The Plank - February 2014 Issue

Page 1

Beauty and the Beast

Jesuit Wrestling

It’s that time of the year when the Marauders own the mat. Page Seven. The Oscars will be here soon...

The Black Box is preparing for another big show! Page Four.

See Brien Griffin’s predictions on Page Five. February 2014


Jesuit High School


1200 Jacob Lane Carmichael, CA 95608


National Letter of Intent Signing On February 5, 2014, the following Senior athletes signed national letters of intent to play collegiate sports: Anthony Ayala- Soccer (Seattle University) Nick Baltar- Crew (UC San Diego) Evan Barrett- Soccer (UC Davis) Tucker Bone- Soccer (US Air Force Academy) John Bovill- Soccer (Saint Louis University) Jason Elenberger- Football (US Air Force Academy) Anthony Geremia- Baseball (Santa Clara University) Kannon Kuhn- Soccer (Chapman University)

JUG 3,000 Miles Away By Charles Webb ‘15 Editors Note: This article is per at Boston College High on the East Coast. It is mission of its author and

taken from the newspaSchool, a Jesuit school reprinted with the perThe Eagle newspaper.

As BC High enters its 151st year it is good to look back on the institutions and principles that have made the school the success that it is today. One of the most recognizable of these institutions is, of course, JUG. Although it is often mistaken as an acronym for “Justice Under God” JUG is actually derived from the Latin “iugum” meaning literally “yoke.” To be sent under the “yoke” was an ancient form of supplication usually forced upon a surrendering army. JUG as we know it today has also been around for quite a while. My grandfather recalls a certain member of his class who frequented JUG almost seventy years ago. Yes, even Patrick Cadigan class of 1952 used to commit a JUGable offense every so often. However, as is especially clear from the example of Dr. Cadigan, JUG is a necessary step in BC High’s process of creating “young men of character.” For this article I decided to interview the foremost expert on JUG at BC High. I found Mr. Miranda on Friday afternoon in his usual spot in Q205 presiding over a JUG with only one student. Such dedication to JUG is a powerful indicator of its importance to Mr. Miranda and to the school as a whole. When asked about what he thought of JUG and whether he thought it was effective at accomplishing the objective of creating young men of character he had a lot to say. First and foremost he said, “JUG is meant to hold students accountable” and “it shows students that there are consequences for their actions.” As an

alumnus of BC High himself Mr. Miranda sympathizes with students, as he realizes that JUG “disrupts their afternoon” and that while he was sitting in those chairs even he thought that it was “ridiculous.” Mr. Miranda still contends, however, that having a consequence for his actions prepared him not only for college but also “set [him] up for life.” In the words of Mr. Miranda “BC High is a microcosm of the real world.” In the real world there are also consequences for your actions and no matter how small the infraction, these consequences will catch up with you. Mr. Miranda says that it is for this reason he is sure to track down students who miss JUG as quickly as possible. These lessons are intended to demonstrate to students the harsh truth that you are personally responsible for your actions and if you do not control yourself others will be forced to control you. Finally one of the most resounding points that Mr. Miranda touched on was that “JUG is a team effort.” Every teacher at BC High has the power to JUG and unless they are consistent, then it will be very difficult to convey the correct message. For example, it is very hard to correct a student who has a hat on when they have just exited a class where the teacher does not say anything about it. In my view the “team effort” must also include us, the students. If we help each other out by alerting each other to the simple things, like an untucked shirt or a hat, we will all be able to avoid spending our afternoons in JUG. And, more importantly, if we speak up when we see something major, like bullying, we will create an environment in which everyone is able to fully participate and learn in our little “microcosm.”

Lake Lutes- Basketball (US Air Force Academy) Alec Moen- Lacrosse (Seton Hill University) Matthew Nemeth- Soccer (Seattle University) Ben Parietti- Lacrosse (University of Richmond) Keegan Shuping- Swimming (University of Arizona) Andy Snow- Baseball (Arizona State University) Tyler Valicenti- Crew (Princeton University) Chris Wieser- Swimming (University of Arizona)

Why you Came to Jesuit By Jackson Cline ‘17 As you all know, the incoming freshmen interview is nerve wracking. We all remember the “will they or won’t they pick me” feeling we got from it. Due to these recent interviews, I asked four students about why they made the decision to attend Jesuit High School. As you can tell, we all cross paths here for different reasons. Freshman Tim Brannon wanted to come to Jesuit because he was Catholic and lived nearby, so it wouldn’t be a problem.

Sophomore Luke McCarthy wanted to attend because he wanted the private school environment and the religious experience. He also liked the swim program. Junior Vincent McCarty transferred to Jesuit because he saw more opportunities here than at Franklin High.

Senior Daniel Larmer Virgin chose Jesuit simply because his friend went here and he was Catholic.

Campus Life


February 2014

Black Student Union

Martin Luther King Liturgy

By Matthew Glass ‘16 The Black Student Union (BSU) has been in existence at Jesuit for over 20 years. The club’s goals are to integrate and make all minorities at school feel welcome, as well as to foster diversity and celebrate everyone’s differences. The club’s secretary/treasurer, junior Kencell Nixon, was recently asked if he felt that Jesuit is a place where all races and cultures can come together. Nixon said,“Yes, I feel very welcome on the Jesuit campus, and I believe that people accept you for who you are here at Jesuit. Race doesn’t play a significant factor in friendships here.” The BSU does fundraisers throughout the year to raise money for various club activities, such as their semi-annual trip to the African-American Summit in Portland, and their annual trip to the African-American Summit at Stanford University. Their most recent fundraiser was a BBQ during lunch. This year, the club participated in the Martin Luther King, Jr. Liturgy at Jesuit. When asked why this was important to the club, Nixon said, “To me, it was crucial to participate in the MLK mass because Dr. King fought and died for my right to attend Jesuit. His dream was for us to be seen as equals. I think participating shows that we have come a long way.” Clubs such as the Black Student Union are an integral part of Jesuit and its diversity. If you’re interested in joining, meetings are held every other Thursday at lunch in Garnier 201.

By The Simons ‘14 & ‘15 The annual Martin Luther King, Jr. mass celebrated peace and justice in our world. On January 17, 2014, Reverend Jerry Hayes, S.J. talked about the importance of role models in our society. Role models such as Dr. King, Ghandi and

O’Meara Hall By Carson Richards ‘15

Jesuit has long prided itself on its exceptional science program. The best example being the Robotics team, which has won numerous local, national, and international championships. The newly opened O’Meara Hall, located in the former home of The Cove, is an attempt to continue in that tradition of scientific excellence. The wing consists of multiple science labs for subjects such as Biology, Physics, and Anatomy. One of the largest contributions is the addition of a dedicated Robotics lab. This new lab will allow the Robotics team to create more permanent workstations and be more productive. “We The Jesuit Black Student Union and other volcan get a lot more done now because we have a unteers participate in the 33rd Annual Capitol space that was designed specifically for us,” said March for a Dream on Martin Luther King Day. junior Robotics team member Matt Woolgar. “We don’t have to worry about cleaning up for other classes anymore,” continued Woolgar. However, students don’t have to be in Ro-

A New Face On Campus

By Tristan Mullany ‘15 Mr. Antonio is a new part of our Jesuit family as he will be on campus for the next semester or so. He is a Jesuit in the first stage of Formation, which is a ten year effort to become a priest. Mr Antonio is familiar with what daily life is like as a Jesuit student. “I went to an all-boys High School in Seattle that is very similar to Jesuit, so I know what it’s like to be ‘you,’” said Mr. Antonio. He attended the College of Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts where he majored in math with a minor in Physics. During his college years, Mr. Antonio participated in many immersions and was a member of Pax Christi,

Nelson Mandela all worked for peace and justice in our world. They were sent from God as examples to show us the truth of life by asserting their dignity and humanity. Fr. Hayes called these role models “Agents of Peace.” He went on to say, “They do not retaliate from neighbors but rather satisfy all that they ask of us.” Dr. King knew that God’s greatest gift to man is freedom. Just like God made the ultimate sacrifice of his only son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to save us from our sins, Dr. King dedicated his life so that his brothers, sisters and all men and women might enjoy and be worthy of this gift of freedom. Dr. King understood that the freedom of every man and woman is a gift from our Creator. This is why he protested and took pride in his actions. Dr. King was dedicated to fulfilling his “I Have a Dream” speech to his fellow brothers and sisters just as Jesus was dedicated to saving us. As Marauders, we should recognize and appreciate Dr. King’s greatest sacrifice by taking January 27, 2014, off to reflect on this special man and his accomplishments. Dr. King lost his life trying to better the lives of African-American people. He was arguably one of the greatest American Civil Rights leaders of the 1960’s.

a social justice organization. Mr. Antonio enjoys several types of music from Top 40 pop (Taylor Swift, Kesha, Beyonce, etc.) to Indie Rock (Dawes, The Shins, and Dr. Dog) to Post Rock (Explosions in the Sky or Sigur Ros). Some of Mr. Antonio’s favorite movies include Argo, Inglourious Basterds, and The Departed. When asked about his transition to Jesuit, Mr. Antonio mentioned that he is excited to be around different things that he is passionate about such as math, Theology, Christian Service and Kairos. “I’m excited to be here for the semester and for getting to know all of you better,” said Mr. Antonio.

botics to use the labs. Classes have already begun conducting experiments in the labs and the benefits are easy to see. New equipment allows for more in-depth experiments that would not be possible in a classroom setting. The labs also provide a different and more stimulating environment for students. “I think it’s more fun to be in the new labs than in the classroom,” said sophomore Bailey Abercrombie. “It’s a completely different experience.”


Leatherby’s Vs. Farrell’s By John Howe ‘14 Farrell’s Ice Cream Parlour recently returned to Sacramento and has revived the rivalry between itself and Leatherby’s. Both restaurants have a long history in Sacramento, but after a plane crashed into a Farrell’s restaurant in 1972 they disappeared. This left Leatherby’s as the dominate Ice Cream Parlour for years. That is, until now. A new Farrell’s recently opened on Watt & Arden. I judged both parlors on three main categories: Ice Cream, Atmosphere, and Service. Leatherby’s Ice Cream: Leatherby’s is known for its homemade ice cream. Everything they serve is made right in the restaurant. Thanks to the remodeling that they are doing, customers will be able to see the ice cream being made.

February 2014


New Driving Phone-Use Laws

Farrell’s Ice Cream: Unlike Leatherby’s, Farrell’s orders all their ice cream from another company. They serve Thrifty Ice Cream, and it’s just not as good as the home made stuff that you get at Leatherby’s.

Atmosphere: Some people might like the Atmosphere: Leatherby’s has a great family at- Farrell’s atmosphere. It gave me a headache. mosphere and is a fun place to go late at night with The inside looks really interesting and all the friends when you want to share a huge sundae. workers dress up in old fashioned clothes, but they also sing about EVERYTHING. Food: The food at Leatherby’s is good, but not great. When they bring out your ice cream, or even They offer a variety of sandwiches and burgers. a box for your leftovers, they sing. It can be a lot of fun, but it can also be annoying. Service: Leatherby’s servers are very friendly and, because the place is small, Food: Farrell’s also has good food, but By Adam McGrew ‘15 you have more access to your server. it isn’t amazing. Having said that, FarIt is now against the law for teens to comrell’s wins the better food battle. municate with a cell phone in any way, shape, or form while driving. As of January 1st, Service: Farrell’s waiters are very energet2014, it is illegal for anyone under the age of ic, but the overall service is weak and slow. 18 to compose or read text messages, even if they are using a handsfree device. Add this to the existing prohibition on talking on a cell phone while driving, and the result is the only people teen drivers are allowed to communicate with while driving are their passengers. The potential benefits of the new law far outweigh the inevitable hassles it will cause. According to studies done by the Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New York, teens who text while driving are more of a hazard to themselves and those around them than those who drink and get behind the wheel. Researchers found that there are more than 3,000 teen deaths nationwide, and at least 300,000 injuries, due to texting and driving. Next time you get in the car and hear your phone buzz, just leave it in your pocket and keep your eyes on the road. By not answering it, you could just possibly be saving your life and the lives of those around you.

The Highlights of CES

By Andrew Reid ‘15 CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2014 may be over, but the innovative products announced there are still hot news. Some of the biggest electronics companies gathered to show off their latest tech in Las Vegas, where some of the most significant advances were shown in wearable tech, cars, TVs, computers, and the idea of a smart home. This year’s line of wearable tech focuses on the wrist, where such products as the Pebble Steel, or the LG Life Band Touch, can be placed. These products focus on streaming the most important updates from your phone to your wrist, conveying information such as incoming phone calls, text messages, and reminders. Cars also saw an increase in technology focusing on a better driving experience. Audi showed off their concept of self-parking, where

one can exit one’s car and have it parked via an app on one’s phone. Ford presented its idea of vehicle-to-vehicle communication, where a car in sight of an accident can alert a car that is unable to see the upcoming hazard. TV designs are getting a refreshing update this year as well, along with the operating systems available to them. Companies such as Samsung and LG put their curved TV’s on display, allowing one to curve the 4K resolution display at will. Roku demonstrated its TV operating system, which allows ease of access between cable, Netflix, and a series of other apps promising to offer more 4K content. Computers continue to evolve with this year’s line up, showing off new features proving to be promising to gamers. Razer’s Christine Project

established the possibility of a fully modular computer, able to be upgraded at any time. Valve, along with partnered manufacturers, elaborated on the Steam Box, which brings the PC to the living room. Other noteworthy devices include a tabletop style computer (the Lenovo Horizon II), and tablets with the ability to run both the Windows and Android operating systems. Finally, the concept of the smart home is adapting a few new tricks. Belkin shed light on their new LED smart light bulbs, which can be controlled using a phone app. Products such as the iSmart Alarm unify various sensors in the house, and also offer phone integration. CES 2014 offered us a lot, ranging from readily available products to concepts for the future. Be sure to keep an eye out for some of this new technology in the public, and perhaps it would be a good idea to start saving money now for some of the truly advanced products that will be coming out soon.



February 2014

Beauty and the Beast

By Riley Spieler ‘17 For most of us, March seems like it is ages away. However, for the cast and crew at the Black Box Theater, it is just around the corner. They are already hard at work singing, dancing, and preparing for the winter musical Beauty and the Beast, which opens on March 6th. The process has just begun. The play will feature a cast of 51-the largest ever at the Black Box Theater. Mr. Trafton, long-time director of the drama program, says that the cast is just beginning to learn the songs and develop the personalities and mannerisms of their characters. In addition to 51 actors and actresses, there are 20 tech students for stage managing, lighting, ushering, and other important behindthe-scenes duties. Early preparation for the tech department involves a new lighting system: a purchase that was recently approved by the school. The new lights are supposed to be more powerful, but also eco-friendly. Mr. Trafton said that they will definitely be ready for the “Disney magic” in Beauty and the Beast.

Earlier this year, the drama department performed Shakespeare’s classic Romeo and Juliet with a twist: the show was set in colonial India during the early 1900’s. Mr. Trafton has confirmed that there will be a similar twist for Beauty and the Beast. The show is “a show within a show,” that is, it isn’t Jesuit High’s production, but the production of Our Lady of the Reluctant Supplication, a co-ed Catholic high school that has appeared in past shows like The Wizard of Oz. As a result, students wear school uniforms and other accessories visible underneath their costumes, a constant reminder that they are just kids performing. Mr. Trafton shared that there will be no interaction between students. The show will be Broadway’s version of Beauty and the Beast with a unique backstory. “We on the staff cannot wait to see 51 incredibly talented people performing this very, very moving story in a very creative way,” said Mr. Trafton. Everyone can see the performance, when Caroline Mixon (Belle) and Greyson Horst (The Beast) set to rehearse in the Black Box Theater. Beauty and the Beast opens on March 6th.

Albums Everyone Needs to Hear By Brennan Honaker ‘14 Yeezus Put away the fact that it is Kanye West. He may be one of the most hated figures in modern culture. I mean, he is a dude who compares himself to God. However, that does not take away from the brilliance that is Yeezus. Yeezus is not a rap album. If it was, it wouldn’t be on this list because there are a host of better rap albums available, including Tupac’s Me Against the World and Jay-Z’s classic Blueprint. Nope, Yeezus is an “in your face” album on what is wrong with the world, especially in America. Kanye West rants on commercialization, racism in America, and even on the celebrity obsession. These rants are combined with amazing beats which he created along with Daft Punk.West also changes the rap game. In Yeezus, he creates what Nirvana did with Nevermind. That is an entirely new genre: what I call punk rap. Yeezus is brash and rough. It is a game-changing experience.

album. Highway 61 is Bob Dylan’s best album and is one of the best albums of all time.

Golden Years Brothertiger is the most unrecognizable name on this list, yet he is one of the greatest. Golden Years is the best album of the 21st Century. Brothertiger crafts an album that is so unconventional that it must be heard. The album is so “not in your face” that it is shocking. He takes you on a simplistic journey of rhythms and haunting lyrics. Golden Years doesn’t deal with the pain and suffering that is featured in albums such as London Calling or the Exile on Main Street. Brothertiger just captures what it is like to be alive. Nothing more,nothing less. The album isn’t catchy, but it is brilliant.

Highway 61 Revisited Bob Dylan is a legend, and is easily the greatest living lyricist. He started the hippie movement through his songwritting. In all honesty, he has a terrible voice; however, he changed the dynamic of American culture through his prose. Just to put into perspective Dylan’s significance, his band is the biggest in the world, and the magazine, Rolling Stone, is named af- The Queen is Dead ter one of his songs, which is featured on this The Smiths are one of my favorite bands ever.

They are just so 80’s. The Smiths are both deep and fun to listen to. This is incredibly rare, especially in the 80’s. Albums like Thriller and anything by Prince were great fun to listen to but lacked depth. The Smiths are fun while at the same time provoking the listener to delve into his own conscience. It is an incredible experience and something that is very easy to become attached.

Anything by the Beatles The Beatles are the greatest band period. There is no argument. The Beatles are composed of three musical geniuses and Ringo Starr. No matter what album you listen to you will hear pure brilliance. The Beatles changed music fundamentally. They, like Shakespeare, created their own genre’s that still stand as the industries best fifty years later. What is crazier to think about is the fact that they were only really creating albums for around ten years; however, all of them are something special. Their truly great albums include Rubber Soul, Abbey Road, Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band, and the White Album. No matter what music you enjoy, the Beatles are one band you must listen to.


The Plank Oscar Predictions

February 2014


Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

By Mac Yates ‘15

By Brien Griffin ‘14 The 2014 Academy Awards nominations are out and this year features top class actors, powerful films, and Grammy Award winning musical artists. 12 Years A Slave, Gravity, and American Hustle lead the pack for Best Picture of 2014 with a combined twenty-nine nominations. 12 Years A Slave serves as the frontrunner. Nebraska, Captain Phillips, Dallas Buyers Club, Philomena, The Wolf of Wall Street, and Her also received nods for Best Picture. Leonardo DiCaprio leads the group for Best Actor. DiCaprio was previously nominated for three Oscars, but has yet to win. Chiwetel Ejiofor from 12 Years A Slave will give DiCaprio a run for his money. Other nominations for Best Actor include Christian Bale, Bruce Dern, and Matthew McConaughey. Sandra Bullock is the frontrunner for Best Actress for her astounding performance in Gravity. She finds herself amongst Amy Adams, Cate Blanchett, Judi Dench, and, of course, Meryl Streep. Bradley Cooper and Jonah Hill have

emerged as the leaders for Best Supporting Actor for their performances in American Hustle and The Wolf of Wall Street, respectively. Others in the mix include Barkhada Abdi, Michael Fassbender, and Jared Leto. Jennifer Lawrence is the premiere nominee up for Best Supporting Actress. Sally Hawkins, Lupita Nyong’o, Julia Roberts, and Jane Squibb will keep the contest interesting. As far as music and production goes, Gravity and Saving Mr. Banks are nominated for Best Original Score. Lone Survivor received two nominations for Sound Editing and Sound Mixing. Best Original Song will be one of the most interesting categories in this year’s Academy Awards. Pharrell Williams received a nomination for his song, “Happy” from Despicable Me 2. However, the expected winner for Best Original Song is U2’s “Ordinary Love,” from Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom. The song won a Golden Globe earlier this year for Best Original Song. With big names across the board, this year’s By The Plank Staff Academy Awards will undoubtedly be one of The Plank uses Aurasma, a free app, to provide the most interesting award shows of 2014. additional content on your mobile device. The content is “layered” onto pictures throughout the newspaper. Wherever you see the pirate head logo (above and below), there is additional media connected to that image. To access that additional content, you must have the Aurasma app and be following the “jhsplank” channel. Once you’ve done that, scan the image with your device and videos, websites and other media will appear! Aurasma is not only being used by the newspaper, but also other groups are using it around campus. For example, just inside the doors to the library on the right is a display that uses Aurasma (and QR codes) to provide additional media. Directions are provided that explain how you can access this additional content. If you are interested in learning more about Aurasma and how to create your own layered media, stop by The Plank office or speak to Senior Brett Soutiere.

Lone Survivor Review By Vincent McCarty ‘15 The film Lone Survivor, starring Mark Wahlberg, memorializes the lives lost during Operation Red Wings in 2005. The film depicts the horrors of the battlefield, where every little action counts. Every decision made was a challenging discussion to have. Every life mattered, and most importantly, every life was real. On the film side, the effects were outstanding, the acting was extremely well put together, and the actors chosen closely resembled the appearance of the reallife people. The film was realistic enough to even give me the chills during some points. The end of the film rolled a small slideshow memorial of the actual men, their families and children, and the other soldiers. The film was extremely well put together, and I recommend everyone see it.

Kenneth Branagh’s 2014 Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit is a spy thriller not to be overlooked. With big names like Chris Pine and Kevin Costner, you might think that’s what all the hype is about, but this Cold War grudge revival will have you at the edge of your seat. Pine plays Jack Ryan, a CIA financial analyst who is sent to Russia to try and negotiate with a big time company. He gets more action than the desk job he is used to, and a Cold War spy grudge match is revived. Branagh goes beyond his position as director and plays the villain, Viktor Cherevin. Keira Knightly, playing the girlfriend of Jack Ryan, adds the romantic element of the movie. The movie is an original screenplay centered on a Tom Clancy character, Jack Ryan. While the film is not hard to follow or too complex to grasp, it will keep you guessing whether the hero, or his sweet lass, will make it out in one piece. It may be bold to say, but this film refuses to be overshadowed by your cherished, classic spy films such as Mission Impossible or the James Bond series.




February 2014

Rugby Kick-Off Tournament

Player Profile: Nick Hilton By Luc Barbe ‘15

Height: 6’1” Weight: 180 Number: 11 Years on Varsity: 3 Years Starting On Varsity: 2 I had a chance to Talk to Nick Hilton before the Pleasent Grove game on January 24th. He told me about his ambitions to play college basketball wherever it would be possible, assuming the style of coaching and play fits him. I then asked Hilton about the diffrence between this season and last, and why the team has been so succesful. He said, “We put in a lot of work in the offseason in the weight room and the gym.” When asked about the effect of the team’s first loss, he said that they now realize they still have a lot of work to do, and there’s always room for improvement. Hilton has high expectations for the team and believes that a deep playoff run is imminent.

By Will Schmidt

ille, not allowing a single try, and winning 12-0. Saturday, January 18, marked the beginning Unfortunately, their streak came to an end against of the Northern California Youth Rugby Associa- De La Salle15-17. Next, the “B” side faced off tion’s Kick Off Tournament. The Jesuit “A” side against Roseville and showed they meant busivarsity team showed superior prowess on the pitch, ness, claiming victory 17-5. Later, when Bishop clinching a win against Hayward 13-5. Next, O’Dowd thought they could triumph over Jesuit, they pulverized Peninsula Green 12-7. Finally, at they were massacred 17-7. Finally, the “B” side the end of the day, a tired and hungry Jesuit squad finished its day with a tie against Pleasanton. That sums up the scores for the 2014 Rugby KOT. beat Dixon 31-5 to claim the championship. The Jesuit “B” side team played against Vacav-

Marauder Basketball

By John Lambert ‘15 This may be a season to remember as the Jesuit varsity basketball team is having one of its best ever, posting a 20-2 overall record. Jesuit has been dominating teams inside and out of their league. Jesuit’s success as a team is centered around the idea that hustle beats talent every time. “All the hard work we put in over the offseason, including a lot of weightlifting and skill work, has helped a lot,” states Senior guard Nick Hilton.

Jesuit’s team mentality and strong leadership from its senior starters, including Brady Anderson, Nick Hilton, and team captain Lake Lutes, are a few of the keys to its success this season. The team is currently ranked number 3 by the Sacramento Bee. Despite being one of the best teams in the city, Jesuit is staying humble, striving to play one game at a time. “We just need to stay focused, we

can’t get away from what we are doing,” Hilton continued. “We just have to keep working hard and trying to win.” With just two losses heading into the home stretch of its schedule, the team is eager to finish as strong as it has started. Keeping in mind what may lay ahead at the end of the regular season, the team is keen on finishing out the season as one of the top teams in the city.


Player Profile: Joey Pevec

By Joey Arostegui ‘15 With rugby season kicking off, we wanted to get an inside look at how a Jesuit Rugby player prepares for his sport and how he handles all of his other obligations. Thus, we asked one of the top players on the team, Joey Pevec, to let us know how he does it. Pevec, a Senior, is a number nine (scrumhalf). The scrum is the name of the collection of players in charge of restarting the play. When asked about the training he puts in for this taxing position, Pevec said, “We practice five days a week and we do everything from hitting drills to open play exercises and scrimmages.” Pevec set the bar as high as possible when asked about the team’s aspirations. He said, “We’re hoping to win nationals again this year!” In addition to Rugby, Joey has many other obligations, including college applications and regular classwork, that he needs to find time for in his busy day-to-day life. When asked about how he does it, Pevec wittily responded, “Lots of coffee.” He then added, “All my apps are in, and I have plenty of time after practice to focus on my homework.” Surprisingly, he also said, “In the past, my grades have usually been higher during rugby season.” It doesn’t end there, however. Pevec also participates in multiple clubs and groups, such as Operation Smile, Liturgy Planning Committee, and Liturgy Workshop. When asked about his potential college rugby career, Pevec said, “I plan on playing rugby anywhere I go, because most schools have a club team.” Pevec doesn’t know what school he will attend next year. He shared, “I honestly couldn’t tell you where I’ll end up, because I simply don’t know. My top choice for rugby would be UCLA.” After this brief look into the life of a Jesuit Rugby player, it is not hard to see the determination and commitment that drives each one of these athletes. With players like Joey Pevec on the field, it looks like it is going to be another great year for the Jesuit Rugby team.

February 2014


Marauder Wrestling

By Patrick Stevens ‘14 On January 22, Jesuit competed in the annual Tim Brown Wrestling Invitational at the Jackson Sports Complex. The competition featured over 93 teams from all over Northern and Central California. Of the 93 teams in the competition, Jesuit placed 20th. Junior Anthony Wesley placed second, with Senior Eric Medina also finishing second, and Senior Cole Wilbourn finishing sixth. Earlier this month, the varsity grapplers competed against the Folsom Bulldogs, one of the best teams in the league and section. Sadly,

Player Profile: Anthony Wesley

both the JV and Varsity were defeated. However, Wesley, Wilbourn, Sophomore Alex Elko and Junior Josh Leatherby won their matches. Recently, Sophomore Christian Flores finished 3-1, and in 4th place at the LindhurstTournament. “I think we’re doing pretty well,” claimed Junior Nick Dalkey. “We’re doing well with all the injuries and people out sick. We have a lot of guys who have placed like Anthony (Wesley) and Eric (Medina) at Tim Brown. It’s much better than last year.”

tler. Although Wesley has played basketball and football, he has stuck with wrestling. “Wrestling builds work ethic and discipline, not only in body but also in mind,” said Wesley. Some of the mental aspects of wrestling are having to dedicate most of your time to the sport, having to lose and maintain a specific weight, and having to avoid eating fast food and soda. Surprisingly, wrestling takes up so much of his time that Wesley said he does not have much time for anything else. However, this commitment does pay. Wesley wants to go to college for wrestling and is also aiming for the Olympics. He travels all over the country to wrestle, and he might be spending this summer in Bulgaria or Guatemala. When asked about advice that he would give to other athletes, Wesley said, “Always remember the reason to keep your drive going, otherwise find something else.” By Michael Flodin ‘15 Lastly, when asked about his tradeAs a wrestler on Jesuit’s varsity team, Ju- mark afro, Wesley said that it is just for nior Anthony Wesley takes his sport seri- fun and because he wants to be noticed. Jesuit’s wrestling team continues to ously. Wesley has been wrestling since he improve, as does Anthony Wesley. was six years old after being introduced to the sport by his dad, who was also a wres-

Marauders in The Crowd

For this month, the Plank would like to acknowledge two Jesuit atheltes who, sadly, are no longer with us. The jerseys of Ryan Hamilton (‘89) and Mike Ford (‘08) hang in our gym and serve as a reminder for all of us.

By Blake Clarkson ‘15 Many of you may have seen the jerseys that hang up in our very own gym, but not many people know the meaning of these jerseys. These jerseys hold a very profound meaning in the hearts of many Marauders, for they are the jerseys of two former students who passed away long before they should have. Our very own Mr. Harcos personally knew both of these Marauders, and he tells their stories in a very profound manner. Ryan Hamilton, #3 “He was a classmate of mine (1989) that played point guard on the first basketball team from Jesuit to win a section championship. He was one of my best friends. He died tragically when he slept through a fire at his fraternity at Cal, in the fall of 1990 during his second year there. As a recent graduate and with his parents having done so much for the program, they were asked by Hank Meyer, the basketball coach at the time, if Jesuit could recognize him and retire his jersey. Ryan was at the top of his class, editor of the yearbook his senior year, a leader and an all-around great guy, who was admired and liked by all. He was the first

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of a surprisingly high number of graduates in the class of 1989 who have passed away early and tragically. He embodies what Jesuit stands for in its student-athletes: someone who is diverse in his involvement, can span social barriers and make all those around him feel important. He was outgoing, concerned for others, and had an infectious personality. It makes me very happy to even think about him now because he just gave so many people so many good memories. What I remember about him was how kind he was. He obviously got it from his parents, Norma and Dick, who always invited us to their house and treated us like we were their kids. On a daily basis, they would have 10 -15 of us over to their house during lunch, and normally feed us all. His mom later became the librarian at Jesuit and retired four years ago. His dad is still involved in the basketball program where he serves as the Director of the Fr. Barry Tournament.” Mike Ford, #25 “Mike was a three year player under me on the Varsity basketball team. He had a knack for scoring and was very creative with the basketball. My biggest memory of him was during his sophomore year when he hit a three pointer at Arco Arena in the section semi-final against Rocklin to put us up by two, which was the final margin of victory. Mike had the greatest sense of humor and made everyone around him have fun. He died of an enlarged heart the summer following his senior year. The following is excerpted from the speech that I gave when his jersey was hung on the wall: “As we gather here tonight to renew the spirited rivalry between two neighboring schools (Jesuit and Rio Americano), we also want to take the time to remember and honor Michael Ford, a Jesuit Varsity Basketball player from the Class of 2008. Michael was a three year varsity player. He contributed to two section titles, one his sophomore year and one his junior year. He was selected All - City Honorable Mention and First Team All -League his senior season. Michael was a great player...Michael never gave up...He was more than just an athlete. He was a son, a brother, a student and a friend. He was a person who enjoyed life to the fullest...Michael was a deep thinker, thoughtful, and loving. He was fun, outgoing and always the center of attention...Michael, on behalf of the entire Jesuit community, we love you, we miss you, and we will always remember you.” As you can tell, both Mike Ford and Ryan Hamilton had an extremely profound impact on both the Jesuit community and Mr. Harcos. May they never be forgotten here in the halls of Jesuit High School.

Jesuit Blood Drive

Senior Joe Schutz gave blood during the Jesuit Blood Drive. Marauders gave multiple pints of blood this year on January 9.

The Plank Staff Editor-in-Chief- Chandler Tapella ‘14 Photography- Brett Soutiere ‘14 Staff Writers & Contributors- Luc Barbe ‘15, John Howe ‘14, Patrick Stevens ‘14, Brennen Honaker ‘14, Charles Fries ‘14, Mac Yates ‘15, Will Schmidt ‘16, Brien Griffin ‘14, John Lambert ‘15, Matthew Glass ‘16, Tristan Mullany ‘15, Riley Spieler ‘17, Matthew Watson ‘14, Mitchell McFetridge ‘14, Will Keys ‘14, Andrew Reid ‘15, Michael Flodin ‘15, Cristopher Simon ‘14, Blake Clarkson ‘15, Carson Richards ‘15 Comic Artist- Jake Melavic ‘16 Thank you to Mr. Caslin, Ms. Paul, Fr. Suwalsky, S.J., and the rest of the faculty and staff! From Left: Charles Fries ‘14, John Howe ‘14, Brennen Honaker ‘14, Brien Griffin ‘14, Luc Barbe ‘15, Will Schmidt ‘16, Mac Yates ‘15, Patrick Stevens ‘14, Brett Soutiere ‘14, Chandler Tapella ‘14

The opinions in The Plank are solely those of the contributors and do not reflect the views of the Jesuit Community, Staff, Adminstration, or Board of Trustees.

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