2013 blue book

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Commander Buddy Waller

2013 – 2014 1

STATE CONTACT: AMVETS Dept. of NC Elsie Koonts P. O. Box 1360 Welcome, NC 27374-1360 Phone & FAX (336) 731-4359 If Busy – (336) 731-4690 Email – ekoonts@lexcominc.net Website - www.amvetsnc.org

NATIONAL CONTACT: AMVETS National Headquarters 4647 Forbes Blvd. Lanham, MD 20706 Phone (301) 459-9600 1-877-726-8387 FAX (301) 459-7924 Website – www.amvets.org


AMVETS DEPT. OF NORTH CAROLINA 2013 – 2014 YEARBOOK CONTENTS Elected Officers………………………………………………………..…… 4 Appointed Officers…………………………………………………………. 5 National Service Officers……………………………………………...…… 6 Service Foundation…………………………………………………………. 7 Service Foundation Bylaws………………………………..………….…8-13 Past Department Commanders……………………………..…………..14, 15 Ladies Auxiliary Officers………………………………………………16, 17 Ladies Auxiliary Post Directory………………………………………..18, 19 Sons of AMVETS Officers………………………………………………...20 Dept. DEC Meetings and Convention Schedule………………………...…21 Post Directory…………………………………………………………22 - 27 Membership Awards………………………………………………….……28 Committees ………………………………………………………….. 29 - 32 Processing Membership…………………………………...………….. 33, 34 Convention Awards………………………………………………………. 35 Honors & Awards Criteria ……………………………………………..… 36 NC Department Constitution………………………………...………..37 - 43 NC Department Bylaws…...………...………………………...………44 - 63 Revocation, Cancellation or Suspension of Post Charters…………..…64, 65 Suspension or Expulsion of Members………………………….………66, 67 AMVETS Family Song................................................................................68 NOTES…………………………………………………………..…………69


ELECTED OFFICERS 2013-2014 COMMANDER Grover (Buddy) Waller – Post 845 9325 Fisher Road Rockwell, NC 28138 (704) 279-3929 C (704) 400-4434 buddy12045@yahoo.com

JUDGE ADVOCATE & PRO Nancy Shiverdecker – Post 845 131470 Old Beatty Ford Road Rockwell, NC 28138 (704) 267-6410 nancy.shiverdecker@gmail.com

1st VICE COMMANDER Keith Dean – Post 441 31 Zenith Drive Sylva, NC 28779 (828) 586-6170

NEC PDC Mike Rozmaryn – Post 845 1540 Lower Palmer Road Salisbury, NC 28164 H (704) 279-2092 C (704) 213-1326 mwroz@windstream.net

2nd VICE COMMANDER Danny A. Crotts – Post 13 2246 Old Mountain Road Lexington, NC 27292 (336) 798-1924 dannyacrotts1948@windstream.net 3rd VICE COMMANDER Randy Ferguson – Post 320 109 Braeburn Court Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (252) 535-4829 randyleeferguson@embarqmail.com FINANCE OFFICER Laura L. Britton – Post 906 P O Box 10179 Southport, NC 28461 W (910) 457-7097 C (910) 294-1976 financeofficernc@yahoo.com EASTERN DIST. COMMANDER Harold Bonin – Post 635 P O Box 58763 Raleigh, NC 27658 (919) 791-9810 hlbonin@yahoo.com 4

ALTERNATE NEC & SONS LIAISON PDC W. F. (Bill) Clark – Post 906 P. O. Box 10579 Southport, NC 28461 W (910) 457-7097 C (910) 448-1775 parrisisland65@yahoo.com PROVOST MARSHAL Monroe Poplin – Post 845 1765 Liberty Road Gold Hill, NC 28071 (704) 279-7385 jeanjaws@windstream.net WESTERN DIST. COMMANDER A. Roy Curphey, Jr. – Post 920 217 Ruby Lane Gastonia, NC 28054 (704) 864-2876 arthurrjr@bellsouth.net PIEDMONT DIST. COMMANDER Wayne Eury – Post 910 30457-C Tom Road Albemarle, NC 28001 (704) 982-4758 wneury@hotmail.com

APPOINTED OFFICERS 2013-2014 INSPECTOR GENERAL Lacy Shepherd – Post 316 253 Cartledge Creek Road Rockingham, NC 28379 (910) 895-3056 C (910) 206-0758 j.d.shepherd67@gmail.com

DEPUTY JUDGE ADVOCATE LEGISLATIVE DIRECTOR Tom Nichols – Post 201 359 Lake Royale Louisburg, NC 27549 (252) 478-2825 tncbugman@aol.com

ADJUTANT Jennifer Drum – Post 42 1011 Caldwell Circle Shelby, NC 28150 (704) 487-6753 jdcic20@yahoo.com

HISTORIAN DEPUTY PROVOST MARSHAL Woodrow Bowman – Post 13 P O Box 1216 Lexington, NC 27293 (336) 243-2380 woodybowman@lexcominc.net

DEPUTY PROVOST MARSHAL Richard (Dick) Barringer – Post 845 233 Redwood Dr. Mocksville, NC 27028 H (336) 753-1518 C (704) 232-7997 judib44@gmail.com NATIONAL GUARD LIAISON AMVETS RIDERS LIAISON Carl Morgan, Jr. – Post 845 144 Hawksbridge Road Mt. Airy, NC 27030 (336) 786-4461 W-(704) 422-2528 cbmorgan17@triad.rr.com


AUXILIARY LIAISON Anne Capucille – Post 635 5809 Deven Circle Raleigh, NC 27604 (919) 872-1277 SERVICE OFFICER NSO Stephen R. Smith – Post 225 P. O. Box 4066 New River Air Station Jacksonville, NC 28540 (910) 449-5344 smithsr.nso@gmail.com amvetsmcasnr@yahoo.com CHAPLAIN David Hand – Post 845 221 Ferris Ave. Rockwell, NC 28138 (704) 279-8245 ritahand845@yahoo.com

NATIONAL SERVICE OFFICERS R2SD Garry King (336) 251-0822 garry.king@va.gov NSO Russell L. Woodall, Jr. (336) 251-0823 russell.woodall@va.gov NSO David Turner (336) 251-0787 david.turner6@va.gov NSO Helen Perry (336) 251-0779 helen.perry@va.gov AMVETS National Service Officers VA Regional Office 251 North Main Street, Room 414 Winston Salem, NC 27155 FAX (336) 251-0858 (336) 251-0779


NSO Phil Reilly Fort Bragg, NC AMVETS – P. O. Box 25160 Fayetteville, NC 28314 (910) 396-6826 philip.g.reilly@us.army.mil NSO Stephen R. Smith AMVETS – P. O. Box 4066 New River Air Station Jacksonville, NC 28540 (910) 449-5344 smithsr.nso@gmail.com amvetsmcasnr@yahoo.com

SERVICE FOUNDATION PRESIDENT Carl Morgan (3rd of 3) 144 Hawksbridge Road Mt. Airy, NC 27030 (336) 786-4461 cbmorgan17@triad.rr.com

VICE PRESIDENT Mike Reaves (1st of 3) P. O. Box 1323 Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (252) 535-1917 reaves579@centurylink.net

SECRETARY Nancy Shiverdecker (JA) 13470 Old Beatty Ford Road Rockwell, NC 28138 (704) 267-6410 nancy.shiverdecker@gmail.com

TREASURER Keith Hutchins (non-voting) 127 Azalea Road Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (252) 537-0908 hutch127@me.com

Alyce Knaflich (2nd of 3) 825 C Merrimon Ave. Asheville, NC 28804 (912) 484-6316 alleycat2fore@gmailc.om

Mike Rozmaryn (NEC) 1540 Lower Palmer Road Salisbury, NC 28146 (704) 279-2092 mwroz@windstream.net

James Craven (1st of 1/with Option) 4026 Beech Acres Lane Winston Salem, NC 27106 (336) 924-9848 cravenjames@triad.rr.com

Lacy Shepherd (1st of 1) 2532 Cartledge Creek Road Rockingham, NC 28379 (910) 895-3056 j.d.sheherd67@gmail.com

Keith Dean (1st Vice Commander) 31 Zenith Drive Sylva, NC 28779 (828) 586-6170

Buddy Waller (Commander) 9325 Fisher Road Rockwell, NC 28138 (704) 279-3929 C (704) 400-4434 buddy12045@yahoo.com

Ad Hoc Committee PDC Oceanus Lowry PDC Jean Reaves


Bylaws North Carolina AMVETS Service Foundation Article 1 - Name The name of this organization shall be North Carolina AMVETS Service Foundation, herein after referred to as the Foundation. Article 11 – PURPOSE The purpose of the Foundation is to further the programs and services of the AMVETS Department of North Carolina, herein after referred to as the Department, and community programs in North Carolina, including hospital programs, veterans service and rehabilitation programs, and others that operate for the benefit of veterans, their families, and dependents, their widows and orphans. Article III – Members The active membership of the Foundation shall be restricted to the members of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation. Article IV – Board of Trustees Section 1. The Board of Trustees, herein after referred to as the Board, shall consist of nine (9) members, who shall be members in good standing in AMVETS. (a.) Four (4) members shall be the Department Commander, 1 st Vice Commander, Judge Advocate, and National Committeeman elected at the annual Convention. (b.) Five (5) Trustees will be elected from the members of the Department at the Department Convention. There shall be two (2) positions, elected annually, serving for one (1) year each. Trustees elected annually may not serve more than two (2) consecutive years. There shall be a three (2), two (2), and one year position. At each Convention, a new three (3) year trustee shall be elected. The former three year trustee shall have two remaining years on the Board. The former two year trustee shall have one remaining year on the Board. The former one year trustee, having served three years, shall step down from the Board. (c.) At the inception of the Board, in its’ first year of existence only, the two year and one year positions mentioned in 8

paragraph (b) above shall be filled by direct election at the Convention. Section 2. No elected officer of the Department can at the same time be an elected Trustee on the Foundation Board. Appointed Department Officers may be elected as Trustees to the Foundation Board. Section 3. If any vacancy shall occur in the Board by death, resignation, or removal, the Department Executive Committee will elect a member to serve in the vacant position until the next election. Section 4. No member of the Board shall be held personally liable for any loss, damage, penalty, or liability resulting from any action or inaction of the Board. Article V – Officers Section 1. The officers of the Foundation shall consist of a President, VicePresident, Secretary, and Treasurer. All officers will be elected at the annual meeting of the Foundation, by a majority vote of the Board. The President, Vice-President, and Secretary shall be elected from among the members of the Board. The Board may elect any member in good standing of the Department as Treasurer, or may, in accordance with Article VIII, vote to hire or retain an individual to serve as Treasurer. All officers shall serve for a period of one (1) year. Section 2. The President shall be the Executive Officer of the Foundation and shall serve as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. The President shall have no vote on matters before the Board except to break a tie. Section 3. The Vice-President shall assist the President as directed and shall act as the President in case of the President’s absence or incapacity. Section 4. The Secretary shall keep a complete record of the minutes of all meetings of the Board, and perform other such duties as may be incident to the office or directed by the President. Section 5. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the Foundation. All checks disbursing Foundation funds shall be signed by the Treasurer and either the President or the Vice President. The Treasurer shall 9

make a report of the condition of the Treasury at all regular meetings of the Board. The Treasurer shall also perform other such duties as may be incident to the office or directed by the President. Section 6. The Department Finance Officer shall not be eligible to serve as Treasurer of the Foundation. Article VI – Meetings Section 1. The Board of Trustees shall hold its annual meeting every year after the adjournment of the Department Executive Committee that immediately follows the annual Department Convention. The Foundation’s Offices for the ensuing year shall be elected during the Annual Meeting. Section 2. The Board shall meet quarterly during the meeting of the Department Executive Committee. Special meetings of the board may be called by the President, Secretary, or any three members, by providing adequate notification to all members. Section 3. The Board may, by favorable written ballot of a majority of its members, extend its approval of, and thereby adopt, any proposal submitted in writing to all of its members by the President, Secretary, or any three of its members. Section 4. At all meetings of the Board, five (5) members shall constitute a quorum. Section 5. All meeting shall be conducted in accordance with the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised. Section 6. Any of all Board members may be compensated for expenses related to attendance at any meeting, or while performing designated Foundation duties occurring between meetings. Receipts for all compensated expenses must be submitted to the Treasurer. All compensation for expenses in excess of $50.00 must be approved by the Board.


Article VII – Contracts Section 1. The making of contracts for fund raising or other purposes for the Foundation is specifically delegated to the Board of Trustees. Section 2. Such contracts shall be entered into under the name North Carolina AMVETS Service Foundation and shall be signed by the President of the Board and the Trustee serving the final year of a three year term, after having been reviewed and approved by the Board. Article VIII – Duties of the Board of Trustees It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees: 1. To cause to be kept a complete record of all its minutes and accounts. 2. To supervise all officers or agents of the Foundation and require proper performance of their duties. 3. To designate a depository, or depositories, for the funds, securities, and other properties of the Foundation. 4. To make such appropriations to AMVETS Department of North Carolina as may enable it to render needed service to veterans as set forth in the Corporate Charter. 5. To accept or reject such bequests, donations, contributions, or subscriptions that may be made to the Foundation by any individual, company, corporation, agency, or organization. No bequests, donations, contributions, or subscriptions may be accepted from any source that seeks or attempts to influence the policy of the Foundation, the Department, or any subordinate organization. 6. To make such expenditures and enter agreements as necessary to fulfill the purposes of the Foundation. 11

7. To employ or retain such persons, and set reasonable compensation for, as is deemed necessary to fulfill the purposes of the Foundation. 8. To provide for the adequate bonding of any member, officer, or agent handling Foundation funds or authorized to sign Foundation contracts. 9. To obtain such insurance coverage, either general liability and/or Directors/Officers and /or other coverage, as is deemed necessary. Article IX – Restricted Use of Organization The Foundation shall not be used to promote the interest of any person, or group of persons, who is (are) a candidate(s) for public office. Article X – Amendments These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the total membership of the Foundation at the annual meeting of the Foundation. An amendment will become effective at the next regular meeting of the Board following the meeting at which it was adopted. Article XI – Policy Section 1. All activities of the North Carolina AMVETS Service Foundation shall be under the supervision, direction, and control of the Foundation Board of Directors. Section 2. The North Carolina AMVETS Service Foundation, incorporated for all purposes of policy, shall be considered a subsidiary organization of AMVETS Department of North Carolina as referred to in Article XIV of the Department Bylaws. 12

Section 3. The fiscal year of the Foundation shall be from 1 July thru 30 June. Should the current Treasurer not continue in office, the term of the current Treasurer shall run until 15 July, to assist with yearend financial reports and provide a smooth transfer of control to the new Treasurer. Section 4. The Foundation President and Treasurer shall report, at the Convention and each regular meeting of the DEC, the current activities and financial condition of the Foundation.


PAST DEPARTMENT COMMANDERS Charles M. Nichols – Post 13 2008 Bertha Street Winston Salem, NC 27107 (336) 788-6193 Ralph T. Nevils, Jr. – Post 635 7101 Stuart Drive Raleigh, NC 27615 (910) 844-2582 Carrol Gantt – Post 13 9559 Linwood-Southmont Rd. Lexington, NC 27292 (336) 798-1367 Jimmy L. Ely – Post 760 P O Box 833 Welcome, NC 27374 (336) 731-4828 Jackie Poole – Post 845 720 Sides Road Salisbury, NC 28144 Gary C. Humphries – Post 42 P O Box 174 Gastonia, NC 28053 (704) 868-4674 amvflag@bellsouth.net Gerry Pion – Post 910 221 Palmer Street Albemarle, NC 28001 (704) 983-3651 gandkpion@windstream.net


Mike Reaves – Post 101 P O Box 1323 Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (252) 673-6495 reaves579@centurylink.net George W. Smith – Post 460 214 Klondale Street Rockwell, NC 28138 (704) 279-2210 A. Roy Curphey, Jr. - Post 920 217 Ruby Lane Gastonia, NC 28054 (704) 864-2876 arthurrjr@bellsouth.net Jean Reaves – Post 101 P O Box 1323 Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (336) 404-1022 reaves579@centurylink.net Robert F. Fulmer – Post 13 121 Creekwood Road Advance, NC 27006 (336) 998-2698 rff262@gmail.com Tom E. Nichols – Post 201 359 Lake Royale Louisburg, NC 27549 (252) 478-2825 tncbugman@aol.com

Mike Rozmaryn – Post 845 1540 Lower Palmer Road Salisbury, NC 28146 (704) 279-2092 mwroz@windstream.net Bill Pulliam – Post 320 83 Cottonwood Road Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (252) 537-5030 pbp1015@gmail.com Ed O’Neal – Post 316 P O Box 125 Hamlet, NC 28345 (910) 582-5825 eoneal002@carolina.rr.com W. F. (Bill) Clark – Post 906 P O Box 10579 Southport, NC 28461 (910) 457-7097 (910) 448-1775 parrisisland65@yahoo.com John R. MacDonald – Post 227 20770 Hwy 64 East Williamston, NC 27892 (252) 792-3849 (252) 217-8048 jrmpost227@yahoo.com Carl B. Morgan, Jr. – Post 845 144 Hawksbridge Road Mount Airy, NC 27030 (336) 786-4461 (704) 422-2528 cbmorgan17@triad.rr.com 15

Oceanus Lowry – Post 317 235 Pinelake Park Road Pembroke, NC 28372 (910) 521-9317 (910) 734-0047 olowry1@nc.rr.com Lacy L. Shepherd – Post 316 253 Cartledge Creek Road Rockingham, NC 28379 (910) 895-3056 C (910) 206-0758 j.d.shepherd67@gmail.com David Beam – Post 320 P O Box 398 Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (252) 676-0691 davidbeam61@yahoo.com

LADIES AUXILIARY OFFICERS 2013-2014 President Mary J. O’Neal VAVS Fayetteville Rep P O Box 2082 Rockingham, NC 28380 (910) 582-5825 emo4343@yahoo.com st

1 Vice President Judi Bullabough 233 Redwood Drive Mocksville, NC 27038 (336) 753-1518 judib44@gmail.com nd

2 Vice President Pat Pulliam 83 Cottonwood Road Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (252) 532-6786 pbp101@yahoo.com 3rd Vice President Eva Craver 2480 Swicegood Road Linwood, NC 27299 (336) 853-7777 Treasurer Margaret Earl Crotts P. O. Box 369 Linwood, NC 27299 (336) 956-4410 mcrotts@triad.rr.com

Chaplain Joann Shepherd 253 Cartledge Creek Road Rockingham, NC 28379 (910) 895-3056 j.d.shepherd@gmail.com Americanism Cora D. Brigman 1016 Franklin Street Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (252) 673-1613 donna181947@yahoo.com Scholarship Alice Honeycutt 14 Estate Drive Lexington, NC 27295 (336) 224-6847 ahoneycutt18@yahoo.com Parliamentarian Nada Curphey 217 Ruby Lane Gastonia, NC 28054 (704) 868-2061 ncurphey65@gmail.com Hospital Marty Harris 196 Neal Creek Road Blacksburg, SC 29702 (864) 839-4501

NEC Joyce Bevan 4582 Old Salisbury Road Lexington, NC 27295 (336) 956-6839 lstarnes2@triad.rr.com

Secretary Linda Bonin VAVS Durham Dep. P O Box 58763 Raleigh, NC 27616 (919) 872-5800 ldbonin@gmail.com

Alternate NEC Margie Rabb 107 Oxford Circle Shelby, NC 28152 (704) 487-6118 mbrabbnc@yahoo.com

PRO/Historian Ann Rozmaryn 1540 Lower Palmer Road Salisbury, NC 28146 (704) 279-2092 cherny@windstream.net


Sgt-at-Arms Carolyn Waller 9325 Fisher Road Rockwell, NC 28138 (704) 279-3929 C (704) 787-1155 buddy12045@yahoo.com

Ways & Means Carol Paschal 142 West Academy Street Asheboro, NC 27203 (336) 267-5342 cpaschal05@yahoo.com

Alt. Ways & Means Bonnie Scott 325 South Plum Street Pine Bluff, NC 28737 (910) 354-6369 bags2533@hotmail.com

VAVS Durham Rep. Sylvia Rowland 3721 Rolston Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 803-8286 sylvia1042@gmail.com

Liaison Officer Rita Hand 221 Ferris Avenue Rockwell, NC 28138 (704) 279-8245 ritahand845@yahoo.com

Color Guard Marcia Fenwick 320 Americamps Drive Bracey, VA 23919 (434) 636-2199

Color Guard Jean Dennis 1803 River Road Troy, NC 27371 (910) 572-3426 rockett1947@yahoo.com

AMVETS Liaison Officer Anne Capucille 5809 Devon Circle Raleigh, NC 27604 (919) 872-1277

DATES FOR AUXILIARIES TO REMEMBER: November 1st is the deadline to get service reports to committee chairs. This is for the first 6 months. Second 6 months, with the 12 month total cover sheet - service reports are due May 1st. These reports go to committee chairs, which in turn record and verify information and then forward to NEC. NATIONAL CONTACT Website – www.amvetsaux.org


Ladies Auxiliary Directory Auxiliary 13 Lexington President & Contact Eva Craver 2480 Swicegood Road Linwood, NC 27299 (336) 853-7777 Auxiliary 101 Halifax County President & Contact Marcia Fenwick 320 Americamps Dr. Bacey, VA 23919 (434) 636-2199 Auxiliary 316 Rockingham President & Contact Mary J. O’Neal P. O. Box 2082 Rockingham, NC 28380 (910) 995-5004 emo4343@yahoo.com 5342 Auxiliary 320 Roanoke Rapids President & Contact Pat Pulliam 83 Cottonwood Road Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (252) 532-6786 pbp101@yahoo.com Auxiliary 635 Raleigh President & Contact Delorse Nichols 1712 Horton Road Knightdale, NC 27545 (919) 266-7748 rbobd886@aol.com


Auxiliary 777 Winston Salem President & Contact Barbara Quigley 709 Walnut Street Winston Salem, NC 27101 (336) 978-8182 tigerlily5123@yahoo.com Auxiliary 845 Rockwell President & Contact Rita Hand 221 Ferris Avenue Rockwell, NC 28138 (704) 279-8245 ritahand845@yahoo.com Auxiliary 905 Asheboro President & Contact Carol Paschal 142 West Academy Street Asheboro, NC 27205 (336) 625-9828 or (336) 267cpaschal05@yahoo.com Auxiliary 906 Boiling Spring Lakes President & Contact Patricia A. Walters 1481 Long Leaf Road Boiling Spring Lakes, NC 28461 (910) 845-3498 jpwalters@atmc.net Auxiliary 910 Albemarle President Romma “Jean” Dennis 1803 River Road Troy, NC 27371 (910) 572-3426 rockett1947@yahoo.com Contact Kathleen Pion 221 Palmer Street Albemarle, NC 28001

(704) 983-3651 gandkpion@windstream.net Auxiliary 920 Gastonia President & Contact Nada Curphey 217 Ruby Lane Gastonia, NC 28054 (704) 868-2061 ncurphey65@yahoo.com


SONS OF AMVETS OFFICERS 2013-2014 Commander David Ward 105 J Shorelake Drive Greensboro, NC 27455 (336) 736-0671

1st Vice Commander Darrell Bolick 845 Thompson Road Salisbury, NC 28147 (704) 232-4117

2nd Vice Commander Lloyd Hunt 5691 Picketts Hill Rd. Seagrove, NC 27345 (36) 953-3841

3rd Vice Commander Kenneth Moon 14 Estate Dr. Lexington, NC 27295 (336) 225-4367

Adjutant Gene Rabb 107 Oxford Court Shelby, NC 28125 (704) 487-6118 C (704) 300-3902 generabb@yahoo.com

Finance Officer Rodney Owens 5271 Reeder Road Asheboro, NC 27205 (336) 302-4674

Judge Advocate Keith Lucas 214 S. Main St. Faith, NC 28041 (704) 232-0721

Provost Marshal Gerald King 305 Confederate St. Lexington, NC 27295 (336) 243-1391


2013 – 2014 AMVETS DEPT. OF NC DEC MEETINGS AND STATE CONVENTION FALL DEC MEETING October 4, 5, 6, 2013 Ramada Inn (Formerly Holiday Inn) 1215 Garner Bagnal Blvd., 49-A off 77 Statesville, NC (704) 818-3327 Rates $68.00 + tax

WINTER DEC MEETING January 10, 11, 12, 2014 Village Inn Event Center 6205 Ramada Drive (I-40 Exit 184) Clemmons, NC (336) 766-9121 Rates $74.00 + tax Cut-off date 12/09/13


2014 STATE CONVENTION June 6, 7, 8, 2014 Sheraton – Four Seasons $105.00 + tax 3121 High Point Road Greensboro, NC 27407 1-800-242-6556

2014 NATIONAL CONVENTION August 9-16, 2014 Memphis Mariott Downtown 888-557-8740 200 N. Main St., Memphis, TN 38103 $119.00 – Parking $10.00 per night Cut-off date 7/20/14 21




13-Lexington AMVETS Post 13 P. O. Box 234 Lexington, NC 27293 (336) 956-7773

Dan Brewer P O Box 234 Lexington, NC 27293

423 Marco Blvd. 2nd Wed. Dues - $20.00

18-Spring Lake Charles L. Miller Scott Logan 2604 E. Brinkley Dr. 289 Rock Harbor Lane Spring Lake, NC 28390 Spring Lake, NC 28390 (910) 497-2829 (910) 236-3317 TRICUA326@aol.com s.loganvfw9103@gmail.com 42-Shelby Jon Lee P O Box 1462 Shelby, NC 28151 (704) 923-6593 43-Roxboro Wilbur Dunevant 3686 Cunningham Rd. Semora, NC 27343 (336) 234-7243 101-Halifax County AMVETS Post 101 P O Box 1760 Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (252) 673-6495 reaves579@centurylink.net 103 Windsor AMVETS Post 103 414 NC Hwy 305 Windsor, NC 27983 (910) 583-7309 amvets103@gmail.com 22

14258 Hwy 210 S. (910) 497-2218 3rd Wed. 7:00 pm Dues - $25.00

Randy Robbins 2200 China Ave. Shelby, NC 28150 (704) 300-1082

925 E Dixon Blvd. (704) 923-6593 4th Mon. 6:30 pm Dues - $25.00

Same FAX (336) 234-0155 dunevantw@peoplepc.com

Elks Lodge #2005 408 Leasburg Rd 2nd Wed. 7:00 pm Dues - $30.00

Roger Fenwick P O Box 1760 Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (434) 917-3175 rfen@buggs.net

1710 W. Tenth St. 1st Thurs. Dues - $25.00

Oscar K. Jones P O Box 729 Aulander, NC 27805 (252) 287-8563 joneso66@yahoo.com

414 NC Hwy 305 (910) 583-7309 1st Tues. 6:00 Dues - $30.00




201-Franklin County Tom Wall 3 Lake Royale Louisburg, NC 27549 H-(252) 478-6688 W-(252) 883-8887 tiwall6@yahoo.com

Scott Benton 101 Deer Cross Dr. Louisburg, NC 27549 (252) 478-3024 bentonscott_37@yahoo.com

100 Cheyenne Drive Louisburg 3rd Thurs. 7:00 pm Dues - $25.00 FAX (252) 478-5569

William Green 143 Ready Lane Beulaville, NC 28518 (910) 539-8137 william.w.green@usmc.mil

815 New Bridge St. Jacksonville 3rd Mon. 6:00 pm Dues - $25.00

*225-Jacksonville AMVETS Post 225 P. O. Box 1639 Jacksonville, NC 28541 (910) 265-8683 joebear52me@yahoo.com

227-Williamston AMVETS Post 227 Franklin Scott, Jr. P. O. Box 887 900 West Church St. Williamston, NC 27892 Williamston, NC 27892 (252) 792-7816 (252) 217-9894 wayn.bray@nccommerce.com fgscottjr@gmail.com *240-Denton Donald Hunt 592 Farmer Road Denton, NC 27239 (336) 859-9167 316-Rockingham Post 316 Commander P. O. Box 774 Rockingham, NC 28380 g929@etinternet.net *317 Pembroke AMVETS Post 317 P O Box 66 Pembroke, NC 28372 giacobs@lumbeetribe.com FAX (910) 521-7778


214 E. Main St. Williamston 2nd & 4th Tues. Dues - $25.00


1350 Old Hwy 109 (336) 859-2357 1st Tues. 7:00 pm Dues - $25.00

John Daniel 501 E. Broad Street Rockingham, NC 28379 (910) 895-1929

E Rockingham Fire Dept 487 Airport Rd Last Tues. 6:30 pm Dues - $25.00

Ronald Brooks P O Box 1932 Pembroke, NC 28372 W (910) 522-2210 H (910) 522-1011

707 Union Chapel Rd. Every Other Thurs. 7:00 p.m. Dues $30.00



320-Roanoke Rapids Randy Ferguson P O. Box 838 Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (252) 532-0294 amvetspost320@gmail.com

Same 109 Braeburn Circle Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (252) 535-4829

333-Swannanoa Billy Hensley 19 Barger Road Asheville, NC 28803 (828) 778-5499 itsgypsy@charter.net

Same C (828) 778-0499

MEETING PLACE DATE & DUES 801 Charlotte St. 2nd Mon. 6:00 pm Dues - $20.00

101 Carver Ave. Black Mountain Last Tues. 6:00 pm Dues - $25.00 leah.minton@gmail.com

441-Jackson County C. B. (Tommy) Thompson P. O. Box 303 Cullowhee, NC 28723 (828) 586-6229 ttommy62@yahoo.com

Keith Dean 31 Zenith Drive Sylva, NC 28779 (828) 586-6170

Bojangle’s E. Main St. Sylva 3rd Wed. 9:00 am Dues $25.00

460-Salisbury AMVETS Post 460 285 Lakeside Drive Salisbury, NC 28146 (704) 633-5018

James Bean 3355 Long Ferry Road Salisbury, NC 28146 (704) 737-4316

285 Lakeside Dr. 3rd Wed. 6:00 p.m. Dues - $25.00

500-Statesville Larry Propst 720 Meacham Rd. Statesville, NC 28677 (704) 878-6025

Larry Propst 3845 Grange Rd. Maiden, NC 28650

720 Meacham Rd. Statesville 2nd Wed. 7:00 pm Dues - $25.00

565-Salisbury AMVETS Post 565 P O Box 953 Salisbury, NC 28145 (704) 279-7427

William (Bill) Craddock 551 Maple Ridge Circle Salisbury, NC 28147 (704) 754-0414 (704) 855-7323 william@yahoo.com

1400 N. Main St. China Grove 4th Tues. 6:00 p.m. Dues - $25.00





635-Raleigh Harold L. Bonin P O Box 58763 Raleigh, NC 27658

Same W-(919) 791-9810 hlbonin@yahoo.com

3001 Gresham Rd. 3rd Wed. 7:30 pm Dues - $25.00

760-Welcome P O Box 1042 Welcome, NC 27374 (336) 731-6849

Jimmy Ely P O Box 833 Welcome, NC 27374 (336) 731-4828

Old Hwy 52 (336) 731-6849 1st Mon. 7:00 pm Dues - $22.00

777-Winston Salem Rick Cook 838 East Sprague St 838 East Sprague St. Winston Salem, NC 27107 Winston Salem, NC 27107 (336) 785-9951 (336) 618-0733 amvetspost777@yahoo.com 820-Mooresville Gene Moore 2714 Charlotte Hwy Mooresville, NC 28117 (704) 677-4449

Larry Cooke 2714 Charlotte Hwy. Mooresville, NC 28117 (704) 658-9725

845-Rockwell David R. Hand Nancy Shiverdecker 221 Ferris Ave. P O Box 986 Rockwell, NC 28138 Rockwell, NC 28138 (704) 279-8245 (704) 267-6410 C (704) 232-0021 nancy.shiverdecker@gmail.com davidhand89@yahoo.com 905-Asheboro David Walker AMVETS Post 905 142 W. Academy St. Asheboro, NC 27203 (336) 626-0615 pus4pup4@yahoo.com


David Wilburn 2381 Glade Road Asheboro, NC 27205

838 E. Sprague St. Last Tues. 7:00 pm Dues - $25.00

2714 Charlotte Hwy. 3rd Wed. 7:30 pm Dues - $25.00 427 Link Street (704) 279-6812 2nd Wed. Dues – 32.00

142 W. Academy St. (336) 625-9828 4th Thurs. 7:30 pm Dues - $25.00




906-Boiling Spring Lakes Michael Profancik Laura Britton 152 Mill Creek Road P O Box 10179 Bolivia, NC 28422 Southport, NC 28461 maprofancik@yahoo.com (910) 523-0542 financeofficernc@yahoo.com

3059 George II Hwy 1st Mon. 7:00 p.m. Dues - $30.00

910-Albemarle Wayne Eury P. O. Box 2261 Albemarle, NC 28002 wneury@hotmail.com

29856 Bobcat Rd. (704) 983-5921 1st Tues. 7:00 pm Dues - $30.00 (704) 982-4758

920-Gastonia Arthur R. Curphey, Jr. P O Box 174 Gastonia, NC 28053 (704) 868-2061 ncurphey65@gmail.com

Wayne Eury 30457-C Tom Road Albemarle, NC 28001

Same 217 Ruby Lane Gastonia, NC 28054 H (704) 868-2061 C (704) 830-4198

1111-Kinston Victor Kosinski Same 1407 West Road Kinston, NC 28501 C- (252) 268-4676 W-(252) 526-4435 H-(252) 523-3430 victor.kosinski@nccommerce.com Members At Large AMVETS Dept. of NC Elsie Koonts, Secretary PO Box 1360 Welcome, NC 27374-1360 Phone & FAX (336) 731-4359 ekoonts@lexcominc.net Dues $20.00


4025 W. Franklin Blvd. (704) 868-4674 3rd Mon. Dues - $25.00

2001 Dobbs Farm Rd. Kinston 1st Tues.6:00 pm Dues - $25.00


Post 18 Spring Lake Post 43 Roxboro Post 101 Halifax County Post 103 Windsor Post 201 Franklin County Post 225 Jacksonville PIEDMONT DISTRICT –

Post 13 Lexington Post 240 Denton Post 316 Rockingham Post 460 Salisbury Post 565 Salisbury WESTERN DISTRICT –

Post 42 Shelby Post 333 Swannanoa Valley Post 441 Jackson County *Last Year’s information 27

Commander Harold Bonin P O Box 58763 Raleigh, NC 27658 (919) 791-9810 hlbonin@yahoo.com Post 227 Williamston Post 317 Pembroke Post 320 Roanoke Rapids Post 635 Raleigh Post 906 Boiling Spring Lakes Post 1111 Kinston Commander Wayne Eury 30457-C Tom Road Albemarle, NC 28001 (704) 982-4758 wneury@hotmail.com Post 760 Welcome Post 777 Winston Salem Post 845 Rockwell Post 905 Asheboro Post 910 Albemarle Commander Arthur R. Curphey, Jr. 217 Ruby Lane Gastonia, NC 28054 (704) 868-2061 C (704) 830-4198 ncurphey65@gmail.com Post 500 Statesville Post 820 Mooresville Post 920 Gastonia

NORTH CAROLINA AMVETS 2013-2014 MEMBERSHIP AWARDS POST CLASSES: A – 250 or More Members B – 151 to 249 Members C – 100 to 150 Members D – 51 to 99 Members E – 10 to 50 Members The Post with the greatest percent increase in their class will receive a trophy and $100.00 at the awards banquet June 2014. Calculations will be based on membership as of August 31, 2013 and ending May 1, 2014. DISTRICT COMMANDERS AWARDS: The District Commander with the largest number of new Post Charters submitted between August 31, 2013 and May 1, 2014 will receive a trophy and $100.00 at the awards banquet June 2014. *RECRUITER AWARD: Each of the three District Commanders will submit the name of one AMVET from their District that promoted AMVETS through membership activities. These three AMVETS will each receive a plaque and $100.00 at the awards banquet June 2014. **TOP RECRUITER AWARD: The top individual recruiter of new members will receive $100.00. Department Commander’s Service Awards will be presented to the Post and Post 1 st Vice Commander achieving 100% membership by December 31, 2013. *District Commanders submit names by May 1st – this is separate from the Honors and Awards Nominee. **Post Commanders or Adjutants submit the name of the individual in your post that has recruited the most new members for 2014 with a list of the members by May 1st.


COMMITTEES 2013-2014 Commander and Judge Advocate are on all committees (ex-officio) except the Honors and Awards Committee CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE Jennifer Drum, Chairperson 1011 Caldwell Circle Shelby, NC 28150 (704) 487-6753 jdic20@yahoo.com

Woody Bowman

CONSTITUTION & BYLAWS COMMITTEE Gerry Pion, Chairman Keith Dean 221 Palmer Street David Hand Albemarle, NC 28001 Jennifer Drum (704) 983-3651 Jean Reaves gandkpion@windstream.net RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE Bill Clark, Chairman P O Box 10579 Southport, NC 28461 (910) 457-7097 (910) 448-1775 parrisisland65@yahoo.com

Monroe Poplin David Walker David Hand Randy Ferguson Bruce Bartlett

BROTHERHOOD, HEALTH AND WELFARE COMMITTEE David Hand., Chairman Co-Chairman, Stephen R. Smith 221 Ferris Ave. Bruce Bartlett Rockwell, NC 28138 All Post Chaplains (704) 279-8245 ritahand845@yahoo.com PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Nancy Shiverdecker, Chairperson 13470 Old Beatty Ford Rd Rockwell, NC 28138 (704) 267-6410 nancy.shiverdecker@gmail.com LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Tom Nichols, Chairman 359 Lake Royale Louisburg, NC 27549 (252) 478-2825 tncbugman@aol.com


All Post Representatives All District Commanders

Joann Myers Victor Kosinski All Post Legislative Directors

FINANCE COMMITTEE Laura L. Britton, Chairperson P. O. Box 10179 Southport, NC 28461 W-(910) 457-7097 C (910) 294-1976 financeofficernc@yahoo.com

Nancy Shiverdecker, Judge Advocate Bill Clark, Elected Tom Nichols, Elected Buddy Waller, Commander Jean Reaves, Past Finance Officer Victor Kosinski, Elected

MEMBERSHIP & POST ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE Keith Dean, Chairman All Post Commanders 31 Zenith Drive All Post 1st Vice Commanders Sylva, NC 28779 All District Commander (828) 586-6170 COMMUNITY SERVICE & ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE JoAnn Myers, Chairperson Harold Bonin 805 Newsome Rd., Apt. 702 Wayne Eury Salisbury, NC 28146 Roy Curphey (704) 213-4805 Randy Ferguson jodi1932@hotmail.com VAVS COMMITTEE Alyce Knaflich, Chairperson 825 C Merrimon Ave. Asheville, NC 28804 (912) 484-6316 alleycat2fore@gmail.com ROTC COMMITTEE Dean Moore, Chairman 1715 Safrit Raod Salisbury, NC 28146 (704) 857-4473 mdeanbon@aol.com

Charlie Miller Darlene Minton Oceanus Lowry Harold Andrews Tom Nichols Randy Ferguson Jim Beam Wayne Eury Harold Bonin Roy Curphey Randy Ferguson

AMERICANISM COMMITTEE Tom Nichols, Chairman 359 Lake Royale Louisburg, NC 27549 (252) 478-2825 tncbugman@aol.com Danny Crotts

All Post Americanism Chairmen Jerry Wolf Anne Capucille Kathy Pion Bruce Bartlett Gerry Pion

VA SERVICE Steve Smith, Chairman P. O. Box 4066 New River Air Station Jacksonville, NC 28540 (910) 449-5344 smithsr.nso@gmail.com

Phil Reilly Garry King Russell Woodall Dave Turner Helen Perry Danny Crotts


VETERANS EMPLOYMENT & CIVIL SERVICE COMMITTEE Victor Kosinski, Chairman Jennifer Drum 1407 West Road Roy Curphey Kinston, NC 28501 Mike Reaves (252) 526-4435 Danny Crotts victor.kosinski@nccommerce.com GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE Bill Clark, Chairman P. O. Box 10579 Southport, NC 28461 W (910) 457-7097 C (910) 448-1775 FAX (910) 457-5083 parrisisland65@yahoo.com CONVENTION COMMITTEE Nancy Shiverdecker, Chairperson 13470 Old Beatty Ford Road Rockwell, NC 28138 (704) 267-6410 nancy.shiverdecker@gmial.com HONORS & AWARDS COMMITTEE David Beam, Chairman P O Box 398 Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (252) 676-0691 davidbeam61@yahoo.com POW/MIA COMMITTEE Kenny Wallace, Chairman P O Box 1572 Robersonville, NC 27871 kww8892@embarqmail.com HISTORIAN COMMITTEE Woody Bowman, Chairman PO Box 1246 Lexington, NC 27293 (336) 243-2380 woodybowman@lexcominc.net WOMEN VETERANS COMMITTEE Jennifer C. Drum, Chairperson 1011 Caldwell Circle Shelby, NC 28150 (704) 487-6753 jdcic20@yahoo.com


Bruce Bartlett David Walker Randy Ferguson David Hand

Laura Britton Jennifer Drum Alyce Knaflich Mike Rozmaryn Jean Reaves Mary O’Neal All Past Department Commanders

Tom Nichols Laura L. Britton Kathy Pion Gerry Pion

Jennifer Drum All Post Historiams Keith Dean

Anne Capucille Laura L. Britton Kathy Pion Jean Reaves Alyce Knaflich

JoAnn Myers Nina Hutchins Nancy Shiverdecker Judy Blackman

POST DEVELOPMENT & MENTORING COMMITTEE Bill Clark, Chairman Charles Claybourn PMB 10579 Laura Britton Southport, NC 28461 Keith Dean W (910) 457-7097 Franklin Scott, Jr. C (910) 448-1775 FAX (910) 457-5083 parrisisland65@yahoo.com


IMPORTANT – “CHANGES” PROCESSING MEMBERSHIP ALL MEMBERSHIP PROCESSED AFTER SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 WILL BE FOR 2014 MEMBERSHIP UNLESS THE MEMBER HAS NOT PAID THE PREVIOUS YEAR AND WISHES TO CONTINUE MEMBERSHIP AS A RENEWAL. NEW MEMBERS: From the membership application, complete a new membership card filling in all the blanks. The expiration date will be 12/31/2014. Get the new card to the member as soon as possible. RENEWED MEMBERS: When you receive the dues for renewed members, find the renewal card and get it to the member as soon as possible. IF YOU DON’T HAVE A RENEWAL CARD (due to some mistake or the membership was turned in later in the year), fill in a new membership card and under Member Type check the box – Renewal. A member CANNOT renew unless they have paid the dues for the previous year!! If the dues were not paid for 2013, the member will have to go in as a new member. Send one copy (either National or Department) of the Renewal Card or the New Membership Card to: AMVETS Dept. of NC, P O Box 1360, Welcome, NC 273741360 along with a check made payable to AMVETS Dept. of NC for $20.00 for each member. – National $13.00 and State $7.00. Send one check with both amounts included for each member! Send me the National copy of the new card and make sure it can be read. Since this is the only thing I will receive with the member’s information, fill in all the blanks and make sure it is legible (typed or printed). LIFE MEMBERSHIP: From the Application or, if a current member decides to join as a Life Member, fill out a Life Membership Transmittal Form. Send it to AMVETS Dept. of NC along with one check for $187.50 for each member. Life membership is $250.00. If the member has already paid his/her 2014 annual dues, you may deduct the $20.00 annual fee and if the Life Membership is turned in before September 1, 2014. National will issue the Life Membership Card. AFTER SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 AN ANNUAL MEMBER CHANGING TO LIFE MEMBERSHIP WILL HAVE TO PAY THE FULL AMOUNT UNLESS THE DUES HAVE BEEN PAID FOR 2014. Use forms for Life Memberships, Member Transfers and Deceased Members. Send all forms to the Department address listed above. Copies of the Transfer Forms are needed to keep up with each Post Membership and the Memorial Service Deceased List is completed from all the Deceased Forms sent to the Department office. 33

If you need any Membership Cards or Forms, contact me at: AMVETS Dept. of NC, P O Box 1360, Welcome, NC 27374-1360: Phone & FAX (336) 731-4359 email ekoonts@lexcominc.net or you may print the Forms from the National website www@amvets.org I will have copies of these forms, new membership cards and applications at each DEC Meeting and at the State Convention. If you can pick them up at that time, it will save postage! Dues Remittance Forms are not necessary since dues will be paid and entered on line. A copy of the membership card is all that is needed. If you pay your post dues on line – send me a copy of the receipt National sends you. You can send this to me by email or copy and send it to me at the address listed above. I need this to complete the Membership Report and this will determine the Membership Awards at the State Convention. Life membership dues, effective January 1, 2012, shall be not less than $250.00, nonrefundable and payable to the post, of which 50 percent shall be for National Headquarters and 25 percent shall be for the State Department.


STATE CONVENTION AWARDS HONORS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE – Past Dept. Commanders Post Commanders Award District Commanders Award Distinguished Service Award Battleship Award: Nominations submitted from the body and/or PDC’s AMVET of the Year Award: Nominations submitted from the body and/or PDC’s ALL SUBMITTALS FOR AFOREMENTIONED AWARDS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE HONORS/AWARDS COMMITTEE CHAIR, NO LATER THAN THE CLOSE OF THE SPRING DEC MEETING. COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD The Community Service Award will be determined by the Committee Chair. The following requirements: 1. 100% Post Membership by May 1, 2014 2. Three (3) separate Community Service Reports before May 1, 2014 - These reports can be made on line at AMVETS National website www.amvets.org FEMALE RECRUITING AWARD A $100.00 Award will be presented to the Post that recruits the most new Female Veterans between March 1st and April 30th, 2014.


HONORS & AWARDS CRITERIA The Honors & Awards Committee will consist of all the Past Department Commanders. No members of the committee may participate in the judgment of an award application that originates from his/her post or concerns a member of his/her post. If any member, in good standing, wants to recommend anyone for an award, they must submit their recommendation to their Post Commander or District Commander, who, in turn, will submit to the committee chair.

AMVET OF THE YEAR 1. Member in good standing of the Dept. of NC 2. A member who supports the aims and purposes of AMVTS and The Veterans Commission. 3. Consideration for this award will be based on the following: a. Membership b. Community Service c. Hospital Service d. Veterans Service e. Activities of Post & State that promote AMVETS

U.S.S. NORTH CAROLINA BATTLESHIP AWARD 1. Nominee shall be a resident of North Carolina 2. Consideration for this award will be based on the nominee’s outstanding work in the following areas. a. VAVS, both local and state b. AMVETS Programs c. Leadership d. Service to Veterans and families e. Improvement of our community and state

POST AND DISTRICT AWARDS 1. Each Post Commander shall send the name of one AMVET, in good standing, from their Post. 2. Each District Commander shall send the name of one AMVET, in good standing, from their district. 3. Nominees shall be forwarded to the Chairman, Honors & Awards Committee.


AMVETS DEPARTMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS INDEX CONSTITUTION (In accordance with Article IX, Section 10 of the National Constitution) Page PREAMBLE …………………………………………………………………...….…….38 NAME …………………………………………………………………………...…...….38 AIMS ……………………………………………………………………………...…….38 SECTIONS 1 THRU 19 …………………...…………………………………….….39 -43

BYLAWS ARTICLE I – ORGANIZATION AND DUTY…………………………………...……44 ARTICLE II – DEPARTMENT CONVENTION…………………………...…………..45 ARTICLE III – OFFICERS………………………………………...…………..………..46 ARTICLE IV – DUTIES OF OFFICERS………………..……………………….….….48 ARTICLE V – DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE…….……………….…..51 ARTICLE VI – LOCAL POSTS…………………………………………………….…. 54 ARTICLE VII – FINANCES…………………………………………..……………….. 56 ARTICLE VIII – DISCIPLINE OF POST AND POST MEMBERS …………………. 57 ARTICLE IX – LADIES AUXILIARY ……………………………………………….. 58 ARTICLE X – SAD SACKS ………………………………………...………………… 58 ARTICLE XI – JUNIOR AMVETS …………………………………………………… 58 ARTICLE XII – SONS OF AMVETS …………………………………………..…….. 59 ARTICLE XIII – AMVETS RIDERS ………………………………………...……….. 59 ARTICLE XIV – SERVICE FOUNDATION …………………………………….…… 59 ARTICLE XV – COUNCIL OF PAST DEPARTMENT COMMANDERS ………….. 59 ARTICLE XVI – CHARTERS ………………………………………………………… 59 ARTICLE XVII – MONIES AND COLLECTIONS …………………………….……. 60 ARTICLE XVIII – DEFINITIONS ………………………………………...………….. 62 ARTICLE XIX – RESTRICTED USE OF ORGANIZATION …………………….…. 62 ARTICLE XX – MEETINGS ………………………………………………………..… 62 ARTICLE XXI – POLICY …………………………………………………………….. 62 ARTICLE XXII – AMENDMENTS ……………...………………………………….... 63 Appendix A: Revocation, Cancellation or Suspension of Post Charters ……………… 64 Appendix B: Suspension or Expulsion of Members ………………………………….. .66


AMVETS DEPARTMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS CONSTITUTION AS AMENDED JUNE 9, 2013, BY THE AMVETS DEPARTMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA CONVENTION. PREAMBLE We, the American Veterans who have served or are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during and since World War II, fully realizing our responsibility to our community, to our State, and to our Nation, associate ourselves for the following purposes: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, to safeguard the principles of freedom, liberty, justice for all, to promote the cause of peace and good will among nations, to maintain inviolate the freedom of our country; to preserve the fundamentals of democracy; to perpetuate the friendship and association of these Veterans; and to dedicate ourselves to the cause of mutual assistance, this by the grace of God. NAME The name of this organization shall be AMVETS (American Veterans), and it shall be hereinafter referred to as AMVETS Department of North Carolina. AIMS The aims and purposes of this organization are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


To serve our country in peace as in war; to build and maintain the welfare of the United States of America toward lasting prosperity and peace for all of its inhabitants. To encourage, in keeping with the policies of our government, the establishment of a concrete plan to secure permanent international peace, and to assist in the maintenance of international peace. To inspire in our membership a sense of responsibility, and to develop leadership, for the preservation of our America democratic way of life. To help unify divergent groups in the overall interest of American democracy. To train our youth to become purposeful citizens in a democracy with full knowledge of the responsibilities as well as the privileges of citizenship.


To cooperate with all duly recognized existing veterans’ organizations in the furtherance of the aims of the veterans of World War II and those serving in the Armed Forces of the United States thereafter. 7. To insure the orderly return of the veteran to civilian life by protecting the rights of individuals white the service member is still in uniform. 8. To expedite and assist in the rehabilitation of the veteran by maintenance of employment services, sponsoring educational opportunities, and providing counsel on insurance, housing, recreation, personal problems, hospitalization and veterans’ benefits. 9. To act as a liaison agent between the veteran and the government. 10. To provide an organization to encourage fellowship among all American Veterans who have served or are serving I the Armed Forces of the United States during and since World War II. 11. To keep the public forever reminded that the veterans of World War II and those serving in the Armed Forces of the United States thereafter, fought and served to preserve peace, liberty and democracy for the nation. Section 1. Departments shall be organized with a headquarters located as authorized by the department convention or an intervening State (Department) Executive Committee (SEC or DEC) meeting. Local posts shall be formed, and intermediate administrative groups may be created by the State Executive Committee to function within their respective jurisdiction where such action is deemed advisable. This appendix to the AMVETS National constitution shall be the constitution for all departments. Departments shall formulate BYLAWS to address those aspects of operation not covered in the constitution no later than July 1, 2010. Section 2. Departments shall be composed of state officers, both elected and appointed, and the members of the State Executive Committee. It shall be the duty of the state officers to advance the cause of AMVETS, to carry out its aims and purposes, and to provide for realization of the plans and policies established by the mandates of the department convention and the State Executive Committee. Section 3. Each department shall conduct its convention, to be held annually between May 15 and June 30, at which time it shall elect department Officers and its delegate and alternate to the national convention and its national executive committeeman and alternate. Elected department officers shall assume office not later than July 15. National executive committeemen and alternates shall assume office in accordance with Article VII, Section 4 of the National Constitution and Bylaws. (a) The department convention delegation shall be comprised as prescribed by the Department Bylaws. (b) Each post shall choose a delegate(s) and an alternate(s) at a post meeting. (c) The department commander shall vote only in the case of a tie. (d) Each delegate shall be entitled to one vote. Alternates shall have all the rights and privileges of their delegates except they shall vote only in their delegate’s absence. No delegate or alternate, however, shall be seated at the department convention unless the individual’s accounts with department headquarters are fully paid up. 39

(e) No delegate of an accredited post shall be seated at the department convention unless the respective post shall be fully paid up in all its accounts with department headquarters and department districts. No post delegate or alternate shall be permitted to register as such unless the delegate or alternate shall have been a member in good standing on the department rolls for at least 30 days prior to the opening of said convention and possesses a membership card or other satisfactory evidence identifying the delegate or alternate as a member of the post from which the individual is registering. (f) Departments shall specify convention quorum requirements in bylaws or convention rules. (g) No department convention bids shall be received on the convention floor unless they are previously submitted to the Department Finance Committee and/or the State Executive Committee, in accordance with the rules of said committee, and in accordance with the rules and procedures of the Sate Executive Committee. (h) Convention Chairmen shall be chosen in accordance with the Department Bylaws. (i) The Convention Rules Committee, after reviewing and making necessary changes, shall present to the State Executive Committee at a regular SEC meeting, for its approval, the Rules of the Annual Convention following the SEC meeting at which the rules are considered. The Department Headquarters will then circulate those rules to the posts at least 30 days prior to the Annual Convention. The Rules of the Convention may be amended by a majority vote of the delegates assembled at the Annual Department Convention. Section 4. (a) The department convention shall elect a department commander, a department first vice commander, a department second vice commander, a department finance officer, a department National Executive Committeeman, a department Alternate National Executive Committeeman, a department provost marshal, a department judge advocate, and any other officers prescribed in the Department Bylaws. (b) No member shall be eligible for any department office unless the individual is fully paid up in all accounts with the department headquarters 30 days prior to the opening date of the department convention. (c) Departments shall specify candidate eligibility certification procedures in the bylaws or convention rules. The department commander, with the consent and approval of the State Executive Committee, shall appoint and have the power to remove a department chaplain, a department inspector general and such other officers and committee chairmen as specified in the Department Bylaws. These appointments shall be made at the post-convention SEC meeting. Section 5. All elected and appointed department officers shall be members of the (Department) State Executive Committee. The authority for officers to vote on the State (Department) Executive Committee shall be prescribed in the Department By Laws. Section 6. (a) An elected officer may be removed from office only by a two-thirds vote of the Department Executive Committee after written charges against such officer shall 40

have been preferred and furnished by certified mail to the officer concerned and to the members of the Department Executive Committee. A full hearing shall be held by the Department Executive Committee on charges preferred against an elected department officer. Such haring shall be held not less than 30 days after the charges are referred and mailed. (b) The procedure for removal from office of elected officers shall be prescribed by the State Executive Committee on recommendation of the department judge advocate in accordance with the UNIFORM CODE OF PROCEDURE FOR THE SUSPENSION OR EXPULSION OF A MEMBER (AMVETS National Bylaws, Appendix B). Section 7. Department officers elected at a department convention shall be installed in office at a ceremony held at the Convention. The term of office shall be as prescribed in the Department Bylaws. Section 8. In the event of a vacancy in the office of department commander, the department first vice commander shall succeed to that office, except that the Department Bylaws may prescribe election of the department commander by the State Executive Committee. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the department first vice commander, the department second vice commander shall assume the office of department first vice commander. Any additional vice commanders specified in the department bylaws shall similarly participate in succession. Section 9. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the most junior vice commander, department finance officer, department provost marshal or department judge advocate, or other elected officer, regardless of the reason for such vacancy, the department commander shall appoint an AMVET to fill the vacant office for the unexpired term. Such appointment shall be with the approval of the State Executive Committee and the appointee shall be in compliance with all qualifications and restrictions regarding the holding of said office as set forth in any other article of the constitution and bylaws of AMVETS, except the requirement of election. On approval of the State Executive Committee, the appointee shall assume all powers and responsibilities pertaining to the office as though elected. Section 10. The administrative power between department conventions shall be vested in the State Executive Committee, which shall be composed of the department commander, the department first vice commander and the department second vice commander, all other elected department officers, past department commanders and others as prescribed by the Department Bylaws. Each of the above members shall be entitled to one vote except the department commander, who shall vote only in case of a tie, and except that the past department commanders present may be entitled to vote as prescribed in the Department Bylaws. Section 11. Voting members of the State Executive Committee shall be delegates to the department convention, each entitled to one vote, providing their


respective posts have complied with all the provisions of the department constitution and bylaws. Section 12. The management of the Department budget as approved at the state convention shall be under the control of the State Executive Committee, which shall delegate sufficient general and specific authority to the Department Finance Committee, as authorized by the Department Bylaws, to carry out the usual duties of such committee. The Department Finance Committee, with the approval of the State Executive Committee, shall have the authority to retain independent investment experts as needed for consultation in supervising any and all AMVETS funds. (a) The Department Finance Committee shall consist of members as prescribed in the department bylaws. (b) The Finance Committee shall meet prior to each SEC meeting, or at other times as set forth in the department bylaws. (c) The Finance Committee shall make an annual report to the department convention. Revenue shall be derived from annual dues and such other sources as may be approved by the State Executive Committee. (d) The Finance Committee shall submit a provisional annual budget as prescribed in the Department Bylaws. Section 13. The following provisions shall govern the establishment and administration of the budget of the Department Headquarters. (a) The Finance Committee has the sole fiduciary responsibility to prepare and present a budget that is fiscally sound. (b) In determining the budget, revenue shall be based on tangible assumptions and realistic and/or proven income projections to include revenue that provides funding for the operations and programs approved by the Finance Committee, State Executive Committee, and department convention. (c) In the full execution of approved programs within the budget, expenses shall be budgeted as realistically as possible to ensure overall spending integrity. (d) A contingency budget line shall be developed solely to address unexpected expenses during the operating fiscal year and included in the budget. (e) In no case shall the Department Finance Committee or any other body of the department organization be permitted to adopt or approve a budget in which the expenses, provisions for capital expenditures and provisions for debt reduction exceed the income established above. Under no circumstances, however, shall the aggregate budget as approved by the Department Convention be over-expended. Violation of any of the foregoing provisions by any person shall constitute cause for disciplinary action, including removal from office or dismissal from employment. (f) Any person who willfully violates any provision of this section shall, in addition to any other disciplinary action taken, be personally financially liable for any amount spent that exceeds the budget appropriations unless such excess had prior approval of the Department Finance Committee. Any salary or expense money due or to become due to such person may be retained by the organization to offset all or any part of the unauthorized over-expenditure.


Section 14. The Department Finance Committee shall have the power and authority to designate the depository banks or other financial institutions to receive deposits into various accounts belonging to the Department and to disburse such funds on checks signed by two or more persons designated by the Department Bylaws. Section 15.

The fiscal year shall be designated in the department bylaws.

Section 16. Any resolution emanating from a department convention involving the expenditure of funds or any financial commitment shall be referred to the Department Finance Committee for approval. In reviewing resolutions adopted at a department convention, the Department Finance Committee shall have three options: (1) provide funding from the newly adopted department budget, (2) defer funding pending appropriate planning by the department staff as part of the next fiscal year or (3) deny funding based on current and projected funding levels. If a resolution is denied or deferred because of a want of available funds within the meaning of Section 13 hereof, the Department Finance Committee shall report such decision to the Department Executive Committee at its next meeting. Section 17. (a) The State Executive Committee, after notice and hearing, may cancel, suspend or revoke the charter of any post for good and sufficient cause. Procedure for any such action shall be as prescribed by AMVETS National Bylaws, Appendix A. (b) In the event of the cancellation, suspension or revocation of any charter of any Post, the suspended body shall have the right of appeal to the next department convention. Section 18. As prescribed in the Department Bylaws, the department commander, after notice, may invoke and formulate a trusteeship to take over the operation of a post for good and sufficient reasons and for the well being of the AMVET organization. Section 19. From among the voting membership of the State Executive Committee, the state commander shall appoint a State Grievance Committee, consisting of three members, to hear grievances and appeals as are provided for in this constitution and bylaws and to report its findings and recommendations to the State Executive Committee. The state commander shall designate the chairman. This committee shall function during the state convention, meetings of the State Executive Committee, and upon the call of the state commander or State Executive Committee. Such appointees shall serve at the pleasure of the state commander with the advice and consent of the State Executive Committee. The state commander and state judge advocate shall serve as ex-officio members of this committee without vote.


BYLAWS ARTICLE I ORGANIZATION AND DUTY Section 1. Membership in AMVETS constitutes membership in the National and Department Organization of AMVETS through Post affiliation. Hereafter, all AMVETS prior to their acceptance as members shall pledge allegiance to the United States of America and its Constitution and certify that they have read or had read to them, the AMVETS Declaration of Principles and that they accept and subscribe to the same and that they do not advocate the overthrow of the United States Government by force. Section 2. AMVETS Department of North Carolina shall consist of the following officers and bodies: Department Headquarters, Executive Committee together with its Sub-Committees; and Local Posts. The Commander shall have the power to create such intermediate administrative groups as he may deem desirable, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. Section 3. The Department of North Carolina shall be composed of Officers and an Executive Committee hereinafter described. It shall be their duty to provide the machinery of organization and carry out the aims, purposes, policies and plans of the entire organization as established by the Department and National Conventions, and wherever possible, to assist the local Posts and to consider and abide by, if it so determines, the recommendations of the local Posts. Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Department of North Carolina to aid in the organization and maintenance of local Posts and to carry out the policies and plans of local Posts, the Department and National Conventions, and to adhere to provision of this and the National Constitution and Bylaws. Section 5. Local Posts shall be approved and assisted and administered by the Department of North Carolina and chartered by the National Headquarters. Each local Post shall be governed by its own officers; chosen according to its Constitution and Bylaws. The policies and actions of the local Posts shall be controlled by the membership of the Post and must not be at variance with those prescribed by the Department of North Carolina and National Headquarters. Section 6. In order to expedite the co-ordination of the principles and purposes of AMVETS, the Department Executive Committee shall have the power to divide the State of North Carolina into several geographic divisions known as Districts, with each District electing their District Officers prior to the conclusion of the Department Convention and presenting their new Commander for installation at the Department Installation Service.


Section 7. The AMVETS Department of North Carolina is hereby divided into three (3) Districts to be known and referred to as Eastern, Piedmont and Western Districts. These Districts are comprised of the following counties: (a.) EASTERN DISTRICT: Alamance, Beaufort, Bertie, Bladen, Brunswick, Camden, Carteret, Caswell, Chatham, Chowan, Columbus, Craven, Cumberland, Currituck, Dare, Duplin, Durham, Edgecombe, Franklin, Gates, Granville, Greene, Halifax, Harnett, Hertford, Hoke, Hyde, Johnston, Jones, Lee, Lenoir, Martin, Nash, New Hanover, Northampton, Onslow, Orange, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Pender, Perquimans, Person, Pitt, Robeson, Sampson, Tyrell, Vance, Wake, Warren, Washington, Wayne and Wilson Counties. (b.) PIEDMONT DISTRICT: Anson, Cabarrus, Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Guilford, Montgomery, Moore, Randolph, Richmond, Rockingham, Rowan, Scotland, Stanley, Stokes, Surry, Union and Yadkin Counties. (c.) WESTERN DISTRICT: Alexander, Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Caldwell, Catawba, Cherokee, Clay, Cleveland, Gaston, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Iredell, Jackson, Lincoln, Macon, Madison, McDowell, Mecklenburg, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Swain, Transylvania, Watauga, Wilkes and Yancy Counties. ARTICLE II DEPARTMENT CONVENTION Section 1. The Department Convention shall consist of the following delegates: (a.) Each local Post shall be entitled to three (3) delegates and three (3) alternates for its first fifty (50) members or a fraction thereof. Thereafter, the post shall be entitled to one delegate and one alternate for each additional fifty (50) members or fraction thereof. Each delegate is entitled to one vote. Alternates shall have all the rights and privileges of their delegates except they shall vote only in their delegate’s absence. The number of delegates and alternates to which each Post is entitled shall be computed by Department Headquarters as of May 1st each year and reported to the Post as soon thereafter as may be possible. No Post delegates or alternates however, shall be registered or seated at the Department Convention unless or until the post is fully paid up in all accounts with Department Headquarters. EXAMPLE 10 - 50 members = 3 delegates and 3 alternates 51 - 100 members = 4 delegates and 4 alternates 101 - 150 members = 5 delegates and 5 alternates 151 - 200 members = 6 delegates and 6 alternates, etc. (b.) Each duly elected Department Officer as set forth in Article III, Section 1, of these Bylaws is a delegate to the Department Convention and each such officer shall be entitled to one vote. The Department Commander shall vote only in the case of a tie. (c.) Each duly elected Post Representative as set forth in Article V, Section 2, of these Bylaws shall be a delegate to the Department Convention, and shall be entitled to one (1) vote. Alternates shall have all rights and privileges of their delegates except they shall vote only in their delegate’s absence. 45

(d.) Past Department Commanders shall be delegates to the Department Convention with full voting rights. (e.) Each local Post shall choose its delegates and alternates prior to the Department Convention. (f.) Post delegates or alternates shall not be permitted to register as such without a membership card or other satisfactory evidence identifying him as a member of the Post from which he is registering. Section 2. A delegate to a Department Convention must be present on the Convention floor in order to cast a vote. Alternates shall have the rights and privileges of the delegates, but may only vote in the event the delegate is absent. Section 3. Department Convention bids will be accepted in accordance with the rules established by the Convention Committee. After consideration of the bids, the Committee will make a recommendation to the Department Convention for approval. Upon the Department body’s approval of a convention site, the Department Commander and the Department Adjutant, along with Auxiliary representatives, will schedule and make arrangements for the conduct of the Department Convention. Section 4. The Department Commander shall preside over the Department Convention until the election of his successor. Section 5. Twenty voting delegates registered at a Department Convention shall constitute a quorum. At least 50% of the delegates registered by the Department Convention must be present on the floor of the Convention to constitute a quorum. Section 6. The Department Convention shall be held for a minimum of two (2) days, holding at least one (1) business session of the Convention on the first day thereof and holding at least one (1) business session of the Convention and the first meeting of the new Department Executive Committee on the second day thereof. Section 7. No Department Convention bids will be received on the Convention floor unless they are previously submitted to the Convention Committee in accordance with rules and procedures of said committee. ARTICLE III OFFICERS Section 1. The Department Convention shall elect a Department Commander, First Vice Commander, Second Vice Commander, Third Vice Commander, Judge Advocate, Finance Officer, National Executive Committeeman, Alternate National Executive Committeeman, Provost Marshal. The Department Commander, First Vice Commander, Second Vice Commander and the Third Vice Commander shall not be elected from the same post. The Incumbent Department Commander shall serve as the Department Delegate and the Immediate Past Department Commander shall serve as the 46

Alternate Delegate to the National Convention. If the Department Commander cannot serve as the Department Delegate, then the immediate Past Department Commander shall serve as the Department Delegate and the Alternate Delegate shall be elected by the Department Convention. If neither the Commander nor the immediate Past Commander can serve, then both the Delegate and Alternate Delegate to the National Convention shall be elected by the Department Convention. The duly elected Department Commander, First Vice Commander and the Second Vice Commander shall be considered to be Directors of the Headquarters of the AMVETS Department of North Carolina as required by the ARTICLE OF INCORPORATION OF AMVETS DEPARTMENT OF NORTH CAROLINA and shall be perpetual. (a.) The National and Alternate National Executive Committeemen shall be elected in the odd numbered years and they shall serve for a period of two (2) years. (b.) No elected Department Commander shall succeed himself in office unless he is filling such office by succession or election to a vacancy occurring between Department Conventions. (c.) Officers elected at the Department Convention shall be installed in office at the same session at which they are elected. The term of office shall be for one (1) year, starting 1 July thru 30 June, except for the National and Alternate National Executive Committeemen. District Commanders are elected by the Post’s within each District and that they will be installed along with the other Officers at the State Convention. (d.) Any Department Officer elected or appointed shall within (30) thirty days thereafter furnish official proof of eligibility to the Credentials Committee and same be placed on file in the Department Adjutant’s office. Any Officer failing to comply within the time specified shall have their office declared vacant by the Department Commander. If the office was uncontested, the vacated office shall be filled as specified in this Article III, Section 5 of these Department Bylaws. Section 2. All Department Officers hereinafter mentioned shall be members of the Department Executive Committee, but the Commander shall vote only in the event of a tie. Section 3. The Department Commander, with the approval of the Department Executive Committee, shall appoint an Adjutant, Chaplain, Historian, Legislative Director, Service Officer, Public Relations Officer, Inspector General, Deputy Judge Advocate, Liaison for all subsidiary organizations and such other officers necessary to carry out the policies and plan as established by the Department Convention. Said appointed officers shall have the right to be heard at all meetings but shall not have a vote, unless they are a registered Post Delegate at the Department Convention or are serving in another capacity elsewhere specified. These appointments shall be made at the Post Convention Department Executive Committee meeting. Section 4. Any Officer may be removed for just cause by notice, hearing and a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee. Appeal from such removal shall be to the National Executive Committee and their decision shall be final.


Section 5. If the office of the Commander shall become vacant by death, resignation or removal, the order of the succession for the unexpired term shall be First Vice-Commander, Second Vice-Commander, and Third Vice-Commander. In the event of the death, resignation or removal of the First Vice-Commander, the Second Vice Commander shall assume the office of First Vice-Commander. In the event that the office of the Second Vice-Commander shall become vacant, the Third Vice-Commander shall assume the office of the Second Vice-Commander. In the event of the death, resignation or removal of any other Department Officer, the Department Commander, with the approval of the Executive Committee shall appoint a successor of the unexpired term. However, in the case of death, removal from office or resignation of the National Executive Committeeman, his duly elected Alternate will serve the unexpired term of said Committeeman. The department shall elect an Alternate National Executive Committeeman at the next DEC meeting. Section 6. Any Officer, elected or appointed, who misses two (2) consecutive regular Executive Committee meetings during the term of his office without due cause shall be grounds for removal from office by action of the Department Executive Committee. Section 7. The duly elected National Executive Committeeman shall attend all National Executive Committee meetings and Conventions during his term of office and failure to do so without due cause shall be grounds for removal from office by action of the Department Executive Committee. Section 8. The National Executive Committeeman is required to submit written reports at the National Executive Committee meetings and shall do so by certified mail, return receipt requested, thirty days prior to each said meeting as directed by the National Department. In addition, the National Executive Committeeman, or the person seated at any duly scheduled meeting of the National Executive Committee, will within 45 days of return from said meeting, make a full and complete written report to his Department. ARTICLE IV DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1. DEPARTMENT COMMANDER The Department Commander shall be executive head of the Department of AMVETS with full power to enforce the provisions of the Department Constitution, Bylaws, and the will of the Department Convention. He shall appoint all necessary committees, subject to the ratification of the Department Executive Committee. He shall serve as a member ex-officio on all committees except the Honors and Awards Committee and the Council of Past Department Commanders, without right to vote, and shall perform such other duties as are usually incident to the office. Section 2. DEPARTMENT VICE COMMANDERS The Department Vice Commanders shall act as representatives of the Department Commander in all matters 48

referred to them by him and shall upon his request, preside over the meetings of the Department Convention or the DEC, and perform such other duties as are usually incident to the office. The First Vice Commander shall serve as Membership Chairman; the Second Vice Commander shall serve as Programs Chairman and will oversee the following areas: Americanism, VA Service, Scholarship, and Employment and the Third Vice Commander shall serve as Community Activities Chairman and will oversee the following areas: VAVS; Community Programs; and ROTC. Section 3. DISTRICT COMMANDERS The District Commander from each of the recognized department districts shall report to the Department Executive Committee meetings, Chair District meetings and will act on behalf of the Department Commander when called upon by the Department Commander, the District Commander will travel within the geographic boundaries of the district for the purpose of representing the organization, investigate or assist in settling disputes, follow up, make recommendations and report activities. Section 4. DEPARTMENT ADJUTANT The Department Adjutant will be charged with the administration of the policies and mandates of the Department Convention, the Department Executive Committee, and the Department Commander. He shall supervise all activities of the Department Headquarters, issue such directives as may be necessary to posts, act for the Department Commander during his absence from the Department Headquarters, and perform such other duties as are usually incident to the office. Section 5. DEPARTMENT FINANCE OFFICER The Department Finance Officer shall be the Custodian of the funds of the Department Organization. All checks disbursing the funds of the Department Organization shall be signed by two (2) or more persons as designated by the Department Executive Committee, and the Finance Officer shall make reports of the condition of the Department Treasury when called for by the Department Commander or the Department Executive Committee. He shall perform such other duties as are usually incident to the office. Section 6. DEPARTMENT JUDGE ADVOCATE The Department Judge Advocate shall advise the Department Officers, the Department Executive Committee, and the Department Committees on all legal matters, including the construction and interpretation of the Department Constitution and Bylaws. He shall serve as a member on all committees ex-officio except the Honors and Awards Committee and the Council of Past Department Commanders, without right to vote, and shall perform such other duties as are usually incident to the office. Section 7. DEPARTMENT SERVICE OFFICER The Department Service Officer shall be the service and welfare of the Department Organization. He shall be responsible for the proper handling of claims of veterans and their dependents and survivors before the Veterans Administration, employment problems, prosecution of rights under the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act and Selective Training and Service Act, Civil Service questions, and other legislation concerning veterans’ affairs; and the 49

answering of individual requests for assistance or information from members of posts. It will be the duty of the Department Service Officer to formulate a training program and direct the activities of Department Service Officers charged with implementing this program. The Department Service Officer will coordinate with the AMVETS National Service Officer assigned to the Department of North Carolina in organizing and implementing his program(s). Section 8. DEPARTMENT LEGISLATIVE DIRECTOR The Department Legislative Director shall be responsible for preparing the Department Legislative program in accordance with the mandates of the Department Convention, the Department Executive Committee, the Department Committees and the Department Legislative Committee. It is his further responsibility to draft the necessary bills in connection herewith and to cause such bills to be introduced into the State Legislature and actively urge the consideration of legislation thus proposed. He shall, at all times, be fully informed when hearings are to be held on legislation in which AMVETS are interested and be prepared to present testimony before the Committee or Committees handling such bills. It shall be his duty to maintain close liaison with the law-making bodies of the State in order to secure the enactment of the AMVETS Program. He will make every effort to co-operate fully with other groups favoring proposed legislation information when requested by individual members or Posts. Section 9. DEPARTMENT PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER The Department Public Relations Officer, under the direction of the Department Commander, shall be responsible for the planning, formulation and development of a public relations program, including publicity, organizing publications, etc. He shall be responsible for efficient and proper liaison of all public relations media - press, radio, newsreels, periodicals, television and all forms of advertising. He shall be kept currently informed by other Department Officers of all matters affecting this department and keep the public constantly advised of declared and established AMVETS policies and activities. Section 10. DEPARTMENT CHAPLAIN The Department Chaplain shall perform such divine and nonsectarian services as may be necessary, adhering to appropriate rituals and discharge the other duties incident to his office. Section 11. DEPARTMENT HISTORIAN The Department Historian shall compile from year to year all records of historical value and interest for the Department Headquarters of AMVETS. He shall also assist post historians so as to co-ordinate and unify the work of these officials and perform such other duties as the Department Commander or the Department Executive Committee shall prescribe. Section 12. DEPARTMENT PROVOST MARSHAL The Department Provost Marshal shall maintain order at all meetings and conventions. He shall perform such other duties as may be requested by the Department Commander. Section 13. DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR GENERAL The Department Inspector General shall be the investigating officer of the organization, by direction of the 50

Department Commander or the Department Executive Committee. The Inspector General shall make any necessary investigations pertaining to grievances, disciplinary cases, fraud or dishonesty within the organization, charges of conduct unbecoming an AMVET and shall be empowered to have access to all records, financial and otherwise of the Department, Posts, Officers or members when necessary for the discharge of the Department Inspector General’s duties. In making such investigations, the Department Inspector General shall report to the Department Commander who shall in turn review the findings with the Department Judge Advocate and, if warranted, report to the Department Executive Committee. Section 14. DEPARTMENT DEPUTY JUDGE ADVOCATE The Deputy Judge Advocate, during incapacity of the Department Judge Advocate, shall perform all duties incidental to the office of the Department Judge Advocate. ARTICLE V DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Section 1. The administrative power between Department Conventions shall be vested in the Department Executive Committee which shall consist of all the elected Department Officers under the provisions of Article III, Section 1; the duly appointed Department Officers under the provisions of Article III, Section 2; and the Post Representatives under the provisions of Article V, Section 2; and Past Department Commanders. Each Past Department Commander present shall have one individual vote. Section 2. Each local Post shall elect a representative and an alternate representative to attend each Department Executive Committee meeting. The representative will be a member of the Department Executive Committee. The alternate representative can act in the absence of the representative. Section 3. Each duly elected Department Officer and each Post representative shall be entitled to one vote at all meetings of the Department Executive Committee. The duly appointed Department Officers shall have the right to be heard at all meetings of the Department Executive Committee, but they shall not vote. Section 4. Meetings of the Department Executive Committee shall be held as follows: (a.) One immediately following the adjournment of the Department Convention, one in the fall, and one in the winter and one in the spring. (b.) SPECIAL MEETINGS may be held upon reasonable notice at the call of the Department Commander or the written request of five members of the Department Executive Committee. Section 5. The Convention Committee shall accept bids for the DEC meeting sites and make a recommendation to the Convention for a minimum of one (1) year in advance but no more than two (2) years. In the absence of a selection of a DEC meeting 51

site by the Convention body, or in the event the place selected by the Convention body becomes unavailable, then the next scheduled DEC shall select the place of such meeting. As in the case of the Convention site selection, Article II, Section 3, will govern the scheduling and arrangements of activities and events. Section 6. At all Regular Department Executive Committee meetings twenty-five percent (25%) of the elected Department Officers and Post Representatives shall constitute a quorum. (a.) At all Special Department Executive Committee meetings one third (1/3) of the elected Department Officers and Post Representatives shall constitute a quorum. Section 7. The following committees are hereby identified as Department Committees: The Department Commander shall appoint (except where otherwise indicated) a chairman, vice chairman and such members of AMVETS Department of North Carolina, to each committee as are necessary to accomplish it’s objectives. Such committees shall serve during the pleasure of the administration appointing them, and/or shall terminate upon the inauguration of a new Department Commander. (a.) STANDING COMMITTEES: AMERICANISM, AND PATRIOTIC ACTIVITIES: To receive and consider all resolutions relating to citizenship, the promotion of the American way of life and other related subjects. RESOLUTIONS: Any resolutions not specifically falling within the jurisdiction of other standing committees shall be considered by the Resolutions Committee. CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS: To receive and consider all suggested amendments to the Department Constitution And Bylaws and to report their recommendation thereon to the Department Convention, and/or DEC. BROTHERHOOD: To receive and consider all resolutions relating to the spiritual or moral welfare of the United States and it’s citizens. CREDENTIALS: To supervise the registration of delegates, alternates, members and guests at the Department Convention and set forth the voting strength of the Convention in accordance with the provisions of the Department Constitution And Bylaws. HOSPITAL, MEDICAL SERVICES, REHABILITATION & SERVICE: To receive and consider all resolution relating to the Department of Veterans Affairs hospital and medical services program, veterans claims and ratings, compensation, pension, insurance, education and related matters. LEGISLATIVE: To receive and consider all resolutions relating to legislative matters that are of interest to AMVETS and all veterans, and to report their recommendations to the Department Convention and/or DEC. CONVENTION AND RULES: To receive and consider all bids, contracts etc. that pertain to DEC meetings and Department Convention site selection, and to report their recommendations to the Department Convention and/or DEC. To formulate and propose to the DEC at the last regular meeting prior to the Annual Convention, the rules that will be governing procedures for the Convention. MEMBERSHIP (INCLUDES POST ORGANIZATION): To consider all matters relating to the development of AMVETS through membership activities. 52

PUBLIC RELATIONS: To receive and consider all resolutions relating to publicity and public relations of the organization and to report their recommendations to the Department Convention and/or DEC. COMMUNITY SERVICE AND ACTIVITIES: To receive and consider all resolutions in regard to programming involvement in your community, state and nation, and other related matters. VETERANS EMPLOYMENT & CIVIL SERVICE: To receive and consider all resolutions relating to the field of employment, both governmental and non-governmental as pertains to veterans. VAVS: To receive and consider all resolutions relating to the VAVS program and to promote this program within the various Posts and VA Medical Centers. POW/MIA: To receive, consider and promote the safe repatriation of POWs, to keep the public forever mindful of the plight of our POW/MIAs, to aid our separated POW/MIAs in their endeavors to become productive citizens, to promote their health and welfare and to report their recommendations to the Department Convention and/or DEC. GRIEVANCE: To receive and consider all grievances and or complaints that are brought forth to them, and to report their recommendations to the DEC and Department Convention. CIVIL DEFENSE/HOMELAND SECURITY COMMITTEE: To prepare for tragedies that may occur in the future. POST DEVELOPMENT AND MENTORING PROGRAM: To assist in development of new post, new officers, and to assist existing posts as deemed necessary by the Committee and the Department Commander. MISSING IN AMERICA PROJECT: To compose and forward resolutions to National Headquarters concerning Missing in America Project; and to investigate and review material on Missing in America Project within the state and other Departments. SPECIAL COMMITTEES: (1.) The Department Commander may appoint such special committees as he deems necessary to the proper conduct of organizational affairs. (2.) Such appointees shall serve during the term of the appointing administration. SPECIAL NOTATION: Each committee authorized by these Constitution & Bylaws must report its activities and recommendations at the next DEC meeting and/or at the Department Convention. Section 8. The Department Finance Committee shall be charged with the Preparation of the annual budget and the handling of funds, subject to the approval of the Department Executive Committee. Section 9. The Department Executive Committee shall approve the appointment and employment of proper officers and employees for the administration and prescribe their duties and compensation. Section 10. Any Department Officer may receive reimbursement for his authorized activities on behalf of the organization, such reimbursement to be fixed in amount by the vote of the Department Executive Committee.


Section 11. All questions affecting the eligibility for office and conduct of Department Officers shall be referred to and determined by the Department Executive Committee. Section 12. The Honors and Awards Committee shall consist of all Past Department Commanders who shall elect a Chairman and a Vice Chairman each year. The Honors and Awards Committee shall meet at the call of the Chairman. The following awards will be considered for presentation in accordance with the Committee’s published guidelines: a. Distinguished Service Award b. Appreciation Award c. AMVET of the Year d. USS North Carolina Battleship Award e. White Clover f. Meritorious Service Medal ARTICLE VI LOCAL POSTS Section 1. Local Posts may be formed by any ten (10) eligible individuals by making application to the North Carolina Department Adjutant. Upon its approval by the Department Commander, Department Adjutant, Inspector General, and the concerned District Commander, the application will be forwarded to the National Headquarters. Each Charter shall be signed by the National Commander and National Adjutant and countersigned by the Department Commander and Department Adjutant, and bear the Department Seal to be affixed after Post Finance Officer is bonded. The power and strength of the North Carolina Department rests in the quality, character and activity of the individual Post member and therefore all authority and power is derived from that source. Section 2. Posts shall be governed locally by their own officers chosen according to their own Constitution and Bylaws, except that election of officers shall be held annually between May 1 and June 30, and said officers shall be installed and assume office no later than July 15 thereafter. The Posts shall be subject and subordinate, however, to the jurisdiction of the National and Department Headquarters; and any provisions of a Post Constitution found to be in conflict with or contrary to the provision of the National Constitution shall be null and void. Officers of Posts shall use the equivalent titles provided for National Officers. Section 3. Every post shall be required to revalidate its charter annually prior to July 15. Such charter revalidation shall be evidenced by an appropriate device to be issued by the National Headquarters. In order to revalidate such charter and to receive a revalidation certificate, each Post, aside from any other requirements imposed in these Bylaws, shall:


(a.) Furnish National and Department Headquarters with a certified list of current post officers; and the post federal tax identification number; (b.) Furnish National and Department Headquarters with copies of the post’s current Constitution And Bylaws, or a certification stating that copy previously submitted has not been amended; (c.) Be fully paid up in all of its accounts with National and Department Headquarters; (d.) Any Post operating a Post Club room for the convenience and pleasure of its members, shall be required to carry Workmen’s Compensation Insurance in accordance with the law of the State in which the Post is located and Public Liability Insurance, including products liability and personal injury coverage, with a minimum single limit of $300,000.00. Posts which maintain a building primarily for meeting purposes shall be required to carry Public Liability Insurance, including products liability and personal injury coverage with a minimum single limit coverage of $100,000.00 or the minimum local amount prescribed by State law. The AMVETS Department and the National Department shall be included as an additional insured in all policies and a certificate of said insurance shall be furnished to the State Department and to the National Department. Any Post failing to comply with this provision shall be deemed to have violated the National Bylaws and the charter of said Post shall, in accordance with the adopted procedure, be subject to suspension or revocation; (e) Have at least ten (10) members in good standing at the time of revalidation by th July 15 . (f.) Posts must maintain a minimum of ten (10) members in good standing at all times to sustain their charter. Section 4. All Posts shall comply with local, State and Federal laws and statues in the operation of the Post and its facilities. Each Post shall certify to the National Department yearly, that it is in compliance. Section 5. All Posts shall be mandated to incorporate under the Not-For-Profit corporate law, in accordance with existing state statutes and furnish State Headquarters with a copy of their Post Incorporation papers. Section 6. Any Post that is not in compliance with Section 1, 4 and 5 of this Article, will not be seated at the State Convention. Section 7. No AMVETS Post within the Department will be allowed the privilege of operating or maintaining a clubroom for the entertainment of members or guests therein without a minimum membership of fifty (50) members. Provisions of this section shall be adhered to by February 1 of each membership year. (a) New AMVETS Posts will be allowed ninety (90) days from the date of their charter applications before this rule will apply; that is to say, that ninety (90) days from the date of a charter application, a Post will be required to have a minimum membership of not less than fifty (50) members in order for the Post to continue to enjoy the privilege of operating or maintaining a clubroom for the entertainment of members or guests therein. 55

Section 8. No matter whether Beach Bingo or Bingo, each Posts operating or desiring to operate any Bingo game, in accordance with current State Statutes, shall first receive authorization from the Department Commander and the Department Adjutant. Post membership shall be at least fifty (50) at the time of approval and shall be maintained each membership year. Provision of this section shall be adhered to by February 1 of each calendar year. Permission for Bingo will have to be obtained each year whether it is for renewal or obtaining a new license. The Department Commander is hereby given authority to suspend the charter of any Post found to be operating in violation of these rules. Appeal from the Department Commander’s order of suspension must be taken within thirty (30) days to the next Department Executive Committee meeting; and appeal from the Department Executive Committee must be taken within thirty (30) days to the next Department Convention. Section 9. It is the duty and responsibility of each Post within the Department to have representation present at all Department Executive Committee meetings, the Department Convention and the National Convention. Failure to have post representation present at each Department Executive Committee meeting and Department Convention is probable cause for suspension of the Post Charter by action of the Department Executive Committee. The decision of the Department Executive Committee shall be final with right of appeal to the next Department Convention. ARTICLE VII FINANCES Section 1. All finances of the North Carolina Department of AMVETS shall be under the control of the Department Executive Committee, which shall delegate sufficient authority to the Finance Committee to carry out the usual duties of the office. The Finance Committee shall make reports at all stated meetings of the Department Executive Committee and an annual report at the Department Convention. Section 2. The proposed annual budget shall be submitted by the Finance Committee to the Department Convention for its approval. The Department Executive Committee, upon recommendation of the Finance Committee, has the authority to alter or amend the budget between conventions, if circumstances require. Section 3. Revenue shall be derived from membership dues and other sources approved by the Department Convention and/or the Department Executive Committee. All financial records of each Post are subject to review by the Department Finance Officer by direction of the Department Executive Committee. Section 4. The Books of Income and Expenditures of the Department’s Finances shall be subject to review at any time by petition of any ten (10) members of AMVETS, North Carolina Department.


Section 5. The Finance Committee shall consist of seven (7) members composed as follows: 1. The State Finance Officer who shall be Chairman 2. The State Commander 3. The State Judge Advocate 4. The Retiring Finance Officer 5. 6. 7. Three (3) members to be elected by the Department Executive Committee from among its membership to serve for a term of one (1) year (a.) In the event any of the three members elected by the Department Executive Committee, are unable to serve on the committee for any cause whatsoever, then and in that event, the State Commander may appoint another member of AMVETS to serve in the place and stead of said member so unable to serve. (b.) In the event the Department Commander is unable to attend the meeting of the Department Finance Committee for any cause whatsoever, the First Vice Commander shall be seated in his stead with full voting rights. Should either of the Committee elected members be unable to serve, then in that event, the Department Executive Committee shall elect from its membership another member, or members, to serve in their stead. Section 6. The fiscal year for the Department shall be 1 July to 30 June. (a.)The term of the Finance Officer will be from when voted in until 30 June the following year. (b.)The new Finance Officer will start their term upon when voted in and run concurrent with the previous Finance Officer until the completion of their term. (c.) The purpose for this concurrent position is to close out the fiscal year, receive all bills from the state convention, review all accounts, and transfer all accounts to the new Finance Officer by 1 July. ARTICLE VIII DISCIPLINE OF POST AND POST MEMBERS Section 1. Each Post of AMVETS shall be the judge of its own membership, subject to the provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws of the National and Department organizations: (a.) Provided, however, that when the conduct of any member of AMVETS is such that it in any way will reflect discredit or invite criticism of the organization or who belongs to or joins any group, organization or party that is not compatible with the aims and principles of AMVETS, the Department Commander shall immediately bring the matter to the attention of the Post of which the individual is a member. If the Post fails to act and protect the name of AMVETS, the Department Executive Committee may suspend the charter of the Post involved, pending a hearing and final action by the Department Executive Committee.


Section 2. Members may be suspended or expelled by a Post, the Department Executive Committee, or by the National Executive Committee upon a proper showing of cause. Written charges which shall be furnished the member involved at least thirty (30) days prior to the date set for the hearing shall be based upon disloyalty, neglect of duty, dishonesty, or conduct unbecoming a member of AMVETS. (a.) The Department Executive Committee shall provide a uniform code of procedure to be followed in effecting the suspension or expulsion of members, which said code of procedure shall establish a method of appeal. Section 3. Any member who has been suspended or expelled in accordance with Section 2 hereof has the right of appeal. In the event the suspension or expulsion is imposed by the Post, the appeal shall be to the Department Executive Committee. In the event the suspension or expulsion is by the Department Executive Committee, the appeal shall be to the National Executive Committee. In the event the suspension or expulsion is by the National Executive Committee, the appeal shall be to the National Convention. The decision of the appellate body shall be final. ARTICLE IX LADIES AUXILIARY Section 1. The AMVETS Department of North Carolina recognizes the organization known as the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary. The Ladies Auxiliary shall operate in conjunction with and according to the spirit of the Local, Department and National AMVETS principles. ARTICLE X SAD SACKS Section 1. The AMVETS Department of North Carolina recognizes a subsidiary organization known as AMVETS Sad Sacks. ARTICLE XI JUNIOR AMVETS Section 1. The AMVETS Department of North Carolina recognizes a subsidiary organization known as Junior AMVETS.


ARTICLE XII SONS OF AMVETS Section 1. The AMVETS Department of North Carolina recognizes a subsidiary organization known as Sons of AMVETS. Section 2. The AMVETS Department of North Carolina recognizes a subordinate organization known as Sons of Fun, a fun and honor organization of the Sons of AMVETS. ARTICLE XIII AMVETS RIDERS Section 1. The AMVETS Department of North Carolina recognizes a subordinate organization know as AMVETS Riders. ARTICLE XIV SERVICE FOUNDATION Section 1. The AMVETS Department of North Carolina recognizes a subsidiary organization to be known as North Carolina AMVETS Service Foundation. ARTICLE XV COUNCIL OF PAST DEPARTMENT COMMANDERS Section 1. The AMVETS Department of North Carolina recognizes an advisory council known as Council of Past Department Commanders, to be chaired by the immediate Past Department Commander. Said Council will meet at the call of the Chairman or at a minimum each Department Executive Committee and Department Convention. The Council shall present annually a written report to the Department Commander. ARTICLE XVI CHARTERS Section 1. The Department Executive Committee may suspend, cancel, or revoke a post charter and such action shall be final and conclusive, unless an appeal is taken to the National Executive Committee within 30 days of said suspension, cancellation, or revocation. Action taken by the National Executive Committee upon appeal shall be binding, pending appeal to the next National Convention.


A Post Charter which has been thus suspended may be reinstated by the action of the Department Executive Committee if the Post purge itself of the offense within 60 days of its suspension. If the delinquency is not corrected within 60 days, appropriate action will be taken by the Department Executive Committee to effect revocation or cancellation of the Charter. Section 2. Any Post failing to meet the obligations imposed upon it by this Constitution and Bylaws, or ceasing to function for six (6) months as a post of the AMVETS or voluntarily ceasing to function as a post, or merger with one or more posts, or refusing to or failing to pay the Department and National per capita dues within sixty (60) days after collection by the post, shall, upon the order of the Department Executive Committee, surrender it’s charter. Section 3. Upon revocation, cancellation, or suspension of the charter, said post shall immediately cease operations, and upon revocation or cancellation shall turn over its charter and assets to the Department Commander or the Department Executive Committee. The Department Executive Committee, deriving it’s authority from the National Constitution and Bylaws, is authorized, empowered and directed by and through it’s duly authorized agent to take possession, custody and control of all records, property, and assets of said post. So much of said assets as are required for the purpose shall be applied to any indebtedness of said post; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as requiring the Department to take over or to assume any financial responsibility of said post. The Department Executive Committee may provide for the transfer of the members in said Post to another Post of their choice, subject to the approval of such other Post. Section 4. The Department Executive Committee shall provide a uniform code of procedure to be followed in revocation, cancellation, or suspension of Post charters, and a method of appeal to the National Executive Committee. ARTICLE XVII MONIES AND COLLECTIONS Section 1. All Department and Post Officials handling AMVETS funds shall be properly bonded with a source acceptable to the National Department of AMVETS to cover the average amount of funds handled by such individuals in a single year. In case of delinquencies in the payment of accounts due Department or National Headquarters, action shall be taken at once by the proper officials to bring about an immediate complete settlement. The bonds provided by Post officials shall be approved by the Department Executive Committee. Section 2. No contracts involving expenditure in excess of $1,000.00 of Department AMVETS funds shall be negotiated without inviting a reasonable number of


competitive written bids, and where the required products are of equal quality, the contract shall be awarded to the lowest bidder. Section 3. No public fund raising project or program of any kind or character shall be undertaken by or on behalf of any post or combination of posts or subordinate thereof unless the contract, agreement or other arrangement under which such a project or program is to operate has first been submitted for the prior approval of the Department Commander and the Department Judge Advocate and then to a standing Committee of National Headquarters. Said National Committee is required to render a decision within three (3) weeks after being submitted. In the event of an adverse decision, an appeal may be made to the next National Executive Committee meeting. A public fund raising project is defined as any project or program involving a solicitation or request to non-members of AMVETS for a donation or pertaining to the sale of merchandise, goods, tickets, or advertising matter of any kind or character. In the event of an adverse decision by the Department Commander and Judge Advocate, an appeal may be made to the next Department Executive Committee meeting. It’s action shall be final. Any fund raising project or program conducted by a post or any combination of posts or subordinates thereof in which there is no other person, firm or corporation involved, and in which such fund raising project or program is conducted solely by the post, shall not be deemed to be within the purview of this Section, provided that the anticipated gross receipts from such fund raising project or program do not exceed the sum of $10,000.00; in event it is anticipated that the gross receipts will exceed $10,000.00 in any fiscal year, then said project or program shall be submitted as described above. Failure of a post or combination of posts or subordinates thereof to adhere to the provisions of this Section shall be grounds for disciplinary action by National Headquarters, the NC Department Executive Committee, or both. Section 4. All Posts and Department accounts shall be kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures. Section 5. The minimum annual membership dues shall be $20.00 effective 9-12007 payable to the Post of which $13.00 shall be forwarded to National Headquarters and $7.00 to the Department Headquarters. Dues above the minimum set forth here shall be fixed by the Post and/or Department. Any veteran who is eligible to join AMVETS and whose primary occupation is full time attendance as a student at a university, college, trade or technical school, may join any Post for a $6.00 membership fee per year, of which $4.00 shall be remitted to National Headquarters, $1.00 to Department Headquarters and $1.00 retained by the Post. The method of forwarding dues to the National Headquarters shall be prescribed by the National Convention or by the National Executive Committee. Section 6. Wherever post club rooms are maintained and operated for the convenience and pleasure of its members and the name of AMVETS or its insignia are displayed or used, a board of trustees shall be elected from among the members of the post to supervise its activities, operations and finances.


Section 7. New chartered Post of North Carolina AMVETS must have been operating and established in a Post Home for a minimum of one (1) year prior to being authorized to operate Bingo games under AMVETS name and logo. Section 8. All Posts shall be mandated to incorporate under the Not-For-Profit corporation law, in accordance with existing state statutes. ARTICLE XVIII DEFINITIONS The word “he” wherever it shall appear in either the Constitution or Bylaws of the AMVETS, shall be construed as referring to both sexes. ARTICLE XIX RESTRICTED USE OF ORGANIZATION AMVETS, or any component thereof, shall not be used to promote the interest of any individual who is a candidate for public office, or to promote otherwise any individual, organization, political party, faction or product. Any violation of this provision shall be sufficient cause for disciplinary action against the offending member, Post or Department. ARTICLE XX MEETINGS Section 1. All meetings and all matters and proceedings not otherwise provided for herein shall be conducted pursuant to “Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised”. Section 2. At all meetings of the North Carolina Department of AMVETS or the State Executive Committee or of duly constituted committees thereof voting electronic, mechanical, or written methods shall be prohibited. Section 3. At all meetings of North Carolina AMVET Posts, Posts Executive Committee or of duly authorized committees thereof voting electronic, mechanical or written methods shall be prohibited. ARTICLE XXI POLICY The policy of the Department shall be fixed (a.) by the Department Convention as reflected in the resolution adopted, and


(b.) by the compilation of the result of periodical polls of posts on current issues. Post, subsidiaries and auxiliaries shall be notified by Department Headquarters of policy so fixed. ARTICLE XXII AMENDMENTS These Bylaws may be amended by any Department Convention by a majority vote of the delegates present and voting at said Convention, provided the proposed amendment for action of the Department Convention has been submitted to each member of the Department Executive Committee by mail at least thirty (30) days prior to the opening date of the Department Convention. These Bylaws may be amended without prior notice by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the delegates present and voting at any Department Convention. No such amendment may be adopted, however, unless and until the same is referred to the Constitution and Bylaws committee, considered by it and reported upon to the Department Convention.


Appendix A: Revocation, Cancellation or Suspension of Post Charters UNIFORM CODE OF PROCEDURE FOR THE REVOCATION, CANCELLATION OR SUSPENSION OF POST CHARTERS (Adopted Pursuant to Article IV, Section 4, of AMVETS National Bylaws) Section 1. In addition to the provisions of Article X, Section 3, of the AMVETS National Constitution, post charters may be suspended or revoked for any one or more of the following reasons: (a) failure to comply with any of the provisions of Article X of the Constitution; (b) failure to comply with Article V, Section 1(a) and (b), of the AMVETS National Bylaws; (c) any violation of law that reflects unfavorably on the name AMVETS, in which case the department commander may seize the post charter prior to the hearing provided herein; or (d) any misconduct unbecoming an AMVET post; (e) violation of any other provisions of the AMVETS National Constitution and Bylaws. Section 2. Any post charter may be canceled if it was obtained by fraud or deception. Section 3. Any member in good standing may prefer charges against an offending post. These charges shall be made under oath, alleging the time and place of the offense and signed by the accuser. Section 4. All charges and specifications shall be filed with the department executive director or judge advocate who shall without delay send a notice by mail to all members of the state executive committee of the filing of said charges and the date and place of the meeting to be held, not less than five days nor more than 20 days after the date said notice was mailed. At such meeting, the charges shall be read and their acceptance or rejection acted on, but the name of the accused or the accusers shall not appear in said notice. Section 5. When the charges have been presented and read, the state executive committee shall decide by majority vote whether they shall be accepted and the accused post placed on trial. If the state executive committee accepts the charges, the department commander shall set a time and place for a hearing. A notice thereof shall be sent by registered mail to the commander of the offending post together with a copy of the charges and specifications. The date of the hearing shall not be less than 15 days from the date of the acceptance of the charges by the state executive committee. Section 6. If, after notice has been duly served, the offending post is not represented at the time and place of the hearing, the state executive committee may conduct the hearing to a final conclusion.


Section 7. The state judge advocate shall prosecute the charges. The offending post shall be entitled to counsel. The attendance of a court reporter shall be permitted. Section 8. The department commander shall decide all questions as the relevancy of the evidence and the regularity of the proceedings. Section 9. At the conclusion of the hearing, the commander shall immediately put the question of “guilty” or “not guilty” on each charge and specification. Section 10. It shall require a vote by ballot of two-thirds of the state executive committee members present to sustain any charge or specification. Section 11. If any charge or specification is sustained, the post shall be declared guilty and the commander shall put the question of the degree of punishment, beginning with charter revocation. If that not be sustained, then indefinite suspension and if that not be sustained, definite suspension and if that not be sustained, reprimand shall follow without further vote. Section 12. With the exception of reprimand, which must follow a finding of guilty unless a more severe penalty be imposed, a vote of two-thirds of the members of the state executive committee present at the hearing shall be necessary to decide the degree of punishment. Section 13. Any post whose charter is revoked or suspended may appeal to the National Executive Committee by notifying the national executive director by registered mail of its desire to appeal. The action of the National Executive Committee shall be binding, pending appeal to the next national convention. Section 14. Procedures for the handling of any such appeal shall be prescribed by the national judge advocate.


Appendix B: Suspension or Expulsion of Members UNIFORM CODE OF PROCEDURE FOR THE SUSPENSION OR EXPULSION OF A MEMBER (Adopted Pursuant to Article V, Section 2, of AMVETS National Bylaws) Section 1. In addition to the provisions of Article XII, Section 1(b), of the AMVETS National Constitution and Article V, Section 2, of the AMVETS National Bylaws, members may be suspended or expelled for any one or more of the following reasons: (a) failure to comply with any obligation imposed on members under the constitution and bylaws; (b) any violation of law that reflects unfavorably on the name AMVETS; (c) any other conduct unbecoming an AMVET; (d) ineligibility for membership at time of acceptance into membership; or (e) procurement of membership by fraud or deception. Section 2. Any member of AMVETS may prefer charges against any other member, alleging any of the foregoing causes for suspension or expulsion. Such charges shall be made under oath, setting forth the time and place of the offense or other basis for the charges, as near as may be practicable, and signed by the accuser. Section 3. All charges and specifications shall be filed with the post commander of the post to which the member complained about belongs or if said member be a member-atlarge, then with the department commander. On receipt of said charges and specifications, said respective commander shall, within five days, send a copy thereof by certified mail to the member complained about, together with a notice fixing a date, place and time of a hearing to be held not less than 30 days after said date of mailing. Section 4. Said charges and specifications shall be heard by the executive committee of the post or, in the instance of a member-at-large, by the executive committee of the department, at which said hearing the member complained about shall have the right to be represented by counsel and to cross-examine the accuser or accusers and witnesses presented against the member. No member against whom charges have been preferred, or who has preferred charges against another member, shall sit in judgment on any panel hearing or deciding the matter. Section 5. The post or state judge advocate, as the case may be, shall prosecute the charges and the attendance of a court reporter shall be permitted. Section 6. The presiding officer of said executive committee shall decide all questions as to the relevancy of evidence and the regularity of the proceedings. Section 7. On the conclusion of the hearing, a vote shall be taken first as to whether there is a basis for the charge or charges and, if by the vote hereinafter mentioned, it is determined that there is none, the charges may be dismissed. If the charges are not dismissed, then a vote shall be taken on the guilt of innocence of each of the charges and 66

each of the specifications. A two-thirds vote of the members of the executive committee hearing the charges and specifications shall be required to sustain any charge or specification. Voting herein provided for shall be secret or open as said executive committee may, by majority vote thereof, determine. Section 8. If any charge or specification is sustained, then the member shall be deemed to be guilty thereof and the officer presiding at the hearing shall then put the question of the degree of punishment as to whether there shall be a suspension from the benefits of membership and, if so, for how long; or an expulsion from membership. Section 9. Any member whose membership is suspended or forfeited may appeal to the next highest level applicable from that which heard the charges and specifications, i.e., from post executive committee to state executive committee, from department executive committee to National Executive Committee. Notice of appeal must be filed in writing with the appellate body not later than 15 days after the imposition of the penalty. Section 10. In the event charges are filed against any national elected or appointed officer, such charges shall be heard by the National Executive Committee or a subcommittee appointed by it in accordance with the general outline set forth above, with the right of appeal in the event of a suspension or expulsion to the next national convention. Section 11. The decision of the appellate body at either level shall be binding and final. Section 12. The procedure for the handling of any appeal to be heard by the National Executive Committee or the national convention shall be prescribed by the national judge advocate. The procedure for the hearing of an appeal by the department executive committee shall be prescribed by the department judge advocate and the procedure for the handling of any appeal to be heard by the post executive committee shall be prescribed by the post judge advocate. No such procedure at any level, however, shall be inconsistent or in conflict with the national, department or post constitution and bylaws or this code.


Lyrics to “The AMVETS Family” song THE AMVETS FAMILY You know I’d walk that extra mile for you I know that if I’d ask you You’d do the same thing too Only families feel this way And I’m very proud to say That God blessed me with the best Refrain: We’re the AMVETS family We kept America proud and free Standing tall together side by side Old Glory still gets to me I’m so proud I got to be A part of the AMVETS family I know we’ve had our shares of ups and downs But together we can weather any storm We kept this country free It’s because of you and me America will never be torn down Refrain Let’s not forget as we hold hands tonight All the troops who keep freedom’s flame burning bright Let’s say a prayer for them Those young women and those young men Who do the jobs that we did way back when Refrain We’re the AMVETS family We keep America proud and free Standing tall together side by side Old Glory still gets to me I’m so proud I got to be A part of the AMVETS family A part of the AMVETS family Raleigh Jay Croghan 1995 68



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