Jessimalouf Portfolio

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jessi malouf




oh hello yes you hi!

jessi malouf

I am a chronic overthinking, whisky drinking, European super car loving designer + youtube addict + #referencequeen + next level energy drink consumer + serial to-do lister w i t h a b i t o f s a s s f r o m s o m e w h e r e s u n n y i n S y d n e y. I l i k e t o t h i n k I ’ m f u n n y. W h o k n o w s , y o u j u s t m i g h t t o o . Hi, I’m Jessi.


jessi malouf

social media @jessimalouf


i have skills chuck norris ain’t got nothing on me ai






stalk me in a totally non creepy way, i just might stalk you back w



0434 833 191


@ or / jessimalouf

what c an i do?

what c an’t i do?

x x x x x x x

x make coffee x be a morning person x speak another language, although I am fluent in sarcasm.

idea generation branding graphic design illustration layout packaging print publication

well, i guess this is me

in my spare time #procrastinationpro x books x anything to laugh

a brief overview of me

jessi malouf

1. Brief don’t be brief about the brief At this stage the brief is discussed, all questions clarified and all of the project outcomes are determined.

2. Research just keep searching, just keep... Based off the information given during the briefing stage, I then begin to gather more specific information to do with the job such as the business itself, the market and trends, competition, possible directions for ideas and brand aspirations. Other than just designing to be aesthetically pleasing, I like to design with meaning and purpose with each aspect of the design having an explanation as to why it was designed that way. To do so, I will generally brainstorm a list of ‘must haves.’ This is a list of items that need to be considered throughout all stages of the design so that the final design is in line with what the brief requested.

3. Concepts *puts blonde brain to work* Idea generation is a big part of my design process. There is nothing I love more than sitting down and letting my mind run wild with ideas. One of the most valuable things I have learnt in my time studying was the technique of disruptive thinking. This is something I now apply to every task I undertake.

4. Scribble sketching it out I like to call this the scribble stage (sketched ideas to me, scribbled mess to anyone else.) This is the stage that I start sketching out my ideas on to paper and conceptualize any possible directions and styles. I like to come up with as many options as possible so that I end up with a few strong ideas to take on to the next stage.

the things I do

5. Selection not everyone makes the cut At this stage a few of the concepts are chosen to be developed further, always starting with the concept I feel is the strongest contender.

jessi malouf

my design process

8. Correction everybody makes mistakes everybody has those days... 6. Inspiration authenticity is everything I personally believe that inspiration is the key to great design but also that there is a fine line between inspiration and imitation. For me, I like to concept sketch first before seeking out any inspiration as this allows my take on the brief to reach the page before something influenced overpowers it. Once I have some concrete ideas, I tend to mood board with inspiration coming from anything such as a song on the radio, a picture even things that I have just seen around. I tend to find inspiration all around me when I’m seeking it out whether that be online or just in general life.

7. Creation getting it done #likeaboss Combining both the selected concepts and any inspiration, the idea is then developed as a visual solution. From here it’s a continuous process of developing further and tweaking.

the things I do

From here a final design is chosen from the developed concepts and then this design goes through the stage of final corrections and changes.

9. Finito *fist pumps thin air* We done! The designs are then packaged and finalized ready for hand over.

10. Not So Finito? don’t be fooled, the end is never near As with any service, there is always the after service. Should there be any further requests or questions from the client, I’m always up for a good chat. With any design, overtime changes may need to be made, additions added or maybe just new ideas to develop so that’s why I like to keep a healthy relationship with the client. You never know what may happen further down the track in the future.





fo stnaig yhparopyt



fascism vs. futurism


lartnec noitats



noita reneg

index 39



fo pord a








giants of typoraphy



central station

.sv msicsaf msirutuf




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xedni 93



a drop of








a drop of

brand design + packaging + print design

enter project

a drop of

fo pord a

a drop of

enter project

brand design + packaging + print design

project one


project name A Drop Of Whisky client A Drop Of - an emerging brand in the liquor market focusing solely on women as consumers. brief The brief was simple; make whisky attractive, stylish and beautiful for women to consume and enjoy. This is a product that is currently non existent on the market so there was a lot of space to play with the visual appearance compared to what is currently on the market. The biggest distinguishing factor being that there are no specific whisky brands aimed at women and A Drop Of intends to be the first and enter the market with a splash.

programs used Ń… illustrator Ń… indesign Ń… photoshop

groupwork yes/no


a drop of whisky


brand design + packaging + print design

project one


What women want – a new era of cocktails and spirits for women! Women drinking whisky, surely there aren’t many of them around?


a drop of whisky


brand design + packaging + print design


project one


a drop of whisky


There is a significant gap in the liquor market that has long been untouched. With growing interest from women, we ask the question, “why is the hard liquor market still to this day such a mans world?” There is diversity in most of the alcohol market except when it comes to hard liquors and especially brown liquors. With this product we intend to break the ice of this out-dated gentleman’s only club and bring a whole new life to the hard liquor market for women.

brand design + packaging + print design

0 7/ 0 1

project one

Founded in 2007, A Drop Of Whisky is a traditional Scottish malt whisky featuring an organic blend of malted barley grown in the Southern Highlands of NSW. Unlike other brands, our whisky is matured for 15 years in twice charred oak barrels boasting a smooth taste with sweet notes of vanilla and manuka honey. The brand A Drop Of is something truly unexpected, full of life whilst staying true to its wholesome roots of organic ingredients, practices as well as remaining a genuine brand that cares about the earth and all of those living on it.


a drop of whisky

next project

brand design + packaging + print design

central station

wayfinding design + app design

enter project



central station

enter project

wayfinding design + app design


project two

project name Central Station client City Rail brief The following designs are the new proposed wayfinding systems for Central Station creating an engaging visual playground. The brief was aimed to improve the users journey through the given location, in this case Central Station, and make the general experience in the environment more enjoyable and simpler.

programs used х illustrator х indesign х photoshop

groupwork yes/no


central station


wayfinding design + app design


project two


central station


wayfinding design + app design


project two

Designing the system with tourists in mind challenges the constraints of language both verbal and visual. On the basis of keeping the travel process simple, an app has been designed to ensure that transport in Sydney is not a confusing nor stressful ordeal for those commuting especially in a foreign city. This proposed new wayfinding system would bring a whole new life to Central Station whilst still retaining its simplicity and uniform design. Central station is a hotspot for tourists so an opportunity is truly being missed to give tourists the best experience from the second they arrive into our city. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire process of this brief, though grueling at times I feel the final product was well worth the time and effort.


central station


wayfinding design

project two


When asked what their throughts were on the current state of Central Stations wayfinding systems, one such individual stated: “It’s a giant bathroom. An evil bathroom.”


central station


wayfinding design

17/ 0 2

project two


central station

People often travel to Sydney to take in the ‘laid back’ Australian lifestyle. The last thing they want or need is to get stressed over a transport system.

next project

wayfinding design

giants of typography

brand design + typography + digital publishing

enter project

giants of type

epyt fo stnaig

giants of typography

enter project

brand design + typography + digital publishing


project three

project name Giants Of Typography client Barefaced Media brief Giants of Typography is an e-publication featuring a series of interactive pages showcasing the work of influential typographers from around the world. The designer selected for this piece was Erik Spiekermann - because he is simply one of the biggest typophiles around and is basically just wonderful.

programs used х illustrator х indesign х photoshop х oomph

groupwork yes/no


giants of typography


brand design + typography + digital publishing


project three


giants of typography

Yes, there were dark days throughout the entire experience but the overall journey from start to finish was an all round enjoyable learning curve. I had many ideas upon first receiving the brief but as with all things in life we soon realise what is and isn’t possible with our current capabilities and skills. However, I for one have never known how to a) make things easy on myself, b) admit defeat or c) have a life. Joy!

brand design + typography + digital publishing


Working on Giants of Typography was by far the most enjoyable assessment I have ever completed. The sheer satisfaction of placing all of the final files into oomph and seeing it all work successfully on screen was a feeling so indescribable, so great that it almost, almost reduced me to tears (in my defence I had not slept at all the night before.) I was completely engrossed in the whole process of this publication and I am so pleased with how it all turned out.


project three

The only word I can think of to describe my giants of typography experience from start to finish, including everything - and I mean everything from concepts to oomphing to insomnia, would have to be inception. And yes, I do mean the movie Inception, the one with the brain boggling plot involving a dream inside a dream inside a dream oh and then add in some Leonardo DiCaprio. If it wasn’t already blatantly obvious, my Giants of Typography experience was sans beloved Leo and any good dreams but there were pages inside pages inside pages and it was of course brain boggling.


giants of typography

next project

brand design + typography + digital publishing


art direction + film + script

enter project




enter project

art direction + film + script

project four


project name Seities client Little Bit Productions brief Seities is a short film driven by suspense and the unknown. With a production team of 4, each individual was dedicated to the end vision which we all shared and all worked really hard together to make that vision a reality. We spent many weeks location scouting, finalising the script, set styling, filming and editing. The following pages showcase my contributions to the group as the teams creative director, script writer, photographer, colour grader, assistant editor and costume designer + rope maker....

programs used х illustrator х photoshop х premiere х after effects

groupwork yes/no




art direction + film + script

2 7/ 0 4

project four

I am my own conscious disillusion, a masterpiece of false realities. A concoction of your own misguided and flawed assumptions.




art direction + film + script


project four



What you soon see is that she is a girl with a false exterior and behind closed doors is struggling to come to terms with who she really is. An internal battle with herself over being what everyone wants her to be verses who she wants to be. The entire short film is a montage of shots that offer up to the audience pieces of Hannah’s life from both her point of view and the view of others. In the end, its really up to the viewer to determine who Hannah really is, what parts are real and who she wants to become. Hannah is only ever as you imagine her to be. In life we soon realise that vision does not equal reality and that perception isn’t truth.

art direction + film + script

next project

Seities is a short story about a young woman named Hannah. A 20 year old girl who has lost her own identity in the midst of trying to be who everyone around her wants her to be.


brand design + print + copywriting

enter project

nookc ase



enter project

brand design + print + copywriting


project five

project name Nookcase client Nookcase - our mini studio brief Welcome to the nook. We are Nookcase, a boutique multidisciplinary design studio located in Surry Hills, Sydney (of course!) The brief was to create and essentially mock run our own design studio’s in small groups. We were required to develop the brand, roles, costs, jobs and produce a manifesto detailing the entire process.

programs used х illustrator х indesign

groupwork yes/no




brand design + print + copywriting


d stu n esig d ase c k noo


in a ut the in g n i t , b ening it project five s m o e o r ting p r t i p s e a l We’ litt gs h ur girls ating a n i y l h t on big e are fo ntly cre m e som . Ther onsta fro t u p c e ther room, the out e in th irecting . d m and ttle roo of li m ant a w this e t o l l h sma tives w eas, a are d crea your id e. e W ing o lif s ate r t c i , b l l d de lp you r sma tion es u l o o e to h her big one of s ourselv f t whe ouse is think o eative r h o Our e like t ators, c inkers. r h w and ea gene ategic t r as id s and st r doe tive a e s a cr icorn ! � , k noo eve un ey do r u o eli o e th b t s e e u a w ec lcom here b . e . . “W ce w xist e a l o p d lly a e r

Nookcase is a small yet innovative design studio that is making a real bite in the world of design heavily focused on keeping its personality, integrity and honesty at all times. This is reflected in all work that is done by the brand whether for clients, personal work general works being published onto social platforms.




S S A S #

Our personality is all about sass. We are a group of four girls, each wih different personalities, interests and a whole lot of attitude. We are us and we feel like that is something we want the world to see.

brand design + print + copywriting


We h av e p e r s o n a l i t y and we’re not a f r a i d t o s h ow i t !



the style guide


project five




in the nook with

Typographic choices

Pantone 282 U #444866 C 79 R 68 M 72 G 72 Y 37 B 102 K 23

Cc Nexa Light—Body Copy Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 01234567890

Pantone 123 U #ffac25 C0 R 255 M 39 G 172 Y 89 B 37 K0

Kk FLOOD MT—for fun Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 01234567890

Pantone 563 U #72b8af C 55 R 114 M9 G 184 Y 34 B 175 K0

brand design + print + copywriting


Pantone 486 U #f68b7e C0 R 246 M 56 G 139 Y 43 B 126 K0

Nexa Bold—Titles and Subtitles Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 01234567890




project five


streamtime worktime


Getting clients, communicating with them and networking


3 7/ 0 5

We a r e a l l c o n n e c t e d t o e a c h o t h e r by S t r e a mt i m e , t h i s w ay w e a l l k n ow w h e r e e v e r y o n e i s at d ay t o d ay , a n d w h at t h e r o l e s a r e , r at h e r t h a n h av i n g a c o m p l et e m e et i n g , w e c a n g et s t r a i g h t t o w o r k .

Team management and concept development

Typical Project

Branding Illustrative

Main designer

Main designer

Secondary designer

Secondary designer

Video Videographer

Illustrator Photographic



Editing Finished artist



next project

brand design + print + copywriting


art direction + photography + packaging

enter project




enter project

art direction + photography + packaging

project six

project name Blåbär


client Ikea brief Blåbär is the latest edition to the IKEA Food range. Unlike most of Ikea’s current food products which are ready to eat, this is a Blueberry Cream Tart packet mix for consumers to make in the comfort of their own kitchen. Created by a team of five, the main objective was to design a product that was new to the food range yet followed the iconic Ikea style. The brief was heavily reliant on the symbols designed specifically for this product and how well they worked. The instructions needed to be simple, easily understood regardless of language, succinct, visually appealing and fit with the Ikea style. The following showcases my contributions to the group as the art director, photographer and taste tester!

programs used х illustrator х indesign х photoshop

groupwork yes/no




art direction + photography + packaging


project six




art direction + photography + packaging


project six



next project

This project was an absolute blast to work on as we had a group of five gorgeous girls who all managed to collaborate seamlessly to create a final product that we all envisioned. My job on the team was the art direction from the set styling for the video series, the photography for design collateral and the general concepts and ideas for the visual style of the project. My other job was the chef, I think we made some ridiculous amount like 12 test batches (with 12 tarts in each batch) to make sure the recipe was perfection, it looked good enough to eat when styled and tasted good, which trust me, they did! We made enough to know that.

art direction + photography + packaging

fascism vs. futurism

brand design + print + digital design

enter project

fascism vs. futurism

msirutuf .sv msicsaf

fascism vs. futurism

brand design + print + digital design

enter project

fascism vs. futurism

project seven


project name Fascism Vs. Futurism client The Powerhouse Museum brief Fascism vs. Futurism: Strange Bedfellows is an exhibition that explores the typography, symbols and styles that accompanied the Futurist and Fascist movements in Italy. The brief was to design the identity and exhibition collateral for the Powerhouse Museums ‘Then and Now’ exhibition based on different time periods throughout history. The exhibition and collateral needed to be both visually engaging and complementary to the art being showcased and not take away from that in any way.

programs used х illustrator х indesign х photoshop

groupwork yes/no


fascism vs. futurism


brand design + print + digital design

project seven

4 7/ 0 7

Welcome to the world of autocratic art. Where the abstract world of Futurism meets the literal world of Fascism in all its glory.

admit one - Powe rh o u s e M u s e u m P re s e n t s Futurism & Fascism - Strange Bedfellows 5 0 0 Ha rri s S t , U l t i mo N S W 2 0 0 7 t i c ke t c o s t $ 2 5 . 0 0

FA S C I S T O R F U T U R I S T ?


fascism vs. futurism


brand design + print + digital design


project seven


fascism vs. futurism


brand design + print + digital design


project seven


fascism vs. futurism

The era was known for its use of colour, bold imagery, shapes and in the case of Fascism very literal and straight forward art in comparison to Futurism which was all about blurring reality, modernity and taking things one step further than what was considered possible at the time. It was when I was heavily into the branding process that I realized something interesting and possibly game changing for the brand. Futurism, a movement derived from the general demise of the past, its traditions and structures differs greatly from that of Fascism, a movement founded on the basis of power, pride and violence. It is undoubtedly evident just how greatly

brand design + print + digital design

these two movements vary in their both purpose and belief proving that the two are just as the title suggests ‘Unlikely Bedfellows.� Yet, as time passes and circumstances in Italy change it was only a matter of time before these unlikely individuals became brothers in arms with a belief such as war binding the two together. Taking from all of these findings, heavy focus was placed on the linking of colour, typefaces and shapes used to represent both sides of the exhibition. In the identity mark, triangles were used to represent fascism with their hierarchy, sharpness, strength and power. Squares on the other hand were used to represent Futurism were thinking outside of the box, machines and the modern world. The colours chosen represent the common beliefs of the en leading these two movements. A few of the colours in more detail are: Gunmetal grey to represent the modern world both men strived for, blood red for power and war and white to show motion, speed and the blur of time.

next project

Fascism vs. Futurism was a tricky one from the get go. Trying to find that perfect balance between modern day and yet staying true to the era the design needed to depict as well as making it represent all that it needed to. It took some time to find relations and differences between both Fascism an Futurism that I could work with and develop into the brand.

noita reneg

illustration + print design

enter project

noita reneg

gener ation

noita reneg

enter project

illustration + print design


project eight

project name Noita Reneg client The Museum of Contemporary Art brief Noita Reneg is a collection of subversive pieces that subtly mock the current views in which society has on world issues and the context in which comments are made. This is my personal response to key issues visually represented in a series of thought provoking illustrations. The chosen topic was Consumerism: Local vs. Global.

programs used Ń… illustrator

groupwork yes/no


noita reneg


illustration + print design


project eight


noita reneg


Noita Reneg is the idea that we are a generation whose ideals are a little backwards. I’m sure we can all admit to giving in to #firstworldproblems but at the end of the day, we really only cry privileged tears. The topic for these artworks was Consumerism: Local vs. Global. The issues touched on are: death by cigarette vs. death by poverty, cheap fashion vs. sweatshops and child labour, the gift of giving and the instagram feed feed: #foodporn. The death by cigarette illustration titled #upinsmoke one was the most interesting pieces for me to work on development wise as it makes for a

illustration + print design

harsh truth when you realize that by smoking you are somewhat paying for your own early death while that same money could be spent saving lives in third world countries. Early on in this process I learnt that we as a society easily disregard information no matter how critical it may be based solely on how much it entertains us and that alone. Due to this my ideas dramatically changed from something more visually heartfelt to something bright yet sarcastic and dark emphasizing our issues as a society and our ignorance is bliss mentality when it comes to global issues.

5 7/ 0 8

project eight


noita reneg

next project

illustration + print design


brand design + print design

enter project




enter project

brand design + print design

project nine

project name Jessimalouf


client Me (Jessi that is!) brief The brief was to design a personal identity mark and branding. This was tricky for me because it was hard to condense my personality into one singular brand. Due to the fact that I am a little bit of everything, from girly girl to car loving tomboy (did yoy read my bio?) it made it hard to come up with one starting point for a brand to represent me as a designer and embody all of my personality too. That where my head comes in. Wouldnt it be so much simpler if my identity mark was just me? A symbol that can grow, change and mature as I do, from hair styles to colours and facial expressions. Can be as loud, bold or soft and sweet as I please? This is me, in 2d form that is! Hello there.

programs used Ń… illustrator Ń… indesign Ń… photoshop

groupwork yes/no




brand design + print design

project nine


#pinkhairdontcare #illb emyownversionthanks #bluesteelormagnum

I’m Jessi Malouf there’s a lot to s ay (I really like to talk!) but for right now, I’ll just start with hi. And leave you with this: what you see really isn’t always what you get.




brand design + print design


project nine




brand design + print design


project nine



next project

These are a series of promotional items called The Unchuckables. They are a set of five cards that are basically an intervention from one screen-starer to another. We can fix this, your eyes that is. All it takes is a couple of minutes everyday to run through these cards. Each exercise aims to strengthen your eye muscles and help to correct common eye problems such as convergence insufficiency (this helps with focus.) So come on, what do you have to lose?

brand design + print design


jessi malouf


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