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4 Discussion: Emergent Outcomes and Actions

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7 Notes

7 Notes

they unfolded through a dynamic, easily curated “mind map” format that allowed us to more easily visualize the diverse organizational and individual players in the mobility system and how they related to each other and different essential functions (e.g. movement of people, and safe access to food, housing, jobs, education). We used this tool internally for the core team.

In contrast, we used the SumApp/Kumu tool towards the end of our initial exploratory interviews to support collective sense-making of the VMP as an ecosystem. We used the SumApp survey to guide all VMP members in a reflective process about their commitments, contributions, and needs with respect to the VMP as a whole. This survey fed into a linked Kumu social network mapping platform, which allowed all VMP members to see (1) the network of diverse, aligned players as a whole, purposeful system with diverse assets, (2) the unique gifts, roles, and intentions of each member, and (3) the current strength of collaborative relationships among the members, in their evolution over time (see Figure 6). Each of the 28 VMP member organizations received a unique hyperlink for their survey, through which they could update their bio, complete a survey, note the extent to which they collaborate with other partners in the network in the present, and view the evolving social network map. Currently, this map is used only for collective sense-making within the VMP network; it is not currently public and can only be accessed through the unique links created for each organization. In time, the VMP network may choose to publish the Kumu map publicly, and further develop maps that include individuals and Valverde community members.vii


Figure 6: Valverde Movement Project Visual Directory via SumApp and Kumu

Taken together, the asset mapping, story mapping, promise mapping, and kinship mapping have advanced VMP’s core knowledge production priorities while also (1) creating and maintaining reciprocal relationships characterized by mutually beneficial exchange, (2) fostering collective memory and co-

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