2 minute read
Joey Trigiani
from Spring 2022 Issue
The Lessons of Kim and Sunshine
The peacock represents brilliance, perseverance, rebirth, prominence, and leadership. He displays his colors relentlessly as works to fulfill his mission, finding a mate.
An eight inch by eight inch canvas displayed a half-finished depiction of this brilliant creature. I sat painting the peacock with Kim, an older woman who lacks teeth and bears a gaunt form, though her eyes shine with a remaining glint of childlike innocence. I came prepared with a basic acrylic palette and a cheap set of brushes, because I heard the woman I was meeting was an avid artist. We collaborated from uncomfortable folding chairs at a plastic table in the middle of a run-down street in poverty-stricken south Dallas. I ventured to this area with my service group to spend quality time with people in my community who have nothing and no one. The dilapidated apartments and cracked streets created rather intimidating scenery, and they seemed to reflect the damaged souls of the people who have endured immense trauma and hardship. However, I felt comfortable in Kim’s presence, as her contagious smile had a calming effect on my nerves, even through her pink mask. I could see the twinkle of her eyes illuminated with my presence. I knew I was in the right place.
The bright blue glisten of the peacock’s body complemented the aqua tones of her shining eyes. I delighted in the smooth application of this color, the brilliant strokes fitting perfectly into the prominent bird’s neck. The values I added for dimension blended together like the many layers of a complex and exciting equation.
I paused as I spotted Kim’s tattoo of an ornate, colorful sun. The image sat on the cracked, wrinkled skin of her haggard shoulder, the faded colors contrasting the radiance of her eyes. I asked her what it represented.
Kim immediately, almost automatically responded, “Oh. That’s Sunshine.”
Sunshine was Kim’s unhinged, less appealing alter-ego, addicted to crack cocaine and parading the streets wildly. Sunshine lost her everything. She couldn’t help but spill her raw emotions instantly. I recalled one of her paintings she had shown me earlier. It depicted Sunshine, illuminated by a frenzy of conflicting colors, standing inside of a cemetery.
“Sunshine is in a cemetery because I want her dead.” Her voice cracked as she struggled to allow her words escape the flood of tears. Her raw emotion touched me deeply. She urged me to never take an opportunity for granted. Kim’s trembling hands and unstable structure resulted in scribbly and rushed strokes that intertwined with my smooth, focused ones. However, the precise and unique pattern on the animal’s feathers satisfied my perfectionist mind, one of nature’s many tessellations. Just as a peacock sports a unique ensemble of radiating hues, our painting displayed a blend of styles like no other.
When Kim asked what I wanted to do in the future, I responded, “I’m not exactly sure, but I know I want to make a great impact.” She told me that I could achieve anything if I eliminated the things that held me back. I trust this advice, because she knows first hand the effects of things that hinder progress. Through the example of Sunshine, Kim advised me to always do things the right way. Through this experience, I overcame the challenge of opening up to the vulnerable members of society. I learned that, at the core, people seek love and emotion from others, above all else. As our beautiful peacock proudly hangs among the many others in her room, I will cherish Kim’s message as I progress through my future endeavors, touching as many people as I can with love and emotion. Whether I run a successful business or hold a position of political authority, I will utilize my passions for leadership, collaboration, and helping others to fulfill my mission of positively impacting my greater community, just as the peacock relentlessly displays his prominent pattern of brilliant colors.