jesuit Jesuit Bulletin Winter 2011
Moving In
“There are so many sufferings to heal. Christ stumbles through our streets in the person of so many poor who are hungry, thrown out of their miserable lodgings because of sickness and destitution. Christ has no home! And we who have the good fortune to have one and have food to satisfy our hunger, what are we doing about it?” - St. Alberto Hurtado Cruchago SJ
Father of the Broken and Fearful, your heart aches with the suffering of the world. Help me to be a protector of the vulnerable, a refuge for the lost, a memory for the forgotten, and a voice for the voiceless. Amen ~ from a prayer card published by the British Jesuits
2 Jesuit Bulletin
from the editor When I asked permission to do special studies in graphic design, Father David Fleming was provincial of the Missouri Province. He was concerned that this area might be so specialized that I would have difficulty finding work as a Jesuit. He solved that problem by assigning me to become editor of the Jesuit Bulletin in 1985 after I finished studies. A few years later he asked for my help as a designer when he became editor of Review for Religious. After I was called to work at the Jesuit Conference in Washington, he added to many responsibilities when he took over the editorship of the Bulletin. For years he would roll his eyes with a sense of irony and say that he was doing the job that he sent me to prepare for. During my years in Washington and then at the Curia Generalizia in Rome, he continued editing the Jesuit Bulletin for 13 years and 39 issues. Fleming is nothing if not virtuous, and patience is a key virtue. So is fidelity to a mission. He is known throughout the world as an expert on Ignatian Spirituality. His articles in the magazine, and his many books, have explored this subject with depth and readability. He has enriched our understanding of the spiritual foundation that supports the activities chronicled by the Jesuit Bulletin. His insights into the story of our province have guided this magazine, and given us all a sense of how things are changing, and how, at their heart, they remain the same. One of these changes is a new editor. I am once again doing the work Fleming first assigned me to do. However, the Jesuit world is changing, as is the world of communication. The province has a website based on technology that had not been invented in my early days as an editor. We plan to tie the magazine and the website more closely. This will allow us, for example, to offer readers the option of going online to read more about a story or to see more photos than the physical space of the magazine permits us to show. All of the Jesuit provinces in the United States are working more closely together. It is important to us to show the connections not just between the apostolates and institutions within the Missouri Province, but also with other schools, parishes and social works throughout the country. We hope you will gain a sense of this wider perspective as you read through this and future issues. In the Spiritual Exercises, St. Ignatius asks the retreatant to focus on being grateful in the final prayer exercise, “The Contemplation on the Love of God.� Here, we are asked to remember the graces God has given us, mainly through the people whose presence has enriched our lives. We Jesuits, and our friends, count David Fleming as one of those graces for which we are very, very grateful. Father Thomas M. Rochford SJ
Father David Fleming, editor of the Jesuit Bulletin for 13 years, in his office.
bulletin Board Jesuits in Formation from Missouri and New Orleans Provinces Meet Sixty Missouri and New Orleans province Jesuits in formation — from novitiate to diaconate — met in St. Louis from Dec. 27 to 30. Discussions and presentations featured issues of Jesuit life and apostolic work: giving the Spiritual Exercises for today’s youth, using new media for evangelization, creating a culture of vocation promotion, praying amidst a busy life, implementing the new Mass translation, managing new technology, and other topics of common concern. Father John Armstrong, assistant for formation of both provinces, addressed one of the sessions. Father Mark Lewis, New Orleans provincial, and Father Doug Marcouiller, Missouri provincial, also took part in the meeting.
Missouri and Central American Provinces Renew Twinning Agreement On Nov. 13, Fathers Douglas Marcouiller and Jesús Sariego, provincials of the Missouri Province and the Central American Province, signed a three-year renewal of a longstanding twinning agreement. The original document, signed in 1982, has been in effect through various renewals and revisions by successive provincials for 30 years. Collaboration of the two provinces in apostolic, formation, and continuing education activities provides opportunities for Jesuits and lay partners of each twin province to participate in apostolic works, language and cultural immersion experiences, academic growth, scholastic formation, and short and long-term commitments to teaching in the other province. A current focus is to work together in supporting the work of the Jesuit Refugee Service and the Jesuit Migration Service. “We continue to seek and share our service of the mission of Christ through an apostolic partnership that is deeply rooted, personal, institutional and effective, ad majorem Dei gloriam,” Marcouiller said.
Jesuit Named Co-recipient of $1 Million Opus Prize Father John Halligan, a New York Province Jesuit, was co-recipient of this year’s Opus Prize for his work in founding the Working Boys’ Center (WBC) in Quito, Ecuador. The prestigious prize is designed to provide 4 Jesuit Bulletin
a single infusion of resources to advance humanitarian work and bring greater visibility to their causes championed by the award winners. Halligan will split the $1.1 million award with Sister Beatrice Chipeta, director of the Lusubilo Orphan Care Project in Malawi, Africa. They were named co-recipients of the million-dollar annual prize on Nov. 11 in a ceremony at Fordham University. Halligan, 80, began the WBC in 1964 to provide lunch and spiritual inspiration to a few dozen “shoeshine boys” who worked in the streets to support their families. Forty-six years later, the WBC operates out of three buildings spread throughout Quito and serves more than 2,000 members annually, including whole families. The center offers daycare, primary education, vocational training, special needs services and adult literacy programs to help families be self-sustaining. It has twice been named the best technical school in the nation for its classes in carpentry, metal crafts and other trades.
Jesuit Refugee Service 30th Anniversary “In the years since 1980, JRS has received many blessings, for which I join all those who have been part of the JRS family in thanking the Lord,” Father General Adolfo Nicolás said in a letter to members of the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) on the occasion of this anniversary of JRS’s foundation by Father Arrupe. “I am also glad to know that this 30th anniversary celebration has not just been a time to look back, but also to look forward. We want to respond to needs, but how can we build something more lasting, something which strengthens the humanity of those for whom we work? How can we help them experience and move towards reconciliation, the healing of deep wounds often connected with violent displacement, so that communities of peace can emerge? I also wonder how JRS can advocate and promote more actively the Gospel value of hospitality in today’s world of closed borders and increased hostility to strangers.”
Cardinals who are Jesuit Alumni On Nov. 20, Pope Benedict installed 24 new cardinals, more than half of whom are graduates of educational
institutions of the Society of Jesus in Rome including the Gregorian University and the Pontifical Biblical Institute. All together over one-third of the members of the College of Cardinals are graduates of the Jesuit pontifical institutions in Rome.
Ignatian Spirituality Conference V The fifth national conference on Ignatian Spirituality sponsored by Saint Louis University and the Missouri Province of the Society of Jesus will take place at the university from July 21 to 24, 2011. The theme of Conference V is “Ignatian Experience: I Am with You Always.” Activities include major presentations, panel discussions, and workshops. Three keynote speakers on different days will examine aspects of the Fourth Week of the Spiritual Exercises. Father Ron Mercier, theologian at Saint Louis University will deliver the first presentation, “From Death to Life: Bridging the Third and Fourth Weeks.” Steve Donaldson,
Brian Christopher
Father Brian Christopher has been appointed as the Missouri Province delegate to the Jesuit Commission for Social and International Ministries (JCSIM). In addition to participation in JCSIM meetings, his delegate responsibilities include advising the provincial in monthly conversations, and facilitating online communication among the Jesuits of the
province and its partners in ministry. He will continue his apostolate in Belize. Father Michael G. Harter has been appointed editor of the Review for Religious. Father Thomas M. Rochford, in addition to his work as assistant to the provincial for communications, has been appointed editor of the Jesuit Bulletin. Both periodicals, formerly under the editorship of Father David L. Fleming, are publications of the Missouri Province Jesuits. Father Richard O. Buhler, pastor of St. Francis Xavier (College) Church in St. Louis, has been named rector of Jesuit Hall, the largest Jesuit community in the
executive director of the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life of Puget Sound, will speak on the topic, “La Storta’s Risen Christ: Carrying the Cross.” Sister Kathleen Hughes RSCJ, liturgical theologian and former president of the North American Academy of Liturgy, will deliver the third keynote talk, “Were Not Our Hearts Burning?” A number of workshops will focus on how to present the Spiritual Exercises with different groups — young adults, high school faculty, Generations X and Y, prisoners, and ecumenical groups. According to conference planners, the event is more than a series of presentations and workshops, but is rather a religious and faith sharing experience of participants from across the nation and abroad whose lives have been enriched by Ignatian spirituality. About 500 people attended the last conference in 2008. Conference information and registration forms are available on the website at www.slu.edu/iscv/xml, or by contacting Mary Haggerty, conference coordinator, at (314) 361-7765, or emailing her at ignatianspirit@jesuits-mis.org
Missouri Province. Father William T. Oulvey returned from work at the Curia of the Society of Jesus in Rome to become rector of the Rockhurst Jesuit Community in Kansas City. Father David J. Suwalsky has been appointed president of Jesuit High School in Sacramento, Calif., starting July 1, 2011. Currently he serves as the treasurer and chief legal officer of the Missouri Province,
David Suwalsky
Minister of the Bellarmine House of Studies. Suwalsky received a doctorate in American Studies at Saint Louis University in 2010. Father Thomas A. Lawler has been appointed the next provincial of the Wisconsin Province, and Father Michael F. Weiler has been appointed next provincial of the California Province. They will assume their posts this summer. On January 9, 2011, De Smet Jesuit High School hosted the Missouri Province’s annual celebration of three groups of volunteers working in St. Louis — the Alum Service Corps, the Ignatian Volunteer
Corps, and the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. Father Douglas Marcouiller, provincial of the Missouri Province, referred to the 42 volunteers as “a close-knit group of friends — friends with each other and with the poor.” The biennial institute sponsored the National Jesuit Brothers Committee, will take place in St. Louis from June 18 to 23, 2011. This year’s institute, titled “Jesuits and the Sciences Together,” is open to all Jesuits. Among the featured activities will be presentations on the Vatican Observatory, medical ethics, and archeology.
Winter 2011
Room to Please
Fusz Pavilion Is on Its Way to Completing a Major Renovation and Expansion
oving day can be a confusing mess, and on the surface it looked that way on Nov. 15, 2010, at Fusz Pavilion, the province’s skilled care facility in St. Louis. The Pavilion has occupied the third and fourth floors of Jesuit Hall since 1994 and is now in the process of undergoing a major renovation and expansion.
by Robert Burns Photography by Father Thomas Rochford
Planners had the difficult task of carrying out this project while at the same time making sure the men at Fusz were continuing to receive the care they need. While work was going on, staff members placed some residents in other rooms in the building, and contractors divided the task into two phases. In the first phase, which was completed in October, the Pavilion was expanded to include most of the second floor of Jesuit Hall, and this floor along with the fourth floor was renovated and made ready for occupancy. The move to the new space took only about three hours, but the process involved months of planning. When residents were taken to their new rooms, they found most of their possessions already in place, waiting to be rearranged to suit their taste. Most rooms are
Spaciousness, in both the resident rooms and the common rooms, is the greatest advantage of the new facility
Previous page: Angie Steeg, staff, with Father Robert Sims; Gib Phillips, general contractor of the Fusz project, with Father Richard Comboy, minister and treasurer of Jesuit Hall. This page, from top: Father Donald Gelpi does not let the move interrupt work on his latest book; Father Robert Murphy surveys his new room; Shannon Schwab, assistant director of nursing, looks in on Gelpi.
Winter 2011 
almost twice the size of the old ones, and the wider bathrooms are built to accommodate wheelchairs. Father Donald L. Gelpi, a priest from the New Orleans Province, is a theologian and author who taught for many years at the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, Calif. Living with multiple myeloma, he moved to 8 Jesuit Bulletin
The new chapel is able to accommodate wheelchairs without crowding.
St. Louis to take advantage of the excellent medical treatment available at the Siteman Cancer Center and to make use of Saint Louis University’s superb Pius XII library to continue his research and finish the book he is writing. Since arriving at the Pavilion, he has completed one of its two final chapters. Gelpi is delighted with his new room. Before he moved in, he had no place to keep his books. “When I left JSTB my colleagues gave me a $300 gift certificate to buy books,” he said. “Now I’ll have room for them.” He has a modest library carefully arranged in a closet, and he is on his way to filling up two new bookcases. On moving day, he wasted no time in getting to work. He was busy at his computer even before his bed was put in place. “Everything is easier here,” he says, “and there is plenty of room for everything.” In the old quarters, he noted, they had to use a cramped section of the dining room for his exercise class. Now he can stretch out.
Father William S. Udick was a professor at Regis University and practicing clinical psychologist until his retirement. Old football injuries have come back to haunt him, and his deteriorating condition brought him to the Pavilion four years ago. Recently he lost the use of both legs and, partly, the use of his right hand. He is grateful for the highly complex motorized wheelchair he is learning to use, and the ease with which he is able to negotiate the halls, the new chapel, and the dining room. He also enjoys the bright lighting, the appointments in his room, and a splendid eastern view of the city. “I’ve seen some beautiful sunrises since I have been here,” he said. Spaciousness, in both the resident rooms and the common rooms, is the greatest advantage of the new facility, according to Ken Wooters, director of nursing. In addition to a larger chapel, activity area, community room, and dining room, the new Fusz boasts a visitors parlor, a reading room, and a sunroom. When phase two, the renovation
Ken Wooters, director of nursing, and Shannon Schwab, assistant director; Ebony Taylor, staff, with Father Robert Murphy; Robin Hurn, staff, lends a helping hand.
of the third floor, is completed, Fusz will be able to accommodate 27 people. The Jesuits at the new Pavilion have more pleasant, and roomy, surroundings to continue their final mission — to pray for the Society and the Church. J
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Winter 2011
Higher Education at the Margins by Father Thomas M. Rochford
ope Benedict XVI warmly encouraged the Jesuit delegates to the 35th General Congregation when he met with them in a private audience in February 2008. One phrase he used in his address has resonated with Jesuits worldwide and has become a motif for our work. The Holy Father said that we were “sent to the margins” in our service of the poor and our engagement with a secular world distant from religion. Regis University is living out that phrase as it plays a key role in the new project called “Jesuit Commons — Higher Education at the Margins” (JC-HEM) sponsored by the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) and a coalition of Jesuit schools called the Jesuit Commons. Capable students trapped in refugee camps in Malawi, Kenya and Syria are getting their first opportunity to do university studies using new distance education techniques. Eventually the program aims to offer a university education to refugees across the world via the internet and on-line learning approaches. Regis plays a central role because it offers credits that will result in a diploma for the refugee students in camps. In September 2010, 67 students from the Kakuma camp in Kenya and the Dzaleka camp in Malawi enrolled in the 10 Jesuit Bulletin
diploma program. They come from Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The JRS center in Aleppo, Syria, will be the third location, serving mainly refugees from Iraq. Refugee camps have the bad habit of enduring far beyond the first emergency stage when war drives people away from their homes. The average stay in a refugee camp is 18 years. In that time a generation will pass away without either returning to its home or being resettled, while another generation will have been born and educated without ever seeing its homeland. Some never will. Jesuit Commons — Higher Education at the Margins traces its origin to a conference that Regis University sponsored in November 2006. The Jesuit Universities Worldwide Conference on Adult and Distance Learning brought together 126 participants from the United States, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Columbia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Australia, the Philippines, Micronesia, Spain, Belgium, Ireland, Lebanon, and Kenya. One of the outcomes conference planners hoped to achieve was “to explore the possibility of international collaboration between institutions.” Father Michael Smith and four university colleagues from Australia captivated the imagination of the participants when they told their story of providing university education to Burmese refugees living in Thailand. Conference attendees agreed that the Society needed to develop a systematic, strategic and corporate way of bridging the geographic and cultural distances that separate Jesuit academic resources and Jesuit social apostolates serving people on the margins. Conversations
began that led to Jesuit Commons, which is organized as a non-profit organization to provide a virtual, online, meeting place for Jesuits and colleagues to find ways of bridging the distance. After the conference Regis University began colla– borating with the program in Thailand. Father Michael Sheeran, Regis’ president, also offered five scholarships to faculty at Loreto College in Nairobi, Kenya. Those faculty members have finished their programs and are now applying both the content of what they learned and new methods of adult education. Regis has just begun a new relationship with Charles Lwanga Teachers College in Chikuni, Zambia. As Jesuit Commons moved from concept to reality, leaders from the United States visited the Jesuit headquarters in Rome and began a conversation with JRS about collaborating on a pilot project. Dr. Mary McFarland from Gonzaga University in Spokane, visited the Australiansponsored program in Thailand in 2009, and then became director of JC-HEM in 2010. JC-HEM is a pilot project that will run for four years and aims to train four cohorts of 30 students. Each course will comprise three credits delivered over eight weeks. A year of study will comprise 15 credits and lead to the award of a Certificate of Completion accredited by Regis University. Three years of study (15 courses/45 credits) will comprise a Diploma. Last September Dr. William J. Husson, Regis University Vice-president for Professional Studies and Strategic Alliances, helped McFarland conduct interviews for prospective students at the Kakuma refugee camp. The program has a special focus called “Community Leadership Tracks” that bring together the expertise of faculty in Jesuit Commons with practitioners within the refugee populations. Community Leadership Tracks are envisaged for specific needs such as counselling, community health and education, developmental disabilities assistants and teacher in-service. Work and discussion groups made up of experts in Jesuit universities and onthe-ground experts of JRS will together decide and implement the kind of support or training that might best serve refugee populations. “This is a new, untested venture,” McFarland said. “It relies on a partnership among multiple institutions to develop a unique model of education in low-resource settings. There is no ‘playbook’ for what we have attempted to do. Our model is dependent on the assumption that we will attract sufficient numbers of faculty from Jesuit universities willing to teach online courses from time to time as volunteers who will not be compensated.”
The learning model is highly dependent on technology access; students and teachers will have to communicate across continents. Students will be working in very low resource settings with limited or no internet access at present. Missouri Jesuit Father Bert Otten is serving as a consultant for energy issues. He spent several weeks in the Dzaleka camp exploring the use of solar panels to get electrical energy to run the computers. Otten is a retired professor of engineering at Seattle University who now lives in Chikuni Mission in Zambia where he works on alternative technology solutions. Work progresses on several fronts. An inter-university curriculum committee is shaping the courses that will be offered. Kinoti Meme is a Regis faculty member originally
Mary McFarland and Bill Husson interview potential students.
from Kenya who is helping to adapt the curriculum to African realities. In the camps technicians are setting up local networks of computers and internet connectivity to provide a platform for distance learning. Microsoft formally adopted Jesuit Commons as an approved recipient of Microsoft Giving Campaign so the refugee students will have fully licensed software to use. Projects like JC-HEM and others that use the increasing reach of technology offer the promise of breaking down the concept of “the margins” and pushing back the boundaries that separate us. J
M O R E we b ON THE
View slide show: www.jesuitsmissouri.org/jb More information: www.jesuitcommons.org
Winter 2011
ignatian spirituality
Making the Gift of Death Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.
— invocation at time of imposition of ashes on Ash Wednesday
I by Father David L. Fleming
12 Jesuit Bulletin
t may seem strange to speak of the gift of death. For anyone who professes faith in Jesus Christ there is the attempt, every time we celebrate the reality of the Eucharist, to live the reality of making to God a gift of death. Living this reality does not come easy because of both traditional understandings of death and present cultural denials of death. From a biblical perspective, death is seen in the book of Genesis as a punishment for the sin of the first human beings. Death, even for a people acknowledging a God of life, seemed to bring an end to all things. It took long centuries for the Israelite faith to begin thinking in terms of a human life beyond death. Even at the time of Christ and the apostle Paul, there was still a major difference between the Pharisees and the Sadducees about the possibility of resurrection of the dead. Although we Christians believe in the resurrection of Jesus as the “first fruits,” and so the promise
of our own bodily resurrection, our theological context has still tended to emphasize the punishment aspect of dying. Much of our attempt to explain the Passion and Death of Jesus continues to focus on his own having to suffer the punishment of death, though he was sinless. Death, in all its darkness, becomes focused in Jesus’ quoting the opening words of the psalm, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” As many biblical scholars have pointed out, the psalm is not an abandonment psalm, but a psalm emphasizing the giving-over of one’s being into God’s hands. The meaning of death as a gift takes on a special emphasis when we consider Ignatian spirituality. In his famous Suscipe (“Take and Receive”) prayer in the final prayer exercise outlined in the Fourth Week of the Spiritual Exercises, Ignatius has us enter into a prayer of lovers. The lovers are God and ourselves.
As he has indicated in a pre-note to the exercise, lovers share what they have with the beloved. When we then try to name what we can share with God of what we have, we realize that everything we have is gift from God. Do we have anything of “our own” that we could give God? The Ignatian prayer [Sp Ex 234] is ex– pressed as follows: Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, My understanding, and my entire will — all that I have And call my own. You have given it all to me. To You, Lord, I return it. Everything is yours; do with it what You will. Give me only your love and your grace. That is enough for me.
Ignatius suggests in his prayer “all my liberty, my memory, my intellect, and all my will.” Some people have heard these words as a negative way of praying. Rather, what Ignatius highlights are the gifts that I can claim as uniquely my own personal qualities, and which I can give to God. What are these gifts? Liberty for Ignatius points to that potential I have to make choices. That potential belongs to me. God waits on my freedom. Only I can exercise it. By saying liberty, I identify that potential which is mine and offer it to God as a lover’s gift. When I next name memory, I point to all the memories that are rightly identified with my life’s experience. They are truly my memories — no one else has them in the way that I possess them, even people who may have gone through some of the same experiences with me. These memories are what I want to make a gift of to God because they are mine. Intellect is the third gift Ignatius names. Intellect includes all the understandings I have come to in my life; it is my way of understanding, just as some may ask me “how do you understand that?” My way of understanding may be right or wrong, wise or foolish, but it is
truly my way of understanding. That is what I offer as a love-gift to God. And finally there is the word freedom. Freedom indicates those choices I have made in life. For the actual decisions and choices that I have made, as I can say, “I have only myself to blame” (or take credit). In Ignatius’s prayer, this freedom is one more gift that I can give in my loving response to God. It is apparent to me that there is another gift I can make to God as a lover. It is the gift of my own death. My death is mine. God cannot know death. He must become incarnate in Jesus; it is in and through Jesus that God has the first experience to sharing in the gift of lovers, the gift that Jesus gives to God in his dying moment. Jesus has opened up that gift of death for all of us. We, too, can make a gift of our death — a love gift — that God would not have unless we as a loving gesture give our death over to God.
We are always fixed on that special moment of our life called our “dying.” It stands as the summation moment of a whole lifetime of returning ourselves to the God who created us and from whom we came. I am saying little new here when we realize that in offering ourselves with Jesus in every Eucharist, we are always trying to say that we are giving over the whole of ourselves with his Son to God. Since the Eucharist captures the moment of Christ’s total gift to God and to us in his dying, we are always fixed on that special moment of our life called our “dying.” It stands as the summation moment of a whole lifetime of returning ourselves to the God who created us and from whom we came. This moment can truly become the moment of our greatest gift shared with God — our making to God a love-gift of our death. J Winter 2011
jesuit lives
The Challenge of Changing Times M
y life as a Jesuit for 63 years began after my service in the navy during World War II. When I returned to St. Louis in Dec. 1946, I enrolled in the pre-med program at Saint Louis University. This was a half-hearted commitment, since I had thought for a number of years that I might have a Jesuit vocation. One evening I was taking the long walk back from the medical school to the main campus of the university. As I crossed the
Grand Avenue viaduct, I paused to gaze upon the trains flowing by beneath me, and I had the revelation that I was truly being called to become a priest. Just as I didn’t know the destinations of the trains trailing off in the distance, I would never have guessed the many paths and places, the people and tasks, that my life-changing decision would lead me to in the future. 14 Jesuit Bulletin
by Father Edward O’Brien
At St. Matthew’s in St. Louis
None of us could know at that time that the Church and the Society of Jesus, along with our culture as a whole, would undergo great changes during the coming years. My generation of Jesuits would be called to meet unforeseen challenges and be instruments of change. During my first priestly career as a religion teacher, the Society was challenged to rethink its Jesuit mission in our schools and develop programs that would support this mission. Later, during my time as a novice director and then as rector of the philosophate in our province, those of us charged with formation were challenged to look to our roots for inspiration as we rethought how best to guide our young men in their vocations. Throughout my Jesuit life I have been challenged always to think freshly, and to learn humbly from experience and from what others have taught me. I grew up in St. Margaret of Scotland Parish and went to St. Louis University High School. I left in my senior year when my family moved to San Diego to be with my father, who was a navy doctor. I enlisted in the navy in 1945 as soon as I turned 18, and served most of my time in northern China where our principal duty was to process the surrender of Japanese troops. When I discovered my vocation and sought to enter the Jesuit novitiate, I found that the door was not immediately thrown open for me. I needed first to overcome my poor mastery of Latin. After I struggled through Ceasar’s Gallic Wars for a semester, I was finally deemed a fit candidate.
Our course of studies included four years at St. Stanislaus Seminary for our novitiate and juniorate. Some of us were then sent to Spokane, where we did our three years of philosophy studies with scholastics from throughout the United States and Canada. I served the regency period of my formation as a teacher at St. Louis University High School, my alma mater. After three years of teaching, I studied theology for four years at St. Marys, Kansas. I began my travels abroad when I was sent to St. Bueno’s, in Wales, for my tertianship year. My world continued to grow larger as I studied with Jesuits from Britain, Zimbabwe, the United States, Canada, France, and Germany. In preparation for my further studies in Brussels, I spent two summers studying French in Paris and Lalouvesc, the Alpine village in the Rhone valley that is the resting place of St. John Francis Regis. In Brussels, I studied pastoral theology at the Institute for Religious Education with teachers who were considered experts in their field during those early days of Vatican Council II. I encountered students from all
over the world. It was an exhilarating experience to have my intellectual and cultural universe expanded so broadly.
The Call to Renewal I have been challenged always to think freshly, and to learn humbly from experience.
When I returned from my studies in Europe in 1963, I was assigned to the theology department at St. Louis University High School. I was able to apply what I had learned to real life as my colleagues and I sought to improve the religious education of our students. We lived through the upheavals in the Church following the Second Vatican Council, and were called to respond to the upheavals of the time, as our country experienced an unpopular war, assassinations, and a general questioning of traditional assumptions and institutions. In 1968, the 52 Jesuit high schools in the United States began to look for ways to cooperate with each other. They came together to work on many different task forces and groups. Their successes led to the formation of the Jesuit Secondary Education Association in 1970. The founding of this Winter 2011 
national group, and the self-examination that it encouraged, brought about the transformation of Jesuit high schools in this country. We were challenged to clarify the unique mission of our secondary schools, and to point the way for that mission to be realized. During this time I was appointed a member of the national executive committee, and named chairman of the group’s Commission on Religious Education. As part of our work, we developed courses in philosophy, literature, ethics, and moral theology. Taking its cue from the recommendations of the JSEA, St. Louis University High School was the first Jesuit secondary school to institute senior class service weeks of work with the poor and marginalized in our community. It was wonderful to be at the beginning of the movement to bring Jesuit secondary education into a fuller realization of its mission. My next assignment placed me at the doorway of a different kind of renewal. In 1973 I was appointed director of the Missouri Province novitiate. The Society of Jesus General Congregation 31 in 1965 and 16 Jesuit Bulletin
Harvesting grapes at St. Stanislaus Seminary.
1966 responded to the call of Vatican II for religious congregations to look to the original sources of their inspiration as they reexamined and renewed the structures of their communities and apostolates. Father Mike Harter, my assistant, and I had the opportunity to meet with Jesuits in novitiate work from around the country as we did this. We looked at our Constitutions and other Jesuit documents and examined the way we formed our novices, and we sought to improve our practices in the light of what we discovered. The novitiate experience of my generation, at St. Stanislaus in Florissant, was that of a cloistered life in the country. We moved our novitiate to Denver in 1975 to place it in the heart of urban life. In addition to their prayer and retreat experiences and their studies, novices became engaged in active apostolates throughout their two years at the novitiate. Today novices have many experiences in serving others and doing the kind of work they would continue to do for the rest of their lives as Jesuit priests and brothers.
Assignment in Africa
In January of 1982, near the end of my tenure as novice director, I discovered that Father Pedro Arrupe, our Superior General, was very interested in sending someone to help staff a new spirituality center in Kenya, East Africa. I wrote to Father Arrupe expressing my interest in being considered for the post. My offer was accepted, and I was directed to report to the Mwangaza Centre, in Karen, Kenya. This assignment opened up a whole new world for me. Father Trevor D’Souza, a long time missionary in the region, met me at the Nairobi airport when I arrived. We traveled into the hills near the Great Rift Valley to an old colonial farm compound that had been refurbished as the spirituality center. The first six months were hard work. We fixed up a chapel, and prepared 18 rooms where retreatants could stay. We even had warm showers for them when we could get water pumped in, which we couldn’t always count on.
At first, the two of us did much of the retreat direction. As we expanded we were joined by priests from Ireland, the United States, and India. We eventually had enough men to offer eight-day and 30-day retreats, and run workshops for lay development teams. We also traveled and gave retreats to priests and other religious in outlying areas of Kenya, and in Uganda, Sudan, Tanzania, and occasionally even Somalia. During this time the region was constituted as a Jesuit province with a novitiate in Tanzania. The Jesuits built a theologate in Nairobi for the formation of priests from all areas of sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar. I directed the eight-day retreat for the first group of men who came to the theologate for their studies. To know these men and the rich traditions from which they came was a wonderful experience.
which houses about half of the Jesuits in the Missouri Province. I helped out with the Masses at St. Francis Xavier (College) Church and served in a number of capacities at Saint Louis University. At one point Father Lawrence Biondi, the university president, asked me to take on the job of interim vice president for mission and ministry, where I supervised campus ministry programs on the Frost campus, the nursing school, the medical school, and the chaplains at St. Louis University hospital.
White House Retreat
St. Matthew’s Parish
A whole new chapter in my life opened in 1988 when I became pastor of St. Matthew’s, a dynamic parish in the heart of the black community in north St. Louis. I was also appointed superior of the Jesuit community of ten men that lived in the rectory, but whose principal apostolates were elsewhere. My time as pastor was an experience that deeply influenced the way I looked at people and the poor. I learned especially how hope sustained the community I served in what were sometimes the most terrible circumstances. Matt Ruhl, a young priest who lived with us and worked in our parish for two years, taught me how to be a better priest. I saw him try new things and risk failure as a newly ordained priest. His daring, and many successes, inspired me. My whole experience at St. Matthew’s completely energized me in a new way. I learned so much about the faith and hope of this richly blessed African American community, Catholic and Baptist, who were the lifeblood of this part of north St. Louis. In 1995 the provincial asked me to take up the work of minister and administrator of the large Jesuit community in Jesuit Hall,
With Father Richard Perl at White House Retreat.
My current apostolate is retreat director at the White House Retreat in St. Louis. It is a beautiful and peaceful retreat house on hills overlooking the Mississippi River, which has flourished as a magnet for retreatants since 1922. I had served there earlier as a retreat director for two brief periods, and in 2003 I was given the special grace to join the White House Retreat staff a third time. In June I began my 10th year working with the men and women, the religious, the diocesan priests and the Jesuits who come here for retreat or spiritual direction. They have helped me become deeply conscious of how profoundly the Lord is actively present everywhere, in everything, and in everyone. I am very grateful to the Lord for the people and places that have shaped my life and my memories these 63 years. J
Winter 2011
Oliver “Skip” Dulle
A Fresh Vision for an Ignatian Spirituality Program
by Robert Burns
18 Jesuit Bulletin
mportant birthdays — the ones that end in zero — are often a time of serious reflection for people of a certain age. Oliver “Skip” Dulle was 50 in 2003, and something that had been on the edge of his awareness started calling to him for attention. He belongs to Our Lady of Lourdes parish in St. Louis, which sponsors a group that goes every year for a weekend at the White House, a Jesuit retreat on the banks of the Mississippi River. This was the year he decided to join them — a birthday present to himself. In time, this simple decision and the retreat that followed would lead him to use his professional skills and personal talents to help others enrich their own spiritual lives. Dulle is chairman and president of his own business, Dulle and Co International. His company, which provides management services, focuses on nonprofit groups, trade associations, and in recent years representation of civic, trade, and business associations from abroad. Thirty-two years ago he quit his job at Ernst and Young, one of the country’s top accounting firms, to go into business for himself. He hoped to develop on his own the kind of clientele he wanted to work with. “People questioned the wisdom of that,” he said, “but I was much more afraid of feeling regret when I was 40 than failing when I was 66.”
A ribbon of windows offers an expansive view of the city throughout his suite of offices. We sit at a small round table as we talk, and Dulle occasionally swings around to his computer to show something relevant to our conversation. Comfortably dressed in shirt and tie, he offers me coffee as he talks about his retreat experiences, and of how he was inspired to get involved with White Housesponsored Manresan groups. “At first, I was a little intimidated by a silent three-day retreat,” he said. His father, who is 90 and had been going to the White House for years along with Dulle’s uncles, assured him it would be a good experience, and added that the food was really good there, too. There is a peaceful rhythm to a retreat. Everybody settles in on Thurday afternoon. In the evening they gather for a social time and dinner, and then enter into silence. There is daily Mass, scheduled talks, time for reflection, walking, rest, and meals. Some will skip a talk if they need more time to themselves, and priests are ready to meet with individuals for reconciliation or quiet conversation. After Sunday Mass, silence is broken with a closing luncheon and celebration. “I learned or relearned the art of sitting quietly,” Dulle said of the experience. “This is very hard for me to do by nature, but as I rested on those Adirondack chairs overlooking the river, I was able to sit silently and listen. Things came into my mind and heart that were useful and helpful. The talks, the silence, the time for reflection, were all great.” The retreat put him in touch once again with the Ignatian spirituality he learned from
his teachers at St. Louis University High School and Saint Louis University. When he returned home, he did more personal study and continued his daily practice of prayer and reflection. “It keeps you on track, even on a busy day,” he said. He eventually sought out one of the Manresan groups that are an offshoot of the White House program. For over 80 years, White House veterans who wanted to maintain the graces of the retreat throughout the year have formed these groups. They meet once a month, are served by a Jesuit spiritual director, and choose a format that suits the group’s needs. Today 13 groups meet, ranging in size from six to 12 people. They get together in homes, schools, parish centers, even restaurants. Many begin gatherings with an optional Mass. Eight meet in the evening, four meet in the morning, one meets in the afternoon. So far, all but one are men’s groups. Dulle first joined the group that gathers on the DeSmet Jesuit High School campus. He found spiritual companionship and nourishment, and discovered in himself a zeal that is familiar in the Jesuit tradition. He went on to organize a group in his parish, and after approaching David Laughlin, president of St. Louis University High School, helped form a Manresan group of school alumni. It meets on the fourth Friday of every month on the campus, and there is interest in starting another. “Groups have different personalities and different ways of proceeding,” he says. “My parish group uses as a guide the Retreat in Everyday Life from the Creighton University Online Ministries website. SLUH participants read a chapter from a spirituality book and use it as a basis for reflection and faith sharing. DeSmet is freewheeling with topics selected by each monthly host; they have found useful sources of inspiration in everything from the Devotions of the Sacred Heart to the mindfulness practices of Buddhism. No matter what we talk about, I can find something relevant to my life. The common thread
is personal spirituality, with an emphasis on Ignatian spirituality, and continued growth on the journey within that framework.” The Manresan groups, informal in structure and grassroots by nature, have always been loosely organized. Dulle, whose keen management eye could envision the program becoming more effective in building and maintaining community, and in getting
No matter what we talk about in a Manresan group, I can find something relevant to my life. the word out, offered to help in any way he could. He set up a website (www.manresan. org), built a database, and designated a contact person (Dulle) for anyone interested in joining or starting a group. When he first came onto the scene, the annual meeting of all the groups consisted of forty or fifty people getting together over coffee. Through his leadership, the gathering now features a dinner and guest speaker, and in recent years has attracted as many as 120 people. Membership has increased about 25 percent with 160 people now in the program. Dulle sees both his professional work and his volunteer work as a kind of ministry. “With both I try to bring stewardship, clearheaded thinking, and a little bit of vision, to people who do magnificent work,” he said. He is grateful for the gift of Ignatian spirituality, and he uses the talents that have made him a successful businessman to help bring this gift to others. J
More information: www.manresan.org www.whretreat.org
Winter 2011
we celebrate their lives
Father Thomas J. Steele Father Thomas J. Steele died in Denver, Colorado, on Oct. 25, 2010, at the age of 76. Born in St. Louis, he was a Jesuit for 59 years and a priest for 46 years. He was a professor of English, a scholar, art historian, curator, and writer in the field of Southwestern art and culture, and a parish priest. He taught English at Regis University for nearly 30 years, retiring in 1997 as professor emeritus. While at Regis, he wrote A Guidebook to “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” with fellow faculty member Ron Di Santo. Published in 1990, the book continues to be popular among students of the Robert Pirsig work. During his early acquaintance with New Mexico in
the 1960s, Steele developed an interest in santos, the devotional pictures and carvings of holy figures created by Hispanic Catholic artists in the area for over 300 years. He found in them a doorway to understanding the whole culture of the Hispanic Southwest. He wrote several books on the subject, most notably Santos and Saints: The Religious Folk Art of Hispanic New Mexico. He is responsible for the extensive Regis Santos Collection, which is housed in a small museum within the Regis University library. In 1997, after he retired from teaching, he moved to Immaculate Conception Church in Albuquerque, where he continued his writing and research while helping out with pastoral work in the parish. He returned to Denver last summer to join the Xavier Jesuit Community.
Father Joseph E. Brown Father Joseph E. Brown died at Fusz Pavilion in St. Louis on Nov. 14, 2010, at the age of 86. Born in Parsons, Kansas, he was a Jesuit for 67 years and a priest for 54 years. In his Jesuit life he was a psychologist, counselor, teacher, spiritual director, and founder of the We and God Spirituality Center. After ordination in 1956, he completed a doctoral degree in clinical psychology at Catholic University of America in Washington DC. In 1965 he received a joint appointment with the School of Medicine and with the School of Arts and Sciences at Saint Louis University, where he worked as a clinical psychologist at the Wohl
Mental Health Institute and taught in the Department of Psychology. He served as professor and psychologist at SLU until his retirement in 2001. During the 1960s and 1970s, he provided an invaluable service to the Missouri Province in conducting psychological evaluations of candidates for the Society of Jesus. His ministry included counseling services and spiritual direction to fellow Jesuits throughout his life. In 1967, he founded the We and God Spirituality Center, which distributed resources on prayer and spirituality written by Jesuit authors. Among those resources was a contemporary reading of the psalms that he wrote, entitled Jesus Sings the Psalms in Your Heart. His ministry of the center continued for over 30 years.
Father Raymond L. Windle Father Raymond L. Windle died at Fusz Pavilion in St. Louis on December 16, 2010, at the age of 82. Born in St. Louis, he was a Jesuit for 64 years and a priest for 51 years. In his Jesuit life he 20 Jesuit Bulletin
served as a teacher, administrator, and hospital chaplain. After ordination in 1959, he completed his master’s degree in comparative literature at Indiana University in Bloomington. He taught English at St. Louis University High School from 1962 to 1978. Among students he had a reputation as a gifted and demanding teacher. He especially
Father Francis X. Cleary Father Francis X. Cleary died at Fusz Pavilion in St. Louis on Dec. 8, 2010, at the age of 81. He was a Jesuit for 60 years and a priest for 47 years. Born in St. Louis, he served the local community his entire priestly life as a professor of theology, a newspaper columnist, and in pastoral ministry in parishes. After ordination in 1963, he completed a licentiate in Sacred Theology at Saint Louis University and a licentiate in Sacred Scripture at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome. He later earned a doctorate in Sacred Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian Institute in Rome.
Cleary taught Sacred Scripture at the School of Divinity at Saint Louis University from 1969 to 1976. After the School of Divinity closed, he joined the Department of Theological Studies at the university, and continued teaching for another 26 years. His demanding classes influenced a generation of students. As a widely read columnist for the St. Louis Review for 25 years, from 1980 to 2005, he provided weekly reflections on the Sunday scripture readings. He was a gifted preacher, and he regularly presided at Mass in St. Louis area parishes, most notably St. Joseph parish in Clayton, Missouri, and St. Clare of Assisi parish in Ellisville, Missouri.
Father Martin D. O’Keefe Father Martin D. O’Keefe died at Fusz Pavilion in St. Louis on Dec. 12, 2010, at the age of 75. He was a Jesuit for 57 years and a priest for 54 years. He served in a number of important posts at universities and within the Society of Jesus, but he is most noted as an editor and translator of Jesuit texts. A scholar of Latin and Greek, he earned a Ph.L. in Philosophy at Saint Louis University, and after ordination in 1966, completed a Ph.D. in Philosophy at Michigan State University. He then did post-doctoral studies at Heythrop College in London. He served as Dean of the College of Philosophy and Letters at Saint Louis University from 1970 to 1976. In
1973, while still serving as dean, he became the socius, until 1978, and provincial assistant for formation, until 1980, of the Missouri Province. O’Keefe then moved to Gonzaga University in Spokane to become vice president for administration and planning, and later, professor of philosophy. In 1991, he returned to St. Louis to become associate editor for the Institute of Jesuit Sources, a position he held until his death. His deep knowledge of Latin and meticulous editorial eye were the great gifts he brought to the English language versions of the Jesuit Sacramentary, the Jesuit Lectionary, and the Jesuit Supplement to the Divine Office. He also published Oremus, a translation of Mass prayers and prefaces and canons, as well as Exultemus, the Latin texts and English translations of all the hymns of the Liturgy of the Hours.
Father Raymond L. Windle (continued) enjoyed sharing with them his love of Shakespeare and Chaucer. Known nationally among teachers of English, he became a member of the national Advanced Placement English committee in 1970. While at SLUH he took a sabbatical for additional study, and to teach part-time at St. Joseph’s Preparatory School in Philadelphia, and at Bellarmine College Preparatory in San Jose, California. From 1978 to 1984, he worked at Saint Louis University, first in the admissions office, and then as
a teacher of Latin and Greek. He left the university to become a chaplain at St. Alexius Hospital in St Louis, a position he held until his retirement in 2007. He was devoted to responding to the pastoral and spiritual needs of the patients he served. ON THE MORE w eb
More information: www.jesuitsmissouri.org
Winter 2011
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Jesuit Association
The following people have been permanently enrolled in the Jesuit Association and are remembered in the prayers and works of the Jesuits of the Missouri Province. Living
Sheri Bocci August A. Bush iv Rev. Timothy Dawso Emily Deters Jerry Deters Luke Deters Sheila Deters Moore Dr. Neill Kennedy Judd Moore Will Moore Ursula Pierce Ann Sullivan James Waters
Julia Bach Joseph Balistrieri Mrs. Margie Bantle Robert P. Barnidge Francis J. Bassing Jr Mrs. Vera Barthol Larry Baur Michael G. Beck Ronald Belanger Alton Louis “Jocko” Bourg Sr Maria & Bill Brennan James E. Bresette III Fr. Joseph E. Brown SJ Johanna Bowen Errol Bunnell Dorothy Cabrey Bruce Michael Carlson Rosemary Calvert Ridenour Alma Cernikowski Fr. Francis X. (Frank) Cleary SJ Dr. Donald S. Cobb
Mary Lou Colligan Ortbals Thomas M. Coonan Jr Laura Cordova Thomas P. Costello The Crimmins Family Mr. LeVelle Crosby Thomas P. and Regina A. Cox Rosemary Dades Elise Daues Mary Carole DeBlaze Phillip James Degnan Jr Al Delaney Fr. Thomas F. Denzer SJ Ernest Desperito Jerry Dexter Peter & Elizabeth Diederich Walt Duvall John P. Edwards Br. Francis Estevez SJ Brian Euston Janet Figlino Sister Rosemary Fiori SL Rev. Joseph P. Fisher SJ Bobbie Ford Donald G. Foster Fr. John C. Futrell SJ Elsie Flynn Chester E. Gaiter SJ Mary Margret Gentry Margaret Gerber Margaret Giblin Leonard Gillam Lorraine Glanowski Eusebia S. Guazo Charles Goodale Charles Douglas Haake Ken Hawk
Joseph C. Heilmann Ginny Hennessy Bill Hillenbrand Edna Mae Hoffmann Al F. and Loretta Margaret Holmes Edwin James “Ed” Huber David J. Huddleston Gordon Hummel Katie Jackson Naoma E Jung Christina Katzer Alverta Keith Marge Klaus Hellen Jane Kennedy Lydia J. Koropecky Mrs. Kovachick Festus Krebs Jr Kim Kriva Veto LaSala Mae Leal Jayne Leighty David John M. Leykam Andrew E. Libera Albert Liese James Linehan Mrs. Richard (Maggi) Littmann Lola Lombardo Wayne Lowe The McNamara Family Robert Joseph Martin Mrs. Vera Martine Pam Mathi F. Wallace “Wally” Maull Bob McDonald Joseph Keith McFarland Antoinette McGowan
Virginia McMenamy Don C. Mennucci Pauline Mettes Florence Meyer Richard (Dick) N. Meyers Charles Milewski Joan Miller Frank Monfort V.C. Muckenthaler Grace Mueller Elizabeth Mullins Chester Myers Louis Nolan Fr. Martin D. O’Keefe SJ Mary T. Otto Michael Palumbo Fr. William J. Parsons SJ William Patterson Leonard W. Pavlicek Regina Pawloski Hilda Peregrina’s sister Stephen Philipak Thomas E. Phillips Sr Mrs. Donna Polak Clarann Pollnow-Budke Fred Portell Eugene Reed Geofrey W. Reisch Mary Rigby Dr. Thomas Rizzo Mrs. Pauline Roth John Alphonse Schreiber III Frank M. Scherer Esther Scheyer Fr. Frederick Schuller SJ James J. Schwartze William H. Sheffield MD
Kathleen Singer Irene Soraci Frank A. Sosna Max J. Starkloff Jeannette Steck Fr. Thomas J. Steele SJ Robert L. Stellern Grace Stocker Mary Striffer Margaret Stropes Dr. William Stryker Michael Sullivan Thomas Taylor John P. Teeling SJ Mrs. Claire J. Tieber Norma Timmer Anton Tomazevic Elaine Tomes Beverly Trout Kennedy Mark Tychonievich Clifford D. Uhlig Mrs. Nina Vascellaro Mark Videtto William J. Vize Gert Von Gontart John Francis Weller Patricia Welsh Barbara A.Westrich Bernice C. Whaley Aaron Ryan Williams Basil Williams Helen Williams Fr. Raymond L. Windle SJ Larry Wohldmann Luke Wojcicki
Those enrolled in the Jesuit Association share in all the Masses, prayers, and apostolic labors of the Jesuits of the Missouri Province. At the time of enrollment, they are remembered in a special Mass. To find out how to send a message of condolence or memorial contribution in honor of an individual or family that also supports the works of the Jesuits and their colleagues: Please visit our website www.jesuitsmissouri.org or call 1-800-325-9924, or write us at: Jesuits of the Missouri Province • 4511 West Pine Boulevard • St. Louis, MO 63108-2191
Jesuit Bulletin XC v Number 1 v Winter 2011 Editor.................................... Thomas M. Rochford SJ Editor........................................... David L. Fleming SJ Executive Editor..................................... Robert Burns Art Director............................................ Tracy Gramm Editorial Staff..................................... Mary Ann Foppe
The Jesuit Bulletin is published and distributed by the Jesuits of the
Photo Credits: Cover and page 2, Thomas M. Rochford. Page 3, Mike G. Harter.
of the Jesuits of the Missouri Province, 4511 West Pine Boulevard, St. Louis,
Missouri Province. v All communications about editorial matter should be addressed to the editor at: 3601 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri 63108-3393. v All communications about change of address, memberships, burses, and requests should be addressed to Mr. Thom M. Digman, Advancement Office Missouri 63108-2191. v See our website: www.jesuits-mis.org.
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