1 minute read
The Panda on PDA
Important facts about YOU
It would be great to know some facts about you that have nothing to do with your PDA. You may want to start by writing down what you most enjoy doing.
My hobbies are / I really like to:
You may want to write the names of the most important people in your life.
My favourite people are
You may have a pet that is very dear to you.
• My pet is a and my pet’s name is 18
A Children’s Introduction to Pathological Demand Avoidance
Glòria Durà-Vilà
Illustrated by Rebecca Tatternorth
A positive and gentle introduction to PDA for children aged 3+. Panda describes the strengths and challenges of PDA, explaining how he finds it very hard to do what others ask him to do, but can thrive and live a playful, happy life when given the right support.
Jul 2022 | £11.99 | 4–12 ye ARS | 40 PP | h B | fully I llu S t RAte D IN colou R |
Do you have a favourite toy or game that you prefer to the rest of your other toys or games?
• My favourite toy/game is:
How do you like to relax?
I chill out by:
Let’s explore what you are good at.
• I’m good at:
• You may want to ask your parents what makes them proud to be your parent and write it here:
If you want to, you can write or draw any facts about yourself here. You can also add any that we have not included in this book.