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Big Feelings

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Karen Treisman

Karen Treisman

new edition CoMing soon

The Red Beast


Helping Children on the Autism Spectrum to Cope with Angry Feelings K.I. Al-Ghani

Illustrated by Haitham Al-Ghani

A story book to help autistic and other SEN children depersonalise anger through learned strategies

“A startling original book about anger management ”

The Panicosaurus

Managing Anxiety in Children Including Those with Asperger Syndrome K.I. Al-Ghani

Illustrated by Haitham Al-Ghani

Teach children to defeat the Panicosaurus with the help of Smartosaurus

Oct 2012 | £13.99 | 6–11 yeArs | 56pp | HB | 18 cOlOur illustrAtiOns | rigHts sOld: cHinese (simpliFied) | isBn-9781849053563

– Healthybooks.org.uk

Jul 2022 | £13.99 | 4–9 yeArs | 40pp | HB | cOlOur HAnd drAWn illustrAtiOns tHrOugHOut | isBn-9781839972751

The Red Beast

Controlling Anger in Children with Asperger’s Syndrome K.I. Al-Ghani

Illustrated by Haitham Al-Ghani

The Disappointment Dragon

Learning to cope with disappointment (for all children and dragon tamers, including those with Asperger syndrome) K.I. Al-Ghani

Illustrated by Haitham Al-Ghani

Learning to recognise and tame the red beast!

sep 2008 | £13.99 | 5–9 yeArs | 48pp | HB | 18 cOlOur | rigHts sOld: cHinese (simpliFied), czecH, FrencH, germAn | isBn-9781843109433

Teaching children to deal with disappointment and see things more positively

dec 2013 | £13.99 | 6–13 yeArs | 64pp | HB | 19 cOlOur illustrAtiOns | rigHts sOld: cHinese (simpliFied) | isBn-9781849054324

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