green Building Services, Nautilus and Downstream. This is a great opportunity to learn how you can get started with a design education or further your career in the creative arts.
ed to our
Session times are 10am & 1pm
Tickets available at The Art Institute of Portland. For ticket and session information:
Attend one or both sessions to learn more about creative careers in the Pacific
You’re inv it
Creat 9 Car iveCreative e e 3.31.07 Symposri C umareer 3.31.07 Symposium
Institute of Portland SClient: essioThen Art t w o Creative Career Project: 9th Annual Sesspeaker si n tevent wo Role: Designer, production artist, projectomanager
• Post card • Event signage Adm• issionPrint is $10ad
s DAVID CRE S S P roducer + SessiRaoleinghoStn. -ofef NW 23 DEBRA HA “Paranoid 8.6528 or 2 IN NW .2 3 57 E 0 22 Park,” Tse 5 S r, te D ea ir e HO Th ! c Co S ay e t th o od e t at r s JOLYNN OV tse Fly Fil + Filter Ta s i o 28.6528 Event will be n .2 8 information: o 8 on 8 ssi n se m Com pan d IN e le an t nt GTON VP r ticke of Portland. Fo y ute tit S Ins o t D f Ar e sp e A M Th .a s N at 9 e s N ble cs r ila i Y c o /c ava d h ts R n n andising + UBYONO D Ticke o n /portla e u d e s. te u N e it s a ign Direct BRYAN TR Admissionw w w.a rt in st Session one is $10 or + Down u ULLINGER s tr eam C h ief Operat Admission Session onSe on one ssi is $10 in on CoHO Thea on g ssi Se O f f e DX ic on on te e e r + Summit r Sessi 1p.mS. Peasn 2257 NW R Session one Ae dmission is on Projects on ssi aleigh St., PSession onCe Se s e i $10 li o o s H n t O s o T h D n e X a e e ter Session on C H 2257 NW R E S S A A dm A ission is $10 DSIT aleigh St., P CoHO Th DX RYAN CRIS -MORRIS Project Co 2257 NW R eater A dm th ordinator ission is $10 MAN Prod aleigh St., P CoHO Thea + Green B u DX c e te E r D r + Annual F R L e IC 2257 NW R uilding Se d Door Fil Admission is $10 K Direct Admission $10 is aleigh St., P ssion o Admi m rvices, Inc is r C $ s o o 10 f Design + B DX Admission is $10 HO Theater E N . J is $10 A ssion M Admi N IN 2257 NW R a u t L il is $10 L A ssion u O dm Admi s YDisP$r10esid aleigh St., P ter ission OAThea CoH C Admission is $10 o H O ter e T N Thea $10 O n h is D CoH N e ssion t X ater Admi A OW SPDX + Amplify CoHO Theater 2257 NW R enior Grap ighLSt., Interactiv CoHO Theater aleigh St., P2257 NW Rale St., PDX Raleigh ter C NW 7 Thea O o h 225 CoH H e ic a O PDX s T St., D igh h e e Rale ter D e r NW Thea a s 7 X O v te 225 ig CoH ic r n e PDX St., e igh o r Rale ter f + Creative 2257 NW ROIA Glob 2257 NW CoHO Thea St., PDX igh Rale NW 7 225 a a le PDX l P ig St., M L igh a h o ARIO SCH ckaging S 2257 NW Rale 257 NW Raleigh St., PDX ULZKE DirSt., PDgXistics olutions ector of N e w Media + R Today’s espond2 C panels a re mode ommunica rated by tions : Julie W Saturday, March 31, 2007 illi ation For inform
Than creat to Art ships.
Session one
s in the creative career arn more about le to ch as Filter su ns io es ss ni se th ls from compa na ttend one or bo sio s es of pr ry Services, Nautilu t from indust , Green Building ts ec Pacific Northwes oj t Pr it ge m n m ca w you ond2, Su unity to learn ho . Talent, Nau, Resp is a great opport the creative arts is in Th . er am re re ca st ur yo r he rt and Down fu or n sign educatio started with a de rd St.
Career 3.3i1.0t7 one
Career A
Thank yo u creative for attending to day’s ev industrie ent s, to Art In stitute o you are suppor . In addition to learning ting des f Portlan ships. To ign abo ds date, we ’ve awar tudents in the fo education. All p ut the roceeds ded $40 rm of Cr g ,000 thr e We’d als ough eve ative Arts Scho o o like to la n t rgive spe s like th unteere cial than is. d their t k im s are prec to our all e. In the iou he o and shar s and we are th ctic life of a cre f our speakers w ankful th ative pro ing with h ey’ve ch us. fessiona o’ve volosen to l, S aturd spend th 10a.m. Pa eirs’ ins ays piring nelist
mpo s i u m 9 tive Creaa d m
Caree e 9 Symposri 3.31.07 9Creat ive u m 9 ea Cr C a r tive e e r Creative 3.31.07 S r y e r a me C a po dmi s3.3iu1.07 t o n Car9eer 3.31.07 e Symposiumm Cm re at siiu po vm CSy aree e 9 admit one Symposri 3.31.07 C9reativ u e m 9 C Creative a r e e r 3.31.07 Creative S y e r m a C p oesriu3.31.07 Ca9reer 3.31.07 admit one Symposiumm CSy remapo t sium Caree ive 9 admit one Sympo r 3.31.07 Cre9at e 9 sium e Ca Creaitviv r e e r 3.31.07 Creative S y m a a C proese iurm3.31.07 C9 areer 3.31.07 dmit one Symposium Cr e m u a si po t m i v e a CarSy 9 ee admit one Symposr 3.31.07 Crea9tiv e 9 ium C areCr e eative r 3 .3 1 .07 Creative S y 1.07 m a e r d p a C o s i ue mr 3.3 9 Career 3.31.07 mit one Symposium Cr e m u si a po m t Sy ad Caree ive admit one 9 Sym r 3.31.07 Creati9v p o s i e 9um C a Cr r e e r eative 3 .3 Creative S y m a e1.0e7 r 3.31.07 p d a C os m 9 ir um 3.31.07 it one r e e r a Symposium CreaC ti um v si po m e a Caree Sy dm admit one 9 Symposri 3.31.07 C reative9 u m 9 C a eative Cr r e e r 3.3 Creative S y m a p d r1.0e7 er 3.31.07 o a m sCiu it 9 m o 7 n 1.0 3.3 r e e e Symposium Creat Ca r mposium e a d m CareerivSy it admit on9e
9-2911 rtland, OR 9720 NW Davis • Po
We’d als unteere d are prec i and shar in
10a.m. Pa
1p.m. Pan
CHESSA A DSIT RYAN CRIS MAN ED FLICK Directo BENJAMIN LL O A N N A L OW Y D Senior G - a service of OIA Gl MARIO SC H ULZKE D Today’s panels a r
e moder a
You’re inv it
ed to our
1122 NW ph: 503 Dav .228.
Celebrating 10 Years!
Celebrating 10 Years!
Client: The Art Institute of Portland Project: “Celebrate Design” 10th Anniversary campaign Role: Designer, copy writer, project manager • Final design • Billboard • Internal celebration invitation
Celebrating 10 Years!
Be inspired.
503.228.6528 •
Be inspir ed.
Be inspired. creative
Want a career? Looking for a school that’s not just for
College Information Session for 2007 High School Grads
Saturday, December 9, 2006 • 11am - 1pm
Client: The Art Institute of Portland Project: “Be Inspired” campaign Role: Designer/Illustrator, copy writer, project manager • Billboard • Postcard • Print ad
1122 NW local: 503Davis St, Portland www.aip .228.6528 toll-fre, OR 97209-2911 d.artinstitu e : 888.228.6528
Come to
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Student work by Shawn Kohler • Photo credit: Basil Childers
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Client: The Art Institute of Portland Project: Various full page print ads to promote collage programs Role: Designer, production artist, project manager • Publication: The Changing Room • Publication: Willamette Week “Finderâ€? Issue
call: 503.228.6528 click: www.artinstitu tes.e visit: 1122 NW Davis du/PORTLAND , PDX Or., 97209