Final Etching test Prints

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I tried a different sort of blend – the sepia ink bringing out the detail and the delicate line work, and the rest of the plate inked in my colour. In this case pink to reinforce the female, cliché a imagery.

Some textures coming through in the background of this print, s?ll needs some more development but I think I’m on the right tracks.

Originally I tried prin?ng onto larger paper, but this just drowns out my images to o much. This is image is one of my first successful etching print blends! I think the sepia and the turquoise compliment each other well.

I’m please with the line quality of the broom, especially the handle and the delicate bristles. This print is on a par?cularly bent ex bit of copper plate.

I tried some blends with different colours. This one with red doesn’t par?cularly work.

The drawing and composi?on isn’t very good here, but I am pleased with the interes?ng textures of the arm’s and arm hair drawings.

I created this image to try to show a very basic sort of metaphor of sorcery, of witches and wizards squabbling together – using the simple magic hat mo?fs. The image drawing really is quite bad, they’re very dispropor?onate, but concept wise I like it.

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