Magazine June 2018

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JUNE 2018


A Letter From the President I n May, we welcomed 268 members of the Class of 2018 to our valued alumni community. This fall, our Jesuit graduates will attend top colleges and universities across the nation including Boston College, California State University, Sacramento, Chapman, Gonzaga, Loyola Marymount, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UCLA, UC San Diego, University of Notre Dame, University of San Francisco, University of Santa Clara, USC, Texas Christian, Stanford, Yale, US Air Force Academy and US Military Academy – Army. We are so proud of these young men as they step into the world as Men for Others. Throughout this coming summer, campus will remain vibrant with more than 1,500 students participating in our Summer

School for grades 9-12, Academics Plus for Boys grades 5-8, Sports Camps for grades 1-12, and special Academy Camps for grades 4-9. Within these experiences, we may just inspire future Marauders who see the value in our education and enrichment programs.

All of this activity will occur while classrooms on the second floor of Garnier will be refreshed, and the plans for renovating our Gym will be finalized. The Gym truly is our “living room” where we gather for our large all-school events: games, rallies, Masses, and Awards convocation, to name a few. The Barry Gym was built in 1968 and is now in need of new lighting, an updated sound system, air conditioning, a new floor and a general refresh. This renovation will be done in stages, and the air conditioning will be the first component to be completed. Once again, we count on your generosity in supporting Jesuit and all we do to make our school the best place for all of our students. If you’re visiting campus, please ‘pardon our progress’ and be sure to read about these and other campus improvements in the

feature “Building Forward” on page 5 in this issue of Jesuit Magazine.

As we bring this academic year to a successful close, I want to thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Interim President this year. Jesuit High School is a very special place where students are given the opportunity to become the best person they can be, and to grow to be Men for Others. Please know that the Jesuit High School community and each of you will continue to be in my prayers as we advance the important mission of our school, together:

Jesuit High School of Sacramento is a Roman Catholic college preparatory dedicated to forming competent young men into conscientious leaders in compassionate service to others for the greater glory of God. Sincerely,

Lorraine Paul President

Table of Contents 02


Around the Bell Tower 2 3 4 6 7

Class of 2018 Support Our Final ‘Class’ Acts Jesuit Welcomes Class of 2022 Jesuit Media: Designing the Future Fr. Barry Gym - The Time Has Come!

Christian Service

10 Empowering Men for Others

Campus Ministry


Visual & Performing Arts



Jesuit High School Jesuit High School of Sacramento is a Roman Catholic college preparatory dedicated to forming competent young men into conscientious leaders in compassionate service to others for the greater glory of God.

President Lorraine Paul



it High School Jesu est. 1963

12 The Kairos Experience

13 Sold Out - Jesuit Drama 14 Making it Rain 15 All that Jazz


17 Fall, Winter 2017 18 Spring 2018 19 A Freshman Full Court Press

Advancement 20 21 22 23 24

Even Small Gifts Can Open Big Doors Jesuit’s Legacy Society Boost Jesuit Boosters Crab Feed Gala & PACE Auction

Marauders for Life 31 36 37 38 40 41

Staying Connected Reunion & Homecoming The Power of Networking Alumni Event Preview The Brotherhood that Binds Alumni in Memory

Cover Photo Credit: Conner Bunker ‘20 Photography by Jesuit’s Visual & Performing Arts Department PACE photos by Matt & MiMi Challstrom and Julie Meitus


Michael Wood ‘99


Maureen Banchero Longyear Vice President for Advancement Marshall Sperbeck Vice President for Development Julia Clark Director of Annual Giving Jill Leopold Director of Major Gifts & Events


Mala P. Mullins Director of Communications Keegan Smith Assistant Director of Communications

Jesuit High School 1200 Jacob Lane Carmichael, CA 95608 916.482.6060 JesuitHighSchool JesuitHighSac JesuitHighSacramento

Board of Trustees Mr. Richard P. Shanahan Chair Mr. Todd Stone ’75 Vice Chair Ms. Julie Nauman Secretary/Treasurer Dr. Stephen R. Peters Immediate Past Chair Mrs. Lorraine Paul President

Mrs. Shannon Bell Mr. James Bowman, Jr. ‘74 Mr. Phil Carter Mr. Robert Costa Mr. Peter Deterding ‘78 Sr. Eileen Enright, RSM Mr. David Higgins ‘78 Mr. Greg Levi ‘82 Mr. Marcus LoDuca ‘77 Mrs. Sandy Malaney Mr. John H. Matzoll Rev. John P. McGarry, S.J. Mr. Sean Minor Mr. Robert Nielsen, Jr. Hon. Troy L. Nunley Rev. Tom O’Neill, S.J. Mrs. Stacy Paragary Mr. Greg Peterson Rev. Tom Piquado, S.J. Ms. Anne Sheehan Mr. Tim Vas Dias

Class of


JUNE 2018




Support our Marauders “We say farewell to the Class of 2018. When I think about this

class over their time at Jesuit, the

word courage comes to mind. We

always challenge our young men to move out of their comfort zones.

What we are asking of them is to find the courage to enter into the

unknown and the scary by trusting in themselves. The Class of 2018 is a group of students who embraced this challenge and moved into uncertainty with grace and

confidence. They tried new and

different things, they went further

than they thought they could, and they discovered that they were

children of God with the power

to change the world for the better. We are proud of the class of 2018 and wish them the best on their journey ahead.”

-Michael Wood ‘99, Principal

This May, the Class of 2018 crossed the stage at Memorial Auditorium – the 52nd graduating class of Jesuit High School. Tassels moved from right to left, and pride was up to the rafters of the historical Memorial Auditorium. These young men, like the generations before them, are truly class acts – compassionate, engaged, intellectual and generous. And they have YOU to thank for their exceptional Jesuit education. This day of celebration was made possible by many: community support, the hard work of our Seniors, the dedication of our faculty and staff, the loving encouragement of parents, and the donations to the Annual Fund from alums, parents and friends.

FUNDING DREAMS: In keeping with the teachings of St. Ignatius, our time-honored tradition is to ensure that all qualified young men who desire a Jesuit education are able to receive this life-changing experience. The Annual Fund helps bridge the gap between what a family is able to pay for tuition and the full-cost of the Jesuit education we provide. GIFTS TO THE ANNUAL FUND SUPPORTS: Your generosity helps cover school operating costs, including: • Rigorous college preparatory curriculum taught by a committed and innovative faculty • Campus Ministry and retreat programs • Christian Service and immersion opportunities • College and Career Counseling Center and Academic Support Center • Athletic programs and intramural teams • Visual and Performing Arts Program • Co-Curricular Activities – ranging from international champion Robotics team to Latin Club to Black Student Union and more

YOU MAKE THE DIFFERENCE: We depend on benefactors – alumni, parents, grandparents, and friends – to help support our day-to-day operating costs, and ensure that students and families dreaming of a Jesuit education can achieve it. As we near the end of our fiscal year on June 30, can we count on YOU to help support the next generations of Marauders? HOW TO DONATE: Make your tax-deductible gift today online or by contacting us.


JULIA CLARK | Director of Annual Giving | Neil ‘07 916.480.2128 JESUIT MAGAZINE

JUNE 2018


WELCOME Class of

Will the Class of 2022 please rise?

Their exciting journey will begin when these future Marauders – hailing from more than 70 different schools, and more than 90 zip codes – arrive for Freshman Orientation on Thursday, August 16, 2018. The Jesuit High School community is blessed to welcome these truly diverse and talented young men!

As we begin the 2018-2019 school year, we welcome these future torchbearers of the Jesuit High tradition with a singular vision: that we form these competent young men into conscientious leaders who are committed to compassionate service to others for the Greater Glory of God. We look forward to this class enhancing our school community, and in return offering exciting new improvements to enhance their education and spiritual growth.


JUNE 2018



Beyond our brick and mortar, it’s our faculty and staff who make Jesuit High School an amazing educational experience. They are the pillars modeling what it means to live a life of service to others, and challenge our students daily to see God in all things. We continue to develop these young men through a wide array of learning opportunities, support and resources to foster growth spiritually, academically, physically and socially. As a Marauder, they will find support every step of the way to reach higher and to develop into confident, accomplished young adults who will benefit from the tools, resources, and faith instilled during their time with us to navigate all of life’s challenges.

Whether on the field, in the classroom, on a retreat, in the Chapel reflecting on the Lord’s work in our lives, or doing community service – a Jesuit education is the foundation of a life dedicated to the Greater Glory of God. Welcome, Class of 2022!


Building Forward A Proud ‘Green’ Leader When it comes to California’s “green achievers,” our campus became the first Jesuit school in the state to earn the California Department of Education’s Green Ribbon Silver Award distinction! The Green Ribbon School award recognizes schools and school districts who model the three pillars of environmental literacy: 1. Reduce environmental impact and costs, 2. Improve the health and wellness of schools, students, and staff, 3. To provide effective environmental education effectively incorporating STEM, civic skills, and green career pathways. These smart principles are helping guide our plans for the Fr. Barry, S.J. Gym renovation, and beyond! Learn more at JESUIT MAGAZINE

JUNE 2018



Jesuit Media: Designing the Future Media is embedded in our students’ daily lives and, more so than ever, serves as a ubiquitous form of self-expression and communication. Our students are not only consumers of commercial television, film, new media, and video games, but producers of content that they distribute through all kinds of unique platforms. It is our mission and obligation to provide all the necessary resources so that our students graduate with a media literacy that will serve them in their personal and professional lives.

Media literacy at Jesuit High School means forming men of character who are equipped with the skills to consume the various forms of media critically and responsibly. Developing a critical filter that sees the world through a lens of compassion, honesty, possibility, and hope is a goal of our media studies program. Our graduates will be producers of media


JUNE 2018


regardless of their academic, professional, or personal situation; producing media with integrity and engaging in the world thoughtfully is essential for our students as they enact real and moral change in the world. Jesuit’s mission is to inspire confidence in our students so that they can be bold—so that they are not on the fringes of technological innovation, but at the very heart of it. The Digital Media Center positions our students to seamlessly transition to cutting edge collegiate digital labs and beyond, all the way to the most innovative Silicon Valley workspaces. In the modern work environment, an individual’s currency is his or her aptitude with technology, and because we desire our students to be competent and creative Men for Others in all fields, we must equip them with all the relevant tools to be just that.

As Ignatian educators, we continuously strive to provide our students with resources that foster individual growth, creative expression, critical thinking, and innovation. The addition of the state of the art Digital Media Center to Jesuit High School has allowed our students to become fully trained with industry standard equipment and software. We are now able to expand our programs in photography, filmmaking, desktop publishing, and design. It allows us to keep up with the extraordinary creativity of our students, but the space also challenges them to grow as artists and creators and broaden their skills. Updated technology, a center conducive to individual and collaborative work, and a dedicated studio space puts our lab in line with industry standards, empowering our students to be impactful agents of change, fully prepared to be leaders in the digital arts and sciences.


If you build it, they will play. In August 1963, Jesuit first grew roots at 1200 Jacob Lane – the realization of a long-held dream by many in the community who desired a Jesuit education for their sons. Buoyed by the generosity of the community, these humble beginnings welcomed 90 Freshman students, a faculty of seven (five Jesuits and two laypersons), and a few initial structures: Administration Hall, Jesuit Residence, Phase 1 of the Library, and buildings C, E, F and G. In those early days, without a gym or ball fields, every game was a road trip. And without locker rooms, classroom doors were left open in self-defense. Steve Ruggiero ‘67 remembers: “We changed into PE clothes in the physics lab. There weren’t any showers, so even on the hottest days we just put our clothes back on and went to the next class.” He added with a laugh, “Let’s just say it was pretty easy to tell who had already been to PE as the day wore on.” JESUIT MAGAZINE

JUNE 2018




JUNE 2018



As Jesuit High School grew, our generous community continued its support. More buildings were added, and older buildings were renovated or repurposed: • 1966 Locker Room and Building C-1 (now Garnier Hall) • 1968 Fr. Barry, S.J. Gym • 1986 Swimming Pool • 1992 The 600 Building (now Goupil Hall) • 1998 The 700 Wing (now Lalemant Hall) • 2000 The Fr. Harris S.J. Student Life Center • 2003 Alumni Hall • 2006 Student Athletic Center, and addition of air-conditioning to all classrooms • 2013 Locker Room renovation (now O’Meara Science Center) and Library (now Fr. King, S.J. Information & Technology Commons) • 2014 The Jeffrey ‘80 & Elizabeth Phelan Chapel of the North American Martyrs • 2016 Football field renovation (now Hanson-McClain Advisors Stadium) • 2018 Varsity baseball field renovation (Field of Dreams Varsity Field) And, now the time has come to renovate the Fr. Barry, S.J. Gym! Originally built in 1968, the Gym has served as the focal point of our campus for decades, and is used by more than 20,000 people each year. In addition to hosting our sports teams and PE classes, the Gym has been the site of countless and memorable events: incoming Freshman family interviews, schoolwide liturgies, President’s Club Dinners, Mother/Son and Father/ Son masses, school assemblies, PACE Gala and Auction, Spring Fling, Baccalaureate and Graduation, student dances, Boosters Crab Feed, Loyola Guild Mother/Son Dance, Open House, award evenings, Academics Plus, and so much more.


FOR MORE INFORMATION MAUREEN BANCHERO LONGYEAR Vice President of Advancement 916.418.2633 MARSHALL SPERBECK Vice President of Development 916.480.2160

Since 1968, the Gym has remained largely unchanged with the same walls, bleachers, lighting, and cooling system. Only the basketball floor has been updated. And, without air conditioning, indoor temperatures from May through September can rise well above 90 degrees and exceed comfort and safety standards for our student athletes and guests who use the Gym.


In order to address these issues, our Board of Trustees has agreed that a renovation project is essential. Plans will include air conditioning, flooring, lighting, sound and media technology, reconfigured basketball hoops, hand railings for the bleachers, and general aesthetic improvements. We are currently in the design phase with architects, and have begun fundraising efforts. We are asking for your support to help us renew this time-honored building that has served us well, and through your support, will become an even greater destination for every Marauder and the community we serve! JESUIT MAGAZINE

JUNE 2018


Empowering Men for Others Political Discussion and Advocacy at Jesuit

The Church imagines Christian Service as having two feet, both necessary for walking: charity and justice. As an outgrowth of that model and in line with our mission as a Jesuit school, the Christian Service Office has devoted resources this year to developing more robust advocacy programming for the JHS community. After attending a leadership summit for high school students in February, students formed “PDAC,” the Political Discussion and Advocacy Club, as a space where they could bring forth issues of concern to them, listen to and learn from each other across differences of perspective, reflect on the Church’s teaching on the issues, and then, when appropriate, take action. Their weekly meetings are a spirited sharing of ideas.

Over the course of the year, students visited federal and state representatives, attended Sacramento City Council meetings, contacted Sacramento County officials, and delivered more than 1000 postcards on issues the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops identified as legislative priorities. We look forward to continuing this empowering work for justice in the years to come.


JUNE 2018


Charlie Whitcomb


“My faith calls me very strongly to be

an active voice for issues of social justice. Being able to use my voice to advocate for those [whose voices are not heard]

encapsulates, for me, what Catholic life is

all about. This year, I’ve learned that being in my position is a great asset and that I

can be a voice that helps to create change.”


Austin Sutter


“Advocacy makes me feel as if I’m actually doing something productive for society instead of feeling like a helpless high

schooler. Through PDAC, I feel like I’m

growing as a Man for Others because I’m actually helping change happen instead

of standing on the sidelines. Being active

in the political environment seems almost

like a second Christian Service; I’m getting something done for the betterment of

society as I advocate for social justice.”

Joseph Sison

‘19 Joey Crespo


“I believe that advocacy is an integral part

of being a Man for Others. One person often cannot solve big issues [on his own], but when you use advocacy you can connect

with a massive movement to have your voice be heard by those who make change.”

“PDAC has taught me how to stay informed and how to not come to

quick conclusions when I hear only small snippets of information from

one particular source. Advocacy has

empowered me to make informed choices and form my own opinion, not simply regurgitate what others have to say.” JESUIT MAGAZINE

JUNE 2018



The Kairos Experience Faith, Brotherhood, Acceptance

Over the course of my four years at Jesuit, and through my experiences on Kairos, I have grown into the man I’ve always wanted to be. But it wasn’t easy. When I first set foot on the Freshman quad four years ago, I knew no one. As the only kid from my middle school, I had to start from scratch and make new friends. Except I never knew how to truly be myself around others, and I spent a great deal of my time at Jesuit alone, hiding behind my good grades and my “loner” persona. During those first few years at Jesuit, “Brotherhood” seemed no more real to me than the fantasies I read as a kid — desirable, but distant and imaginary. It wasn’t until I went on Kairos 138 that I realized what true Brotherhood was. On Kairos, I opened up about my insecurities, my shyness, my social anxiety, and problems like my parents’ divorce. I formed real relationships with those in my group, and I realized I was truly loved and accepted for who I was. I had such a profound experience on K138 that I decided to lead Junior Kairos. In my talk, “Know Yourself,” I discussed how I came to know the real me by removing the masks I’d been wearing my whole life…

Becoming closer to myself, God, and to my brothers over these past four years has been a privilege and a blessing, and I cannot express how grateful I am to Jesuit and to the Kairos program for guiding me along the way. Through Kairos, I have built lifelong friendships and a Brotherhood that I will take with me to college at Stanford and beyond. I will continue to Live the Fourth by spreading the same love, acceptance, and Brotherhood which helped me realize who I truly am.

Austin Weideman


“Before, I had believed the lie I kept telling myself, that I would always be alone, that others would never understand me, that I was better than them. But no. Kairos helped me realize that I am no better than a single person at Jesuit High School, that everyone deserves to be loved. I’m not a strong, silent loner who hates everyone. I am a compassionate, loving person who wants the best for his friends, family, and classmates.”

About Kairos Retreats Jesuit High School Kairos Retreats are held four times a year for Seniors. Led by a team of Seniors and faculty/staff members, the activities on Kairos are used to promote and build community, to foster trust and openness, and to encourage reflection – with key themes including knowing oneself, discovering Jesus in a personal way, recognizing and responding to Jesus’ call, and living the message of Christ. Students share their difficulties, joys, and hopes in a supportive environment. Learn more at 12

JUNE 2018



“Come with me, and you’ll be in a world of pure imagination…” Jesuit Drama wrapped up its 51st Anniversary Season with its 2018 Spring Musical production of Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka. The show broke Jesuit Drama box office records by selling out its entire three-week run a full week in advance of its opening, and—due to high demand—an additional performance was added that sold out in twenty-four hours. Made up of an eclectic and diverse company of more than 70 students working both on and offstage, Willy Wonka featured the work of student design-interns Casey Honaker ‘18 on lighting and Scott Tooley ‘18 on sound; the two, who’ve been with the program since Freshman year, were creative and outstanding leaders and will be sorely missed after they graduate this year. Continuing the community outreach, Beyond the Black Box work begun in the fall, the musical raised over $1,000 by selling Wonka bars, the proceeds of which went to Sister Libby Fernandez’s mobile homeless ministry, Mercy Pedalers, and after the show closed, several clothing items and stuffed, plush animal toys were donated to local charities and after-school programs.

Thanks to the generosity of its Jesuit Drama Patrons, the program was able to continue making the switch from analog to digital sound, replacing several broken and out-of-date microphones, as well as slowly but surely continuing to purchase more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly LED lighting fixtures. This summer, the second-floor costume and prop storage area will receive its long awaited storage- and work-space overhaul after a year’s work with costume designer and Associate Director Rachel Malin, Willy Park, and the Fire Marshal. Theater at Jesuit continues to grow!

The show, with its nostalgic appeal to Baby Boomers and “Gen X-ers,” shattered Jesuit Drama box office records by selling out its entire three-week run a full week in advance! JESUIT MAGAZINE

JUNE 2018



Making it Rain

Jesuit’s tech-savvy “dramatic duo” brings audiences together It’s often said that those with dramatic flair should take to the stage. Seniors Casey Honaker and Scott Tooley decided to exercise their dramatic flair off-stage, and the Jesuit High School Drama Program productions have put an exclamation point after dramatic(!) ever since. During their four years at Jesuit, both students enhanced dramatic storytelling through technical savvy – with Scott making the curtain call for every high school show, and Casey entering stage right the second semester of his Freshman year. Their knowledge and innovative ideas involving technology greatly enhanced the scenes and the actors delivering their lines – helping to create a season or mood on stage with lighting, sound and special effects. “I like the lighting and robotic projects of the theater,” says Casey, who also loves applying what he learns in the classroom into the theater space. Scott is the mastermind behind soundscapes – designing and operating the sound board and media for multiple shows including Willy Wonka, Spamalot and Isaiah Says. Scott also led a project to make it rain on stage – literally! – and Casey designed and built the electrical components for a rotating stage. Not your average high school productions!

Casey and Scott may have met in the second grade, but their friendship has truly grown through the Jesuit Drama Program. “It has been a blast working together, as it has allowed us to do amazing things,” says Casey. “We’ve made it rain, installed full surround sound, designed rotating stages, created lighting schemes, served on the house crew, and more,” added Scott. But both agree that their favorite part of the Jesuit Drama Program is the sum of all of these moving parts: bringing audiences together through high-quality productions that advance what many think is possible with high school theater. Casey added, “If I ever had a crazy project I was always encouraged and never told no – only asked how they could help,” while Scott commended “the abundance of support the staff and patrons provided to help us bring ideas to life.” Scott further reflected: “I always thought of Drama as Disneyland – because whatever we would dream up, can come true.” Their next act? When all the world will be their stage! Casey plans to study Computer Science and Computer Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Albany, New York, and will continue to be in theater. Scott will pursue Communications with a digital media focus at Saint Mary’s College of California, and will similarly stay involved in theater and live productions. As they look back on their time at Jesuit – and the many roles they’ve played as students, friends, production crew, and now graduating Seniors – they share this advice: “There is a role for everyone on campus: on the stage, in the audience, on the court, in the classroom. If you see someone doing something you find interesting, then ask how to get involved. You can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it!”

Jesuit Drama is an after-school and weekend activity with transcript credit and many opportunities onstage and offstage. Any Jesuit High School student/or high

school-age woman from either a private or

public school, is invited to attend Information Meetings and Audition Workshops 2018 Fall Play Info Meeting:

Wednesday, August 22, 2018 at 4:00pm in the Black Box Theater


JUNE 2018



And all that Jazz! Junior Joe Turgeon’s Musical Journey

You can confidently say that music is a Turgeon family affair. “Everyone in my family plays an instrument and can sing. I remember “composing” my first song entitled, “Where’re the Dinosaurs?” and playing piano on and off since I was five. By second grade, I had joined my elementary school band on trumpet. I couldn’t even read music, I just memorized the songs. Switching to trombone in middle school, I practiced very hard and had a lot of help from my dad (a music teacher) and Mr. Ron Cunha (my private instructor) to learn how to play the instrument.” While at Jesuit, Joe has had many playing opportunities, including the Jazz Band, Symphonic Band, Symphony Orchestra and Concert Choir, and thanks Mr. Cunha and Mr. Cargile for their rigorous musical instruction. Currently, Joe is in Jesuit’s Symphonic Band, Jazz Band, and Symphony Orchestra. He also plays and conducts Jesuit’s Tuba-Euphonium ensemble with the help of Mr. Cargile. Outside of the school day, he plays professionally in the Sacramento Symphonic Winds and leads and conducts his own Jazz Combo and Brass Quintet. He has further begun composing and arranging music, writing for all of the Jesuit instrumental ensembles as well as his own combo and Brass Quintet.

“I hope to one day inspire young musicians like my mentors such as my dad and Mr. Cunha have done for me.” Many outside of Jesuit have noticed Joe’s considerable musical talents - he has been named a California All-State musician twice, he was selected for both the All-State Symphony Orchestra and Jazz Band, and he has been selected for alternate positions in both the National Youth Orchestra of the United States and Grammy Jazz Band. In addition, having been chosen to play Bass trombone in the Monterey Jazz Festival’s Next Generation Jazz Orchestra means he will have the opportunity to tour Japan this summer with the band. Although there is no doubt that Joe is a gifted musician, he will not be resting on his laurels. He still plans to challenge himself by continuing to study music in college, with the hope someday to make a living as a professional musician. According to Joe, “I hope to one day inspire young musicians like my mentors have done for me.” It sounds like you are well on your way to that, Joe!

Junior trombonist Joseph Turgeon ranks among the many extraordinary students here at Jesuit for his musical talent. JESUIT MAGAZINE

JUNE 2018



Home of the Champions


JUNE 2018



Fall 2017

Winter 2017





The Marauders returned to the CA State Meet after a close 2nd place finish at the section finals to season-long rival McClatchy. They were able to defeat McClatchy for the first time, placing 11th in the State in the D1 finals, and 2nd in Northern California. The Marauders defeated Davis at the Delta League Championships to claim the 2017 Delta League title (44th overall). Sophomore Matt Strangio was the top finisher for the Marauders in every race this season. Behind Strangio, the team was led by Senior Jordan Rahe, Juniors Colin Ryan, Antonio Vargas, Myles Worthen, Colin Brannan, and Seamus Caslin. FOOTBALL LEAGUE RECORD: 7-0, 1ST IN THE DELTA LEAGUE OVERALL RECORD: 9-3

The Marauders soundly defeated Christian Brothers (43-14) in the 47th Annual Holy Bowl. Starting the Season 0-2 after losses to perennial powers Granite Bay (21-31) and Folsom (9-55,) Jesuit battled through and went undefeated in the ultra-competitive Delta League. As league champion, they qualified for the CIF Sac-Joaquin Section Division I play-offs. The Marauders won home games against Modesto and Vacaville, which setup a semi-final showdown versus top-ranked Folsom. The Marauders traded blows with the Bulldogs throughout the game before falling 14-27 to the eventual state champion. Next year’s outlook is bright as many starters return, including nationally recruited RB/DB Isaiah Rutherford and TE/DE Laiatu Latu. WATER POLO LEAGUE RECORD: 3-0, 1ST IN THE DELTA LEAGUE OVERALL RECORD: 21-8, CIF SAC-JOAQUIN CHAMPION STATE PLAYOFFS – QUARTERFINAL LOSS TO SACRED HEART PREP

Jesuit Water Polo floated back to the top after two years rebuilding under 3rd year coach Zac Koerner. The Marauders went undefeated and finished 1st in the Delta League. The Marauders took on all comers, and most losses occurred against teams out of the section as they battled in top tournaments in the state against teams from the Bay Area and Southern California. The Marauders returned to the CIF Sac-Joaquin Section Final, where they defeated long-time league and Section rival Davis Blue Devils (7-5). This year’s team was comprised equally of Senior leadership and young talent led by Junior All-American Joe Cavasos. Next fall looks promising with the return of four starting underclassmen and Cavasos.

The Marauders rebounded from an average 2016-2017 season to go 23-7 through a very difficult schedule. Jesuit started the year going 9-2, including tournament championships at Mel Goode Invitational at Yuba City, a 2nd place finish in the 44th Annual Fr. Barry, S.J. Christmas Classic, and a 2nd place finish at the Aptos Tournament over the holiday. Jesuit also defeated Rio Americano and Christian Brothers in local rivalry games. Jesuit’s Elias King made 1st team All-City, and Isa Silva was recognized on the All-State Freshman team. After three years as head coach, Jon Rotz ‘92 steps aside and will assist Tim Kelly, who has been with the program for 11+ years. SOCCER LEAGUE RECORD: 13-0-1, DELTA LEAGUE CHAMPIONS OVERALL RECORD: 24-4-1, SAC-JOAQUIN SECTION DIVISION I SEMIFINALIST

The Marauders faced arguably the toughest schedule in the section, playing five teams who eventually won their section championships. After an early season 0-1 loss to Section Champion Folsom, the Marauders went undefeated in league play, with only a tie at the hands of Franklin. In the playoffs, Jesuit won two exciting games over Chavez (4-2) and Tokay (2-2, 6-5 in penalty kicks), before losing to McClatchy in the section semifinals. Paul Rose had a milestone victory #800, making him the winningest coach in the section. Jesuit bids farewell to Senior leaders Jordan Vice, Jack Sauls, and Ayden Burnett, but with great underclassmen talent, the Marauders are poised to regain the section title next year. WRESTLING LEAGUE RECORD: 4-3, 4TH PLACE IN THE DELTA LEAGUE

After a long coaching search, the Marauder Wrestling program was happy to secure Coach Mike Sexton, who served previously under head coach Tom Tiurrapelle. Though down in numbers this year due to only 27 wrestlers, the Marauders finished 4-3 in the Delta League – the toughest league in the Sac-Joaquin Section – beating Davis, Monterey Trail, Sheldon & Grant. While eight wrestlers advanced to the CIF Sac-Joaquin Section Divisional, no wrestlers placed in the top four in order to advance to the CA State Meet.


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After losing their first four games versus top caliber teams in Northern California the Marauders won 17 of their next 19 games, 14 in a row during that stretch to finish in a tie for first place in the Delta League. They won their first three games in the sectional tournament before losing to Davis and eventual section champion Vacaville. GOLF DELTA LEAGUE CHAMPIONS 5TH PLACE, CIF SAC-JOAQUIN SECTION DIVISION 1 NORTH CHAMPIONS & MASTERS TOURNAMENT

After emerging victorious against Davis, the Marauders captured the Delta League title. The Marauders went on to win the Division 1 North Section championship by 5 strokes over Granite Bay, and finished 5th at the Masters, after losing in a tie breaker to Granite Bay – just missing out on qualifying for NorCals. LACROSSE 3RD PLACE, SACRAMENTO VALLEY LACROSSE CONFERENCE

The Marauders tied for 1st in the league in the Sacramento Valley Lacrosse Conference, with an 8-1 regular-season league record, and 13-6 overall. In the first round of league playoffs Jesuit lost to rival Davis, and then returned the favor the following week by defeating Davis in the first round of the NCS playoffs. RUGBY RUNNER UP, SACRAMENTO VALLEY RUGBY LEAGUE CHAMPIONS, CALIFORNIA STATE 3RD PLACE, SINGLE SCHOOL NATIONALS TIER II JV

Undefeated in Sacramento area competitions all season, the Marauders continued their local domination. On the road, Jesuit suffered two defeats at the hands of Danville, who won the Club National Championship. The Marauders took on all comers, hosting three international games, and nationally ranked St. Edwards from Ohio. In Kansas City, Jesuit competed in the National Invitational Tournament at the Single School Level. After a first round win over Fishers, Jesuit lost in the semifinals to fellow Jesuit School and long-time rival Gonzaga, before besting another Jesuit school, Xavier of NYC, and locking in 3rd place.


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The Marauders won the competitive Delta League title over Davis and Franklin at League Championships in a dominant fashion. Their domination continued at Sections, beating out Oak Ridge for first place in the finals for their 22nd section title. The Marauders qualified 9 swimmers for the state meet and as a result finished 9th in the state, there highest finish since the induction of the state meet four years ago. TENNIS DELTA LEAGUE CHAMPIONS 2ND PLACE, CIF SAC-JOAQUIN SECTION, NORCAL SEMI-FINALISTS

The Marauders captured the Delta League title by defeating league rival Davis. Sophomore Jonah Tran, played number one singles all year long, and partnered with Jack Schubert to win the SJS Section championship in doubles. Jesuit coasted through the play-offs to reach the final versus Davis. In the 2018 CIF Sac-Joaquin Section Team Championship, the Marauders were defeated in a highly contested match with Granite Bay (6-3), but took 2nd Place overall. On the road, the Marauders lost in the first round of NorCals to Bellarmine of San Jose, 5-2. TRACK & FIELD 3RD PLACE, DELTA LEAGUE 4TH PLACE, CIF SAC-JOAQUIN D1

Elliot Raskin ‘18 won 1st Place in the Section D1 Pole vault, with a jump of 14-8. Matt Strangio ‘20 took 2nd Place in both the 1600 and 3200, while Sebastian Garci ‘18 brought home 2nd in the discus and 4th in the shot put. These performances, among others, helped the Marauder track team finish in 4th place in the D1 section finals. In the Masters Meet two Sophomores (Matt Strangio and Chase Gordon) qualified for the state meet in the 3200m and 800m respectively. Matt Strangio, as the only Sophomore in the field at the State Meet in Fresno, won the Gold Medal for Jesuit in the 3200m. VOLLEYBALL DELTA LEAGUE CHAMPION CIF SAC-JOAQUIN SECTION QUALIFIER

The Marauders finished 1st in the highly-competitive Delta League, going 14-0 in league and an impressive 25-7 for the season. At the CIF Sac-Joaquin Section Playoffs, Jesuit lost to Granite Bay in a highly competitive five-set match in the second round.


A Freshman Full Court Press Rutherford and Silva are already advancing their – and Jesuit’s – hoop dreams In the storied Jesuit Basketball program, it is rare for a Freshman to compete at the varsity level. Particularly when the team roster is already flanked with multiple Seniors and college recruits. Freshmen Branden Rutherford and Isa Silva not only competed on the 2018 varsity team that went 22-8, these fearless Freshman thrived, and were a joy to watch in action.

Grizzlies’ assistant coach and Jesuit alum, Jay Flores ‘07, who has already offered him a scholarship to play basketball at the University of Montana.

Assists, steals, scoring, making plays and clutch performances – that’s Isa’s calling card. On the 2018 team, he finished third in assists, second in steals, and fourth in scoring. Mature beyond his years, he made plays all over the court in league and playoff games. His talents have already caught the eye of University of Montana

If Branden and Isa’s unique and well-earned rise on the Jesuit Basketball Program this past season is any indication, our championship-winning hoop dreams are well on the way to becoming a reality.

Branden provided a dazzling spark off the bench by getting into the lane, crashing the offensive glass, and creating plays for himself and those around him. Energy and mental toughness punctuate his court dominance. Finishing the season with a 59% field goal percentage, he integrated seamlessly into an established team, while also quickly earning the trust and respect of his coaches and teammates.

These two standouts are joined by Jack Jones ‘19, Sam Daly ‘19, Chase Sienkiewicz ‘19, Alvon Wolf ‘19 and Nico Virga ‘20, who form a nucleus of returning players for the 2018-19 season who are eager to make all past, present and future Marauders proud. Just as importantly, both on and off the court, these Freshmen were engaged every day in school, with their friends, their families, the community, and with their teammates. From day one, they demonstrated leadership, poise, confidence and maturity beyond their years – modeling the Jesuit High School values of selflessness and commitment to causes larger then themselves.


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Even Small Gifts Can Open Big Doors Legacy Society Members Mick ‘72 & Geri Kearns

Mick ‘72 & Geri Kearns, parents of Brian ‘03 and Andrew ‘07, are longtime supporters of Jesuit High School and members of the Jesuit Legacy Society. Members of the Society are generous benefactors who have shared that they have included Jesuit High School in their estate plans. These gifts help ensure that Jesuit High School will be able to continue the mission and tradition that began here in Sacramento in 1963 – educating the young men of the greater Sacramento area and helping to form competent young men into conscientious leaders in compassionate service to others for the Greater Glory of God. Mick attended Jesuit High School in the early years. He arrived on campus in August 1969 with 131 fellow Marauders – all Freshman of the Class of 1972. At that time, most of the classes were taught by Jesuits and he feels blessed to have had exposure to a group of amazing educators. As Mick shares “like a lot of things in life, I did not appreciate the experience at the time as much as I do now.” After graduating, he left Sacramento for college, medical school, and residency.

He and his wife Geri had the opportunity to return to Sacramento in the late ‘80’s. One of the compelling reasons they considered this return was the potential to send their then infant son, Brian, to a school that had grown and matured significantly since Mick’s days on campus. Their second son, Andrew, was born in Sacramento, and by this time there was little doubt that they wanted their sons to attend Jesuit High School. 20

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Geri and Mick were both involved parents while their son’s attended Jesuit and have very fond memories: “Quality of education was great. They were well prepared for college. The experiences outside of the classroom were as important. Basketball and football games, Father/Son and Mother/Son events, Kairos, dances and innumerable other things made for a great, well rounded experience.” Both expressed their thankfulness that they had the opportunity to send Brian ‘03 and Andrew ‘07 to Jesuit. Mick also loved that he could experience Jesuit both as a student and as a father.

Join Jesuit’s Legacy Society Supporting Jesuit High School through a planned gift is both rewarding and easy. You can make a lasting impact for our students by simply including the following language in your will or trust: “I/we give (percent, dollars or all residue of my estate) to the Board of Trustees of Jesuit High School – Sacramento for the purpose of (area you would like funds allocated to: Tuition Assistance Endowment, General Operations, etc.)

What is most important to remember, no matter the size of your gift, every gift can change a young man’s life through the benefit of a Jesuit education.

Your Legacy is their FUTURE Make a Legacy Gift Maureen Banchero Longyear Vice-President for Advancement


Anonymous Michael Allen ‘75 John Banchero ‘69 & Diane Banchero Art Banchero & Mary Banchero Larry Bass & Carol Bass Paul ‘69 & Carol Bossenmaier Kelly Brothers ‘82 & Augusta Brothers Chris Burrows & Julia Burrows Craig Calkin ‘75 Neil Clark & Julia Clark Jon Crowley & Teresa Crowley Casey Culbertson ‘74, MD Jim Cuneo & Jana Cuneo Bill Ellis & Patricia Ellis Bob Flandrena ‘67 & Dani Flandrena Paul Fry, II Pete Geremia ‘78 & Jan Geremia Al Gianini & Michelle Gianini Priscilla Herbert Dave Higgins ‘78 & Nancy Higgins John Horgan, III & Dottie Horgan Jeff Jacobs ‘78 & Melissa Jacobs Tim Jeffries ‘81 & Mary Frances Jeffries Mick Kearns ‘72 & Geri Kearns Larry Kelley & Mary Jane Kelley Jim La Zansky ‘68 & Esther Ramirez Bill LaZansky & Maurine LaZansky Ron Leineke & Suzanne Leineke Gary Leopold, MD & Jill Leopold Tim Lien ‘75 & Kim Lien Van Longyear ‘71 & Maureen Longyear John Maloney & Marilyn Maloney Robin Martial & Debbie Martial Lillian McPherson

Sean Minor & Nicole Minor Harry Moore & Kathleen Moore Ken O’Brien ‘78 & Stacy O’Brien Mike O’Donnell & Donna O’Donnell Les O’Meara & Suzie O’Meara Nancy O’Neil Ralph Palumbo ‘76 Steve Peters, MD & Lucy Peters Ricardo Ramirez & Lupe Ramirez Mark Read ‘72 & Patty Read Dayton Reardan ‘73 & Kristen Reardan Ron Ricci & Anita Ricci Lee ‘77 & Lynn Rosenblum Carl Schubert & Pamela Schubert Dick Shanahan & Lisa Shanahan Anne Sheehan Dave Siegel & Debey Siegel Jeff Sperbeck ‘81 Marshall Sperbeck & Kelle Sperbeck Clark Stevens Todd Stone ‘75 & Betsy Stone John & Sonia Susac Jeff Tarzwell & Bridget Tarzwell Ed Ternan ‘79 & Mary Ternan Kevin Ternan ‘81 & Debbie Ternan Vincent Toolan & Sue Toolan Charlotte Tyler Rich Vasile ‘78 Bill Walters & Patricia Walters Mark Warren ‘67 & Jan Warren Mike West & Sue West Frank Whittaker & Carol Whittaker Mitch Zak & Tami Zak Names as of May 1, 2018 JESUIT MAGAZINE

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Boost Jesuit


Jesuit 8 1 0

MEMBERSHIP Join now by contacting Joyce Pappas at Become a Booster Board Member – members are welcome to attend our meetings and become active members of our Board of Directors. AUTO DONATIONS 100% of auto donations made to our Auto Donation program goes to Student Scholarships. This year we donated $15,000! Contact Richard Heagy to make your donation today! FIREWORKS BOOTH Support your JHS Booster Club and buy your fireworks from us in the PetSmart parking lot located at Watt Avenue & Arden Way. Hours of operation are: June 28 – July 4th; 9am-9pm. AMAZON SMILE Every time you buy on Amazon you can support your JHS Booster Club. Access our link directly by going to our homepage at and clicking on the Amazon Smile Account link.


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CRAB FEED Jesuit High School’s 37th Annual Crab Feed hosted 1,000 Jesuit friends and family. Chair Terry DeBencik worked tirelessly to ensure the evening was another success, and that the event lived out the mission of the Boosters Club to “boost” Jesuit High School students and members of the community. Thank you to our dedicated volunteers and attendees who made our Crab Feed a success and for your support of our Athletic Boosters and special thanks to our generous sponsors and donors from the community.

We hope to see everyone again next year: January 26, 2019!


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Gal a & PACE Auction

A Spring Soirée Jesuit held its 46th Annual Gala and Auction on March 24, 2018, themed “A Spring Soiree.” The Fr. Barry, S.J., Gymnasium and Little Theater were decorated with flowers and greenery to evoke the feeling of a garden party in Charleston. Jesuit’s Jazz Band performed classic standards and the Chamber Singers performed.

Nearly 500 guests attended the event, raising more than $725,000 for the school. All auction items generated enthusiastic bidding and guests were particularly generous in their desire to win some of the wonderful live auction items. Jesuit would like to thank this year’s auction Chairpersons, Tracy Beckwith, Liza Micheli and Wendy Miller, who were simply remarkable in their enthusiasm and creativity. They put together one of the finest catalogues in the auction’s history and were an inspiration to everyone with their dedication and hard work. In addition, thank you to all the people who volunteered their time and talents, including Jesuit students, faculty and staff; those generous people who donated the exciting auction items and, of course, the guests, who ensured the event was a resounding success.

Auction Chairs: Liza Micheli, Wendy Miller, Tracy Beckwith

Bil & Lorraine Paul, Lisa & Dick Shanahan

Our auction is a vital part of the fundraising effort at Jesuit High School. The money raised at our auction allows us to keep operating costs to a minimum and ensures that nearly 90 percent of every dollar raised is available for our students. Jesuit intentionally charges less than full-cost tuition to help keep Jesuit’s education within reach of all families in the greater Sacramento area. For more information about the Jesuit High School PACE Gala & Auction, visit


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Chad Harris & Cathleen Scura

Kelly Jensen & Soyla Fernandez

Grace Davis & Joe Dominguez

Carmela & Steven Coyle

Chris & Flo Kahn

Frank & Joanne Ramos

Greg Kassis & Fr. Greg Bonfiglio, S.J.

Bob ‘74 & Linda Ahern

Fr. John McGarry S.J., John Cook & Van ‘71 Longyear

Jordan Blair, Craig & Ruth McLoughlin, Christine Skeoch, Todd Gage & Rick Welts

Nadia & Dirk Leslie

Jose Cueto, Bishop Jaime Soto & Anita Cueto

Matt & MiMi Challstrom, Tom & Patti Heerhartz

Jerry & Sandy Tokunaga

Patti Manus, Max Hoseit & David Manus

John ‘06, Diane & John ‘69 Banchero, Mary Kate & Greg ‘01 Ruiz

Bruce Honaker & Monica Weekes

Darlene Skou, Marilyn McCourt, Lily Chinn, Helen Reedy & Berta Sevey JESUIT MAGAZINE JUNE 2018 25

Felipe & Katie Martin

Budd & Linda Wuelfing

Frank & Joan Slachman, Kathy Applegate & Bruce Hohenhaus

Kim Lien, Pete Pierson, Dorothy Lien, Lori Lien, John O’Connor ‘75, Tim Lien ‘75, Maureen O’Connor, Betsy Stone, Lisa Steele

Lynda & Fred Khasigian


Stacy & Jim Wiegandt

Alen & Kara Parker, Dean ‘89 & Chrisa Sioukas, Jennifer & Josh Pulliam, George & Christine Dariotis, Pete & M’Lissa Halimi

Todd ‘75 Stone, Jill Leopold, Maureen Longyear, Fr. John McGarry S.J., Julia Clark, Marshall Sperbeck

Kristi & Jeff Jones

Madge Tan & Jon ‘08 Leopold

Julie & Dan Ramos, Patrick ‘09 Ramos & Erika Halstenrud

Corey & Kirsten Macintyre, David Weston & Kelly Whitcomb-Weston, Jason & Lynn Rogers, Tom ‘86 & Debra Russell, Michael & Lynn Simpson

Tom ‘86 & Kathy Phillips

Mitch & Tami Zak

Joan & Jim ‘70 Daugherty, Mark ‘72 & Patty Read, Fr. John McGarry S.J., Jane & Mike Jonsson

Scott Freeman & Nadine Winn, Sandy & Mick Malaney

Debbie Orebaugh, Bev Deary, Shannon Bell

Kathy & Pat McClain

Ginna Ilagen-Thomas & Bruce Thomas

Natalie JESUIT & Steve MAGAZINE Brown

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Patron’s Circle The Gala and Auction is Jesuit’s largest annual fundraising event and encourages participation from all parents and friends of Jesuit with a variety of events. Prior to the Auction, people who have chosen to become Patron’s Circle Sponsors are honored by Jesuit’s President at a cocktail party. This year’s gracious hosts were Steve & Pam Eggert.

Sonbol & Mansour Aliabadi

Cathleen Scura, Cindi Christensen

Lorraine Paul, Pam Eggert, Maureen Longyear


Larry Cassidy, Larry HIGH Afzal, SCHOOL Don Turner JUNE 2018 JESUIT

Kara & Alden Parker

Berta & Jack Sevey

Steve Eggert, J.C. Fat ‘80, Neil Clark, Jeff Randle


Kelly Whitcomb-Weston & David Weston

Grant & Brenda Deary

Brian Vail, Mike Wood ‘99, Marshall Sperbeck

Stacy & Randy Paragary

Richard & Kristine Hyde

Marlene & Steve Gidaro

Denny Dalton ‘73, Mike Lien ‘74, James Beckwith

Simi Chehrazi, Julie Teel

Gigi & Tim Mar

Kellie Randle, Michele Godlove, Tracy Beckwith, Wendy Miller

Alan Godlove, Bud Wuelfing, Kevin Gini

Fr. MAGAZINE Charles Olsen S.J., Robin Kesich29 JESUIT JUNE 2018

Ladies Luncheon

Lynda Taylor & Debbie Martial

Erika Jones & Beth Miller

Julie Teel & Christine Dariotis

Cindy Bunker & Sandie Hebert

In addition, we had the “Ladies Luncheon” in October at the home of Julie Teel and co-hosted by Christine Dariotis, plus the “Godfather Dinner” for men in the Jesuit Community. The purpose of these events is to provide a social gathering for parents and friends of Jesuit and to collect gifts to include in the auction.

Kelly Randle, Maribeth Eggleston, Stacey Wiegandt, Tracy Beckwith


Elaine Romero & Arriana JUNE 2018 JESUIT Achondo HIGH SCHOOL

Wendy Miller, Maureen Longyear, Julie Teel, Christine Dariotis, Tracy Beckwith, Liza Micheli, Jill Leopold

M’Lisse Stone, Kara Parker, Liza Micheli, Morgan Micheli, Gina Morrison

Diane Hollins-Gunning & Nancy Hollins-Crowley


Staying Connected 67 Tim Pavelchik ‘67 shared the most important and exciting news: his son Collin Pavelchik ‘01 and wife Olivia gave him the best gift ever – his first grandchild! Elise Rose Pavelchik was born on April 21, 2018, a very healthy, strong and beautiful baby girl.

70 Michael Applegate ‘70, father of Spencer ‘08, has lived in the Napa Valley for the last 10 years. Retired from the trucking industry, he moved to Yountville and married Linda Beard in 2013. He and his wife started an insurance agency and dabble in the wine industry

72 R.J. Hanson ‘72 and wife Corinne went through the Panama Canal on a 15-day cruise in February to celebrate their 41st wedding anniversary. R.J. is now a Senior Software Engineer at LexisNexis. For the bulk of his career, R.J. was a Member of the Technical Staff of Bell Laboratories from 1982 until 2001, when he took an early retirement package. R. J. and Corinne have 4 boys, aged 27 to 39.

75 Mike Momboisse ‘75 and his wife Lynn live in Carmel by the Sea. He was recently appointed to the Board of Directors of Papillon Center for Loss & Transition.

77 Mike McKone ‘77 has been managing the Allstate Sacramento and San Jose legal offices for the last 8 years. He and his wife are moving to Colorado Springs, CO where Mike will handle Allstate litigated matters.


81 Tim Jeffries ’81 qualified for the 2018 Primary Election ballot running for the Arizona State Senate.

Brian Bollinger ‘94 and Jennifer Plescia (SFHS) are engaged and getting married in December 2018 in San Francisco. Brian’s son Isaac, will be a Freshman at Jesuit this Fall, joining the class of 2022!

84 Michael Saeltzer ‘84 is in real estate and the father of two beautiful daughters Alana and Anjali and lives in East Sacramento. This past year he became one of the founding pedalers for Sister Libby Fernandez’s new bicycle ministry, Mercy Pedalers, which directly interacts with those experiencing homelessness bringing them dignity, respect, and valuable resources.

86 Tom Russell, MD ‘86 participated at Jesuit’s Speaker Series this past February. This parent forum focused on the current public health crisis related to opioid misuse and overdose deaths. Tom, who practices emergency medicine, was joined by a current Jesuit parent, whose older son died from his addiction to opioids.

91 Brent Spain ‘91 was recognized in Florida Super Lawyers Magazine as one of the top attorneys in Florida in the area of land use and environmental law. Brent resides in the Orlando area with his wife Jackie and their three energetic boys Evan, Logan, and Zachary.

92 James Simonelli ‘92 donated artwork for the Field of Dreams Varsity Baseball Renovation project! Stop by and check out his metal work!

96 Scott Abbott ‘96, former JHS Cross Country and Track & Field athlete, winner of the Scholar-Athlete Award and a JHS Hall of Fame Member, ran in the 2018 Boston Marathon! Michael Stember ‘96, Gatorade Track Athlete of the Year 1995, Silver Medalist at the Pan American Games (‘99 & ‘03) and member of the ‘00 Olympic Team, has become the underground sushi chef to the stars. Up next, a restaurant in Brooklyn.


Josh Ehlers ‘97 was promoted to Assistant Chief, California Highway Patrol, in January of 2018. He has been with the CHP for 17 years and oversees commands responsible for statewide homeland security, counter-terrorism, and emergency planning operations. He recently celebrated his 15th wedding anniversary with his wife Rosemary in Hawaii. They are the proud parents of Luke (7), Kate (5), and Grant (20 months). JESUIT MAGAZINE

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Gabe Garcia ‘97 is practicing business law in Sacramento, focusing on the healthcare and wellness industries. He was recently appointed General Counsel for the California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce - a Latino business advocacy organization comprised of 55 Hispanic chambers statewide.

Ajani M. Byrd ‘00 graduated from Loyola University Chicago in May 2017 as a doctor of philosophy in higher education with an emphasis in the retention and persistence of students of color in post-secondary education. The title of his dissertation was “Transfer Student Success: Latin students overcoming challenges at two-year and four-year institutions towards baccalaureate degree attainment.”

Brian Kearns ‘03 married Heather Williams September 30, 2017 and live in West Sacramento. Brian is an attorney with the State of California.

98 Gabe Garofano ‘98 and wife Karen live in Orangevale, where Gabe is currently the Operations Manager at JR Putman Plumbing, Heating & Air. He is active throughout the community, serving as Master Mason at Natoma Lodge #64 in Folsom and Noble Master of Ceremonies for Ben Ali Shriners. MJ Grogan ‘98 is the new Director of Story and Development at Legendary Films where he is developing and producing Legendary’s slate of feature films including the upcoming Godzilla: King of the Monsters, the sequel to Kong: Skull Island and a remake of the sci-fi classic Dune. Kevin Khasigian ‘98 is an Assistant US Attorney here in Sacramento. He received an Attorney General’s Exceptional Service Award in December 2017 for his participation in the dismantling of AlphaBay, the largest dark web illegal marketplace in the world-with hundreds of thousands of international listings including drugs, weapons and human trafficking. The team successfully identified and arrested the founder of AlphaBay (a Canadian) and seized millions in criminal proceeds. 32

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Jeff Geremia ‘00 is celebrating his 15th anniversary at ESPN and is currently Director of Facilities at the company’s Los Angeles Production Center. Jeff also recently began work as an Instructor at Oregon State University, where he is teaching an online course in Sports Facilities and Event Management within the OSU Sports Management Certificate Program.

01 Josh Lippi ‘01 is a professional musician currently on a world tour with K Flay and Imagine Dragons. He recently played the Golden One center in front of a sold out crowd.

02 Sean Geary ‘02 and wife Erica moved into their first home in Antelope and welcomed their first child, Morgan Joy, on March 30th. In addition, Sean recently became a licensed MFT and works as a Behavioral Health Clinician for Yolo County. Kyle Unruh ‘02 and wife Bebe are celebrating their one year wedding anniversary, and traveling to El Salvador this summer, making their second trip to Central America with Living Water International. The men volunteers drill for clean water with the local men and the women volunteers teach hygiene and bible lessons to the women and children of the village.

04 Congratulations to Colin Ferro ‘04 and Tricia Rabideau who were married in October 2017 at Devil’s Thumb Ranch in the beautiful mountains of Colorado! Mike Moore ‘04 has been instrumental in bringing a certified organic, craft distillery to Sacramento! As a distiller he works with fellow Marauder Brian Keck, who started at J-High before moving to Oregon and graduating from Jesuit Portland. J.J. Pfister Distilling Company officially opened their tasting room doors to the public April 27, 2018! They currently offer organic potato vodka and are working on a gin. They also will be laying down some whiskeys and bourbons in barrels very soon, too. Stop by for a tasting!

05 Congratulations to Evan Boylan ‘05 & Natalie Reyes (CB ‘09) who were married in an intimate seaside ceremony in Carmel, CA on August 3, 2017. JHS Alums in attendance included Dylan Boylan ‘17 and Jeremy Rutledge ‘03. The couple met when they worked together at Christian Brothers High School. Congrats also to Evan - he has been selected as the head football coach at Franklin High School in Elk Grove, CA for the 2018-19 school year! Alex Llanera, S.J. ‘05 just completed an M.Div/STB dual degree from Regis College at the University of Toronto. On May 19, 2018, he will be ordained a deacon in Toronto and will be working at St. Ignatius Parish in Sacramento during the Summer of 2018. In the fall of 2018, he will begin a Licentiate in Sacred Theology (STL) at the Jesuit School of Theology at Santa Clara University.


05 Andrew Joseph Perez ‘05 was in Sacramento Theater Company’s Macbeth this past spring. In addition, check him out as the voice of Taishi Ci in Dynasty Warriors 9. Christopher Wright ‘05 graduated from the University of Texas Medical Branch and matched into Pediatric Residency at Dell Children’s Medical Center in Austin, TX.

06 Michael Hewitt ‘06 joined the law firm of Sideman & Bancroft LLP, located in San Francisco, as an Attorney on the firm’s Brand Integrity and Innovation team, focusing in intellectual property litigation and prosecution. He married wife Ciara Conlon-Hewitt in August 2017. Bryce Kho ‘06, director of Aegis Defenders GUTS Department, was recently nominated for a SXSW Gamer’s Voice Award and his video has been added to the Nintendo Switch. David Gonzales ‘06 is a Statewide ADA Coordinator for the Caltrans ADA Infrastructure program. Blaine Scully ‘06, just finished his 5th year in the U.K playing professional rugby for the Cardiff Blues and celebrated their win of the European Challenge Cup. He is also entering his 8th year on the USA National Team, and will serve as captain this summer in games against Russia, Scotland and Canada. Scully and his wife Shannon live most of the year in Pontcanna, Wales.

07 Captain Shane Barnes ‘07 and his wife, Captain Samantha Jo Barnes welcomed their daughter, Amelia, earlier this year. Stephen Kesich ‘07 spent 6 years working in LA for Volvo in automotive safety engineering, and for Neutragena as a product packaging engineer. He recently moved back to Northern California to work as an engineer for a family business Pac Machine in their Bay Area office.

Robert Willmes ‘07 earned his BS at Creighton University, his MA at the University of Nebraska and a Doctor of Physical Therapy from the University of Southern California in May 2016. He completed his orthopedic residency at Creighton in July 2017 and is in practice at Catholic Health Initiative: Creighton University Medical Center Bergan Mercy in Omaha Nebraska. He is engaged to Elizabeth Christensen and they are planning a 2018 fall wedding.

08 Joe Arrigo ‘08 & Deanna Becker said “I Do” on Nov. 11, 2017 at the Croatian American Center, as Patrick Driscoll ’08 officiated. Groomsmen included classmates Bobby Shanahan ‘08 (Best Man), Kyle Lackner ‘08 & Ian Donahue ‘08.

David Lee ‘08, a Sacramento performance artist, amazed the guests at the 2018 Boosters Crab Feed with his incredible talent, creating two pieces of art which were auctioned off during the evening. Patrick Driscoll ‘08 is currently in the Bay Area working for Swinerton Builders. On January 28, at the Golden Gate Bridge, Patrick popped the question to fiancée, Ashley (she said Yes!). Fellow alums Ian Donahue ‘08 and Joe Arrigo ‘08 showed up in San Francisco that morning as part of the engagement surprise.

Rob Habel ‘08 and business partner Patrick Sweeney ‘08 are excited to announce that Petaluma dives into the deep end of dream pop with their new single “Fløw,” another self-release through the band’s independent publishing company. “Fløw” is an altogether new direction for the band’s sound — one that, like their debut, combines a multitude of influences in varying layers of sound and color. The single comes ahead of the group’s upcoming EP dubbed “Noise & Fury. In the meantime, get acquainted with Petaluma over at where you can stream the single, and explore exclusive content leading up to the release. Jordan Haynes ‘08 & his wife Katie (SFHS ‘08) are expecting! Michael Lucas ‘08 is working for Mariposa County Human Service Department. Ryan Neach ‘08 currently teaches political science at Consumnes River College. Isaac Serwanga ‘08, Key Note speaker at Jesuit’s 2018 Alumni Career Day, is a TEDx-featured speaker, best-selling author, and founder of Inform & Inspire, an organization that provides educational workshops and keynote presentations for student and corporate audiences across the country. Isaac’s speaking journey began at Princeton University in 2015, where he co-created the Profound Ivy mentoring program teaching academic efficiency, career planning and leadership development to undergraduate students. In December 2016, Isaac published his first book How to Network in College and travels the country teaching the principles of networking.

09 Andrew Susac ‘09 joined the Orioles as they added to their catching depth by acquiring him from the Brewers.


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09 Raymond James Irwin ‘09 has announced plans to open Fizz champagne bar in Downtown Commons this summer. The bar—billed as Sacramento’s only champagne and bubbles bar—will occupy a cozy 998-square-foot space in the downtown district surrounding Golden 1 Center. Matt Murbach ‘09, currently finishing his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at the University of Washington, was listed as one of Forbes 30 Under 30 to watch for his work with his company Battery Informatics and highlighted in an article in the New York Times about his humanitarian work with the Clean Energy Institute through Battery Informatics. Matthew Willmes ‘09 double majored at Saint Mary’s College of California (‘13) receiving a BA in Communications as well as Theology & Religious Studies. He is employed by AT&T and currently manages a successful team of retail sales professionals located in Berkeley, CA. Matthew and his fiancée, Jennifer Lima, were engaged in Iceland in 2017 and will be married August 2018.

10 Tom Adamson ‘10 designed, project managed, and built this piece representing Hacker Architects for the Portland Lights Festival. Inspired by light festivals around the globe, the festival, a Willamette Light Brigade event, aims to counteract the city’s tendency to hibernate during the winter. The festival brightens up the winter skyline and brings warmth to the outdoors with dazzling displays of light, color, and imagination. 34

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Josh Barnes ‘10 graduated this May with a Master’s in Theology and Leadership from Gonzaga University. Henry Stroud ‘10 will be moving to Madison, WI to begin law school at University of Wisconsin this fall.

11 Christopher Eur ‘11 was recently recognized by the UC Berkeley Math Department. Chris was an outstanding student while at Jesuit, and to this day, is the only Jesuit student to have reached the finals of the US Math Olympiad competition, which he did three times. Chris earned his undergraduate degree in mathematics from Harvard and is now pursuing his PHD in mathematics at CAL. Cameron Iwasa ‘11 is back in his hometown playing forward as #31 for the Sac Republic. Cameron Law ‘11 is the Executive Director of Social Venture Partners of Sacramento, which is a nonprofit that combines the power of the for profit world, with the passion of the nonprofit world in an effort to reinvent philanthropy. Their focus is on increasing the amount of impact nonprofits have on the education sector within the Greater Sacramento Region. Prior to taking this position, he finished his Masters of Business in Social Impact & Sustainability as well as International Business at The University of Queensland in Australia.

Zach Greene ‘12 is currently living in Reading, PA and playing first and third base for the Reading Fightin Phils. He is currently leading the team in home runs. Ensign Jarek Neczypor ‘12 attended Loyola Chicago and commissioned through Navy OCS. He is currently stationed in Yokosuka, Japan.

14 Congratulations to Tucker Bone ‘14, a Junior at the US Air Force Academy, who was named a Mac Hermann Trophy Semi-Finalist! Based on voting by NCAA Division I soccer coaches, 15 men’s semifinalists and 15 women’s semifinalists are in consideration for the 2017 MAC Hermann Trophy. Tucker is one of four non-seniors to be added to the list and is the only player to represent the Western Athletic Conference. Jelani Bramble-Manning ‘14 graduated this May from Loyola Marymount University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. This summer he will spend time performing service in Vietnam, before heading to Ecuador for a year of teaching at the Working Boy Center. He will then return to LMU to study for his Masters in Urban Education.

12 Jacob Crayne ‘12 and Angelina Proshak were married on July 16, 2017. Groomsmen included Jesuit Alums Steven Crayne ‘10, Javier Salcedo ‘12 and Keegan Shuping ‘13. Jacob also competed in the 2016 Olympic Trials for diving.

Will Fischer ‘14 graduated from Loyola Marymount University with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and will begin his career as an Auditor for PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers.)



15 Christopher Graff ‘14 graduated from Georgetown May 2018.

Corey Hambly ‘14 graduated from Loyola Marymount University May 5, 2018, majoring in MultiMedia. Joseph Millward ‘14 graduated Cum Laude from Seattle University on June 17th, 2018 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in International & Development Economics, with a Minor in Mathematics. Joseph has received a U.S. Fulbright Scholar Grant, which will allow him to conduct further research on the economic impact attributable to disease in North Bengal, India. For 9 months, he will be partnering with HIMserve, the Public Health Foundation of India and the Fulbright branch of the U.S. Department of State. Upon his return from India, Joseph will be pursuing his graduate studies at Johns Hopkins University in the Bloomberg School of Public Health. Patrick Sapunor ‘14 graduated from Gonzaga University with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, and a minor in Philosophy. During his Senior year, he served on the Z-Core leadership program and had the privilege of carrying the University’s Law School banner at Commencement. He is currently studying for the LSAT exam, working at Jack and Dan’s Bar and Grill this summer in Spokane, and plans to return to Sacramento in the fall.

Christian Burnham ‘15 is presently finishing his undergraduate degree in International Business and Management at California State University Monterey Bay, on a full academic scholarship. Two years ago, Christian was recruited by Apple Inc. to work on its corporate national retail division out of Apple HQ in Cupertino, CA. Ryan Tooley ‘15 is back playing with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln rugby team, repping his number nine jersey. Watching him play, no one would guess that it’s been just over a year since Tooley was named cancer-free.

16 David Laskin ‘16 & the Arizona Wildcat golf team won the Arizona Intercollegiate for the first time since 2012, finishing the three-round tournament at 10 over par. Eighteen teams played in tough conditions winds were 30+mph most of the first day, causing havoc on the players and their scores. Sophomore Laskin was a steady force in the final round, where he notched seven birdies. His final-round 65 was a career low, topping his 68 from the ASU Thunderbird last season.

“Yes, Sacramento “Lady Birds” can & do fly home again.” Check out the Sunday Sac Bee story of Jesuit Alums who are back and calling Sac home: Garrett Larsson ‘98, Brandon Salzberg ‘00 & Tre Borden ‘02. February 10, 2018

“3 Social Media Tips for your College Bound Teen” by Isaac Serwanga ‘08 February 2018


The Alumni Office is always interested in your news: marriage, children, graduation, new job, awards, & accomplishments. Please send our updated news and contact info to: or go to

Alumni Directory: We have partnered with PCI to update our Alumni records. They will be reaching out to Alumni this summer via mail, email and phone calls. Please know that they will provide Jesuit with all updated information AND that purchasing a directory is 100% optional! To get the latest Alumni news: Website: Facebook: Jesuit High School Alumni | Instagram: jesuitsacalumni


JUNE 2018




1967 50th Reunion Dinner

Reunion & Homecoming 1977 Reunion Dinner

1997 Reunion Event


JUNE 2018

Tim Pavelchik ‘67 & Lorraine Paul JESUIT HIGH SCHOOL

Reunion & Homecoming 2017 was historic! More than 250 alums from the Classes of 1967 - 2013 participated in 11 events, catching up with classmates and reminiscing about their time at Jesuit. In addition, we celebrated the first ever 50th reunion, honoring the Class of 1967 our first graduating class! Mark your calendars now for Reunion & Homecoming Weekend 2018 – October 12 – 14, 2018 (see Alumni calendar for more details or go to In addition to anniversary events for the Class of 1968 (50th), 1978 (40th), 1988 (30th), 1998 (20th) and 2008 (10th), we will host all alumni events as well!

Guys Night Out Tailgate

1967 Welcome Lunch

The Power of Networking!


Staying In Touch

CAREER DAY On March 14, 2018 the Alumni Office, along with the Career and Counseling Center, hosted the Annual Alumni Career Day which is presented for our Junior students. Much like “speed dating,” our students participated in three round-table, small group sessions where alums shared their journey from high school to college to career. During table conversation, alums discussed what they know now that they wished they knew in high school and college, how they found their professional path, and reflections on how their time at Jesuit has made a difference in their life. In addition, key note speaker, Isaac Serwanga ‘08, a 2013 graduate of Princeton University with a degree in Sociology and author of “The Power of Networking in College,” shared his experiences on how networking makes a difference. NETWORKING

With more than 9,800 alumni nationwide (and 65% living in the greater Sacramento area), the potential for our alumni to help one another after high school is immense. The opportunities available aren’t limited to getting jobs for one another; it’s about helping their fellow Marauders achieve their full potential— whether through mentorship and shared experience or putting someone in touch with just the right person. Patrick Caslin ‘17, currently a student at Norte Dame, knows firsthand how networking with fellow Jesuit alums can make a difference. As he was applying for a Summer Internship with the California State Assembly, he remembered that at Career Day his Junior

year, he met alums who worked at the State Capitol. Patrick reached out to the Alumni Office and was given info for Michael Lucien ‘06, Legislative Director at California State Assembly and Neil Clark ‘07, Legislative Consultant - Speaker’s Office of Research & Floor Analysis. The good news: Patrick was awarded an internship with the Press Secretary for the Speaker of the Assembly, and when he arrives this summer, has two Marauders on his speed dial to reach out to! STAYING IN TOUCH

Now more than ever, staying in touch with the Jesuit Alumni Office and providing your up-to-date contact information is important in these days of electronic communication, text messaging and social media. Much of our communication with Alums is through emails, cell phones, eNEWS, Facebook, Instagram and more. (Parents: If Jesuit Magazine and other mail still comes to your home for your alum son(s), please send us updated contact info!)


Email: Online: Call: Alumni Office | 916.480.2160


JUNE 2018



Join Us!

Alumni Event Preview 2018-19 2018 SEPTEMBER SAT


Holy Bowl

Hughes Stadium Visiting Team Frosh 2:00pm JV 4:30pm Varsity 7:00pm

2018 OCTOBER Alumni Reunion & Homecoming Weekend



Details, Online RSVP’s and Tickets:



Hosted Cocktails, Dinner, Golden Diplomas, Memories & More!

1968 Welcome Back!

1978 40th Reunion Dinner

JHS Student Athletic Center 10:00am - 1:00pm

Piatti’s 6:00pm

1988 30th Reunion Dinner Zinfandel Grille 6:00pm

Guys Night Tailgate Alumni Only

1998 20th Reunion Gathering

Alumni Bluff

Malt & Mash Downtown 6:00pm

5:00pm - 7:00pm

Join us for food, beer & catching up with fellow Marauders.


2008 10th Reunion Dinner

Homecoming BBQ Alumni, Family, Friends

Barwest Midtown 6:00pm

Alumni Bluff

11:30pm - 1:00pm

Join us for a BBQ & beer garden. JHS Football vs Davis. Alumni who RSVP will get one free ticket to the game!

JHS Harris Center 6:00pm

Join us for a Welcome Back to Campus greeting from our Student Council, followed by a campus tour to see what has stayed the same & all that is new, and lunch.


1968 50th Reunion Dinner



Family Mass

Jeffrey ‘80 & Elizabeth Phelan Chapel 10:00am

All Alumni, Alumni Parents & Family are invited to join us for Mass.

Class of 1968 Farewell Brunch JHS Harris Center 10:00am

Brunch for the Class of 1968 & their guests. 38

JUNE 2018





Inaugural Tuition Assistance Luncheon JHS Harris Center

2019 MARCH 23

Alumni Holiday Sports Events


Water Polo JHS Pool

JHS Barry Gym

2019 APRIL

Check for final details:


Gala & PACE Auction




Alumni Career Day JHS Barry Gym



Water Polo JHS Pool

Basketball Tournament JHS Barry Gym


JHS Field


JHS Field


JHS Field


JUNE 2018



The Brotherhood That Binds A Journey to Lourdes

Robert Paylor ‘16

Mark Read ‘72. Tim Jeffries ‘81. Michael Ferro ‘02, Robert Paylor ‘16. All Marauders, who never met while students at Jesuit High School; however, their paths intersected through their pilgrimages to Lourdes. HOW IT ALL BEGAN On August 29, 2007, Michael Ferro’s life was changed when he received the news “you have cancer.” On May 6, 2017, Robert Paylor was playing rugby for Cal when he received a life changing injury. Each of these young men used their personal strength and outpouring of love from family, friends and their Jesuit brothers as they began the journey to recovery and their future. In addition, both were invited by the Knights of Malta to make a pilgrimage to Lourdes. During Michael’s trip, Mark Read ‘72, a Member of the Society of Malta, nominated and traveled with him, and Robert, accompanied by his mother Debbie, shared his journey with Mark ‘72 and Tim Jeffries ‘81. HOW DID YOUR TIME AT JESUIT HELP YOU? Michael ‘02 reflected that through his time at Jesuit he realized “that God always has his plan, and while we may not like it, I have learned to understand that life is about sharing moments with those around you and not sweating the small things in life.” Robert noted that “Jesuit challenged me to put in the extra hours in the classroom, on the field, and in my service to others. I’m taking that attitude into my rehabilitation and the progress is showing. Lastly and most importantly, Jesuit helped mold me to be strong in my faith. It has been very important for me to remember that God will give me strength and carry me through my most difficult times.” Tim ‘81 shared the “Jesuit education and community not only changed my life, it saved my life.”


JUNE 2018


Michael Ferro ‘02 & Mark Read ‘72

HOW HAS THE JESUIT BROTHERHOOD CONTINUED FOR YOU? For all, the Jesuit brotherhood has extended long after graduation. For Robert ‘16, “the brotherhood at Jesuit has meant so much to me in this past year. I have relied on my brothers to help me through these challenging times and they’ve been there for me. Also, the greater brotherhood and community of Jesuit has been insurmountable in helping me through my recovery. Had I not had the continual support and prayers of that brotherhood, I wouldn’t have had the resources that brought me to be where I am today.” And for Michael ‘02, the brotherhood has followed him as he moved to Colorado and extends beyond the bonds formed on Jacob Lane. “The Jesuit brotherhood is unlike anything else. Living in Denver, we have Regis Jesuit High School. Some of the relationships that I have in Denver are because of the common bond of what a Jesuit education meant to us.” Traveling with Mark ‘72 and Tim ‘81 added to both of their experiences in Lourdes due to the Jesuit Sacramento connection. WHAT’S NEXT? Mark ‘72 lives in Sacramento and is an active member of the Jesuit alumni community. Tim ‘81 is running for State Senate in Arizona. Michael ‘02 recently made a switch to working for a real estate tech start up. In addition, he is an active participant in his family’s nonprofit Epic Experience, which seeks to engage individuals whose lives have been affected by cancer, and help in the healing process by providing a camp where participants can experience adventure and establish a supportive community among fellow survivors. Robert ‘16 will be participating in a summer internship with Intel and this Fall will return to UC Berkeley to pursue a business degree.


In the tender compassion of our God, the dawn from on high shall break upon us, to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, and to guide our feet to the way of peace. (Luke 1.78-79)

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord And let perpetual light shine upon them. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Thomas Freitag ‘72

James Hockenberry, Jr. ‘78

Fr. James Sanders, S.J.

Christopher Norton ‘89

Rev. Gerald Lentz, S.J.

Jeff Boyle ‘99

Rev. Martin Rock, S.J.

Ali Youssefi ‘01

Rev. William Stout, S.J.

Andrew N. Lewallyn ‘04

Rev. Frank Hernandez, S.J.


JUNE 2018


it High School Jesu est. 1963

1200 Jacob Lane Carmichael, CA 95608-6024

Jesuit’s CyberPatriot team takes home the Sacramento Mayor’s Cyber Cup trophy at the regional round of the Annual Cybersecurity Competition and presents it to Mayor of Sacramento, Darrell Steinberg.

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