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Canadian News
Cardinal Michael Czerny, SJ, was in Canada last November to receive an honorary doctorate in theology from Regis College in Toronto. While there, he repeatedly called on the Church (“the people of God”) to participate in the process leading up to the Synod on Synodality, which is “a great seeking of God’s will about how to be Church.” His hope “is that we will find new examples of how the Church can be synodal in a parish, in a diocese, in a whole country, in a continent, or even in the whole world.”
In a beautiful ceremony, Jesuits Daniel Kennedy, William McCormick, Robenson Siquitte and Erik Sorensen were ordained to the diaconate by Archbishop Terrence Prendergast, SJ, on May 14 at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Toronto.
In August 2021, Fr. John O’Brien, SJ, organized a summer program for men considering a Jesuit vocation. This event was held at the Anishinabe Spiritual Centre for six days and included participants from Quebec and Ontario. The week featured a variety of outdoor and spiritual activities. “The idea of hosting a vocations camp came from a desire to help those who were discerning a vocation to get out of the cities during a lull in the pandemic. Vocations are nurtured in real-life experiences and personal encounters.” The group was also able to visit Jesuit missions and hear testimonies from various Jesuits who work there. There were 10 participants, including the leaders, and Fr. O’Brien hopes to welcome more at the next camp, which will be held August 21–26, 2022.
Photo: Jesuits of Canada
At the ordination of the new Jesuit deacons, from left to right: Provincial Erik Oland, Daniel Kennedy, Robenson Siquitte, Archbishop Terrence Prendergast, Bill McCormick, Erik Sorenson and Fr. Michael Rosinski. Photo: Jean Francky Guerrier, SJ
On November 14, Fr. Lissaint Antoine, SJ, pronounced his final vows in Montreal, nearly 11 years after being ordained. “For me, it is a confirmation that God has accepted my self-offering in the Society of Jesus. It is also a sign of trust on the part of the Society of Jesus regarding my desire to serve the people of God in its midst,” said Fr. Lissaint.