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O Hermann Zapf D. Stempel AG foundry
An elegant collaboration of the characteristics of a serif and sans serif was released in 1958. The creator of such beauty was Hermann Zapf. Under the affiliation of D. Stempel AG foundry, Zapf designed Optima from 1952 to 1955. Optima displays uniqueness, boldness, and distinction beyond measure. From political stances, to fashion and cosmetics, Optima pleases the eye of versatility. 9/15 Regular Optima’s slight swelling at the terminal, a graceful thick to thin contrast, produces a suggestion of a glyphic serif. This causes the lines of Optima to follow in a human like manner. This typeface is unique because it meets at the middle of the road, not committed to be a serif face or a sans serif. Its distinctiveness is found in the curves of the ends of the letters. Lacking the presence of serifs, the thick to thin contrast in the line weight and the curves and bevels act give the feeling of a serif without it being present. Optima displays an expression of strength, by having the firm crisp feeling, but with a peek of a softer side by the line weight contrast and the curves at the base of the letters. 9/13 Bold
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1958 San Serif
Optima is versatile. The most infamous use of Optima is the carving of all the names on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Optima was chosen to be inscribed in the black granite to honor the 58,272 service members od the US armed forces who died in Vietnam/South East Asia, and those who were unaccounted for during the Vietnam War. Presidential candidate, John McCain, used Optima as his typeface for his campaign. Even though McCain and his team might have thought that Optima was a great choice because of his connection to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, designers argue different. Being as though Optima is a more modern typeface and its visual is between a serif and sans serif, many believe that it was not an appropriate use. This font, professionals say, defines McCain an indecisive candidate who has a falsified image of himself. 9/11 Italic
A non-debatable use for Optima is in books and magazines in the 1970’s and then in the fashion and cosmetic industry. This unique typeface is widely used in advertising for display and text lines as well as being used in brochures, catalogues and magazines. Optima is currently used as the typeface of Estée Lauder. 9/12 Bold Italic Optima is a sans-serif typeface with features like line weight variation and curves and bevels and the ends of the letters giving it a serif face. These features give the face a human like feel. Optima displays uniqueness, boldness, and distinction beyond measure. Because of the modern appearance, Optima is timeless. 9/14 ExtraBlack
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