Jesus Calls (English) - January 2017

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Friend! I have come with Good News to you in this month. It is not only ‘Good News’ for this month but for this whole year. The Good News is that the Lord had lifted up His hands to bless you. When God lifts up His hand to bless you then your life will be filled with blessings and therefore this year is going to be a year of blessings and

fulfilment. Friend! If you are looking for a promise from God for this new year then take this as His promise for the year – our Lord has lifted up His hands to bless you. You know that the last thing a person does when he or she is leaving the earth is very important and here the last thing that our Saviour had chosen to do before He as-

cended into heaven was to lift up His hands and blessed His disciples. This is exactly what the Lord will do in your life too. He will lift up His hands and bless you. If you are willing to receive; He is willing to lift up His hands and bless you. - January 2017 JESUS CALLS


He was moved with compassion for His disciples. It looks as if He said, “Until now I had been with you physically but now I am going to Heaven. You may not be able to see me physically anymore so let me place all my blessings upon you so that you will never miss me for all through your lives. You will have me with you through my blessings that will flow out of My hand and give you a life of fulfilment”. Friend! That is the Love of Jesus for you. He wants you to be blessed and fulfilled. He says, “My child, I want you to be blessed in such a way that you must prosper in every aspect of your life and be in good health just as your soul prospers” (III John 2). That is the heart of Jesus and that is exactly what He is going to do to you this month. You will feel the hand of Jesus coming upon you right now even as you are reading this message and so let not your heart be troubled. He has not forgotten you. He has a great plan to be fulfilled in your life which He will make it come to pass with His love, power and wisdom and so don’t be afraid.

The Hands of a Worker Look at the hand of Jesus! First of all it is the hand of a worker. In Colossians 1:16 the bible says, that everything was created by the Lord Himself. The whole world was created by His mighty hands. His hands has the power to create the entire universe. Solomon says, “Oh! Lord! Whatever You promised my father, You made it come to pass by your mighty hands”. God’s hand is a creating hand. The same hand when it came into this world in the form of Jesus was the hand of a car4

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penter. If you read Mark 6:3 and Matt. 13:55 the bible says, that people said, “Is not this Jesus - the carpenter? Is not this Jesus the carpenter’s Son? Yes He worked with His hands as a carpenter. Since Jesus had helped his dad in carpentry work and had worked like any normal human worker, He knows the agony of the people who work. Yes! He has gone through the demands and pressures of work. Jesus worked because the Bible says in Gen. 3:19, that God commanded man saying, “You shall work and you shall earn your living by the sweat of your forehead”. So the Lord Jesus said, “I must go through that experience”. Yes! My friend! Jesus went through every experience that we go through in this world today? He knows how it is and what it is? He went through every temptation that we go through; every tribulation we are pushed into and every situation that we get into and that is why He is able to comfort us in every situation even today. (Heb. 2:18) What a comfort it gives us to know that He knows what it is to ‘work’? He knows what it is to sweat and that is why He says, “I will raise my hands and bless you in your work – all the tasks, projects, assignments and responsibilities given to you in your work place. He knows what it is to achieve targets and do double shifts. On the other hand He also knows what it is to be without a job. He knows the condition of a family which has no bread winner. He has gone through it all. That is the faith with which Jonathan went to fight all by himself, with just his armor-bearer against the Philis-

tines (1 Sam. 14:45). He had the God of war with him. He had with him a God who knows what it is to face an enemy of great army. You need to see, that was the time when all the people of Israel were afraid of the Philistines and no one dared to go and fight them. It was a time when the Philistines were coming to rob them off their possessions; rid them off their families and strip them off their future. But it was at this time that Jonathan stood up single-handedly with his trust in God. He said, “God can save with many and God can save with few”. He believed that God was the Almighty and that He had a mighty hand with him which could create a future for him. He believed that God could remove all obstructions for his blessings in his life. He said, “All that I need to do is to go in His name”. And the bible says, he went along with his armorbearer – just the two of them and God went with them. The bible says that God worked with them and gave them victory or rather he worked with God who led him to victory. The Lord stood with him while he did his job. Just the two of them brought a mighty victory that day. Yes! God fought with them from heaven, protected them and gave them a future. In the same way my friend, the hand of Jesus is raised to bless you in your job; to bless you in the work of your hands; to bless you in your family and to supply all your needs. That is the hand of Jesus, He works with you. Don’t be afraid. Don’t say, “ Oh! I have to face this competition; Oh! I have to face these pressures; Oh! I have to do this work and show results”.

Friend! You must know that there is another hand with you - the hands that created the heavens and Earth. Those mighty hands are working along with you. The carpenter’s hand can repair anything and everything. It can set right any joints and it can make everything strong. That hand of Jesus is coming upon you now even as you are reading this message. That is the reason the Holy Spirit has led you to read this message. As you acknowledge Him in all your works, He will work with you. When He works with you, whatever you do will prosper. Friend! The Lord wanted me to tell this to you straight away even as you are reading this message - you are going to see an increase in your job – any work of your hands. You are going to see prosperity in your business. You are going to bring home much results and fruits to your family. Every obstruction - whether it is by men or whether it is by your own weaknesses or whether it is by the market situation – will be removed because the hands of the Lord will work with you. Friend! Don’t be afraid. God will raise your family. God will rise your children up to great heights. You will do the working; but He will do the worrying (caring and ensuring good results). Let not your heart be troubled, because the Lord has gone through this situation and He understands you and will multiply your resources.

The hand that multiplies Friend! When God’s hand comes; multiplication happens. Yes! Everything that you have will multiply. You may be worried by

what little you have; you may be worried thinking how you are going to make both ends meet; you may be worried calculating how to divide your small earnings to meet the many needs presenting itself before you with an open mouth, but this is where the miracle of multiplication happens. When God raises His hands and blesses you all the little resources that you have will be multiplied. Look at what He says to Abraham in Gen. 17:2. He says, “Abraham! Abraham! I will bless you and I will multiply you. And multiplying I will multiply you and in blessing I will bless you”. Friend! That is the heart of God. His heart says, “My children should multiply with blessings”. In Matt. 14:19; 15:32 God multiplies the 5 loaves and two fish. Finally everyone were satisfied and there was food remaining – 12 baskets! The same thing will happen to you my friend, so let not your heart be troubled. The hand of God that comes upon your life will do that for you. My friend, you may be going through a time of need or obstructions to blessings in your life, but today the hand of God will come and remove those obstructions and bless you. The Bible says in Prov. 28:20, “The faithful man shall abound with blessings”, so from today God will make you abound with blessings. You will become a liberal giver on the one side, remembering the ministry and remembering the Lord and on the other side, the hand of God will go on pouring, pouring and pouring upon you His blessings till you are filled and overflow.

Jonathan the son of king Saul never complained saying, “My father is not ready for the battle; my father is not leading the battle; my friends or my country men are not there to fight the battle”. Rather he said, “With what I have, let me go and build the kingdom of God; with what I have, let me go”. God honored him and gave him a great victory and great nations subdued before him. He subdued his enemies. Friend! It shall be the same in your life too. You will subdue all your enemies and all those forces that arise against you. You will overcome all challenges with the blessings of God and all your desires shall be fulfilled (Psalm 37:4). Don’t be discouraged. The hand of God, the hand of Jesus the carpenter will perfect everything for you. He will set all things right in your life, so let not your heart be troubled.

The hands of blessing In the parable of the prodigal son which Jesus narrated (Luke 15:20-22), when the son returns to the father repenting of his sins what does the father do? The bible says that the father ran towards him and fell on his neck and embraced him and loved him. Friend! That’s the father’s heart. Even today as we tell him, “Lord, I am not a saint; I am not a perfect person, have mercy on me. I am your son and You are my Father, please have mercy on me”, He comes and embraces us, falls on our necks and blesses us. And His blessings remove all curses. (Deu. 23:5). Today whatever impediment that may be in your life; whatever guilt there may be in your heart; whatever - January 2017 JESUS CALLS


lonely feeling that you may have in your spirit the Lord says, “My child you have come to me. I will lay my hands upon you , embrace you with my hands, bless you and fill you.

The robe of righteousness Note the three things the father did to the prodigal son. The Father put a new robe on the son’s body. Friend! The Bible talks about a robe called ‘the robe of righteousness’. Our Father will clothe you with the robe of righteousness. (Is. 61:10). He will remove the robe of sin and put the robe of righteousness on you. That is the power of God. And then he would say, “Now! My son; My daughter is righteous with My righteousness and therefore nobody should accuse him or her any more”. Yes! My friend! No devil will be able to accuse you; no man will be able to accuse you. Even your own heart will not be able to accuse you. When people look at you being covered with His righteousness they will say, “This man; this woman is full of righteousness”. That is what the hand of Jesus does and this is what only the hand of Jesus can do, because it is He who has paid the price on the cross for you. Even if you have backslidden from the life of righteousness you can turn to him now and He will put the robe of righteousness upon you and fill your life with His blessings. Yes! My friend! This is what will happen to you in this year of blessing and fulfillment. Even as you are reading this message you are going to become righteous. The hand of Jesus is going to put that robe of righteous6

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ness upon you and make you shine with God’s glory.

prodigal son said, “Bring the sandals and put it in my son’s legs.

Position of Authority

2 Sam. 15:30 the bible says David, walked from Jerusalem crying when his son followed him to kill him and he walked bear footed. Walking bare footed was a sign of sorrow in the heart. Yes! When we are in sorrow; when we suffer loss; when we lose our loved ones ; when we lose the things that we consider precious in this world, sorrow fills us and we walk barefoot. We say often , “What more can I do in this world”, and I walk barefooted. But the father of the prodigal son said, “No more sorrow my son. You are going to have joy. Come let me give you the best sandals and make you walk with honor. For every shame you might have gone through, you will have honor”. The Bible says in Zach. 9:12, “Return to Me and I will give you honor”.

Secondly, the Father put a ring in his son’s fingers. If you read Gen. 41:48 Joseph lost everything, but then the bible says God never left him. He lost his possessions; he lost his relationship with his family ; they disowned him and threw him away and sold him to the foreigners; the person for whom he worked faithfully had disowned him because he did not commit a demanded sin. He was accused falsely. Just imagine! He was at the height of agony and the peak of rejection but God met him and his hands came upon him. And see what happened to him when God’s hands came upon him. It made the king of that land put his ring in his finger and say, “You will have authority over this entire land”. A foreigner is placed as the highest authority in a foreign land! That’s what the hands of God can do when it is lifted upon a person. Joseph was made a person of authority in the most powerful kingdom on earth during his time. Friend! The same God is your father too. He will do the same to you too. He will give you a position of authority that will lift you from rejection; from false accusation Yes! You will rise up to the position of authority and people shall come and bow before you. That is what the hand of God does. When the hand of God is upon you His wisdom is upon you. His Wisdom shall make your face to shine.

Position of Honour And thirdly the father of the

Friend! The Lord is going to give you honor from today. He says, “I will bless you and fill you with honor, I will bless you, and put you in a position of authority. I will bless you and clothe you with the robe of righteousness. No man will accuse you anymore ; no devil will accuse you anymore”. Friend! It’s going to happen in your life from today, so don’t be discouraged. Today God’s hand is coming upon you to make this year a year of Blessing and Fulfillment. A few months ago an auto driver came and testified in our studio. He was an alcoholic for over 15 years. He spent all his earnings in drinking. Nobody could control him. One day fullydrunk he was watching a television programme. He had nothing to do with God but was

watching our programme. He was fully intoxicated even while watching the programme. There in the programme I began to pray for people and I called out his name by the power of God. The Holy Spirit enabled me to do that. And I said, “Jayaraj you are watching this programme. Mr. Jayaraj you are an alcoholic. Today come to God. He is going to deliver you. He is going to crown you in this world”. He was shocked because even in the midst of intoxication he could understand his name being called. He didn’t know what to do? He said, he ran to the television set and held on to the television set. He didn’t know what was happening. His wife and children were watching and they were shocked to see him hugging the television set as I was continuing to pray. He said that something like an electric shock came upon him and he fell down and as he awoke he saw black fumes going out of his nose. He felt some black spirits were going out through the fumes and when they had come out, joy came into his heart. He came to the Lord and he became a new man - totally free from the addiction. Joy filled his heart and he went back to his auto business and began to prosper. They were not Christian but he came with his family to the Prayer Tower and made his children young partners. Until then, because of the father’s troubles the children never prospered in the studies. But then they secured first places in their classes. Joy returned to the family and God gave him another job along with this auto driving - he became a medical representative. He did two jobs at the same time and began to prosper. But he said one greatest thing that happened in his life after that deliverance from alco-

hol. Suddenly he met with an accident and his hands broke and he went to a native physician. There are native physicians who apply oil and all kinds of things and they bind the bones together. The native man tried to set his bones together three times but it didn’t fit into the socket and the native doctor said, “Go back and drink some toddy (native alcohol) and come back, because I have to do something serious. I have to break the bone and again set it right”. But this man said, “No! No more alcohol. I had given up alcohol long time ago because Jesus came into my heart. Whether I get healed or not I am not going to touch alcohol anymore”. Saying this he came back to the Prayer Tower where we have healing service every week and started attending it regularly. He brought people in his auto to the Prayer Tower. That was the ministry that he was doing. He would sit there and the Prayer Warriors would come and anoint him with prayed oil and amazingly the hand set beautifully by the power of God. It’s three years now since the hands set by the power of prayer and he is perfectly normal and well. What a great testimony. The robe of righteousness that Jesus put upon him will remain forever.

Friend! Today the robe of righteousness will come upon you and you will have prosperity, authority and dignity in your life. Yes! The Lord will remove every sorrow and joy will fill your home and your heart. And you will be ushered into a life of blessing and fulfillment. That’s the power in the hand of Jesus.

Hands of Healing Finally, the hands of Jesus are hands of healing. It can heal any-

body and everybody. When I started my ministry the Lord told me, “ My son! Out of all the things that I loved to do in this world when I was in this world was to heal the people. I love to heal people. That’s why the bible says in Matt. 14:14 and Luke 4:40 that when the sick came to Jesus He laid His hands upon everybody and healed them. The healing hands of Jesus is the same hands which He has today. When He stretched forth His hands to Thomas in John 20:25-27 He said, “Look at the wounds in My hands. Look at it Thomas. The wounds are there even in My glorified body. Why? To heal my people. Is. 53:5 says, “ By His stripes we are healed”. He carries His stripes in His body even today to heal us. Friend! Today the hand of Jesus shall come and heal you. It is so easy to receive healing from Jesus. All that He has to do is to come and lay His hands upon you. The hand of Jesus has special power contained in the wounds that he suffered for us on the Cross. The same hand shall come upon you right now and bless you. In one of our campaign something happened that was amazing! It was beyond my understanding. A man came with his family and said, “Sir, my tongue is totally paralyzed. I have nothing to do with Jesus, but somebody brought me to your meetings. And there as I was watching the meeting, rains began pouring down in the open public foot ball grounds. And you cried unto the Lord and said, “Lord these people are suffering with many problems. If the rain comes and stops the meetings, they have to go back with their - January 2017 JESUS CALLS


sufferings, so please stop the rain”. And as you said that the Lord stopped the rain. That incident shook me up and I said, “Jesus is alive. He is God. If He can stop the rain then He can stop my paralysis also”. Thus, faith built up within me. You know I was in a terrible situation. I could not take my food through my mouth, because it would not go into my food pipe. I would suffocate. So the doctors had to make an incision and put a tube and food was administered through that tube every day. And as I tried to reach you , you were leaving the ground and there was so much crowd that I couldn’t reach you. Then I asked for an appointment and I brought my whole family to meet you and there you were praying for people one by one in the Prayer Tower in Chennai,. When my turn came , you suddenly laid your hands upon me and said, “ Brother! Jesus had paid the price on the cross for you so you need not carry this disease. You will


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speak. Your tongue will come back and you will preach the gospel and build a church”. When I heard it nothing happened and so I just moved along. When I came home my tongue twisted back and a power came into my tongue and I began to talk. My tongue started to function normally. Unspeakable joy came into the hearts of every one in my family. I could speak again. I could eat normally. My wife rejoiced. And nearly a year has gone since this happened and today God has given me a ministry and very quickly souls were saved. Today I have a church”.

Friend! That is the hand of Jesus. It does things beyond our understanding. Thank God those hands are available for us and the same hand protects us from the evil powers. He blesses us, so that the curses don’t touch us. Enemy doesn’t touch us. In Job 1:10 the devil cries and he says, “ You have put a hedge of

fire around Job and I am not able to touch him.” Yes! That’s the hand of Jesus that protects us with His blessings. The devil cannot cross the hedge of blessings that is around us and harm us. The hedge of fire is nothing but a hedge of blessings. With the blessings that God gives, you will destroy the enemy Satan and his people. The days will come when you will search for the enemies and they will not be found! Friend! Today the hands of Jesus are lifted upon you. The Lord is willing to usher you into a year of blessing and fulfilment. You will go forward and have authority, honour, healing, protection, multiplication of your resources, success in the work of your hands, prosperity and good health and shine as glorious testimony for the goodness and love of God our Father! Go ahead and enjoy a year of blessing and fulfilment. God bless  you abundantly!

January 1, Sunday: Genesis 12:2 - You shall be a blessing Meditation: Ex.23:20; Judg.6:14; Ps.45:10,11; Eccl.7:10-13; Mk. 16:15-20 January 2, Monday: Joshua 3:5 - Lord will do wonders Meditation: Is.25:1; Rom.6:4-8; 1 Cor.6:9-11; 2 Cor.5:17; Heb.10:10 January 3, Tuesday: Philippians 4:19 - God shall supply all your need Meditation: Lk. 18:18-25; 22:35; Rom.11:33; Eph.3:13-19; Col.2:2,3; Js.1:5 January 4, Wednesday: Zephaniah 3:15 - Your judgments shall be taken away Meditation: Ps.109:31; Is.50:9; Lk.6:37; Jn.3:17; Rom.8:1 January 5, Thursday: Isaiah 43:19 - Way in the wilderness Meditation: Gen.21:13-20; Ex.17:1-6; Num.20:2-11; Lk. 3:16; Rev.21:5 January 6, Friday: 2 Chronicles 19:11 - Be brave Meditation: Deut.31:6-8; 1 Chr.28:20; Ps.27:14; 1 Cor.15:58; Eph.6:10 January 7, Saturday: Psalm 65:11 - Year with many crops Meditation: Gen.41:29; Deut.29:5; Neh.10:31; Is.63:4; Lk.4:16-20 January 8, Sunday: Nehemiah 8:10 - Joy, your strength Meditation: Ps.21:6; Is.65:14; Acts. 2:28; Phil.2:2; Joel 2:21 January 9, Monday: Psalm 145:19 – God, who accomplishes the desire Meditation: 1 Kgs.2:20: 3:5; Ps.20:4; Prov.10:24; Matt.15:28; Jn.5:1-9 January 10, Tuesday: Job 8:7 – Small and great prosperity Meditation: Gen.50:20; Eccl.7:8; Joel 2:26; Zech. 4:10; Js.1:4 January 11, Wednesday: Isaiah 66:13 - You shall be comforted Meditation: 2 Chr.32:8; Ps. 23:3; 71:21; Is.12:1; 40:1; Jer.31:13; 2 Thes.2:17 January 12, Thursday: Zechariah 9:12 - Prisoners of the hope Meditation: Deut.30:3; Ez.6:16; Job 5:18; Ps.9:18; 131:3; Is.61:3 January 13, Friday: Psalm 89:21 - The arm which gives strength Meditation: Ez.7:6; Ps.89:13; Is.40:29; Ezek.8:1; Acts 11:21 January 14, Saturday: Psalm 126:5 – Joyful reap Meditation: Deut.10:22; 2 Chr.31:10; Ps.67:6; Is.65:22; 2 Tim. 2:6 January 15, Sunday: Job 23:10 - Pure as solid gold Meditation: Ps.119:71; Zach.13:9; 1 Pet.1:7; Js.1:12; Heb.10:32-36 January 16, Monday: Philippians 4:13 – Power of Christ Meditation: Acts 1:8; 4:13; Rom.1:16; 1 Cor.4:20; 2 Cor.12:79; 2 Tim.2:1 January 17, Tuesday: Romans 8:31 - No one will be able to oppose

Meditation: Deut.11:25; Josh.1:5; Judg.8:28; Prov.16:7; Is.54:17 January 18, Wednesday: Deuteronomy 11:24 - Your borders will be extended Meditation: Gen.22:17; Deut. 11:24; 1 Chr.4:10; Prov.9:11; Is.9:7 January 19, Thursday: Proverbs 22:29 - Hard work and success Meditation: Deut. 11:1; Eccl. 9:10; Acts. 8:22; Eph.6:5,6; 1 Pet. 5:6 January 20, Friday: Exodus 23:25 - Get rid of the sickness Meditation: Ps.6:2; Matt.12:15; Mk.6:13; Lk.5:13; Js.5:14 January 21, Saturday: 3 John 2 - Everything go well with you Meditation: Deut.7:14; Ps.115:14; Prov.3:10; Is.62:4; Jn.10:10 January 22, Sunday: Isaiah 61:7 - God will turn your shame to honor Meditation: Josh. 5:9; Ps.34:5; Is.9:3,4; 54:4; Lk.1:24,25; Rom.5:5 January 23, Monday: 1 John 4:4 - Won your fight Meditation: Deut.7:21; Ps.60:12; Lk.9:1,2; Rom.8:31; 1 Cor.10:13 January 24, Tuesday: Genesis 16:13 - The Lord who speaks Meditation: Ps.18:30; 1:2; Prov.2:6; Is.65:24; Lk.4:8; Jn.1:1; 4:26 January 25, Wednesday: Exodus 14:13 - Salvation of the Lord Meditation: 2 Sam.22:3; Dan.6:16; Matt.9:22; Lk.8:48; Eph.2:5 January 26, Thursday: Psalm 145:14 - The Lord who upholds Meditation: 1 Sam.7:12; Ps.9:8; 146:8; Is.40:29; 41:10; 46:4; Mk.9:27 January 27, Friday: Isaiah 41:15 – New creation Meditation: Ezek.36:26; Rom.12:2; 2 Cor.5:17; Eph.4:22,23; Rev.21:5 January 28, Saturday: Psalm 62:8 - Pour out your heart Meditation: 1 Sam.1:15; Ps.142:2; Rom.12:12; 8:26; 1 Jn.3:22 January 29, Sunday: 1 Corinthians 3:16 - God’s Spirit lives in you Meditation: Deut.31:2-5; Neh.9:20; Job 33:4; Acts 2:28; 1 Pet.4:14 January 30, Monday: Haggai 2:23 - Specially chosen Meditation: Deut.7:7; 1 Chr.28:10; 2 Chr.7:16; Is.49:16; Jn.15:16; Rom.8:30 January 31, Tuesday: Romans 8:28 - According to God’s purpose Meditation: Matt.9:13; 10:20; Acts 7:30-34; Rom.11:29; 1 Cor.1:9; 1 Pet.3:9 - January 2017 JESUS CALLS


In the past 12 months, the Lord Jesus has done great things and wonders through the Jesus Calls ministry. We give below the detailed report of the souls touched by the Lord through the various ministerial services. This would help you , our precious partner, to know about the mighty deeds that took place through the ministry because of your liberal offerings and pleas for us at the feet of God. 10

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Prayer Festivals: Jesus answered and said to them, "Go and tell John the things you have seen and heard: that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have the gospel preached to them (Luke 7:22). Last year, mammoth Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals were held in places like Hubli (Karnataka), Sawyerpuram - Tuticorin, Coimbatore (Both in Tamil Nadu),

Nellore (Andhra), Shillong (Meghalaya), Jaypore (Odisha), and Amritsar (Punjab). Nearly 3,95,000 people heard the Lord’s message and were blessed; they were healed in their body and soul. These Prayer Festivals were relayed live through websites and Television channels.

Partners’ Meet Special meetings were held for the Jesus Calls Partners in Hubli, Goa, Tuticorin, Rajahmundry, Eluru, Coimbatore, Lucknow, Nellore, Shillong, Guwahati, Bhuveneshwar, Jeypore, Amritsar, Cochin, and New Delhi. Personal prayers were offered for them.

Special Blessing Meetings The Lord wonderfully led us to hold the New Year Blessing Meeting and Student’s Prayer Meeting in Chennai. Also the Lord opened

ways for us to proclaim His Words through the Pentecostal Pastors’ Fellowship (Bengaluru), ABC Conference (Lucknow) Students’ Prayer (Chennai), Holy Spirit Conference (Cochin) and India Vision Conference (New Delhi).

Pastors’ Meet Special meetings were conducted for the pastors in places like Hubli, Nellore, Shillong and Jeypore. Hundreds of pastors attended these meetings which were of great blessing.

In 2016 - Nearly 3,95,000 people attended ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Festivals in person. Through the letter ministry 19 lakhs of people and 4.5 lakhs of people by Email have received God’s blessings. - January 2017 JESUS CALLS


Prayer Tower Ministry

In 2016 17 Prayer Towers have been dedicated. 19,10,061 people were blessed by counseling centres. Prayer Intercessors in Telephone prayer services prayed for 46,34,831 prayer requests. 26,00,847 prayed oil bottles have been distributed to the people.


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Brethren, pray for us…. (I Thessalonians 5:25) The Lord is expanding the Prayer Tower ministry day by day. According to His plan and will that ‘not one should perish’, we are establishing new Jesus Calls Prayer Towers in the places shown by Him. Last year 17 Prayer Towers have been dedicated. January 16 – Eluru, January 17 – Ongole (Both in Andhra), January 22 – Ganapathy (Coimbatore), February 5 – Kanpur (U.P), February 11 Nellore (Andhra), March 5 – Theni, March 6 – Dindigul (Both in Tamil Nadu), April 9 – Chittoor, (Andhra), and the Delhi Prayer Tower which was functioning along with the National Prayer Tower was separated. Following

this, on May 19th the hundredth Prayer Tower was launched in Shillong (Meghalaya). Thus new Prayer Towers to the total of 17 were opened on May 23 – Guwahati (Assam), June 2Cuttack, Bhuveneshwar (both in Odisha), and one in France and in Mattakuli, Sri Lanka, September 29 – Amritsar, October 3 – Dhariwal (both in Punjab). 19,10,061 people have visited the 93 Prayer Towers serving in India and have received prayer help and counsel. A total of 40,034 Meetings – Healing, Blessing and anointing meetings – have been conducted in all the Prayer Towers. Thousands have attended these meetings in different places. 26,00,847 prayed oil bottles have been distributed to the people in these Prayer Towers and meetings. Many have used it with faith and tasted many blessings. Let us praise the Lord for this Prayer Tower ministry.

National Prayer Tower. “… for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence’ (I Timothy 2:2). On September 4, 2010, the National Prayer Tower was launched in order to pray incessantly for the people of India and the rulers of the nation and states and to utter prophecy. Dear ones from all over India voluntarily serve in this Prayer Tower and are involved in the Chain Prayer. They stay here for a month and continuously pray earnestly for India, in different timings. A total of 159 people from places like Assam, Andhra, Chandigarh, Delhi, Gujarat, Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh,

Meghalaya, Odisha, Punjab, Puduchery, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Telungana, Utterkhand, Utter Pradesh and West Bengal as well as Union Territories had taken part in this prayer. Let us praise the Lord for the National Prayer Tower.

Israel Prayer Tower To pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the blessings of the nations, for the prophecies given to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to be fulfilled and to prepare the world for the coming of the Lord, the Israel Prayer Tower was established in Jerusalem. Chain prayer is being offered in this Prayer Tower and people from various parts of the world eagerly get involved in the prayer here. Each team of 8 members took part in the 24 hours

prayer – One team, from November 1 -15 and the other from 1530. Praise be to the heavenly God for this prayer service that prays for the peace of Jerusalem.

Esther Prayer Group Every month, the Esther Prayer Group service is carried out in a blessed manner. On January 16, Thanksgiving meeting for the Esther Prayer Group was conducted in Bro. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Prayer Tower. On April 15, Esther Prayer Group fellowship was also conducted in Mumbai. In order that little girls from the age of 8 to 13, should gather and pray, Junior Esther Prayer Group was newly started this year. 70 groups have been formed in this category. Apart from this, 481 new groups for the adults have been started. 245 - January 2017 JESUS CALLS


groups that could not continue with the fellowship because of various reasons, were revived and have started functioning again. By the grace of God every month, 2332 Esther Prayer Group members are praying in different cities. Let us glorify God for this group.

Prayer Academy ‘…teach us to pray…” (Luke 11:1). The Jesus Calls Prayer Academy has been started with the pur-

pose to teach the people interested in prayer to pray, and to give training to the dear ones who have dedicated themselves to do full time/ part time ministry and get them involved in the Jesus Calls ministry. The inaugural ceremony was held on February 9, at Bro. D.G.S.Dhinakaran’s Memorial Prayer Tower. In August, Prayer Academy was conducted in the states of Punjab, Assam and Meghalaya. A special training session was held in New Zealand in

In 2016 170 new ambassadors and 95 Prayer Field Executives have been appointed. 159 people participated in the Chain Prayer at National Prayer Tower and prayed for the Nation of India.


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the month of September. Nearly 950 people have been trained through this Academy. Methodical teaching of the Bible and practical training have been started in Chennai, both morning and evening, for those who are interested. Let us thank the Lord for the services of this Prayer Academy that helps in spiritual development.

Prophetic Conferences In order to help the people draw closer to the Lord and to receive Word from the Lord and utter prophecies for them, the Prophetic Conferences are conducted. A three day conference was held in Chennai from May 27 -29. 3200 people attended this conference and were blessed by hearing God’s message on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In the Prophetic Conference held in Israel, 350 people participated and were blessed. These conferences were also held from September 8th to 10th in Auckland (New Zealand) and from September 15th to 17th in Sydney (Australia).

Foreign Ministries ‘…the gospel which you heard, which was preached to every creature under heaven…’ (Colossians 1:23). Special Blessing Meetings were held in Dallas, San Antonio, and Chicago, in the United States of America, Toronto in Canada, Auckland in New Zealand, Sidney and Melbourne in Australia and in Fiji Islands.

Youth Ministry U Turn meetings for the youth were held on December 20 – Chennai, January 9 – Raipur, January 15 – Ahmadabad, 16 – Anand, 17 – Vyara (Gujarat). The U Turn concert was conducted on June 12 – Visakhapatnam, 26- New Delhi, July 9 – Mumbai, 17- Bengaluru; a huge crowd of youth were drawn to the Lord through this. Let us thank the Lord for these meetings conducted for the youth, for the U Turn meeting held every week in the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers and

for the U Turn Television programmes.

Letter Ministry Thousands send letters or Emails to us, seeking solutions for their problems, for their sorrows to be turned into joy and to get God’s guidance in important matters. Last year, through the multilingual letter ministry 19 lakhs of people and 4.5 lakhs of people by Email have received God’s blessings.

Television Ministry The Jesus Calls Television ministry is being carried out in an excellent manner for the souls to receive comfort, peace and blessing through the Lord’s words. In 2016, new programmes in Gujarati, Oriya and Punjabi have been started. Besides, programmes are also beamed in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Hindi, Kannada, Singhalese and in English. Programmes are telecast not only every week but also every day and

nearly 6,300 programmes per year are broadcast. Let us praise the God of gods for this Television ministry and for the people who are touched through this and for the families built through this.

Ambassadors Yet I considered it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother, fellow worker, and fellow soldier… (Philippians 2:25) The Jesus Calls ambassadors are voluntarily serving the people, who are unable to come in person to the Prayer Tower and give their offering as donations. People, who can serve the Lord faithfully along with their different secular jobs, are appointed as the Jesus Calls ambassadors. Apart from knowing about the services of the Jesus Calls ministry, offerings could also be paid to them. These ambassadors also pray earnestly for the people. With much prayer and concern, we are extending this minis- - January 2017 JESUS CALLS


try with the vision ‘Jesus Calls’ ambassador for each pin code. 170 new ambassadors have been appointed this year, in 18 states. 1594 ambassadors in 26 states are serving the ministry.

Prayer Field Executives Just as the ambassadors, full time staff members are serving as Prayer Field Executives in the Jesus Calls ministry. Apart from meeting the partners in need and praying for them, they also visit the houses that invite them for prayers and offer prayers for them. 95 Prayer Field Executives who have the calling to intercede for others are serving in 18 states. Praise be to the Lord for these services of meeting the souls in person and feeding them with spiritual manna.


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Telephone Service The Jesus Calls Telephone service helps the people, who are unable to go in person to the Prayer Towers for prayers, to contact the Towers through phone, at any time and receive comfort and miracles from the Lord. Dedicated and anointed Prayer Warriors are always ready to pray for the prayer requests day and night, at any time. This Prayer Service is being carried out in different languages such as Tamil, English, Telugu, Malayalam, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, and Gujarati. This year, this service has been started in Oriya and in Punjabi also. Nearly 600 intercessory Prayer Warriors are involved in this service. Last year they have prayed for 46,34,831 prayer points. Let us

thank God for this intercessory Prayer Service.

Books/Magazine Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s Daily Devotion Book , “Blessing for Today’ was published in Tamil, English, and Telugu. On the whole the Lord helped us to release 19 new books. The Jesus Calls magazine reaches 3,50,000 families in 7 languages. Several lakhs of people are blessed by reading it.

Website /Mobile App The Jesus Calls website in different languages such as Tamil, English, Hindi, Telugu and Malayalam is of great blessing to many. Jesus Calls Mobile App has been updated with special facilities for sending prayer requests and donations.

Many more ministries are to be carried out in the year 2017. Apart from praying that the Lord should give us the grace to accomplish everything, kindly support the ministry with your liberal offerings.

NEW YEAR THANKS OFFERING FOR THE LORD As a token of gratitude for the Lord who has enabled me to enter into the year 2017, my offering to the Jesus Calls ministry: Name:........................................................................................................................................................ Address:................................................................................................................................................... Pincode:............................................................... Email:............................................................................ Mobile 1:.............................................................. Mobile 2:........................................................................... Date of Birth:.................................................... Wedding day: ................................................................ (Tick the necessary column)  For the establishment of a new Prayer Tower (Rs…......................................)  For the expansion of the Prayer Tower (Rs…......................................)  For the Television Ministry (Rs…......................................)  For the expenditure of Prayer Festivals (Rs…......................................)  For the Youth Ministry (Rs…......................................)  For the Ministry (Rs….....................................................) Kindly send us the duly filled form along with DD or Cheque drawn in favour of Jesus Calls and sent by registered post or by Money Order. You may donate through debit cards in the nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. Donations can be made online in the website using Credit card/ Debit card/ net banking in a secure way For details: 1800 425 77 55 (Toll Free service – 7.00 AM to 9.00 PM) - January 2017 JESUS CALLS


Let me have the joy of wishing you my loving new year wishes to you and each dear one at home. Let me begin the message of this month with a good news about our God and what is He going to do for you in this New Year! Let me bring before you a verse from the Scripture to reveal this truth to you: Begin this year with the confidence faith and joy that God is with 18

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you, because God is going to be the ‘God of all comfort’ to you in this New Year. Note , that the Bible says that God is a God of ‘ALL’ comfort. Yes! He is a God who can bring us comfort in ALL situations. Friend! Last year, you could have treaded through the path of suffering and shame. Sorrow could have filled your heart due to those sufferings. You could have been a person who went around and around searching for a comforter but could find none and You could be discour-

aged. You could have prayed saying, “Father! God! Send someone to come and comfort me”. (Psalm 69:20). But in this New Year God is going to comfort you in ALL ways – in all your situations and circumstances. He is going to wipe away all your tears (Revelation 7:17). Job had lost everything – his children, his riches, his health and was yearning for some friends to sit beside him and give him some comfort, but when they came and opened their mouths they only spoke condemnation on him.

In the same way my friend, you too could have gone in search of comfort to friends but received only hurt and insults. But when we go to God with all our problems the God of all comfort will deliver us from all problems because the bible says that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him from them all. (Psalm 34:19) In what ways and by what comforts is the Lord going to comfort us in this New Year?

The Comfort that Removes Sufferings Make us glad according to the days in which You have afflicted us, The years in which we have seen evil. (Psalm 90:15) Friend! You could have come through loads of sufferings in the last year; the words of people could have wounded you and humiliated you. You could have walked through the path of brokenness, like Job (Job 16:14) but cheer up friend! Our God of all comfort is a God who brings an end to all your suffering, humiliation and brokenness. In this New Year He will comfort you and fill you with happiness. For all the days of suffering you went through, He will give you double portion of joy. He will make you rejoice by filling your life with His blessings. Your sorrow will be turned into joy. (John 16:20) Our Lord was crucified in Calvary just for the sake of removing our sorrows and sufferings. He was bruised for our iniquities (Isaiah 53:5). When He was hanging on the Cross He said, “I am thirsty.” Then He was given bitter vinegar. He received it and said, “It is finished” (John 19:28-39) It is that same God who is saying, “I finished all your problems on the Cross”

Yes! My Friend! He will bring an end to all your problems. He gave up His Spirit on the Cross as a sacrifice so that you and I can receive earthly blessings and heavenly blessings. In this New Year He will put an end to that problem that is attacking you again and again. Therefore my friend , in this New Year you have all the reason to be happy and joyful as the God of all comfort is with you. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way. Though he falls, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand. (Psalm 37:23-24) Yes! Friend! When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God will raise a banner against him (Isaiah 59:19). God will fight for you, and you shall be silent (Exodus 14:14) The Lord is performing miracles in the lives of thousands of people through the Jesus Calls Ministries. And the same God will perform a miracle in your life too in this New Year. Let me share with you the testimony shared by Sister Pauline at the Bethesda Prayer Centre, for your faith to become stronger. In the Year 2012 I developed a kind of allergy in the skin of my foot. I took many treatments for more than a year but nothing proved useful. They told me that the name of the skin disease is called psoriasis and there is a possibility for it to spread to other parts of the body. As days passed by, fish-scale like substances began forming on my skin. A sort of irritating sensation began and it started itching and due to scratching of skin blood began to ooze out of the wounds. I also

suffered since I could not sleep in the nights. At this time, in the month of August 2013, I happened to watch the Jesus Calls Programme in Sathyam TV. Suddenly in the programme sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran began praying for the healing of those who were suffering with skin allergies. I felt that prayer was done exactly for me and I also joined her and prayed with her. Oh ! that day my skin allergy got healed as soon as the prayer was over. God gave me complete healing without the aid of medicines. Till today I have not developed any itching or scars. I thank Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran who prayed for me.

My Friend! Have you been bearing illnesses and sicknesses in your body in the last year, which the doctors had said it couldn’t be cured with medicine? In the New Year the hand of the Lord will come upon you. And at that time, all the allergies and sicknesses in your body will disappear. The diseases that were causing you pain will leave you; all the boils, sicknesses and diseases will disappear from your body. God will comfort you by healing the sicknesses and diseases in your body. The devil goes around like a roaring lion, seeking to devour whom he can. (1 Peter 5:8). He comes to steal our blessings and to destroy us (John 10:10). But the eyes of the Lord are always upon those who seek Him with a faithful heart. (2 Chronicles 16:9). He will surely set you free from all your problems my friend, because there is no problem that are too big for God. He who is in you is bigger than he who is in the world. (1 John 4:4). That big God will heal all your diseases; remove all your weaknesses and comfort you my friend. He says, “I am your Father”. (2 Corinthians 6:18). Yes! - January 2017 JESUS CALLS


He is the Father to the fatherless. Our Father will not be able to tolerate us being in pain and sorrow. He Himself will comfort us. (Psalm 68:5). Please don’t keep running to places and people, just hold on to the hands of our heavenly Father and say to Him, “Father! You please hold my hands and help me in this desperate situation”. Seek His embrace and comfort. He will embrace you and heal all your wounds. He will heal you by his stripes (1 Peter 2:24) and will comfort you.

Comfort through the Holy Spirit And do not be drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit, submitting to one another in the fear of God. (Ephesians 5:18,21) According to this verse, look unto the Lord and ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit. He will surely come into you and fill you. When he comes into you, He will heal all your diseases with His anointing and comfort you with all His comforts. So share all your problems to Him like a child rightfully shares all it’s problems to the father. As one whom his mother comforts, So I will comfort you; And you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.” Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you. (Isaiah 66:13; 49:15) Friend! Look at these verses, and you’ll see that He not only comforts like a dad but also like a mom. 20

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Once my mother was admitted in the hospital to undergo a surgery. I was studying in school in those days. They brought my mother from the operation theatre into the ward. She was asleep due to anesthesia, so she was not conscious of what was happening to her. When I went to meet her in the hospital she looked at me and said, “Daughter! You’ve come here itself to see me? Did you have your food? Have you arranged your school bag with the right books? Have you ironed your school uniform?” She was so much concerned about me even when she was semiconscious. She loved me so much that she asked me so many questions with concern and care. After many years when she became sick again and left the earth, I was immersed in sorrow but my heavenly Father was with me and comforted me. Even today He is not only father to me but also a mother.

My friend! Don’t keep on brooding over the loss of your beloved ones. The God of comfort will comfort you with all comforts. He will enquire you lovingly as a mother would do saying,” Son! Daughter! Did you have your food? Tell me, what more your want!” I would like to present to you the testimony of Sister Devi who is enjoying the mother heart of God. Let her say in her own words: My mother passed away when I was in my second standard in school. It was my Father who was bringing up me and my sister. When I was in my 7th standard my health was affected. Very often I got fits and so I could not focus on my studies. The doctors who examined me gave me some tablets to be taken regu-

larly. And due to a heavy dosage of tablets my head began to ache, but when I stopped taking the medicine I would get fits. Even in my X std, which was a crucial year in my studies, I scored only single digit marks up to my half – yearly exams. At that time my dad’s friend told us about Jesus Calls Ministries Prayer Tower. My dad took me to Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and enrolled me in the Young Partners Plan and Prayer Intercessors began to pray for me. In the Prayer Tower , the Prayer Intercessors informed me about the Students Prayer Meet. My father took me to that Prayer Meet. At that Students Meet, I met aunty Evangeline and poured out my heart to her. I opened my heart and shared to her about my sicknesses, illnesses and the condition of my studies due to my sicknesses. She very lovingly drew me closer to her, placed her hands upon my head, and began to pray cursing the sicknesses and illnesses in me. After that prayer I never again had fits nor the headache. And in my studies, my teachers who examined me said that it was impossible for me to get through the X std. exams. Even others who had been noticing my performances agreed with the school teachers and said that there were no chances of me passing in the exams. But God comforted me and strengthened me - a girl without a mother and sick, and to everyone’s utter surprise, I got through the X Std. exams. Now, I have completed my schooling successfully and have entered college. After sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran’s prayer , there never arose a necessity for me to consume any tablets. The fits and headache never returned. Today, whenever I get time, I am

offering voluntary services to the Jesus Calls Ministry.

Friend! According to Romans 5:5 when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, God will give you the motherly love and care that He gave Sister Devi and comfort you too in this New Year.

Comfort through the Word of God Remember the word to Your servant, Upon which You have caused me to hope. This is my comfort in my affliction, For Your word has given me life. Unless Your law had been my delight, I would then have perished in my affliction. (Psalm 119:49,50,92) One day as I was meditating upon the Word of God early in the morning, God spoke to me through the verse Isaiah 62:1 which says, “For Zion’s sake I will not be silent and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest until the righteousness goes out as brightness and the Salvation as a burning lamp.” In that verse I took the word ‘Zion Sake’ and substituted my husband’s name as ‘Paul Dhinakaran’s sake’ and I substituted the words ‘for Jerusalem’s sake as ‘Evangeline’s sake’ and then read it as, for Paul Dhinakaran’s sake I will not be silent and for Evangeline’s sake I will not rest”. What a beautiful meaning emerged when I read like that! Yes! For our sake, He will not be silent! When we personalize the Word of God like this and claim the promises for ourselves, God will set us free from all problems, deliver us from all bondages and heal us from all diseases. It is very important to sit in the presence of God and meditate on the Word of God every morning that will comfort us. Meditating on the

Word of God is tantamount to seeing the face and hearing the voice of our heavenly Father. That is the time of blessing when God would look at us and say, “My beloved child! Let this day be a day of goodness and blessing”. It is through the Word of God that we will receive the ‘life’ that is necessary to live our lives for that day. Therefore pray saying, “Lord! Give us this day our daily bread. Comfort us by giving us your manna. Father! I am heartbroken and there is no one to help me. Give me your word which is my daily bread” When you pray like this, God will respond positively and comfort you. This is true comfort. The Word of God gives us life, and fills our heart with joy. God will fill us with the Holy Spirit and give us comfort. (Acts 9:31, Phil 2:1) Beloved! Are you suffering with the sorrow that comes through losing our beloved ones; are you suffering with sorrow that comes by the breaking of our heart ; are you suffering with sorrow that comes by waiting for something for too long and not getting it; are you suffering with sorrow that is caused by several other reasons? When the Holy Spirit comes inside you, He will fill you with unspeakable joy. Yes! He will fill you with glorious comfort (1Peter 1:8). The joy of the Lord is your strength. (Nehemiah 8:10). When the Holy Spirit comes into you He will strengthen you with His power (Acts 1:8). The Holy Spirit will fill all the people in our family with the Holy Spirit and loving comfort. When I lost my mother and then my father, I was immersed in deep sorrow. At that time the loved ones in my husband’s family – my husband and his parents, were filled with the Holy Spirit and with the love poured into them by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5) they comforted me. I was

comforted through the comfort of the Holy Spirit.

In the same way my friend! God will compensate abundantly for all the losses you have suffered. He will make you joyful for all the years you suffered with sorrows. In the same place where you suffered loss and shame; He will give you honour and make you happy (Psalm 90:15). In my life, God has blessed me double portion – more than I imagined or prayed for. The Bible says that God has given us the Holy Spirit who would work miracles in us (Galatians 3:5). Besides comforting you, the Holy Spirit will also perform powerful miracles in you and through you. The same Holy Spirit who transformed me from a timid and shy woman into a person who is bringing miracles and comfort to thousands and millions of people by filling me with His Holy Spirit, He will also transform you and use you mightily. When you pray with tears for others, God will do miracles in their lives. It is God’s will to make you a servant of God and use you powerfully. You may think, “I am only an ordinary person. How will God ever use me?” but it is humble people like you that God will take and transform as His servant. So don’t get deceived by the words of satan which would say, “You are useless, helpless and hopeless” Rather arise and say, “God will fight for me. (Exodus 14:14). He will complete everything that concerns me (Psalm 138:8)”. Not only say it but also believe it whole heartedly. When you do this the Holy Spirit will fill you and comfort you in this New Year. He will make you useful to many other people.

Have a wonderful and blessed New Year 2017 - January 2017 JESUS CALLS


Beloved friend in Christ, MY HEARTFELT NEW YEAR WISHES TO YOU. Let us praise God with all our hearts for protecting us in all our going out and coming in; for providing us food, shelter and clothing; for making us a blessing to our family, relatives and friends; for getting us involved in the ministry of God and for helping us to cheerfully support the ministry for the past 12 months, by His grace. God was with us, strengthened us and carried us safely through all the crises and challenges that confronted us in the previous year. He protected us from the darts of the evil one; He covered us from the face of the enemy and He continues to abide with us like a mighty and courageous warrior. The Lord has promised that the year 2017 is going to be a Year of Resurrection & Multiplication. Therefore, new blessings will follow you in the New Year. 22

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All the good things that were being stopped from coming your way will be showered upon you. God will fulfil with His powerful hands all the promises that you are praying for a long time . "Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert." (Isaiah 43:19) According to this verse, God will bring you complete blessings in miraculous ways. Things on which you have given-up saying, “This will never happen to me. I will never get this. This will never give fruit,” God in His power and love will make it happen; Yes! it will happen to you. You will be abundantly blessed in your individual life, family life, business, career, profession and ministry. The Lord will bless you and also make you a blessing to many others.

Expanding Boundaries The almighty Lord has expanded the boundaries of our ministry in the year 2016 and has graciously helped us to take blessings and miracles to millions of people through it’s services; to carry the love and compassion of God; to proclaim the gospel of salvation through Prayer Festivals, Prophetic Prayer Conferences, TV Programmes, Magazine, Correspondence, website and many other ways. He has also favoured us and opened the doors for us to open 17 New Prayer Towers through which we offer prayers to people personally and individual biblical counselling on the basis of the truths in the Word of God. We have published this as a separate edition so that you can get to know the details of the ministry and praise and worship God for the wonderful works of grace He has done through the ministry of which you

are a part. I praise God for enabling and strengthening you to uphold the Jesus Calls Magazine for the whole year with your prayers and your precious offerings. I also thank you from my heart for placing so much of love upon the ministry of God and I believe that the Lord will continue to abundantly bless you and enable you to support the ministry in this New Year too!

Your Time for God I am sure you would have been benefitted through the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers by receiving the Word of God, prophetic guidance, the powerful touch of the Holy Spirit and also healing. As a gratitude to God for these blessings you would have supported the ministry with your offerings so that the blessings that you received could also be reach millions of people out there. Today the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower is serving God and taking blessings to millions of people through its various facets of ministry. 107 Prayer Towers are taking the blessings of God through prayers in various parts of India and also in various nations of the world. Many visit these prayer towers in person and as a result experience miracles and receive blessings. Friend! You too can take a day off in a week or a month or during your free times, come and voluntarily offer your services in these Prayer Towers. By thus keeping in touch with the Jesus Calls Ministries, you can get to know all details about the functioning of the ministry. I ask you lovingly, that if the Lord should pour the burden for souls in your heart and move you to serve Him through the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers, please feel free to contact the Manager of the Prayer Tower nearest to you and express your desire and commitment. The Manager will talk to you and then guide you to the service

that would suit you the best. To get more details about this opportunity to serve God, you are welcome to call the toll free number 1800 425 77 55 from 7 am to 9 pm and enquire. God will surely note and remember this sacrificial ministry of yours and bless you and your children. Come! My Friend! Let us join hands together and build the Kingdom of God. Since you are a Jesus Calls Partner, I am sure your heart will be filled with the desire to make others too partners with this ministry by explaining to them the blessings and miracles you would have received from God by being a Jesus Calls Partner. That is why we are calling you to come forward to function as Jesus Calls Ambassador. You can do this in your free time. It involves explaining the vision and the need of Jesus Calls Ministries to friends, relatives and others and make them receive the blessing of being a Jesus Calls partner, collect their valuable offerings and send it to the Jesus Calls Ministry. You can come forward and express your interest to the Manager of the Prayer Tower nearest to you or email to

Bethesda Prayer Centre – Renovation Work You already know about the Bethesda Prayer Centre which contains the Sculptural representation of the various Stations of the Cross depicting the passion of Christ for mankind, the Vision Centre where people can pray, the Bethesda Pool built resembling the Bethesda Pool described in the Bible, Meditation Dome and children’s park. It is a place filled with peace and serenity where people can come and pour out their hearts and pray. And God who hears these prayers offered from this place will answer them with miracles and wonders. Bethesda Prayer Centre is entering the 25th - January 2017 JESUS CALLS


year of it’s inception and therefore the renovation work is going on. I encourage you to contribute to this renovation work by your offerings.

Helping in Building Churches "For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister." (Hebrews 6:10) We have been fulfilling many ministries in a meticulous way, using the offerings that come to the Jesus Calls Ministry, and paving ways for millions of people to be blessed. Besides this we are also helping other ministries by giving them suitable aid. Thus we are extending our support to other ministries especially to those servants of God who are establishing churches. We earmark a portion of the offering that comes to the Jesus Calls Ministries to meet a part of the needs of those who are involved in establishing churches in remote and unreached areas . All this is possible only by your help. Your offering are also being sent to meet the desperate needs of genuine ministries which establish churches and bring people together to worship God.

Prepared to Pray for you My friend! It has always been my delight to pray for you. If you have any specific need or prayer request for the New Year , I am prepared to pray for you. Your children will receive their exam time – tables for their forth coming exams. It would be easy for me and the prayer warriors to pray specifically for your children’s studies, if you could send me their names and a copy of their exam time-table . Wherever I would be in the schedule of the ministry, I will surely pray for your children and their exams. I encourage you to send your prayer 24

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requests to: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennnai 600 028 or Email at According to John 16:24 in which Jesus says,” Ask! And you will receive so that your joy will be complete.” God will hear our prayers and meet our needs. He will give a glorious victory to our children in their forth coming exams. Thank you for upholding the ministry in your prayer. Herewith I give you the details of my ministry schedule so that you can pray for the same in your daily prayers: 2017 January 1 - New Year Blessing Meeting, Chennai 2017 January 6 - New Year Special Meeting, Chennai 2017 January 8 - Students Exam Prayer meet, Bethesda, Karunya Nagar 2017 January 13, 14, 15 Prayer Festival, Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh 2017 January 27,28,29 Madurai Prayer Festival 2017 February 5 - Students Exam Prayer meet, Chennai. 2017 February 8,9,10 Prophetic Prayer Conference, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh 2017 February 10, 11, 12 Blessing Festival, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh Please pray for the arrangements and needs of these meetings to be met and for God to perform miracles in the lives of those who would attend these meetings. God will hear your prayers and do mighty deeds in these meetings.

New Year Thanks giving offerings "Remember His marvelous works which He has done,

His wonders..." (1 Chronicles 16:12) We surely need to remember with gratitude how the Lord has taken care of us as the apple of His eye. He has blessed the work of our hands. He has blessed and guided our children. And it is our faith and expectation that God would continue to bless us and each dear one in our family and that is why I encourage you to offer your ‘Thanks giving offering’ to God, through the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. You can come forward to uphold and support any of the facets of the Jesus Calls ministries through which the love, the power, the comfort of God, the healing from God and the Word of God is being carried to millions of people through Prayer Festivals, Live Telecast of the Prayer Festivals. Prophetic Prayer Conferences, websites, Social networks like Facebook, Mobile App and TV Programmes. You can specify the facet for which you want to give your offering and give it at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower that is nearest to you or hand it over to a Jesus Calls Ambassador or send a Demand Draft/Cheque to Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028 or send it online through To get clear guidance about how to give an offering, please call our toll free number 1800 425 77 55, from 7 am to 9 pm.

Student Admission – Karunya University Admissions have started for the Karunya University Academic year 2017-2018. You need to register at to choose the subject of your study. Special scholarship is given to the Jesus Calls Young Partners who apply for B.Tech., M.Tech., or

M.B.A. courses. Special scholarships are also available for the children of Karunya Alumni, or their siblings. This Year Special Scholarships are also available for the children of Missionaries and Pastors. To get more details about admissions and scholarships, please dial our toll free number 1800 425 4300 and enquire.

Karunya Christian School The Karunya Christian School is functioning within the campus of the Karunya University. The school is following the CBSC curriculum. The School conducts classes from K.G. to XI standard. From standard IV, there are hostel facilities available separately for boys and girls. I encourage you to admit your children in the Karunya Christian School. You are welcome to get more information about it by dialling 09487846615 / 0422 – 2614830/ 31 or email at or visit us @ Your child will study and growup in a very healthy and spiritual atmosphere coupled with high quality education. "And He will love you and bless you and multiply you; He will also bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your land, your grain and your new wine and your oil, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flock, in the land of which He swore to your fathers to give you." (Deuteronomy 7:13) May God bless you in this New Year according to the above said verse. May you be blessed and all that you have be multiplied. Let your name be honoured. Your brother who always prays for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

“...all those who were around them encouraged them with articles of silver and gold.. and with precious things, besides all that was willingly offered” (Ezra 1:6) BY DEMAND DRAFT/CHEQUE: Drawn in favour of ‘Jesus Calls’ payable at Chennai can be sent by registered post to the address: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. THROUGH PRAYER TOWER: You may donate through debit cards in the nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. THROUGH THE AMBASSADORS: You may give your donation to the ‘Jesus Calls’ ambassador who serves in your local area and get the receipt. You may know of the ambassador in your area through nearby Prayer Tower THROUGH WEBSITE: You may send your offering through our website using credit card/debit card/net banking in a secure way. THROUGH BANK: Beneficiary: JESUS CALLS Account No: 60002010018005 Bank: Syndicate Bank, Chennai Armenian Street Swift Code: SYNBINBB007 IFSC: SYNB0006000 Thru’ ICICI Bank: Even though you don’t have savings account in ICICI Bank, you can send offering for ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry without transaction charges. ‘Jesus Calls’ challan can be obtained by sending SMS to +91 909 409 99 77, by typing ICI. 6. THROUGH POST OFFICE You may send your donation through Money Order & EMO. Donations also can be sent by ‘Mobile Money Transfer’ through Post Offices to the number 9840900480. If you send your donation by Bank Transfer or Mobile Transfer mode, it is not possible for us to get your name and address. So, if you send your donation by using these modes, please send us your name and address or your contact telephone number soon after sending your donation by contacting the toll free number 1800 425 77 55 or by sending SMS to 90940 99977 or by sending Email to This would help us send reply to you, with prayers.

Address to send your prayer requests: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028. Email: Dear partner, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family will pray specially for you every day. Prayers will be offered for you in the 24 hours Prayer Tower. - January 2017 JESUS CALLS


Few testimonies of the Young Partners Join your children in the divine vision of the Jesus Calls ministry and be a blessing to millions of broken hearted people. The donations sent for the Young Partner’s Plan is helping us to wipe away the tears of lakhs of people through free services such as letter, Television Ministry, out reach meetings, magazine, and social media. When lakhs are blessed, God’s blessings rest upon the Young Partners. The Dhinakarans as well as the prayer warriors in the Prayer Tower pray for the Young Partners’ divine protection, wisdom and prosperity (I Chronicles 4:10). 26

JESUS CALLS January 2017 -

Admission in Medical College I am a Young Partner. I appeared for my +2 exams last year. Before going for my exams I contacted the Prayer Tower. My mother too contacted the Prayer Tower seeking prayers for me. The Lord sustained me with His strength and helped me to write my exams well. I got 194 in Tamil, 191 in English, 200 in Maths and Chemistry, 199 in Biology and 198 in Physics with a total of 1182/1200 and came school first and District second. By the grace of God, I am now doing MBBS in a government medical college. Millions of praises to the Lord. - A. Joel Francis, Royappanpetti.

Changed the weakness My son Nijil Navinkumar did his +2 last year. He suffered from fits for six months because of which he could not study. I came to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower to

pray for him. That time I came to know about the Young Partners’ Plan and joined him in that. The Lord delivered him from his sickness and helped him to study well. Since he was healed, he wrote his exams well, was successful and is now doing his college studies. I thank the Lord who was with us in our difficulties and helped us. I thank the prayer warriors who are praying for the Young Partners. - S.Claris, Chennai – 19

Centum in three subjects I am a Jesus Calls Young Partner. Last year I appeared for 10th exams. Before every exam I contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower over the phone. That time a prayer warrior prophesied that God would help me get a total of 495 marks. The Lord strengthened me to do well in my exams. When the results were published, I had got centum in three subjects – maths, Science and Social and 98 in Tamil and English. The Lord gave me one mark more than what was told by the prayer warrior and helped me secure the third place in the Tuticorin District. Millions of praises to the Lord. - C Johana, Trichendur

Complete victory My daughter Prathyuksha, 6 years old is a Jesus Calls Young Partner. The Lord has granted her many victories in the skating competitions. In one of the competitions held in Nehru Stadium, she had to take part wearing an old pair of wheel shoes since we had no money to buy her a new pair. So she was about to get only the second place. But I prayed to the Lord that I would share my testimony if my daughter got the first place. The Lord made her, who was until then running in the third place to go ahead and win the first prize. So far she has got 4 gold and a silver and bronze medal. Gory to God.

- Rajeshwari, Chennai 21

No age limit to join this Plan. Can be a partner till marriage. You may send any amount possible for you, every month! YOUNG PARTNER’S PLAN. Write the name of the children to be enrolled in the Plan (legibly) Mr/Ms:................................................................... Date of Birth:........................................................... Mr/Ms:................................................................... Date of Birth:........................................................... Mr/Ms:................................................................... Date of Birth:........................................................... Name of the parent/guardian:................................................................................................................... Contact Address:……………….......................................................................................………………….. City:………...........………….PIN Code............................................... Country:........................................ Email: .................................................................................................................................................... Along with the duly filled form, you may send the Demand Draft drawn in favour of Jesus Calls to the address: 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028, by registered post. You may donate through debit cards in the nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. Donations can be made online in the website using Credit card/ Debit card/ net banking in a secure way. For more details: Toll free contact Number: 1800 425 77 55 (7.00 AM to 9.00 PM).

For Prayer:

044 - 33 999 000 (24x7) - January 2017 JESUS CALLS


SEESHA NEWS As we enter 2017, let us thank the Lord for the wondrous deeds He had done in the year 2016 through SEESHA. Throughout the past year, we have been working with children, women, youth, those in need of medical help, the differently-abled, senior citizens as well as special groups including ultra-poor communities, transgender and children with HIV. With lakhs of people looking to us for help, we have been able to fulfil their needs, offer support and training, and empower them to transform their lives. On behalf of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran (Founder – SEESHA) and family, Dr.Jeyakumar Daniel (Executive Director - SEESHA), and the entire team of SEESHA, we thank you for supporting us in this mission. In order to remember Christmas and to welcome the New Year we decided to provide new clothes to 100,000 children in need across the country. endowing them with the self-confidence to face the New Year.

Inauguration of distribution of new clothes to poor children! This was held on December 18th at Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran’s Memorial Prayer Tower, Chennai. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran distributed new clothes to 1000 poor children in the city and slum areas of Chennai. Arrangements have been made to distribute new clothes to 35,000 children affected by the Vardha cyclone, Chennai. SEESHA is working towards planting 3 lakhs tree saplings to replace the ones destroyed in the recent cyclone. 28

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It is your offering that helps us to support such ministries and construct churches. Through such churches and ministries lakhs of souls would be fed by spiritual manna, would be firm in their faith and be prepared for the Lord’s coming. Thank you, who are supporting this ministry liberally. The Lord will remember your labour of love and bless you richly.

Help from the beginning to end In 1987, my husband I had been doing ministry in Bhavanisagar, in Erode. In continuation of the ministry, we decided to build a church for worship and started the work by putting up asbestos roof. Because of this we incurred debt and suffered. That time spiritual father Bro. D.G.S.Dhinakaran and Dr. Paul Dhinkaran sent us a comforting letter and helped us financially to clear that debt. Following this, our relationship with the Jesus Calls ministry was strengthened. In 2002 my husband and I attended the Institute of Power Ministry held in Bengaluru. After that we see growth in our ministry. The Lord started doing miracles in our ministry. I have enrolled my children as the Young Partners. I am also conducting three branches of Esther Prayer Group. In 2012, my husband slept in the Lord after which I struggled to run the ministry. Yet, every morning, I prayed and also I used to write to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran and brother Paul Dhinakaran. Many said that being a woman, it would be difficult for me to run the church. Yet the Lord strengthened me. Once, when dear mother Stella Dhinakaran was in Bethesda, I was invited to share my testimony. After giving my testimony, as led by the Lord, I gave Rs.3,000/- which I had with me for the service of digitizing Bro. Dhinakaran’s message. Since my church grew up and more than 400 people came from nearly 42 villages, the Lord opened ways for us to demolish the old church and build a bigger one in the same place. The works started in April 2014 and it proceeded with the offering given by the congregation. However there were many other needs for the completion of the work – interiors, cementing, windows and doors. I shared this burden with Brother Paul Dhinakaran, who prayed and sent Rs.3,00,000/- as donation for the church, as led by God. With that we have fixed the door for the church and now the work is over. I thank the Lord for His ministry. - Lilly Premkumar, Bhavanisagar.



I had been a merit student throughout my academics until the 12th standard exams. It was March 2005 and I was ill, due to which I couldn’t answer my exams well. Therefore I scored a very low score of 58% which would not fetch me any course of my preference. So I contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for prayers. The prayer warriors told us that God will definitely pave a way out and His promise would be fulfilled in my Life. That time CET exam for engineering was held and God enabled me to score, adequate enough for me to get through the top colleges in Goa. It was a huge miracle that has been a highlight in my entire life through the Jesus Calls. I used to call prayer tower and get prayed for, and every word spoken by the prayer warrior was of great encouragement. After completing engineering I worked in few places yet I wanted to do higher studies. I decided to do management course. Though we knew about many colleges, through the association our family has had with Dr. D.G.S.Dhinakaran I joined Karunya. It was my first time away from home and with that came anxiety and uncertainty of the unknown. The moment we entered Karunya Nagar, we knew God had plans. The place and surrounding gives you a certain peace and serenity that most places don’t. It was an inexplicable feeling to the highest degree. The journey went on, one miracle after the other, right from admissions till getting settled in hostels. Karunya has been that place which has opened me up to a lot of new dimensions. It was a whole new world for me. From the language, the food, the people, the environment, there was a lot of learning and compromise. The Prayer Cell meetings, interceding sessions, worship, fellowship among peers are some things that have stood out in my journey in faith. Presently, I am working as Business Development Manager in M/s. DSRC which is a global IT services company at Chennai. Praise 30

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be to God. My thanks to Karunya Faculty. I give glory to God. Mr. Jeevan Medisetty (2011– 2013 MBA), School of Management The Lord led me to join Karunya University, even though I never planned it before. In the last four years, I have been transformed from a kiddish school girl to a mature, responsible and young professional. I thank God, and my parents, staff and friends. The staff here, not only teach but also motivate the students to study well. The Almighty God transformed me into a brilliant student with good knowledge, which I never dreamt in life. God was faithful enough to give me a CGPA of 9.16 and an on-campus placement in Infosys. He opened up a job opportunity in my core area in M/s. Team Indus- Axiom Research Labs. Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, where I started working even before my graduation. My friends and relatives are amazed that I am placed in a core company after my B.Tech in Aerospace Engineering. I thank God for all His mercies. - Ms. Sharon Sara Saji (2012–2016 B.Tech. Aerospace Engineering)

Courses offered in Karunya University - 2017 Batch B.Tech. (12 Branches) Aerospace Engineering  Bioinformatics Biotechnology  Biomedical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Science & Engineering Electrical & Electronics Engineering Electronics & Communication Engineering Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering Electronics & Media Technology Food Processing and Engineering Mechanical Engineering

         

B.Com. B.Com. (CA) B.B.A. B.C.A. B.Sc. (IT) M.B.A. B.A. Criminology B.Sc. Tourism & Hospitality Management MTTM (Tourism & Travel Management) (Integrated Course) Diploma in Hotel Management B.Sc. Agriculture B.Tech. Agricultural Engineering B.A. Christian Studies M.A. Christian Studies 

B.Tech. Lateral Entry M.Sc. Integrated Course (2 Branches) M.Tech. (21 Branches) PG Diploma M.Sc. (4 Branches), M.A. English SALIENT FEATURES:  Situated in a serene environment  Excellent Infrastructure  Exemplary Faculty  Research Focus  Funded Projects  Foreign Collaborations  Fully Wi-Fi enabled campus  Member of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU)  Excellent computerized library  MoUs with Overseas Universities  IAESTE - International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience  1600+ Campus Placements in last year For further details contact - The Admissions Officer, Karunya University, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore - 641 114, Tamil Nadu, India. Toll Free No. 1800 425 4300 Phone: 91-422-2363636 Fax: 91-422-2614446 Email: - January 2017 JESUS CALLS



t is such a joy to me to medi tate with you about God's Wis dom, in this New Year.

So first He is going to remove our blindness in this New Year. Secondly He is going to fill us with His wisdom. God’s Wisdom is Much Higher than Worldly Wisdom What is the wisdom of God? And how is it different from the wisdom of the world?

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8,9) God’s ways are much higher than man’s ways. They are much higher than how much the heavens are higher than the earth. Yes, much higher than our own thoughts, much higher than our own ways. When a problem comes, man has

to think, “How do I solve this problem? How do I get out of this problem?”. He has to think about all the things that he learned from his experiences and come up with answers - the solutions. But you look at God. He doesn’t even think; He doesn’t even after-think, because our God knows everything already. He is a powerful God. He knows all; He sees all and He is everywhere to accomplish all things at all times. He is a complete person; He is a complete being; He is an amazing being and He is the creator of the whole world. God knows the best. He knows what is going on and He also knows what is yet to come! When you have such information with you my friend then what do you have to worry about? He knows the past, present and the future. Its amazing! If only we could keep that God in us at all times, we don’t need to worry about anything. You don’t

have to ‘ think’ because He knows the plans that He has for you great and unsearchable things. We wonder about the wisdom of Solomon. What a great man he is ! How could he work that case and bring out a solution between the two women who came in front of him. Everybody were amazed with this wisdom which brought peace in that impossible situation? My friend, Solomon was amazing in that case. But you look at God at what He does? Every day He has to listen to the accusations of the devil, the reports brought by the angels, to the prayers going up from us, to the Holy Spirit who is groaning and praying for us! Millions and millions of cases have to be handled in the same moment! And God answers all of them and

(Part 2)

- Samuel Dhinakaran 32

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provides a solution and answer for every case at the same moment. He does everything at the same time. Such a powerful God! Imagine what we can be and what we can do if only He is in us.

have to have Him in us. That’s the difference between the wisdom of the world and the wisdom of God. He gives us great and unsearchable knowledge that even we do not know for our lives.

There was a church pastor and a

Sometimes I pray to the Lord saying, “ Lord ! Please help me in this situation; please give me this, give me that.” But then the Holy Spirit fills me and the circumstances gets completely changed. The Holy Spirit shows me greater solutions for that situation and I am amazed by the answers that He gives. His wisdom is amazing. I like the way the Bible puts it in James 3:17:

member of a church. When the service was over the church member who was sitting in the first row, came running to the pastor and said, “Pastor, I have a question. Something dawned on me this morning and I know that it is correct”. Pastor asked what it was because he was the usual person, who used to ask all the silly questions. The pastor was already breaking his head saying, “Why do I have to deal with this after I have finished this long service? God! Why have you allowed this? Then He said, “Anyway brother, ask your question”. The member said, “Pastor, Can you see God?” He said, “No, I can’t see God.” The member then said, “Then there is no God , Pastor, is that right?. It is a simple theory. We can’t see God, so there is no God”. The pastor thought for a second and said, “Brother! Can you see your brain?”. He said ,” No! Pastor ! Of course not!“. Then the Pastor said, “Does that mean that you don’t have brains?”

Man’s wisdom is very small my friends. We only think silly things; we only come up with silly solutions which get us into further troubles and panic and end up in some dirty waters somewhere. But God’s ways are amazing. We only

“But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.” So many attributes tied up in one simple term called ‘wisdom’. The wisdom of God ties up all these things within it. It carries such wonderful characteristics. Isn’t that amazing! When this wisdom comes into a person, it makes that person pure, peaceful, humble, merciful, sincere and so on. We in turn, begin to exhibit all these characteristics. It is not just one line answer which comes from the thoughts of our brain. It is much more. It first changes the characteristic of a person itself. It changes our nature itself. If we are afraid of a situation and thinking of an answer to the situation, God gives

us His wisdom to first make us peaceful, to calm us down. It gives us the answer which is pure and merciful. His characteristics with operate in us. Purity: You can see this character operating in Joseph. Time and time again, the wife of the ruler called Potiphar came to Joseph and tempted him and seduced him to make Joseph to lie with her. A ruler’s wife that time in Egypt would have been one of the most beautiful woman in Egypt. and Not only once, but again and again Joseph had to face that temptation, but every single time he faced it he said, “How can I betray my master?”. The characteristics of purity came to Joseph through the wisdom of God. The wisdom of God helped him to maintain the purity. Mercy and Good fruit: 1 Samuel 24:10,11 says that David spared the life of Saul and showed him mercy instead of killing him on the spot. If he had killed him, the entire story would have been different. He would have lost the favour of all the soldiers. They would have looked at David in a different way. But his wisdom made him a greater king. Mercy made him to bear good fruit in his life. Humility: In Jonah 2nd chapter we see the wisdom of God that made Jonah humble himself and turn from disobedience to obedience and a whole city was saved. It made Jonah humble himself and listen to the wisdom of God. (to be continued) - January 2017 JESUS CALLS


February 8 & 9 - 9 AM to 5 PM February 10 - 9 AM to 1 PM


Limited accommodation available (Additional charges applicable) First come first served! For more details call 0883-2556677 / 2556688 or 1800 425 77 55 (Toll Free - 7.00 AM to 9.00 PM) or Email at: Donation fee can be paid in cash at all the Prayer Towers in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana or by Demand Draft drawn in favour of Jesus Calls or through online in the website Address: Director, Jesus Calls Prayer Academy, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028

REGISTRATION FORM Name:.............................................................. Age:....................................... Partner No:............................. Language:.......................... Donation Mode: Cash DD Money Order Food: Vegetarian Non Vegetarian Address:.................................................................................................................................................. 34

JESUS CALLS January 2017 -


“Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in the LORD his God” (Psalm 146:5).


any may enter into the New Year with heavy burdens and worries as to, ‘Oh, my/my son’s/ my daughter’s marriage is not yet settled. I don’t have a child; there is no blessing in my family…’ and so on. But, in the midst of all these, the Lord will be a help to you, who have hope on Him. My dear sisters, who have hope on the Lord, you are truly blessed. In my life, I passed through the fire and waters. Yet the Lord was my refuge, help and shield in the midst of that. Yes, the Lord alone is our help and shield (Psalm 39:20; 40:17; 70:5). Strongly experiencing the Lord’s help in his life, King Jehoshaphat clearly says, ‘ ‘Behave courageously, and the LORD will be with the good’ (II Chronicles 19:11).

According to his hope, the Lord

was with him and helped him to receive miraculous blessings (II Chronicles 20th chapter).

Help in trouble God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1).

Because of the trials brought by the devil, we face unexpected sickness or agonies in our personal or family life and walk through tears. This is because the world is under the sway of the wicked devil (rule of the devil) (I John 5:19). The devil comes to steal, kill and to destroy (John 10;10). Doesn’t the Bible says, Resist the devil and he will flee from you (James 4:7) Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (I Peter 5:8).

The Lord will help you and comfort you (Psalm 86:17).

Job, a man of God, lived happily with all riches and prosperity. The devil tried to shatter his belief on God and make him depart from Him. Yet the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning (Job 42:12). Even in that terrible affliction, Job believed only on the Lord and waited with patience. That’s why he was lifted up by God (James 5:11). Apostle Paul too mentions how God was of help to him at times of agonies, in his life, But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me… And I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion’ (II Timothy 4:17). In a particular nation, there were four godly nuns. Since they followed the Lord zealously, a few cruel men wanted to destroy them and took them to a freezing cold area, which was covered with snow and left them there - January 2017 JESUS CALLS


saying, “Tomorrow, we would come to collect your dead bodies”. The four nuns had strong faith on the Lord and hence even in that terrible situation, they knelt down in prayer, lifted up both their hands and said, “Lord, we are prepared to die for You”. Then they kept on thanking God. The next morning, these brutal men came there to take away their bodies. But they were taken aback to see the four nuns praising the Lord, with raised hands. Yes, even in that dreadful situation, God helped them.

When Zerah the Ethiopian came out against Asa with an army of a million men and three hundred chariots, Zerah’s army was more powerful than Asa’s. So, placing his complete trust on the Lord, Asa cried out to the Lord with faith and said, "LORD, it is nothing for You to help, whether with many or with those who have no power; help us, O LORD our God….” (II Chronicles 14:11). That time, the enemies were broken before the Lord and His army (II Chronicles 14:13). This was because God Himself defeated the enemies. Recently, when I was doing ministry for the Lord zealously, I was attacked by a sudden sickness. But since I trusted on the Lord even in the midst of that weakness, the Lord helped me and sustained me. He strengthened me as Apostle Paul says, 36

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‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’ (Philippians 4:13).

He was a very present help to me in trouble. My dear sisters, the Lord who helped and strengthened Asa as well as me would surely help and strengthen you, who are worried about your weakness, sickness, pain and future, even this New Year. Trust Him alone. He will be a present help to you all through this New Year.

Help in loss “Oh, satisfy us early with Your mercy, That we may rejoice and be glad all our days! Make us glad according to the days in which You have afflicted us, The years in which we have seen evil” (Psalm 90:14,15).

Saul and Jonathan are on one side, along with 600 men, to fight against the Philistines, who are on the other side as a huge gathering. Suddenly, with much faith Jonathan tells his armour bearer, ‘"Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; it may be that the LORD will work for us. For nothing restrains the LORD from saving by many or by few." (I Samuel 14:6). Seeing their firm faith, the Lord caused trembling in the camp, in the field, and among all the people. The garrison and the raiders also trembled; and the earth quaked, so that it was a very great trembling (I

Samuel 14;15). The enemies fell against one another. Similarly, when the enemies invaded David’s place, burnt it and took away everyone who was there, David and the people who were with him lifted up their voices and wept, until they had no more power to weep. In that situation, David looked up to the God of gods, who is able to restore all that is lost in double measure’. He strengthened himself in the Lord saying, “The Lord, whom I trust will not let me down even in this critical time’ (I Samuel 30:6). According to his faith, God made him recover all and nothing of theirs was lacking (I Samuel 30:19). Woodworth-Etter was a minister of God. When she was young, the Lord was telling her to share about His salvation and gospel to others. But she was putting it off saying that it was not possible for her to do ministry all alone. She got married and had six children. One by one, the Lord took away all her children. Her husband was an ordinary man, who did not know the Lord. After she lost her fifth child, the husband was always pricking on her. At this juncture, she committed herself to the Lord saying, ‘Lord I am ready to do Your ministry as per Your wish”. In the initial days of ministry, she had to face terrible situations; yet since she obeyed the Lord and committed herself

to fulfil His will, the Lord helped her and used her mightily. Many were convicted of their sins through her ministry and accepted the Lord with tears. I have also undergone several losses in my life. When I lost my daughter in an accident, my heart

all that you have lost in double measure. Throw away your worry over lacks. He will fight for you. He will remove all your deficiencies and make you happy. He will do exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think. He will use you as a comfort to many.

was broken to pieces. That time

Help in shame

the Lord came near me and said, “My daughter, don’t keep crying over your loss. You would be a vessel that would wipe away others’ tears. You should intercede for the burdens of other women”. Obeying the Lord’s words, in 1988 I started the Esther Prayer Group in Chennai. Today, nearly




functioning in India and in other nations. Women are indeed weak vessels. But through the Holy Spirit, the fire of God comes upon the members of this Esther Prayer Group. He fills them with His power and transforms them into His divine image. Many are comforted



according to His will. In those days when I was grieving over my husband’s demise, the Holy Spirit said to me, ‘My daughter, do not be troubled. Commit the whole time

So be bold and make a room in your house by enclosing a corner with a cot and a bed sheet. Start praying from there and God will lift you up”. In those days, nobody in that family was saved. So everybody mocked at her. Her own sister derided her saying that she was lazy to fetch water from outside and hence

You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, And praise the name of the LORD your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; And My people shall never be put to shame… (Joel 2:26).

was pretending to do something

"For the Lord GOD will help Me; Therefore I will not be disgraced; I know that I will not be ashamed… (Isaiah 50:7; 49:23;Psalm 69:6).

prayers and saved the entire

According to the above verse, the Lord will help those who praise His name, who trust Him and who wait for Him and He will not put them to shame. Several years back a sister who came to see me said to me, “I very much want to pray by myself, all alone. But my house is too small and has just a single room. So you should do me a help. Please give me a place in one of your rooms and I’ll pray

of your life to live for the purpose


of wiping away the tears of

anyone”. I said, “Sister, I am

women like you”. From then on,

happy about it and you wouldn’t

the Holy Spirit is using me as a

have any disturbance here.

comfort to many. His guidance

However, your house is far away

is awesome!

and it is not practically possible

My dear sisters, Rejoice! This New Year, the Lord will restore

for you to come here every day



to pray. You may become tired.

in the corner. Others too ridiculed her. She was dejected and used to share this with me. I used to encourage her and send her back with prayers. In due course, the Lord heeded all the family. Hearing the prayers offered from the corner of a small room, the Lord helped her and lifted her up with honnour, without putting her to shame.

The Bible says, ‘….the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us’ (Romans 5:5). ‘…the horns of the righteous shall be exalted." (Psalm 75:10).

My dear sisters, the Lord shall be your refuge, strength and a very present help to you in trouble, even in this New Year. He will restore all that you have lost in double measure. He will make you have double honour instead of your shame (Isaiah 61:7). May the Lord be with you, help you all through this New Year and make you happy with all blessings! - January 2017 JESUS CALLS


Read the Bible; was healed Dear mother Stella Dhinakaran has written in the Esther Prayer Group prayer points that the Lord’s Scriptures should be searched for and read. Accordingly, every night, my daughter and I began to meditate on Psalms between 12.00 to 1.00 AM. Because of that the Lord healed the cracks in my feet and my hair loss has also come to an end. Glory to God. - J. Anlet Julie, Tirunelveli. (Those who have hair loss or skin problem can follow this and receive blessings).

Grace to read the Bible I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. The promise verses are very apt and beneficial to each one of us. It encourages us to read the Bible and pray. Sis. Naleb of our Esther Prayer Group could not read the Bible properly. After she joined the Esther Prayer Group, she learnt to read the Bible well, without any difficulty. Her son, who was giving her lot of troubles, was transformed. Glory to the Lord. - Ranu Tehial, Assam.

Reunion I am the leader of the Esther 38

JESUS CALLS January 2017 -

Prayer Group in our area. Sis. Geetha Mahindesh’s husband had divorced her. With great burden we prayed for their reunion in the Esther Prayer Group. The Lord heard the prayer and helped them to get reunited. Now they are happy. Praise be to God. - Rajakumari Rajoor, Karnataka.

Divine experiences I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. During the prayer time, every one of us had the experience of getting drenched in showers. Sis. Hema felt as if an electric power was going through her body from head to toe. When Sis. Reena prayed for the 1st and 9th points, she received the fire anointing. I felt that all the prayer points were related to my life. Every one of us felt some change in ourselves. The Lord filled us with His joy and peace. - Bansha Shilee Mothan, Sikkim.

Divine joy and peace I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. The prayer time is of great blessing to us. Sis. Elsa felt her burdens rolling away like a ball and she saw a bright light. Sis. Deepthi and Sheila

received the Lord’s touch. Sis. Rithu was strengthened in the Lord. Sis. Jyotsana received fire anointing and also had heavenly vision. She also saw a rainbow over her head. Sis. Reena was filled with divine peace and joy. Every sister, who attended the prayer enjoyed divine peace and joy. They saw Jesus. Everyone was blessed by the promise verse. I thank the Lord for all the divine blessings bestowed upon us during the Esther Prayer Group fellowship. - Isha Selwyn Christian, Ahmadabad.

Power of prayer I did not know the Lord. After I came to know of Him, I started loving Him dearly. I am an illiterate. After joining the Esther Prayer Group, I learnt to pray. The sisters of the Esther Prayer Group taught me how to read the prayer points and how to pray for that. I followed that. I also learnt to pray for my needs as well as for others’. I was praying for God to help me build a house and sought Sis. Stella Dhinakaran’s prayers too. She also prayed for me and sent me a reply quoting the verse, “The Lord will perfect everything con-

cerning me’ (Psalm 138:8). I claimed it and prayed. I also regularly watched dear mother’s programme in the Raj TV and Vasanth TV. Because of this and my joining with the Esther Prayer Group, the Lord helped me to pray well. Also my daughter was

suffering from stomach ache. I did not know what to do. I went to the Esther Prayer Group and prayed with tears. One day I visited the Erode Prayer Tower and got prayers. The Prayer warrior assured that nothing wrong would be there and that the Lord would

heal my child. After I returned from the prayer, I found my daughter healed of her pain. I regularly attend the meetings held in Bethesda, no matter what difficulties are there. The Lord has given peace and joy in our family. I am very happy. - Jeyanthi, Vellakoil.

GOD’S MIRACLES IN THE YOUTH ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Nothing is impossible ciously helped the path of salvaThe Lord is doing many miracles in our group. I did not have much desire for prayer. I always preferred to do worshipping. Through the Youth Esther Prayer Group, the Lord has given me the burden to pray for others. He gave me the burden for youngsters like us, who are suffering in life. He gave me the desire and interest to pray. He helped me learn the lesson that nothing is impossible through prayers. I learnt that if we kneel down and pray, we can stand before men, with head held high. The Lord blessed my spiritual life also. He has filled me with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. He has started using me for His glory. He has helped me to excel in my studies and other activities. - Shalom, Karunya Nagar.

Wonderful divine transformation. It is a year since the Lord has been using me through the Youth Esther Prayer Group. Personally, we were in so many problems. Through this group, the Lord is helping us bring the unsaved into

tion. He encourages me by giving me promise verses. In my family too, He has separated me and is using me mightily. He has brought many changes. My parents are amazed to see the Lord using me in my personal life. My old nature and character have changed. He has given me the grace to abide in Him. I used to be weary and get emotional even for trivial things. I could never stand against anything. Today I stand boldly before everybody, in all matters. I was far away from God before starting the Youth Esther Prayer Group. Now I am in close relationship with Him and both of us are together. He in me and I in Him. - Jenifer, Salem. Jennifer’s mother’s testimony

Testimonial daughter A year back, my daughter Jennifer was highly rebellious, adamant and arrogant. She led an irresponsible prayer life. One day, in the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, according to the guidance of Sis. Prema, she attended the Youth Esther Prayer Group and the Lord also gra-

her to start a new group with the help of that sister. From the beginning of conducting this group, there was a great change in her talk, behavior, and conduct. Our family saw all her old characteristics vanishing and becoming new. Today she has become a guide to make our family seek the Lord whole heartedly, in all reverence. She has become a testimonial daughter. Like Esther, who pleaded for her tribe and got them deliverance, today my daughter has become a good vessel to make even those who do not know Christ to taste His love. I saw transformation taking place in her from the days she started conducting the Youth Esther Prayer Group. My daughter, who was good for nothing and was irresponsible, is today filled with the eternal love of Christ and has changed totally. Her transformation has brought great change in our family and lives too. I give millions of thanks and praise to the Lord, who has given me the chance to share such wonderful testimony. - A.Vimali, Salem. - January 2017 JESUS CALLS


JUNIOR ESTHER PRAYER GROUP New Ministry, great joy. The Junior Esther Prayer Group is of great blessing to us. Many groups are there in Karunya. My mother regularly attends the fellowship of her group. Her life was transformed and she received many blessings. I, who was noticing this, also wanted to take part in the Esther Prayer Group fellowship. I had the desire that I should attend such fellowships and live a new life. I spoke to Aunty Florence regarding this. She was happy. I shared this with my friends and they too wanted to join me. So Florence Aunty spoke to dear grandma Stella and formed the Junior Esther Prayer Group.

This is of great blessing to us. Every month we write our prayer requests and testimonies and we promptly get replies. We are happy that dear grandma Stella is seeing our prayer points personally. I feel that God has chosen us and that we would never be useless. I also feel like doing ministry for Jesus. We pray for every prayer request. My friend, who is in this group, had spinal cord problem and was advised surgery. We prayed for her with burden. She could not even attend the prayer because of this problem and could not take part in sports though she was good at it. Her parents too wanted her to undergo the surgery. Yet we prayed with burden for her. The doctor who tested her again

finally said that there was no need for surgery. Yes, our joy knew no bounds as we realized that God had heard the prayers offered by us, the little ones and had done a miracle. We pray for all the children. Since we pray for others, the Lord has commanded lot of changes and blessings in our lives. Others who see us ask us about our transformation. The Lord has given us a new ministry called the Junior Esther Prayer Group. We are very happy when we pray. When we are unable to leave certain things which we ought to leave, the feeling that Jesus sees us becomes strong in us by which we are able to leave those things. We are happy. - Sharon, Karunya Nagar.

My Dear sisters, Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women in your area could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. This is the end time. Contact Address: Sister. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028 Email: Dear sisters, who pray in the Prayer Group, pray with much burden for the each and every prayer point sent to you and hold on firmly to the promise word given to you with fervency in the spirit. The Lord will do a miracle. He will also bless you. 40

JESUS CALLS January 2017 -

Available at all Christian book centres. Send the amount in favour of ‘True Friend Management Support Service’ through Money Order / Demand Draft to 72, Rajaji Road, Chennai 600 001 and get it by post. For details, contact:+91 9500155588 For online orders - January 2017 JESUS CALLS


“Behave courageously, and the LORD will be with the good." (II Chronicles 19:11).


ehoshaphat, the King of Judah lived closely with the Lord. The above promise verse was uttered by him. When we look at the life of Noah, a man of God, we read in the Bible that he was a just man, perfect in his generations (Genesis 6:9). Likewise, we read about Job, another man of God thus: ‘that man was blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil’ (Job 1:1,8). When the God of gods could give such testimony about him, imagine how his life would have pleased Him! In the Bible we read David writing about a way to live such blameless life. He prays to the Lord thus: “Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins; Let them not have dominion over me. Then I shall be blameless, And I shall be innocent of great transgression” (Psalm 19:13).

This is how many people of God walked blameless and upright before the Lord. Also when we walk faithfully in the ways of God 42

JESUS CALLS January 2017 -

and are pleasing to Him, it is certain that we would receive the Lord’s divine salvation. The following Bible verse explains this, Whoever walks blamelessly will be saved, But he who is perverse in his ways will suddenly fall (Proverbs 28:18).

Dear ones, when we look at the lives of many people in today’s world, it could be seen that they live as they like. The Bible refers to them as, ‘children of wrath’ (Ephesians 2:3). Such wrath earning life is terrible and pleasing to the devil. In case you are presumptuously doing wicked things which are not pleasing to God, repent today. Our Lord is full of mercy; He is full of compassion. When He was hanging on the cross, the thief who was crucified beside Him, cried out to Him saying, "Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom."And Jesus said to him, "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise." (Luke 23:42,43). Thus He gave him an assurance

and forgave him! Yes, see how precious the love of Jesus is! The love of Christ would change you, who are living as sons of perdition, and are doing things that are not pleasing to Him. My dear sisters! Throw away all the wicked characters such as pride, envy, and haughtiness in your life and humble yourself before the Lord, like that thief. Then the loving Lord would forgive you instantly and adorn you with the priceless salvation which He has earned for us on the cross. So, kneel down where you are and tell Him, “Lord, remember me, as I am in the darkness. I confess all my sins to You. Forgive me just as how You showed love to the thief on that day and deliver me from things that are displeasing to You and change me into a vessel of grace. Give me a faithful heart”. When you thus ask Him, He would stretch forth His loving hands, embrace and kiss you and grant you a righteous and upright life. He will bless you as in Proverbs 11:20,

‘…the blameless in their ways are His delight’

My dear sister, you would have heard many servants of God telling that the second coming of the Lord is very near. So, prepare your life today for His coming. Commit yourself into His hands to live uprightly and righteously, pleasing to God. When you do it immediately, the Lord would be

says, ‘as He is, so are we in this world’ (I John 4:17). The Lord will help you to discard your old life of perdition and live an upright and righteous life by making you lean on His bosom as His dear child and taste His love. This is true Christian life. At the age of 20, Brother. Dhinakaran accepted the Lord as his personal saviour after which

proud of you and lead you won-

he led a life pleasing to God and

derfully by giving you a new life,

was upright and righteous before

saying, “From today, you are My

Him. However, because of that,

own’. We should further commit

he had to face lot of problems in

ourselves at His feet and be care-

his office and in many other

ful to walk in His ways every day.

things. Yet, he was not worried

Not a single day should be spent

about such things but knelt

without reading the Bible. Similarly, talking to the Lord is very important. Only then there would be a real relationship for you with

down in prayer, whenever he had time, called out to the Lord and held on to Him. As a result he got peace and joy in his heart. Also, all the problems that came

God. This fellowship will in due

against him vanished miracu-

course change us into His image

lously. About this we read in the

and lead us in His path. The Bible


The LORD will give strength to His people; The LORD will bless His people with peace (Psalm 29:11).

The Lord will not stop with this. It is certain that there would be glory after sufferings. So, in all the places where he encountered shame, pain, and reproach, and before the people who derided him, the Lord made it known that He was with him. Thus the Lord did not forsake His servant but blessed him and lifted him up more and more. Let us also commit our life to the Lord in the first month of this New Year. Whoever may trouble you, would you please take a decision that you would live a pleasing life to God and glorify His name through your righteous and blameless life, no matter what problems you would face? May the Lord give this holy life to every sister who reads this, lift them up as His testimony and glorify His name!


GOOD WORD FOR THE DAY (Available as Part I and Part II –Two books) PART -1: Book is in Tamil, English, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada, Punjabi and Marathi languages PART -2: Book is in all above languages except Marathi To meditate throughout the whole year, meditation are given in this book for everyday. Read and be blessed. Each book

cost Rs 175/including postal charges

Available at all Christian book centres.

Send the amount in the favour of True Friend Management Support Services, through money order/Demand draft to, 72, Rajaji Salai , Chennai -600001 and get it by post. For details, contact: +91 9500155588 For online orders: - January 2017 JESUS CALLS


FAMILY BLESSING MEETING Anointing and divine transformation and peace We are residing in Tiruvallur. Our family was assailed by lot of problems. So we had no peace and were in agony. My single income was the only means to run the family and on the other side we had debt problem. Our house construction could not be completed. So there was always an empty feeling in my heart. One day, one of my colleagues asked me why I was so worried and introduced me to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. He assured that if I visited it, my sorrows will be turned into joy. Since I was born and brought up in an orthodox family, I had no desire to know Jesus. But I went to the Vanagaram Prayer Tower and attended the Family Blessing Meeting held there. After that I was filled with a divine peace. I started visiting the Prayer Tower for prayers. I attended the Family Blessing Meeting held in Vanagaram in the year 2014. While giving the message, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran said, “The Lord will change your sorrow. When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, He will give you peace”. When I prayed that the Lord should fill me with His power, my body began to shake and I felt a change in me. When the power of the Holy Spirit filled me, I felt the heavy burdens leaving me. A divine peace filled me. I contin44

ued visiting the Prayer Tower and became the Lord’s child. I regularly support the Jesus Calls ministry with my offerings, as much as I could. Also now I have become His servant to pray for others. The Lord has also removed my debt problem and has helped me to complete the house construction. - V. Prema Vijayanand, Tiruvallur.

Tumour Vanished I had a tumour on my breast because of which I suffered a lot. At this juncture, my husband and I attended the Family Blessing Meeting held in Madurai. Sis. Stella Dhinakaran gave the message and prayed. I joined her in the prayer. That time, the power of God came upon me mightily and the tumour on my breast burst and blood and puss came out of it. I went to the hospital for a scan. The report said that there was no trace of tumour and that I was normal. Now I am in good health. I praise the Lord, who has done a miracle. - B.Rachel Babu, Sivagangai.

Gift of a child after 30 years We had no child despite being married for 30 years. I was affected by witchcraft. Since I had no child, we visited many hospitals and underwent different kinds of treatment including Siddha but in vain. Finally doctors, who tested me, said that there was no chance

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for me to conceive. We did not know what to do. I had often contemplated suicide. I always spent my time in tears. At this point, a neigbour lady introduced Jesus and the Jesus Calls ministry to me. Hearing about the Family Blessing Meeting conducted by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, she took me there. It was the first time that I attended such meetings. The message given by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran deeply touched me. Finally when she was praying, she encouraged us to ask whatever we needed. I prayed, ‘Jesus, I want to see You; please give me a child”. That time the Holy Spirit came upon me and I saw Jesus standing near Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, on the stage. Even as I was looking at Him, I could feel His nail pierced hands stretching out and touching my stomach. What a wonder! I conceived after 30 years. My joy knew no bounds! By the grace of God, I delivered a girl baby on 16.12.2006. After that the witchcraft problem also was removed and both my husband and I became God’s children. I joined my daughter in the Young Partner’s Plan. Now she excels in her studies. We are happy, as a family. Glory to Jesus. - S. Jeba Packiam Selvaraj, Chennai – 13

Peace in the Family We got married in 1991. My husband was addicted to alcohol for more than 15 years. So there

was no peace in the family. His income was spent on his drinks. I suffered a lot with my four children. With no money in hand, we struggled to have food. Thus my life was spent in misery. It was at this time, my son had epilepsy. All medical treatments proved futile. I came to know about the Prayer Tower through a sister. I visited the Prayer Tower and enrolled my son in the Young Partner’s Plan. What a wonder! From that day, he was healed of epilepsy and later he became God’s child. I was also praying for peace in my family. Hearing about the Family Blessing Meeting held in Vanagaram, I attended that meeting and prayed for my family peace and for my husband to come out of alcoholism. I joined Sis. Stella Dhinakaran in the prayer when she prayed and said, ‘Your sorrow shall turn into joy”. Also I met her personally and requested prayers for peace in our family. Placing her hands on my head, she prayed earnestly for me. What a wonder! The Lord heard the prayer and commanded a transformation in my husband’s life. All on a sudden he promised me that he would not take drinks anymore and accordingly he left that habit from that day. Till date, he is a new man. After this my family started flourishing. We, who could not even give our house rent, have built a house of our own and are living happily. - Malathi Raguraman, Chennai -74

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- Yesupatham


nanaprakasam was dully listening to what Wesley was saying. Renish too was hearing it, even while working on his computer. “I guess this man would spoil our happiness” – Thus musing, he approached his father, once Wesley left them.

“Renish, it seems the girl does not know to cook and that she is adamant and irresponsible…” “Yes, daddy! I heard what he was telling. But what’s the big deal in that? Its Sundari akka who is cooking for us after mummy’s death… Let her continue to do it. This girl, whom you’ve chosen for Jenish, talks well and that’s enough. Our house needs to be filled with laughter…. So, please don’t take any hasty decisions, listening to him…” “How how come you are so clear about this?’ – asked Gnanaprakasam, looking at his son’s clear and serene face. “I don’t trust that sister-in-law who would be coming to our house; but I trust the Lord. That’s why I am asking you to be bold. Even if she is that type, God will change her. Just be bold, daddy…” Despite this, Gnanaprakasam had uncomfortable feeling regarding the marriage. As scheduled the 46

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wedding took place in December. Jenish and Priya returned from their honey moon. The next morning, Sundari akka was washing the fish and Priya offered to make the lunch. Everybody sat down for lunch. ‘Uncle, how is the fish curry?’ – Priya asked her father-in-law. ‘Did you make it? Didn’t Sundari prepare it? ‘No, Uncle…” ‘Oh, I thought this good smell was coming from the neighbour’s house….’ Even before he could finish his sentence, Renish butted in, “Super taste annie…At last we are redeemed from Sundari akka’s terrible cooking….” Jenish too fondly patted Priya. After lunch, Priya’s mother called her and she told her how everyone appreciated her cooking. It was unbelievable to her mother. Renish took the phone from her and started convincing Priya’s mother. “What annie! Is it true that you never stepped into the kitchen? Your mom is telling that we are lying…” Gnanaprakasam who was hearing their conversation was thrilled. Even the coffee and tea she served was superb. By the end of the day, they all sat together for

family prayer, as directed by Priya. When she sang sweetly, Gnanaprakasam was reminded of his late sister. With great effort he controlled his tears. Finally she thanked the Lord. “Uncle, what happened? You are so sad…’ asked Priya, shaken by her father-in-law’s attempt to hide his tears. “It was as if my sister was singing….’ ‘Wow, your sister has come back to life…’ Renish said jokingly. God has truly given him a daughter –in-law far beyond his expectation. He had never seen Renish laugh heartily ever since the death of his mother. He looked at his son fondly whose face spoke volumes, “I told you know daddy! God will change everything for us, whatever it is…” Priya did not allow them to purchase costly sari for the New Year. As a family they joyfully went for the New Year service. It was as if Priya was their New Year gift. He felt someone whispering so, as he entered the church. ‘…the desire of the righteous will be granted’ (Proverbs 10:24).

ANSWERS FOR QUIZ 57 1. what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms Luke 12:3 2. do not despise one of these little ones Matthew 18:10 3. Have salt in yourselves Mark 9:50 4. you love one another – Jesus Christ John 13:34 5. "He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who seeks the glory of the One who sent Him is true, and no unrighteousness is in Him John 7:18 6. The Most High God is kind to the unthankful and evil Luke 6:35 7. "Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted Matthew 15:13 8. the piece that was taken out of the new does not match the old Luke 5:36 9. nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light. Mark 4:22 10. Your word is truth John 17:17

BIBLE QUIZ 57 - WINNERS Pudhucherry: P. S. Moorthy, Kalpakkam: A. John D. Lawrence, Andhra:J. Thanuja, Karnataka: Mercy J. Rajakumar

Bible Quiz - 59 (Bible portion from Genesis to Leviticus) (Read the Bible verses diligently, line by line. You can find the answers easily)

1. What cries out from where? 2. What bilnds whom and perverts what? 3. What went out from where and devoured whom? 4. What was not forsaken towards whom? 5. What belongs to whom? And to whom is it holy? 6. How shall you not go about? What shall you not take a stand against? 7. Who became weary of what because of whom? 8. What shall not depart from whom until what comes? 9. What shall always burn where and never go out? 10. What did He fill whom with and in what? Address: Bible Quiz - 59, Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028.

Answers must reach us before JANUARY 20, 2017 - January 2017 JESUS CALLS


Question: ‘…by You I can run against a troop, By my God I can leap over a wall’- Is it possible for this promise to be fulfilled? f course this is a big challenge. Is there any way to receive this?


job of tending his flock. Even when

Can this challenge be met without

as his help. Praising the Lord al-

getting dejected, no matter what

ways, he was shepherding his

happens? - Many have this ques-

flock. Once, when he was thus

Dear ones, examine your life!

tion. In the Bible we read that in

keeping his father’s sheep, a lion

Do you have this divine life of hav-

this world, the devil tempted even

and another time a bear came to

ing a close fellowship with the

the Lord Jesus. Like Jesus Christ,

devour his sheep. But we read in

Lord? Do you diligently read the

the devil tested Him through Bible

the Bible that filled with the power

Bible every day? Do you have the

verses (Matthew 4:1-11). Was the

of God, David caught them by

habit of praying to the Lord? Do

Lord Jesus Christ worried about

their beard, and struck and killed

you lack in these areas? Examine

it? Or did He tremble out of fear?

them. (I Samuel 17:34,35). From

yourself and mend yourself in the

Not at all. In all meekness, He

where did this zeal come into him?

sweet name of Jesus. In case these

overcame those temptations of the

Watch this carefully. The Lord was

divine things are not in you, then

devil by God’s Words.

with him. Since he sought the Lord

the devil would constrain you in

faithfully, he enjoyed this glorious

many ways. You cannot stand

blessing in his life.

against him. But if you get united

Even today, dear ones, temptations may come against you in many forms. Many are scared by that. The reason is that they do not have a close fellowship with God and hence such fear, doubts and problems crop up in their lives. In that case, shouldn’t we need a zealous faith to run against a troop and leap over a wall? What should we do to receive such a life? Let me tell you an example; 48

JESUS CALLS January 2017 -

David was doing his father’s he was a child, he took the Lord

About this he clearly says, ‘I have set the LORD always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved’ (Psalm 16:8).

“This poor man cried out, and the LORD heard him, And saved him out of all his troubles” (Psalm 34:6).

with the Lord, just as how David

This was the secret of his successful life. If you read the life of the Lord Jesus in the four gospels, you can see how He sought God, His Father diligently. Similarly, David had great trust on Him and hence he held on to the Lord firmly.

apt counsel and lead you. The

was, He would be with you always. Understanding your feeble strength, He would give you the Bible tells about this thus, I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye (Psalm 32:8).

David did not stop with that.

when you get united with the Lord,

God’s ministry, the people mar-

We also read how he faced a big

He will be with you. Then He will

veled seeing his boldness despite

challenge with the help of God and

grant you victory after victory and

being uneducated. This is how the

how he overcame that.

honour you. He will grant you vic-

Lord helps us to get filled with di-

tory over your temptations.

vine strength, courage and joy

Saul was a mighty king. His army men were also valiant. But they could not stand against the giant Goliath and trembled on see-

‘The wicked flee when no one pursues, But the righteous are bold as a lion’ (Proverbs 28:1).

when the Holy Spirit comes in (II Timothy 1:7). After that, as the Lord said, through Peter the Lord did great and mighty deeds.

ing him. David, who was sent by

My dear sisters, from where

his father to give food to his dear

does this courage come? Read the

Yes, dear sisters, when you too

brothers who were in the battle,

life of Peter, the disciple of the

are filled with the Holy Spirit, the

heard Goliath defying the Lord. He

Lord. He was filled with fear of

Lord will grant you these experi-

was pained by it since he was a

man. Though he was with the Lord

ences. When He dwells in you and

young man, who dearly loved the

Jesus for nearly 3 ½ months, he

when you are led by Him, the

God of Israel. We further read that

denied Jesus saying, ‘I don’t know

things that He would do through

Him” since he lacked in his prayer

you would be great and amazing.

life. The reason was his fear of

You can taste this in your life. So,

man. But did he stay like that?

as the Bible says, set your minds

Before going up to heaven after

on things above and be careful not

He was crucified, died and rose

to allow your heart to indulge in

again, the Lord commanded them

earthly things. Do not worry about

My dear sisters! You too can

to wait for the Promise of the Fa-

what you would eat or drink or

achieve such big things in this

ther (Acts 1:5). According to that

wear but seek only for the things

world. Do you know when? When

command, everybody who was

above (Matthew 6:31). Then,

you too seek the Lord firmly and

with Jesus gathered under the

there is no doubt that in these last

love Him truly, you can do such

leadership of Peter, after the Lord

days the things that the Lord would

things. Particularly, if you are dili-

went up to heaven. All of them

do through you, a woman, would

gent to hold on to the Lord, you

were praying earnestly and that

be a big challenge to other women.

too can face such challenges. Do

time according to His promise, the

you think that you get defeated

Lord showered upon them His

even in small challenges? Wait in

Holy Spirit like a rain and filled

the presence of the Lord, for Him

them with the power of the Holy

to strengthen you. Such challenges

Spirit (Acts 24:49). At that instant,

cannot be faced merely by read-

all the fears in Peter vanished. We

ing the Bible and praying. But

read that when he began to do

When I was a little girl, I used to be timid. When I was doing my studies staying in the hostel, I was chosen as the student’s leader. Every morning, I was asked to read the Bible in front of everyone. I used to read it with trembling and fear. This was the beginning of my spiritual life.

he killed that giant with a stone (I Samuel 17:20-50). Yes, who did this job? It was not David but the divine presence of God that was in him. He had great trust and love on the Lord. - January 2017 JESUS CALLS


But the Lord met me in that same place. When I was longing for my parents’ love in that lonely state, I felt the love of Jesus. From then on I held on to Him. Next, the Lord gave me the privilege of becoming Bro. Dhinakaran’s wife after which I got many chances to live closely with the Lord. The Lord graciously made me also into His servant. Once, when I was sharing the Lord’s message in a meeting for His glory, the Matron of my hostel had come and was sitting at the last. I was not aware of it. After the meeting, she came to me and said with surprise, ‘Stella, how you have changed! You were so timid but today you speak boldly for the Lord. I am so proud of you”.

Yes, my dear sister, the Lord





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will fill you with the same power

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today. He is eager to do glorious

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things and reveal the power of the

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Spirit through you. All you have

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to do is to plead to Him just as

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how His disciples did (Acts 1:14).

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Then the Lord would grant you the

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same divine experiences that they

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had (Acts 2nd chapter). When the Holy Spirit comes in you, you would be strengthened and be a witness for Christ. The Spirit of God will give you the grace to run against a troop and to leap over a wall and lead you wonderfully. The Lord, who changed my life of fear into a life that shines for the Lord, will fill you with the same fire of the spirit and bless you. 50

Offering to co-sponsor a single programme is Rs.10,000/- only. You may send this offering in installments also (Rs.2,500 X 4). Mention the name of the specific programme which you would like to sponsor and along with your family. Please inform your willingness 30 days before the day of telecasting the programme. (You may also give your donation in the nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your local area, along with the photo). For more details: Toll Free No. 1800 425 77 55 (7 am to 9 pm)

JESUS CALLS January 2017 -

Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(S) Dn/ 513/15-17 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/WPP-156/15-17 Published on 25-12-2016


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