a r c h i t e c t u r e d e s i g n s t u d i o j o u r n a l j e s s i c a
u t a m i 3 7 7 7 8 8
e x p r e s s
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i n t e r e s t i n n o v a t i o n
01 architecture as a discourse 02 computing in architecture 03 parametric modelling 04 conclusion
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05 matrix 06 reversed-engineering case study 07 fabrication and experimentation 08 design development 09 fabrication design proposal 10 competitive advantage
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‘above all, architecture needs to be analysed as a discourse’ - Richard Williams 2005
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Projects are discussed as architecture discourse. Taking the principles of them and focus in developing Wyndham City Gateway Project.
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‘design computation is still only seen by many as ‘just a tool’ and remote from the real business of creative design’ John Frazer 2006
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a r c h i t e c t u r e Discussion about computation in archietcture as not just a tool, but it helps to develop architecture into a new stage. Projects will be explored and design solution for Wyndham City Gateway Project will be discussed.
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p a r a m
‘scripting as a voyage of discovery’ - Mark Burry 2011
m e t r i c
m o d e l l i n g
Infinity possiblity is created through scripting. In this course, I’d further explore the relationship between functions, designs and forms through the use of parametric scripting.
‘deep ecology of imbedded algoritmic and parametric relationships are the seed for possible materialization procedures and adaptation to the side condition.’
Serroussie Pavillion By Ezio Blasetti et al (2007) Paris Seroussie Pavilion was created by patterns of vectors based on electro-magnetic field. Features of the project were built into script as to allow it for local adaptation to the site. The Seroussie Pavilion creates opportunities for different degrees of cohabitation of humans and art collections - ‘living with art’. Rearrangement of art pieces sequences can be done through the labyrinthine fabric. The design priciple that allowing adaptation to the site through scripting is our group aim. Scripting should not just be a design solution, but it has to satisfy the design and the site.
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The site is the connection of Melbourne and Wyndham city. Melbourne is represented as metropolitan urban city, while Wyndham is a rural suburban city. The site is metaphorically representation of the gradual changes between Melbourne and Wyndham city. Thus, our group decided to develop the project under metamorphosis theme - exploration the state of changes. Furthermore as discussed in the precedents, the form of the architecture should have function embedded in it. In Wyndham City Gateway Project, the function could be related with air, motion, light, and speed.
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‘design is a process of discovery, which generates insight into the problem that were not previously known’ - Kalay 2004
m a t r i x
exploration of several input, association, and ouputs in grasshopper as a learning towards the design possibilities for Wyndham Gateway Project.
input// curve intersection association// image sampler output// rotation + extrude
basic form
rotate unit x + unit y
extrude input// surface normal association// maths function sin(x)*cos(y)
basic form
loft circle output
input// boolean patterning association// image sampler output// extrude direct image is translated to the surface. There is more control over design with image sampler.
extrude basic form
i p a a o t
input// overlapping pattern assotiation// maths function tan(y) + sin (x) output// rotation
basic form
input// boolean patterning association// attractor point output// rotation + shader
rotate unit z
rotate unit y + unit z
dynamic changes occcured with rotation output.
basic form
shader rotate
a few rotation + shader
input// surface gird association// image sampler output// extrude+rotate+shader
basic form
3d form + rotate
image sampler
Again, with rotation we got dynamic, organic outcome. However i still couldn’t have control over the shape.
shader + extruder
3d surface + rotate + shade
c l input// overlapping pattern . association// maths function output// rotation + shader
further experiment with rotation output.
basic form
rotation rotation + shader
change to tan(x)
3d surface
another rotatiion
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r e v e r s e - e n g
‘analysis will reveal the constraints on accomplishing the goals’ - Kalay 2004
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s t u d y
Reversed-engineer case study is the most influential element in our design process. Learning from built-architecture helps us understand how computation could embedded with the site and the functions.
Gantenbein Vineyard Facade By Gramazion & KohlerGantenbein (2006) GNIREENIGNE-ESREVER Flasch, Switzerland SNOITANIBMOC
edacaF drayeniV niebnetnaG )6002( relhoK & noizamarG yB dnalreztiwS ,hciruZ
lamron ecafrus
elcric ticilpxe
lanogaxeh ticilpxe
snrettap palrevo
dirg ecafrus
tcesretni evruc
rotcartta tniop evruc rotcartta
The masonry facade acts as the temperature buffer and sunlight filter. In Wyndham Gateway Project, this functional aspects can be translated in terms of air, motion, shadows, and sunlight filter. Small gaps between brickworks could create different experiences through times. relpmas egami
There is a dramatic play between plasticity, depth and colour in the facade; depending on the observer’s position and the angle of the sun. The 3D depth of the facade forms dynamic form which inspires us for the Wyndham City Project. noitcnuf shtam
//tupni relpmas egami //noitaicossa noitator //tuptuo
In Wyndham Gateway Project, our group intended to design a form which can give ‘iltcejorp llams a si edacaF drayeniV niebnetnaG lusion motorists passby. With exploration of surface changes in llfiluf ot ngin ised cimotion’ rtemarap desu yllufwhilist sseccus taht -mile tuohtiw gnidliub eht fo sdeen lanoitcnuf eht this case study, illusion could be developed as the angle of each brickwork is var-cetihcra sihT .ti fo tcepsa citehtsea eht gnitani -noc citehtsea dna lanoitcnuf fo esruocsid erut ied. tnaw puorg ruo taht slaog eht fo eno si snoitcen
curve intersect
Gantenbein Vineyard Facade is a small project that successfully used parametric design to fulfill the functional needs of the building without eliminating the aesthetic aspect of it. This architecture discourse of functional and aesthetic connections is one of the goals that our group want to achieve in Wyndham Gateway Project.
surface grid
overlap patterns
explicit hexagonal
.tcejorP yawetaG mahdnyW ni eveihca ot
Moreover, the interplay of light that occurs in the interior as a result of the changing position of ths sun, depicts the change and movement of lights and shadGantenbein Vineyard Facade ows. On the exterior, the gradual variation of depth and plasticity of the &pattern deBy Gramazion Kohler (2006) ruo ,noitarolpxe xirtam eht morf ,eromrehtruF picts motion and dynamic form of the facade. Therefore, due to the strong ‘changngised a si noitinfied noitator taht dediced puorg Zurich, Switzerland .emeht sisohpromatem eht gnireviled rof noitulos es’etathat case study, we’d like to further explore it for Wyndham erc ot euqinoccures hcet noitator sesuin yduts ethis sac sihT -ulos ngised eht fo eno si ti dna ;segnahc ecafrus City proposal. -romGateway atem fo emeht ruoProject htiw elbatius si tahdesign t noit
explicit circle
erutarepmet eht sa stca edacaf yrnosam ehT yawetaG mahdnyW nI .retlfi thgilnus dna reffub -om ,ria fo smret ni detalsnart eb nac siht ,tcejorP -eb spag llamS .retlfi thgilnus dna ,swodahs ,noit surface normal -irep xe tne reffid etaerc dluoc skrowkcirb neewt .semit hguorht secne
dirg ecafrus //tupni relpmas egami //noitaicossa noitator //tuptuo
noitator nevird atad
dirg ecafrus
relpmas egami
relpmas egami //tupni dirg ecafrus //noitaicossa noitator //tuptuo
noitator nevird atad
dirg ecafrus gnisu
relpmas egami
noitcaretni ecafrus //tupni stes gnisu //noitaicossa noitator //tuptuo
-ni puorg ruo ,tcejorP yawetaG mahdnyW nI noisulli‘ evig nac hcihw mrof a ngised ot dednet -arolpxe htiW .ybssap stsirotom tsilihw ’noitom ni noisulli ,yduts esac siht ni segnahc ecafrus fo noit -kcirb hcae fo elgna eht sa depoleved eb dluoc -emos eb dluoc osla noisulli ehT .deirav si krow -mi sa ytiC mahdnyW sdrawot llufgninaem gniht .ti depoleved ot desu saw relpmas ega enod saw yduts esac eht fo noitarolpxe rehtruF .ledom eht fo noitacirbaf hguorht
noitator nevird atad
noitcaretni ecafrus
stes gnisu
gninrettap naeloob //tupni stes gnisu //noitaicossa noitator //tuptuo noitator nevird atad
gninrettap naeloob
stes gnisu
nrettap gnippalrevo //tupni + )y(nat noitcnuf shtam //noitaitossa )x( nis
z tinu + y tinu etator
z tinu etator
mrof cisab
gninrettap naeloob //tupni tniop rotcartta //noitaicossa redahs + noitator //tuptuo
redahs + noitator wef a
mrof cisab
BangQ Restaurant By Office dA (2009) Boston, MA, USA The design of the space is conceptualized in z axis; between the ceiling and the ground as to keep the ground flexible for restaurant activities. Each piece of the contoured ceiling is made from unique pieces of plywood adhered together in a scenario that likens to a puzzle; only one possible location for each unit to formulate continous member. The spacing between the visible ceiling ribs is variable, compressing and releasing to maintain visual densities of the overall surface as seen from different angles. Similar to the vineyard facade, this case study was done as the project is seen in morphing effect; changing from one state to another to fulfill its the needs of the services in the ceiling and on the floor. This is just another alternative that our group want to explore.
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‘approach that examines architecture in terms of experience -Richard Williams 2005
f a b r i c a t i o n a n d e x p e r i m e n t a t i o n
From the experiment in the case study, we would like to further developed and explored the vineyard facade. Fabrication part of the facade was done. The result was as desired. The morphing surface creates texture and pattern that are developing in lights and motion. Several photographs were taken as an exploration of the model under different condition.
changes in motion
Pattern of each ‘strip’ is changing. These photographs show the changes in motion.
Surface of the model is morphing by itself. With motion and lights, this model creates experience to the viewer driving through it.
Simple models were made earlier for exploration with lights, texture, pattern, shadows, and motion. These photographs are showing ‘changes’
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‘design is a process we engage in when the current situation is different from desired situation and actions needed to transform are not immediately obvious’ -Kalay 2004
d e v e l o p m e n t Design concept for Wyndham City Gateway Project as in the relation with ‘metamorphosis’
The sculpture act as a signpost which alarm the drivers that they are already leaved away city, and entering to the nature, Wyndham City.
With our theme of metamorphosis and with the experiment of the fabrication in the previous part, we further developed our design to fit into Wyndham City Gateway Project. Taking the metaphor of ‘wild grass’ - that usually found at the side of the highway, we further developed it to metaphorically representing the connection between Wyndham and Melbourne city. LOWEST: HIGHEST:
Melbouurne City Wyndham
NODE: Melbouurne City ANTI-NODE: Wyndham
To represent the symbolic of a city, the driver will get a narrow view to nature because of the tiny gap between each panel when driving from Melbourne city, it is just like a semi-transparent screen. On the other edge (close to Wyndham), it provide wider view to nature by enlarging the gap between panels, that bring the message “Welcome to Wyndham, welcome to wildlife”
Drivers can only view the first few panels if placing the lowest one are placed at the front, they couldn’t release how long the sculpture is before passing thought it. The shorter panels will create a feeling of pressure, on the other hand, higher one will give a feeling of freedom
Melbourne is represented as metropolitan urban city ORIENTATION with hectic situation and dense population. Wyndham is represented as tranquil suburban where it is Reflective road a place for recreations, leisure and nature. The MATERIAL signages material sculpture that we’d like to propose is the representation of gradual changes between these city.
INPUT: Using a simple plane rectangle form to be the basic geometry of panel
ASSOCIATION: Force from surrounding Melbourne: Many force/pressure from the city (noise, housing density, lifestyle, money, communication, social relation...) Wyndham: Only one force stress from nature (wind)
OUTPUT: Melbourne: Regular Wynham: Curvilinear
Part of panels might be blocked when different panels get different set back, which means drivers will view different form from different time, location
From els w give ume o The s front creat hecti be pu freed
Driver can see the scuplture clearly even at night because of reflection of headlight from car The material will change gradually vertically, the scuplture will seem to be dissapear to the sky
376193 557523 376062 377788
To represent the symbolic of a city (Melbourne), the driver will get a narrow view to nature due The sculpture act as a signpost which alarm the drivers that they are to the tiny gapsalready between eachcity,panel. While drivleaved away and entering to the nature, Wyndham City. ing towards Wyndham, the gaps are wider as to bring the message ‘Welcome to Wyndham, Welcome to the Tranquility Nature’
NODE: Melbouurne City ANTI-NODE: Wyndham
To represent the symbolic of a city, the driver will get a narrow view to nature because of the tiny gap between each panel when driving from Melbourne city, it is just like a semi-transparent screen. On the other edge (close to Wyndham), it provide wider view to nature by enlarging the gap between panels, that bring the message “Welcome to Wyndham, welcome to wildlife”
INPUT: Using a simple plane rectangle form to be the basic geometry of panel
Melbourne, only the first few panwill be seen by the driver as to the curiousity effect of the volof the sculpture. shorther panels HEIGHT will be put at the ADE t (in ‘melbourne’s side’) as to te a feeling of pressure of the ic city. While the higher one will ut towards Wyndham as to give the LOWEST: Melbouurne City HIGHEST: Wyndham dom, tranquil feelings.
ASSOCIATION: Force from surrounding Melbourne: Many force/pressure from the city (noise, housing density, lifestyle, money, communication, social relation...) Wyndham: Only one force stress from nature (wind)
OUTPUT: Melbourne: Regular Wynham: Curvilinear
Drivers can only view the first few panels if placing the lowest one are placed at the front, they couldn’t release how long the sculpture is before passing thought it. The shorter panels will create a feeling of pressure, on the other hand, higher one will give a feeling of freedom
Part of panels might be blocked when different panels get different set back, which means drivers will view different form from different time, location
Concept model
Material Reflective road signages material
Driver can see the scuplture clearly even at night because of reflection of headlight from car The material will change gradually vertically, the scuplture will seem to be dissapear to the sky
Experiment with the shape. TIME (LIGHT&SHADOW) Metaphor of wild-grass
Driver can see the sculpture clearly even at night time due to the reflection of headlight from the car. The material will change gradually vertically as if the sculture is dissapearing to the sky.
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‘the goals must be modified and the constraints relaxed or new ones added’ - Kalay 2004
d e s i g n
p r o p o s a l
Model from the design concept were developed and fabricated to test under different circumtances
Fabrication of the Design Proposal As discussed in previous part, the gradual changes of the sculpture is created through the concept of height and density. With grasshopper definition that we were done in previous fabrication, we developed and made the surface changes of the sculpture, not in flat plane but in more organic form (grass-like form). The surface and the height of the model in gradually change as the drivers pass through it from Melbourne towards Wyndham. The shorter panel has denser surface as the representation of metropolitan city and as it moves toward Wyndham it gets less dense and higher to represent tranquility.
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a d v a n t a g e
‘Seeds of Change’
Proposed Site
ne Bridge
Competitive Advantages The Gateway Project requires an eye-catching sculpture which inspire and enriches municipality of Wyndham City. Emphasis of Wyndham’s rich heritage, culture and art has to be translated into the design. Our design has the characteristic of Wyndham that the City Council wants to convey to the visitors. In the proposed sculpture, it emphasises that Wyndham is distict from Melbourne city - Wyndham is tranquil, place for recreation, leisure, heritage and culture. We developed our design as it is a space of metamorphosis; transition from the metropolitan city towards tranquil Wyndham city. It is created through the different density and height of the sculpture. Similar to ‘Seed of Change’ design approach, however we’d like to add the experience driving through it. Tunnel-like sculpture is designed in Site A and B, similar to the built project of Tullamarine Bridge as we think it creates a successful motion experience. With this morphing sculpture that creates experience to the drivers, our design would be an icon to welcome visitor to Wyndham City.
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Architecture Design Studio Air challanges us to work with digital architecture design, which is a whole new thing for me. Digital architecture has became the most vibrant and influential areas in contemporary architecture. It creates infinity possibilities for learning. As a virgin to digital architecture, I found it difficult, yet exciting, to learn it. This subject pushes me to overcome the uncertainties. By experiences problems that I went through the process of designing and fabricating, unconsiously I pushed myself to learn something from it. In 8 weeks, I’ve learnt to use digital software, not only as a tool, but as a media for infinity design creativites.
l e a
‘process of finding solution is unique and characterized by missing information and uncertainty’ - Kalay 2004
a r n i n g o b j e c t i v e a n d o u t c o m e s