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‘A WORK only just beginning’

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The British Jesuit Province welcomed a new provincial superior, Fr Peter Gallagher SJ, on 1 September 2023. At the start of his term, Fr Provincial reflects on how he and the Jesuits in Britain will continue their journey together.

and the whole team at Mount Street (who see provincials come and go with philosophy) have made me welcome and have helped me to settle.



Have you been contemplating running your first ever marathon? Or are you a seasoned longdistance runner who’s ready to enjoy the thrill of another mass event? Perhaps you missed the official London Marathon ballot and are still looking for a place?

The good news is that Jesuit Refugee Service UK has places in the 2024 London Marathon.

The philosopher Montaigne said, ‘I know that from which I am fleeing but not that for which I search’. This remark is very encouraging to me arriving in the provincial’s office after a number of years in the classroom. The narrowness of my experience prompts humility, and a willingness to ask for help. There is plenty to learn. The goals, of course, are not completely uncertain or unknown – the gospel, Saint Ignatius’s Constitutions, the decrees of recent General Congregations are all to hand. However, discovering the right way to do what is expected is a work only just beginning.

The Society of Jesus expects quite a lot from its superiors but is also very kind to them. Arriving in London from Paris, I find everything in good order and many people eager to assist me. Father General has made his wishes known but with many a glimpse of his patience and good humour. Father Damian Howard (to whom sincere thanks for his fine service) has shown me the ropes and been very modest about his many achievements. Father Paul Nicholson, the pillar of the province,

Yes, a flight from the past. However, in the spirit of the examen, there is also appreciation of graces received. The lecture hall can be dusty. It is limited and limiting. But there were blessings in boot-camp. The young people met there entrust their future to God. Their faith, hope and charity are infectious. The formation centres are very good places to live and work. The Church and the Society have plenty of tested wisdom about how to initiate newcomers to religious life. Some of this understanding has a more general application.

Is it misleading to speak of the way forward as a search? Plenty is laid down for provincials to do. A province which is more than 400 years old knows what to expect. The good example of distinguished predecessors is there to be followed dutifully. Yet there is a search. And not just for a style. The pilgrim is looking for something more than to make peace with his own idiosyncrasies. There are plenty of challenges and not a few situations where it seems that the solution is to do something different from what we have always done. Philosophers are notoriously better at analysing problems and framing questions than at finding answers and solutions. However, Montaigne was on to something. Genuine progress is favoured by an awareness that some of the good that was previously done must now be left to flourish on its own. The horizon inspires and retreats at the same time. The flight confers already some momentum.

In the months leading up to the event, you will get fundraising support from a dedicated staff alongside training help from a large team of JRS runners. You’ll be part of the JRS UK community – this means personalised JRS goodies, invitations to JRS events, and other opportunities to get to know our work up-close!

All the money you help to raise will directly support JRS UK’s work in accompanying, serving and advocating alongside and for the rights of refugees and forcibly displaced people. This could mean funding baby essentials or toiletry bags that we provide to destitute refugees, or sponsoring legal advice, interpreting services, hardship grants and phone credit.


For more information and to apply by 15 November 2023, visit:

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