Zipcar Presentation

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Zipcar Joseph Pullano Timothy Snyder Jessica Trippler Camille Zunica

Situation Analysis *  Zipcar *  Found in the year 2000 in Cambridge, Massachusetts *  Leading car-­‐sharing network in the world *  “Redefining the way people think about transportation.” *  Want to make it easy for others while going “green”

*  Over 10,000 vehicles available to rent *  More than 810,000 members

*  Other competitors *  Enterprise, Hertz, Avis

Situation Analysis *  Objectives *  Increase brand awareness in target market *  Change perception; explain what Zipcar is, make it accessible *  Encourage trial; increase membership in adults 50+

*  Our Goal *  Get more adults 50+ to use Zipcar *  Challenge: might not travel often, already have a car that’s paid off, use public transportation

Target Audience *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Adults 50+ Urban city dweller Working full and/or part time May be retired Active urban lifestyle Empty nester Married/widowed HHI $50,000+ Environmentally conscious

Media Objectives

*  Why advertise Zipcar? *  Many people don’t know about it *  Super easy to use *  Eco-­‐friendly

*  Objectives for media *  Increase awareness in media for adults 50+ *  Increase membership

Media Strategies

*  Begin campaign with TV to build reach *  Put ads in newspapers for a more detailed message *  Have outdoor ads as a reminder


*  Focus on: *  City of Chicago *  Over 30 Zipcar locations

*  Advertising concentration *  Big name streets *  State St., Wabash, Michigan Ave, and Lake Shore Dr. *  Main streets that have a lot of traffic


*  Leverage Chicago weather extremes by advertising just before summer and winter *  Inform customers of special seasonal/holiday rates *  Remind consumers of seasonal activities that Zipcar would allow them to do/help them out

Media Mix *  Primary: Broadcast TV *  Preferred electronic device over computers and phones *  Ability to focus on Chicago specifically; local broadcast stations *  WGN, FOX, CBS, ABC

*  Can reach audience at controlled times *  Early morning, daytime, and fringe

Media Mix *  Secondary: Newspaper *  Directed more towards adults 50+ *  Newspaper’s largest audience is 45+

*  Physical advertising preferred by those who are 50+ *  Something for them to hold onto

*  Cheap and efficient *  Sent directly to them *  Purchase one at a store

*  Specific newspapers *  Daily Herald, Chicago Sun-­‐Times, Chicago Reader

Media Mix

*  Tertiary: OOH (Out Of Home) *  Walking around the city *  Billboards

*  Using public transportation *  Buses *  Trains

*  Consumers see it when they want

Budget Allocations *  Chicago only campaign: $1 million *  TV: (50%) $500,000 *  Newspaper: (30%) $300,000 *  OOH (20%): $200,000

*  Broadcast TV: *  *  *  *

Focus on early morning, daytime and news Continuous TV campaign for 12 months Two 6 month campaigns; heavy & light Total cost: $500,016

Budget Allocations (Continued)

*  Broadcast TV: Heavy Daypart

Points per day



















Budget Allocations (Continued) *  Broadcast TV: Light Daypart

Points per day











Day Fringe




Total/6 months


Heavy + Light Total


Budget Allocations (Continued) *  Newspaper *  20 Ad campaign *  Focus on: Daily Herald, Chicago Sun-­‐Times, Chicago Reader *  Use 6”x6”, ¼ page, and ½ page ads Newspaper


Daily Herald


Chicago Sun-­‐Times


Chicago Reader


20 Ad Total


Budget Allocations (Continued) *  OOH *  4 week campaign *  Focus on billboards, buses, and trains *  Total cost: $199,850 Type


Billboards (15 panels)


Train & Bus Shelters


Train & Bus half wrap


4 Week Total



*  See excel spreadsheet

Works Cited *  Out of Home * *

*  SRDS * 152-­‐media?wp=y

*  Zipcar * *­‐cars? zipfleet_id=17224376

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