The Plank - Issue 2 Nov 2013

Page 1

Still want to be Scared?

What happened to the twelfth man?

Find out Mr. Hornback’s top ten horror movies! Page 5.

The Plunge is Back! Hear about the new Junior experience! Page 2.

An alum’s take on our school spirit. Page 6. November 2013


Jesuit High School


1200 Jacob Lane Carmichael, CA 95608

Shakespeare in the Black Box


iPad Issues? No Problem!

By Vincent McCarty ‘17

By Will Keys ‘14 Opening Halloween night, Romeo and Juliet got a re-boot as Jesuit Drama put an entirely new spin on a timeless classic. The folks in the Black Box Theater are taking the world’s most popular love story and turning it on its head. The setting of William Shakespeare’s memorable work of two lovers torn apart as a result of rival families has been shaken up drastically, taking place in colonial India during the start of World War I. John Wiese, playing the role of Paris, spoke about the new perspective, saying, “The setting adds tension to the two feuding families, and

Broken iPad? No worries, there is iPad tech support here at Jesuit High School! If your iPad isn’t loading, froze up, or won’t even function, go to the library or talk to Mr. Smith, the head of the program. There is a team of students dedicating their lunch time to help with any problems. Mr. Smith said, “We are looking for a few other ways to help people, maysets the stage for a new exotic look at Shake- be not just through iPads but also computers.” speare’s classic.” With a track record as impres- The student tech group resides in the library sive as Jesuit Drama’s, Romeo and Juliet has during lunch, and if you can’t find any of the garnered high expectations. The success of pre- members, you can see Mr. Smith for help. Currently they could use more people. If vious hit productions such as Move2 and Tower Stories clearly sets the stage for another success- you are interested contact Mr. Smith in his offul show from Mr. Ed Trafton. Tickets for Ro- fice and he’ll give you the details. At the momeo and Juliet can be purchased online at the ment they are undergoing a reset in the proJesuit website. Tickets are $10.00 for students, gram, so if you have any questions about $15.00 for general admission. The show opened joining or problems with your iPad, go on down to the library and see if they are in. October 31st and closes on November 10th.

The Newly Elected Freshmen By Blake Clarkson ‘15 This year’s freshman elections have already come and gone. The freshman elected their president, Brendan Jones. They also elected Peter Lucas as the secretary/treasurer, and Alex Mar, Jack Murphy, and Daniel Rock as their three senators. I spoke to both Brendan Jones and Peter Lucas about being elected to their positions. When asked why he thought he was elected, Brendan Jones said, “I think the freshman class thought I would be the best man to represent the them.” When asked what he could do to help the freshman class as president, Jones replied, “I can help the freshman class by using my voice to speak for the class. Any opinions that people have I will listen to and talk about the issue or From Left: Brendan Jones, Peter Lucas, Daniel Rock, Alex Mar, Jack Murphy, Braeden Prymak concern in the student council meetings.” When I asked why he thought he was elected, just about everyone in my class.” When I asked class by making sure that we have good fundPeter Lucas answered, “I think it was because what he could do to help the freshman class as raisers and keeping a solid report of everything I had good posters, a good speech, and I know secretary/treasurer, Lucas said, “I can help our financial going on in the freshman class.”

Campus Life


November 2013

By Adam McGrew ‘15 After a year-long hiatus, the Plunge is back at Jesuit High School. On October 3, four juniors and two seniors, along with four faculty, arrived at Loaves and Fishes to better their understanding of homelessness through a twelve hour urban immersion in which the students were in direct contact with Sacramento’s homeless. “After going on the Plunge, I realize that the homeless are really just human beings like us who are trying to get back on their feet. I think that we need to treat the homeless with more respect and dignity,” said junior Marco Petrucci. This year, the plunge has been modified due to new restrictions at Loaves and Fishes, which prohibit individuals under the age of eighteen from entering Friendship Park unless they are volunteering. Instead of spending the night at Loaves and Fishes like years past, students arrive at Friendship Park at 6:30 a.m. and leave at 6:00 p.m. Throughout the day, participants volunteer in Friendship Park, at the River City Food Bank, and at Quinn Cottages, all the while having the op-

The Plunge 2.0

portunity to interact with homeless individuals. “The former Plunge did have an overnight format, where you’re literally sleeping out in the cold on the hard ground and feeling what it’s like to be homeless. This new plunge does not have that, but what I do think it has is direct contact with others, the chance to educate ourselves about homelessness and understand the dynamics of hunger in Sacramento. It inspires the guys to do more,” said Mrs. Anderson. The Plunge began with the participants getting dropped off at Friendship Park, where they were stationed at various areas within the park, such as the service desk, where the homeless can get odds and ends, or the wash house, where the homeless can take a hot shower and obtain new items of clothing. Next, participants traveled to the River City Food Bank, where they prepared for opening time and assisted shoppers with their groceries. At noon, the participants made their way back to Loaves and Fishes for lunch, where they split up and ate lunch with the homeless. Then, the group went to the

How Easy is it to Make a Club?

By Michael Flodin ‘15 Clubs have always been a big part of Jesuit’s extracurricular activities, with many students participating in different types. However, the question is, “How do I start a club and how do I know what kinds of clubs will get approved?” Junior Martin Kyalwazi has recently started a club called Own It. This club focuses on going to schools and empowering kids not to conform to their environment and to “own” themselves and who they are. Before he could start his club, Kyalwazi needed to have school permission. The process to gain permission, according to him, starts when one simply fills out an application on Jesuit’s website that asks simple questions about the club, budget, goal, etc. Next, you need to choose moderators who can give you the resources to move the club forward. The club then needs to be approved by Mr. Hall and Mr. Caslin. The most difficult part about starting a club, according to Kyalwazi, is getting people to join the club. “It’s hard to let people know that the club not only has a mission, but has potential to

New this year, Chess Club shows off at Open House

get the job done,” said Kyalwazi. Overall, the process for making a club is relatively simple and most clubs will typically get approved. So, if you are thinking about starting a club, go ahead and see what you can accomplish! Mr. Caslin, stated, “Clubs are places that build brotherhood, and help people become Men for Others.”

Union Gospel Mission to see where the homeless can get a bed for the night. The day finished with participants eating dinner at Quinn Cottages, where they interacted with the residents at this transitional housing community. “The Plunge greatly impacted my understanding of the homeless, and I will never forget my experience,” said junior Darshan Patel.

Full Time Principal

Lorraine Paul By Brennen Honaker ‘14 Earlier this month, Father David Suwalsky, S.J., President of Jesuit High School, announced that Interim Principal Mrs. Lorraine Paul has been named full time principal. Mrs. Paul has been working as a teacher for the past forty years and is incredibly excited to be an integral member of the Jesuit community. She is honored to be the principal of such a great community of students, teachers and alumni, who support all that we do as a school. She is especially excited for the latest science labs, an innovative robotics room, the new chapel, and the remodeled athletic stadium. All these changes, she stressed, were made to benefit the student body. Mrs. Paul also discussed next year’s change in schedule, which she believes will have a greater focus on student electives. Mrs. Paul is extremely happy to be leading such a great community as Jesuit’s new principal.

Campus Life November 2013


Mass of the North American Martyrs

By The Simons ‘14 & ‘15

Giving thanks to the patron saints of our school, Jesuit celebrates the feast day of the Martyrs of North America. On this day, we are all given the chance to celebrate in a time that calls for complete courage, so that we may further spread the word of God, just as the eight famous Frenchmen had done. During the homily, presider Fr. Olsen went on to elaborate about our obligation to respond to God’s calling for us to make a difference in this dark and lost world. In working through us, God helps us to realize the imperfections of this life, and to act upon them in an effort to further improve society through means of love. This way of acting is accomplished through service. In serving others, we are not only helping others out of pure unconditional love, but are also further realizing the greater purpose of life in the process of becoming a fuller person in Christ. Through service, we act in the strongest form of pure goodness in its self, and it is through pure goodness that we further understand the greater purpose of our lives. For this reason, we must always be ready and willing to answer the callfor change in response to the problems that are made clear to us. The North American Martyrs acted in this way until the point of death. The Martyrs of North America are: Saint Rene Goupil, Saint Isaac Jogues, Saint John de La Lande, Saint Anthony Daniel, Saint John de Brebeuf, Saint Charles Garnier, Saint Noel Chabanel, and Saint Gabriel Lalemant.

Big Red Ribbon Week

By Will Schmidt ‘16 On Wednesday, October 8th, the freshman class gathered in the Harris Center to attend a seminar held by Jon Daily, an expert in the field of addiction and mental health. Mr. Daily spoke about the catastrophic ramifications of alcohol and drug abuse, including denial, dwindling grades, anxiety, withdrawal, and crime. Daily emphasized the narcotic known as “Wax,” which is a mixture of marijuana and butane which gets the user three times as high

as a normal joint and is extremely addictive. “Wax is 73 percent THC, (tetrahydrocannabinol),” he said. “And contributes to hallucinations, psychotic breakdowns and schizophrenia.” When narcotics are used, the brain accumulates a massive rush of serotonin (a neurotransmitter; a substance in the body that carries a signal from one nerve cell to another). When you are high the brain will assume the amount of serotonin is normal and will develop a demand for more when you are not high, thus generating an addiction.

Daily studied the effects of drugs and alcohol because of his firsthand experience of abuse. He suffered from addiction as a teenager and recovered at 20 years old. Daily said he doesn’t want anyone to go through the same dilemma. Daily started a website to aid in curing addiction: He advises students to “know that peer pressure is going to happen. Know when to walk away from a situation when necessary. When someone you know has a problem, tell the counselors so they can help.”



November 2013

Marauders in the Crowd By Brien Griffin ‘14 Jesuit sparks curiosity and growth in all aspects of its students’ lives. Seniors Geoff Luoma and Joe Millward took a moment to elaborate on their musical talent and growth. Both consider Jesuit a home to the start of their musical careers. Geoff Luoma: Q: What is the name of your band? What are the names of the other members of your band? What do they play? A: The name of our band is Lumos. The name comes from Harry Potter and it refers to a spell. It also means light. The other members of the band are Spencer Rakela, Clayton LaFlamme, and Taylor Messich. Spencer plays rhythm guitar and sings. Clayton plays the keyboards and synths. Taylor plucks away at the bass guitar and I hammer out the drums with some background vocals every now and then. Q: What are the names of your favorite songs that you have written? A: My favorite would have to be “Move the Mountains,” which we just wrote--it’s super fun to play during gigs. Other favorites include “Rez the King” and “A Gem.” I can remember playing these three at a gig at the Crocker Art Museum over the summer. They are always awesome to play live and will definitely make any recording that we do. Q: What would your debut album be named if you made it today? A: Wow...that’s a tough one….either Nature Sounds, The Sounds of Nature, or Aquarius.

Geoff Luoma (Second from the left) with members of his band. (Picture courtesy of Geoff Luoma.)

Q: Where have you had the most excitement playing live? A: Our first gig as a band was July 4th, 2012. It was out in the middle of East Portal Park in East Sac for all of our friends and more. There were more than 200 people there and it was a super duper chill environment.

Q: Who are the influences for your band? A: We are mainly an indie rock alternative band. Imagine Dragons, Vampire Weekend, and of course Pink Floyd are our main influences. I love any music that gets you thinking and makes you feel good. Continued on Back Page...

How is Gravity?

By Charles Fries ‘14 Gravity is a gripping film about the perils of space and its infinite being and mystery. Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) is an aeronautical technician working with her shuttle partner, Matt Kowalski (George Clooney). Their mission: upgrade some computer hardware on the Hubble Space Telescope. When a cluster of space debris collides with their shuttle, the duo become separated from each other and the rest of their crew. They decide to make a run for a Chinese shuttle ‘only’ a few miles away. Gravity’s stunning cinematic effects, strong script, and brilliant acting make this production one of the year’s best. Alfonso Cuaron truly knows how to craft a tense and harrowing film, yet include many calm, powerful elements that add to the depth of the characters and ultimately the depth of the film. Better yet, it seems the movie was specifically made for 3D viewing, as there are many small details that, if experienced in 3D, only make the film better. Overall, Gravity is magnificent for its gripping storyline, FX and Oscar-worthy performances.

Entertainment November 2013

Mr. Hornback’s Top Ten Horror Movies

By Patrick Stevens ‘14 As the Witching Month comes to a close, the time for nights watching horror movies with friends is far from over. Here is a list of the best scary movies from the king of horror, Mr. Hornback. Psycho (1960)

The first slasher film based on real-life serial killer Ed Gein, Psycho’s shocks, scares, and sly humor still hold up. Night of the Living Dead (1968)

story of two marginalized teenage sisters stuck in a small, and small-minded, town. They survive an attack by a ravenous beast. Lycanthropy ensues.


Mr. O’Connor’s Teacher Playlist

By Brennen Honaker ‘14

30 Days of Night (2007)

These vampires don’t glisten in sunlight! This film has suspense, gore, and a compelling love story. Let the Right One In (2008) We asked Mr. O’Connor what his top songs were, and here are the results!

Montezuma - Fleet Foxes Reflektor - Arcade Fire This is my current favorite vampire movie. Heart It Races - Dr. Dog Watch it with subtitles as the dubbing is horriStart Shootin’ - Little People George A. Romero’s film started the still- ble. The Swedish aesthetic for horror is different End of the Road - Umphrey’s McGee going craze for mindless, highly-infectious than the American, but this story will haunt you. Same Love - Macklemore and Ryan Lewis feat. animated corpses that crave the flesh of the Mary Lambert living. But unlike too many films in the sub- The Woman in Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men genre, in his, zombies mean something. We Black (2010) Keep Together - Hunter Hunted have met the zombies, and they are us! Royals - Lorde Safe and Sound - Capital Cities The Exorcist (1973)

The special effects are dated, and the acting is sometimes over the top, but the tension steadily escalates, and the torment of the young victim, her mother, and the priests who attempt to save the girl is wrenching. It’s also based on an actual exorcism that took place at St. Louis University in 1949. Carrie (1976)

An old school ghost story with the latest special effects, The Woman in Black is alternately subtly disturbing, suddenly shocking, and ultimately deeply troubling. If those movies don’t satisfy, here is a Top Five List directly from Patrick Stevens . Scream (1996) - Intended to kill the Horror Movie Genre, Scream smartly parodies and uses horror cliché’s to deconstruct what it means to be a horror movie in one of the most entertaining films of the genre. 28 Days Later (2002) - 28 Days Later tells the story of survival in London twenty-eight days after a zombie plague brings the world to its knees. However, relying on others for help leads to the revelation that zombies are not the only monsters prowling the deserted landscape.

The first adaptation of one of the most influential and inventive horror stories of all time, De Palma’s Carrie is a cautionary tale The Shining (1980) - The Shining was adapted about the devastating consequences of abuse. from a novel by Stephen King and the film was a flop in its day. However, it is now considered Ginger Snaps (2000) one of the greatest horror movies of all time. The Cabin in the Woods (2012) - The Cabin in the Woods takes its time to parody both slasher films and monster movies before deconstructing the horror genre as a whole. A rare great werewolf film, Ginger Snaps is the

Duolingo Review

By Jackson Cline ‘17 Having trouble learning your foreign language? Duolingo can help! Duolingo is a Rosetta Stone-like game that helps users learn the foreign language of their choice. It currently offers French, Spanish, Portuguese, English, German, and Italian. Sorry to all you Latin takers! In this app, you can level up, lose lives, and subconsciously learn a foreign language. This app is very effective for assisting you with your studies. I use this app to help me with my French, and so far it works superbly. The Duolingo website says that about 34 hours of studying with their app is the equivalent to one eleven week semester. I have found that this app is useful for independent study, or just for fun. Although Duolingo won’t be synched up with the vocab you’re learning in your textbook, you just may get ahead of the game. Duolingo is a great free app. I recommend you check it out in the App Store if you get the chance!



November 2013

Where is Jesuit Spirit?

Look Away from the Screen and Focus!

By Jack Sevey ‘80 Special to the Plank I went to the Jesuit-Folsom football game last night with some Jesuit alumni and a friend of mine who went to a Catholic high school in Southern California. The game was probably the biggest game that Jesuit football has played in years. Number 1 against number 6! The crowd was huge and the Jesuit cheering section was hundreds strong. But there was something seriously lacking. During the game, my friend from LA said to me, “I thought Jesuit was supposed to have an awesome cheering section.” Then I could hear from across the field, the Folsom cheering section shouting, “We can’t hear you.” They were absolutely right. We were sitting right next to the Jesuit cheering section and they were doing nothing. This forced parents and fellow alumni to step up in a futile attempt to get some cheers going. But really? What’s going on with the cheering section? I graduated Jesuit in 1980. During my time at Jesuit, we cheered loudly and aggressively at every game – EVEN Saturday football games and away games. The section was all boys back then and we were active. We yelled the Marine Corps cadence. We sang Green Acres and the Beverly Hillbillies theme songs at opposing teams. We heckled other teams and got in their heads. We did the Triple-J. We got our mojo working and we yelled the Raisin Bran commercial amongst other things. Why? – Because we could and

we did it even when the teams weren’t doing well and they were losing. We had fun and understood how important it was to support the team. So you can understand how disappointing and embarrassing it was to see such a lifeless, unsupportive cheering section last night. Hundreds of students made the trek to Folsom last night, sat in the Jesuit section and only a few cheers could be heard the entire game. Perhaps it’s the distraction of having girls in the section, the cell phones that keep heads down in a preoccupied state or a misunderstanding of what it means to be a Jesuit student sitting in the cheering section. I actually heard one student say to another “Hey, you made it to a social event.” A social event - Really? As a student of Jesuit coming to a football game, you are there to work, to support the team, to yell until you have no voice left, to show our fight to the other school. Folsom beat us on the field and in the stands. Never let that happen again. Don’t let the flame die out! Go Big Red! Editor’s Note: Concerning this Opinion-Editorial page for this issue, I feel some might be concerned about the views expressed, particularly that of Jack Sevey ‘80. Sevey emailed us asking that his letter be published, and while his opinion might not be popular, we felt compelled to publish this excerpt. We view it as a challenge to be the best that we can be, and worth sharing. We hope you respect his criticism in a similar manner.

By Brett Soutiere ‘14 A recent discussion in the newspaper office got heated when the topic of which iPad game was most popular on campus. One senior said, “Madden, FIFA, and Deer Hunter are the only games that people here play.” No matter what games you are playing, one thing that seems to be apparent is the distraction they create during class. Think about any of your classes: What percentage of students are playing games as opposed to taking notes? When asked how often he is on task while using his iPad in class, an anonymous junior, replied, “I am maybe on task 25 percent of the time.” Whose responsibility is it to remain on task? Are the teachers too forgiving? One teacher said, “I let the iPad behavior go the first few weeks of school, but I have begun to crack down more recently.” Is this the right course? As students, do we need the teachers to be more strict? A senior commented, “All my grades were lower this year than every other year, but after I deleted all my games, my grades began to get better and better.” The responsibility to remain on task falls squarely upon us, the students. Just because you have a computer in front of you doesn’t mean you have to play games on it. Delete your games!

Sports November 2013

More than a Team: Jesuit Football middle linebacker Austin Gates, “Our team took huge strides this year strength-wise and that has really given us an edge over others with more skill.” With only one game to go, Jesuit faces a tough opponent in Oak Ridge.. “I expect us to play great ball and take our momentum right into playoffs,” Gates continues. “We are all fighting for the same goal.” The football team By John Lambert ‘15 is ready for any challenge that comes its way. The Jesuit football team has had one of Determination and strength are key values its hottest starts in the history of the program. for the Marauders, who rely on team uniWith a 7-2 record, following the victory at ty rather than individual talent to find vicSheldon, the playoffs are on the minds of the tory. As the players say, “I am my brother’s players and student body. Despite being one keeper,” and this team is ready to battle. of the best teams in the section, the Jesuit footEditor’s Note: On Saturday, October 26, the ball team remains humble, crediting hard work Marauders hosted Pleasant Grove and lost to the and perseverance as the keys to its success. Eagles (28-23). The Marauders are 7-2 overall “I believe that this year’s success largely has (2-2 in the DRL) and have qualified for the playoffs been due to our preseason work, specifically in with their win agaisnt Sheldon on November 1. the weight room,” states Senior tight end and

Varsity Soccer Scores Again


By Joey Arostegui ‘15 The Jesuit Varsity Soccer Team once again remained undefeated in regular season play. With a record of 23-0-3, Jesuit is regained the NSCAA #1 National Ranking. While this is an impressive feat, our Marauders soccer team is no stranger to success. Last year the Marauders earned the title of Maxpreps National #1 Team in the entire nation. Even after graduating star players such as Niko Hansen and Kaba Alkebulan, the 2013 Jesuit team, led by captains John Bovill, Matthew Nemeth, and Evan Barrett, is still in the hunt for the number one spot in the national rankings. No one is more supportive or confident of this team than its head coach and CIF Sac-Joaquin Section Hall of Fame inductee, Mr. Paul Rose. When asked to describe this year’s team, Mr. Rose stated, “They are a cohesive, hardworking group that have been willing to struggle through challenges.” He adds, “They are talented enough to compete for a secThe persevering runners are deter- tion title and a high national ranking.” Junior goalkeeper Luc Barbe sums up mined to win a section championship, and continue on to take their talents straight his team, saying, “We are deadly and if we keep pushing hard, no one can stop us.” to the state championship in Fresno. No matter how the rest of the season turns out, Go out and support our Marauders as our school can be sure that we will have yet anthey continue to destroy the competition. other Jesuit varsity soccer team to brag about.

Run, Jesuit, Run!

Water Polo Swimming Strong

By John Howe ‘14 Jesuit’s cross country team has dominated the competition thus far, quickly racing up the ranks. The Marauders started off the year ranked 70th in the state, but after a pivotal win against Del Campo, and other strong victories, they are now ranked 7th in the state. Every weekend they run 3.1 miles on grass and dirt trails, up and down hills, and on rough terrain. Practice consists of running 8-10 miles everyday during the week. These gentlemen have been committed since day one and have worked all season to earn their top state ranking. Led by Walt “Yoda” Lang, Mr. Lai, Mr. Zielke, and Mr. Witzgall, the boys possess a strong work ethic and persevere through brutally tough races. After seven races thus far, the Marauders continue to succeed. Senior leader Andrew Brown says, “This year has been a huge breakthrough, and with a young team we will continue to get better.”

By Tristan Mullany ‘15 The Jesuit water polo team talent is not to be questioned as the Marauders have won over 73 percent of their games this season, which include the outcomes of games in tournaments. The team has escaped victorious in two noticeable games as they slid away from Gunn in the season opener (17-16) and came out with the win in sudden death OT versus Clovis at the Shmitt tournament (11-10). In league, the Marauder’s have been crushing teams left and right, beating teams such as Monterey Trail 15-3 and El Camino 17-5. The Marauders only lost once at home this year to Davis on October 29th, yet finished the season with a win against Rio Americano on November 2nd. The team’s incredible performance this season is a result of 12 hours of hard work each week with a phenomenal coach. Coach Lachance has pushed the team to play better and all the while smarter. “The college coaching aspects he has brought to this team has not only helped everyone’s individual skill grow but also the team relationship,” Junior Michael Crouch said. Nick Giancanelli was named September’s water polo athlete of the month. Giancanelli, a junior, scored 18 of his 37 shots in Septem-

ber and accounted for 15 of the team’s assists (2nd highest). Six of the 17 goals in the matchup against Gunn were scored by Giancanelli as he led the team to a narrow victory in the season opener. Even with an injury, Giancanelli came up clutch in the sudden death overtime game against Clovis as he scored the winning goal, allowing the Marauders to place 3rd in the prominent Schmitt Tournament. “Nick understands that there’s no ‘I’ in team and he plays very well with the rest of the group. Nick is an all around great addition to the team,” Crouch said. The phenomenal performance of our Jesuit Marauder water polo team is a combination of outstanding coaching, players, and teamwork. Come out and support the Marauders as they finish the year strong.

Marauders in the Crowd Continued... Each issue, The Plank interviews a student who is heavily Names: Geoff Luoma and Joe Millward involved in an activity outside of school. We see this as an Classes: Both Seniors opportunity to highlight the achievements of someone who Ages: Both 17 would otherwise go unrecognized. If you would like to recommend a classmate, please email us at

Joe Millward: Q: What instruments do you play? A: I play the guitar, drums, bass, ukulele, piano, keyboards, and I sing. On my extended play, I recorded each instrument separately and then mixed them together to create the songs. Q: When did you start? What’s you favorite instrument, band, and song? A: I started playing the drums and guitar when I was eight. All of the other instruments came along later. My favorite instrument is the guitar, my favorite artist is Mat Kearney, and my favorite song is “Nothing Left to Lose.” Q: What are the names of the songs you have written? A: My songs are “Sunrise,” “Broken Record,” “Tomorrow,” “Clouds,” and “Save Me.” I’m on Spotify and iTunes if anyone wants to check my stuff out. Q: What’s the name of your debut album? A: I have produced one EP entitled Letting Go and I hope to extend the album in the future once I finish the college application process. I hope to have a new album out second semester of this school year. Q: What type of bands have you been a part of in your musical career? A: I’ve bounced around and been in a lot of bands including alternative, rock, jazz, pop, indie, and ska genres. I like mixing it up every now and then to keep the music fresh. I love recording any type of music and I love finding new artists before they hit the mainstream. “Paper Plates,” a song that I wrote with my old bandmates of Insomnia was recently featured in a music video by Emma Bradford and won First Place in an international film competition taking place in New York.

Issue Comic

Wacky Costume Ideas

By Riley Spieler ‘17 On Halloween, kids are let loose on the streets to collect candy from strange neighbors they don’t know or talk to for the rest of the year. Unfortunately, in high school, Halloween loses some of its appeal. That is, unless you have a strange costume. So, I’ve compiled three ideas from my own insane imagination, and the internet, to give you some ideas for next year’s Halloween. 1-Dumbledora-A simple costume based on the crazy idea of combining Dora with Dumbledore. You should have a standard Dora wig, a long beard, a pink shirt, orange shorts, a blue backpack, and a stick or wand of some sort. “Come on. Vaminos! Avada-kadavra, let’s go!” 2-Recyco-Man-This costume is eco-friendly. Simply take boxes: whatever you have, whether its soda, chip, cookie, etc. and make arm and leg braces out of them. Next, find an outfit or morph suit that somewhat matches your boxes. If you’re feeling especially ambitious, you can make a Capri-Sun cape by gluing or stitching together juice pouches. And, voila! You have your own weird superhero made from trash! 3-Rubber Animals-This costume has two pieces: A rubber animal head combined with any suit, bathrobe, or other unusual outfit. If you’re not sure where to find a freakishly realistic rubber animal head, has chicken, pig, and squirrel masks, along with the now legendary rubber horse head.

Letter from the Editor

By Chandler Tapella ‘15 Colleges are calling, and the first quarter is coming to a close. I’m astounded to see how far we’ve come in so little time. It’s astonishing! As of recent, The Plank has been working closely with the administration in an effort to bring you an even better newspaper experience. If everything works out, this should be the first digital edition of the The Plank you receive! Thanks for all your help in making these strides possible. Go Big Red!

The Plank Staff Editor-in-Chief- Chandler Tapella ‘14 Photography- Brett Soutiere ‘14 Staff Writers & Contributors- Luc Barbe ‘15, John Howe ‘14, Patrick Stevens ‘14, Brennen Honaker ‘14, Charles Fries ‘14, Mac Yates ‘15, Will Schmidt ‘16, Brien Griffin ‘14, John Lambert ‘15, Tristan Mullany ‘15, Riley Spieler ‘17, Matthew Watson ‘14, Mitchell McFetridge ‘14, Will Keys ‘14, Andrew Reid ‘15, Michael Flodin ‘15, Cristopher Simon ‘14, Blake Clarkson ‘15, Carson Richards ‘15 Comic Artist- Jake Melavic ‘16 Thank you to Mr. Caslin, Ms. Paul, Fr. Suwalsky, S.J., and the rest of the faculty and staff! From Left- Charles Fries ‘14, John Howe ‘14, Brennen Honaker ‘14, Brien Griffin ‘14, Luc Barbe ‘15, Will Schmidt ‘16, Mac Yates ‘15, Patrick Stevens ‘14, Brett Soutiere ‘14, Chandler Tapella ‘14

The opinions in The Plank are solely those of the contributors and do not reflect the views of the Jesuit Community, Staff, Adminstration, or Board of Trustees.

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