Jesus Calls (English) - December 2018

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The new Jesus Calls Prayer Tower @ Rourkela was dedicated on 23rd October 2018 in the presence of Bishops, Pastors, Servants of God, Partners and Well wishers of Jesus Calls for the glory of God by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family.

Jesus Calls Prayer Tower Address: House No. T4/14, Civil Township, Rourkela - 769 004.

(Open from 8 am to 8 pm) To know the details about the events conducted at this Prayer Tower, Contact: 63807 52301/ 8480971286 / 8480971287/ 066- 12664099 If you are living in and around Rourkela, please visit this Prayer Tower and be blessed and also Introduce to your friends & relatives, in order that they can also visit and be blessed


Mrs. Rajini Kindo, Rourkela testifies below the goodness she received by the prayers offered in this Rourkela Prayer Tower. My daughter Gloria Kindo, two years old, suffered from high temperature continuously for 15 days, due to Pneumonia & Chicken pox. In spite of medication there was no improvement in her health. We took her to Rourkela Prayer Tower for prayer and GLORIA the prayer intercessor prayed with burden and tears for my daughter’s healing. A miracle happened immediately. Jesus answered that fervent prayer and healed my daughter at that moment itself. She started playing in the Prayer Tower campus, fully healed from fever. Now she is perfectly alright and is hale and healthy. All glory to Jesus Christ. I encourage those who stay in Rourkela & nearby places to visit this Prayer Tower and get prayed for their requests.

The Message of Christmas


Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

s we celebrate the birth of Lord Jesus on Christmas day, we all cherish the gifts that we receive

during Christmas. Everyone likes to give a gift and some desire even more to receive a gift. Nowadays Christmas has been watered down to just giving and receiving gifts. But thank God,

St Paul says: “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift” (2 Corinthians 9:15) This gift which cannot be described, which we cannot even hold in our hands, can be treasured in our hearts for He came down to live in our hearts and that is why we rejoice saying: “Thank you Lord, I have a gift today, which cannot be described.” He sacrificed everything to bring His love for us. He sacrificed His glory and took the form of a sinful human being. Though He knew no sin, yet He became sin for us. Though He knew no sin, yet He identified himself with those who committed sin. He sacrificed everything so that we might have the greatest Christmas gift. Let us say today, “Lord, you are my greatest Christmas gift. I will honor you, I will praise you”. As you do that, He will come to you with everything that you need. God’s perfect gift for you will be given to you and it will never be taken away. The door which is closed for you, He will open today and no man can shut it. Will you give Him all the glory? - December 2018 JESUS CALLS


THE MIRACLES OF CHRISTMAS Christmas is not only a time of celebration but it is also a time of miracles. That is the reason Jesus came down to this earth. Here is a real life incident which took place on a Christmas day: There was a little boy who ran to a pharmacy holding a ten dollar bill, and was jumping up and down near the counter in order to get the attention of the pharmacist. The pharmacist asked him, “Little boy, what do you want?” He said, “I want a miracle. Please take this ten dollar bill and give me a miracle.” A friend of the pharmacist who happened to be there heard this conversation and asked the little boy what had happened. He said, “My little sister is on the verge of death back home. My dad’s doctor friend came along and took a look at her and said, ‘She needs a miracle.’ My dad said, ‘I cannot afford it.’ Then I thought that if I could get a miracle for the ten dollars that I have saved and take it to my sister, she will recover. I have to save my sister. So, please give me a miracle.” He then offered to go and meet his sister and the little boy took him home. That man was a renowned Neurosurgeon in that city. He saw the girl and immediately took her to the hospital and performed a surgery on her thereby saving her life. The boy’s dad asked the doctor, “How much is the bill? Please tell me how much I should pay. You have saved my child and now I have to pay you.” The surgeon pulled out the bill and gave him which read, “Ten Dollars”. The boy received a miracle for ten dollars indeed! But our God says, “You don’t need to pay anything for your miracle! I have shed my blood to perform the miracle for you. I have sacrificed everything for you to have a miracle” and that is the story of Christmas. Are you trying to get favor from God through your good works? God says “I will be your God”. Never condemn yourself today by saying, “Whatever I have done for the Lord is not enough. My prayers are not enough; my fasting is not enough; my giving is not enough, the things I have done for the poor is not enough. That’s why I have not received my miracle”. You can never pay for what God has in store for you! You will have your miracle today, not because of what you have done; but because of what Jesus has done on the cross. So, come as you are and let us celebrate Jesus Christ.

MARY’S MIRACLE The first miracle was the miracle of conception for His mother, Mary. As soon as the Father said, “Word, you take the form of a human being and go into the world”, an angel was sent to Mary. Every time God wants to do something great, an angel is sent from heaven. In essence, this is the conversation that conspired between the angel and Mary: “Mary, surrender your womb to God for Him to perform a miracle in you. Just give yourself, give your life. Even though you may have to face humiliation according to worldly standards, yet give your womb to God and God will perform a miracle” for which she replied, “I am the handmaiden of the Lord. Whatever God wants to do through my life, through my womb, let Him do it.” She just surrendered. What she had, she gave! Like the ten dollars that the little boy had. God 4

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did a miracle, and he made a virgin to conceive. He can do anything for those who surrender themselves to God. Obeying the voice of God, she gave her womb and God performed a miracle. A virgin conceived! Even today, when you birth what God asks you to birth or when you give yourself to the Lord, He will make you conceive every blessing and miracle He has for you.

THE SHEPHERDS’ MIRACLE The shepherds were in the field taking care of the flock. Why should the message go to the shepherds? Why should God care for the shepherds? Why should there be a miracle for the shepherds? The Bible says in 1 Peter 5:4 that Jesus Christ is the Chief Shepherd and when He comes, He comes to give us the crown of glory. He honors every shepherd, everyone who serves Him. He honors those who take care of the flock, not allowing even one among them to go astray. That is the slogan we have in Jesus Calls: No Soul should be lost. Every soul should be protected. We have to pray for every partner. We have to pray for everyone who comes to receive a miracle. In our meetings, we lay hands on 6000 to 7000 people. During our Prayer Festivals, though we preach to hundreds of thousands of people, we take time to pray individually for the sick and the suffering. It is not that we have supernatural power in our hands - but that no soul should be lost. God should build their faith to receive their miracle. That is the heart of God – to take care of the sheep and the shepherds. Therefore, He sent His angels to the shepherds who were sitting in darkness and showed them His glory. You may say, “I am a servant of God, but I am sitting in darkness, waiting for a sign/wonder.” The Lord is mindful of you. He is coming to you today to help you take care of every family. You will see Jesus face to face; you will see the glory of God. You will have power to bring Jesus Christ to all people. Today that resurrection power is coming to every servant of God.

THE WISE MEN’S MIRACLE A star appeared in the sky two years after Jesus was born. The wise men had the wisdom of God; those who are wise and turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars in the firmament (Daniel 12:3). Yes, God gave them wisdom to understand God as recorded in Psalm 19:2 “night after night reveal knowledge” and they came to know about Jesus’ birth, went in search of Him and they found Him! Yes, God will give us supernatural revelations, the gifts of the Holy Spirit to know Him, to hear Him, to know the signs of the times and seasons and to know what God is going to do in each season. Cry out today and say “Lord, what do You want me to do? I am willing to travel any distance to find You. I want to follow the Star.” God has a great plan for each of us. Not just to receive miracles but to receive everything! Seek first the kingdom of God and surrender to His plan today. When you receive the calling of God, the Star will appear and you will rejoice greatly (When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy” Matt 2:10). No other joy can be greater than being in the Will of God. When you know the Will of God, and when you see the star, the plan of God, that is the greatest strength you can have in this world. - December 2018 JESUS CALLS


You don’t have to seek guidance from anyone, for the anointing that God has given you will lead you and will raise you up. That is the greatest blessing God is giving us, the plan of God to see Jesus.

THE MIRACLE OF PROVISION The final miracle is the miracle of provision for the family of Jesus. God knew that they would have to run to Egypt, a foreign land where they do not know anybody. So, God sent the three wise men with gold, myrrh and frankincense, at the right time to help them survive in that foreign land. God protected the family, provided for them and brought them back to Nazareth to fulfill His will. God will do it for you too. Sometimes you may have to run from your own place and be in another country for some time, but God will protect you and provide for you. He will send kings to take care of you; they will bring the best gifts. He will give you the best job, the best home and the best position. He will give you the best revelation to succeed. God is ready today to provide these miracles for you, because He came sacrificing His everything so that you may live. How grateful we ought to be for His loving provision! May the good Lord grant you the greatest Christmas gift, JESUS! And be sure to enjoy all the miracles that He has in store for you!

JESUS CALLS MAGAZINE YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION RS.250/To be continually blessed through the Jesus Calls magazine  You may please send your yearly subscription of

Rs.250/- or more.  If you are already a subscriber, you may gift the magazine for one year to your dear one ( address details please)  Your contribution of Rs.500/ - or above for JC magazine, in the next 6 months can reach at least 1 lakh families more in the states of Odisha, Punjab & Gujarat. May souls be added to the Kingdom of God and let your generation be blessed by this kind act. To know the simple ways for sending your Yearly Subscription amount, find the details in page 20. (Please mention in your mode of sending, that the amount is for magazine and also mention the language in which you wish to have the magazine.)

RECEIVE GOD’S PROMISE VERSE DAILY BY WHATSAPP Type “PROMISE ” and send to our Jesus Calls WhatsApp number:

90940 99977 to receive

‘God’s Promise for the day’ 6

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PROPHETIC ANOINTING WITHOUT MEASURE A brief report on Trivandrum & Rourkela Prophetic Prayer Training, October 2018


y God’s immense grace, Prophetic Prayer training was held during Oct’ 11th to 12th at Trivandrum, Kerala and from October 24th to 26th at Rourkela, Odisha. There were about 1666 delegates from 15 states at Trivandrum event and 3470 registered delegates from 22 states apart from about 300 volunteers at Rourkela. Almost 2000 delegates were from Sundargarh district alone which made Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to declare that Rourkela becomes the Spiritual Power capital for Odisha from which God’s healing power would flow throughout the (nation) State. God used Dr. Paul Dhinakaran mightily at both places and in Rourkela he said that he has never spoken the precious truths taught here in any of the earlier Prophetic Prayer Training. Holy Spirit made him to give a new definition of Prophecy namely reflecting Jesus through every one of us and releasing Jesus into individuals, families and nations. He said that when you go through fire and face lions, God will lift you up in the nation; you will be personally honoured and kingdom of God will

be established and he urged the delegates to stand up with boldness to obey God. Mrs. Evangeline Paul shared God’s word in a unique way lifting up Jesus through her personal experiences and how the love of God is so real and she encouraged the delegates to experience this love in every moment of their lives. At the end of each day at both places, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran laid his hands on every one and prayed for them. Most of them committed to become ambassadors and prayer intercessors and also to start Esther Prayer Groups and small prayer groups at their places. On the whole, it was a rewarding experience to every delegate and they left the training with real commitment. - Dr. S.J. Kingsley, Programme coordinator, Prophetic Prayer Training.

Here is a testimony from Dr. Anabel Benjamin, New Delhi who attended the Prophetic Prayer Training, Rourkela In 2017 I accepted Jesus as my Savior and received the anointing. But when I came to this Prophetic Prayer Training, I asked God for a deeper experience , the infilling of the Holy Ghost with fire anointing , just like Jesus had. God fulfilled my deep desire. On the 2nd day, I received this experience and I was filled with joy. I started seeing visions and it was glorious. As Dr. Paul Dhinakaran laid his hands on me and prayed, from then on I feel a difference in me. My prayer life has changed. I feel Jesus so close to me. Not only that, I had boils in my eyes and it was painful. But, in a particular session, I got healed miraculously. The pain subsided and the boils went down. I thank God for all the experience I received. - December 2018 JESUS CALLS



SPECIAL MEETINGS, DELHI SEPTEMBER 22ND Jesus Calls Partners Meet held at Talkatora Indoor stadium, Delhi, was attended by nearly 5000 people who came from in and around Delhi. Every partner and their families were blessed as Dr. Paul and Mrs. Evangeline shared God's love through His Word and prayers.

SEPTEMBER 23RD At the ‘Pray for the Nation’ meeting held at the Constitution Club of India Auditorium, Parliamentarians, Bureaucrats, Christian Leaders, and Institutional Heads were present. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran led the meetings by calling all the representative dignitaries on the dais and prayed for our country India. Many were blessed as Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prophesied for the nation.

SEPTEMBER 24TH At the Jesus Calls Ambassadors Meet at Delhi, more than 640 people gathered from 20 States of India at the Cathedral Church of Redemption and were refreshed. They returned home with more passion, committed and dedicated to serve the people in their area as a lighthouse to people around them.

SEPTEMBER 26TH The Indian Christian Media Association (ICMA) organized the 'Kingdom Media Conference' to strengthen the fellowship of the Christian Media Community across domains on the theme' Transform Now.' Dr. Paul shared the keynote address. He emphasized that 'A vision from man will help reach milestones and achievements but a vision from God will enable His children to deliver life and bring about transformations.' In all the above meetings, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Mrs. Evangeline Paul ministered and brought God’s blessings on the people. All Glory to God. - Report by Zonal Manager - North India Jesus Calls Field Ministry 8

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After a gap of 11 years , the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival was conducted on October 13 & 14, 2018 at Putharikandam Maidan,Trivandrum. Rt. Rev. Oommen George , Bishop of the CSI Kollam – Kottarakkara Diocese and partner of Jesus Calls ministries presided over these meetings. Several Servants of God were present.

Miracle Child We got married in 2013 and the following year my wife conceived. In the 7th month of her pregnancy, the doctor found a fluid collection around the liver of the foetus and advised to go for further check-up to another hospital. We went there and the doctor over there said that they cannot assure anything on the safety of the child and gave only 10% of hope. They started the treatment at high risk and took out the baby in the 8th month in May 2014. The boy baby was admitted in the NICU without any hope of survival. For five days there was no improvement from the severe attack of HYDROPS FETALIS (fluid around the liver). Treatment was given to the little baby, draining the 10

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fluid through needles from both the sides of his abdomen; everyday 1 litre of fluid was evacuated. We were in much agony. They stopped mother’s milk and switched to fat-free skimmed milk but still there was no improvement. After two weeks of treatment they said that the baby can be fully on drips for one more week. By this time we had spent nearly 5.5 lakhs for treatment. About that time a thought struck me to visit Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and I came to the Trivandrum Prayer Tower. The prayer intercessors prayed for my little baby and gave me the blessed oil. I enrolled my son as a Young Partner. We went to the NICU and applied the blessed oil on his chest and prayed. The baby was 35 days old, yet his condition remained serious. Now the doctor advised for a surgery. But He was very weak and so skimmed milk had to be given again. We then took the skimmed milk, went to the Prayer Tower and the prayer intercessors prayed over the milk. We returned to the hospital and gave that blessed milk to the baby. From that very night, God started doing miracles. The fluid output stopped completely. On the 42nd day he came out of the ICU and in the next 4 days, out of the hospital! He was totally healed, with no trace of that disease ever after! Today he is studying in UKG. We praise God for His mercy on us. God has also blessed us with a girl baby on 30/8/2018. All glory to God! - Jebin, Marthandam, K.K.Dt.

Desires Fulfilled I was working at Mahatma Gandhi

were childless for 10

University, Kottayam. My husband was

wife conceived and in

working in Dubai. I wanted a transfer to


Trivandrum, Kerala University because my little son was there with my parents. It was very difficult to get a transfer but I was trying very hard for that. There were a lot of disturbances in the family as all of us were located in different places. Though my husband was working in Dubai, we still had huge debts. In May 2017, when my husband had come to India for vacation, we as a family attended the Jesus Calls Partner’s Meeting at Bethesda, Coimbatore. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed for my husband to get a new job and for me to get the transfer. In September 2017 my husband got a better job in Dubai miraculously and in November 2017, I got the transfer to Trivandrum! I praise God for His blessings! Now all our debts are cleared. I am thankful to Bro. Paul Dhinakaran for his prayers. My husband had come from Dubai only yesterday and we have come to testify as a family in this Trivandrum Prayer Festival. Thanks to Jesus! - Anuja Rachel, Trivandrum.

Beyond Comprehension I got married to Irin Das on Jan 3, 1990. We

years. After that my her 7th month of several

complications arose and we lost that child. We were so desperate for a baby and became very sad when we looked at other children. At this point, we sent a letter to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, who prayed with much burden and sent a comforting reply. In May 2015, my wife conceived again. We were all the time calling the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for prayers. During the 7th month of pregnancy, the doctors suspected a similar complication and advised to do a particular blood test. Before doing the test we went to Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Trivandrum for prayer. When the blood test results came after 3 days, everything was normal. We kept praying regularly in the Prayer Tower till the time of delivery. On 9th January, 2016 God granted my wife a safe confinement. After a long wait of 25 years of marriage God blessed us with a daughter and we have named her Libna and enrolled her in the Young Partners Plan. We are partners in the Family Blessing Plan. Praise be to God for His marvellous ways!

- Justin Raj, Trivandrum - December 2018 JESUS CALLS


Let us praise the Lord with all our hearts for He has been all sufficient for us in our personal as well as family lives; He fed and led us over the past 11 months. We have preached the love of God to millions throughout this year by God’s infinite grace and your enthusiastic offerings. In this Christmas month, come forward to gift the Lord Jesus as a Christmas present to others. The lives of those who receive Him will be filled with His goodness.

“God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him, though he is not far from each one of us”. (Acts 17:27) As you are aware, Communication devices and processes are becoming highly technical. Therefore, in order to reach out and present the Lord Jesus to this techno-generation, we have migrated to new technology in the ministry:

INTERNET RADIO: The usage of internet is increasing day by day all around the world. Internet is a great medium to gift Lord Jesus as a present to many. So we have started ‘Jesus Calls’ Internet Radio with the address: 12

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This is accessible to people across the world. Through internet radio you can listen to our songs, messages, testimonies of the students of Karunya and the miraculous experiences of the people who were blessed through this ministry including children’s programs. Do tune in and be blessed and introduce this new medium to others and be a blessing.

WEB CHAT: We are planning to introduce Web Chat to cater to prayer requests as an instant service to pray immediately, and to send replies to prayer requests through the internet. Our prayer intercessors will be in there on the other end praying in the presence of God and sending out replies. We envisage this initiative to save many souls in need. Please pray for the success of this program.

EASY WAY TO SEND YOUR OFFERINGS THROUGH POST OFFICE: Arrangements have been made to send offerings to ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries through village post offices. All you need to do is specify the Biller ID of Jesus Calls which is Jesus Calls 15152 in the post office and pay; it will directly come to our office. It’s now hassle-free!

MAGAZINE MINISTRY Another important resource of the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry is the “Jesus Calls” magazine ministry. It started in 1973 and has been giving spiritual counseling, showing the right path, strengthening the faith and has been helpful in maintaining spiritual health. At present in India over 3 million families get “Jesus Calls” magazine and are reading it in over 7 languages- Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, Guajarati and English. Once a family receives a magazine, it is circulated to friends and neighbors after the members of the family have read through. Invariably, at least 5 people get to read a magazine. Currently it is also being published in Odia. We are also planning to publish “Jesus Calls” magazine in Punjabi. We are taking initiatives to connect with 1 million families through the magazine in the Gujarati, Punjabi and Odia languages. We are also trying to include Children’s section, Youth section, contests and other interesting features. When the magazine ministry is expanding it also needs to be financed exclusively. I invite you to send your offerings to the “Jesus Calls” magazine ministry according to God’s leading.

WORLD PRAYER CONVENTION “So the name of the Lord will be declared in Zion and his praise in Jerusalem” (Psalm 102:21) Preparations are underway to conduct - December 2018 JESUS CALLS


World Prayer Convention in Jerusalem from May 21 - 23, 2019 just like what was held in May last year. World renowned ministers of God, together with our family will share the Word of God and lead in worship. Also, arrangements are being made to visit some of the significant places mentioned in the Bible. Please pray for the convention and also plan to attend it!

THANKSGIVING MEETINGS “Every day I will praise you and extol your name forever and ever” (Psalm 145:2) The ‘Jesus Calls’ prayer festivals are a blessing to multitudes of people. The Lord used us mightily in the Election Prayer Meet held at Raipur (Chhattisgarh) and Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) on November 3 and 4 and on November 10 and 11 at the CNI synod meetings in Kandhamal, Odisha. Pray for the meetings which are listed below. Attend the meetings and be blessed. 2018 December 2 – Bethesda 25th year thanksgiving meeting at Bethesda 2019 January 1 – New Year blessing meeting, morning at Bro. D. G. S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower, Chennai and Evening at St. George’s School, Chennai 2019 January 19 – Students Prayer meet, Bengaluru 2019 January 20 – Students Prayer meet, Chennai.

PRAYER TOWER MINISTRIES The ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Towers around the world are comforting many broken hearts. They give new hope to those who are disheartened. In India alone over 107 Prayer Towers are functioning, and among 14

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them the Bengaluru Prayer Tower’s construction work is going to be completed. Renovation work is in progress at the Mumbai Prayer Tower which was affected by rains. I praise the Lord for all of you who are upholding this work with your offerings. If you have any prayer requests, email it to me through or send it to the address 16, D. G. S. Dhinakaran Salai, Chennai 600028. We will pray for you.

THANKSGIVING OFFERING Throughout this year the Lord has been sufficient for you, your children and your family because you have the Lord Jesus as your hope. Come forward to gift Jesus as a present to others this Christmas.

You can uphold ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries with your thank offering like this sister. You can determine an amount and send it monthly or send your one day’s wage or one month’s salary or send an amount according to how the Lord leads you this December to the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry. Through that we can gift Lord Jesus as a present to others. The Lord will remember all the efforts of your love and bless you even more. Your dear brother,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

I would like to share the testimony of a sister who had contributed for the building fund.

We were living in Medavakkam, Chennai in a rented house, but due to our meager financial status we were unable to pay the rent. When we came to know about the Prayer Tower, we visited and contributed our offerings towards the building fund with prayers. Immediately we got many opportunities to build our own house! Again we went to the Prayer Tower and prayed and began building the house. Two floors were built, but all our income was going towards paying off our debts. So we came to the Prayer Tower once again and prayed. We then received an amount overdue to us with which we were able to pay back our bank loan fully! Later we enrolled ourselves in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Family Blessing Plan, and soon the Lord gave a huge transformation in my husband’s life! All Glory to God!

– Kowsalya Baskaran, Adyar, Chennai.

I wish to gift Lord Jesus to others! I pledge Rs_____________ for the coming year, and pay monthly Rs_____________ My one day’s wage/salary Rs_____________ My one month’s wage/salary Rs_____________ One tenth of my wages/salary Rs_____________ A lump sum of Rs_____________ Name:_______________________________________________ Partner code:_________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________Postal code (Pin code):________________ Mobile: ______________________ E-mail:______________________________________________ For details about sending your offerings to the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries, please turn to page 20 of this issue. To avail prayers by day or night dial 044-33 999 000 ( Tamil / English). - December 2018 JESUS CALLS


After a gap of 9 years, the Hyderabad Prayer Festival was conducted on October 20 & 21 , 2018 at the L B Stadium which was attended by a large group of people from in and around Andhra Pradesh and Telengana. Many churches and leaders helped organise the meeting. Delivered from oppression I came here with great agony and was sitting in this meeting with tears. We were abandoned by our parents and every one left us. So, we were heartbroken and were living in tears. I used to watch the Jesus Calls Television programs daily and cry unto the Lord to call me by my name through dear brother every day. And today when dear Bro. Paul was praying before starting the message, Lord called me by my name through him. I am unable to control my tears. I have never met him before. I have just seen him on TV only. Today at 3pm I was seated here with my children. From that time, I am praying to God, to call me by my name. Exactly God saw my tears and has called me. He said, “Roopa, Roopa Devi, God’s hand is coming upon you Roopa. You have been oppressed in your family. God is changing every situation. The same people who oppressed you shall come to you and honor you. Today the Lord tells me, He will fill you with the Holy Spirit. You shall see visions from today. You will guide your family. And 16

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everybody will honor you. Roopa devi Jesus has not forgotten you”. Those words filled me with Joy. I have great joy now. Thank you Jesus! - Roopa Devi, Hyderabad

Marvellous transformation I am Hema Latha, but every one used to call me as Latha. For 3 days I was praying that dear Bro. Paul Dhinakaran should call me by my name and God should talk to me through him. In answer to my cry, dear brother called my name Latha and said, “Latha, you are crying out, ‘I have anger all the time Lord. I want a new heart. Transform me’. Lord is coming to you Latha. God is transforming you. Some day you will become a mighty Bible teacher. Lord will give you such a nature of God and you will present Christ through your life and your nature. He is transforming you Latha”. Actually, I wanted to serve the Lord and was praying that the Lord should use me mightily. The Lord has confirmed what I desired for through dear brother. All glory to God alone. - Hemalatha, Hyderabad

Instantly healed Yesterday I came here with great pain. In July, I was diagnosed with vascular problem in my left leg; I could not walk or sit for a long time. Even if I sit for some time, my leg will swell. As there were blood clots in my leg, the doctor advised me to undergo a surgery and fixed the date for it. I was so afraid of it. At that time, my sister contacted Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and prayed for me. Hearing the prayer, the Lord did a miracle. Just one hour before the operation, the doctors said that there is no need for an operation and asked me to use medicines for a course of time and I got discharged from the hospital. My condition remained the same. My leg was swollen and I was unable to walk due to the pain. As I am a marketing executive, I had to travel to out-stations officially. So with this pain, I couldn’t go for my Job regularly. I thought I cannot attend this meeting also. But my sister and my wife compelled and brought me here. We reached the venue very late and we were seated at the end of the ground. During the prayer time, Mrs. Evangeline Paul

Dhinakaran was praying for those who had problems in the blood to be healed and for blood clots to be removed. At that moment, I felt a cooling sensation in my leg. Before, I cannot walk even 2 steps because of pain. But after the prayer, I walked twice around the whole ground. The pain left me. I thank God for doing this miracle in my life. This is the greatest miracle that has happened in my life. I am the only bread winner in our family and I thank God for saving my life. Now there is no pain and no swelling in my leg. I am able to walk. Through Jesus calls ministry we have received numerous blessings. My elder son, Ganesh Raju was operated thrice on his brain. We joined him in the Young Partners Plan and the Lord saved his life. Now he is 13 years old. He is healthy. Not only that, my wife and I prayed at the Bethesda pool in the Bethesda Payer Centre, Coimbatore for my Job and for God to give us another child. Hearing our prayer, the Lord did a miracle immediately. In that year itself, I got a Job. My wife conceived the second time after a gap of 8 years and our younger son, Likith raju is 5 years old now. I praise God for all the blessings he has done in our life. All Glory to God alone. - Nagaraju, Hyderabad. - December 2018 JESUS CALLS


Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran

Loving Christmas greetings to you! ‘Christmas’ is a time of spiritual rebirth – of searching our hearts and of asking the Heavenly Father to make us more like Jesus. Without Jesus to wash us whiter than snow, there can never be a genuine ‘White Christmas.’ During Christmas, we have to praise God for all the goodness that He has bestowed upon us. Christmas is a time to celebrate the coming of God’s Kingdom. In the newspapers and media like television, we often come across several advertisements which say, ‘Buy one, get one free.’ This denotes that they offer two for the price of one or to mention half the price for both the items. 18

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When you order a ‘Happy Meal’ in McDonald's, they will give you a toy along with it. When my children were small, they used to ask for the McDonalds burger. As soon as they got the toy, they would start playing with it and forget about the burger. Only those toys give them great joy.

Many times, we fail to understand the value of things and take everything for granted. Don’t forget to tell ‘Happy Christmas’ to people who without understanding the real value of Christmas say, ‘Happy Holidays.’ Christ is the reason for celebrating Christmas. There is no Christmas without Him.

Christmas needs to be celebrated by remembering that our Heavenly Father loved us and gave us a precious gift!

When our Saviour Jesus, the heavenly gift is born in us, we receive many gifts through Him and are blessed. Let us now meditate upon the gifts that He bestows on us.

“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! – JESUS” (2 Corinthians 9:15) ‘Christmas’ began in the heart of God and is completed only when it reaches the heart of man. Only the birth of Jesus gives us great joy.

GIFT OF LIFE “And He is not served by human hands, as if He needed anything because He Himself gives all men life

and breath and everything else.” (Acts 17:25) It is the Lord who grants life and spirit to us, human beings (Genesis 2:7; Ecclesiastes 12:7). There was a brother called Selvaraj who was very supportive of the ‘Jesus Calls’ Ministry. He used to translate the messages and conduct many training sessions. He would always share about a wonderful testimony or an incident that happened in his life. When brother Selvaraj was born, they declared that he was dead and sent his body to the mortuary. His mother who is a devout woman, became sorrowful when she heard the news that her ‘child had died.’ She went to the Chief Doctor of that hospital and cried and lamented and asked him to save the child somehow. The doctor, just to please her, blew into the dead child’s nostrils and shook its body. A wonder of wonders life returned to the lifeless body of the baby. His mother praised God saying that this was a miracle performed by the Lord. Then, he grew up and served the Lord till his home calling in the year 1994, at the age of 60. It is the Lord who grants breath and life to human beings, and He will graciously give us all things (Romans 8:32). He protects our life through the power which controls us from committing sin. The Lord Jesus sends the Holy Spirit into us who grants us life (John 16:7).

My life was entirely different before marriage. I was an introvert and did not have the habit of praying for a long time too. However, after my wedding, I just loved to be among the people of God. I thank the Lord and feel privileged, whenever I have the opportunity to stand on the dais and share the Word of God, in the midst of a large gathering of people. Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift, our Lord Jesus, the gift Who grants us life.

SPIRITUAL GIFT “And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all.” (Luke 6:19) The Lord Jesus will give us all blessings if He comes and dwells in us. Ask Him saying, “Lord, I want that spiritual power which filled You. I want the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit”. The Lord Jesus who is able to work miracles and has the power to heal broken hearts will be born in your hearts in this time of Christmas; He will fill you with a power to bring blessing to others.

program in the month of September 2018, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran gave the message and continued in prayer for those who were sick. When she specifically prayed for those suffering from kidney failure, I prayed along with her. At that time, the power of God descended upon me. The kidney problem that I was suffering from, for a long time, was healed at that moment. I am well now. Glory be to God.” Yes, when the Lord is in us, He gives us the gifts of the Spirit. He will use us to be a blessing to others when His Spirit fills us.

GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) The Almighty Heavenly Father gave us His only begotten Son as a gift so that we should not perish but joyfully live with Him through eternity.

A brother called Chelladurai from Andipatti in Theni District had written a testimony letter which read:

When we were dead in our iniquities, He raised us through Christ Jesus. Moreover, He makes us sit with Christ Jesus in the heavenly places (Ephesians 1:20). We should have the desire in us to enter into the age which is to come.

“I was suffering for many years due to a problem in my kidneys. I found it difficult to do any work. One day, while I was watching the ‘Jesus Calls’ Television

Once I said, ‘I long to go to heaven because I have so many relatives there’ for which my daughter Sharon replied funnily, ‘They won’t even recognize you - December 2018 JESUS CALLS


but will be very busy praising God.’ After that, I stopped talking like that. I envisioned the experience of eternal joy in heaven, which made me ecstatic! Our Lord Jesus is coming soon to take us all to be with Him. Yes, the Lord Jesus is returning to give us eternal life. Christmas is a precursor to that second coming, and that is why we celebrate it with joy.

Our Lord, the Creator God, can dwell anywhere He likes. However, He desires to dwell only in our hearts. Let us consecrate ourselves to Him and that is the gift we can give Him. “… you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God.” (Romans 12:1)


The Apostle Paul instructs that this is a reasonable service which we do spiritually.

“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? … For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.” (1 Corinthians 3:16, 17)

Meaning of the name ‘Jesus’ is ‘The One who removes all sins and saves us.’ Jesus came into this world just to remove our sins and cleanse us (Matthew 1:21). So, let us accept Him in our lives. Only

He has the power to cleanse us from all iniquities (Titus 2:14). Only His blood cleanses us from all sins (1 John 1:7). Therefore, ask the Lord saying, “Lord, cleanse me with Your blood. Transform my body, for you to dwell in it. Then, He will come into you and will surely fulfill His plan that He has for you. He will give good things to those who ask Him (Matthew 7:11). When He fills you with the Holy Spirit, who is the good gift, then the calling on your life will come to pass. His gifts will work in your life for His glory, and the Lord will bless you!

Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!

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JESUS CALLS December 2018 - - December 2018 JESUS CALLS


ROURKELA PRAYER FESTIVAL After a long period of 17 years, the Prayer Festival at Rourkela from October 26-28,2018 at Sector -13 grounds had a mammoth crowd of 4 lakhs and above. People thronged from the entire Odisha, the Eastern States, the adjoining States of Rajasthan, Chattisgarh & West Bengal and North India. Shri. Naveen Patnaik, Hon'ble CM of Odisha shared the Inaugural greetings through Video conferencing and joined in special prayer led by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for the Govt. of Odisha and the blessings of the state. Dignitaries who graced the meetings were, Most Rev. Johan Dang, Moderator GEL Church; Most Rev. Kishore Kumar Kujur, Bishop, Catholic Diocese of Rourkela; Shri. Jual Oram, 22

JESUS CALLS December 2018 -

Union Cabinet Minister for Tribal Affairs; Shri. Prashanta Nanda, Rajya Sabha MP; Shri. Dilip Ray, MLA , Rourkela and Shri. Sharda Prasad Nayak, Former Minister & Chairman, Rourkela Development Authority. Mighty miracles were witnessed in these meetings and many testified on the stage. In the special Uturn meeting, more than 5000 youth attended and were blessed through the ministry of Samuel Dhinakaran . God used Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul and Samuel Dhinakaran with might and power, for the lakhs of souls to be touched and blessed in these Prayer Shri. Naveen Patnaik, Festivals. Many were connected through Webcast and Facebook live and Hon'ble CM were immensely blessed. All glory to God! of Odisha - Group Head, Field Ministry, Jesus Calls - December 2018 JESUS CALLS


‘You Are A Popular Musician’

And at that time miraculously I learnt to play Bongo

I had a good job, a

instrument without any training. God gave me wisdom

faithful wife and a

to write songs and compose music. I started to do this

wonderful son. In

and released 2 albums, without mentioning my name

2008, I lost my job and

because I still had debts to clear. These albums became

so, got money from my

very popular in local churches.

friends and started a

Recently, my partner in the construction firm also

business; but my

betrayed me. I went into great depression. As I was

business partner betrayed me and I lost everything.

working for the 3rd album, I had no money to release

My family was literally on the streets; everyone

it. In this mental condition I attended the Jesus Calls

including my parents deserted me. I started to hide

Prayer Festival at Rourkela. On the 1st day of the

from my friends from whom I borrowed money, unable

meeting, Mrs. Evangeline Paul in her message was

to face the situation. One day I even tried to commit

sharing about the losses she had gone through and

suicide but the love for my son prevented me from

that message touched my heart. I cried bitterly, “O

doing that. My wife who loved the Lord and kept

Lord I too have lost much in life, please help me.”

praying for me with fasting, in this juncture said, “You

Then the peace of God filled my heart and I went

have tried everything but failed, now trust in Lord Jesus,

home with peace. On the next day’s meeting, when I

He will never let you down”. One day I went to a

saw the musicians singing and praising God on the

Christian fellowship and found tremendous peace.

stage, I asked my wife, “when will the Lord use me

After that, with the little money I had, I started a new

openly? How long have I to hide from my friends to

construction firm with another friend and God started

whom I owe money?” Exactly at that moment

blessing me. I could repay 50 % to my friends.

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran came to the stage and said, “I


JESUS CALLS December 2018 -

children. Jesus loves you. He is releasing you today. He is filling you with His power and is delivering see a popular musician here; God is not revealing me your name; you are depressed today; come to Jesus. He will use you like King David; He will use your music for His glory.�As soon as I heard this revelation, I knew that it is about me that God is speaking, but I had no courage to go to stage to testify. Soon the Holy Spirit gave me the strength to come to the stage and to testify boldly before lakhs of people.

you.'' At that moment, I experienced God touching me and my whole body shook and I felt an electric current passing into my body and I fell down. When I got up I was healed and delivered completely from my pain and I was feeling very light in my stomach. Years ago, in the Jesus Calls meeting at Bokaro, I was called by my name by Bro. D.G.S Dhinakaran and was filled with the Holy Spirit. Praise God!

Defender of Widows!

All the depression I went through has gone. The Lord, who has revealed about my life, will fulfill His promises

- Bina Guria, Tensa, Odisha





husband and since then

and establish me in the society. Praise the Lord! -Mihir, Rourkela, Odisha

New Digestive System

I am living in sorrow and pain. My heart was broken thinking how to

For the past seven

bring up my two sons.

years I was suffering

My elder son used to fall sick frequently. He had a


disturbed mind always and could not study well his

digestion to

engineering course. Due to this there was no peace in


the family. As Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying, I

stomach would bloat.

was also praying along for God to remove every

I was much troubled.

problem and suddenly he called out my name saying,




Before coming to this meeting, I prayed that God should call my name and heal me completely. While Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying, I joined along with him and prayed. At that moment Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called my name and said, "Bina, you are also oppressed by

"Geetanjali, you have lost your husband and you have no peace in your home. You are literally standing on the street. Jesus is filled with compassion for you because you have come to ask Him to help you and He will give you His peace and give you hope. Jesus saw a mother’s tears and was moved with compassion.

evil powers and indigestion. You are not able to retain

God will give you a brand new life even now.'' At that

anything that you eat and you are crying for your

moment I felt the touch of God and He filled me with

healing. Lord is showing me your name. He is coming

His peace. I praise and thank God!

to you Bina. He is transforming your life because you

- Geetanjali Pattnaik,

have thought of many people and taken care of many

Rourkela,Odisha - December 2018 JESUS CALLS


give all the glory to God and I thank Samuel for his prayers. I saw the Karunyans serving the Lord in this meeting. I was just praying, “Lord,

HEAVENS OPENED! I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior through my tuition teacher in 2015. I’ve done my BA. I’ve always been sick and faced failure in studies, and we had no peace in the family. I used to watch Dr. Paul and Sis Evangeline’s Jesus Calls TV programs which I came to know through one of my friends. As I watch the programs and hear them preach and pray I find it peaceful and comforting. I became a Young

I too want to study in Karunya and serve you”. Hope God fulfills my desire.

- Shasmita Mahakud, Balangir district, Odisha

JESUS TOUCHED ME! I’ve done my Intermediate in Science. In 2014, I came to know about Jesus Christ, through a Jesus Calls Ambassador in Chhattisgarh. Since then I began to fast and pray and read my Bible every day and I enrolled as Family Blessing Plan Partner. I’ve attended Samuel

Partner of Jesus Calls Ministries and after that God is

Dhinakaran’s U turn meeting in 2016 at Ranchi. After

blessing me in my studies and in my health. Through

completing my studies I was not able to get a job, but

the TV program, I came to know about the U Turn

after praying in the Prayer Tower I got a job. At

meeting at Rourkela. By Gods grace I attended this

present, I am working as a nurse in Jharkhand. I came

meeting. This meeting was a blessing to me. When

to know about this meeting and I attended it. As Samuel

Samuel Dhinakaran was praying, I also started praying

Dhinakaran was praying, I joined with him in prayers

with thirst for the anointing of the Holy Spirit. When

asking God to anoint me and touch me. I was also

he said surrender yourself to Jesus, I immediately

praying for my studies, job and life. Suddenly I saw

surrendered my whole self to Jesus. Suddenly God

Jesus coming to me and touching me! He said, “My

touched me! I felt the fire anointing like rain and I

daughter, whatever you are praying for I will give you”.

was talking in different languages. I saw somebody

I was thrilled to see Jesus talking to me. He filled my

taking me to heaven. I saw Jesus saying, “My child,

heart with His peace. I thank God for His blessing to

come, this is for you, that is for you”. When I opened

me and I thank Samuel Paul for his prayers.

my eyes my heart was filled with His Divine Peace. I 26

JESUS CALLS December 2018 -

- Sis.Suganti Kaudi, Sundargarh, Odisha


fter creating the whole universe and all living things to live in it, the God of gods created man in His own image (Genesis 1:27). The reason for which He created man in His image was because of His love for man! We read in the Bible that God is love (I John 4:8, 16). Once, we accepted an invitation from a few friends in Germany and went to do the ministry there. When we got down at the airport, an Indian friend welcomed us warmly by giving us a lovely bouquet on behalf of his family. I took it to the house where I was

staying. Even, on the way , to both sides of the road and in several houses, rows of beautiful flowers seemed to bob their heads in welcoming us. We were thrilled to see that. The wife of that German family, who was hospitable to us, kept that bouquet in a beautiful glass vase, filled it water and placed it in our room. The next day, the buds had bloomed and it appeared wonderful. I was amazed to see the glory of the creation of the God of gods! When the flowers which bloom

today and wither tomorrow could delight our heart so much, how much our heart should rejoice when we think of the God of gods manifesting His love for us by giving His only begotten Son for us in order that we would get eternal life and live by Him! Let us meditate on how God manifests His incomparable love to the people of this world:

ETERNAL LIFE "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but - December 2018 JESUS CALLS


have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

“I and My Father are one…" (John 10:30)

How much would God, who has given such a marvelous beauty to the flowers that blossom in the morning and wither in the evening, love us, the humans whom He has created in His image and form! Hence, in order that we, who are of His image, should live with all the blessings and with His glory in all the days of our lives on this earth, the God of gods loved us and sent His only begotten Son to this world.

In that case, isn’t the day when God was manifested in this world, in the name of Jesus, a very special one? That’s why we remember it as a festival and as a day of celebration. People celebrate that day by having different kinds of delicacies, wearing new clothes, sharing gifts and children bursting crackers and some even taking drinks to celebrate it. Some people would go to church only on that day.

The incarnate Jesus, the Son of God, lived as the victorious King on this earth. He suffered for the people; finally, not minding His own life, He offered Himself as a living sacrifice on the cross of Calvary. He died, was buried, rose again on the third day and ascended to heaven. He opened ways for us in order that we too would live a holy life in the short span of life in this world, and taste His love forever when we go to heaven after finishing this life in this world.

In order that we should live in this world and to live eternally with Him in heaven, the God of gods sent His loving Son Jesus to this world.

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) Accordingly, God planned to manifest His love for us by making His only begotten Son to be incarnate in this world as a Man in order to give a blessed life to all those people who languish in the pitiable state of not being able to overcome sin, and who are struggling with pain, sorrow and mental burden. The Bible says that Jesus, the Son of God, is the image of God (Colossians 1:15). Jesus Himself has said, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father…” (John 14:9) 28

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Dear sisters, this is not the purpose for which God’s love was manifested. ‘Jesus’ means ‘Saviour’. Jesus Christ came to this world as a Man in order to remove the sins of each one of us, His Creations and to save us (Matthew 1:21). If we confess our sins with real conviction in His presence, He is able to cleanse us of our sins and make us holy. “…the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” (I John 1:7)

He will give us His abundant divine grace to help us live holy further. It is not at all possible to be so by taking our own efforts, saying, ‘I’ll not commit sin and will try to live a holy life by myself’. ‘"For with God nothing will be impossible." (Luke 1:37). In order that we should live as a daughter/sister/wife/ mother without sin and live with holiness and to live eternally with Him in heaven, the God of gods sent His loving Son Jesus to this world. The Scribes and Pharisees brought a sinful woman to Jesus, who was caught red-handed in adultery and asked Him, “Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?” He, on the other hand, had great love on her and in order to save her from the hands of those wicked people said, "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first" (John 8:7). They were convicted of their faults and went out one by one. After everyone had left, He said to that woman, ‘"Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more" (John 8:11), forgave her sins, and sent her back with a new life. The Bible says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (II Corinthians 5:17) Even today, God’s love is manifested through Jesus Christ and is able to cleanse the sins of each one of us, wash us and unite us with Him as His own. Once, a sister who was deceived by the devil and was immersed in the worldly pleasures, and liv-

ing a name sake Christian life happened to read my book, ‘The Priceless Pearl’. As she read the message on ‘How family women can live a holy life?’ she began to confess her faults to the Lord. She realized that because of her ego problem of ‘I’, she had not shown love to her husband, had got separated from him and decided to live a life as she pleased. Desiring to live a holy life, she decided to ask her husband’s forgiveness. Also she told me that she had chosen to rejoin her husband and live a true Christian life no matter how hard it would be. I was thrilled to hear this. Yes, the God of gods was manifested in the form of Man in order to forgive the sins of man and to save him. Let us accept Him as our Saviour and our God in order to taste His love and experience the salvation. Then Jesus, the Saviour would remove our sins and save us. He would draw us closer to Him. He would give us eternal life and make us happy.

PROVISIONS “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” (Romans 8:32) He wants to provide for all our needs and make us happy by his overflowing love. “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19) "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteous-

ness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33) “The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein” (Psalm 24:1). Accordingly, the source of all the riches of the earth is the God of gods. Yet He made His Son Jesus to be incarnate in a lowly state on this earth. “…Though He was rich, for your sakes He became poor,

“Whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive" Jesus, who has promised thus, would fill you with good things; He will remove all your lacks and make you happy.

that you through His poverty might become rich.” (II Corinthians 8:9) According to this verse, when He was sojourning in this world, many women provided for Him from their substance (Luke 8:1-3). He had ‘nowhere to lay His head’ (Luke 9:58). He experienced poverty. He was moved with compassion on seeing the sick and healed them (Matthew 14:14). He delivered the people who were under the clutches of the demon (Luke 4:41). He delivered the people who

were in the bondage of death and granted joy to their families (Mark 5:41,42; John 11:43,44). When the wine ran out in the wedding house, He changed the water into wine and perfected that lack (John 2:9). His love cannot be described. In one of the Jesus Calls Good News Meetings, a particular sister shared her testimony as to how Jesus met her needs and removed her lacks. She had no child even after several years of married life. She underwent a lot of medical tests and nothing was found wrong with her or her husband. Yet they did not have the gift of a child. After that, they had written a letter to us seeking prayers for this. We too prayed and sent her a reply. In His immense grace, God heard that prayer and touched her womb. After 14 years of married life, the Lord blessed them with a beautiful girl baby. She then brought the child to us and showed her proudly saying, ‘This child was born because of your prayers.’ We were thrilled and thanked the Lord whole heartedly! My dear sisters, whatever may be your request, your heavenly Father, who is the embodiment of love is waiting. He challenges us, "Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27) So, there is no need for you to get dejected. Ask Him with faith. The Lord is the One, who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think’ (Ephesians 3:20). - December 2018 JESUS CALLS


"And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." (Matthew 21:22)

Him and is filled with the Spirit of God and His love. He will graciously help that love to flood into other people through you.

Jesus, who has promised thus, would fill you with good things; He will remove all your lacks and make you happy.

I am the youngest daughter in my family. When I was small, if I sometimes disobeyed my mother, she would scold me saying that I had been born into the family just to ruin it. Yet, one day, Jesus the light of love, came seeking me when I was lonely and accepted me as His own daughter. I too accepted Him as my God. One day, when I was thanking and praising Him remembering His precious love, He filled me with His Holy Spirit. Since then I am living for Him with the zeal, “No matter what happens in my life, Jesus is sufficient for me’. Today, God is using me as a vessel that gives comfort to the broken hearts that pine for love.

OVER FLOWING LOVE ‘…because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us’ (Romans 5:5). Yes, the love of God is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Today, God’s love which was manifested through Christ Jesus is flooding into others through us, as the Holy Spirit has filled us. What a great blessing it is that God has changed us into His ambassadors to show love and wipe away the tears of the people who are in sorrow and in tears! Though you may be rejected by the world saying, ‘She’s poor, needy, she is not wise and is of no use’, God will fill you, who has given your heart to

My dear sisters, God’s love was thus manifested on the day of Christmas and is also poured into

us by the Holy Spirit. Through us, it flows as a river of comfort and living waters into the sisters who are filled with sins and transgressions and who are broken. Hence, examine whether this divine love is poured into your heart in abundant measure and ask Him with tears, “Lord, fill me with Your divine love; let Your love flow from me into others; help me to live as a pleasing daughter to You, to do Your service and to reach Your Kingdom’ Days are running fast! Within the short span of days that lie ahead of us, let us commit ourselves fully into His hands in this season of Christmas to get filled with God’s love and do good things for the glory of His name. God will pour into us His love that gives eternal life. He will meet our needs; He will remove our lacks. He will pour God’s love into us abundantly and through us make that love flow into countless number of people!

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JESUS CALLS December 2018 -

Peace and Joy, never enjoyed for 60 years I am 63 years old now. When I was born, my own mother tried to kill me since I was a girl baby. But my father saved me and brought me up. I got married and within three years of married life I lost my husband. That time my boy child was 1 ½ years old. I suffered a lot without the support of my family in which I was born as well as the family into which I got married. After this, I started a business in optical. I was cheated in that. After my son completed +2, I sent him to college. But he did not attend college and turned against me. I had no means to even pay the house rent. I had no money for food and clothing. I was languishing between life and death. At this juncture, a sister, who is conducting the Esther Prayer Group, met me, comforted me and took me to the Esther Prayer Group prayer. There, nearly 8 sisters had gathered and prayed. I used to visit

her house often and request her prayers. She told me about confession of sins, salvation etc., and advised me to commit my life to the Lord and pray. When I too thus committed my life to Him and prayed, the many demons that had been keeping me under their clutches tormented me. The Esther Prayer Group members prayed for me, being filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The Lord granted me complete deliverance. Also, that same evening I got a part time job. We also prayed for my son’s transformation in the Esther Prayer Group. The Lord delivered him as well and now he is going for job regularly. Because of the anointing of the Holy Spirit, I have received the joy and peace which I had never enjoyed for the past 60 years. Now I regularly attend the church service and also the Esther Prayer Group prayer. All the bitterness, anger and griev-

ances that I had against those who had hurt me, who had deceived me and who had put me to shame are gone and I am able to forgive them, pray for them and speak to them with love. My heartfelt thanks to the Lord, to dear Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, to the Esther Prayer Group members and to the Jesus Calls ministry for bringing me to this holy path. Hallelujah. - Cecily, Madipakkam, Chennai.

Fire Anointing, Miraculous Change Even when we meditated on the promise verse given in the prayer points for the month of August: “be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness...” (Ephesians 4:23,24), fire anointing was poured upon everyone of us in our group, right from the beginning of the prayer. Many received new - December 2018 JESUS CALLS


anointing and new tongues. Another sister testified that she would live with zeal in her spiritual life from then on. A new sister, who had come to the prayer with sickness in her body, received the fire anointing and said that she would continue to attend the Esther Prayer Group. Accordingly, Sis. Jocelyn had held on to the promise verse Philippians 4:6,7 given in the last month’s 2nd prayer point and prayed with tears for her daughter’s educational needs. The Lord did a miracle for that family which was in dire poverty and graciously met their financial needs. From the day when the Esther Prayer Group was started the families of many sisters are increasing in their spiritual and worldly life. Many sisters of our group visit houses, introduce them to the Esther Prayer Group and bring new sisters. Though our State was much affected by heavy rains, the Lord protected our area in a special way. Even in the midst of the rains, many sisters came for the prayer with thirst and prayed. We give our heartfelt thanks to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran for forming this wonderful Esther Prayer Group. All praise, honour and glory to God. - R. Kaladevi Yoganantham, Idukki, Kerala.

Peace in the family When we prayed for the July month’s prayer points, the Lord granted peace to the families that lacked peace. The Lord made the siblings of two families which were inimical to each other and were not in talking terms to get reconciled and live peacefully as a family. Glory to God. - J. Florence Alice Jesu, Shankar Nagar. 32

JESUS CALLS December 2018 -

Poured out His Spirit

Answer for prayer

The Lord removed all the obstacles and helped us to have the Esther Prayer Group. When we prayed with burden for the 10th prayer point that we should be filled with fruits as in Galatians 5:22, we could feel the Lord pouring into us the Holy Spirit. God led every one of us to pray powerfully. - U. Shanthi, Ooty

All the sisters of our Esther Prayer Group attended the prayer with great interest. After praying in the Spirit for 10 minutes, all of us prayed for the prayer points. Sis. Chandra’s daughter Sumathy had no child for 13 years. Thrice she has had miscarriage and had suffered. The Lord heard the prayer and has helped her to conceive a child. Glory to God. - Ponrathy Stanley, Chennai.

Made us arise and shine Sis. Angel of our Esther Prayer Group, prayed in the last month’s Esther Prayer Group because of which the Lord delivered her from headache which she had for a long time. We got the confidence that according to Micah 3:18 mentioned in the 19th point, the Lord would fill every one who attends the Esther Prayer Group with the strength and might of the Spirit and help us arise and shine. - R. Joy Thilagam, Dindigul.

Sis. Vasanthy had cancer and had undergone a surgery. Yet she had constant pain on her left hand. The Lord heard the prayer offered by us as a group, filled her with the Holy Spirit and granted her complete deliverance. According to this month’s promise, the Lord filled everyone with His Spirit and new anointing. Glory to God. - Esther Mary, Manjampatti.

Heard God’s Voice

Miraculous Healing

The Prayer Points for the month of August were of great blessings. After my daughter Sharon completed her +2, I did not know in which course to join her. One day, I was praying alone for the Esther Prayer Group prayer points. When I was praying for a particular point for the parents who were worried about the children’s future, I heard a voice telling about my daughter, “She would be happy if she studies for Bank exams’. Now God has enabled her to join that course and has helped her to stand in the fourth place among the 60 students. - I. Jeya Shakila, Thangichimadam.

Filled with new anointing

Sis. Shanthi’s mother, who was abroad, was very ill and her mouth turned to one side. The Lord heard the prayers offered by all of us in the Esther Prayer Group and granted her good health. Sis. Jocelyn attended the Esther Prayer Group for the very first time. I taught her to pray for the prayer points sent by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran, by mentioning the verse. Since she prayed thus, by holding on to the verse Philippians 4:6, the Lord miraculously met the financial needs of her children’s studies. - Dhanam Ramesh, Idukki.

Deliverance from the clutches of the devil Sis. Prema’s husband said that

he would die in two days and that he had been hearing the threatening voice of the devil in his ears saying that it would take him away in two days’ time. When we applied oil over him and prayed for him, the Lord graciously helped him to get delivered from the bondage of the devil and gave him life. The message given by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran in the Nambikkai TV was of great blessing to me. When she said, ‘Though your children or husband may not take care of you, leave everything and come to the feet of the Lord and continue with your ministries’ it was as if she was speaking to me personally. All my dejection left me and I was refreshed. The Spirit of God gave me a new strength and peace. - A. Vimala Elizabeth William, Cuddalore.

Unity in the family Thanks to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran for comforting us through Scripture verses, last month. This month’s Esther Prayer Group was of great blessing. Many sisters had come with weaknesses. All of them received new strength by the anointing of the Lord. Also one particular sister suffered a lot in her life as she was being ha-

rassed by her husband and motherin-law. The Lord heard the prayers offered with burden in the Esther Prayer Group and brought unity in the family. He also brought many changes in her husband and made him show her love. She testified that the Lord Himself had brought her to the prayer. Glory to God. - Y. Martha Mani, Chennai.

GOD’S MIRACLE IN THE YOUTH ESTHER PRAYER GROUP The Lord who saved the child My sister Chandra’s child was found to be of very low weight and doctors said that the child cannot survive. Yet, trusting only the Lord, we were praying with burden. The Lord heard the prayer and gave life to the child. Now the child is healthy. Glory to God. - R. Stella, Chennai.

GOD’S MIRACLE IN THE JUNIOR ESTHER PRAYER GROUP… Miraculous Deliverance from Demonic Problem One girl in our Junior Esther Prayer Group was tormented by demonic attacks at 12 O’ Clock, for the past 1 month. Apart from

praying for her in the Junior Esther Prayer Group, we also wrote a letter to dear grandmother Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers. The Lord heard the prayer and miraculously granted her deliverance from the demonic problem. He has also given me good health and helped me to conduct the Junior Esther Prayer Group without any hindrance. - Esther Beulah, Chennai.

GOD’S MIRACLE IN THE COUPLES’ ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Blessing for every family The August month’s prayer points for the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group were of great blessing to every family. It helped us to pray earnestly. The Lord has helped our group to get a star for the fourth consecutive time since we had the highest number of members. By the prayers offered in this prayer group, the Lord has renewed my salvation. Thanks to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran who is writing and sending us the prayer points with burden and with the help of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God. - Mrs & Mr. M. Isaac Mohan, Chennai.

My Dear Sisters, Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you or young children to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group or a Junior Esther Prayer Group or a Couples Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women/young girls/children/couples in your area could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. This is the end time. Make use of the time given to you. Let us hasten to build the Lord’s kingdom.

Contact Address: Sister. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email: - December 2018 JESUS CALLS


be sufficient for you. About this His us examine our lives in these days

followers sing, ‘He is sufficient…’

of Christmas. How to live as His

My dear sisters, the Lord Jesus

own children and please Him?

Christ is your Savior at all times

Look at the life of the Lord

and is sufficient for you in every-

Jesus Christ! He lived as an example for us in every way. In sev-

thing. Think how far you are hold-

eral places in the Bible we read God saying, "This is My beloved

from Him, run into His love right

Son, in whom I am well pleased." (Matthew 3:17; Luke 3:22). In that

hands, which stretches forth and

case it is necessary that we too live a pleasing life to God just as how

This is the Spirit of adoption of call-

He showed us and do everything accordingly. When we thus do ev-

1:6; Galatians 4:6). This is the first

erything – big or small – in reverence and in righteous ways, pleas-


ing to God, He too would be pleased with our life. In this world, even in

always write about my life. In my ents’ love and had no peace be-

giving us the Spirit of adoption to

the pitiable state when everyone forsakes you and when there is no

call Him, ‘Abba, Father’ (Romans

one to show you love, Jesus will

the experience that, ‘The Lord

ANSWER: “Depart from evil and do good; Seek peace and pursue it’’

(Psalm 34:14)

My dear ones, according to this verse, when we get filled with the joy of salvation given by the Lord, having laid aside every sin, and do only the things pleasing to God, we become His own children. He washes and cleanses our old life with His blood, gives us new life and lovingly changes us into His children. Perhaps we may not have a father and mother in this world. However, the Lord says that He is

8:15). What a great privilege! Let 34

JESUS CALLS December 2018 -

ing on to Him! If you are far away now. Take refuge in those loving calls out to you as a loving Father! ing Him, ‘Abba, Father’ (Ephesians step for us to receive His divine Here’s an important thing that I young days, I longed for my parcause of that. That time I just had Jesus Christ is good’. I did not

have any other deep spiritual ex-

sisters, look up to the cross right

should perish. None of you should

perience. At this juncture, the

now, no matter how ruined your life

go behind sin. Get filled with this

Lord took it as a good chance

is or how deep you are in sin. No

holy divine peace immediately and

and came seeking for me. The

one who has ever looked up to the

arise and shine for the Lord.

presence of God came into my

cross has perished. Today, humble

room and His love filled me. The

yourself at the feet of the Lord and

Lord who said, “I am the Lord

plead with Him with tears saying,

What should we do to receive this peace?

of love who gives you peace’,

“Lord, please change my miserable

You will keep him in perfect

joined me with Him with His

life of perdition and filth at once.

peace, whose mind is stayed

love. Since then I stopped miss-

You offered Yourself on the cross

on You, because he trusts in

to be beaten and wounded in order


ing my parents and received the divine experience of looking up

to give me forgiveness of sin and

ther’ and holding on to Him firmly. By this I received the divine peace abundantly. My dear young children, please do not live as you wish and ruin your life. The Lord is with you and wants to be a Father to you in every way. Would you commit your life today in order to receive the

According to this promise, first of all, accept Him as your personal

to the Lord alone under all situations, calling Him, ‘Abba, Fa-

(Isaiah 26:3).

Pour out your heart in the presence of the Lord. Hold onto Him firmly. Plead to Him. He will grant you His divine peace and joy in abundance and give you His rich blessings all through your life!

Saviour and hold on to Him firmly. It is very, very important that we should get united with Him. We read in the Bible that even Jesus Christ was one with God (John 10:30). My dear sisters and young children! To receive this experience, hold on to the Lord. Let Him be your only friend! We read in the

joy of His salvation and His peace

Bible, ‘Remember your Creator in


the days of youth’ (Ecclesiastes

How does divine peace come into us?

peace”. The Lord will see your pleading. He will grant you a true

The Lord Jesus Christ was in-

repentance and redemption from

carnate in this world as the Prince

sin at once. Then there will be great

of peace (Isaiah 9:6). ‘The chas-

joy and peace in your heart. As I

tisement for our peace was upon

had written, when I committed my

Him’ (Isaiah 53:5). According to

life to the Lord, a peace which the

this verse, in order that we are filled

world cannot give, filled my heart.

with the divine peace, the Lord

“Therefore, having been jus-

Jesus Christ offered Himself as a

tified by faith, we have peace

living sacrifice on the cross. Hence,

with God through our Lord

without looking up to the cross, we

Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1).

cannot receive the peace of God, through any other means. So, dear

My dear sisters, none of you

12:1). Accordingly, remember Him always. Then He will give you His divine joy. In my life, when I was studying, many girls tried to become my friends. But I only held on to the Lord and hence I was always happy in Him with the knowledge, ‘He is my Beloved; He is sufficient for me.’ I did not find human friendship to be necessary. Next, every one of us ought to have the divine life of completely trusting Him. ‘He who trusts in the LORD will be prospered. "Blessed - December 2018 JESUS CALLS


is the man who trusts in the LORD,

When I thus held on to the Lord

for me (Psalm 138:8). If we keep

And whose hope is the LORD

firmly, He gave me divine peace in

carrying all unwanted burdens and

(Proverbs 28:25; Jeremiah 17:7).

abundance even in the midst of so

worries, we would end up in tears

According to these Scriptures,

many losses and sorrows. Even

and sorrow. Dear sisters, pour out

when we place our entire trust on

today I don’t worry when I have

your heart in the presence of the

Him, He will change our lives into

to be alone on several occasions. I

Lord. Hold onto Him firmly. Plead

a blessed and prosperous one as

would always keep singing the

to Him. He will grant you His di-

He did for Ruth. ‘The LORD will

Tamil song, ‘Jesus is sufficient for

vine peace and joy in abundance

guide you continually, And satisfy

me…” The reason, I know pretty

and give you His rich blessings all

your soul in drought’ (Isaiah 58:11).

well that He perfects everything

through your life!

1.What is it that covers a multitude of what? 2.What constrains us? 3.What should we put on? What is it the bond of? 4.Which is cast out by what? 5.Which should be without hypocrisy? 6.What does not disappoint? What has been poured out? Where? By whom? Who is He given to? 7.How do you feel towards the Lord? What will you hate? 8.What does no harm? 9.In whom did God chose us? How should we be before him? In what? Answers must reach us before DECEMBER 20, 2018 Address: Bible Quiz – 82 Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email: 36

JESUS CALLS December 2018 -

Dear sister Stella Dhinakaran, We had no child even after three

birthday. On the day of telecast you prayed for my sis-

years of married life. Hence I was

ter and also for my wedding, in a

in agony. At this juncture I spon-

special way. The Lord heard the


sored a TV programme. On the day

prayer and helped me to get a good


of the telecast you prayed with bur-

partner on that same month. My


den for me. What a wonder! The

wedding went on well. Praise be to


very next month of sponsoring the

the Lord for the good life He has

programme, I conceived without

given me. - K. Josephine Isabella

any medical treatment. The Lord

Madurai - 16

helped me to deliver a child at the

Dear sister Stella Dhinakaran,

due time. As a thanks offering I

We had been trying to settle our

gave offering for the extension of

son’s marriage. But there were

the Israel Prayer Tower. Glory to

many obstacles. At this juncture we


- Dr (Mrs) Vimalin

sponsored a Jesus Calls TV

Premintha, Nagercoil – 2

programme. On the day of telecast

Dear sister Stella Dhinakaran,

you prayed earnestly for my son’s

We had no child and underwent lot of medical treatment but in vain. With the belief that I would be blessed with a child, I sponsored a Jesus Calls TV programme. That day you prayed for the gift of a child. The Lord heard the prayer, made me conceive and has now blessed me with a boy baby.

We had been visiting the Prayer

marriage settlement. By the grace

Also, the Lord healed me of a

Tower for several years to pray for

of God he got a suitable life partner.

cyst in my body and TB. Praise be

my marriage. At this juncture, we

Glory to God! My thanks to you, who

to the Lord.

sponsored a Jesus Calls TV

prayed for him.

programme for my younger sister’s

- Hameela,

- G.J. Shanmugapriya,

Gopichettipalayam, Erode.

Chennai - 98

E-MAIL Greetings grandma, I was suffering much due to issue of blood. I had sent e-mail to you seeking your prayers. You had prayed and sent a reply with a promise verse. God did a miracle listening to our prayers and healed me completely from this problem. I am thankful to the loving prayer of grandma. - Naveena Miriala, Andhra Pradesh Dear mother in Christ, I sent a e-mail to you requesting prayers for my brother to get married and for God to supply the needs. Your comforting prayerful reply was of great consolation. God who answers prayers listened to your prayer. He performed a miracle by supplying the needs and the wedding engagement went well. I praise God for granting my brother with a suitable life partner and blessing my family. - Kushum Topno, Ranchi - December 2018 JESUS CALLS


statement made by the Angel of

This joy is enjoyed by many, in many other ways. Some people waste their money in drinks and derive enjoyment from that; but this kind of pleasure is temporary and gives them pain later. Today, since the men and women in many families seek such joy, their lives are filled with sorrow and agony. Totally inebriated under the influence of alcohol, they do not know what they are doing and grieve. However, there is yet another wonderful joy. This joy gives a divine life that gives happiness to everyone forever and ever. The Bible says that this joy comes from heaven (James 1:17). 38

JESUS CALLS December 2018 -

This joy given by the Lord for us, is from above and is full of divinity (Philippians 4:4). Only a few experience this! What does the Lord say about this? “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid....” (John 14:27). According to this verse, the Lord would give this kind of joy to all those who ask Him. Let us meditate on this a little deeply: In order to give great joy to all the people, the Lord Jesus Christ was incarnate as a Man in this world. We read about this in the

God to the shepherds, ‘Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord”

(Luke 2:10,11).

The Lord wants to give us this divine joy in three forms:

JOY OF SALVATION: It is the will of God that no man or woman born in this world should perish (Matthew 18:14). He wants everyone to repent and receive the joy of salvation. For this purpose, He gave Himself up on the cross to be bruised and broken from head to foot. He patiently endured the sufferings and terrible agonies

caused by that. This was the will

salvation. The purpose of Lord

salvation, is not a man at all. A fam-

of God. Hence knowing the will of

Jesus Christ committing Himself on the cross is that, every family and

ily that has not received it is not a

the members of each family should receive the fullness of the joy of

nates and makes them stay in dark-

this true salvation and should receive the life of arising and shining

of Christ Jesus should shine in your

God through prayer, He offered Himself as a sacrifice (Matthew 26:44). After praying in the presence of God, a divine strength was given by God and it strengthened and sustained Him. “…who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right

for the Lord individually. Please think of your life and the state of your family, for a while! This is the month of celebrating Christ’s birth and rejoicing! However, only those

hand of the throne of God...” (Hebrews 12:2). If you observe keenly it could be seen how patiently He passed through such terrible sufferings. Offering Himself up on the cross completely, shedding His blood, having been dead, buried and risen from the dead on the third day, He thought of the divine joy of getting seated down at the right hand of God and endured the cross, despis-

family at all. Here the devil dominess in many ways. Today, the light family. Perhaps, if you who read this, have not received this joy of salvation and if you are living in sin casually, realize that today is the day of salvation (II Corinthians 6:2) and like Paul, commit your life fully to the Lord in these days of cel-

Commit your life fully to the Lord in these days of celebrating Christmas. Receive the divine joy of the Lord fully.

ebrating Christmas. Receive the divine joy of the Lord fully. It is not the will of God that you should stay in the darkness and perish.

JOY CHANGES SORROW The Bible says, “…your sorrow will be turned into joy”

(John 16:20).

Only the Lord can give us this

ing the shame and physical suffer-

joy. We read in the Bible that in

ings. Today, He is happily seated

the days when the Lord Jesus

at the right hand of God. This is an incomparable divine joy given by the God of gods to Him. Similarly, He gives many blessings such as

who have received this joy of true

Christ lived in this world, many

salvation are true Christians.

people who sought Him were de-

When Saul was encountered by

forgiveness of sin, deliverance

the Lord and became Paul, how

from physical sicknesses, salvation

was his joy? He explains thus:

from sins etc., and fills us with His

“I have been crucified with

divine joy even today. This is the

Christ; it is no longer I who

joy of salvation!

live, but Christ lives in me...”

Dear ones, today, many are

(Galatians 2:20).

livered from their sorrows and received divine joy. A man, who was sick for 38 years with no hope, stood up the moment he heard the word from the Lord and went back home joyfully taking up his bed (John 5:5-9).

unaware of the glory of this divine

Paul asked the Lord a question,

joy. Of course they are Christians.

‘What do You want me to do?” He,

A woman, who was suffering

They regularly attend church. Yet,

who has not received the joy of

from the discharge of blood for 12

they have not received the joy of

years, was filled with the divine - December 2018 JESUS CALLS


power the moment she touched the

for surgery; how can I be happy

and according to these words He

hem of Jesus’ garment and was

in such situations?” There may

will change my sorrow and my

delivered from her agony and

be many parents who may say

tears into joy”. Thus open your

became happy (Matthew 9:20-22).

with sorrow, “Oh, we do not have

mouth and confess this with

The widow of Nain had lost her

money to make happy our

praises. Then the devil would be

only son in death and was shed-

daughter whose wedding is

put to shame and flee from you.

ding tears; the Lord rose him up

fixed. What would we do?” Thus

As you get strengthened in the

from the dead and made that

this world gives us only sorrows.

Lord, your hope and joy would also

mother happy (Luke 7:11-15).

Lacks, sicknesses, crisis etc.,

increase. The divine joy given by

cause us grief. However, how

the Lord would fill you. In my life,

wonderfully the verse, ‘Your sor-

I too have received such kind of

A Greek woman, who was unable to see the suffering of her daughter who was demon pos-

divine joy in the several times when

sessed came running to the Lord.

I had been sorrowful.

She spoke to Him words of faith and through that her daughter was made whole and she became happy (Mark 7:26-30). Thus, by several such miracles, so many people rejoiced! Doesn’t the Bible explain this to us? We read that the blind, the lepers, the paralyzed and many others received deliverance from their suf-

Wait at the Lord’s feet as a family and pray earnestly. In these days of celebrating Christmas, receive this divine experience and rejoice in the Lord always.

My dear ones, in this season of Christmas, say the things mentioned in the above verses so that your sorrow would turn into joy. Do not magnify your sorrow and keep crying over it but wipe off your tears and think how big the Lord is and praise Him with the faith that He would deliver you. Then you would see miracles. Ac-

ferings through the Lord Jesus

cording to Isaiah 9:6, isn’t He won-

Christ and enjoyed happiness. The

derful? Hence, receive this

Lord is the same yesterday, today

row shall be turned into joy’

miracle, and praise the Lord, being

and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He

speaks to us and gives a new

filled with joy!

is able to give the same divine joy

hope in our heart!

to everyone who is in sorrow to-


How to receive this joy in the

Our Lord gives His divine joy

midst of sorrow? Dear ones, it is

which is full of glory to those who

Perhaps, there may be par-

quite useless to think of the reason

look up to Him. The Bible says that

ents who lament with sorrow,

for your sorrow and keep crying

it is ‘inexpressible and full of glory’

“Oh, We are unable to buy even

over it. Instead, in the midst of your

(I Peter 1:8). Only a few enjoy this.

a small piece of cloth for our

sorrow, keep saying, ‘The Lord is

These days, the Lord is filling the

children, this Christmas”. There

great; He is able to do everything;

people who cry out to Him, with

may be many who cry, “Oh, so

He speaks and it is done; He com-

the Holy Spirit. As I often write or

much of sickness in our family,

mands and it stands fast’ (Psalm 33:9)

preach, the Holy Spirit has gra-


pain, pitiable state of no money 40

JESUS CALLS December 2018 -

ciously filled all of us in our family

and is leading us in such a way that

with oneness of mind. Then the

is full of glory. The Lord always

others too are receiving this divine

Holy Spirit would fill us and we

stayed with us and led us and

joy. Even when we pass through

would be filled with divine joy.

granted His peace, presence,

tears, when we pray as a family,

Then the Lord would speak to us

counsel and His guidance in the

this divine joy would fill us. Then

through His prophetic gift. He

family. Such a family is loved by

we would be glad and rejoicing and

clearly reveals His will for each and

the Lord. Our Lord has no par-

have the divine experience of prais-

every matter. You too as a family

tiality. Those who have not re-

ing and exalting the Lord.

as well as individually, should re-

ceived such divine experience

My dear ones, realizing how

ceive this joy which is inexpress-

should wait at the Lord’s feet as

glorious and excellent Christian life

ible and full of glory. Ask and re-

a family and pray earnestly.

is, we should act accordingly. Do

ceive from the Lord for this desire

Then the Lord, who blessed us,

we have this thirst and hunger in

and enjoy the divine joy given gra-

shall also fill you with His divine

our heart? The Lord who promised,

ciously by God.

joy and bless you.

‘I will pour water on him who is

Bro. Dhinakaran waited inces-

Dear ones, do you see how

thirsty’ (Isaiah 44:3), would not fail

santly at the Lord’s feet for seven

much joy the birth of Jesus Christ

to fulfill it.

years to get this glorious divine

gives us? In these days of celebrat-

In our family, if we want to

experience. I too was constantly

ing Christmas, read this diligently,

know the will of the Lord for any

praying day and night for that.

meditate upon this, receive this di-

matter, as a family, we kneel down

By this, the Lord filled both of us

vine experience and rejoice in the

in the presence of God and pray

with His inexpressible joy which

Lord always. - December 2018 JESUS CALLS



Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life (John 5:24).


For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My name, because you belong to Christ, assuredly I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward (Mark 9:41).


And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him though He bears long with them? (Luke 18:7).


Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come (Matthew 12:32).


Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them (Mark 11:24).


Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father (John 14:12).


And this Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come (Matthew 24:14).


I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninetynine just persons who need no repentance (Luke 15:7).


For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved (John 3:17).

10. For Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just and holy man, and he protected him. And when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly (Mark 6:20).

BIBLE QUIZ NO.80 WINNERS Chennai: Suchetha Francis Secunderabad: Helen Cornelius Khammam: Dr. Samuel Rajendram Maisa Kurnool: G. Rani East Godavari: Priyanka Battula Bangalore: Rose Rani Chettri

1 person who has taken part in all the months Bible Quiz and has won SIS. P. H. SWARNA VIDYULLATHA Hyderabad - Telangana.


JESUS CALLS December 2018 - Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(s) Dn/ 513/2018-2020 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/wpp-156/2018-2020 Published before 22nd of every month

Here is a testimony of a person blessed by attending a New Year Blessing Meeting: We were childless for 17 years. The amount of agony we went through cannot be explained in words. We took several treatments and everything was a failure. At a point of stage we stopped taking treatment and started looking to God, He being our only hope. With great expectations we attended the New Year Blessing meeting, Chennai in January 2014.In that meeting, during the message time Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said, “This year God’s glory will come upon you and you will receive double fold blessing.” And at the time of prayer, I joined with Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and prayed for God to bless me double-fold as per His promise. What a miracle! I conceived the same month and to our surprise it was found to be twins. They were born on 5/10/ 2014 and we have named them, Helen Benita and Helen Jessica. Yes, God has truly blessed us double measure . Great joy has filled our home. Even when they were in the womb, we enrolled them in the Young Partners Plan. We are blessed.All glory to God. - Parimala, Chennai Come and be blessed! Invite your friends and relatives also to attend these meetings!



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