YI ZHU Gender: Date of birth: Mail: Tel: Wechat: Address:
Female 18/04/1994 +86 17701587360 suxiaomo123 Pudong District, Shanghai, China
EDUCATION University of Bath Bath, United Kingdom Master of Science in Modern Building Design, Merit
University of Liverpool Liverpool,United Kingdom Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Architecture, RIBA Part-1
Xi-an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Suzhou, China Bachelor of Engineering in Architecture, RIBA Part-1
WORK EXPERIENCE Architectural Designer CCDI GROUP, Design Studio 21, Shenzhen 2019.3-2021.5 • Work directly with the design director to complete tender project documents and architectural design in the whole process • On behalf of department to cooperate and coordinate with overseas cooperating design team; • Assist supervisor in coordination work with consultants, and communication with the client; • Responsible for the work of department image promotion, the operation of official account and coordination work of global competition. 2018.6-2018.12 Intern Designer Kier Group, Bristol, United Kingdom • Promote the operation of WELL Standard in Architectural engineering company and propose the improved strategies according to the actual condition. • Assist supervisor in coordination work with consultants, and communication with the client.
HONORS Yulong Snow Mountain Vistor Center Year 2020/Architizer A+awards Finalist in Transportation-Unbuilt Transportaion for Architecture Haier Cloud Valley Year 2020/Architecture Masterprize 2020 Honorable Mention Haimen Football Town Year 2019/Shenzhen Architectural Design Award second class prize in unbuilt project Jinan Haier International Exhibition Center Year 2019/Shenzhen Architectural Design Award second class prize in unbuilt project
The research on the relationship between future city and residential building• Taiziwan Yizhan Talent Apartment Year 2021/Published on Apark Anchor Points & Refactoring -Haier Cloud Valley Urban Renewal In Qingdao Year 2019/Published on Archdaily Evaluating and optimising the health and wellbeing of occupants in an existing office building through WELL Building Standard Year 2018/Reseach report for Kier Group
SKILLS Software Skill • Autocad 4.5/5 • Sketch up & Rhinoceros 4.5/5 • Adobe Creator (PS+AI+ID+AE) 5/5 • Revit+Archicad 4/5 • V-Ray+Keyshot+Inscape+Lumion 4.5/5 • Grasshopper 4/5 • Microsoft Office 4.5/5
Language Skill • Chinese (1st) proficiency
Native of bilingual
Industry Skill • Laser Cutting 4.5/5 • 3D Printing 4/5 • Model Manufacturing 4.5/5
Greenland Caiguan Factory Project
中国铁建长江新城 CRCC Changjiang New City Project
杭州余杭鼎湖未来社区 Yuhang Future Community 青岛市北区人工智能产业集聚区产业发展规划 Shibei District Artificial Intelligence Industrial Park Planning 广州腾飞园二期 Guangzhou Tengfei Industrial Park Phase II
深汕人民医院 People's Hospital in Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone 研究与应用——产业园区设计研究 Research and Application——Industrial Park Design and Research 研究与应用——WELL(健康建筑)标准在实际建筑工程公司中的运用 Research and Application——Evaluating and optimising the health and wellbeing of occupants in an existing office building through WELL Building Standard
SUPPLYMENT Acadamic work 01 —— Bradford on Avon Cultural Hub Academic work 02 —— Pant Du Winery Academic work 03 —— Green City of Hope -The Royal College of Physicians North
雅居乐中山翠亨新区北塔研究 AGILE North Tower in Cuiheng New District
海门足球小镇足球俱乐部 Haimen Football Town
玉龙雪山游客集散中心 Yulong Snow Mountain Vistor Center
CULTURAL ARCHITECTURE 玉龙雪山游客集散中心 Yulong Snow Mountain Vistor Center 海门足球小镇足球俱乐部 Haimen Football Town
玉龙雪山游客集散中心 Yulong Snow Mountain Vistor Center 项目地点:丽江,云南 Site: Lijiang,Yunnan 项目规模:64265 ㎡ Area: 64265 sqm 项目类型:竞赛项目 Project Type: Competition Design 项目状态:获 2020 年 Architizer A+awards 交通类未建 成交通设施最终提名奖项 Project Status: the 2020 Architizer A+awards Finalists in Transportation-Unbuilt Transportion for Architecture 个人工作内容:项目建筑师,负责方案设计、文本制作及 后期宣传等工作。 Personal Work: project architect, responsible for the accomplish of building design、report documents and the late propaganda,
建筑由中庭像外发散,延长建筑景观面,让游客脚步慢下来欣赏身边的风景; 形成的 U 型广场,能有效疏散人流,缓解交通压力。 In the architectural design of building, the five building blocks surrounding atrium guide tourists enter our tourist center from different entrances and the scenery outside the window encourage tourists to slow down. Outside the tourist center, four U shape squares surrounding the building is effective to evacuate human traffic and relief traffic pressure.
主入口广场结合下沉广场,有效的避开人车混行,形成舒适的步行空间。 The main entrance square, combined with the sunken square, effectively avoids the mixed traffic between people and vehicles, and forms a comfortable walking space.
通过建筑坡道,延申场地景观至建筑屋面,使建筑与景观自然融合形成观景平 台,尽览周边丰富的自然资源。 The building ramp extends the landascape to the roof, so the building and the landscape are naturally integrated to form a viewing platform, and the surrounding rich natural resources are fully viewed.
鸟瞰图 Aerial View Rendering
LANDSCAPE 总图 Masterplan
游客中心拟建于云南丽江丽鸣路,通往玉龙雪山 轻轨线的始发站处。 The tourist center is located in Liming Road, Lijiang, Yunnan province in China, the departure station of the light rail to Yulong Snow Mountain. 游客中心以“雪山上飘落下来的一粒雪花”为设 计理念,契合整体环境和建筑功能,同时表达人 们对自然的敬畏,对冰雪的渴望。“雪花”掉落 在冰面上留下的冰痕形成整个场地的景观肌理。 The design concept of our tourist center – a falling snowflake from Yulong Snow Mountain, which fits well with the surrounding environment and building function, express the human’s feeling of awe to nature and the desire to snow. From the perspective of landscape design, the ice mark left by ‘falling snowflake’ forms the landscape texture in the site.
鸟瞰图 Aerial View Rendering
立面效果图 Facade Rendering
station entrance
waiting hall
tourists reception hall information enquiry
w rail
建筑北侧设置 4d 实景体验空间,利用通电玻璃技术,实 现虚拟与自然的融合。 In the north side of the buidling, a 4D real-scene experience space is set up to realize the integration of virtual and nature by using electrification glass technology.
ticket area logistics management
4D real-scene cinema
tion sta y a
流动贯通的大空间与中央景观中庭相结合,串联起不同尺 度与功能的建筑空间。 The large flowing space is combined with the central landscape atrium to connect the building space of different scales and functions.
supporting facilities station exit
室内效果图 Interior Rendering
立面采用六边形元素,形成虚实渐变的肌 理,阳光透过立面洒进室内,斑驳的光影 恍若纷飞的雪花。实面采用当地传统材料, 以谦逊温和的姿态融入当地自然环境,实 现人、建筑、自然地和谐共生。 The element of hexagon was adopted in the design process of building façade. In normal times, the sun shines into the building through the gradient façade, forming dappled pattern of light and shadow, which looks like flying snowflakes. Responding to the concept of harmonious coexistence between human, building and nature, the traditional local materials are adopted in the building façade and the building is well-integrated into its natural environment with a modest and gentle gesture.
Railway station
Ticket Gate Waiting Hall Atrium
Sunken Square Entrance Flow
Underground Road Semi-underground Parking Exit Flow
云杉 Spruce
瓦片 Tiles
青石 Bluestone
东巴纸 Dongba Paper
海门足球小镇足球俱乐部 Haimen Football Town 项目地点:南通,江苏 Site: Nantong, Jiangsu 项目规模:64399 ㎡ Area: 64399 sqm 项目类型:委托项目 Project Type: Commissioned Project 项目状态:在建 Project Status: Under Construction 个人工作内容:项目建筑师,配合主创建筑师进行方案设计,方 案调整深化与报建,方案设计专篇的编制;对接业主进行多轮汇 报与方案深化;完成平立剖和墙身大样图纸的绘制;后期配合项 目落地工作,进行选材与指导等。 Personal work: project architect, Commissioned project, assist the design director with architectural design in the whole process; assist supervisor in coordination work with client; complete technical drawings of plan, section, elevation and construction detail; provide professional advice of construction materials selection in later period.
建筑单体设计 Architectural Design
项目位于南通海门滨江板块,在尊重自 然、为人服务的准则下,为珂缔缘足球 俱乐部创造一种多功能互动的有机生态 社区,创造属于时代也属于地方的新型 足球俱乐部项目。 The project is located in Haimen Riverside plot, Nantong. Under the principle of respecting nature and serving people, it creates a multifunctional and interactive organic ecological community and a new type of football club belonging to The Times for Kediyuan Football Club.
足球荣誉展厅 Football Exhibition Hall of Honor 展厅外立面采用外挂穿孔高强度混凝土板,螺旋而上形 成了丰富的外表皮肌理。疏密有致的洞口犹如繁星点点 洒落于此,给展厅带来了多样的光学体验。沿着坡道螺 旋而上,借着光线的转变,实现景随人变的光影效果。 足球荣誉展厅位于文化广场核心位置,犹如一座精神堡 垒的汇聚。 The facade of the exhibition hall is made of perforated high-strength concrete boards, which spiral upward to form a rich facade texture. The dense hole is like the stars, bringing a variety of optical experience to the exhibition hall. Walking along apiral ramp, the lighting effect is changed with the movement of people. The football exhibition hall of honor is located at the core position of the cultural square, just like a spiritual fortress.
设计概念 Design Concept
Kediyuan Team Logo
提取珂缔缘队徽中矛的元素,结合足球场中场线抽象成场地中轴线,以空中 跑道的形式串联起足球场、足球俱乐部、商业、邻里中心、酒店和宿舍楼等 功能体。 The element of spear in the team logo of Kediyuan is extracted to form the central axis of the site. The functional blocks such as football field, football club, commercial space, neighborhood center, hotel and dormitory are connected by rooftop runway.
广场效果图 Square Rendering
建筑单体设计 Architectural Design
苏州路沿街透视图 Suzhou Road Street-side Perspective Rendering
足球俱乐部入口 入口效果图 Entrance Rendering The entrance of Footbal club 标志性拱形门以及通高十字柱直接引导人 流上行。或行或停,可以提供多种活动场景。 入口往左可直达荣誉展示厅,往右则可以 观看足球赛事。 Iconic arched door and cross column attracts people to come. The square can provide a variety of activity scenarios. The entrance leads to the exhibition hall of Honor on the left and to the football match on the right. 屋顶跑道与底层商业的外挑与内缩,形成 了界面丰富的商业立面以及供人驻留的多 层灰空间。十字柱的阵列排布有力的托举 屋顶跑道的同时也也尽显结构之美。 The combination of rooftop runway and the shops on the ground floor form a rich business frontage and multi-storey spaces for people to stay. The array of cross columns provides a powerful lift to the roof runway and also shows the beauty of the structure.
沿街商业透视图 Street-side Business Perspective Rendering
空中跑道 Rooftop Runway 空中跑道不仅成为片区的标志,还为周边居民提供休闲健身的场 所,聚集更多人气,注入更多活力。 The runway has not only become a symbol of the area, but also provides a place for leisure and fitness for surrounding residents, gathering more people and injecting more vitality. 鸟瞰图 Aerial View Rendering 酒店透视图 Hotel Perspective Rendering
HIGH-RISE BUILDING 雅居乐中山翠亨新区北塔研究 AGILE North Tower in Cuiheng New District 绿地佛山彩管厂项目 Greenland Caiguan Factory Project 中国铁建长江新城 CRCC Changjiang New City Project
雅居乐中山翠亨新区北塔研究 AGILE North Tower in Cuiheng New District 项目地点:中山,广东 Site: Zhongshan, Guangdong 项目规模:约 320000 ㎡ Area: approx 320000 sqm 项目高度:460M Height: 460M 合作单位:KPF Cooperation Team: KPF 项目类型:投标项目 Project Type: Bidding Project 项目状态:中标,合作沟通中 Project Status: Winning bid, in cooperation and communication process 个人工作内容:项目建筑师,配合团队完成项目前 期规划及建设研究建议;对接业主进行研究方案述 标及优化;配合境外设计团队完成方案推动。 Personal Work: project architect, cooperate with team to complete project planning and construction research advices; assist supervisor reporting to clients for design optimization; coordinate with overseas design team to complete design development.
愿景 | 健康生活
该项目位于广东省中山市翠亨新区 G98 地块,翠亨新区面向深圳湾和未 来的深中通道的连接点。地理位置优 越,紧密连系大湾区。 为 G98 地块打造的这座 460M 的新 塔楼集合了办公、酒店、公寓和商业 功能。这座塔楼将为深圳湾的西侧增 添一道令人惊叹的天际线。 This project is located in G98 plot of Cuiheng district, Zhongshan, Guangdong province. With its prominent location and link to the Greater Bay Area, theCuiheng island is facing Shenzhen Bay and will be a future key landing point in the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel. The north tower in G98 plot is composed of office, hotel, apartment and commercial area. The tower will add a breathtaking skyline to the western side of Shenzhen Bay.
Aspiration| Healthy Living
A New Mixed Used Community
A Heart for the new district
打造村落式商业 Create a Retail Village
促进健康生活 Healthy Living
我们对雅居乐地产 G-98 地块的概念是创建一个充满活力的综合用途规划及发展。将健康生活及绿色城市的 肌理嵌入到新城市的结构中,让内部街道、户外广场、花园和拱廊在多个层面上成为不同功能用户及城市访 客交流聚集,将场地变成邻里跳动的心脏。高架花园建在观光层上,为居民和游客提供户外设施空间。
Our concept for Agiles Properties' G-98 plot is to create a vibrant mixed-use destination. Embedding the site into the fabric of the new city, a network of inner streets, outdoor squares, gardens and arcades create activity across multiple levels turning the site into the beating heart of the neighbourhood. Elevated gardens are proposed on podium rooftops, to provide outdoor amenity spaces for the residents and visitors.
In this project working with the overseas team, our team was mainly responsible for completing the preliminary planning and construction research of the project; Communicated with the owner for the proposal research and optimization, and cooperated with the overseas design team to complete the project promotion. The preliminary construction research includes the value analysis of various functions of the building complex, how to solve the vertical relationship of multi-function of the main tower, and how to solve the technical feasibility of the main tower. The following is part of the research.
与境外团队合作的该项目中,团队主要负责完成项目前期规划及前期建设研究建议;对接业主进行研究方案述标及优 化并配合境外设计团队完成方案推动。 前期建设研究包括综合体多种功能之间的价值分析,如何解决主塔楼多功能的竖向关系,如何解决主塔楼在技术上的 可行性。以下为部分研究内容。
多种功能价值分析 Various Fuctions Value Analysis
主塔楼功能体量分析 Main Tower functional volume Analysis
交通组织分析 Traffic Organization Analysis
主塔楼垂直交通分析 Main Tower Vertical Traffic Analysis
设计理念 Design Concept
绿地佛山彩管厂项目 Greenland Caiguan Factory Project 项目地点:佛山,广东 Site: Foshan, Guangdong 项目规模:261773 ㎡ Area: 261773 sqm 项目类型:投标项目 Project Type: Bidding Project 项目状态:中标报建中 Project Status: Winning bid, in construction application process 个人工作内容:项目建筑师,配合主创建筑师进行前期投标及 中标后方案设计;方案调整深化与报建;对接业主进行多轮汇 报与方案深化。 Personal Work: project architect, assist the design director with architectural design in the whole process including concept design development, design optimization and design
项目简介 Design Concept
北视角人视图 North People View Rendering
佛山醒狮是佛山优秀传统文化的重要 组成部分。在双塔的设计中,建筑犹 如两头舞狮,双塔相互回应,布局呈 合拢聚气之势,象征挺拔而上,节节 高升。 Foshan Lion Dance is an important part of Foshan traditional culture. In the design of two towers, buildings are like two dancing lions. The layout of two tall buildings is a symbol of rising.
Landscpe strategy 从地面广场起始,结合各层平台绿化,内庭院花园,裙房屋顶花园,并在塔楼六至七层设置架空层,提供休闲活动空间,在塔楼内重点设 置生态平台,于顶部数层营造退台花园,形成一个完善的、多层次的景观系统,为工作、生活其间的人们提供一个充满阳光、绿意的生态 环境。
绿地佛山彩管厂项目位于中国佛山市禅城区中心区域。本项目是集 办公、商业、酒店等多功能为一体的超高层大型城市综合体,旨在 打造成为吸引周边办公商务白领、居民、上班族、观光游客的地标 性建筑。设计团队在该项目中负责塔楼单体设计及幕墙设计。 Greenland Foshan Caiguan Project is located in the central area of Chancheng district, Foshan city, China. The project is a super high-rise urban complex integrating office, business and hotel etc, aiming to build a landmark building which attracts surrounding office workers, residents and tourists. Design team is responsible for tower design and facade design in the project.
愿景 Vision
东北角鸟瞰图 North-east Aerial View Rendering
建筑空间设计 Architectural Space Design
立面设计 Facade Design
酒店大堂 Hotel Lobby
灰蓝色玻璃 grey blue glass
overhead floor lightweight ceiling curtain wall stud light grey low-e glass metal perforated plate
俯瞰全城的通透视野 A panoramic view of the city A 灰蓝玻璃 A grey blue glass 为民中心 Civic Center
C 超白玻 C ultra clear glass
幕墙分隔图 facade technical plan
B 浅蓝玻璃 B light blue glass
室内场景图 interior rendering
中国铁建长江新城 CRCC Changjiang New City Project 项目地点:武汉,湖北 Site: Wuhan, Hubei 项目规模:78000 ㎡ Area: 78000 sqm 项目高度:150M Height: 150M 项目类型:委托项目 Project Type: Comissioned Project 项目状态:报建中 Project Status: Under construction application 个人工作内容:项目建筑师,主要设计人,配合主创 建筑师进行前期投标及中标后方案设计;方案调整深 化与报建;对接业主进行多轮汇报与方案深化。 Personal Work: project architect, main designer, assist the design director with architectural design in the whole process; assist supervisor in coordination work with client.
设计概念 - 高山流水 Design Concept-Mountain and Flowing Water
该项目为在武汉为中国铁建集团打造的商业办公 总部大楼,基地位于武汉市东北方向的江岸区谌 家矶片区,长江北岸,未来将以国际创新商务区 为重点打造国际金融城。 The project is a commercial office headquarters building built for China Railway Construction Corporation in Wuhan. The site is located in Chenjiaji Area, Jiangan District, northeast of Wuhan, the north bank of the Yangtze River. In the future, this area will be planned as an international commercial city with a focus on the internation innovation business district.
项目以高山流水为设计理念, 主楼分区 的层层退台仿佛蜿蜒的山路,流水顺势 而下。体现了 CRCC 不断开拓,节节攀 升的企业理念,同时给使用者提供了绿 色生态的办公环境。 The design concept of the project is high mountain and flowing water, the multi-level terrace of the main buidling is like winding mountain road, with water flowing smoothly. It embodies CRCC's enterprise philosophy of continuous development and continuous improvement, and provides ecological office environment for users.
乘桥二客心悠然, 偶立遥看瀑布泉。 高山流水有深意, 咫尺不闻音韵传。
设计生成 Design Development
1. 塔楼、裙房落位 2. 开放入口、将人流引入园区 3. 空间收放增加价值 4. 平台连接,露台、架空层生成 1. setting the tower 2. open entrance, lead people 3. arrange the space 4. connect the platform, create and podiums into the park to add value terraces and empty spaces
西南人视图 South-west People View Rendering
东北人视图 North-east People View Rendering
INDUSTRIAL PARK 杭州余杭鼎湖未来社区 Yuhang Future Community 青岛市北区人工智能产业集聚区产业发展规划 Shibei District Artificial Intelligence Industrial Park Planning 广州腾飞园二期 Guangzhou Tengfei Industrial Park Phase
杭州余杭鼎湖未来社区 Yuhang Future Community 项目地点:杭州,浙江 Site: Hangzhou, Zhejiang 项目规模:331937 ㎡ Area: 331937 sqm 项目类型:投标项目 Project Type: Bidding Project 个人工作内容:项目建筑师,配合主创建筑师进行
本项目属浙江省第二批未来社区项目,位于杭州市余杭区,临 鸟瞰图 Aerial View Rendering 平新城核心区。旨在建设包括居住中心、商业商务中心、邻里 中心等在内的杭州 5G 未来社区。 This project belongs to the second group of future community projects in Zhejiang Province, located in the core area of Linping New Town, Yuhang District, Hangzhou city. It aims to build a 5G future community including a residential center, a business center and a neighborhood center etc.
未来科技之城 Future technology city
前期投标及中标后方案设计;方案调整深化与报建; 对接业主进行多轮汇报与方案深化。
Personal Work: project architect, assist the design director with architectural design in the whole process; assist supervisor in coordination work with client.
东视角人视图 East Side People View Rendering
设计理念 Design Concept
规划结构 Planning Structure
都市桃花源,临平未来城 Urban Utopia, Linping Future City
一轴两翼、三区互联 one axis, two wings and three interconnected areas
waterfront cu
ltural park
talent innovation center
residential center
依托滨水文化公园形成一轴两翼、三区互联的空间格局 Surrounding the waterfront cultural park to form the space layout of one axis, two wings and three interconnected areas. 一轴:滨水文化公园景观轴。 one axis: waterfront cultural park landscape axis 两翼:居住中心和人才创新中心分布两侧。 two wings: residential center and talent innovation center are set on both sides. 三区:居住生活区、特色人才服务区、创新创业办公区。 three areas: living area, special talent service area, innovation and entrepreneurship office area
利用共享连廊连通三区,置入三化——人本化、生态化、数字化;九场景——服务、治理、健康、低碳、建筑、 邻里、创业、教育、交通场景的理念,打造一个结合历史文化生活街区的未来科技之城。 The shared corridor is used to connect the three areas. The concept of three elements——humanization, ecology and digitalization; nine scenes——service, governance, health, low-carbon, architecture, neighborhood, entrepreneurship, education, transportation scene is used to create a future science and technology city combining historical and cultural life blocks.
三化九场景 Three elements and nine scences
innovation and entrepreneurship center
talent apartment neighborhood center residential building commercial facilities business office
历史文化生活街区 Historical cultural living street
青岛市北区人工智能产业集聚区产业发展规划 Shibei District Artificial Intelligence Industrial Park Planning 项目地点:青岛,山东 Site: Qingdao, Shandong 项目规模:331937 ㎡ Area: 331937 sqm 项目类型:投标项目 Project Type: Bidding Project 项目状态:中标报建中 Project Status: Winning bid, in construction application process 个人工作内容:项目建筑师, 主要设计人, 配合团队完成概念规划投标设计;担任方案设计 主要设计人并负责完成文本制作及协调沟通等工 作。
Personal Work: project architect, main designer, assist the team to complete conceptual plan design; act as the major designer and responsible for report document completation and coordination work.
规划结构 Planning Structure
一环一轴三芯 one circle, one axis, three points
公共服务设施 Public service facilities
三芯:体育中心 Three points: sports centre
滨海休闲空间 Marine leisure space
三芯:展示中心 Three points: exhibition hall
规划策略 Planning Strategy 三芯:商业广场 Three points: business square
利用复合功能空间混合的规划结构模式, 依托轨道交通站点的 TOD 发展模式,利 用开放空间网络创造随时随地的交流模 式,打造集合“智空间”“智生产”“智 生活” “智生态”的人工智能产业集聚园区。 Using the planning structure mode of mixed functional space, relying on the TOD mode, using the open space to create communication scenarios, to create an AI industrial park integrating "intelligent space", "intelligent production", "intelligent life" and "intelligent ecology".
健康设施系统 health facility system
无人驾驶系统 Unmanned system
鸟瞰图 Aerial View Rendering
广州腾飞园二期 Guangzhou Tengfei Industrial Park Phase II 项目地点:广州,广东 Site: Guangzhou, Guangdong 项目规模:约 118400 ㎡ Area: approx 118400 sqm 项目类型:投标项目 Project Type: Bidding Project 个人工作内容: 项目建筑师,配合团队完成投标 方案设计;负责完成文本制作及方案部分技术性 图纸制作。 Personal Work: project architect, omplete the report document and technical drawings.
方案一 Option One 提取 DNA 的分子碱基的空间形态,抽象成水平线条, 映射在建筑立面上,采用不同截面尺寸的构件,形成光 影丰富立面肌理。 The spatial form of DNA molecular base is abstracted into horizontal lines, which are mapped on the building facade. Components of different cross-section sizes are used to enrich the facade texture.
该项目为在广州为凯德集团打造的以生物医药为 主题的办公产业园区,基地位于广州中新知识城 九龙大道东侧。 The project is a biomedical theme industrial park built for Capitaland in Guangzhou. The site is located in Zhongxin knowledge city, Guangzhou, the east side of Jiulong Road.
light grey plate
blue low-e toughened glass
light grey aluminium plate
设计理念 Design Concept
设计生成 Design Development light grey aluminium plate
抽象提取 DNA 的分子结构形式,映射在园区规划上,利用串联的方式 将建筑联系在一起,形成丰富有趣的建筑链群体。 The molecular structure form of DNA is abstracted and mapped to the park planning. Buildings are connected in series to form an interesting building chain group.
blue low-e toughened glass
方案二 Option Two 提取基因图谱的元素,将基因图谱转译成不同尺寸的方 格形成富有韵律感的立面肌理。 The element of the gene map is extracted and t r a n s f o r m s s q u a r e s o f d i ff e r e n t s i z e s t o f o r m a rhythmic facade texture.
园区内部 Inside the Industrial Park
blue low-e toughened glass
light grey aluminium plate
blue low-e toughened glass
HEALTHCARE ARCHITECTURE 深汕人民医院 People's Hospital in Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone
交通流线分析图 Traffic Circulation
西南侧鸟瞰图 South-west Aerial View People's Hospital in Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone
项目地点:深圳,广东 Site: Shenzhen, Guangdong 项目规模:184850 ㎡ Area: 184850 sqm 项目类型:投标项目 Project Type: Bidding Project 合作单位:HENN Cooperation Company: HENN
项目位于深汕特别合作区鹅埠区,是深汕 特别合作区规划的第一家三甲医院。 The project is the first top-three hospital located in Ebu district of ShenzhenShantou Special Cooperation Area.
规划设计 Planning Design
规划设计顺应场地地形,采用一条东西走向的健康发展轴, 分别串联首期医疗区与院内生活区,使二者相对独立且均 享有足够的南向展开面。由医疗区中心向南,延伸未来发 展轴,预留未来发展空间。 The planning follows the terrain of the site and adopts an east-west axis to connect the first-phase medical area and the living area of the hospital respectively, making them independent and providing sufficient south-facing facades for both areas. From the center of the medical district to the south, the future development axis is extended to reserve space for future development.
主体功能体由北侧的住院楼向东南延伸,互相串联形成尺度适宜的院落,最大程度上利用南向资源,为各个空间带来 良好的通风采光。 The main building extends from the inpatient building in the north to the southeast, connecting with each other to form a yard of appropriate scale, maximizing the value of southern facade, and bringing good ventilation and lighting for each space. 设计充分利用场地周边道路的高差条件,在不同高程分别设置南侧的主入口,东侧的次入口及员工入口,西侧的感染 科入口,救护车亦由西侧的独立出入口快速进出急救区域。 The design uses the road height difference around the site,and sets the main entrance on the south side, the secondary entrance and the staff entrance on the east side, and the entrance to the infection department on the west side at different elevations.
设计理念 Design Concept • 一个友好关怀场所 • A FRIENDLY PLACE
康复花园 Recovery Garden
主楼 Main Building
鸟瞰图 Aerial View
为了营造一个舒适、自然的医疗环境,设计借鉴客家传统 民居的院落组合方式。通过建筑组群的主要轴线、线性的 延伸方式、自由的组团空间,以及院落空间,生成了基本 的空间构架。 In order to create a comfortable and natural medical environment, design team borrowed ideas from the courtyard of traditional Hakka dwellings. Through the main axis of the building group, linear extension, free blocks combination and courtyard space, the basic spatial framework is generated.
医疗核心区的各个单元,以及东侧的教学科研办公和生活区,各自享有独立的入口广场,从物理环境和心理上为各类 人群分别提供了舒适放心的工作和就医环境,也最大限度避免了交叉感染的风险。 Each unit of the medical core area, as well as the teaching and scientific research office and living area on the east side, have independent entrance square, which provides a comfortable working and medical environment for different groups of people from the physical environment and psychological environment, and also avoids the risk of cross infection to the maximum.
• 一个立体生态花园 A 3D ECOLOGICAL GARDEN 退台与架空层 Setback platform and empty space 自然景观由山体流下,融合形成建筑的退台,花园, 庭院,地景;并将自然带入建筑。犹如一座青城环抱 于群山之间。 The natural landscape flows down from the mountain and merges into the building, creating a series of setback platforms, gardens, courtyards, and ground landscape, bring the nature into the building. It is like a green city surrounded by mountains.
医患分流 Doctor & Patient Circulation
各类功能空间按照需求合理面积配比,各种功能组团内 部以模块化组合,以便于实现医院不同发展阶段的调整 以及特殊时期的灵活应对。 All types of functional spaces are rationally proportioned according to the hospital needs, and various functional groups are modularly combined to facilitate the adjustment of different development stages of the hospital and the flexible response in special periods.
开放与半开放庭院 Open and semi-open courtyard 通过转译本土传统院落建筑形式到现代建筑设计中, 构建出一系列开放与半开放庭院,给与建筑更多的自 然,阳光和透气感。 By translating the local traditional courtyard building form into the modern architectural design, a series of open and semi-open courtyards are constructed to give the building more natural, sunlight and breathability.
东侧半鸟瞰图 East Half Aerial View
完善的感控体系 Extensible Infection Control System
• 一个立体生态花园 A 3D ECOLOGICAL GARDEN 退台与架空层 Setback platform and empty space 自然景观由山体流下,融合形成建筑的退台,花园, 庭院,地景;并将自然带入建筑。犹如一座青城环抱 于群山之间。 The natural landscape flows down from the mountain and merges into the building, creating a series of setback platforms, gardens, courtyards, and ground landscape, bring the nature into the building. It is like a green city surrounded by mountains.
医患分流 Doctor & Patient Circulation
各类功能空间按照需求合理面积配比,各种功能组团内 部以模块化组合,以便于实现医院不同发展阶段的调整 以及特殊时期的灵活应对。 All types of functional spaces are rationally proportioned according to the hospital needs, and various functional groups are modularly combined to facilitate the adjustment of different development stages of the hospital and the flexible response in special periods.
开放与半开放庭院 Open and semi-open courtyard 通过转译本土传统院落建筑形式到现代建筑设计中, 构建出一系列开放与半开放庭院,给与建筑更多的自 然,阳光和透气感。 By translating the local traditional courtyard building form into the modern architectural design, a series of open and semi-open courtyards are constructed to give the building more natural, sunlight and breathability.
东侧半鸟瞰图 East Half Aerial View
完善的感控体系 Extensible Infection Control System
板障山公园驿站 Banzhang Mountain Park Station 项目地点:珠海,广东 Site: Zhuhai, Guangdong 项目类型:委托项目 Project Type: Commissioned Project
泰然工业区第一更新单元二期还迁方案 The Second Stage of Terra Industrial District urban Renewal Phase I – Resettlement Project Master plan 项目地点:深圳,广东 Site: Shenzhen, Guangdong 项目类型:委托项目,概念方案设计 Prroject Type: Commissioned Project,Concept Design Scheme
森之驿站 Rest Station
云之驿站 Rest Station
翠湾文化艺术中心 Cuiwan Culture and Art Centre 项目地点:中山,广东 Site: Zhongshan, Guangdong 项目类型:投标项目 Project Type: Bidding Project 项目状态:入围,隈研吾事务所中标 Project Status: Finalist, Kengo Kuma win the bidding
中联智慧产业城 Zoomlion Smart Industrial Park 项目地点:长沙,湖南 Site: Changsha, Hunan 合作单位:HENN Cooperation Team: HENN 项目类型:投标项目 Project Type: Bidding Project 项目状态:中标,项目报建中 Project Status: Winning bid, in construction application process
仰高山 行景行
RESEARCH APPLICATION 研究与应用——产业园区设计研究 Research and Application——Industrial Park Design and Research 研究与应用——WELL(健康建筑)标准在实际建筑工程公司中的运用 Research and Application——Evaluating and optimising the health and wellbeing of occupants in an existing office building through WELL Building Standard
园区差异化定位 Differentiated Positioning of Industrial Park
研究与应用——产业园区设计研究 Research and Application——Industrial Park Design and Research
产业园主题分类 Industrial Park Theme Classification
small size office
• small size, cost control • short expansion period • lack of adequate equipment • resource sharing • technology research and development • high professional and technical requirements
expand office spaces combination large spaces requirement for meeting room network system laboratory
规划理念研究 Planning Concept Research
free spaces combination retal large spaces and shared resources community information system rental laboratory
technical product display
exhibition space
staff training
training classroom
policy and legal support
community service center、bank
corporate image display large gatherings activities
• brand marketing • resource sharing • stable company scale and clear spatial division requirement • technology research and development & technology upgrade • high professional skill requirement • Frequent business activities
Integrated industrial building
network system
large office space, headquarters building a space for large events a space for large events
customized office
customized office space
rental laboratory
results released, technical products display
exhibition space
staff training policy and legal support
training classroom community service center、bank
建筑空间设计 Architectural Space Design
产品策略 Product Strategy
1. office
1. entrance hall 2. open floor 3. shop 4. office
1. entrance hall 2. private elevator
1. office A 2. office B
1. entrance hall 2. open floor 3. shop 4. office
1. independent entrance hall 2. private elevator
1. office
1. entrance hall 2. open floor 3. shop 4. office
1. entrance hall 2. public elevator
研究与应用——WELL(健康建筑)标准在实际建筑工程公司中的运用 Research and Application——Evaluating and optimising the health and wellbeing of occupants in an existing office building through WELL Building Standard
背景 Background
总体规划 Masterplan
In the past, workers have been treated like machines. Nowadays, developers are becoming more aware of the importance of building user’s health and comfort. WELL standard is the first building standard that focuses exclusively on the health and well-being of the people inside buildings. This research is aimed to Foster a holistic formula for better health and wellness outcomes based on WELL Standard, leading to improvements in things like employee productivity, engagement and retention.
3 b
Improving building design and construction ( space design, implementation of building materials)
解决方案 Solution
Why is it worth doing: - 90% of our time is spent indoors: the quality of our buildings can impact employees’ productivity and how they feel - Employers spend large percentage of their annual operating costs on people: result in meaningful returns on investment - Attract and retain: employees, clients and investors - Build brand equity through leadership and innovation - Maximize performance of employees by contributing to increased productivity. Reduced absences, and increased job satisfaction/engagement
研究案例 Research Case The old Mill Building in Bristol was used as a sample building in this research. It is a four floor converted building with poor fabric built in 1990 . The research is aimed to fill the gap between the old mill buidling and the WELL Buidling Standard.
2 2
Improving service system and interior layout
Establishing a whole healthy and wellbeing lifestyle system
SUPPLYMENT Acadamic work 01 —— Bradford on Avon Cultural Hub Academic work 02 —— Pant Du Winery Academic work 03 —— Green City of Hope -The Royal College of Physicians North
Bradford on Avon Cultural Hub Bath, Uk, ARCH50432 Design Master of Science in Modern Building Design 01.2017-05.2017 Software: Revit
This project was located in the Bradford on Avon town in England. We were divided into group to redevelop the railway station area to enhance and benefit the town in the first stage. The current and potential amenities & services that form part of any new development include: public facility hub, retail hub, educational hub, cultural hub, sports center etc. The reconstruction project creates economic growth and attracts more tourists and local people to explore it. More activities increase the communication and connection between local people and tourists. In individual work, I choose cultural hub for further design and development.
Highlights of Buildings
Transport hub Modern transport hub creates a connection between the old station and new recreational area. Location and design of hub will guide the flow people from the station to commercial facilities and can increase the current average expense of the vistors. Cutural hub A cultural hub is located in close proximity to the educational hub. These two buildings are interlinked and can higher collective involvement with important issues that can add value to the community. Educational hub Permanent vistors to the educational hub can use other facilities nearby and can provide additional profit for the council budget. Fitness hub and heathcare Introducing additional services to the existing swimming pool will attract current vistors to the new services. Retal hub Tourists will be attracted to this area by small retailers and anchor retailer near the railway station. Fire station and police station Close access to the main road provides quick service. Underground car park Extensive underground car park can provide convenience for visitors.
Design Concept
The cultural hub was designed by three aspects: first, how to utilize the factual resources properly; second, how to integrate the scenery; third, how to introduce the existing village charateristics into the building. On the site eastern side is a historical heritage park, put the museum close to it can enhance the linkage. The visitor flow of museum will begin from the entrance, through the exhibition area. Then, visitors can choose return the way or enter the historical heritage through the back door.
- north facing skylight to provide daylight into the building central part due to the - Main entrance, opposite to the existing hall deep plan - Timber shading to avoid overheating - French window provide riverside view
SOUTH-EAST ELEVATION - South facing PV panel to maximum collect solar energy - Large glazing area allow sunlight enter the room
EAST-NORTH ELEVATION - Glazing façade on the ground floor provide view to the existing listing wall - Sawtooth skylight provide diffused light to the museum
Technical Drawing
The detail of pitch roof
The detail of Reinforced concrete foundation
The detail of French window
The detail of window
Pant Du Winery Liverpool, Uk, ARCH302 Design Bachlor of Art in Architecture 10.2015-01.2016 Software: Rhino
This project is to design a small winery on a sloping, south-facing site overlooking an existing vineyard. In essence this constitutes a production space, a cellar (or semi-basement) and a tasting room with external terrace.
This project investigated the art of designing for a learned organisation. We explored relationships between tradition and modernity and how client identity may influence or be embedded within the design of a headquarters building. We designed the Royal College of Physicians North in Liverpool. This will include an exhibition space to showcase their museum collection and will be located on an urban site within an historic city context.
Green City of Hope -The Royal College of Physicians North Liverpool, Uk, ARCH352 Design Bachlor of Art in Architecture 02.2016-05.2016 Software: Rhino