1 minute read
10 years * £14.99 * Jan 2020 * PB * ISBN: 9781787751774
The Dyslexia, ADHD, and DCD-Friendly Study Skills Guide
Tips and Strategies for Exam Success Ann-Marie McNicholas This practical study skills guide helps young people with dyslexia and specific learning differences (SpLDs) study for exams. The book takes an active learning approach that helps students develop a positive attitude towards study and exams. It also offers strategies for multisensory learners and is full of techniques for learning and remembering.
BESTSELLER 8–14 years * £9.99 * Jul 2019 * PB * 16–18 B&W illustrations * ISBN: 9781785926334 * Rights sold: Turkish
How Can I Remember All That?
Simple Stuff to Improve Your Working Memory Dr. Tracy Packiam Alloway Illustrated by David O’Connell A child-friendly illustrated guide to what working memory is, what it feels like to have problems with your working memory, and what you can do about it. Offering easy to follow tips and strategies, this is the go-to book for kids aged 7+ to read with their parents or teachers, and includes a note for adults on testing for working memory issues.
cover coming soon COMING SOON
7–11 years * £10.99 * Nov 2021 * PB * 20–40 tbc * ISBN: 9781787758919
ADHD, Tics & Me!
A story to explain ADHD and Tourettes Syndrome/Tic disorders Susan Ozer and Inyang Takon
ADHD and Tourettes
13–24 years * £12.99 * Mar 2019 * PB * 20 B&W illustrations * ISBN: 9781785923593 * Rights sold: German
The Tourettes Survival Kit
Tools for Young Adults with Tics Tara Murphy and Damon Millar Illustrated by Hiro Enoki This survival guide for teens with Tourette’s provides the tools you need to survive and thrive at home, school, work and beyond. It includes strategies and behavioural therapy techniques for managing tics and advice on what to do in a range of everyday situations, including preparing for exams, dealing with bullies and going on a first date.
“I love the positive messages from this book, empowering people to feel that they are more than their tics. It sheds light on Tourette Syndrome itself in way that is very accessible to young people. It’s great to have advice and tips for managing tics and other co-occurring conditions written by therapists and the young people and adults with Tourette Syndrome themselves.”