6 minute read

Learning From Autistic Teachers

How to Be a Neurodiversity-Inclusive School

Edited by Dr Rebecca Wood, with Dr Laura Crane, Professor Francesca Happé, Alan Morrison and Dr Ruth Moyse


A collection of first-hand accounts exploring the trials, tribulations and triumphs of being an autistic teacher. A strikingly honest anthology of autistic teachers sharing the challenges and successes of their careers. With topics including identity, inclusion, intersectionality and more, it highlights the strengths of employing a neurodiverse workforce and the ways the needs of autistic teachers can be accommodated.

“This book will be a vital tool not just for teaching staff aiming to understand autistic perspectives, but for increasing the expectation within educational fields for the voices of autistic professionals to be heard, valued and learned from.” Chris Bonnello, autistic advocate, author and specialist education teacher A PR 2022 | £22.99 | 208PP

The Educator’s Experience of Pathological Demand Avoidance

An Illustrated Guide to Pathological Demand Avoidance and Learning

Laura Kerbey

Illustrated by Eliza Fricker

I realised EVERYTHING I was doing was wrong. I needed to learn.

I needed to change.

This short, easy-to-read guide is here to teach you everything you need to know from one educator to another. With an introduction to what PDA is followed by PDA tailored advice on how to connect with your student and create an autonomous, spontaneous environment that is personalised for you both, this guide is here to ensure that you and your PDA student thrive!

“The book is easily digestible and has some fantastic experiences and strategies that I can bring to my practice immediately. Some really thought provoking ideas.” Katie

Braid, Primary School Teacher

A PR 2023 | £13.99 | 128PP | PB | 60 Illu S t RAt I o NS |


Collaborative Approaches to Learning for Pupils with PDA Strategies for Education Professionals

Ruth Fidler and Phil Christie

This book distils expert advice on implementing collaborative approaches to learning for supporting pupils with Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome (PDA) at school. Explaining why this approach is so beneficial, it presents key information, advice and resources to help education professionals best support pupils with PDA, and also school staff.

Se P 2018 | £14.99 | 176PP | PB | 20 B l A ck AND W h I te ch AR t S AND DIA g RA m S | ISBN-9781785920172

A Different Way to Learn Neurodiversity and SelfDirected Education

Naomi Fisher

The first book on self-directed learning for neurodivergent children by author and clinical psychologist

Naomi Fisher and illustrated by Eliza Fricker.

‘A must read for anyone interested in education, psychology or the wonderful diversity of humanity. Highly recommended.’ Kezia Cantwell-Wright, BA Hons, Founder of East Kent Sudbury, Administrator at Sands School

Ju N 2023 | £14.99 | 240PP | PB | B&W | ISBN-9781839973635

Supporting Spectacular Girls

A Practical Guide to Developing Autistic Girls’ Wellbeing and SelfEsteem

Helen Clarke

Foreword by Rebecca Wood o ct 2021 | £18.99 | 288PP | PB | 10 B&W I m A ge S | ISBN-9781787755482

This book provides strategies for teachers and parents to teach life skills to autistic girls aged 11 to 15, and offers ways to support their wellbeing and boost their self-esteem. Includes advice on communication, mental health, selfregulation, transitions and personal safety.

The Homunculi Approach To Social And Emotional Wellbeing

A Flexible CBT Programme For All Young People With A Focus On Autism And Emotional And Behavioural Difficulties

Anne Greig and Tommy MacKay

Illustrated by Rebecca Price

The second edition of The Homunculi Approach brings the beloved world of the homunculi to the classroom. This fun CBT-based activity helps children and young people ages 7-16-years build emotional and social resilience. Includes downloadable resources, templates and videos to put the approach into practice. Se

Championing Your Autistic Teen at Secondary School

Getting the Best from Mainstream Settings

Debby Elley with Gareth D. Morewood

Illustrated by Terry Culkin

Foreword by Peter Vermeulen

A supportive guide to the transition from primary to secondary school for parents of autistic children. Covering topics including choosing a school, building a positive relationship with staff, dealing with anxiety and more, it is an essential tool for supporting your child to thrive.

‘Debby and Gareth radiate an air of optimism, practical common sense and above all a belief that successful inclusion of autistic children can be achieved.’ Peter Vermeulen mAy 2022 | £14.99 | 208PP | PB | 14 B&W c AR too NS |


Can’t Not Won’t

A Story About A Child Who Couldn’t Go To School



Eliza Fricker gets it. Her compelling, hard-hitting and irreverently humorous illustrations follow a family through the early days of school avoidance, the process of accessing support and the challenges of coping in the meantime.

A fully illustrated, empathetic and wry guide to helping and understanding children who are unable to go to school, written by a parent who has been there.

“I cannot imagine any family in this situation, who cannot recognise this painful and often harmful, journey. Beautifully conveyed in so few words. The time for change is now!” Lisa Cherry, Researcher & Consultant in Trauma Informed System Change fe B 2023 | £12.99 | 160PP | PB | ISBN-9781839975202

Forest School and Encouraging Positive Behaviour

Outdoor Education Skills for Pupils with Additional or Complex Needs

David Rylance mAR 2022 | £16.99 | 128PP | PB | ISBN-9781839970788

A unique look at Forest School practices, utilising outdoor skills and activities to help children with behavioural issues. The book explains strategies and approaches for education professionals to use within their particular outdoor setting, to support children’s wellbeing and resilience.

Understanding ADHD in Girls and Women

Edited by Joanne Steer

Foreword by Andrea Bilbow

This book offers honest and clear professional insights into what it really means to have ADHD and provides information about where to go and what to expect. It explains routes to assessment and diagnosis, how ADHD can affect education and how to access support, mental health comorbidities, as well as coaching and treatments.

A PR 2021 | £19.99 | 352PP | PB | x2 P hotog RAP h S ( B & W ) x1 S hutte RS tock I m A ge ( B & W )x1 AR t W o R k I m A ge ( B & W )x18 DIA g RA m S | ISBN-9781787754003

Sensory Solutions in the Classroom

The Teacher’s Guide to Fidgeting, Inattention and Restlessness

Monique Thoonsen and Carmen Lamp

Illustrated by Ruud Bijman

Foreword by Winnie Dunn

Every teacher knows them - the students who are continuously balancing on their chair legs or who prefer to hide in their hoodies all day long. These students are using all kinds of tricks to be able to stay focused, as they are under- or overresponsive to sensory input and trying to restore their balance.

Creating the perfect learning environment for all students - a sensory supportive classroom - this tried and tested guide is an essential tool for teachers (with or without prior knowledge of SPD), to better support and understand their students and their sensory needs.

Nov 2021 | £16.99 | 272PP | PB | 110 B l A ck AND W h I te I llu S t RAt I o NS | ISBN-9781785926976

Sensory Stories to Support Additional Needs Making Narratives Accessible Through the Senses

Joanna Grace

Forewords by Martyn Sibley and Flo Longhorn

Sensory Stories are short stories of a few lines which are brought to life through a selection of meaningful sensory experiences. Packed with easy-to-use sensory stories including digital ‘how to’ guides and lesson plans, this accessible guide will make introducing sensory stories into your classroom, group or home simple.

‘This book explaining the what, how, and most importantly WHY of sensory stories for sensory beginners makes for extremely valuable reading.’ Simon Yates, Headteacher, Chailey Heritage Schoo o ct 2022 | £22.99 | 208PP | PB | ISBN-9781839971471

Success with Sensory Supports

The ultimate guide to using sensory diets, movement breaks, and sensory circuits at school

Kim Griffin

This is the essential guide to using sensory strategies successfully with school children, from occupational therapist, Kim Griffin, who has 20 years of experience supporting sensory needs.

As you make your way through the book, you will be joined by Isla and Noah, two children whose stories will help illustrate how information in the book can be used practically. In addition, the book includes personal anecdotes from Kim, links to further reading, reflective questions and teacher perspectives to show how a teacher might use the information in the classroom. These features will help you easily identify sensory needs and use sensory tools effectively.

‘This sensational book for school staff provides a deeply grounded introduction to sensory processing and self-regulation.’ Susan Allen, Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy, Oxford Brookes University mAR 2023 | £14.99 | 208PP | PB | 80+ S m A ll B&W I m A ge S | ISBN-9781839971914

Sensory and Motor Strategies (3rd edition) Practical Ways to Help Autistic Children and Young People Learn and Achieve

Corinna Laurie

Illustrated by Kirsteen Wright

The fully revised third edition to Corinna Laurie’s Sensory and Motor Strategies, an essential resource for professionals working with children on the autism spectrum. It sets out practical strategies to build independence and develop sensory and motor skills, with additional information on topics including dressing and self-regulation.

Aug 2022 | £19.99 | 144PP | PB | ISBN-9781839972720

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