Beautiful Mess : a Graphic Design and Illustration Portfolio by Jessica Amelia

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Thi si sJ es s i c a

andt hes t or yofherj our neys t ar t sher e. . .

. . . buts omet i mes ,t hewor l dandi t sc ol our s ar et oomuc hf orher andi tgott angl edupi nherheadi nt obi g, mes s y ugl y t ought s .

She’ sal waysamaz ed byal lt hes hapesandc ol our s t hats ur r oundsher . . .

So,s het ur nshermes si nt o anot hermes s . . .

Peopl eador edher“beaut i f ulmes s ”, Peopl eneededher“beaut i f ulmes s ”, ands hef eel shappy t hather“beaut i f ulmes s ”al s obr i ngs happi nes st oot herpeopl e.

. . . butt hi st i me,t hemes swasabeaut i f ulone. s omepeopl es ai di t ’ s adr awi ng. . . apai nt i ng. . . awor kofar t butt oher ,i ti sa beaut i f ulmes s .

Andwi t ht hat . . . l et ’ sdi vedeeperi nt os omeof herbeaut i f ulmes s . Shal lwe?

Br a ndi ngPr oj ec tf or Ros eeBouquet Ros eeBouqueti sal ocalflour i stbased i n Semar ang,I ndonesi a.Thel ogor epr esent s t hebr andnamei t sel f ,Rose,asoneoft he mostpopul arflower s.Wi t hanel egantand cl eanst yl eadapt ed,t hi sbr andwi l lbemor e appeal i ngt opubl i c,par t i cul ar l ywomenas t hemai nt ar getofRos eeBouquet .

Gr eet i ngCa r dDes i gn f orRos eeBouquet

Soc i a l Medi aPos t s f orRos eeBouquet

Br a ndi ngPr oj ec tf or Books&Br ea kf a s t BooksandBr eakf as ti sasmal lbusi nesst hatsel l s new andal sousedbooksonl i ne. Themai ni deas behi ndt hebr andi st wogoodt hi ngst ost ar ta day:abr eakf astandagoodbook.Thel ogoi sa bookasast ackof“pancake” wi t h but t erand mapl esyr up dr i zzl ed on t op ofi t ,t heper f ect br eakf astf ood.

I l l us t r a t i on f orgener 8. gener 8i saf ashi onbr andt hati sf ocusedon sust ai nabi l i t yandenvi r onment alf r i endl y mat er i al s.Themai ni deabehi ndt hei l l ust r at i oni st hatt her e’ snoot herpl anetl i ke pl anetear t h,and t he ear t hi s our onl y home,andwe’ r eencour agedt ot akeagood car eofi t .

St or yI l l us t r a t i onPr oj ec t f orNobuBur ger NobuBur geri saBur gerJ oi ntRest aur antt hatwant st oi nt r oduceanew menu,aBur gerandI ndomi ecombi nat i ont ot hei rcost umer . Thest or yof t hei l l ust r at i onf ol l ows“Nobu”ast hemai nchar act erandasar esi dent ofNobuPl anetandhi sadvent ur eonfindi nganew t ast eandcombi nat i on ofmenu on “Mi emi emi ePl anet ”.Thi si l l ust r at i on i sapar tofa campai gnr unbyBi gAntSoci alMedi aAgency.

Soc i a l Medi aCont ent f orNobuBur ger NobuBur geri saBur gerRest aur antbasedi n Semar ang,I ndonesi a.Themai nt hemef or t hei rI nst agr am cont enti sf un and vi br ant col ourt hatshowcasest hei rmenut oat t r act cost umer sand t o gai n mor e soci almedi a engagementand exposur e wi t h appeal i ng cont ent .

BoxPa c ka gi ngDes i gnf or Doki Doki Doki -Dokii sacaf el ocat edi nt hecent erof Semar ang Ci t y,I ndonesi a.The concept behi ndt hepackagi ngi saf un st i cker sat t hef r ontoft heco eeboxpackagi ngt o accompanypeopl et hatar ewor ki ngf r om homeandst ayi nghome.

Pa c ka gi ngSt i c k er sDes i gnf or J oe’ sDi ner J oe’ sDi neri sal ocalbusi nesst hatsel l s“amer i can di ner ”f ood onl i ne,based i n Semar ang, I ndonesi a.Thei deabehi ndt hi spackagi ngi sa f unandflexi bl est yl et oappearmor ei nt er est i ngt ot hecost umer ,especi al l yyoungpeopl e whowant st oexper i encenew t ast e.

MenuDes i gn f orBer t eduhKopi Ber t eduh Kopii sa smal lco eeshop l ocat ed i n Semar ang,I ndonesi a. Wi t h mi ni malcol ourpal et t eand si mpl el i near tdr awi ng,t hi smenu gi vesaf un,si mpl e,andr ef r eshi ngvi best ot her eader .

MenuDes i gn f orl l a uk. l l auk.i sanI ndonesi anf oodr est aur antt hatbr i ngst hef ami l i ar i t yofa homecookedmeal ,l ocat edi nSemar ang,I ndonesi a.Thef oodi l l ust r at i oni sf ocusedont hecol our sandt ext ur eoft hef ood.

MenuDes i gn f orl l a uk. l l auk.i sanI ndonesi anf oodr est aur antt hatbr i ngst hef ami l i ar i t yofa homecookedmeal ,l ocat edi nSemar ang,I ndonesi a.Thef oodi l l ust r at i oni sf ocusedont hecol our sandt ext ur eoft hef ood.

MenuDes i gn f orDoki Doki . Doki -Dokii saCaf el ocat edi nt heCent erofSemar angCi t y, I ndonesi a.Wi t h a si mpl e and cut ei l l ust r at i on st yl et hat sui t est hei rt hemeasaJ apaneset hemedcaf e.

Wa l l Ar tDes i gn f orDoki Doki . Doki -Dokii saCaf el ocat edi nt heCent erofSemar angCi t y, I ndonesi a.Wi t h a si mpl e and cut ei l l ust r at i on st yl et hat sui t est hei rt hemeasaJ apaneset hemedcaf e.

MenuDes i gn f orDoki Doki . Doki -Dokii saCaf el ocat edi nt heCent erofSemar angCi t y, I ndonesi a.Wi t h a si mpl e and cut ei l l ust r at i on st yl et hat sui t est hei rt hemeasaJ apaneset hemedcaf e.

Wa l l Ar tDes i gn f orDoki Doki .

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