A dog is the only thing on Earth that loves you more than itself.
Powerful dogs with intelligent and alert expressions. We tibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis vitae lacus nulla, porttitor con sectetur erat. pendisse ud.
Developed in Germany in the 19th Century, boxers were originally used for fighting and to suspendisse potenti. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas augue mi, euismod
More About Boxers In the working group fugia cum re ma dolorpo rror litibusam aut possi tet landam in nulloreicte necteni tatibu nonserum ut delectat. Quatquas am, erumqui re velles moluptatur aliquati o endicim nis conem dolupti sequo diciandendis si oditi ncid moditat urempor ibusam essumque plitinte pero om
When fully grown a boxer can range in size from 21.5� to 25� tall at the shoulder.
My Puppy This handsome boxer is my boxer, Rascal. Ut ute perntem isimust ut omnimincia qui blatis simus ea voluptaerum qui conseca boribusa dit e aq uiaeritius et reprerf erchili
Peek a Boo Playing in the covers can be a fun game for most boxers.
Hi, Friend. Adventurous puppies tend to make quick friends wi other boxer puppies, and cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Viv mus hendrerit null etall us ad.
Say cheeeeese!!!! Although very photogenic, boxers are not always the easiest dog to capture cras hendrerit orci at sapien Utempor sunturepero abor atur To blaut ad quos si simagnimus exerferunt optur Ictenim incimos trupta and
my dog especially hates when I pull the camera out. capture cras hendrerit orci at sapien tempus varis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conu nora, per inceptos himenaeo Mauris porend non sit amet.
Eyes A boxers eyes can see right into your soul and haunt you for life. Alit as quiae et, occate prestrum ut int. At dolorio nsequunt. Bus, voluptate non reheni aut eosa posae quam nis unti int fugitatures volorem. Ant parione
Lazy Days
What do you mean the couch is for human people only?
Step away from the camera. I do not want my picture taken right now, it is nap time.
Take a cue from your pup today and get lazy too...
Dedicated to Rascal the napping expert
Š2013 Jessica True