18 minute read
In Memoriam
The Jesuit High School community joins in prayerful remembrance of those who have died. May the family and friends of those who are no longer with us in body be held in our prayers and hearts, and may the departed rest in eternal peace with God.
Jesuit High School Alumni
Michael Morton ’96 Paul Beaudoin ’64 Grant Hoss ’67 7/7/2019 7/27/2019 8/10/2019
Roger Van Dyke ’67 James Kahl ’60
8/17/2019 8/22/2019 Peter Barker ’60 11/2019 A. Brandt Henderson ’71 11/6/2019 John Nero ’62 11/10/2019 Richard Matteri ’61 11/17/2019 Edmund Mildenberger ’60 12/22/2019 Edwin "Ted" Strader ’73 1/13/2020 MacGregor Ehlen ’09 1/15/2020 Ivar Anderson ’65 2/13/2020 John Hunt ’60 3/5/2020 Richard Merck ’60 3/7/2020 Dean LaVoie ’67 3/13/2020 Nicholas Wilson ’76 4/13/2020 Peter Kaczynski ’83 5/14/2020 James Grierson ’66 7/1/2020 Ronald Schwary ’62 7/2/2020 Christopher Salvi ’08 7/12/2020 Thomas Robins ’64 7/15/2020 Patrick McMahon ’73 7/22/2020 John Earp ’62 7/26/2020 W. Scott Zwingli ’82 8/2020 Carl Kleffner ’70 9/10/2020 Mark Medici ’69 9/15/2020 Scott Niedermeyer ’80 9/15/2020 Roland Chapman ’71 11/24/2020 Jeffrey Dougherty ’98 12/19/2020 Michael Wilcoxen ’64 1/8/2021 Scott Wentworth ’71 1/14/2021 John Harrison ’60 1/26/2021 Larry Cusick ’60 2/4/2021 Dennis Patrick Hennessy ’71 2/15/2021 Thomas Kleffner ’72 3/16/2021 Richard Gedrose ’61 8/1/2021
Friends, Family, Faculty & JHS Staff
Marcia Alvey 11/15/2020 Parent of Sean ’11 and Nate ’14 Alvey Nancy Andresen 9/3/2020 Mother of Stephen ’77 and Mark ’81 Andresen; Grandmother of Aysa ’12 and Lucas ’12 Andresen and Kevin ’07, Katherine ’10 and Daniel ’12 Chalmers Roxann Asp 12/1/2020 Former faculty member at Jesuit High School Gloria Bevan 1/30/2020 Grandmother of Dimitre ’08, Anton ’12 and Mason ’15 Axelson Angela Blizzard 2/27/2021 Mother of Trevor ’17 and Eden ’19 Blizzard Frances Boly 11/2/2020 Mother of Jeff ’60, Fr. Craig ’62 S.J., Paul ’65, John ’66, William ’67 and Richard ’77 Boly; Grandmother of Jeffrey ’85, Justin ’88, Brian ’13 and Michael ’18 Boly Michael Borzy 12/22/2020 Father of Michael ’96, John ’99 and Catherine ’03 Borzy Gertrude Boyle 11/3/2019 Mother of Tim Boyle ’67; Grandmother of Joe ’99 and Molly ’05 Boyle, Rachael Bany Sneddon ’08 and Anna Bany ’11 John Bryan 11/19/2020 Grandfather of A.J. ’07 and Annie ’19 Bryan Rita Caldwell 12/18/2020 Mother of Hugh ’77, Matthew ’84 and Kevin ’90 Caldwell Gerry Cameron 6/7/2020 Grandfather of Colin ’21 and Luke ’24 Cameron Robert Cammann 8/15/2019 Father of Stefan ’90, Jason ’92, and Daniel ’94 (†) Cammann
Susan Canfield 10/6/2020 Mother of Stephen Canfield ’93 John Carlock 2/21/2020 Grandfather of Tatum ’14 and John ’17 Marrs Iris Carty 1/26/2021 Mother of Barry ’60 (†), Patrick ’62, Brian ’66 and Terry ’67 Carty Jack Clevinger 1/7/2020 Grandfather of Michael ’05, Christopher ’07 and Jack Merz and J.T. Whittaker ’14 Laura Conchuratt 10/3/2019 Mother of Thomas and Michael Conchuratt ’66; Grandmother of Sam ’09 and Megan ’12 Conchuratt James Conway 2/14/2020 Father of Paul Conway ’88; Grandfather of Alexander Conway ’15 Stanley Culver 9/25/2020 Grandfather of Marcus ’07, Cameron ’08, Connor ’10 and Josef ’15 Schwab Elizabeth Curtin 12/24/2020 Mother of Thomas ’77 and Henry ’78 Cartwright Brent Curtis 7/26/2019 Father of Jordan Curtis ’02 Kathakali Debnath 9/8/2019 Mother or Avi ’15 and Ria ’20 Debnath Margaret Dever 1/28/2021 Grandmother of Shea ’02, Molly ’04, Matt ’05 and Peter ’08 Mertens and Kaitlin ’06 and David ’08 Hedberg Spencer Dick 6/11/2020 Father of Nate ’07 and Elizabeth ’08 Dick Patrick Dignan 1/30/2021 Father of Todd Dignan ’72 Charles Ducharme 10/10/2019 Father of Brinley ’09 and Joseph ’12 Ducharme Frank Dummer 10/16/2019 Grandfather of Matthew ’09 and Joseph ’13 Dummer Randi Durkheimer 12/25/2020 Mother of Michael ’05 and Alec ’09 Durkheimer John Elorriaga 2/20/2020 Father of Dana ’71, Mike ’72 and Steve ’76 Elorriaga; Grandfather of Megan ’01, Laura ’02, Danny ’04 and Patrick ’13 Nugent, John ’07, Christopher ’08, Katharine ’09, Jeff ’10, Anne ’13, Jack ’14, Maria ’16, Brooke ’17 and Elizabeth Elorriaga, Enzo ’16 and Max ’18 Czysz John Fallin 8/24/2020 Father of Chris ’06 and Brian ’08 Fallin Dennis Finnigan 12/28/2020 Grandfather of Taiki ’17 and Maya ’20 Miyaishi Les Furnanz 1/28/2020 Grandfather of Mia ’18 and Noelle ’22 Furnanz Maurice Fykes 1/15/2021 Former faculty member at Jesuit High School Richard Galligher 8/16/2020 Father of Richard ’82 (†), Pat ’92 and Courtney '96 Galligher Patricia Gambee 5/24/2020 Mother of Matthew ’74, Loius ’76 and Ed ’79 Gambee; Grandmother of Michael ’03, Erin ’04, Kevin ’07, Molly ’11, James ’15 and Jonathan ’17 Gambee Jeffrey Garbarino 9/15/2020 Father of Alexis ’08 and Anthony ’10 Garbarino Thomas Gavin 1/17/2021 Father of Michael Gavin ’72; Grandfather of Gavin ’01, Wesley ’01 and Edward ’10 Younie Barbara Gilbaugh 11/6/2020 Mother of Eric ’96 and Lisa ’98 Gilbaugh Kevin Gilroy 11/10/2020 Son of Pat Gilroy ’74; Brother of Patrick ’06 and Connor ’08 Gilroy Lisa Goodrich 12/2019 Spouse of Michael Goodrich ’85 John Gorlorwulu 9/1/2020 Father of Garmai ’11 and Marvah ’14 Gorlorwulu Helen Graeper 11/8/2020 Mother of William Graeper ’87; Grandmother of Andrew ’08 and Austin ’13 Quinlan Donovan Gregg 7/23/2019 Spouse of Jessica Smith Gregg ’07 Jack Griffith 9/2019 Father of Daniel ’09 and Rachel ’13 Griffith Virginia Grubb 1/23/2021 Grandmother of Tyler ’06 and Riley ’08 Grubb Phyllis Hass 7/30/2019 Mother of Stephen ’68, Phillip ’69, Fredrick ’70, and Rick ’72 Hass; Grandmother of Michael Hass ’01, Alicia Hass-Ames ’04, Jane Hass ’05 Ethel Hedlund 12/18/2019 Mother of Brent Hedlund ’78 Jack C. Hilbourne 6/14/2020 Father of Jason Hilbourne ’88 Ralph Holland 11/7/2020 Grandfather of Natalie ’06 and Jim ’12 Holland Rosemary Holman 3/5/2020 Mother of Hunt Holman ’86 Greg Holt 9/5/2020 Father of Stephen ’10 and Ilyssa ’14 Holt; Former Board of Trustee member Frederick Horstkotte 8/15/2020 Father of David Horstkotte ’75; Grandfather of Dena ’12 and Tate ’14 Horstkotte Fr. Pat Howell, S.J. 11/28/2019 Former staff member at Jesuit High School
Marcia Hubler 1/22/2021 Mother of Mark ’85 and Nicholas ’88 Hubler David Hughes 9/29/2020 Father of Mike Hughes ’79; Grandfather of Jacob ’04, Kayla ’07 and Alyssa ’19 Hughes J. John Ivicek 11/11/2020 Father of Kristy ’96 and Caroline ’99 Ivicek Rajvir Jhooty 11/4/2020 Father of Sartaj ’21 and Meher ’24 Jhooty John W. Judy 5/16/2020 Father of Chris Judy ’88 Michael Kelley 10/11/2020 Spouse of Laurie Kelley; Father of Ross ’06, Erin ’08, Catherine ’12 and Caroline ’17 Kelley; Former Board of Trustee member Becky Kelty 9/26/2020 Mother of Patrick Kelty ’74 Michael Kemp 1/30/2020 Father of Carl ’82, Michael ’82 and Hans ’87 Kemp Elaine Killian 8/11/2020 Mother of Lance Killian ’89 Bobby Kramer 7/8/2020 Father of Ryan Kramer ’01 Carolyn Krieger 10/19/2020 Grandmother of Morgan ’06 and Max ’09 Krieger William Lamb 9/27/2019 Father of David ’72; Grandfather of Michael Lamb ’07, Sophia Milo Penkala ’03, Alicia Milo ’07, and Nicole ’10 Milo Howard Larson 2/3/2020 Father of Sam Larson ’07 Grace Link 8/25/2019 Mother of James ’80, Jeffrey ’82, Kenneth ’86, Gregory ’87, Kevin ’89, and Christopher ’99 Link, Paula Miller ’94 and Julie Sheerin; grandmother of Maggie ’13 and Brian ’17 Sheerin John Maddocks 5/3/2020 Grandfather of John ’19 and Tatum ’21 Maddocks Susan McCabe 10/15/2019 Mother of William McCabe ’91 Fr. Tom McCarthy, S.J. 8/1/2020 Former faculty member at Jesuit High School Sarah McCool 10/21/2019 Mother of Adam ’03, Shaun ’06, Hannah ’06, Emily ’09, and Megan ’13 McCool Jim McMahon 8/28/2019 Grandfather of Donnie ’17 and Colin ’19 McMahon Janet Mersereau 8/2/2019 Grandmother of Peter ’15 and Sanya ’17 Cowal Sheila Mims 9/2/2020 Mother of Steven Mims ’89 Jennifer Moore 1/13/2021 Mother of Nicole ’22 and Sean ’23 Moore Martin Myers 12/1/2020 Father of Eric Myers ’15 Lou Niles 6/7/2020 Father of Joseph Niles ’95 Marilyn Ochs 7/15/2020 Mother of Brendan Ochs ’74 (†) and Grandmother of Sophia Bohley ’17 Harvey J. Osborn 8/31/2019 Grandfather of Matthew Boileau ’10 Jacqueline Paulson 12/10/2019 Mother of Erick Paulson ’95 Mary Peaper 8/26/2020 Spouse of James Peaper ’60 William Pemberton 7/24/2020 Father of Blake ’10 and Derek ’12 Pemberton Jacqueline Rose Perry 12/3/2018 Grandmother of Elyse ’09 and Christine ’11 Landreville Agnes Petrusich 1/26/2021 Mother of Dan ’73, John ’75 and Jim ’78 Petrusich; Grandmother of J.J. ’07, Megan ’09, Paul ’10, Mark ’12 and Molly ’14 Petrusich and Michael Yasumoto ’00 James V. Ponto 12/2/2019 Father of Sophia 18 and Gabrielle ’21 Ponto June Porcelli 9/30/2019 Mother of James ’77 and Charles ’77 Porcelli; Grandmother of Richard ’99 and Shannon ’00 Hayter, Dominic ’03 and Nicholas Porcelli ’14 Fr. Larry Robinson, S.J. 12/30/2020 Former faculty member at Jesuit High School Barbara Schroeder 12/20/2020 Mother of James Schroeder ’86 Donna Schuetze 12/2/2019 Grandmother of Sarah Brock Thompson ’98, Jessica Brock Roy ’99, Rachel Brock ’03 and Danielle Vincent McGrain ’01 Mary Seats 12/8/2020 Mother of James ’67 (†), Jeff ’73 and Brian ’76 Seats Walter Simich 8/27/2019 Father of Deborah Golik; Grandfather of Marquis ’15 and Chloe ’18 Golik William D. Smith 7/23/2020 Father of Matt ’93, Joshua ’94, Charity ’98 Smith and Blake Bye ’07 Charlene Snow 10/4/2019 Mother of Shannon Snow ’98 Mary Soot 9/3/2019 Grandmother of Kimberly ’19 and Nicholas ’21 Soot Charles Shea 1/8/2021 Father of Mike Shea ’82; Grandfather of Tim Shea ’08, Sean ’12 and Carolyn ’16 Connell
John Shepanek 11/3/2020 Grandfather of Kyle ’08, Ethan ’17 and Noah ’20 Shepanek, Brandon ’13 and Jacob ’15 Day Georgia Spence 8/28/2020 Grandmother of Maren ’08 and Laura ’09 Addy Tom Stapleton 12/5/2019 Grandfather of Gabriel ’10 and Austin ’13 Stapleton Wells Talmadge 10/17/2019 Father of Clair Talmadge ’11 Byron Tarr, Sr. 11/23/2019 Father of Byron "Skip" Tarr ’76 Vance Taylor 2/21/2020 Father of Vance ’79, David ’81 and Barry ’84 Taylor; Grandfather of Sage ’17 and Grace ’21 Taylor Colette Turina 1/27/2020 Grandmother of Claire ’10, Chris ’12 and Nicho ’16 Turina Raul Varela 6/30/2020 Father of Oscar ’91, Troy ’94 and Lisa ’95 Varela Germaine Verage 11/4/2020 Grandmother of Kristine ’09 and Kyle ’16 Cerri R. Mark Vetto 1/8/2021 Grandfather of Robert ’16 and James’18 Dawson and Eloy Vetto ’20 Paul Voeller 9/27/2019 Grandfather of Antonio ’12 and Marco ’14 Albanese Leslie Wheeler 6/9/2020 Grandmother of Jack ’06 and Coleman ’12 Wheeler Michael Whitmarsh 1/25/2020 Father of Korin Whitmarsh Schmitz ’01 Joan Wolverton 9/20/2019 Grandmother of Laura ’05, Andy ’07 and Rebe ’10 Wolverton Joan Zagone 2/23/2021 Mother of Nicholas Zagone ’86; Grandmother of Timothy Zagone ’92 Erika L. Zak 8/23/2019 Sister of Jenna Zak ’98 Ina Rose Zuelke 8/28/2019 Mother of Paul ’65 and William ’71 Zuelke; Grandmother of Michael ’92 and Todd ’93 Zuelke and Daniel ’97 and Holly ’98 Magner
Honoring Fr. Larry Robinson, S.J.
Fr. Larry Robinson, S.J., a pillar of the Jesuit High School community for five decades, passed away in the early morning of December 30, 2020, at the Sacred Heart Jesuit Center in Los Gatos, California.
Fr. Robinson was a Jesuit priest, educator, coach, mentor, colleague, friend, and much more. Though we mourn his passing, let us be grateful for our time with Fr. Robinson and for the life he shared with the Jesuit High community.
As we reflect on his life and his remarkable impact on so many of us over the decades at Jesuit, we wanted to share with you a bit of what made Father Robinson so special to the Jesuit community.
Fr. Robinson grew up in Tacoma, Washington, with his one sister and three brothers. He attended Bellarmine Prep and graduated in 1950. He subsequently attended Seattle University for two years before heading to the Jesuit Novitiate in Sheridan, Oregon, in 1952 for his novitiate training.
Fr. Robinson earned his degree in philosophy with a minor in history at Gonzaga University in 1958. When it was suggested that Fr. Robinson consider becoming a history teacher, he readily agreed. In 1965, he obtained his master's degree in history at Gonzaga.
Fr. Robinson first arrived at Jesuit High School in 1959. For six weeks he worked as a student teacher under Mr. Anthony Via, SJ. Fr. Robinson recalls that those weeks spent with Fr. Via earned him a sparkling "B" on his transcript, and that Via adamantly denies ever recording that grade for his student teacher and longtime friend. In the fall of 1959, Robinson was the only history major available to replace Via, so the "B" made no difference!
That inauspicious start led to 39 years in a history classroom. "I always worked very hard at trying to be a good teacher," said Fr. Robinson. "Students don't necessarily remember what I taught them, but they remember me. It was a great learning process for me at the same time."
Fr. Robinson's students attest to his passion for teaching: "He spoke with infectious enthusiasm about the events that have shaped our country. It was a story familiar to him, yet he seemed to create it anew for us," says former student and current Jesuit math teacher John Gorman, PhD. '84. "Though we did not know what we would do with our futures, we hoped to do it with as much heart as Fr. Larry Robinson taught us in history."
When Jesuit transitioned to coeducation in the fall of 1993, it was business as usual for Fr. Robinson and his brand of teaching. He recalls that one of his female students told her parents that he had a passion for the subject. As the students learned from him, through their questions and observations he was also learning from them.
Fr. Robinson was ordained in June 15, 1965. He spent only a few brief periods away from Jesuit High School during the 50 years he served on campus. From 1962 to 1966 he studied Theology in Toronto followed by being Vice Principal at Bellarmine Prep in Tacoma and then his final year of training, tertianship. He taught American history at Georgetown Prep 1976-77, and European History at Xavier College in Melbourne, Australia for one semester in 1987.
Fr. Robinson wore many hats at Jesuit. In addition to teaching history until 2003, he taught Latin for one year (1968-69), was the Vice Principal for one year (1971-72), was the head golf coach for five years total, assisted with the coaching of football, basketball and baseball as a scholastic, and was the Athletic Director from 1968-76 and for an additional two years in the 1980s.
When Fr. Robinson retired from the classroom in 2003, he took on the task of penning the school's first official history. Jesuit was approaching its 50th year as an institution and it was suggested that Fr. Robinson write a book about the school's first half century. After years of research, writing and editorial work, Fr. Robinson's book, "Honoring the Tradition," appeared in 2009. After that, he did occasional work for the alumni and development offices.
Reflecting on his time at Jesuit, Fr. Robinson remarked years ago that "Whatever I have accomplished at Jesuit High over the years, I've always felt that Jesuit has done much more for me."

In Honor of Coach Gordon Carrigan

It is with great sadness that we share the news of Gordon Carrigan's passing.
On April 27, 2021, the world lost a great man who touched the lives of many with his goodness and light. Coach Carrigan was a wonderful educator, coach, mentor, and friend. He wore many hats at Jesuit. Coach Carrigan taught Algebra and PE, was the assistant football coach, and was the head coach of Jesuit's men's basketball program from 1967-1976.
For Coach Carrigan's dedication and lifelong commitment to coaching, on and off
Celebrating the Life of Ted Strader ’73
Our good friend and classmate Ted Strader ’73 passed away unexpectedly on Jan. 13, 2020. He is survived by his family – wife Janet, Allana ’09, and Brett ’12 Strader.
Ted’s formative years were spent doing what most kids did in the 1960s. He rode bikes around town, explored the lake, and played whatever sport was in season. Ted attended Our Lady of the Lake grade school (class of ’69) and was an altar boy and member of the crosswalk brigade and leaders club. He looked forward to going to Jesuit for high school.
Ted was blessed with a wonderful mother and father who provided him and his brother Tim ’74 and sister K.C. with a great foundation. Ted possessed an innocence about him, always believing the good in people. He had a quiet determination in whatever he did, whether in school or sports.
Ted never sought the spotlight, but he always strove to do the best he could. As a student and teammate he was always encouraging, positive and generous. Ted was very coachable and quickly picked up the mechanics of whatever he was doing.
At Jesuit, we first came together as friends in the fall of 1969. Our class started with 148 guys, and gathered in early September of our freshman year intent on surviving a rigorous academic program and playing football for John Allen.
Jesuit was a very different place in 1969. It was all male and staffed by the Jesuits – 23 of them to be exact. Into this testosterone-infused environment strode our friend, Ted Strader. Ted had three main objectives at Jesuit: get good grades, make the varsity football team, and meet girls. The last goal proved almost insurmountable for him at an all-boys school, but, as with everything, Ted was willing to try. This willingness to try would serve him well at Jesuit and the rest of his life.
Ted Strader had a complete and uncomplicated devotion to Jesuit. He oozed school spirit. One of the great truths about Jesuit is how engaged students become in that experience. Ted, more than any of us, loved his identity with our school.
After graduation, Don and Ted created a summer tradition of meeting for a round of golf and dinner. Don remembers, “As Ted disparaged his own golf game around the links, he reflected fondly about our years at Jesuit. He had the most exact memory of the games we played in, the various characters in our class and the memorable moments.”
Upon his return to Portland after college at Santa Clara, Ted immediately became involved with Jesuit as a founding member of the newly-formed Alumni Council. He was always willing and eager to help in any way he could.
Ted remained loyal to Jesuit over the past 51 years. It is fitting that the guy who never forgot Jesuit will be remembered for having the greatest heart in our class. It is also remarkable that 51 years later almost 20 of his classmates attended his funeral Mass.
We all admired Ted for the good and decent man he was and for his willingness to help others, and his willingness to believe in God. In both words and deeds he was truly a man for others, and will be sorely missed and fondly remembered.
Rest in Peace Dear Friend, we look forward to meeting you again someday.
the field, he was inducted into Jesuit High School's Hall of Fame in September of 2018. Coach Carrigan will be remembered for his innovation, positivity, being a constant student of the game, his caring nature, and his enduring friendship.
We hold the Carrigan family in our prayers and thoughts during this difficult time. May God's love and strength surround them and lift them up.
Coach Carrigan previously shared: "My time at Jesuit was the best ten years in my coaching career."

Remembering Fr. Tom McCarthy, S.J.
Fr. Tom McCarthy graduated from Central Catholic High School in 1949. He entered the Jesuits on Sept. 7, 1949, was ordained on June 16, 1962, and professed final Vows on Feb. 2, 1968. Fr. Tom was a Jesuit for 71 years and passed away on Aug. 1, 2020.
Our class first met Fr. Tom in the fall of 1971. He taught scripture and contemporary problems, and sold hamburgers, known as “McCarthy Burgers” for a fundraiser. He saved the burger sales funds for a future junior/senior center on campus.
In a school of 530 adolescent males, Fr. Tom became a role model for many. He was very amiable and got along well with all the students. To say he was well-liked would be an understatement. Everyone loved and enjoyed his classes.
He did develop a reputation for being a bit scatterbrained and people would often remark that this guy would “live forever” because he never seemed to worry about anything. He did not sweat the “small stuff.”
As the years passed after graduation, several class members saw Fr. Tom from time to time, and we invited him to parties, lunch or dinner on occasion. In many ways, he became “the official priest for the Class of 1973.” These gatherings were fun and lighthearted and I recall him mentioning that a person needed to “work on their faith every day.”
Tom ended up starting St. Francis and attended to parishioners in far off places like Christmas Valley. He was affable, amiable and well-liked wherever he went.
He was close friends with many Jesuit alums and ended up baptizing their kids, and in the past few years their grandkids. People would always make sure to pick him up a half hour early so that he would not be late for the baptism!
The last time I saw Fr. Tom was in January 2020. A classmate had suddenly died in his sleep just short of his 65th birthday. We were in shock and saddened by his passing. After the wake, I gave Fr. Tom a ride home, and I remember Tom saying our friend was at peace and now home with God. He seemed so certain of it.
As classmates reflect upon our relationship with Tom and the way he lived, it seems he discerned that God existed. Further, that we should be at peace because God exists. Fr. McCarthy often said, “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” He believed that our faith would carry us through both the good as well as the challenging times in our lives.
Yes, we take comfort that he lives forever.