JessicaKaran Portfolio

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Jessica Karan


content Photography Project POP Magazine Editorial Coeur Magazine 24Mandarin Love Life. Love DIY

Photography Project BRIEF: Tell a story with your photography A combination of cultural influences and the fun of travelling

CONCEPT: Bringing cultural influences and travelling excitement together. These images show all the jewellery and clothing Isobel bought on her travel from India to South America.


M o d e l :

I s o b e l


P h o t o g r a p h y,

S t y l i n g


M a k e

U p

J e s s i c a

K a r a n

M o d e l :

I s o b e l


P h o t o g r a p h y,

S t y l i n g


M a k e

U p

J e s s i c a

K a r a n

Model: Isobel

P h o t o g r a p h y, S t y l i n g & M a k e U p : J e s s i c a K a r a n

Cover of POP Ma gazine with the issue of Kids Vs Adults

BRIEF: A photographic study, creating a story led editorial fashion photo shoot, for a magazine of choice, which you must style, shoot and produce and layout into magazine spreads. The story must reflect your own visual handwriting but must be appropriate to the chosen magazine.

CONCEPT: A fashion and art magazine. In this issue POP Magazine is looking at the matter of growing up. Accessoires include childrens toys and stuffed animals.

MODEL: Charlott Cordes PHOTOGRAPHY, STYLING & MAKE UP: Jessica Karan

K i d s


Ad ul t s


P h o t o g ra p h y


S t yl i n g :

J e s s i c a

K a ra n

Kids vs Adults

// P h o t o g r a p h y & S t y l i n g : J e s s i c a K a r a n

P h o t o g r a p h y


S t y l i n g :

b y

J e s s i c a

K a r a n

Front Cover of Coeur Ma gazine with the main headlines

(k3:, French kœr)


Back Cover of Coeur Ma gazine and when the next issue comes out

Cœur (k3:, French kœr)

BRIEF: Your magazine ought to be a reflection of your personal taste and style and contain only images that you have captured, art directed or styled yourself. You are also able to commission original work for inclusion in your magazine.

CONCEPT: A fashion, art and youth culture magazine concentration on three topics in this issue.

Editorial and editing by Jessica Karan

E d i t o r i a l w o r k f o r C o e u r M a g a z i n e // I n t r o d u c t i o n & A r t i c l e s

E d i t o r i a l

w o r k

f o r

C o e u r

M a g a z i n e


P h o t o g r a p h y

(k3:, French kœr)


Cœur (k3:, French kœr)

BRIEF: Your magazine ought to be a reflection of your personal taste and style and contain only images that you have captured, art directed or styled yourself. You are also able to commission original work for inclusion in your magazine.

CONCEPT: A fashion, art and youth culture magazine concentration on three topics in this issue.

TASTE FOR DANGER: Surreal and minimalistic looks, expressing excitement and beauty for something new, choosing different types of material to create and style something electrifying.

MODEL: Helene


M a ter i a l G i r l


P h o t o g r a p h y, S t y l i n g & M a k e U p : J e s s i c a K a r a n

Material Girl


P h o t o g r a p h y, S t y l i n g & M a k e U p : J e s s i c a K a r a n

P h o t o g r a p h y, S t y l i n g & M a k e U p : J e s s i c a K a r a n

(k3:, French kœr)



Material Girl

Cœur (k3:, French kœr)

BRIEF: Your magazine ought to be a reflection of your personal taste and style and contain only images that you have captured, art directed or styled yourself. You are also able to commission original work for inclusion in your magazine.

CONCEPT: The meaning of brands and how the consumer feels more secure wearing high-end clothing. FEELING NAKED, WHILST FULLY CLOTHED: Feeling naked, whilst fully clothed, shows that the consumers confidence does not grow by wearing high-end brands. The viewer is not able to see the models face as the brand is covering it.

MODEL: Daisy


Feeling naked, whilst full y clothed // Photography & Editing: J essica Karan

Fe e l i n g n a ke d , w h il s t f ul l y c l oth e d // P h oto g ra p hy & Ed i t i n g : J e ss i c a Ka ran

Fe e l i n g n a ke d , w h il s t f ul l y c l oth e d // P h oto g ra p hy & Ed i t i n g : J e ss i c a Ka ran

(k3:, French kœr)


Cœur (k3:, French kœr)

BRIEF: Your magazine ought to be a reflection of your personal taste and style and contain only images that you have captured, art directed or styled yourself. You are also able to commission original work for inclusion in your magazine.

CONCEPT: Bringing colours and patterns together AZTEC VS TRIBAL The images show a combination of Aztec and Tribal bringing african influences into the pictures. Colours, patterns, face paint and jewellery are the main essentials and that is where the focus lies on.

MODEL: Cesca


Triba l Vs Aztec // Photography, Styling & Make Up: J essica Karan


BRIEF: -Form a business team -Create and develop a business idea . -Start trading an run a real business.

COMPANY: Name: 24Mandarin Type: Jewellery Company based in Newcastle, UK Target Audience: 16-30 year olds Products: Handmade, unique festival and travelling inspired jewellery Pricing: Ranging from ÂŁ5 to ÂŁ30


VISION OF 24Mandarin:

Starting this business, it has allowed us to dive into the business world and has taught us in several areas. We saw the positives and negatives effects of creating a business and in total we are very pleased with the outcome of knowledge and experience in a whole new area. We worked well as a team and were able to solve problems together.

24Mandarin sells handmade and unique jewellery. All of these pieces are festival and travelling inspired. 24Mandarin wants to bring bright colours, beautiful shapes and fresh styles to their customers. We want the customer to feel excited and brought to warm country with no worries but sunshine and fun whilst wearing the 24Mandarin jewellery.


Explore, develop and execute a creative Fashion Communication concept for a specific target audience. Your concept relisation and promotion should creatively demonstrate your ideas.


Love Life. Love DIY is a website full of exciting and new D.I.Y. projects where the customer is able to dive into a world of modern craftsmanship. The website works with an easy three step program, where the customer is able to choose a D.I.Y. project out of four categories. These categories are “Beauty”, “Fashion”, “Home Décor”, “Jewellery” and “Occasion” plus an extra category “Treats”, which is going to be updated monthly, were the projects depend on the season. Each of these categories will be updated every two weeks with new projects, to keep these modernized. Love Life. Love DIY is all about the importance of a colourful and energetic life and the fun in being a creator and maker


This is how Love Life. Love DIY works:

I: Every twp weeks the creative directors of our team develop new trendy and exciting projects for you. Our projects are easy to accomplish but always a whole new experience. You will love every masterpiece you create II: Do you know that feeling, when you browse through D.I.Y. blog’s and you find a great project you want to try yourself but have no idea where to find the materials? Well this where we step in: Sit down and relax, choose a fun project and let us send you everything you will need to complete this masterpiece. III: We deliver fast, safe and for free to your “HomeWorkshop”. Depending on how fast you want to become a maker, you can choose the ‘Next working day’ delivery type, which will cost an extra £5.95. IV: When you receive your package, with all the materials you need for your chosen project, this will include stepby-step photo instruction to show you how to complete the task. The package will also include a ‘code’, which you enter online to watch the exclusive video tutorial of how to make your D.I.Y. project. V: You will create amazing pieces on your own with a little help from us. None of our project will require fancy equipment and anyone is able to try and do it. Our mission is to get people to create and make things again. All these values seem to been long lost and seen as traditional and old. We want to change the way you think about D.I.Y. and want to show you the exciting and new ways of including it in your lifestyle.

Examppl es of the Love Life. Love DIY website

E xa m p p l e s o f p a c k a g i n g o f t h e L o v e L i f e . L o v e DI Y we b s i te

P a c k a g i n g : Boxes with logo, which are going to contain the project the customer has ordered on the website. Promotional gifts: pen & key ring Stickers for the customers to show that they are DIYer’s and that they use the website Folder, which the customer receives on the first order to collect the tutorials

Jessica Kira Karan Phone: +4915152412276 Email: Website:

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