Year 9
Name: Tech Group:
Tutor Group:
Start Date:
Booklet You are responsible for completing this booklet. This will be done through class work and home work. Add any extra pages if you need more space for your research, designs and evaluation
Teacher: My level for the previous project was
My Target Minimum Level (TML) for this project is:
1) 2) 3) Page 1
I am going to meet this level by achieving the following targets:
Each week you must create two targets to focus on. This will be based on your TML. You should look at the level sheet and chose targets which will help you make the leap to the next sub level. Your level in Technology will come from a range of designing skills and your making skills. Keep thee targets simple! Page 2
What level am I?
Page 3
Use this sheet to help you improve your level and set your targets.
Your design work will help you improve your level. Your design work will also help you improve the quality of your practical work.
Page 4
Stick images of your sport here
Stick images of grandstand/track/building where your sport is played
Page 5
Use this page to create a Mood board in which you collect lots of example of Mascots from various sporting events. These could be from any major sporting event in world. For each image you find, try and give reasons which explain its design. Example
This is the mascot from the 1990 world cup in Italy. The designer has used the colours of the Italian flag and also styled it like a football player.
Page 6
Use this page to sketch out what your mascot will look like. You are required to create a wide range of ideas which explore what your mascot character could look like. Specification Before you start to sketch out your ideas you should create a 5 point specification for your mascot character..
Page 7
Make sure that any extra pages get stapled into this booklet
This is a design for a moving figure. When you pull the tail the arms wave up and down. You challenge is to work out how to make this work using the materials provided and then use this knowledge to create a modified version based on your mascot, which could be used as a free gift to promote your sport at the Games. This type of movement is..... Two real life examples of this type of movement are........ 1) 2) This type of movement is..... Two Real life examples of this type of movement are........ 1) 2) This type of movement is..... Two real life examples of this type of movement are........ 1) 2) This type of movement is..... Two real life examples of this type of movement are........ 1)
Task One: Task Two:
Task Three: Page 8
Task Four:
Using the card provided make this design for a mascot. Draw the hidden mechanism onto the drawing. You must include the pivot points. On a new sheet of paper create two designs which show how you could modify this design into a mascot for your sport. In card make your new design and present it to a high level.
This card product is called a popper. When you push the head down, the arms raise. Now that you have made the model on the previous page , you will spend the next 3 lessons designing and making a modified version of this basic popper design. This will be sold in the Olympic gift shop.
Page 9
Use the specification as a guide to sketch out your ideas for your poster. Mind map the features which must go on a poster which promotes your sports event at the Olympic games
Now write a Specification of the most important 5 things your poster must have on it. In order of importance.
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Page 10
Use these Layout grids to develop your poster before you start to create your final presentation copy. Take your favourite design idea and develop it by re-arranging the different parts according to the layout grid. The grid is a framework which is used to help you line the different features which make up the poster.. Portrait
Selection of final idea
Page 11
Your task is to label the Tool Boxes below. Once filled out this will serve as a memory aid to help you find them quickly in future lessons.
Page 12
Here is the net for your team promotion pack. You challenge Level Four activity Add the required sizes to the net that your team has decided upon Level Five Activity Modify the Net to suit the needs of your team Level Six and Seven Activity Design an extra folded section to the net which can hold a CD with your team promotion material on Level 7+ Activity Redesign the folder so that each member of the team have a separate section for their sport promotion material. As you explore your ideas for the promotion folder you must do the following. Record all your ideas. These can be sketched, modelled, ICT and photographs. Add these as extra pages to this design booklet.
Page 13
The next two pages are the starting point for your evaluations. It is important that you see evaluation as a reflection of how well you have designed and made your product, so that if you were to do a similar project in the future you can perform to a higher level.
You are to test how you can prevent your tickets from being counterfeited. You need to develop a test to see how easily they could be copied and then design a new version which has these changes on it.
There are three evaluations to complete at different points throughout the project. Attach any extra evaluation work to the booklet for your assessment. Evaluation is not just an end of project activity. Evaluation writing which you do after completing your product is known as Summative evaluation. In this evaluation you look at what went well about your product and suggests the things which could make it better. Evaluation writing throughout the designing of the product is known as Formative Evaluation. This type of evaluation contains all of your thinking at the different stages of the project. You are writing about all the decisions that you make as the project progresses.
Page 14
Modified version as a result of your testing
The things that went well with my mascot
Specification point 1—
Specification point 2—
Specification point 3—
My mascot could have been even better if....
Specification point 4—
Specification point 5—
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