Leadership in Balance

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BECOMING A LEADER IN BALANCE Leads through Balance vs. Control

Relationships & Influence vs Position & Power

Embraces Diversity

People, ideas & ways of thinking.

Leverages Leading by Teaching In search of truth & reality.

Shares Power and Authority Encouraging innovation, releasing energy & spreading influence.

Collaborates with a Purpose To reach better decisions & execute decisions better.

Motivated by a Higher Purpose Mission above personal interests.

Embodies the Brand Promise

Setting the tone for what is done & valued. Building trust.

Approaches Leadership as a Relationship Listening, reflective & intentional.

Pyramid and prayer by John F Kucia, co-author Leadership in Balance: New Habits of the Mind

A DAILY EXAMEN FOR LEADERS IN BALANCE As an emerging Leader in Balance–built from the inside-out… Charged with delivering on our Mission & Brand Promise… I seek to embrace the concepts of Leadership in Balance In the spirit of patience, persistence and perseverance… to deepen my self-awareness… knowing I learn by reflecting on my experiences, I create time to ask a few simple questions. Overall, how did things go today? What did I accomplish? What were my greatest challenges? What went well? Why? What did not go so well? What could I have done differently for a better outcome? In light of this reflection , what will I do tomorrow to become a better leader in balance?


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