Aesthetic Magazine: A taste Of Everything

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Table Of contents Page# Name/Devianart Username 4 Alina/ ChristabelleLAmort 8 Valdmar/ Val-Faustino 13 Wesley/ Wesley-Souza 18 Carin/ SweediesArt 21 Mathieu/ MD-Arts 26 Yigit/ yigitkoroglu 32 Valianna/ mi-eterna-primavera 38 Marian/ LovingStarLights 42 Sumera/ areemus 47 Tutorial

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This Is An Interactive Magazine A Note From The Editor N Cheif

As you read this publication keep an eye out for words underlined or boxed around in blue. This will indicate that the word highlights will take you some where new. Most of the links will take you to the web page of the Artist or Writer you click on. The ads will do the same thing. Also, for those of you who want to find someone quickly, the table of contents is also interactive. If you click on a name here it will take you to their spread in the magazine. I hope you all enjoy this feature of the magazine and look forward to hearing your feed back. Jessica

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The Art of Anaila Known on DeviantArt as


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Valdemar/ Val-Faustino Writen by Anaila

There are people who say that traveling can change your life. It doesn’t need to be a great change, but rather any sort of change that happens. And this is the case of Valdemar Faustino. Known in DeviantArt with the nickname of Val-Faustino, Valdemar is a photographer who started to love it when he went to travel across Portugal and Spain. “I enjoyed taking photos of architecture and urban setting” he tells when asked “and realized that I had a good eye for taking photos.” Two years after this travel, in 2009, he got his first SLR camera and joined DeviatArt, when his hobby turned into his passion. Now, 3 years and almost 700 watchers later, Valdemar says that he didn’t expect such a big success. Photography is, in his own words, “the best way I know how to express myself ”. Inspired by all kinds of art in general, his main inspiration is a friend of him who is a poet. In order to create such beautiful compositions, he prepares an idea of what he wants before starting. After that, things take off by themselves and after a big variety of shoots and different angles, the result is the kind of photos we can enjoy along his entire gallery. If we look at his gallery, we also can find a variety of differ8 Aesthetic Digital Art and Photography magazine

ent kinds of photos: landscapes, night scapes, city, nature, people, sculpture… all of them with a je ne sais quoi that can make you feel something more if you don’t just whip thought them. When we ask to Valdemar about the interpretation of his photos, he is clear: “I would rather have someone else interpret my work, it’s best that I don’t say too much more”, answers with a big smile. His art could be described with insightful and eloquent words, but as everyone knows, a picture is worth a thousand words

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Wesley/ Wesley-Souza Writen by Anaila

With a unique style very clearly defined and only 17 years old, Wesley Souza is already an established artist in the field of photo manipulations. His images transmit us to other worlds of bright colors, where fantasy is so real that you can almost touch it. You can feel it pulling at your toes. Very influenced by the world of tales (Little Red Riding Hood, Wonderland, mythology…) Wesley Souza affirms that he finds inspiration in other artists and music, although most of the time he tries to be original, not looking for inspiration at all. And the result speaks by itself: stories with their complete structure, so clear that you can even imagine how are they going to end. His way to work can vary from time to time. In his own words, “I often wonder at some concept, and I look for materials to use, and I also look at a stock, and give me an idea to make.” The result of all this hard work is evident: more than 1300 watchers and working for professional models and photographers in the less than 4 years since he started to discover the world of photo manipulations and 2 years after he met DeviantArt. But despite what it may seem, Wesley Souza has not lost a bit of his modesty. When we askhim about his success, he just answers: “I get scared with the numbers of hits I get, I think:what do these people look for my profile? What they see interesting here?” But He also admits that he feels satisfied about what he does and the attentions he receives. He considers that his art is just a way to express himself, a way to show to everybody his love for art, and, the most important, he enjoys doing his art.

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Carin/ SweediesArt Writen by Tony

When you think of photo-manipulation, is it a meshing of dripping photos hanging from clothes pins in a darkroom you think about? Is it colored Victorian era photos? Could it be a harken back to early Star Wars era tinkering with optical illusion? Well, let me tell you, things in the modern era of digital delight have come very far indeed and it’s my pleasure to focus on a certain digital visionary in this first issue of Aesthetic Magazine. Please welcome Carin from Gothenburg, Sweden or as we all know her on DeviantArt, “SweediesArt”! An established artist, her work varies in subject matter never failing to keep your interest. Major influences in her creations stem from literary, fantastical tales such as Peter Pan, Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings”, George R.R. Martin’s “Game of Thrones” fantasy series, The Tales of Narnia, Harry Potter, The Wizard of Oz and the list goes on. Books, film and life serve her well for inspiration to keep bringing forth new creations to make us sit there, mouth partly open, eyes searching her work for every little detail we can take in. Self taught from experimentation in Photoshop, she is an established artist and an emerging creative online presence. Her work has been seen on tour in the United States in Atlanta, Georgia and Indianapolis, Indiana with a traveling show called “Poison”. Also, wonderful interviews can be found in Artistic Look #6 and on DeviantArt, via Aerimid’s journal on Rising Stars of photo-manipulation. Garnered awards would include the “Award of Excellence”, twice given from DragonsChest on DeviantArt. The first impression you get from the moment you wonder onto her site is one of intensity. Not only because of her digital work, but also the amount of photographic work she has to offer. But first, let’s focus on the manipulations, shall we? Her photo-manipulation is straight forward and intense. The main thing that struck me about Carin’s art was the use of the foreboding image of the Raven in much of her work. I’ve seen many an artist, myself included, use birds and the like as a highlight, but SweediesArt takes the Raven and thrusts it onto center stage in her Crow~Raven~ Jackdaw series. We’re not just talking about little black birds fluttering around the hero or heroine of the piece, they are gigantic, majestic and intelligent creatures that exude strength and intelligence. Picture Tolkien’s Eagles and there you will find Carin’s Ravens, equally impressive. Favorites pieces of mine would be “Trapped”, “Leaving”, Death of the Raven Warrior” and “The Nest”. From winging through the air, we go straight into the roiling, watery depths of her Underwater series. As much as the Ravens struck me, the striking blues and greens of her ocean worlds really captivate the senses. Mermaids, dolphins and whales involved in surreal settings invoke feelings on an epic scale. It’s not just the colors that give you pause, it’s also the lighting, the bubbles and the waves and the immense attention to detail she puts into every underwater setting. From flowing seaweed, to schools of brightly colored fish, from sunken stone stairs to gold coins you are immediately immersed into a kingdom most could never imagine. There’s even a Christmas tree adorned in bubble garland in her aptly named piece, “Merry Christmas”. Some of my favorites of this series include “Death”, “Feelings” and of course “Mermaid”. 18 Aesthetic Digital Art and Photography magazine

From here, we continue to her photography. One thing I love about digital artists is that they have a wonderful eye for scenery. Carin is included in this category of multi-faceted artists. Not only can you find some beautiful images of her homeland, Sweden, there are also takes on everyday life. People, animals and common settings professionally portrayed as only she can. Another aspect of her camera work would be her lengthy catalog of stock photography. As a Photo-Manipulator myself, I can tell you, the best stock comes from one who also creates with it. From weapons, to castles, from seasons to surroundings there's something for anyone looking to try their hand at the learned craft that is Photo-Manipulation. What's in the future for Carin and SweediesArt? Well she tells me that she'd like to learn how to do digital paintings. Seems like a natural step from photo-manipulations, don’t you think? As a fan of Carin's work, I look forward to every offering she has in store. One stop into her gallery and I am sure you will completely agree! She can be found online at

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The Photography of Mathieu Known on DeviantArt as


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Yigit/Yigitkoroglu Writen by Monica

“I really doubt there’s any profession like being an artist. Just imagine; people are asking you to imagine crazy things, and even better, pay you for it!” says Yigit Koroglu, a concept artist from Turkey. Whether drawing digitally or traditionally, Yigit has always known that art would play a huge role in his life. Yigit has been drawing since he was very young, and has never stopped. When he was little, he started out by doing a variety of character drawings, even going so far as to create a story for each of his characters that he would tell to his family. As he got older, he began to branch out from drawing and started to paint as well. While in college, he continued to paint as a hobby while studying interior design. “[Interior Design] helped me a lot to get a general idea about colors and perspective,” he says. Once he graduated, he supported himself with work as a freelance designer for a while. One day, though, as he searched for a texture online, he came across an image of a digitally painted dragon and was excited when he realized that people could make a living off of creating digital art. After this realization, his first step was to purchase a graphics tablet. He taught himself many techniques of digital painting by researching as well as watching tutorials on the subject. “Things just developed naturally,” Yigit explains. In 2009, not long after he began to teach himself, he took on his first job; a man asked him to digitally paint armors and weapons for a character sheet for a game. Yigit reports that he painted hundreds of these character sheets which is what really motivated him in the beginning. It was then that he decided that digital art was what he was born to do. Using Adobe Photoshop to do his paintings, Koroglu takes on a variety of jobs, although he admits that concept art is what he enjoys more than anything else. Throughout his career, Yigit has worked for many companies including Gree, Fantasy Flight Games, NGmoco, Applibot, and Spiral Direct. Yigit describes his work entitled “Dark Queen” as being one of his favorites. This work was commissioned by the Japanese mobile gaming company Applibot. Yigit enjoyed working on this piece because the company gave him the right combination of structure and creative license. “They give enough freedom and, from what I see of other artists, the results turn out really great,” he says. Koroglu claims that Dark Queen was not what he was hoping to achieve with this painting until his final hours of working on the piece. He describes that as a last minute decision, he completely altered the background by adding debris and stones which helped to create a sense of movement in this painting. Yigit also gave the character red hair in order to attract attention to the character in addition to the eye-catching background.

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Koroglu says that despite most of his work having an element of fantasy, he gets most of his inspiration from anything that is not fantasy or sci-fi related. “Taking a walk in the city or drinking with friends just fuels my imagination more than anything else,� Yigit describes. Always knowing that he has wanted to pursue art, Koroglu hopes to continue to grow as an artist while taking on exciting new jobs.

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Known on DeviantArt as


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The Photography of Marina known on DeviantArt as


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Sumera/Areemus Writen by Tony It always amazes me the buried treasure that DeviantArt has to offer. So many talented artists out there waiting to be discovered. Throughout my 6 years as a member of dA, I still come across art, almost every day, that astounds me. The art of Areemus Sumera is no exception. From the start, the first thing that one is taken with is her name. Areemus Sumera. It just flows. You want to say it over and over and you definitely won’t forget it. It’s art in itself. From an area on the map that is so refreshing to see on a DeviantArt that is encompassed with serious talent from Europe, Asia and the Americas, Areemus hails from Mardan, Pakistan. Admittedly, I know little of the country other than what is portrayed in everyday media, which isn’t much, unfortunately. As an artist though, I know it is ripe with artistic culture and has a millennia long heritage of rich artistry. The art of Areemus Sumera continues this well founded regional aesthetic mixed with current, mainstream Western ideology. Visiting Areemus’ gallery, I feel like a kid in the veritable candy store. I was immediately blown away by the immense variety in her work. There are no less than 24 different categories of her offerings varying from fantasy to Disney to Islam to video game fan art. All with her own unique flare. Being entirely self taught, she has experimented and dabbled in extraordinary images of fantasy, story and dreams. Throughout her 5 years on DeviantArt, she has become a serious professional talent. After talking with Areemus, I’m finding that passion for the visual and for the richness that can be found that way, is her inspiration. In her own words and my interpreta42 Aesthetic Digital Art and Photography magazine

tion, “If the look attracts you, you’ll want to check out all that awaits inside”. Which is exactly what I ended up doing and for quite a long time. In my mind’s eye, I ventured down the halls to see what there was to see. First off, I went into the room of PhotoManipulation. I saw the sign and just ran down the hall to get there! Upon entering I was taken by her use of color first and foremost. The majority of artists use natural color as you’d see in a color photo, or stick to a more monotone theme. This is where Areemus gives you the best of both worlds, and where her talent really shows itself. Most of her manipulative work deals in the intense monotone, as there are pieces that feature mainly reds, purples, blues, greens and yellows but also show subtle varied highlights of other colors to provide the perfect balance. I’m a huge fan of the monotone aspect and I’ve found over the years that few artists can pull it off successfully. Areemus though, handles this brilliantly. If anyone has ever seen the movie “Legend” with its dream like lighting with thick atmospheric hues, this is what I compare her manipulative work to. Pieces that exemplify this would be “AizaKhan-Manip-Wallpaper”, “Lure Challenge Entry”, “Angelic” and “Purplecious”, a personal favorite of mine, with its purple hued mermaid and background surrounded by gold, flowing jellyfish. The depth of this piece is sheer genius. For those of you who enjoy Western popular culture, she won’t let you down. After reluctantly leaving the room of Photo-Manipulation, I found myself heading toward the room of Rowling featuring Daniel Radcliffe of Harry Potter fame! Again, the variety of Areemus’ work continues to show itself. The graphic designer in her comes out in many a wallpaper devoted to our favorite adolescent

wizard. Something for every fans desktop. Just plain fun and a must see! A few rooms down, the Disney tribute sign called to me. I walked in and wasn’t disappointed. Pocohontas, Mérida, Jasmine, Ariel, Rapunzel and many others were there to greet me with smiles and tears. Both digital and traditional art. As a father of nine year old girl, and with a family that goes to Disneyland at least once a year, I know the art well and Areemus delivers it. Wallpaper, portrait work and scenes decorate the walls in this gallery. You’d find the same quality in the Disney Gallery in Disneyland itself. I know, I’ve been there many times. Her work is flawless. My favorites being “Rapunzel from Tangled”, “Mérida from Brave” and “Mulan”. From there, I wandered into the rooms devoted to Final Fantasy and Lara Croft, Tombraider. Some of the best fan art wallpapers Ive ever seen. Being consistent with her use of color, these pieces explode from the screen with lighting, depth and design. Page after page of wallpaper and calendar work. These images are fine digital art without question. Throughout the years, Areemus Sumera has taught herself not only Photo-Manipulation, but all aspects of illustration and design. She wears many hats and wields many an artistic sword. I thoroughly enjoy her work and encourage you to visit her gallery and say hello. You’ll be glad you did! She can be found at

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Thank You! I want to thank everyone who helped make this issue posible. Everybody was so helpful in helping this progect take off. I ask that th readers take the time to use the interactive links in this magazine to visit the pages of the writers and the artistin this issue. They all worked very hard and would appreciate this. I aslo want to thank everyone who took the time to read this publication. I want to make this magazine one of the best art and reading experiences that you as an indivdual come across, so please feel free to leae us feed back and help us improve. Thank you very much everyone! Jessica

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