Jesus Calls (English) - April 2017

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Our address: Karunya Educational & Research Trust, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Email: Website: - April 2017 JESUS CALLS


“Return to your fortress, O prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you.” (Zechariah 9:12) God declares that He is going to restore twice and bring back in double measure all that you have lost. He is going to give you honor and praise for every shame that you have gone through and double your blessing. This is the heart of God. God is determined in His heart not just to give a blessing to His children, but grant a double portion of all that they have lost, considering the agony they have gone through. It is not just for you, but for your family and as well as for who are dependent on you.

Job and his restoration “…The Lord made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had before.” (Job 42:10) The Bible reveals that Job received whatever he lost in double measure as he prayed for his friends for them to be forgiven of the curse they had inflicted on themselves for unjustly heaping acquisitions on Job. When Job forgave and prayed for the salvation of his mockers, God delivered Job from his captivity and restored everything that he had lost in double measure. It is necessary that we do what Job did in order to get out of our captivity and bondages and enjoy the blessings destined by God for us in double measure. Many times we wonder why God takes us through situations of losses in our life which leads to people mocking at us, even though we had lived righteously. God's path for us to gain His blessings in double measure is a path of fiery affliction through which he moulds us into His image 4

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as gold is made pure by fire. The Lord breaks our human spirit through the fiery furnace of affliction making us come to a point where we are not able to depend nor have anyone to depend on to help us live in this world anymore. Even if there are well wishers who pity us, they will also be helpless, unable to help us. But many times God allows mockers to surround us. The book of Psalms and Job is a reality to this. But then when we are left only with mockers around us, the Lord’s Spirit empowers us (Romans 8:26) and strengthens us to pray the prayer of forgiveness for our "enemies" (Psalm 23:5) to become God's children as our Lord. Jesus prayed on the cross because of which He received the power to be resurrected from death conquering death itself! You too shall receive the power to come out of your "captivity" as you do this and lead those mockers to be saved, becoming more than a conqueror yourself. Return to this fortress of forgiving others through the blood of Lord Jesus and your bondage whatever it be, shall be broken and you shall have double measure of blessings as destined by God. After that "Surely mercy and goodness shall follow you all the days of your life.” You will dwell under God's protection with no evil able to touch you all the rest of your days. Secondly, as the book of Job begins, one finds that Job had been praying only for his children. So

God took away all that he was praying for. And then God put His prayer in Job's mouth. The prayer of forgiveness for others specially for those who wounded him unjustly, beyond the ability for him to bear, so that they would not be judged. All human beings expect God to avenge one's righteousness by destroying those who wrongfully accuse them. But God's thoughts are not as humans think. It's much higher. His thoughts are to use the broken heart of the afflicted righteous person to mend the one who afflicts and heals their sinful soul through those prayers offered for them to be cleansed by God's love. A display of God's love through our brokenness to heal those who tried to break us! We are indeed not our own but we are His to reflect His image for this wicked world to be saved and not perish. Though we are put in despair we are not broken. We overcome and pray for forgiveness through the one who loved us. It is then we are delivered from our captivity and receive God's double portion in the family, as possessions, long life, love of all, beautiful children, name and honour. “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.” (Matthew 19:29,30) As we obey to deny our pride

and forgive and pray for those who hurt us for them to be sanctified to reach heaven without being punished in this world, the Lord will give us hundred times the blessings on earth and also give us eternal life. Your suffering is for a short while. God's compensation is for long since your soul would never depend or fear what man does. It will only rejoice in God's love and gives you the power to forgive keeping your heart as God's temple, never allowing sin of revenge through one's self pride and the fear of men to ever come into it.

Journey of Elisha to Double-fold Blessing (2 Kings 2:1-15) Elisha received double portion of the spirit of God which was upon Elijah. But he had to go through struggles before receiving it. Elisha patiently walked with Elijah wherever he went and insisted on following him though Elijah repeatedly told him, “You stay here let me go on.” Elisha confessed that he was not going to leave his master but follow him till the end. Elisha was made to go through different unique places before he could receive the double portion of blessing.

Path of Gilgal The first place that he went through was Gilgal (2 Kings 2:1). Gilgal is the place of Sanctification (Joshua 4:19). It’s a place of preparation to inherit the land. Joshua stayed there first before he - April 2017 JESUS CALLS


could go on to inherit the promised land of the Israelites. It is in that

God (Joshua 5:2-9). The first place in our life for us to enjoy God's

trying to bring down double portion of anointing. It never happens. I

place Joshua says, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will

double measure of blessing is "Circumcision of our hearts from the

needed to be transformed to posses God's heart of love not my hu-

do wonders among you” (Joshua 3:5). It is necessary that we have


man heart of judgement because of my pride.

to sanctify ourselves before we could get the double portion. I was 18, when I was transformed and called by God to minister to people. I was expecting God to do wonders, signs and miracles straightaway for people when I prayed for them and millions to throng to hear me. Since God had spoken through many saying, “You will have a double portion of the anointing that your father Brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran has,” whom God was using greatly then. But God's ways are much higher. He has to lift us up to that level before He begins to fulfil those great plans and prophesies that He has given us. The Lord told me, "Son, though I was empowered by God at the age of 12, I was not used by My Father in heaven until I was 30 years of age. For 18 years I had to be obedient to My earthly parents and grow in wisdom, stature, grace in the eyes of God and favour with men. There is a growing up period and a cleansing period." Be at Gilgal first, the place where all your fleshly attachment and human thinking is cut off.

It was in Gilgal that Joshua circumcised all male children off their foreskins to have the physical identity to show that they were different from other people cutting off the nature of living by the flesh and the worldly desires but in obedience to God's life of purity and trust in 6

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Once I was preaching in a meeting, declaring that God would do mighty miracles if only they believed in Him. But I was distracted by a lady sitting in the crowd right in front and looking in the opposite direction all through my sermon. I kept on looking at her while preaching instead of focusing on God. While preaching a powerful sermon, I was thinking within me “Why should this lady come here and look in a different direction.” I was angry. The meeting got over and the people were coming in a line to receive prayer from me. I saw someone escorting that same lady who was looking in different direction, to meet me. As soon as she came she said, “My son I have been waiting for you to come and pray for me. I don’t have sight in my eyes and I don’t have the hearing capacity in one ear. I always turn my ears to listen very carefully.” It is then I realized she could hear only from one ear and that was the reason why she did not look straight. I had judged her wrongly. Before I prayed for her, firstly I prayed for myself to be forgiven since I had judged her unjustly. I felt like taking her hand, putting it upon me and asking her to pray for my forgiveness. What a wretched man I was! With wretchedness in my heart, I was

The first path is sanctification. Man looks at the face, but God looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). “Out of the abundance of your heart, your mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34). God is looking for a heart that would be sanctified so that He could make it His temple and through that He would bring forth the double portion to His people. God is willing to give us this kind of heart. Never judge anybody, but let us humble ourselves more and more and ask God to cleanse us more and more. We are not our own but His. So we need to carry Him and be circumcised of our pride and nature. Ask God for this grace. “How much more, then, will the blood of Christ who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!” (Heb 9:14)

Path of Bethel After crossing Gilgal, Elijah said God is sending him to Bethel and asked Elisha to stay back. But Elisha was firm in his plan of following his master there too. Bethel is the place where God’s promises and prophecies come to us. When

God sanctifies us, God shows us the purpose of our life. He doesn’t leave us as orphans in this world. He says “In a little while I will come to you” (John 14:18; 16:19, 20). After the sanctification process is over, He comes to us. Many times when we go through the sanctification process we feel we are in darkness. We feel like going

flowing and I will bring you back.” God clearly told him what he had

the place was shut up. This is how one should follow the guidance of

for him. God has a plan for each one of us. The Lord declares,

the Holy Spirit. We could see how God raised Rahab who was con-

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

sidered a sinful woman in the city but God chose that person to open

through fire all alone. But God

Those plans come in our way to

says, “You will see Me again and

make us get the double portion. God

your sorrow will turn into joy. I will

reveals those plans through His

also tell why I have called you and

prophecy. He also says that in the

I will tell you the purpose of your

last days He will pour out His Spirit

life. I will tell you whether you

upon all flesh and sons and daugh-

the city for the Israelites. God chose one Samaritan woman who was living with five husbands to bring salvation to her village. God always chooses ordinary people and makes sure that they depend on Him and not on other human beings, including their family members. God will also give you simple people, who were considered to be

should be in business and serve Me or into full-time ministry or be a school teacher and serve or be a house wife and serve Me or be a father/mother and serve Me.” God thus reveals specific plans for each one of us. We could find Jacob staying

God wants you to enjoy your family life first and He will transform your family and make everyone resemble like Jesus Christ. There will be heaven in your home.

overnight in a lonely place. He was all alone, cast away from his fam-

ters will prophesy and the young

sinners by the world. They will be

ily (Genesis 28:12-19). Actually he

men shall see visions (Acts 2:17).

your friends and will work with you

went through the sanctification pro-

Path of Jericho

to build the kingdom of God.

cess with no one around him. God

Elijah then goes to Jericho with

God has a unique plan for you.

always brings us to a position of

Elisha following him. Jericho is a

God has unique people chosen for

loneliness, removing all support

place which was shut to the Isra-

you in your life, in your family and

from our family and the world. He

elites (Joshua 6:1). When we see

in your ministry to take you through

was lying there with a stone under

the doors are shut, we may expe-

and opens the doors of cities and

his head. He had a vision in which

rience discouragement. The proph-

nations. Do not under-estimate

he saw angels ascending and de-

ets came to Elisha and said, “God

anybody whom God sends in your

scending. The Lord said to him,

is going to take away your master

life. Husbands, do not think low of

“My son, I will multiply you and

and you need not follow him.” But

your wives; wives, do not disregard

your generations and they will

Elisha was firm in his determina-

your husbands. Children, do not

spread everywhere. They will be

tion and rebuked them not to speak

disrespect your parents; parents,

blessed and they will be a blessing

about not following his master. He

do not under-estimate your

for many. You will have riches over-

wanted to follow Elijah even though

children. - April 2017 JESUS CALLS


The Bible says, “An unbelieving husband is sanctified by the believing wife; an unbelieving wife is sanctified by the believing husband.” (1 Cor. 7:14) Many times we say, “What good will come out of my family members? They are living under my custody. How can I trust them?” My friends! It is through them God will build you into a person to have double portion. First you build your family. Your family is precious to God. “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved-you and your household.” (Acts 16:31) He wants you to enjoy your family life first. And He will transform your family and make everyone resemble Jesus Christ. There will be heaven in your home. These are the days when God is going to bless the family and unite every member of the family with Him and through which the double portion of blessing will come upon the nations. It begins in your family. Everyone in your family will become respectable people with all the revelations and prophecies. Many times when I feel broken in my spirit, I will not be able to hear God’s voice. But when my wife prays, God speaks through her and gives me solutions for the problems that have been disturbing me. I appreciate her and say, “You are the prophetess of God.” We have three grown up children. Even while 8

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they were about 10 years old God filled them with the Holy Spirit. They would pray in their young age in big crusades and thousands would be filled with the Holy Spirit. When we sit together for family prayer, many a time I go with great burden, burden about the multitude of people who throng to Jesus Calls Prayer Towers and Crusades, oppressions from outside world and many struggles. When God says something to be implemented I become responsible and feel burdened if it is not done immediately. I sit there in the family prayer with those struggles, anxieties and disappointments. Suddenly, my little daughter would pray and without knowing my heart and burdens would amazingly speak the exact answer for my problems and burdens. I would kiss her and tell her that God spoke to me through her. She would be amazed!

so far, walked with him. Jordan is a place which is over flowing with

This is how you get double por-

will make the crooked paths straight.

tion in your family. God is going to do the same in your family. You may say it is impossible. But that is where it starts. He makes you

the waters. Before you get the double portion, God takes you to the place which is a hindrance to you and the waters will overflow. We see in the scripture that before any miracle could happen, there would be waters blocking them. The Red Sea was there in front of the Israelites before they could cross over to the Promised Land. Peter was sinking in the waters before he walked on the water held by the Lord. Jonah sank into the waters before he brought a city to repentance. Elijah and Elisha were standing before the overflowing waters of Jordan just before Elijah’s ascension. Elijah took his cloak and struck the waters and Jordan gave way for them. The Lord says, “I will go before you. I I will give you the riches that are hidden and the treasures which are in the darkness. I will do it, I will go before you” (Isaiah 45:2,3).

enjoy His word through your fam-

The greatest miracle was when

ily members and unites your fam-

the Lord Jesus Christ went through

ily, and then the double portion

the water baptism before entering

comes so that you become a bless-

into the miraculous ministry. When

ing to the nation. It is beginning to-

Jesus allowed Himself to be baptized

day in your life. And then God will

by John, the Holy Spirit came upon Him and He was ready to do the works of God (Matthew 3:13-16). By the Spirit of God, we are transformed from glory to glory into the image of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 3:18).

give you ordinary people who would do extraordinary things. Let not your heart be troubled.

Path of Jordan Finally, Elijah goes to Jordan.

You will be transformed into the

Elisha who faithfully followed him

image of Jesus Christ at Jordan as

you totally surrender and go forward. None of your ideas or the doctrines or the precious things of the world will ever stand between you and God’s plan. You will focus only on God and His revelation through the Holy Spirit. You will never be sad or anxious after that, as you will be led by the Lord Jesus Christ. You will say “I have God of miracles going before me. I am not going to plan anything on my own and I will just do the work assigned to me.” A ‘Jordan River’ may go before you. You will never be frustrated but you will see the wonders of God. We will just have to do what He asks us to do and He will do the rest. No more worries and that’s the last station in our journey. When the whirlwind came, the chariot of fire came, Elijah tells Elisha, “Keep looking at me and as you see me go, my spirit will come upon you.” The mantle of Elijah fell upon Elisha and he had double portion of the spirit that was on Elijah. Today surrender and go through these paths not with a man but with the Spirit of Jesus and you'll be transformed into His image to enjoy double blessing and display double of God's power and love to the world. “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” (John 14:12) GOD BLESS YOU.

“...all those who were around them encouraged them with articles of silver and gold.. and with precious things, besides all that was willingly offered” (Ezra 1:6) BY DEMAND DRAFT/CHEQUE: Drawn in favour of ‘Jesus Calls’ payable at Chennai can be sent by registered post to the address: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. THROUGH PRAYER TOWER: You may donate through debit cards in the nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. THROUGH THE AMBASSADORS: You may give your donation to the ‘Jesus Calls’ ambassador who serves in your local area and get the receipt. To identify the ambassador, contact the Prayer Tower in your area. THROUGH WEBSITE: You may send your offering through our website using credit card/debit card/net banking in a secure way. THROUGH BANK: Beneficiary: JESUS CALLS Account No: 60002010018005 Bank: Syndicate Bank, Chennai Armenian Street Swift Code: SYNBINBB007 IFSC: SYNB0006000 6. THROUGH POST OFFICE: You may send your donation through Money Order & EMO. Donations also can be sent by ‘Mobile Money Transfer’ through Post Offices to the number 9840900480. Thru’ Mobile APP: You may send your donation, using the Jesus Calls Mobile APP in your Android phone. THRU’PAYTM: Donation may be sent through Paytm by scanning QR Codes in your mobile phone. If you send your donation by Bank Transfer or Mobile Transfer mode, it is not possible for us to get your name and address. So, when you send your donation by using these modes, please send us your name and address or your contact telephone number soon after sending your donation by contacting the toll free number 1800 425 77 55 or by sending SMS to 90940 99977 or by sending Email to This would help us send reply to you, with prayers.

Dear partner, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family will pray for your prayer requests and send the reply to you. Address to send your prayer requests: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028. Email: Prayers will be offered for you in the 24 hours Prayer Tower. - April 2017 JESUS CALLS


D. Jesudas

While these were news articles that flashed across different Media, and the desperation among the business community was overwhelming, Jesus Calls partners of the “Business Blessing plan” are experiencing something different!

Here is a testimony of a partner testifying the goodness of the Lord who is a “living testimony” blessed through ‘Business Blessing Plan’ “I had my own fishing boat and did fishing for my livelihood. But as days passed we went through severe financial struggle. I had to pledge my wife’s jewels in the bank to maintain the family. Finally, with no income in hand we were burdened with heavy debts. We struggled for 15 years in this manner. We lost all our peace in the family. I could not pay for my children's education. Finally, I sold my boat and worked for others in the fishing industry. Added to this, my health was also badly affected. I had heart problem and underwent angioplasty. I was advised not to go for fishing. In this situation, I started writing letters conveying my prayer requests to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry. I visited the Bangalore Prayer Tower for prayers. It was there I enrolled myself in the “Business Blessing Plan”. A prayer intercessor prayed with faith “You will see neither wind nor rain, yet this valley will be filled with water” (2 Kings 3:17). Once again I went for the medical check up. The doctors then, 10

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were amazed at my improvement. He said that since my health had so drastically improved I could continue my fishing business. I was very happy indeed. Just a year ago, I got acquainted with a leading company in the fishing business who took me as his co-partner. Without any investments he accepted me. This caused me to gain financially. Recently, blessings have started to pour in. I am so healthy now at the age of sixty. The lost money has come back. My wife’s jewels have been redeemed from the bank after twelve years. Earlier we did not have an own house but now God has blessed us with our own house. Another great joy is that my daughter is scheduled to be married next month. What a great Jesus we have. He has turned all my sorrow into joy. We are so happy in the Lord and praise God for ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry.” - D. Jesudas, Udupi, Karnataka.

Jesudas is one among more than 60,000 Business Blessing Plan partners who have decided to make Jesus Christ as their mentor to conduct business not only to earn a livelihood and support their families, but also to be a channel of blessing to the millions of broken-hearted people around the world. They have not allowed the state of national economy to influence their decision to work closely with the Jesus Calls ministry to touch billions of hurting people, wiping away their tears and bringing them hope through the various free services of the Ministry...round-the-clock telephone prayer tower services, counselling prayer from

8am to 8pm at 108 Prayer Towers, Web and Social media ministry, TV ministry reaching over 10 million households through over 470 programs each month across 22 channels in 9 different languages. The Lord revealed the Business Blessing Plan to me in January 2007, to pray for people who were already involved in business, or were making a decision to do so. The “Business Blessing Meetings” are held regularly at all our Prayer Towers. We pray for partners enrolled in this plan, as well as their businesses, to provide spiritual nurture, to build their faith through the testimonies shared by the “Business Blessings Plan” partners.

I pray that you would make the “LIVES OF MILLIONS PROFITABLE AND MEANINGFUL” through your business. Your family and your business will be blessed as you become a channel of blessing to millions through the mission of Jesus Calls. By doing so get 100 times in return from God for yourself and your family. Become a part of this blessing by joining us in making this prayer ministry to the desperate millions. BENEFITS YOU WILL ENJOY THROUGH THE BBP    

Prayers by the Dhinakarans and prayer intercessors at the Prayer Towers and 24 hour chain prayer Participate and be blessed through the Business Blessing Meeting held at Prayer Tower locations either on Saturday (7 pm) or Sunday (2 pm) – Check for details at the nearest Prayer Tower in your location Invitation to be part of the Professionals and Network India (PENI) to be launched soon to create a platform for all businesses to interact, share best practices and work together Invitations to participate and showcase your businesses and products / services at various events of Jesus Calls

I am lead by the Lord to support the following ministries (please tick your choice) A Prayer Festival A Prayer Tower at ………………………(mention the location) A magazine……………………………………..(mention the language - English, Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Gujarati, Marathi, Punjabi, and Odiya) I would like to donate Rs…………………………… Every month Every year Name:.........................................................................Partner code (if any) ............................................. Address:...................................................................................................................................................... Mobile: ....................................... Email:......................................................................................................... MY PRAYER REQUEST TO BE PRAYED AT THE PRAYER TOWER. “Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:15) 1. ........................................................................................................................................................... 2. ........................................................................................................................................................... 3. ........................................................................................................................................................... You may send your offerings through our secure & fastest mode by credit card/debit card/net banking at (or) Download our app from Google Play Store and donate through that (or) DD/cheque drawn in favour of ”Jesus Calls” or by Money Order to the following address. Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. (or) You may visit the nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area and make your offering and receive an acknowledgement for the same. For more details: Toll free number 1800 425 77 55 (Daily from 7am to 9 pm)

Sow into people’s lives and Reap blessings in your business! - April 2017 JESUS CALLS


14th February, 2017 was a glorious day with Bro. Mohan C Lazarus, Founder of Jesus Redeems Ministries leading the prayers for the Karunya Mission wherein nearly 2000 students and staff prayed together. After this meeting, Karunya Prayer Training was held from February 15-18th 2017. It was a great blessing to all the 3100 participants, about 90% being students. The theme of the conference was “Touch the Supernatural.� Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, the Chancellor, under the unction of the Holy Spirit brought deep insights on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, particularly about the Gift of Prophecy and Revelation, talking about the two witnesses namely spirit of Enoch and Elijah relating to "Consecration to carry the image of God in one's life and enjoy God's Power in one's life and also bringing God's plan to kings, nations, peoples and languages." The Lord called out several names through Dr. Paul and every one of them came forward and testified. Sis. Evangeline spoke on the calling of a prophet tracing through the life of Jeremiah, the 12

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weeping prophet. During the anointing session, the anointed Prayer Intercessors who had come from different parts of India laid their hands on the delegates, praying & prophesying over them. Almost all the participants received the touch from God in their lives. During the testimony time, the children of the staff and the Karunya School students from the age of 10 to the college students and staff who took part in this event, came forward and testified their supernatural experience. As per the words of Dr. Paul, “A new era of Karunya has begun with Karunya touching the Supernatural and Karunya will never be the same again.�

Prophetical power during prayer time

Bro. Mohan C Lazarus prays fervently along with students - April 2017 JESUS CALLS


Called by name... Anitha I am Anitha Asst. Prof., CS Department. For the past six years I was going through severe family problems and I was struggling with my little child. In particular, for the past two months I was in depression. I was constantly questioning God whether He is with me and whether there is a hope in my life, expecting a transformation in my life. I was all the time feeling that I am losing all my blessings and so to get a solution for this, I attended this Prayer Training conference. When Bro. Paul was praying he said, “Anitha, you have lost so much in your life. God’s Holy Spirit is filling you and guiding 14

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you.” Great joy has filled me and I can feel the deliverance within me. Glory to God.

time I had a vision of a king’s throne prepared for me. Thank you Jesus.

To stand before kings

Spoke in Tongues

I am Gideon, doing my second year in Bio-Medical at Karunya. During the second day of the Conference, when Dr. Paul was praying he said that the Karunya students will stand before kings and will prophesy. I was inspired by this thought and was longing for this Gift of Prophecy to fill me. Exactly saying, God fulfilled my desires and I started speaking in tongues. I started rolling in the ground. God’s prophesy came through uncle Paul saying, “You will have great joy and comfort and I will raise you among the kings.” At that

My name is Sylvia Joyce, studying in 5th std EMHSS (Evangeline School). I used to pray to God for Him to speak to me. Yesterday, during the first day of the conference, I was praying much for that experience. Today I started speaking in tongues. What a joyous experience! Thank you Jesus.

Losses to gain My name is Sam Richardson. I did my B.Tech, Electrical Engineering in India and after that I left for Abu Dhabi

to start my career there. The Lord blessed me with everything. I was a millionaire. At the age of 22, I could afford anything at that age. But in 2014, Satan interrupted in my life and took away my wealth, my friends, job and peace. I came back to India with nothing. But God was with me. I was able to do my research in Chennai. I joined Karunya in 2016, to do my M.Tech in Computer Science. Thus far God is leading me fantastically. On the first day of Prayer Training Conference, when I was seated crying to the Lord thinking about my losses, Dr. Paul said during prayer time, “Richard whatever you have lost I will give back to you in double portion.” Following that, during the anointing session God confirmed that it was my name which He had called through Dr. Paul and said that He will give back the exact value of amount that I have lost. I asked God that I need one more confirmation to know that it was my name called and said that I should be called to testify as the first person. Exactly, on the next day of the conference, I was called to testify as the first person. What an amazing God we

have! I have the hope that all my losses are coming back in double portion. All glory to God.

Prophesying to each other I am Blessy, doing 1st year M.Sc., Viscom. When I came to this Prayer Training Conference, I asked Jesus on the first day, “I want different experience every day.” Likewise God blessed me with unique experiences. When Dr. Paul was praying, I could hear his voice but in his place I saw Jesus. He was looking very bright, tall and fair. On the second day, I saw the hand of Jesus. There was blood in His wounds and He embraced me. He said, “I am giving anointing in your hand.” My friend Jeni was standing next to me. Jesus continued, “When you pray for her, I will give you this anointing.” I never questioned but immediately I held on to her hand. At that instant she received the anointing. Today on the third day, when I was speaking in tongues, my tongue twisted and Jesus said, “As I touched the lips of Isaiah, I am sanctifying your lips. As in Jeremiah 1:5, I will make you to prophesy for nations.” Then as I

asked the Lord to confirm this, my tongue changed. I spoke differently. I couldn’t understand what I spoke but I was prophesying in English. Then I asked Jesus, “To whom am I prophesying Lord; I should know immediately after this prayer to whom this prophesy is for.” Exactly, Sowmiya came to me, hugged me and said, “You prophesied for me. Jesus spoke to me through you.” Here is what Sowmiya (1st year M.Sc., Viscom) says... Actually I was praying, “Lord please talk to me through somebody atleast.” At first, an aunty came and touched me and told, “All your suicidal thought will go away. God will heal you. He will bring joy in your life. You are blessed” and many more things she told me. Actually I was sitting near my friend Blessy. Now Blessy started speaking in tongues to me and then in English. That aunty also had said the same thing. God said through Blessy, “I am anointing you. Don’t forsake Me; I am always with you; trust in Me, believe in Me.” I am filled with joy. Praise Jesus. - April 2017 JESUS CALLS


Beloved in the Lord, I greet you in the name of our risen Lord Jesus Christ! “I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.” (Revelation 1:18) The Lion of Judah who proclaims thus, shall do mighty miracles in your lives and bless you abundantly this month. Are you worried saying, “I do not have a job,” “My parents have availed loans to educate me,” “There is no prosperity in my business” and so on? The risen Lord will solve all your problems. So, do not worry! Do not be frustrated! Do not be afraid! The Lord became so poor becoming almost naked to endure your losses and 16

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emptiness to break those lacks and to make you rich through His name (2 Corinthians 8:9). Are you suffering with pain because of sickness? Are you lamenting that you are going through the valley of death? The stripes that Jesus bore on the cross will change your agonies (Romans 8:11). Are you tormented by guilt that you have been unfaithful to your parents, spouse, children or relatives? The blood of Christ shall cleanse your conscience from dead works (Hebrews 9:14). So, the resurrected Lord who gained victory over death will bless you too with abundant life.

We yearn to meet you Many people send their prayer requests through letters and emails expressing this desire to meet us in person. We too wish to meet and pray for our beloved partners who support the ministry through their prayers and offerings. My wife Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and I will be praying for everyone personally on 14, 15 and 16 of May 2017 from 10 am to 5 pm at “Bethesda Prayer Centre” Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore. If you can make it possible to visit Bethesda Prayer Centre during these days, we can meet you in person, pray and thus glorify the name of the Lord. Kindly register your names through Jesus Calls website or you can call us to inform your coming, in any of these telephone numbers – 0422 2614580/ 2615515/ 9487846601 (from 7.30 am to 8.30 pm).

Good News in every city “…Jesus went through every city and village, preaching and bringing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with Him.” (Luke 8:1) People from every city and village long to receive the touch of God. They are eagerly waiting for “Jesus Calls” meetings to be conducted in their towns and cities. Due to incessant ministry journeys, it has become hard for us to meet in person those who need our prayers. But, as per the leading of the Lord, to start with, we are planning to visit cities in Tamil Nadu in the months of June and July and conduct meetings, preach the gospel and pray for the beloved people laying hands and praying in person. Pray specially for the preparations of these events, for the cities in Tamil Nadu and also for the people who organize them. We shall publish the details of the meeting in the ensuing months.

Telephone Prayer Ministry “…Pray for one another.” (James 5: 16) Thousands of people who are going through problems are longing to find out if there is anyone who would bring them words of solace and pray for them. Jesus Calls Prayer Towers are catering to the needs of people day and night – for the students who are preparing for their exams, for people who are disheartened because of family problems, for

people who are admitted in hospitals in serious conditions and for those who have met with accidents unexpectedly. Thousands of lives have been saved through the telephone ministry. Families have been blessed. We lovingly entreat you to uphold this ministry through your prayers and contributions. You can send your contributions through our website or call us in the toll free number 1800 425 77 55 from 7 am to 9 pm for more details.

Children’s higher education Most of the school students would have completed their exams and are trying to pursue higher studies. Students who have appeared for board exams will be prayerfully waiting for their results. “All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.” (Isaiah 54:13) According to this verse, the Lord Himself would take care of your children’s future and bless your efforts. God will enable your children to get into good courses according to His plan. I am fervently praying for your children.

International Prayer Conference “At that time Jerusalem shall be called The Throne of the Lord, and all the nations shall be gathered to it…” (Jeremiah 3: 17) In the year 2018, by the end of August to September first week , we have planned to conduct an - April 2017 JESUS CALLS


International Prayer Conference with participants from all nations at Israel Prayer Tower, Jerusalem to commemorate the 5th anniversary of Israel Prayer Tower . In the same year Israel is celebrating the completion of 70 years of existence. Since this first International Prayer Conference will be a historic event, kindly make plans to join us and to uphold this event in your prayers specially.

Karunya Admissions Admission is on for technical courses like B.Tech, M.Tech, M.B.A, Ph.D and also for Arts and Science courses such as B.Sc. IT, B.C.A. B.B.A., M.A. English and M.Sc. Visual Communication. I invite you to admit your loving children in Karunya University to acquire academic excellence in a spiritual environment. A special concession in the tuition fees is being given for children of Karunya Alumni, siblings of Karunya students, Jesus Calls Young Partners and the children of pastors and missionaries. To get more information regarding this log in to our website or call 1800 425 4300.

Karunya Schools Karunya Christian School, established in the Karunya University campus is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and provides quality education to school children. Admissions have started for classes KG to 9th std and 11th std. To get more information about the school, you can log in to our website You can also send your queries through e-mail to or call 09487846615/ 0422- 2614830/31.

Your contribution to educate the poor “…of sending presents to one another and gifts to the poor.” (Esther 9:22) In Karunya University, free education is given to students from economically weaker sections. Free education, including food and accommodation is being provided to children who are not able to continue their studies due to financial constraints. A considerable number of poor children are being benefitted through this. Even this year, you can extend your helping hand towards the education of these poor children. As you show compassion

to poor children, God will bless you abundantly. You can also avail 100% tax exemption under 80G(2) (a) (iiif) for your offerings. I encourage you to make use of this opportunity to educate the underprivileged. To get more information regarding this log in to our website or call 09940299979.

Seeking your prayers Pray that God shall provide us good health and journey mercies as we travel all around the world doing God’s work. Pray for my wife Evangeline who is entering into a new year on the 24th of April. God has bestowed His grace upon her to travel along with me and share God’s word in the meetings thus becoming a great blessing to thousands of people and families around the world. Pray that God should use her mightily in the days to come. “…Because I live, you will live also.” (John 14:19) According to this verse, Jesus who is alive even today will prosper you in all things. I am praying fervently for you and your family. Your beloved brother,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Kindly uphold the magazine ministry by subscribing ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine which brings you and lakhs of people God’s messages, Prophecy fulfilment reports, Testimonies to strengthen your faith, Reports of Prayer Festivals. You may please send more than Rs.250/- also. Please send your offerings mentioning ‘for Jesus Calls magazine’ to Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. You can also donate online through our secure website using your credit card / debit card or net banking. For more details please call our Toll Free No.1800 425 77 55 ( 7 am to 9 pm)


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In Andhra Pradesh, the little town of Rajahmundry came alive being touched by the resurrection power of Lord Jesus Christ through the 3 day Prophetic Prayer Conference, February 8-10, 2017 and the 3 day Blessing meetings organized by the Rock Church of India, Rajahmundry, February 10-12, 2017. About 2100 participants from almost 12 states took part in the Prophetic Prayer Conference. The unique feature of the conference is that almost 60% of the participants were pastors and full-time servants of God. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared deep insights on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, particularly the Gifts of tongues, prophecy and discerning of spirits. During prayer time, he called out several names and people came forward and testified. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran shared on how the life of a servant of God should be and her personal encounters with the Lord Jesus Christ. When she prayed, many received the anointing and many were delivered from their problems. At the end of every day, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline prayed in person for every delegate. Simultaneous translation was arranged for those who came from northern states. As the building was jampacked, separate shamiana was put up to accommodate about 500 of the delegates. Bishop John Lazarus of Rock Church ministries, Bishop Pratap Sinha and Bishop Sudheer Kumar made all arrangements for the successful conduct of the Prophetic Conference. All the delegates received the personal touch from Lord Jesus and went back as ministers of God to build God’s kingdom and to usher in the world for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 20

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Miracles from God No more pain For the past two years, I had pain in my heart. The heart rate was not normal. Added to this agony I had pain in my hand and shoulders also. Doctors advised for a surgery. Being troubled and disturbed about my health condition, I attended this special meeting expecting a miracle for me. During prayer time, I united myself with Dr. Paul and cried out to God to help me. God performed a miracle at that very instant. The pain in my heart, hand and shoulders vanished immediately. There is no trace of this serious problem in my body. Praise the Lord. - Ludhiya, Peddapuram, Andhra Pradesh.

Blessed in double‌ I am married and blessed with children. Three years ago, one of my uncle collected a big amount from me assuring to give me a house. But he did not give back either the money or the house. I was so burdened and worried about my state. So, with a heavy heart, carrying these prayer requests I attended the three days prophetic conference, Rajahmundry from February 8 to 10. There I had a blessed opportunity to meet Dr. Paul in person and get prayed. I gave the diary to him in which I have noted all my prayer points. I had also written a prayer point for my dad who had no house for his own. As Dr. Paul laid his hands on those requests and prayed with burden, miracles happened. The same day, the same moment I received two miracles – I received a message in my mobile informing that 12 lakhs has been deposited in my account. Yes, it was from my uncle. Now, with this amount, we have decided to build a house for my dad. Added to that, he has also given a bond for the remaining 40 lakhs. My husband also received an increment of Rs.5000/- the same day when Dr Paul laid his hands on the request and prayed. I have no words to thank God Almighty for this extraordinary miracle. All glory to Him. -Renuka, Hyderabad. - April 2017 JESUS CALLS


We love the Lord and give the Lord so many names. That’s what king David also did. “The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” (Psalm 18:2) Even in this world we love our children and we give them so many names. When our little daughter Sweety was born, she looked so beautiful that my elder daughter Sharon who came to see her said, “Let us call her Sweety” and my husband would call her as his “little queen” and I called her as my “little sugar candy”. And her grandfather named her as Stella. Again I named her as “Ramola” after my mother. Each one of us called her by different names and that’s what we do to our Lord also. We call him by many names like “Miracle Worker”, “Our Strength” and that’s what Hagar, the second wife of Abraham did. “Then she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her, You-Are-theGod-Who-Sees; for she said, ‘Have I also here seen Him who sees me?’” (Genesis 16:13) Hagar called God by a different name. She said, “You’re the God who sees me.” So, never be discouraged because we have a God who sees us, who looks into every minute detail of our lives. Hagar became the second wife of Abraham because Sarah, who was promised by God a child in her old age, did not believe in 22

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the promise of God. She gave her maidservant Hagar as wife to Abraham. When Hagar conceived, she looked down on Sarah, and because of this Sarah mistreated Hagar. Hagar unable to bear Sarah’s mistreatment ran away from her.

God who Sees The Angel of the Lord said to her, "Return to your mistress, and submit yourself under her hand." Then the Angel of the Lord said to her, "I will multiply your descendants exceedingly, so that they shall not be counted for multitude." (Genesis 16:9,10) When she ran away, the Lord saw her misery and the Angel of God looked graciously on her. Hagar admired the Lord’s mercy upon her and she was so grateful to God. Then she returned back to her mistress. When you go through troubles, never run away from God. The Lord says, “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).” So, do not run away from God. “...for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7) Yes, man may look at our face but God looks into our heart. When I was pregnant for the first time, a doctor was taking ultrasound and she called my husband to come and watch the picture. Suddenly she called out excitedly and asked us to look at the picture closely. Little Samuel had his hands clasped together

and it looked like he was praying even inside his mother’s womb. So we really marvelled at the creation of God and we thanked God for our beautiful son and even today he is a prayerful boy. When my son was born, my husband dedicated him to serve the Lord and named him Samuel. He said that our son should be a prophet of God. Man may see the inside of the body but God knows our inner thoughts, minds and heart.

“…For the righteous God tests the hearts and minds.” (Psalm 7:9) He is a God who searches minds and hearts. He knows the inner secrets of our hearts. So, all our sins are seen by God clearly. No matter how well we think we can cover up our sins, God sees every sin. No sins not even a whispered curse are hidden from God because He knows our evil thoughts everything which we do in the dark. So don’t run away from God my dear friend. Are you struggling with your sin today? Is your sin gaining a stronghold? Are all your efforts to come back to God failing? So why not cry to God today?

God who does wonders Recently, I heard a testimony of a sister called Jayalakshmi. She resides just near our Prayer Tower in Chennai. She hated Jesus so much that whenever she had go to for shopping or anywhere else, she would avert her head to avoid looking at the Prayer Tower. But one day, accidentally she spilt boiling oil upon her little daugh-

ter. There were boils all over her body. She was admitted in the hospital and treated. The doctors said that they had done all that they could do and only God could help her daughter. A nurse told her to approach Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for prayer. This sister was shocked to hear this. Yet she accepted to go there for prayers. When she went inside the Prayer Tower, the prayer warriors prayed for her daughter and they literally prayed with tears for her daughter to be healed. A great miracle occurred. The Lord not only healed the boils but He healed all the scars on her body. She shouted and glorified the Lord. Yes, we are serving a wonder-working God. Today her daughter is an Engineer. The same sister who disliked going to Prayer Tower now says that whenever she’s got problems she goes to that Prayer Tower. So today, the lord honors her family.

God who exalts We are standing as witness to God. So we should never run away from God and we must gather as one family with God. Hagar also admired God’s mercy and so she came back to her God’s family. So let us also come back to God and do not cover up our sins. “He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.” (Proverbs 28:13) “Return to the stronghold, you prisoners of hope. Even today I declare that I will restore double to you.” (Zechariah 9:12) - April 2017 JESUS CALLS


As you come closer to God, He will bless you in double measure. Sister Jayalakshmi came to God’s family and became a partner of Jesus Calls and the Lord blessed her in double measure. As Hagar joined the family of Abraham, the Lord promised to bless her family. “Then the Angel of the Lord said to her, I will multiply your descendants exceedingly, so that they shall not be counted for multitude." (Genesis 16:10) When we seek the Lord with all our hearts we will find Him. Today you’re going to see God. As Hagar saw God and heard from God, the Lord will show Himself to you and sanctify you and cleanse all your sins. Even today the Lord will be moved with compassion for you to give everything that you want and He will never send you empty handed. Sarah said to Abraham, “Get rid of that slave woman and her son for that slave woman’s son will never share in the inheritance with my son Isaac” (Genesis 21:10). But Abraham was so reluctant to send his second wife and his son Ishmael. This is the thing the devil puts in our families. He will not allow us to be united along with our families and he will plant hatred and make us fight with each other. So, Abraham reluctantly sent his second wife Hagar and his son Ishmael away from them. He just sent them away with just some food and water. When the water and food was over, terrible thirst threatened her 24

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and she did not want to see her son dying. So, she laid her son under the bush and from a distance she sat down and wept. There the Lord saw her misery and the angel of God visited her again. The angel said, “Do not to be afraid, the Lord heard your son’s cry. “And God heard the voice of the lad. Then the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven, and said to her, ‘What ails you, Hagar?’ Fear not, for God has heard the voice of the lad where he is. Arise, lift up the lad and hold him with your hand, for I will make him a great nation." (Genesis 21:17,18) Are you afraid and oppressed by troubles in your life or afraid of divisions in your family? But today when you come to God, He will bless you and make you a great nation. “A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation. I, the Lord, will hasten it in its time.” (Isaiah 60:22) So, maybe you are thinking, “I am a little one and poor and needy and is the lord thinking about me?” But the Lord sees your misery and He will deliver you from all the troubles. “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” (Psalm 34:19) “...When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.” (Isaiah 59:19) “For the enemy has persecuted my soul; He has

crushed my life to the ground; He has made me dwell in darkness, like those who have long been dead.” (Psalm 143:3) The enemy crushes us to the ground and makes us dwell in the darkness, but then the hand of the Lord lifts us from the ground. The devil will always put a fear about our family life. He will say ‘you’re finished’ but God’s righteous right hand will lift you. “Then God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water. And she went and filled the skin with water, and gave the lad a drink.” (Genesis 21:19) When Hagar was crying, the Lord opened her eyes. She saw a well of water and she went and filled the skin with water and made the boy drink. Even today the Lord will lift you and open your eyes to see the blessed face of God and He will satisfy you. The devil would say, you are finished and cannot enjoy this world and God’s blessings. Once when I was in despair I cried out to the Lord and I cried to Him to get the joy back into my family life. When I was crying to the Lord to help me, He appeared before me and showed His face to me. He said, “I am the King of Israel, then why are you crying?” The Lord said that He loves me and so there is no need to cry. He told me to go on and preach about Him. I saw Jesus face to face and I was so encouraged and lifted up in my spirit. So, I said that I was satisfied with His light.

“As for me, I will see Your face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness.” (Psalm 17:15) When we go through the heights of trouble, Jesus will appear because no one in this world can comfort us. He is the God who comforts and He will open your eyes to see the blessing of God. The Lord opened the eyes of Hagar and she saw the well of water and she filled the skin with water. In the same way, the Lord will open our eyes and fill our hearts from the living fountain. Hagar not only filled the water with skin but then she gave the water to her son and

likewise the lord will make you to give water to others. The Lord says, those who are thirsty come to Me and drink from Me (John 6:35; 7:37). As you have come to Jesus, you will quench your spiritual thirst from Him. That’s why Jesus said that He will not leave you as orphans and He will send another comforter to comfort you (John 14:16-18). That another comforter is the Holy Spirit. The Lord sent His Holy Spirit to be with us and to comfort us and to live in us always and God is to be with us always. It is a blessed privilege to be with God and to have

Him in our hearts. “I will show them wonders.” (Micah 7:15) Yes, He will show wonders in your family, personal, spiritual lives and you’re going to see God because our God is alive yesterday, today and forever. So today, cry out to God to open your eyes and your hearts. If you are struggling with your past life, confess everything to God and ask Him to remove all the old things and to make everything new. The Lord who saw the tears of Hagar and blessed her and her generation will certainly bless you and your family. Be encour aged.

In October 2016, during the “Bless Punjab” Prayer Festival Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed and prophesied that God will bless the land of Punjab giving a bumper harvest. THE PROPHECY Punjab provides food for the whole country. So this State should prosper, for India to prosper and whole India to be fed. PROPHETIC PRAYER FOR PUNJAB Loving Heavenly Father, today we pray that you will remember Punjab. Lord give the best blessings and the best fruits in Punjab. Lord, for the nation to be fed let this State prosper. FULFILLMENT OF THE PROPHECY God has started blessing the agricultural land in Punjab as never before and is giving a bumper harvest. The news report said “Bumper wheat yield anticipated in Punjab”. Cold conditions in last 2 months and intermittent rain have resulted in good development of grain. P.S. Rangi, an agriculture expert and Punjab State Farmers Commission advisor, told that we can expect a bumper wheat production to the tune of 165 lakh tonnes this year.

The Lord has been gracious and answering every word of His servant Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. - April 2017 JESUS CALLS



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1 April: Psalm 32:8. God will lead you in the way you should go. Meditation: Isa. 58:11; Ps. 23:3; 80:1; 139:24; Gen. 24:48; Luke 1:79; Rev. 7:17. 2 April: Psalm 23:4. Fear not, I am with you always. Meditation: Isa. 41:10; 58:9; Hag. 1:13; 2:4; Ps. 14:5; Mat. 28:20; Acts 18:10. 3 April: Psalm 92:12. The righteous will flourish like a palm tree. Meditation: Ps. 52:8; 72:7; Hos. 14:5-7; Pro. 10:24; 13:21; Hab. 2:4. 4 April: Psalm 34:5. Look at Him, you will be radiant. Meditation: Isa. 45:22; Ex. 24:16-18; 34:28-35; Acts 3:3-8; 6:15; 7:55-56; 14:7-10; Heb. 12:12. 5 April: Proverbs 22:4. I will give you riches and honour and life. Meditation: Prov. 10:22; 21:21; Gen. 24:35-36; 45:6-11; 47:11,12; 1 Chron. 29: 27,28. 6 April: Proverbs 10:24. I will grant your desires. Meditation: Mat. 20:20,21; Mark 10:51,52; Luke 11:9-13; Rev. 3:21. 7 April: Proverbs 10:9. Whoever walks in integrity walks securely. Meditation: Ps. 84:11; 101:6; Pro 15:19; 20:7; Job 1:1; 27:5. 8 April: Psalm 18:32. God will strengthen me and keeps my way secure. Meditation: Ps. 29:11; Isa. 40:29-31; 41:10; 45:2; Jud. 16:2830; Acts 1:8; 2 Cor. 12:9; Ph. 4:13. 9 April: Proverbs 11:25. A generous person will prosper. Meditation: 2 Cor. 8:9; 9:10; Gen. 14:16-24; 24:35; 2 Sam. 17:27-29; 1 Kings 2:7; Luke 6:38. 10 April: Isaiah 40:31. I will give you renewed strength. Meditation: 2 Cor. 12:9; Ps. 18:1; 103:3-5; Acts 1:8; 3:2-8,16. 11 April: Psalm 31:21. You will see the wonders of my love (grace). Meditation: Rom. 8:28; Isa. 53:1-6; Jer. 31:3; John 3:16; Ex. 33:19; Luke 1:30; Mat. 9:2. 12 April: Isaiah 58:11. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Meditation: Ps. 52:8; 92:12; Mal. 4:2; Hos. 14:4-7; Num. 24:1,5-8; Jer. 31:12-14; 3 John 2. 13 April: Proverbs 18:10. The righteous will be safe in the name of the Lord. Meditation: John 1:12; 14:14; Acts 3:6,16; 4:12; 2 Cor. 8:9; Gal. 3:13,14. 14 April: Isaiah 60:1. Arise, shine, for the light of the Lord has come upon you. Meditation: Num. 6:25; 1 Kings 19:19-21; 2 Kings 2:2-14; Luke 9:59,60; Eph. 5:14; Acts 1:8. 15 April: Luke 12:7. You are worth more than many sparrows. Meditation: Ps.8:4-6; Dan. 9:23; 10:11,9; Isa. 43:4; Mat. 6:25-33. 16 April: Malachi 4:2. Beneath the wings of the Lord,

you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. Meditation: Ruth 2:12; Mark 5:27-34; Luke 13:10-13; Acts 3:2-8,16; Ps. 92:12-14; 105:37. 17 April: Isaiah 48:17. The Lord directs you in the best way you should go. Meditation: Ps. 32:8; 119:165; Rom. 8:14,28; Gen. 46:2-4; 48:15,16; Is. 38:8-10. 18 April: James 4:10. Humble yourselves, I will lift you up. Meditation: 1 Pet. 5:6; Luke 18:10-14; Ps. 105:17-22; Phil. 2: 5-11. 19 April: Psalm 9:9. The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed. For Meditation: Ruth 1:4,5,16,17; 2:8-12; 4:13; Ps. 22:24; 46:1; 50:15; 71:20,21; Heb. 13;5,6. 20 April: John 1:16. In fullness of Christ, receive all your needs. Meditation: Col. 1:15-19; 2:3; 2 Cor. 8:9; Isa. 12:2,3; John 14:14. 21 April: Isaiah 26:3. They that trust in the Lord, will receive perfect peace. Meditation: Phi. 4:4-7; 2 Kings 18:5; Rom. 12:12; Ps. 115:9; 119:165; 125:5. 22 April: Psalm 118:6. The Lord is with you; therefore, why fear? Meditation: Jud. 6:12-16; 1 Sam. 17:36,37,45-50; 2 Sam. 10:12; Acts 18:9,10; 4:13,30-33. 23 April: Deuteronomy 7:21. The great and awesome God is with you. Meditation: Deut. 10:17; Jer. 20:11; Zep. 3:17; 1 Cor. 6:14. 24 April: Jeremiah 1:5. I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Meditation: Amos 3:6-8; Ezek. 3:17; Num. 11:25-29; Acts 2:17; 19:6; 2 Pet. 1:21. 25 April: John 20:29. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. Meditation: Heb. 11:6; Mat. 9:27-29; John 4:46-53; 11:25,26,40,44. 26 April: Psalm 103:13. Like a father, I will have compassion on you. Meditation: John 3:16; Luke 15:11-24; Jer. 31:9-17. 27 April: Nehemiah 2:20. The God of Heaven will give you success. Meditation: Isa. 53:10; Luke 1:37; Gen. 24:5-7,27; Ps. 62:5; 138:8; Mark 9:23. 28 April: 1 Samuel 10:6. You will prophesy. Meditation: Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17; 19:6; 1 Cor. 14:1; Rev. 1:3; 19:10; John 3:34. 29 April: Deuteronomy 8:3. In God’s word there is life and provision. Meditation: Mat. 4:4; 8:8,13; John 5:25; 6:63; 11:43; Heb. 4:12; Pro. 4:10; Ps. 1:2,3; 30 April: Deuteronomy 28:13. You will always be on the top, never at the bottom. Meditation: Gen. 50:20; 1 Kings 19:19-21; Ex. 2:23-25; 19:5,6; 1 Pet. 2:9. - April 2017 JESUS CALLS


TAMIL / ENGLISH 044 - 33 999 000

God answers by miracles here! “My heart broke when I was affected by tumour in my right wrist, of the size of a lemon. Added to this agony, I had no money for medical treatment or for hospitalisation. I was already running my family with borrowed money. In this desperation, God was my only hope. I believed that only God could heal me from this bone tumour. With this hope, it was on 11th January 2017, I made a call to the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower, Secunderabad. I did not mention my sickness to the prayer intercessor but asked her to pray for my family and future. But surprisingly, as the 28

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prayer intercessor prayed for me, she beseeched God to grant me good health claiming the promise found in Exodus 15:26. Actually I had never asked her to pray for my health, particularly for my tumour. I was thrilled indeed that God knew my situation and was concerned and that’s why He made the prayer intercessor pray for me prophetically over my desperate situation. Behold, the very next day morning, in front of my own eyes I saw the tumour in my hand disappearing. The big lump completely melted. Praise the Lord for His abundant mercies and healing. I thank God with all my heart for blessing me through ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry. I thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his family who are praying for us.” - ANUPAMA KUMAR, Hyderabad

Like ‘Anupama’ there are millions who cry desperately every moment without hope in this world. They need to be connected to God the life giver as the prayer intercessor at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower agrees in prayer and faith with them (Matthew 18:18,19). The Jesus Calls Telephone Prayer Tower is open 24x7, 365 days of the year, answering calls from people seeking prayer help for - healing of sicknesses and disease, from addictions, accidents, financial crisis, exams, misunderstandings between spouses, family relationships, and many more. Trained and anointed prayer intercessors are always ready to receive the calls and pray for every need faithfully.

Honouring the faith of the person requesting for prayer along with the united prayer of the prayer intercessor, the Lord responds to their prayers and blesses His people providing healing and deliverance according to the promise, “Ask anything in My name and I will do it” (John 14:13,14). The “Jesus Calls Telephone Prayer Tower,” serves as a tower of refuge, comforting millions and wiping away their tears. It was initially started at Chennai and is now operational at Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Delhi, Trivandrum and Ahmedabad to provide prayer services in 9 languages -Tamil, English, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Hindi, Punjabi and Gujarati. Jesus Calls global organisations

provide services in French, Spanish, Sinhala, Mandarin, Malay, Arabic, Hebrew, Russian and African languages. Shortly, operations will also begin at Coimbatore, Ranchi and Kolkata. We also plan to provide prayer services in Bengali, Odia, Assamese, Khasi, Nepali and Mizo very shortly. Every day around 400 full-time prayer intercessors in 3 shifts pray round the clock on telephone for nearly 17,000 prayer requests, which is received from all over the world. This is apart from the few thousand prayer intercessors who pray at the “Prayer Towers” for people in person and in the 24 hours prayer chain. About 5,00,000 people are blessed through this ministry every month.

My friend, I pray that you would bring healing and life to millions of Anupama and make your life worth living. Shine your little light to millions from wherever you are through whatever little you do. Stay connected with God, the light of the world. You will be blessed as you become a blessing to millions through this mission of ‘Jesus Calls’. I give you the opportunity which God has given us in order for you too to enjoy your part in blessing these millions of people. By doing so, receive 100 times in return from God for yourself and your family. Become a part of this blessing by joining us in making this Prayer Ministry to the desperate millions.

I AM LED BY THE LORD TO SUPPORT...... (tick) Prayer Intercessor to pray for the broken-hearted souls Rs 250 for 1 Prayer Intercessor for 1 day Rs 500 for 2 Prayer Intercessor’s for 1 day Rs 750 for 3 Prayer Intercessor’s for 1 day Rs 1000 for 4 Prayer Intercessor’s for 1 day I would like to Co-Sponsor a prayer intercessor's workstation (includes salary, computer terminal, space, nationally networked private phone system, follow up materials, staff and postage) Rs 10,000 for 1 week, for................... weeks Rs 25,000 for 1 month, for .....................months I would like to Sponsor for Rs 3,00,000, a Prayer Intercessor’s workstation for a year Name:...................................................................Partner code (if any) ...............................Date of birth........................................... Address:................................................................................................................................................................................................... Mobile: ................................................................. Email:......................................................................................................................... ................................ (Mention the Telephone Prayer Tower that you would like to support – Chennai, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Trivandrum, Coimbatore, Ranchi and Kolkata) MY PRAYER REQUEST TO BE PRAYED AT THE PRAYER TOWER . “Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:15) 1................................................................. 2....................................................................... 3......................................................................... You may send your offerings through our secure & fastest mode by credit card/debit card/net banking at (or) Download our app from Google Play Store and donate through that (or) DD/cheque drawn in favour of ”Jesus Calls” or by Money Order to the following address. Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. (or) You may visit the nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area and make your offering and receive an acknowledgement for the same. For more details: Toll free number 1800 425 77 55 (Daily from 7am to 9pm) For 24x7 Prayers  TAMIL/ENGLISH (044 - 33 999 000)  TELUGU (040 - 33 999 000)  MARATHI (022 - 33 999 000)  HINDI/ PUNJABI (011 - 3 999 000)

KANNADA (080 - 33 999 000)

GUJARATI (079 - 33 999 000)

MALAYALAM (0471 - 33 999 000) - April 2017 JESUS CALLS


Jesus Calls Ministry invites little children and teens (4 – 17 years) for the 7 days Dynamic Kids Camp to be organized at Jesus Calls Prayer Towers across our Nation. You may contact the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area regarding the dates of “Dynamic Kids Camp”. This is to help children to know God, receive His love and to share it with others.

WE EXPECT NEARLY 25,000 CHILDREN TO PARTICIPATE ON THE WHOLE IN THE KIDS’ CAMP. Kindly send your dear children to this camp. Encourage your loved ones and friends to attend this camp. We warmly invite volunteers to serve in this camp. For meeting the expense towards teaching materials, gifts and refreshments you can sponsor your mite.

To partner with the Dynamic Kids Camp Ministry

Name:……………………….....…………………… Partner No:…………………………………………… Address:………......................……………………………………………………………………………….. Mobile:………………………………………..Email:........................................................................................ Rs. 300/- for a child

Rs. 600/- for 2 children

I send Rs.…………………. for ……………………… children. For more details please call our Toll Free No.1800 425 77 55 (7 am to 9 pm). Visit our website 30

JESUS CALLS April 2017 -

Seesha News...

The lack of resources causes thousands of children in India to drop out of school every year. Simple school needs such as stationery and art supplies are difficult for such children to afford. These children are the most susceptible victims of child labour and child marriage; the lack of education offering them no real escape from poverty. This year, pledge to help at least one such child go to school! Join hands with SEESHA as we prepare to distribute 30,000 SEESHA School Kits among children in need. The cost of a school kit = Rs. 500/The value of education = Priceless!

STUDENTS EQUIPPED FOR EXAMS Over 900 students of Class X and XII were benefitted through exam preparatory workshops organised by SEESHA in Chennai and Cuddalore, prior to the State Board examinations. Eminent resource persons including motivational speakers, time management trainers and professors offered useful tips to help students overcome their fear of exams and prepare to face them with confidence.

TESTIMONY OF A STUDENT BENEFITTED BY SEESHA My name is Abishek. I live with my parents in Vyasarpadi, Chennai. My father is a watchman and my mother is a tailor. Last year, I received a brand new school bag from SEESHA, containing all the items required for us like notebooks, pens, pencils, scale, pencil box, geometry box, colour pencils, sketch pens, tiffin box etc. This kit has been extremely useful for me throughout the school year, to do my class work and homework very well. I also feel motivated to go to school because I no longer need to use an old or torn bag. I very much enjoy going to school these days. Thanks to SEESHA!


To donate or know more, visit or call +91 9300600600. *Donations made to SEESHA are eligible for tax savings as per Section 80G of the Income Tax Act (for Indian citizens).* - April 2017 JESUS CALLS



ur gracious Lord says, “I give unto you power.” Yes, it is written in the Bible that He wants to give us all that He has and all good gifts and that power belongs to God (Matthew 7:11; Psalm 62:11). The Lord God says, “I am the Lord the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27). We also read that ‘His great works are past finding out. He does wonders without number’ (Job 9:10). The gracious Lord Jesus has said that all power in heaven and earth has been given into His hands (Matthew 28:18). That’s why He cast out demons; healed the sick; spoke with authority. But as He was leaving this world, He called His disciples and said, “I give this power and authority to you, My children. I give you this authority to overcome every power of the enemy (Luke 10:19). He will give us the power to overcome any power and help us be more than a conqueror in any circumstances. 32

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Authority to become His children “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” (John 1:12) “Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God…” (Ephesians 2:19) Some years ago, a pastor and his wife were living in a particular city, but they had no children. There was an orphanage near their home. They loved a little boy over there. The boy always used to be in their house. Suddenly the orphanage was shifted to another city. The pastor and his wife ran to that city and talked to the lady who was running the orphanage and adopted that child. When the child started calling them ‘Daddy’ and ‘Mummy’ they felt very happy. When they died whatever they had was inherited by this orphan boy. Today he is a mighty pastor just like his father.

This is what Jesus Christ is doing for us. Filling us with the Spirit of adoption, He accepts us as His own son/daughter (Romans 8:15). When we tell the Lord Jesus, “I am a sinful man. Please make me as Your son,” He forgives our sins and would say, “You are My son by adoption; you are My daughter by adoption.” Then we would be able to call Him “Abba, Father”. “For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the

Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, ‘Abba, Father.’” (Romans 8:15) Once, I visited the state of Nagaland. There I met a man from South India and he was working among those people. He had married a Naga woman and had children. I asked him how he came to that place. He said, “I came here just on a visit but I felt God’s calling in my life to stay here and work. So I decided to marry a girl from the Nagas. I approached the village chief and he said in a village meeting, “This young man wants to stay with us. He wants to marry one of our girls. So I am adopting him as my son. From today he belongs to my family.” As a token of adoption, he brought a pig, cut off its head and poured out the blood and said, “Through the blood of this pig I am adopting him into my family.” Thus he shared this with me.

This is what God has done for us by shedding His blood on the cross and has adopted us as His own children (I Corinthians 6:20). So, when you too come to the cross and say, “Jesus! You shed Your blood for me, please take me as Your son/daughter,” you will never feel lonely thereafter. He gives you power to become His own son and daughter. When you thus get attached to God, He will look after you. What happens when we become the children of God? When you become the son or daughter of the Almighty God, au-

tomatically others will become jealous of you. The first person who will be jealous of you is the devil. The Bible says that the devil, who goes about like a roaring lion, seeking whom to devour, is our arch enemy (1 Peter 5:8, Matthew 13:19). There used to be certain special cherubs around the Almighty God and one of them was the devil. He was a person of extraordinary beauty and wisdom. Since he had pride and haughtiness and considered him above God, he was thrown away from the presence of God (Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:12-19, I Timothy 3:6). He who was thrown away by God, is bound with eternal chains of darkness (II Peter 2:4; Jude 6). Having lost his glory, he becomes jealous and angry over us, when we become God’s children. When God adopts us as His children, He gives us all the blessings that He has given for Jesus Christ (Romans 8:17). The devil cannot bear it. So he is angry with us. Our gracious Lord has said, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy” (John 10:10; 8:44). Why does satan steal? When God made the first man and woman, He made them in the image of the Almighty God in righteousness and in holiness (Ephesians 4:24; Colossians 3:9,10; Genesis 1:27). Adam and Eve were so holy and so God was walking with them. Without holiness no man can ever - April 2017 JESUS CALLS


see God (Hebrews 12:14). Seeing that both Adam and Eve were holy and that God was walking among them, Satan got jealous over mankind. Telling that he would steal the holiness and righteousness that they had, he went to Eve in the form of a serpent and said to her, “If you eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge, you will be like God.” It was because he wanted to become like God. God who came to walk with man cried out, “Adam, where are you?” Adam obeyed the devil and sinned and hence had to hide, out of shame (Genesis 3:8,9).

Authority from the cross “For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.” (Romans 6:14) Even today, Satan is tempting man. We read in the Bible that he tempted even the Lord Jesus (Matthew 4:1-13). Yet through the Scriptures, the Lord overcame him. Now, since you are under grace, sin cannot have dominion over you. The Lord will give you the same authority that Jesus has and the authority to control your emotion and the authority to overcome any kind of temptation. Satan tries to kill and destroy us directly or through some other people. Jesus loved all His disciples (John 13:1). Particularly, He loved Judas and trusted him enough to give him the money box (John 13:29). Satan spoke to that Judas and tempted him saying that he will get lot of money if he betrayed 34

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Jesus (John 13:2). But when he saw that Jesus Christ, whom He betrayed was crucified, Judas was miserable. He pleaded to the Chief Priest to take back his money and set free Jesus. When it was not possible, he destroyed himself (Matthew 27:4,5; Acts 1:16-18). This is how the devil, the serpent, deceives and destroys people. Sometimes he uses even certain people with snake’s poison (Psalm 58:4; 140:3). Yet, in order to save us from the power of this serpent, the Lord Jesus offered Himself as a sacrifice on the cross. Several years ago, in a place in Texas, United States of America, a man was passing by a beautiful garden. There he saw a sweet little boy standing and admiring the flowers in the garden. Suddenly, the man spotted a very poisonous snake approaching the boy stealthily. He understood the danger and realized that it would strike the boy and that he would die instantly. He didn’t know what to do. However, within a twinkling of an eye he jumped in-between the snake and the little child and the snake turned its attention on him and struck him ten times. He screamed in agony. Hearing this, the father of the child and a few others came running. The snake left away and the little child was saved. This man was taken to the hospital, where he fought for his life. Ultimately he was saved. When the little boy would have grown, whenever he happened to see that man, he would have said,

“This is the man who was about to sacrifice his life for me.”

The Lord Jesus too offered Himself to be struck by the serpent, the devil. His whole body was wounded. When the chief priest and the soldiers beat Him mercilessly, He bore it with the thought, “Let me endure this patiently so that My children would be redeemed from sin.” He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities. He tasted death in order to save us from the hands of the devil. Today, through the victory He has gained on the cross, Jesus has given us the power and had made us conquerors. He has given us the power to overcome the enemy and to cast away the devil in His name (Mark 16:17). So, whenever Satan tries to strike you and whenever he tries to push you down through temptation, cast him away in the name of Jesus telling, “Get behind me Satan” (Matthew 4:10). When we say the name of Jesus he will tremble and he will flee from you. The resurrected Lord Jesus is always with you. So don’t be afraid of Satan. Resist the devil and he will flee from you (James 4:7). Wait at the feet of God, receive this divine power, get filled with the Holy Spirit and deliver and comfort the people who live in tears. With the divine authority given to you, set free the people who are enslaved by Satan, and watch and pray in order to live for the Lord. 


n accordance to His divine ordinance, the God of gods, planned to remove the sins of

His people, save them and deliver them from the power of darkness. In order to make us worthy of partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light, He was manifested on this earth in the form of a man with the name ‘Jesus’. To take us into the Kingdom of His love, He lived like man and underwent pains and sufferings just like us. “…though He (Jesus) was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.” (II Corinthians 8:9) This verse clearly explains that though He was rich, He was born in a poor family and due to this. He underwent all sufferings of a human being. Not stopping with this, He also gave Himself up on the cross as a sacrifice or as

- Sis. Stella Dhinakaran atonement for man’s sin. The jealous people took pleasure in nailing Him on the cross. But God had planned to make every one of us, the people of this world, to receive redemption of sin through the sacred blood shed by Him. Realizing that this is the only way for the redemption of mankind, He willingly committed Himself for this great sacrifice, despite being sinless.

our eyes the scene of crucifixion and meditate upon it. Let us confess at His feet all our sins and transgressions whether big or small. The blood that He shed on the cross that day is still powerful and full of life. Hence if we confess our sins with true repentance He will remove them and cleanse us. Though our sins are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

He, who thus made a challenge, was numbered with the transgressors.

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (I John 1:9) "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” (Isaiah 1:18)

Because of this big sacrifice that He made for us on that day, today we enjoy a great many benefits. All we have to do to enjoy these benefits is to bring before

Yes, for this purpose the Lord Jesus Christ committed Himself to do this great sacrifice. So, when a man or woman realizes this great sacrifice, the wonderful experi-

“But He (Jesus) was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities.” (Isaiah 53:5) "Which of you convicts Me of sin?” (John 8:46) - April 2017 JESUS CALLS


ence undergone in that instant can never be described. The old man in him gets transformed totally and made into a new man with new decisions, in a twinkling. About this it is said in the Bible, “…old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (II Corinthians 5:17) Not only that, when we draw closer to the cross and receive the above mentioned experience, the blood of Christ is able to redeem the sin or curse in us or in our family (Galatians 3:13). “…who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness; by whose stripes you were healed.” (1 Peter 2:24) Accordingly, it can be clearly seen that, apart from becoming righteous, even today when we look unto His stripes we are able to be healed from sin and curse in our body. By offering Himself as the sacrifice on the cross, Jesus Christ, the express image of God has freely given us all these blessings. Apostle Paul, who thus drew closer to the cross and committed himself for God describes his experience thus: "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by 36

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faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20) My dear grand-daughter Stella Ramola, while passing through a tough situation in her life, looked up to the cross, being drawn by the Calvary love of Christ, received the true salvation, joy and peace in her life. Today she is doing wondrous deeds for the Lord and is honouring Him, much to everybody’s amazement! It is God’s divine plan that every man should receive this experience. Anyone who looks up to the cross can receive this glorious blessing. The Lord gives profound divine experiences for all those who thus look up to the cross. That’s why the ‘cross’ stands as a symbol of the Lord’s sacrifice. Let us now meditate on how this symbol is important in the lives of women: Through the lives of three women in the Bible, we could understand the love that was manifested from the Lord before He was crucified, while He was crucified and when He was resurrected from the dead. They share the same name “Mary”. This matchless love would be manifested to all those who look up to the ‘cross’ which is the symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice.

Symbol of Comfort Before Jesus Christ was cru-

cified, He had been invited by Simon, the Pharisee for a feast. He was well aware that He would be delivered up to the hands of the sinners and be crucified, in two days. That day, when He sat down to eat, a woman came running to Him carrying an alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil. Not minding the crowd of Pharisees and His disciples, she ran directly towards the feet of Jesus and poured it on His head. Simon, who had invited Him spoke to himself, saying, "This man, if He were a prophet, would know that she is a sinner." His disciples spoke among themselves, “Why this waste of money? It might have been sold for a high price and given to the poor.” None of them knew about the chastisement that was to come upon Jesus in two days. Since His heart was deeply troubled at that time, her act was of great comfort to Him. That’s why He said, "For in pouring this fragrant oil on My body, she did it for My burial.” (Matthew 26:12) In the sight of the world, her action was insignificant. But Jesus saw the genuine love of her heart and rejoiced at her. Sometimes, among the thousands of letters that I receive, some women write to me with a broken heart, “I am toiling throughout the day but my hus-

band hardly realizes it. When he treats me harshly, it is like adding insult to my injuries and I suffer a lot. Wouldn’t a day when I would enjoy love ever come in my life?” Dear sisters, who are in such painful situations, the Lord Jesus Christ knows the depth of our heart. The love of Jesus that proceeds from the cross, the symbol of sacrifice, is eager to embrace and bless you. His love is incomparable. It is matchless. Why do you ignore it and instead long for human love? Just meditate on the cross, the symbol of sacrifice. Jesus would provide His presence to you to liberally pour out His love upon you. He will change the hearts of all those who hate and despise you, no matter who they are, whether they are in your family or your colleagues, to love you. He will fill your heart with peace which the world can never give.

Symbol of Duty When Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross, He never forgot His mother even in that agonizing time. The burden, who would take care of His mother once He left the world, oppressed Him. So, He requested His beloved disciple John to take over that responsibility. After that He committed Himself to the will of God saying, “It is finished” (John 19:30). “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)

As the Bible thus says, He is still the same, with the same emotions. Just as how He was moved to see His mother’s tears and pain, today He sees the tears which the mothers shed amidst so many problems and as well the tears of His children. As the Bible says, “He would make our children’s peace to be great” (Isaiah 54:13).

ken hearted as your husband harasses you, without realizing your love for him and may wonder, “What’s the use of living anymore?” Or you may be languishing in poverty and frustrated over your state. Or you may be shedding tears, lamenting, “How would my children’s future be? How will I settle them in life, in

The love of God is able to lead the destitute, the widows and the mothers who shed tears, by their hands. So, let us not be frustrated but look up to the Lord, who never fails in His duty and be blessed! "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him…” (II Chronicles 16:9) Accordingly, the God of gods, who saw the tears of Hagar, came down to make her know His power and to know that He is the God who sees and thus miraculously blessed her, who was forsaken by people. He made her son, who was about to die, into a great nation and made them happy (Genesis 16:13; 21:14-20). Dear sister, perhaps your tears and agonies are unbearable. You may be troubled because of your son or daughter whom you carried in your womb for ten months, going astray. Perhaps you are bro-

this penury state?” Don’t such kinds of sorrows pain us and make us heavy! If you read the lives of the mothers in the Bible, who went through such sufferings, you could clearly see how the God of gods led them by His sacred hand and sustained them wonderfully. Hence, we too have a hope. The God, who manifested His power that day and wiped away their tears, looks at us with the same love, with no discrimination and is willing to help all those who look up to Him. He sustains not only the mothers who have lost their children but also the widows who have lost their husband (Psalm 146:9; 68:5; Deuteronomy 10:18). There was a widow in the place called Zarephath. She had a son - April 2017 JESUS CALLS


and they were languishing in poverty because of severe famine. That day as she was gathering a couple of sticks to prepare food with the very little dough left for her and her son, in that situation, Prophet Elijah was sent by God to her. She was very poor and she did not know from where her next meal would come. Yet the Lord sends her a guest. Is it not natural for us women to face such situations often? Several years back, I was preparing less quantity of food, sufficient for our small family. My sister was also with me at that time. Suddenly, unexpected guests arrived and I did not know what to do. However I kept praying to God and started serving food to them. What a wonder! That day I realized that it is hundred percent true that God never forsakes those who trust Him. I took remains even after everybody had the food. My sister too shared her anxiety and told me that she was wondering how I would manage the situation. Yes, the Lord did that. This is a simple incident but I never forget the miracle that the Lord did that day.

Similarly, this widow made a cake with the flour she had with her, for Elijah and brought the first one to him after which the Lord manifested His power. Since she 38

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honoured Elijah the man of God and fed him, the bin of flour was not used up, nor did the jar of oil run dry. God blessed her and her son in such a way that they lived for long with joy (I Kings 17:9-16). Yes, the love of God is able to lead the destitute, the widows and the mothers who shed tears, by their hands. So, let us not be frustrated but look up to the Lord, who never fails in His duty and be blessed!

Symbol of unchanging love When the Lord Jesus Christ lived in this world, He preached the glad tidings of the Kingdom of God in cities and villages. Apart from His twelve disciples, a few women too followed him (Luke 8:1-3). One of them was Mary Magdalene. She was the one, who received miracle from Jesus Christ when she was afflicted by the possession of seven demons. So, realizing that there is no other way to express her gratitude to Him other than that of following Him, she did that. She was one among the women who stood near the Lord Jesus when He was crucified. She never thought, “Oh, I have been following Him all these days. Now He is going to die. Then why should I follow Him?” She had deep and genuine love for the Lord

and hence she never wanted to leave Him even for a while. Even after He died, she did not depart from that place. She never failed to notice the tomb where His body was laid by a man called Joseph getting Pilate’s permission. The first day of the week arrived. Perhaps she did not sleep well the previous night. It was still dark. She was not bothered about it but ran towards the tomb all by herself. What did she see there? She saw that the stone had been rolled away from the tomb. She did not think that He had resurrected. She stood outside by the tomb weeping, assuming that someone had taken His body away. Jesus Christ, who conquered death by the power of God and who was resurrected, understood her true love for Him and decided to reveal Himself to her first. Jesus said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?" Still she did not recognize Him and so Jesus lovingly called her “Mary” and she immediately proclaimed the good news of His resurrection to His disciples (Mark 16:9,10; John 20:1-18). My dear sisters, perhaps the society might have branded her as a demon possessed woman. But Jesus understood her true love which surpassed the love of His disciples and gave her the privi-

lege of seeing Him first as the resurrected Lord. Even today, Jesus sees our heart (I Samuel 16:7). He is not far from each one of us who seek Him truly (Acts 17:27). “The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth.” (Psalm 145:18) Just as how the Lord Jesus Christ revealed Himself to Mary Magdalene that day, even today, He would reveal Himself to us, if we have true love for Him. He will make us feel His presence. He will be the head of our family and lead us wonderfully at the right time.

Dear sisters who are troubled by problems, difficulties and agonies in life, think of the reason for this. Do you love the Lord as Mary Magdalene did? How many hours in a day do you spend at the presence of God? Do you long to draw near to Him by fasting and praying? Or do you waste your time in vain talks? “…God shows no partiality…But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.” (Acts 10:34,35) According to this verse, God

has no partiality. He has no discrimination of caste, religion and creed. All are His creations! It is His will that His creations should trust Him. Let us examine our shortcomings and mend our ways. Then He would give us all that we ask and desire for, in an exceedingly abundant manner (Ephesians 3:20). As sisters, when we celebrate the Festival of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus, let us not forget that His divine love still flows as a living stream, when we see the sacrificial symbol of cross and let us enjoy receiving His blessings.


2017, April 16 (Sunday) at 5:30 pm Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower

Participate as a family

16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 28 For details: 044 - 23456630


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2017, May 1 (Monday) at 10 am Vanagaram Prayer Tower 96, Poonamallee High Road, Vanagaram, Chennai. For details: 9940600228 / 9940600229 - April 2017 JESUS CALLS


Mighty Presence of God I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. During the prayer time, I saw the face of the Lord Jesus, covered in bright light. At that time, the presence of the Lord filled the room where we were praying. All of us felt the presence of God. The 14th prayer point was apt for me and Sis. Hema’s daughter-in-law. The prayer time was a blessing to all of us. The Lord enabled us to enjoy divine experiences. - Barsha Shailee Moktan, Sikkim

Total Deliverance I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. Sis. Shakunthala attended our prayer and we prayed for her son and for the deliverance of her husband from bad habits. Hearing the prayer, the Lord transformed them both and has completely delivered them. Glory to God. - Lourdes Samuel, Kolkata.

Mighty Changes I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. The Esther Prayer Group prayer time has brought tremendous change in 40

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our lives. The prayer points sent for the Esther Prayer Group every month are new and hence we are able to pray cheerfully and with burden for each point. The promise verse is apt for the situations in everyone’s life. One new sister and her daughter attended the prayer and they learnt to pray well with burden. Glory to God, for all the spiritual blessings He has been giving to our Esther Prayer Group members. - Sharon Rajesh, Bengaluru

Miracle of daughter getting a job The 13th prayer point given for this month was meant for me. The Lord gave me the burden to pray for women who had similar problems and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I prayed with tears and burden for the other sisters. God gave me the faith and peace that He had already answered that prayer. Yes, within five days after I prayed in the Esther Prayer Group, the Lord gave my daughter, who did not get a job for more than 7 months, a job in a good company. When we pray with burden for others, the Lord surely changes our captivity. Glory to God. - J. Arulselvi, Chennai.

Encouraged by the Promise I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. This month’s promise verse was apt to every one of us and encouraged all of us to offer the sacrifice of praise from the depth of our heart. The prayer points reflected the things and happenings of our life. All the sisters of our group were encouraged by the promise verse. Glory to the Lord. - Agnes Madhuravani Michael, Bengaluru.

Immeasurable anointing I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. The time of prayer was of great blessing to us. All of us felt the presence of the Lord. The anointing of the Holy Spirit was poured upon us in an immeasurable way. Every one of us received the filling of the Holy Spirit. The Esther Prayer Group uniform is of blessing to us. Glory to God. - Maria De Fathima Khanna, Kolkata.

Lost son found I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. Sis. Agnes’ son was abroad. There

was no information from him for 6 months. All of us in the Esther Prayer Group, prayed with burden for this matter. The Lord heard the prayer and helped us to get the information from him that he would be soon returning to Malaysia. Praise the Lord ! - Catherine Wong Fee Pit, Malaysia.

Divine peace, abundant blessing We are living in Madurai. We are married and have two children. My husband was running a company and we were doing well in life. Suddenly, my husband fell ill and became bed ridden. So he could not run the company. The

creditors began to torment us and our house was about to be mortgaged. We did not know what to do. It was then I held on to the Lord and began to pray. By the grace of God, my son got a good job through which we were able to clear the debt and redeem the house. A sister known to me, advised me to start the Esther Prayer Group, but I did not do it then. On July 3, 2016, my husband passed away and I was left alone. I had no peace and felt empty. It was then I decided to start an Esther Prayer Group and expressed my desire to that sister. I started the prayer the very next month. On the first day itself the

presence of God filled me mightily. Worries and emptiness left me and I was filled with divine peace. When I prayed for others, God gave me peace and started to bless me. From that day, I am praying for other women with fasting on every last Friday. Many women also join me and pray for the prayer points sent by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. Hence, the Lord gives them also His peace. He is blessing my family through the Esther Prayer Group. My two children hold good positions in life. My son is a manager in a big company in Bengaluru and my daughter has a very good job. Glory to God. - Amelia Charles, Madurai – 14.

MIRACLES IN YOUTH ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Deliverance and Transformation The Lord delivered one of the young girls in our Youth Esther Prayer Group, from her sinful nature and granted her transformation. Glory to God. - S. Anne Priyanga, Nagercoil.

My Dear sisters, Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you to start an Esther Prayer Group / Youth Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women in your area could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. This is the end time. Contact Address: Sister Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email:

Dear sisters, who pray in the Esther Prayer Group, pray with much burden for each and every prayer point sent to you and hold on firmly to the promise word given to you with fervency in the spirit. The Lord will do a miracle. He will also bless you. - April 2017 JESUS CALLS


Question: How should we be, to accomplish our day to day things successfully?


ear ones, we can never receive a successful life in Christ, on our

own effort. As we read in II Corinthians 2:14, our God is the One who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us dif-

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand.” (Psalm 37:23,24)

“For you shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight; For the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard.” (Isaiah 52:12) What a blessed life! When we have this experience, the Lord

fuses the fragrance of His knowl-

Hence, dear ones, when we

would guide us continually, each

edge in every place. So, let us see

hold on to the Lord with faith and

minute and satisfy our soul in

carefully what things that we ought

fear, before other men, the good-

to do.

drought, and strengthen our

ness that He has prepared for us

bones. Then our lives would be

Commit your ways to the Lord:

would be great. You have to ex-

like a watered garden, and like a

perience this. That’s why David

“Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday.” (Psalm 37:5,6)

spring of water, whose waters do

says firmly that he will never be

not fail (Isaiah 58:11). Yes, God’s

moved in his life. How did he live

Word is unchanging. So, hold on

to have this favour?

to the Lord firmly. Walk in fear of

These days, many glorify their own wisdom, wealth and knowledge and believe that they can do everything. But our wisdom or efforts only bring us tears most of the time and we are disappointed. Instead when we commit our ways to the Lord and trust in Him, He Himself does everything for us. Surely there is no doubt that it would be successful for us. The Bible says, 42

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“I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.” (Psalm 16:8) All of us should follow this way. Since David had the godly life of placing the Lord always before him and a divine hope that the Lord was at his right hand, he boldly says, “I shall not be moved.” My dear ones, if we have this kind of trust and faith in our lives, what would the Lord say?

Him so that your life would be pleasing to Him and that He would always be with you. Then surely we can receive all the blessings mentioned above in our life and live a successful life in Christ. Most people ask the question, “How to live a successful life when these many afflictions and agonies are surrounding me?” “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Yes, Jesus has overcome all

who saw these wonders with their

affliction, sorrow and evil on the

own eyes, realized that God’s love

cross and has gained victory.

is truly glorious and that there is

That’s why He firmly tells, “Be of

nothing comparable to it. The

good cheer, I have overcome the

Lord changed their lives upside


down. He saved all of them and

Likewise, the Bible clearly

filled them with His Holy Spirit.

says, “Who shall separate us from

They, who hurt me, changed to be

the love of Christ?” (Romans

of help to me in some way or the

8:35). If we taste the love of


Christ and have fellowship with

Yes, dear ones, this is how af-

Him, we would be more than con-

flictions and tribulations would

querors through Him who loved

come to us in this worldly life. But

us (Romans 8:37). Yet, evil, sor-

when you hold on to the Lord

row and tears may come in your

firmly, His love would set you free

life. But you have to cling on to

from this suffering. You will have

the Lord Jesus who has conquered

a successful life. Also, He will give

all these on the cross. He is your help. When His love fills you, He would give you the grace to overcome that and conquer it.

you a fragrant and successful life in Christ. Look at the life of Mary, mother of the Lord! She was an ordinary poor woman. But she

In my life, when I held on to

was diligent in seeking the Lord

the Lord, along with my husband,

and walking in His ways with godly

my family members did not know

fear. That’s why when God sent

its glory. Their spiritual eyes were

His Son Jesus Christ to the world,

not opened. So everyone used to

He chose Mary as the vessel to

mock at me and hurt me. But since

bear Him in her womb. The An-

the love of Christ was in my life, I prayed with tears for them saying, “Lord, come into my family members. They are not aware of what they are doing. Somehow let

gel of God said to her, "Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!" (Luke 1:28)

Your love come upon each one of

After that He revealed the mat-

them. Give each one of them Your

ter planned by God. When she

grace.” After that, the Lord

heard the greeting and the will of

blessed our ordinary life and lifted

God, she committed herself totally

us up. Then, the family members,

to the will of God saying, "Behold

the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word" (Luke 1:38). Through her commitment, she received a fragrant life of bringing Jesus Christ into this world as a blessing to millions of people today. My dear sisters, we too should commit our lives to the Lord to arise and shine for Him and to give out the fragrance of Christ. Let us read the Bible diligently, wait in His presence day and night and live with godly fear, being filled with His presence. Let us do only the will of God. Let us remove all the things that are displeasing to God. Let us wait in the presence of God to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Then, He will give us the grace to live a life just as how the disciples received the Holy Spirit and led a successful, fragrant life, pleasing to God. Wait in the presence of God with the firm decision that you would not let go of Him unless you receive this life. Do not waste your time by merely offering a namesake prayer. Make use of your time without wasting it. Follow the ways of the Lord and be vigilant every minute. Let your prayer and deed be filled with fear of God and be fragrant for Him. May the Lord help you to discard your ordinary life and live a divine life, filled with the Holy  Spirit! - April 2017 JESUS CALLS


A special prayer to be offered by women Dear sisters! These days, many women are praying for the salvation and transformation of their husband. Some women are confused not knowing what to do and how to pray. Such pitiable state prevails today. What should we do at this juncture? According to Psalm 121:1, we should look up to the Lord Jesus, who is the Hill from where comes our help. Then our help would come from the Lord, who made heaven and earth (Psalm 121:2). For this purpose, I have given below a prayer published in the Jesus Calls magazine by Bro. D.G.S.Dhinakaran in November 1991.

Prayer for husband’s transformation! (Compiled by Bro. D.G.S.Dhinakaran - November 1991).

Loving Lord, family life is established by You. You instituted the family life for us saying, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” I praise You for that. However, now You alone know the problems and tears in my family life. There are so many loss, tears and pain in my life because of my dear husband who goes in evil ways and does things which are not pleasing to You. I am weary with my groaning; All night I make my bed swim; I drench my couch with my tears. I have lost my peace because of this. O, Jesus! You are the Prince of Peace! You are the Peace! Didn’t the chastisement of peace come upon You? Today, pour out Your divine peace into my family. I curse the works of the devil that bring lack of peace in my family, in Your name. Lord, a family life cannot be led jointly unless the husband and wife have oneness of mind. Now, there is no one mindedness in us because of my husband’s evil ways. We are unable to plead to You as a family and receive anything from You. O, God! There is no creature hidden from Your sight, but all things are naked before You. You know my husband; You see him. You have tested and found how his heart is. Please search my husband, O God, and know his heart; see if there is any wicked way in him and remove it and lead him in the way everlasting. Help him to repent today. Change him into Your child. Pour into him the spirit of one mindedness. Create in our family a divine peace and joy. Let me also live a pleasing life to my husband. O, Father! Help us to love You as a family, rejoice in You, please you and thus glorify You. Through our good life, let our children too walk in the ways pleasing to You. I praise that You would do that and bring a divine transformation in my husband and change my tears into tears of joy. In Jesus’ name I pray and I take these blessings O, Father. Amen. (Based on the Bible verses: Genesis 2:18; Psalm 6:6; Isaiah 9:6; Micah 5:5; Isaiah 53:5; John 14:27; Amos 3:3; Matthew 18:19; Hebrews 4:13; Jeremiah 12:3; Psalm 139:23,24).

BIBLE QUIZ 60 - WINNERS Chennai: Godvia Princes, D. Sumithra David Pudhucherry: P. S. Moorthy, Andhra: D. Joice Viswavani Toll Free No. 1800 425 77 55 (7 am to 9 pm) Rajsekhar, J. Thanuja Karnataka: K. Dhanamani, 44

JESUS CALLS April 2017 -

New life given by God We are living in Madurai. We are married for 12 years and have a son and a daughter. My husband had been addicted to alcohol since childhood and he always used to take alcohol. This habit continued even after marriage. He is a mechanic and used to spend all his income on alcohol. He never used to give money for the children’s education. Every day I used to wait for him to return home because of which I stopped looking after my children. So, my son was doing badly in his studies and failed in all subjects. The teachers asked me to take him off from the school. Not knowing what to do, I decided to end my life. At this juncture, I was watching the Sathyam T.V. In that, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran shared about the Lord’s love and said, “Don’t cry telling your problems to others but to the Lord.” She also quoted the verse, “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3). I started clinging on to the Lord and began to fast and pray. Every day, after everyone went to bed, I used to pray for my family in the presence of God. After that I enrolled my family in the Family Blessing Plan. What a wonder! Within a few months, my husband got delivered from alcoholism. He said,

“I don’t know what has come over me. I am unable to drink. I feel odd when I go near the liquor shop.” I then shared with him the love of the Lord and brought him to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. Now he has also become God’s child and has become a new man. My son too has started to study well much to our amazement. Glory to God. - A. Rathi Anand, Madurai – 10

Complete Healing I got married in 2012 and me and my husband are living near Chengalpet. We come from a family that does not know Jesus. I had a skin problem in 2006, and the colour of my skin on my hip area began to change. I spent nearly 2½ years in agony. After that my problem worsened and puss came out of it. It would stick on to my dress and I would suffer a lot by that. In those days I was not married. Since I had the skin problem at my youth, I could not tell this to anyone, not even to my parents. I would be crying over it. I could not go to the hospital also. At this critical state, I came to know about the Jesus Calls television ministry. When I was watching the Hour of Hope programme in the Vijay T.V on 24.10.2007, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran said that the Lord was giving the word, ‘'Behold, I will

bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth” (Jeremiah 33:6). On hearing this, I was filled with a great joy. I took this word as the medicine for me and kept it for myself. Finally, when Sis. Stella Dhinakaran prayed, I too joined her in the prayer. The next day when I woke up I could see the skin completely healed in that area and it was clear with no trace of scars. I shouted in joy. Within three days all the wounds from my hip to leg were completely healed. The Lord granted me complete healing. Since then I have not had this skin problem. I am doing well. - G.Pushpaveni, Kanchipuram.

Power of Prayer and Deliverance I got married in 1999. My husband had been addicted to alcohol for nearly 20 years, even before marriage. We have two daughters. The elder one is doing her 11th and the younger one is in 6th std. Because of my husband there was no peace in our family. He used to hit me hard because of which I had lot of injuries on my body. I went for job and took care of my children. At this juncture, my husband deserted me all of a sudden and I had to live alone with my children for two years. Through a sister I - April 2017 JESUS CALLS


came to know of the Jesus Calls TV ministry. Through the messages of Sister Stella Dhinakaran in the Hour of Hope TV programme, I started holding on to the Lord. I also visited the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for prayers. My husband, who had left me, came back as a new man and started living with me. But he had cancer and was critical. I then came to know of the Esther Prayer Group and started a group in my village. What a wonder! When I prayed for others, the Lord healed my husband’s infirmity. When he went for a check- up to the hospital, the report came out to be normal. Now my husband is in good health and he has also become God’s child. Because of the prayers offered in the Esther Prayer Group, my children have started studying well. Also the Lord has helped our family to prosper in every way. Now we are very happy. My thanks to the Lord who did the miracle. - A. Rema Vinnarasi Augustine, Vellore.


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“Blessed is the man who endures temptation…” (James 1:12)


oday, most of us, the women, suffer as we face many trials and are unable to overcome them. We shed tears lamenting, “Why these trials are troubling me alone?” Yes, trials come to the good people as well as to the evil people. God has no partiality (Romans 2:11, Acts 10:34). So, trials do come in everybody’s life without any partiality. In the year 1969, our beloved Bro. Dhinakaran was nearing death as his both lungs were infected and had high fever day and night. Whenever night arrived, he would long for the day time and vice versa. He was physically tormented both day and night. At this juncture, one day, unable to bear the agony, he cried to the Lord, “Lord, why this suffering for me? I have committed my life for Your service. Please show me my shortcomings…” The Lord answered him and said, “Son, plenty are those who suffer like you in this world. I will use you as a “son for comfort” for such people.” I have chosen you to understand their agony and pray for them with tears. That’s why I

have allowed you to pass through this pain.” I have been always comforted by a particular verse and have comforted many others too through this:

“…the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (I Peter 1:7) “But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.” (I Peter 5:10) Accordingly, these sufferings do not surround us always. We should understand that they are only for a short while. The Lord did listen to the tear-filled prayers offered for my husband and did a miracle and healed him. Yes! There would be trials for us in this world. It would be of different types. Hence, at such times look only up to Him. Except Him, nobody can deliver us. So, don’t be afraid see-

ing the trials in your life. “For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted.” (Hebrews 2:18) Accordingly, He will surely deliver and honour you. Trust Him and look up to Him alone, no matter how big your trial is. He will make you understand how great His love, mercy, grace, and favour is. He will even make a way of escape in temptation. We read about this clearly in I Corinthians 10:13. He will never allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able. Also with the temptation He will make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. See, how He loves us! His eyes are upon each one of us. As we read in Psalm 121:1,2, with the hope “I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth” let us hold on to the Lord - April 2017 JESUS CALLS


at times of trial, without any anxiety. “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” (Isaiah 26:3) The most terrible trial that I faced in my life, was the loss of my only daughter Angel in a gruesome car accident. It was an unbearable agony for me. But even at that time, without giving room to any negative things in my mind, I looked only up to the Lord who alone can deliver me from that agony. As a result, the courage and faith that the Lord is sufficient for me and that He would surely be faithful enough to protect me, rose within me. What happened? Today, mothers who have lost their children like me come seeking me for comfort. The Lord has given me the grace to plead to Him with tears, along with them. They go back with divine strength and help. What a joy for me! If I had

not passed through this sorrow, I can never comfort the Lord’s people as in Isaiah 40:1. So, the Lord is faithful to do everything for our good and is faithful to grant us victory in the midst of trials.

Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation (Matthew 26:41, Mark 14:38; Luke 22:46)

The life of the Lord Jesus is an example to us. So, it is necessary for us to read His life from the Bible diligently and follow His footsteps. Before Jesus was arrested by the enemies – before He was crucified – we read in the Bible that He sought the help of God to gain victory from that trail. Though He was the Son of God, He prayed thrice to God in order to be an example for us. After that He received strength to conquer the trial. The courage to fulfill His will birthed in His heart. Dear sisters, when trials come

against us, as the Bible says, let us plead to the Lord saying, “And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one” (Matthew 6:13). Also, with the faith that God will help us bear the trial and strengthen us to overcome it, we should commit ourselves to wait in His presence. Then the Lord will surely deliver us. He will give us divine strength and fill us with His peace. The Lord Jesus Christ, went through the path of the cross and is today seated at the right hand of the Father, having conquered death (Hebrews 1:3; I Peter 3:22). Also He has exalted Him by giving Him a name above all names (Philippians 2:911). Hence, dear ones, do not be worried seeing the trials in your life. As the Bible says seek diligently the help of God. He will never let you down. Surely He will honour you and exalt you.


1. Moses, very humble, more than all men who were on the face of the earth – (Numbers 12:3) 2. The Lord’s enemies, those who love Him, like the sun when it comes out in full strength – (Judges 5:31) 3. His kindness to the living and the dead; the Lord – (Ruth 2:20) 4. Israel; dwell in safety alone; The fountain of Jacob; In a land of grain and new wine – (Deuteronomy 33:28) 5. All the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord; As the Lord lives – (Numbers 14:21) 6. Land in the South; Springs of water; Achsah asked her father Caleb – (Joshua 15:17,18,19) 7. Man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord – (Deuteronomy 8:3) 8. The flame; from the altar; the Angel of the Lord ascended in the flame – (Judges 13:20) 9. In the sight of Israel, Sun – over Gibeon; Moon, in the valley of Aijalon, stand still; Joshua – (Joshua 10:12) 10. The Lord; His countenance upon you and give you peace – (Numbers 6:25) 48

JESUS CALLS April 2017 -

- Jesupadham


oth Kirubakaran and Emima were stunned on hearing the message over the phone. Finally, the builder, who could not hide it any more after receiving 3/4th of their money, told them the truth. “Why did you give the money to unknown people.?”

fice had bought a house. So, when he too wanted to buy one, clerk Rangarajan told him about the four storied apartment, Kirubakaran gave the advance, impressed by the fine looking building. But when the construction was not over even after the time specified by them, his suspicion grew.

“You would have done it without keeping it in prayer.”

Initially the builder denied the charge but eventually accepted.

“Did you first tell me that you’re going to buy a house? If you had told me, this wouldn’t have happened.”

“Of course this house is yours Sir. We were sure that we would get the government approval soon and hence started the work. But now it is stopped since we couldn’t get it. Anyway, we would finish it soon Sir. It will take time but please bear the inconvenience.”

“How would he give back all the money? That’s’ it.” Kirubakaran’s mother poured out her pain, hatred and slight streak of sadism into words. Though upset with her mother-inlaw Emima held her tongue, realizing that it was not the right time to talk. They had been eagerly expecting to shift to their new house within the next two months. But the construction without government permission, shattered their dream of possessing a new house. His mother’s lamentations made Kirubakaran furious. Admonishing her harshly, he left the house. Everybody in his family and of-

His words did not convince them. Within a few days the workers left for another site. After a month, when they visited the house they found some of the things missing. On enquiry they came to know that the case had been lost and that the building was to be demolished. The thin thread of hope snapped off and above all the news which hit them hard was that the builder was missing. It was at this state, Emima’s aunt

came on a visit. She was baffled by the tension in the house and when asked, Emima broke out in tears. Listening to her woes patiently, her aunt said, “Let us pray dear. There is nothing impossible for God. Don’t cry. The death of Jesus on the cross implied that everything was over. But wasn’t there a new life? When Joseph was sold off and when he was in the prison with no way out, didn’t the Lord pave a way for him to come out and start a new life?” Her aunt sowed seeds of faith in her heart. Three months passed by. Suddenly the builder paid them an unexpected visit. “Sir, we’ve not got the permission for this building. But I have similar apartments in Raj Nagar, 2nd Avenue. Please take the ground floor which I had kept for my son. Of course I would build him another one, later. You are like my son. So please go and see that. Here… take the key…” The Lord gave them far more excellent house than the previous one. They understood that the death of Jesus on the cross was not an end but a new beginning. “The Lion of Judah rose from the dead.” - April 2017 JESUS CALLS



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BIBLE PORTION FROM 1 CHRONICLES TO ESTHER (Answer with Biblical reference)

1. For if you remain in what manner at this time, what will arise for whom from where? Who said this to whom? 2. Who and whom separated who all that they should do what with what things? 3. What should be with you? How should you be to do what? What is not there with whom, nor taking of what? 4. Who did what, to search what and to do what and to teach what? Where? 5. Who mocked who, despised what, and scoffed at whom, until what rose against whom? 6. For what reason did who rejoice? How and to whom did they give? Who rejoiced greatly? 7. What was built within what, when was its end? 8. Who could not continue what? Why? What filled what? 9. Who, how was he, whom did he seek and what did he do to whom? 10. With whom, who joined and they became like what? Answers must reach us before April 20, 2017 Address: Bible Quiz - 62, Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. 50

JESUS CALLS April 2017 -

Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(S) Dn/ 513/15-17 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/WPP-156/15-17 Published on 25-03-2017


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