Jesus Calls (English) - July 2017

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Both me and my husband were enrolled as Marriage Bureau partners by our parents. At the right time God united us in marriage and we started a happy married life. But then, years rolled by and we were not blessed with a child. We went through much agony unable to face friends, relatives and the society. We underwent several treatments and everything was in vain. Finally we were advised to undergo test tube baby process. Fear gripped me. The moment we started the process the doctor said that this treatment will not be a success for us because my uterus was very weak. He gave me tablets and said that this will help me to clear the infections if any. If nothing worked out, the next step will be the IVF treatment. But we depended on God for a miracle. We had also enrolled ourselves in the Young Partners’ child anticipation scheme in faith. At that time we happened to meet Aunty Stella Dhinakaran in a wedding engagement of my cousin. She said that God will certainly bless us with a child and counselled us to never give up the faith. She prayed a prayer of blessing upon us. It comforted our broken heart. Within two or three months I got conceived and the doctor was amazed, unable to believe it. Yet, I went through few complications in my uterus. The cervix which is the narrow tube below the uterus became widened. Hence, right from my fourth month of pregnancy till my confinement I had to take bed rest and I was closely monitored by the doctors. God granted me a safe confinement and I gave birth to a girl child. We have named her as “Enzalita” (my waiting is over), the name which Respected Uncle Dhinakaran used to mention in an incident in his sermons. May 2017, we also had the privilege to meet Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran with our little child at Bethesda and get his prayers and share the testimony for the glory to God. We thank God Almighty for this beautiful child whom HE has gifted us after 8 years of our marriage. We are thankful to the Dhinakarans and remain deeply grateful to the Jesus Calls ministry. - Felicia David, Palladam, Coimbatore


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Jesus Calls Ministries serve people through various ways – Prayer Tower Ministry, Television Ministry, Prayer Festival, Letter Blessings Percolate to next Generation I am a “Jesus Calls” and “Family Blessing Plan” partner. Not only that, I am a partner in Prayer Tower Building Fund. I am blessed with two girls. For my eldest daughter even at the age of 30, we were unable to find a good life partner and her marriage was getting delayed. I immediately enrolled her as a partner in the “Jesus Calls” Television Club. Following that, in January 2014 “Jesus Calls” Television program, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran in his New Year message said, “This year girls in your family will get married; God will bring the right partner who wouldn’t make any demands.” Exactly as he mentioned, within two months, in March my eldest daughter got married and the groom lovingly accepted her without any demands and that was a great miracle in our family. On 11th July 2015 she gave birth to a boy baby and we named him Alwyn Christiano. Even when he was in his mother’s womb we made a vow that we will enrol him in the Young Partners’ Plan. Accordingly on the 4th day after he was born, we made him a Young Partner. On the 15th day of his birth it was found that he had a calcium deficiency and he was admitted in hospital and was in the ICU for four days. At that time, I made a vow that I will testify the miracle in “Jesus Calls” magazine if he gets healed. What a miracle! He got healed immediately. But three months later, another phase of trouble shot up. A problem in his eyes was detected. He neither recognized nor smiled at anybody. The doctor said that MRI scan has to be taken. We were totally broken. Yet trusting in God I rushed to National Prayer Tower, Delhi and prayed for him. The prayer intercessors prayed with much burden and God performed a mighty miracle. The MRI scan was not taken. He slowly started to receive healing from God and now he is perfectly alright. On 11th July 2017, that is, on his second birthday we are sponsoring a “Jesus Calls” television program.

Ministry and many more and through them millions are being blessed. Through your sacrificial offerings these services are rendered free of cost. God has been blessing our partners in their personal, family and work related areas. Here are a few testimonies: - July 2017 JESUS CALLS


Earlier, we always had debt problem tormenting our family. Though four members of our family were earning a good salary we had no peace or joy but when we started giving to the “Jesus Calls” ministry, God has blessed us immeasurably and we are now able to give to others. We have no debts today. We are truly enjoying God’s presence in our family. We can feel the supernatural power of God guiding us every day. In all kinds of situations we are able to be courageous. Even in my work place I can feel God’s wisdom in me. I collect offerings from my friends towards “Jesus Calls” ministry and remit that amount in the National Prayer Tower Delhi and this is the small ministry that I do every month. I praise God for “Jesus Calls” ministry. - Ms Elizabeth Rajan, New Delhi

Jesus Lifted me Up I was born and brought up in a family that has not tasted the love of Christ. I was having a modest tea shop to run my family. I faced one loss after another in this small business and I almost became a pauper. I didn’t know where to turn to. This was my state of affairs. But, about six or seven years ago, one of my friends introduced me to “Jesus Calls” ministry and invited me to visit the Dr. 4

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D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower in person for prayers. Through the prayers there, the peace of God began to fill me. Though I did not have enough money, yet, with just the bus fare alone in my hand, I used to visit the prayer tower. I started attending the events in the Prayer Tower along with my wife and children. I used to go to Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Rajaji Salai also. The counselling that I received from the Prayer Towers has been very helpful. After getting prayed for there, I would receive call from them to re-assure me of their continued prayers and that was very comforting to me. In this way I started to have close fellowship with the Lord and He began to bless me. I who had no money in my hands, now, I am blessed financially. The Lord has blessed me with a good job, and two two-wheelers—one for me and one for my wife. We have purchased a land and started to build our house. I am regularly giving my offering to the Prayer Tower ministries. The “Jesus Calls” ministry is a refuge to desperate people like us and I give all glory to God. - Mr. Anandha Selvam, Chennai.

Received Earthly and Spiritual Blessings Though I was born in a Christian family, I had no connection with Jesus and I was living far away from the Lord. Huge

amount of debts mounted up. At a particular point of time, unable to repay the debts I began to think, “If at all the creditors catch hold of me and arrest, what should I do? I’d better take poison and end my life.” This was the wretched life that I was leading. Added to this I was suffering from witchcraft problems. It was then that a person introduced me to “Jesus Calls” ministry. I started reading “Jesus Calls” magazine and watched “Jesus Calls” television programs. I could see what importance the servants of God give to the Word of God and how their lives and the Word of God go together. This brought a drastic change in my life. Hence I started visiting the Prayer Towers often. Due to this my life style improved; the demonic oppression left me; the suicidal spirit stopped haunting me; both my children were blessed in their studies and God opened ways for me to repay my loans. The business that I was doing started to prosper. Even during the demonetization period I was well-off. According to the words, “You will be blessed; God will build your home; God will bless your children and their children” often mentioned in “Jesus Calls” magazine and television programs came true in my life and I can testify to the increase that I am enjoying in my life. After this elevation in my life, I had a desire to be filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit to

grow in my spiritual life. At that time, I came to know that ‘anointing meetings’ are conducted regularly in the “Jesus Calls” prayer towers and I started attending these meetings at Tambaram Prayer Tower. In one such meeting God filled me without measure. He gave me the desire to minister to him. Our family remains grateful to “Jesus Calls” ministries and I give all glory to God. - Mr. Selvin Barnabas, Chennai

Broken Relationship Restored The Jesus Calls Prayer Tower has always been a source of hope to me whenever I encounter troubles. Every time I needed prayer, I’d call the Prayer Tower and was blessed through the prayers. My son and daughter-in-law had deserted me for fifteen years ever since they had been married. There was no contact for all those long years. They did not visit us for any of the family events. But I never lost hope and kept on calling the Prayer Towers at Trivandrum and Chennai seeking prayers for my son to come back. God answered my prayer and recently he came back with his wife and we now enjoy a wonderful fellowship. I have no words to thank the Prayer

Tower ministry and Dr. Paul for their sacrificial and noble work. All glory to God. - Sis. Sosamma Yohannan, Trivandrum, Kerala

Added Blessings We are blessed with two daughters Meghna and Bhuvaneswari. In 2007 we enrolled them in the “Jesus Calls” Young Partners’ Plan. We are also partners in TV Club and Prayer Tower Building Fund. I wrote a letter to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran requesting prayers for a good rented house. But he replied, “God will not give you a rented house but an own house.” But those were the days when we were going through financial problems. Yet, God blessed us and enabled us to purchase a house for 25 lakhs in the same year 2007 which is beyond our understanding. In 2010 we took part in the Prayer Festival at Eluru as a family. In that meeting during prayer time Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said, “Students who have come here please stand and I would to like to pray for you.” At that time our eldest daughter was doing her 10th std. She had a desire to do medicine and we too wished the same. So she stood up and joined Dr. Paul in the prayer. Following that we sent letters to Dr. Paul

requesting his prayer during her exams. Not only that we also called prayer tower for prayers. Miraculously she got a good result with 94% and stood first in the school. She continued her intermediate with the scholarship received from the Government. In those days, every month I used to write to Dr. Paul seeking his prayers. My daughter also called Prayer Tower and the prayer intercessors prayed for her during the exams. My colleagues used to discourage me saying that it is very difficult to get a medical seat and so I informed this to Dr. Paul in my letters. In his reply he mentioned Isaiah 54:11-12 and said “The God whom you trust will hold your daughter’s hand and guide her. She will get a medical seat.” We prayed in tears as a family. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the prayer intercessors were also praying for her. In the second year of her intermediate studies she secured 94.5% and stood first again. She passed in the medical entrance exam (EAMCET). To our great joy she got admission in the Medical College that is close to our house. It is purely due to the prayers of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, his family and the prayer intercessors. We are giving our tithes to “Jesus Calls” ministry from our salary. All glory to God. - Analakumari, Guntur.

For more details about the ministry contact Toll Free No. 1800 425 7755 (7am to 9pm) and our Jesus Calls website To receive your miracle please call

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Exodus 19:5 You are God’s treasure. Meditation: Deu. 7:6; 14:2; Psalm 135:4; Jer. 7:23; 24:7; 1 Peter 2:9. Joshua 1:3 Possess your blessing. Meditation: Gen. 48:4; Exod. 6:4,8; Lev. 20:24; Deu. 1:36; 10:11; 11:24. Matthew 5:12 Great is your reward. Meditation: Ruth 2:12; 2 Chron. 17:5; Psalm 19:11; Isa. 61:7; Luke 6:23,35. John 11:25 - Believe in God. Meditation: Dan. 6:23; Matt. 8:13; Mark 9:23; John 5:24; 11:40. Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know your God. Meditation: 1 Sam. 2:2; 1 Kings 8:59,60; 2 Kings 5:15; Isaiah 45:5,6, 18,21,22. Isaiah 53:6 God who forgives our sins. Meditation: Lev. 16:22; Psalm 130:8; Isa. 53:4,5,11; Titus 2:14; Heb. 9:28. Proverbs 8:17 Seek and find God. Meditation: Deu. 4:29; Isaiah 55:6; Matt. 7:7,8; Luke 11:9,10. Romans 8:26 Strength in our weakness. Meditation: 2 Chron. 14:11; Psalm 37:40; 118:13; Isa. 49:8,9; Heb. 2:18. John 8:36 Freedom from captivity. Meditation: Psalm 39:8; Isa. 61:1; 2 Cor. 3:17; Gal. 1:4. Proverbs 3:24 Be not troubled. Meditation: Psalm 118:6; Matt. 14:27; John 14:27.

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Matthew 18:18 Power from above. Meditation: Deu. 4:7; Dan. 2:23; Matt. 18:19; Luke 24:49. Psalm 27:1 Lord is our stronghold. Meditation: Exodus 15:2; Psalm 18:1; 46:1; Isa. 12:2; 49:5. Deuteronomy 20:4 Victory from the Lord. Meditation: Exodus 14:14; Deu. 1:30; Josh. 10:12-14; Psalm 46:9. Ezekiel 34:11 - Shepherd who tends His sheep. Meditation: Psalm 23:1,2; Isa. 40:11; John 10:11,14; Heb. 13:20. Psalm 63:7 God is our help. Meditation: 1 Sam. 14:45; 2 Chron. 14:11; Psalm 33:20; 40:17. Deuteronomy 8:18 - Power and wealth from God. Meditation: 1 Kings 3:11-14; Prov. 3:9,10; 10:22; Ecc.5:19; Rom.11:33. 1 Samuel 26:25 - Perform great things for God. Meditation: 2 Sam. 3:1; Job 17:9; Dan. 11:32; Ezra 1:5. 1 Corinthians 8:3 - To love God and to be known by Him. Meditation: Psalm 1:6; Nahum 1:7; James 2:5; 2 Peter 2:9. Deuteronomy 28:6 God who blesses us. Meditation: Gen. 26:3; Num. 23:20; Psalm 29:11; 45:2; Hag. 2:19. 1 Thessalonians 3:12 Loving each other. Meditation: 1 Thes. 4:9,10; 2 Thes. 1:3; John 13:34,35; 1 Pet. 4:8. Ezekiel 20:41 - God accepts the scattered.

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Meditation: Psalm 41:11; Jer. 30:20; Ezek. 34:15,16; 2 Cor. 2:14,15. Zechariah 2:8 - God’s divine protection for us. Meditation: Deu. 32:9,10; 1 Sam. 26:11; Prov. 3:26. 2 Thessalonians 3:3 - God who strengthens us. Meditation: 1 Sam. 30:6; Psalm 27:14; 31:24; Isa. 54:14. Ezekiel 37:27 - God dwells in our midst. Meditation: Deu. 23:14; Zech. 2:10; Matt. 28:20; 2 Cor. 6:16; Rev. 21:3. Psalm 68:19 - Cast your burden on to Jesus. Meditation: Exo. 6:7; Psalm 55:22; Isa. 54:7; Lam. 3:31; 1 Pet. 5:7. 2 Kings 20:5 - Prayer answering God. Meditation: Gen. 17:20; 2 Kings 20:5,6; Psalm 22:24; 65:2. Isaiah 62:2 - Name of the Lord will exalt us Meditation: Deu. 12:5-7; Psalm 8:1; Isa. 56:5; Jer. 15:16. Ezekiel 34:22 - Salvation is near. Meditation: Psalm 119:176; Isa. 55:6; Ezek. 34:16,17; Luke 19:10; 1 Tim. 1:15. Proverbs 13:12 - God fulfills our heart’s desires. Meditation: Psalm 20:4; 21:2; 37:4; Matt. 7:11,12; Philippians 2:13. Micah 2:13 - God who guides us. Meditation: Deu. 9:3; 31:3; 32:12; Psalm 78:53; Isa. 52:12; Neh. 9:19. Malachi 3:16 - God who listens and hears to our cry. Meditation: Psalm 139:4; Isa. 65:24; Jer. 33:3; Matt. 6:32.

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ADDS EVERYTHING Look at the following verse: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matt. 6:33) Thirty years back, as a young boy, I used to accompany my grandfather to the fish market. In those days, we were in such financial shortage that my grandfather used to buy fish by bargaining. After the fish has been weighed, he would ask the vendor to please add some more fish and the vendor would take a few more fish and add it to the quantity we had paid for. This added quantity used to make us happy. We would return home con-

tended that the fish seller gave us two small fish free of cost! But when God adds, His ‘added quantity’ will be so much that we can’t even carry them home. He will give with such magnificent grace that we cannot weigh them. Friend, this month, whatever you ask God, He will add more blessings. Yes, ‘ADDED blessings’ – more than what you prayed for, expected or hoped. Our God loves to surprise you with His love. Yes! When you seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, He will ADD - July 2017 JESUS CALLS


all these things to you.

WHAT IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD? “For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit...” (Rom. 14:17) God not only blesses us with earthly needs to live in this world, but also gives us spiritual blessings like ‘righteousness, holiness, pure life and fear of God’ and He gives all these virtues in an ADDed measure.

How to get this greatest joy? It is the assurance that we are living a holy life because we are Jesus’ children– it is this hope that gives us immense joy. When guilt prevails in us, our hearts are shattered. ‘Oh! Why did I think about him like that? Why did I allow such wrong thoughts in my mind? Why did I allow this lust? Why did I speak to him with scorn and anger? I committed many sins and lost my privilege!’ Such guilt can ruin us. But when we confess our sins and seek His face every morning when we wake up, He gives us the assurance that we are God’s children. God Himself will give us godly thoughts and the desire to do His will and we will be victorious in everything we do. When my beloved sister, Angel passed away we were filled with immense sorrow. But after two months, one day, during our family prayer the Holy Spirit gave us new tongues and being filled with joy we started to praise God. At that moment we felt a great deliverance. The power of sorrow was broken and we en8

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tered into the realm of the Holy Spirit. We entered into the presence of God and were lifted into that experience. Only after this experience God started using us to do greater works for Him. He redeemed us from the sorrow by adding joy in our hearts. It is by this strength and joy we were able to establish Karunya University out of nothing. At that time we ourselves had loads of debts. We had only a two bed room house and that too was constructed by taking a loan. We had a 1963 model second hand Ambassador car. My father had a bicycle. It was in this situation that God asked us to raise Karunya University. But the only way by which we could build the University was through the path of sorrow. He took us through the path of deep and heavy burden. He took away my beloved sister Angel but in the midst of that sorrow He added joy. God lifted us to establish the Karunya University taking us to the next level by breaking the sorrow. Let me tell you one thing. The same God is going to do mighty works through you also. Are you filled with sorrow and feeling empty today? Tell the Lord that you need His Kingdom. God says that a life that is filled with lust and only interested to eat, drink and think about one’s own family, work, children and other selfish ambitions, is not life as it’s meant to be. When you seek God’s kingdom, His holiness, the need to be filled with the Holy Spirit, God will add to you the joy that the Holy Spirit gives. That joy will eliminate all your sorrows. It will take you to the next level. He will lift you up to fulfill His will

through you. Friend, today you may be in deep distress. We were also in such a situation once, but see how many families are blessed through us now! Look at how God has lifted us up to feed and educate so many poor children. Look how He has lifted us up to preach the gospel to so many people. Look at the 108 Prayer Towers that are established to pray for millions of people. Is this possible with human effort? No, not at all! When we sought the Lord and said, “Father, we surrender ourselves to do Your Will” there was sorrow. Yet, God broke the sorrow, built our family again and enabled us to care for millions of families and to pray for them. God will lift you up as well! God has a plan for each one of us and it is for that purpose He has called you and made you a partner of Jesus Calls Ministries. Millions of people around the world are benefitted through partners like you. Some people contact ‘Jesus calls’ ministry expecting miracles. But when they receive their miracles they forget about the ministry. They do not support the ministry. It is because God has not called them. He doesn’t need a big crowd. All He needs may be only 300 people. Ten thousand or twenty thousand people may come but He will send them back and will fulfil His purpose with just these 300 people. God says, “A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation; I the Lord will hasten it in its time.” (Isa. 60:22) He further says, “ first the kingdom of God and His

righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matt 6:33). ‘All these things’ includes His added blessings. Your sorrow will be turned into joy. He will place you on a high pedestal and enable you to wipe away the tears of others. Dear Partners, your children and grand children will be placed in high places.

God decides to bless you, none will give you any assets. Everyone will betray you. But it is only at that time that God will prove His power and lift you up above all others. That is the power of God. His power will turn your sorrows into joy. “…you will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will be turned into joy” (John 16: 20b).


In John 11 th chapter, a man called Lazarus died at Bethany. His sisters Mary and Martha cried. Seeing them cry, Jesus wept. But the next moment Jesus said, “He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.” (John 11: 25, 40).

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you: not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14: 27) The Bible asks us to “pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.” (Hebrews 12:14) Friend, pray that we may live in peace in all situations and with all people. Pray for the Spirit of Peace which is the Spirit of the Kingdom of God to fill you and lead you. Let us strive to live a life that is dependent on the Kingdom of God and not dependent on any human being. Let us seek His kingdom. Look at what Jesus said in John 16:32. “Indeed the hour is coming, yes, has now come, that you will be scattered, each to his own, and will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.” This is what it means to seek the Kingdom of God - seeking the presence of God even if the whole world leaves you. You need not worry that nobody cares to help you, nor that your grandfather did not write any asset for you! When

explain the vision to them they themselves will surely help us raise the University. Thus we had many appointments with many millionaires. We would go with so much of expectation. They listened to our explanations of the project but did not help us. When we approached them for financial help telling them it’s a vision from God they used to say, “Why should you desire to build a university when you don’t have money? and that too if you come to us in the name of God will it

Those who caused you sorrow; those who stole from you and those who spoke unjustly of you, God will cause them to come to you.

Friend, you are not going to prosper in life just because someone gave you a little property. It is not that property that is going to lift you up in life. No man can be responsible for your success in life. God will never leave you at the mercy of others. He will never bring you to that state because you bear His Name. I write this so confidently because I have seen this happen in my life. In the years 1980-85, when God gave the vision of Karunya to my father Bro. D.G.S.Dhinakaran, we used to run behind people seeking their help to get orders to establish Karunya, to register the land and so on. We had no money. Nobody helped us. Sometimes we had sincere friends who gave us hopes saying that they will arrange for us to meet this person and that person and once we

happen?” We went through such situations of rejection, insult, criticism, shame and abandonment. “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.” (Psalm 118:8) Have all your friends forsaken you? Have all those you believed will help you, denied help for you? Don’t worry. You silently and faithfully keep seeking the Kingdom of God. The very fact that you are partnering with Jesus Calls Ministry in taking the gospel of love and compassion to millions who are hurt - July 2017 JESUS CALLS


means that you are seeking the Kingdom of God. God will render justice to you before those who rejected you and honour you before their eyes. He Himself will build your home and your children’s future. He will make everything perfect for you. When God adds, you will be lifted up above others. Today God has graciously enabled us to be at peace with everyone. God has strengthened our hands so that we are able to help even those who have not helped us in the ministry. God gave us the Karunya project only during the days when we were painfully walking through the path of sorrow that covered us due to the sudden and gruesome death of my sister Angel. At that time millions of people cried for us. But on the other hand there were those few who mocked us. They pierced our hearts with their arrow-like words—our hearts that were already aching with pain and sorrow due to the death of Angel. Their words were sharp and piercing. They went to the extent of saying, “Brother Dhinakaran says that God told him to build a university. He prophesied saying that the vision is from God. But this is not from God and that is why God has punished him by crushing his daughter. Is this is a prophecy? Is this a ministry?” Thus they wrote in their ministry magazines. They also wrote against us in the secular magazines. But it was at that time God told us, “My Son! Don’t look at them, rather look at the love that I have for you. Look at the love of the thousands of people who are crying for you. You are lis10

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tening to those few people who are speaking ill of you but you’re not looking at the love of those thousands of people. Do not open a loophole for Satan to enter you through these thoughts”. And then God said something wonderful. He said, “My Son! I will not destroy your enemies but I will bless you more and more. The abundance of blessings that I send you will break the power of Satan and the enemies he raises against you.” That is exactly what He did. When we look at the ministry today, we see that we have no enemies. Wherever we go we receive love. Those few people who spoke against us could only speak but could not destroy us. Today God has given millions of people to love us. He has given us the love of the leaders of our nation, love of people and love of ministers of God and fills us with peace wherever we go. Friend, God will fill you also with the same peace. He will make you receive the love of everyone. But before that, there will be the roar of the enemies against you. But you keep seeking God’s kingdom. God has given you a special heart to build and to seek God’s kingdom. God will add wonderful things to your life. He will add peace in your life; He will add to your wealth and resources; He will add righteousness and holiness in your life and He will add good health in your life and bless your life so much that all your enemies will shut up their mouths and will be afraid to talk against you! Their voices will not be heard at the multitude of your blessings.

ADDS AND OUTPOURS “Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.” (Luke 6:38) Another translation reads, “They will pour into your lap.” Friend! You are a precious people sowing valuable offerings to the Lord, therefore, according to the unfailing Word of God, in the days to come God will rain blessings on you. Yes, you need not go in search of anyone. God Himself will send people to you. Everyone who worked against you; those who caused you sorrow; those who stole from you and those who spoke unjustly of you, God will cause them to come to you. They themselves will rain blessings on you. When Jehoshaphat became king, the first action he did was to send Levite priests throughout the kingdom to teach the citizens the Word of the Lord (II Chronicles, chapter 19). While the country was in poverty, surrounded by the enemy’s clutches and the nation was in deep need, he did not think how he can gain property or how to overcome the enemies. He raised messengers who would proclaim the Word of the Lord to the people. This is what we are doing through the Jesus Calls Ministries. We are sowing the Word of God all around the nation and the world and praying for people through the Jesus Calls Prayer Academy. So what did God do in response to Jehoshaphat’s action? He in-

stantly sent heavenly powers to destroy the enemies who had risen against Jehoshaphat. The enemies were totally destroyed. He enjoyed peace on all sides of his kingdom. The Bible says that he greatly increased in power. Let me turn your attention to another important point. The Philistines, who were his enemies, brought him gifts of gold and silver declaring, “God is with you.” They showered money into his lap. Israel, from its lowliness was transformed into a wealthy nation. This is what the Bible means when it says “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this,” Says the Lord of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it.” (Mal. 3:10)

What is this food? It is the Word of God. Look at the Jesus Calls Ministries. We sow the Word of God from morning to night through the 24 hour Prayer Towers. Nearly 20,000 telephone prayer requests come every day. More than 600,000 prayer requests come through letters every month. We have thousands of prayer intercessors to pray for those requests. They are appointed with salary. God’s Word is sown through these Prayer Towers. God’s Word is sown through Television programs. Every month 600 programs in 10 languages are being telecast and we have dedicated staff who do the production of these programmes. In addition to this, we

have the outreach meetings and through the ministry. That blessings Prayer Festivals. To arrange some return to your family. When you of these huge meetings we need sow into their lives you will reap in more than a million rupees. Yet we your life and the lives of your chilproceed with faith that God will dren. honour His Word. We don’t do this “A little one shall become a just because we have the money thousand, and a small one a but for people to be saved. These strong nation; ...” (Isa. 60:22). huge meetings happen through the You may think that you are sendsacrificial offerings of the Jesus ing only 100 rupees but God blesses Calls partners in India. It is through it and makes it a blessing these partners who love God and for millions. And He takes the who are thankful to Him for their blessing of the millions and places blessings, that God is leading our on you and your family. You may ministry and Karunya without any send in thousands or even give 3 debts. The only reason why God is making this happen is because we sow God will lift you the seed of the Word up as well! of God night and day through prayer interGod has a plan cessors, evangelists and for each one of us and the ambassadors who it is for that purpose are ministering in thouHe has called you and sands, including our own family. In every Prayer made you a partner of Tower evangelists are Jesus Calls preaching and conductMinistries. ing Jesus Calls Meetings in different areas. Our evangelists are preachlakh to build a Prayer Room in a ing under the banner of Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, but God will inin hundreds of places. They have crease that to bless millions. And received the grace that is upon bring the blessings of those millions Jesus Calls ministries. There are upon you. Our God is not a God thousands who are serving through who just gives back what you give telephone ministry and your gen- him but multiplies it a million times erous supporting is helping us to and gives back to you. This is His meet the expense incurred for that. style of giving – sowing and reapIt is through your offering the seed ing. And when you are blessed is sown. It is through the one tenth more; you give more to the minisof your salary that you send try and that is how God is taking (Malachi 3: 10) to Jesus Calls Min- care of Jesus Calls ministry withistry that the Word of God is being out debts. Every penny you send sent to touch and transform the is spent only towards evangelism. lives of millions of people. People, We have opened doors for hunfor whom Christ shed His precious dreds of Evangelists to preach the blood, receive blessings and life Gospel under the banner of Jesus - July 2017 JESUS CALLS


Calls ministry. We are not called to build or establish churches but we give one tenth of the offerings to support pastors who are ministering in the villages to build and establish churches. We support pastors who are in real need. Missionaries ministering in North India who are sick with no remedy are brought to the SEESHA hospital where all treatments including surgeries are done entirely free. God restores their health and sends them back to the mission fields to continue to proclaim the Word of the Lord. God has graciously enabled us to proclaim His Word through you our partners. It is God who has made you partner with the Jesus Calls Ministries and it is through your sacrificial offerings we are able to do what God is asking us to do. We just receive visions from God but it is you who are helping us to achieve them. It is you who by sowing your tithes and offerings build many churches and support many missions in and around the world. It is you who is enabling us to take the Word of God to the places where God opens the doors. This is what David says in Psalm 16: 2, 3: “O my soul, you have said to the Lord, ‘You are my Lord, My goodness is nothing apart from You.’ As for the saints who are on the earth, ‘They are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight.’” This is the same attitude with which you are also giving to the saints and servants of God. Hence, He will open the windows of heaven and pour out on you a noroom-to-contain blessing. 12

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Also in Isaiah 58: 7, 8 God says: Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; When you see the naked, that you cover him, And not hide yourself from your own flesh? Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. Beloved, God is encouraging us to share our bread with the hungry, help the poor who are cast out, give clothing to those who do not have them and give water to the thirsty. One day when I read this verse my heart cried out for these people – the hungry, the homeless, the abandoned, the naked and the thirsty. I cried unto the Lord and asked God, “Father! How am I going to do this?” As an answer to this question, the Lord gave me the Seesha Charity Project. It is through this verse that God spoke to me regarding Seesha and gave me this vision. Then He said, “Son! When you do this your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speedily, your righteousness shall go before you and the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard”. Friend, this is the same blessing that will be poured upon you too. God will make your life like the light of the morning. Your name and the name of your family will be honoured. You will lack nothing. God will make you live a faithful life. No demon or the devil will be able to touch you. Truly, this is the way that you –the partner of Jesus Calls

Ministry will be blessed. You will be blessed with the no-room-tocontain blessing. We open the Jesus Calls Ministries for you to come and pray for others at the Prayer Tower. Pray for the tears of the people to be wiped away as a prayer intercessors, chain prayer warrior, ambassador of ‘Jesus Calls’ and also by participating in the Prayer Academy. Then God will add so many blessings that you won’t be able to contain them. The Bible says in Luke 11:13, “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” So my friend, go ahead and ASK for the Holy Spirit. Then the Holy Spirit will transform you like Jesus - full of love for others. Then one word from you will be enough to comfort and heal the hurt and abandoned. When I pray for people the Holy Spirit pours into my heart a divine compassion. It makes me get into their shoes and feel their pain and cry out to God saying, “Oh! Father God! See what pain they are going through. Please help them and heal them.” Then I thank God for giving me an opportunity to pray for them. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit we will be filled with the love of God. When these two things fill us, the power of God will work in us and manifest itself through us. Then one touch from us will bring healing and miracles in the lives of others. When we pray for the sick, God will have compassion on the helpless people suffering with pain; He will reach

out and touch them for the sake of His Son Jesus Christ who suffered on the Cross for them. Many people tell me, “Brother! That day you just touched me and said, ‘Brother, you will be well!’” and from that day onwards I became alright – a miracle has happened in my life. I was healed from a disease that was slowly killing me.” Some say, “Brother! You touched my head and prayed and I conceived after twenty years of childlessness.” All this does not happen because of me but it is the Lord who touches them. Friend! One touch from God is enough; mighty miracles will take place. God will work likewise through you too. Today you might say that you do not know how to pray. It is alright. If you have the Spirit of Jesus dwelling in you, that is enough. God loves and honours spirit-filled prayers. “… the love of God has

been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” (Romans 5:5). When the Holy Spirit fills us, God’s love is poured into our hearts. Then all self, selfish desires, pride, lust and all other evil vices just flee. Jesus is in control over us. That is the condition that brings miracles to people. My dearly beloved partner in ministry, firstly, you have surrendered yourself totally to the Lord and have begun to seek first the Kingdom of God, and therefore the Lord is adding all blessings to you. Secondly, you have sacrificially given your precious offerings so that the Word of God can be sown around the world into the hearts of millions of people. Therefore the Lord will open the windows of heaven and pour out to you a blessing that no room could contain. You

will be a channel of God’s miracles to people. You will in turn inherit miracles in your own life. You will get back double to all that you lost. God will immeasurably pour out His Holy Spirit on you. A million thanks to you my dear ministry partners for the loving and cheerful offerings you are sending to the Jesus Calls ministries; for your precious prayers for our family that we should live holy lives and be strengthened and fulfil the Will of God in our lives; for the love and affection that you are showing us; for the support you have been rendering to us by uniting your hearts with us and praying for the people. Surely, the Lord will ADD happiness, peace, joy and prosperity in your life abundantly. He will return all that you lost a double fold and honour you among all people and  lift you up.

DEAR PARTNER, Please update your Mobile Numbers and email id for fast communication and for us to serve you better Family


Date Of Birth Date Of Wedding


Email id

Head of the family Family member Family Member Family Member Benefits assured:  SMS carrying the promise verse monthly / daily  Information on special events where the Dhinakarans will be ministering  On your special days, prayer intercessors from the Prayer Tower will call and pray for you over the phone  acknowledgment for your offerings, through SMS  Report on our events  live telecast schedules  for receiving replies to your urgent prayer requests

To inform these above details: Please call our Toll free no. 1800 4257755 email: Mail : Prayer Tower, 16.Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-600028 - July 2017 JESUS CALLS


On July 25, 1985 Lord Jesus Christ appeared to Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran and began to explain all about the Jesus Calls Young Partners’ Plan to draw and to enrol young boys and girls, so that they could be covered by the prayers of the devoted “Prayer Intercessors” in the twenty-four hours Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, all through the year. Today this wonderful scheme is proving to be a blessing to hundreds and thousands of young children, around the world. From the day of this unique plan inception, until this day thousands of partners have enrolled and are being blessed. You can also enrol as a “Young Partner” and enjoy God's favour. If you are already a Young Partner, we thank you, as you continue to support the ministry each month through the Young partners’ plan and help to wipe away the tears of millions. When prayers are offered for you daily in our Prayer Tower, God will continually bless you manifold, as millions receive their blessings because of your sacrificial giving. You will increase a thousand times (Isaiah 60:22; Deu. 1:11).

Here is a testimony... I am a Jesus Calls partner and a “Family Blessing Plan” partner. Often as a family we have visited the Bethesda Prayer Centre. I am blessed with two daughters. In February 2012, my eldest daughter Lisa Jennifer was affected by Dengue fever and she was hospitalized. At the same time, Linda Jessifer my youngest daughter doing her 4th class was also affected by Dengue fever but it was in the initial stage. As a family we were so heart-broken not knowing what to do. Lisa recovered but Linda’s health started to deteriorate day by day. The doctor’s found that she had a Multi Organ Dysfunction Syndrome . Her liver, lungs, kidneys, heart and brain started to fail. The doctors gave up hope. They said dialysis has to be started 14

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Privileges of being a Young Partner • Fervent prayers of Dhinakarans every day. • The prayer intercessors at the 24x7 Prayer Tower will pray calling out the names of the Young Partners every day, claiming God’s promise as assured in I Chronicles 4:10 • A special gift at the time of enrolment • A certificate will be sent on completion of the donation, Rs. 3000 • A special birthday card will be sent from the Dhinakarans • Prayer Intercessors will call and pray on the birthday • A promise verse will be sent every day through SMS and she might have a cardiac arrest at any time. She was hospitalized for 40 days (10 days in intensive care unit). She was not passing urine and was in a critical stage. At that time, I started to apply Jesus Calls “Blessed Oil” and made a vow that, I will join her in the “Young Partners’ Plan” which we have delayed, though we knew about of it. Immediately healing took place! She started to urinate and one by one all the vital organs started to function. She was completely healed and we enrolled her as a “Young Partner”. As a family we are grateful to God and the Dhinakarans. Now she is entering her 10th class. As a proud Young Partner she is enjoying the benefits assured for every Young partner. -Latha Jones, Bangalore “...I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.” (Isaiah 44:3)


Please affix

the passport You can be a partner at any age till you get married size photo of Pledge amount, Rs.3,000/- (You may send any amount possible for you, every month) the partner Details of the children to be enrolled in the YOUNG PARTNERS’ PLAN. Mr/Ms:................................................................... Date of Birth:........................................................... Mr/Ms:................................................................... Date of Birth:........................................................... Mr/Ms:................................................................... Date of Birth:........................................................... Name of the parent/guardian:................................................................................................................... Contact Address:……………….......................................................................................………………….. City:………...........………….PIN Code..............................................:.................................................... Mobile:...........................................................Email: .................................................................................... MY PRAYER REQUEST TO BE PRAYED AT THE PRAYER TOWER. “Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:15) 1. ........................................ 2. .......................................... 3. ........................................ EASY WAYS TO SEND YOUR DONATIONS Prayer Tower: You can visit the Jesus Calls Tower closest to you and make a donation in person by Cash / Swiping Machine. Through Post Office: You may send your donation through Money Order & EMO, Donations also can be sent by “Mobile Money Transfer” through Post Offices to the number 9840 900 480.  By Demand Draft / Cheque: Drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls” and can be sent by Registered Post to the address: Jesus Calls, No. 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028.  Through Online: You can donate through our secure website using Credit/ Debit card / Net Banking and Mobile Wallets. Donation details can be intimated to our Partner Service No. 18004257755 (Toll Free – Functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm)  By Bank: Beneficiary: JESUS CALLS Account No.: 000901056144 Bank: ICICI Bank Ltd, Nungabakkam Branch, Chennai 600 034. IFSC: ICIC0000009 Details of the donations sent directly to the Bank can be intimated through email:  Through Ambassadors: You may meet our Jesus Calls Ambassador in your local area and make your donations. You will be provided an acknowledgement for the same. To know your area Ambassador, Please contact 18004257755 (Toll Free – Functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm)  Jesus Calls Mobile App: Download the new Jesus Calls mobile app from Google play store and then you can make your donation through the mobile app.  Paytm: Donate using Paytm  For more details: For 24x7 Prayers TAMIL/ENGLISH (044 - 33 999 000)  TELUGU (040 - 33 999 000)  MARATHI (022 - 33 999 000)  HINDI/PUNJABI (011 - 33 999 000)  KANNADA (080 - 33 999 000)  GUJARATI (079 33 999 000)  MALAYALAM (0471 - 33 999 000)

 Through - July 2017 JESUS CALLS



ur God is a God who loves to bless His chil dren. You are His child and He loves to bless you. How can He bless you? He can bless you through His Word and the Word for you from Him is, “Your desires will be granted”. Yes! How wonderful it is to have a God who is so mindful of our desires and wants to grant the same and make us happy. Friend! The Lord shall give you the thing that you desire. Do you believe this Word of God? More than what others desire for you


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God will grant you your own desires. Some people say, “It’s enough if we pray a little, God knows what we need” (Matthew 6:5-8,32; 23:14). Some others say, “Why should we pray when the provider Himself is in us?” Once, two people who saw a terrified bull racing into the fields and destroying them tried to chase it away. But the bull turned around and began to chase these two people. As they were fleeing the bull, one guy turned to the other guy and said, “Hey! The bull is chasing us fiercely. If it gets us we are finished; so please pray something and do something to save us.” The other one replied, “Oh!

I have never prayed openly. I don’t know how to pray” But the other one said, “But if you don’t pray now we will be killed today.” The other said, “Hey! My dad has taught me a prayer to recite before having a meal. Let me recite that prayer.” Saying thus, he prayed, “Father! Thank you for giving us this meal.” You can imagine what would have followed. My Friend! This is the spiritual condition of many people today. This is a very sad situation but the scripture says, “The desire of the righteous shall be granted. The only thing that God expects from us is that we should DESIRE and ASK. “He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor.” (Isaiah 59:16) This is the condition of the world today. There are no intercessors. But as for the Lord, He expects us to ‘desire’ and ‘ask’ him. He is asking us saying, “My son! My daughter! What do you wish for me to do for you?” It’s His desire to grant us our desires that we ask sincerely from our hearts. He says,” “Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” (John 16:24) Here is the testimony of Rachel, student of Karunya University who desired for the gifts of the Holy Spirit during the Prophetic Prayer Conference that was conducted recently at the Karunya University,

Gift from God My name is Rachel. I am a Karunya student from CS De-

The Lord Jesus prayed before starting His ministry and after His baptism. When He prayed the heavens opened. The Holy Spirit descended upon Him and immediately there was a loud voice that said, “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.” It is not necessary for Jesus to pray, yet He prayed. partment. Today, the first day of prophetic conference, I was praying that I should see Jesus face to face. It was my desire that I should get this as a gift from Jesus today being my birthday. At the beginning, I was unable to feel the presence of God but suddenly I received a new experience. Dr. Paul said, “Someone here is getting a unique experience, the fire anointing.” Immediately I saw Jesus in front of me. He was smiling at me. He had a glorious and shining face. He was just looking at me. There were angels standing with trumpets. I have no words to thank God for this gift which I had asked. Like Rachel let us come to Him with desires expressed through prayer in order to receive our desires. This is how Jesus too received from His father.

Prayer for Everything Take a look at the Scripture portion from Luke 3:21-22, When all the people were baptized, it came to pass that Jesus also was baptized; and while He prayed, the heaven was opened. And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven which said, “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.”

Jesus, before He could select His disciples, prayed for a whole night. (Luke 6:12,13). He prayed before healing people (Mark 1: 35). He prayed before He fed the people. He took the five loaves and two fish in His hands and prayed before He multiplied them and distributed them (Mark 6:41). He is the perfect Son of God and He need not pray, because everything that was created was created for Him, yet he did everything only after praying. Even before resurrecting Lazarus from death, He looked unto heaven and prayed saying, “Father! I thank you that you have heard Me” (John 11:41). Everyday, as we get up in the morning the whole day would be a blessing to us. In the same way if we could pray before leaving our house for anything the purpose of going out will be a blessing. Even those who are in the ministry we need to pray for people whom we are going to minister that they may believe in the Lord. Only after prayer we should step into ministry and stand before the people. This is the priceless lesson taught by my father Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran. He used to teach me saying, “You should pray before you do anything. You need to fast and pray before preparing a message. You must not prepare a message by yourself. Remember our Lord Jesus said, ‘Without Me you - July 2017 JESUS CALLS


can do nothing’ (John 15:5) so, you need to sincerely pray and ask God for the message, receive it from Him and then preach it.” So my dear friend, it is very necessary for us to pray before we do anything. This is how Jesus prayed when he took Peter, John and James with Him to the Mount of Transfiguration (Luke 9:28,29). We are conducting an Academy called the Prayer Academy. In this Academy we teach the participants, ‘How to Pray’, ‘How to do ministry’ and ‘How to pray for others’. The Lord gave this plan to my husband one day as he was praying. God said “Turn all the Jesus Calls partners around the world as Praying Partners. Teach them on Prayer and train them to pray.” The Lord also helped my husband to actuate this plan. Sis. Jaya Jeyakumar, a graduate of the Prayer Academy testifies... I am a partner of Jesus calls for several years. When I came to know about the Prayer Academy course, I eagerly joined since I want to experience the prophetic anointing. Jesus did not disappoint me. Right from the first class, my spiritual eyes were opened and I was able to see visions after visions in the class room itself. God deepened my prayer life and I started spending more hours in personal prayer. I could see change in my family life too. All glory to God. I thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for his wonderful mission of Prayer Academy.

Unceasing Prayer! When I got married and came into my husband’s house I observed one thing that was hap18

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pening there always. There was always prayer being made in the house. In the morning everyone woke up from their beds and the first thing they did was to go on their knees and pray – then they read the Bible. Then they all came together as a family and prayed. Then before going to office or anywhere outside they’d say, “let us pray!”. In the beginning it was difficult for me to become a part of this pray – always culture. But today when I think of it I wonder how blessed I am because of that culture of prayer. It is that prayer that has made me a great minister of God today. I was so timid by nature when I got married. But today God has enabled me with so much of strength and courage. He is blessing so many people through me. Friend! Prayer Life is very important. Whoever you are I sincerely advice you to pray before doing anything. “The young lions lack and suffer hunger; but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.” (Psalm 34:10) Every time you have a meal; every time you leave home for a work and every time you return home safely, please pray! Let us unite with our family members and pray. Let us go to bed only after thanking God for all the good things we have received from God on that day. The Bible says, “In all your sitting down and getting up uphold my word and keep confessing them. Write them on the posts of your door and write them down in you verandah. Teach My words to your children. Bind them around

your wrists. Tie them around your wrists”, (Deuteronomy 6:7-9). Be doers of the word, and not hearers only (James 1:22). Why? In order to protect us and bless us. When we lead a prayer-filled life, people would look at the blessings in our life and will ‘fear’ God. We need the kind of prayer-life that can produce a life of blessing! When God created Adam and Eve, He created them in His image. He created them like that so that they can communicate with Him and fellowship with Him. But they did not understand the value of the fellowship. They disobeyed God and sinned against God by eating the forbidden fruit. Then ‘fear’ came into them and they hid themselves behind the bushes assuming that they would not face God. ‘Fear’ follows disobedience to God. My dear friend, God wants to speak to us through His Word. Do we hear His voice? Everyday when we read the scripture, God speaks to us through it. What a beautiful experience! My friend! All our desire should be to read the scriptures and to pray every day. Let us draw near to God and fellowship with Him through prayer and the reading of His word. It is the promise verse that God gives us during that time of meditation that will carry us throughout the whole day. It will bless us throughout the day. Then all your desires will be granted and then your life and the lives of each dear one at home will be so blessed that the whole world will look at you and your family and say, “These people are blessed of the Lord.” May the good Lord fulfill your desires as you look to him and seek him diligently as a family.

“At that time Jerusalem shall be called The Throne of the Lord, and all the nations shall be gathered to it…” (Jeremiah 3: 17)

Announcing the ‘Jesus Calls’ World Prayer Convention in the month of May2018 in Jerusalem. We are being joined by many leading speakers and worship leaders from around the World to participate with us in this World Prayer Convention. While we are there, we will also celebrate the 5th year Anniversary of the Jesus Calls Israel Prayer Tower which is coinciding with the 70th year Anniversary of the State of Israel.

Kindly mark your calendars and plan to attend this three day World Prayer Convention Along with that, this would be also a great opportunity for you to join the Holy Land Tour and visit the places where the Lord Jesus walked. More details will be shared in the following Jesus Calls magazines! Watch out for this space!

You can scan this QR code to register your participation in the “Jesus Calls’’ World Prayer Convention. - July 2017 JESUS CALLS


My dearly beloved in Christ, I feel great joy in my heart to write to you for July 2017 because this is an opportunity to share with you the visions and directions of the ministry that God gives me. I feel so comforted and strengthened in sharing the burdens of this ministry with you because it is you who is standing shoulder to shoulder with me in fulfilling the purposes of God. It is by your sacrificial and cheerful support and donations I am able to build the purposes of God. Further, such sharing also moves your heart to pray for these ministries. The Holy Spirit will use what I share with you to create in you a passion and fervor to pray for this ministry and also to support it with your valuable contributions. Let me quote you a word that comes in my spirit for you: “He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength.” (Isaiah 40:29) Friend! According to God’s unfailing promise, He will give you power and strengthen you in this month. So don’t worry about your ‘weaknesses’. Don’t spend your precious time chatting to everyone about your ‘weaknesses’. Is your weakness ‘Physical’? Is your weakness ‘Spiritual’? Don’t get worried about anything, because 20

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we do not have a God who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses (Hebrews 4:15) but intercedes for us. Also, we have the help of the Holy Spirit who intercedes on our behalf with mourning that can’t be uttered in words (Romans 8:26,27). Our God can transform any weakness into strength. So in this month do not keep talking about your weaknesses, rather keep talking about how the Lord Jesus Christ has given you victory over these weaknesses on the Cross. Speak only the solutions and answers that God has given; speak only Christ and His victory. By the grace of God and by your sincere prayers we have been able to hold many meetings in the month of May 2017. On the 14th, 15th and 16th of May 2017, we were able to meet people at the Bethesda Prayer Centre and directly pray in person for the more than ten thousand people who had come from around 27 states of India. The love and thirst with which people came to Bethesda, in families, just to get one touch of God, moved our hearts and motivated us to serve God with much more fervour.

God, by His grace enabled us to conduct a 3-day – meeting for the Jesus Calls Office cum Karunya University Staff on the 26th, 27th and 28th May 2017. The meeting was conducted in the Karunya University campus. It was a wonderful time where I shared the visions that God had given me and the plans for the ministry with the staff and motivated them to do the ministry of God with much more passion and devotion. God also enabled me to pray for them. In the first week of June 2017, God enabled us to meet and pray personally and individually for those who came to the Israel Prayer Tower during their trip to the Holy Land. Then the Lord enabled us to meet the partners of the ministry in Germany and to preach in the EMK church there. Then we took part and prayed in many Special Blessing Meetings in various towns in Tamilnadu. In all these meetings God enabled us to meet people and pray for them and comfort and strengthen them. Many were healed and family

problems were solved. Join me in glorifying God for the same.

Save for Your Future Generations “That the generation to come might know them, the children who would be born, that they may arise and declare them to their children...” (Psalm 78:6)

July 1st, is the birth date of my beloved Father and the apostle of love, your brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran. Join me in praising God for the mighty way in which he was used of God; for the millions of people who found salvation through his ministry, for the several ministries that were built through him and the several ministers that arose through him. The compassionate and powerful messages that God gave through him, his prayers, counsel, advices and heart-touching songs are continuing to comfort, strengthen, save and heal the lives of many. We have undertaken the laborious but novel task of digitizing the classical messages delivered by Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran and those in our family. This is surely a huge task that incurs huge expenses. We have invested heavy amount of money into purchasing very expensive but high – end equipments, and hiring professionals who are qualified and talented in handling these hi-tech devices. We are using these resources to meticulously upgrade the old messages into digital formats in order to store them and make them available for the future generations – you children and their children. We are doing this project under the maxim ‘All God’s Messages for All People’. We are working on messages given from the year 1975 and the messages written in the magazine of those days, the photographs and videos of the powerful meetings that were conducted during those times so that the same power that touched and transformed the lives of millions of people during those times will continue to touch and transform our future generations. Thus far, we have digitized

42,000 out of the 67,000 video files and 9000 out of the 14,000 audio files and were are going on. Metadata have been prepared for around 10,000 messages. This massive endeavour needs to go on in this same speed for atleast the next two years. These resources thus prepared and digitized could be used for the Jesus Calls Prayer Academy lessons, for research, for social media, for book publications, for magazine compilation, for TV Programmes production and for the D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial library. Through all these channels the messages of God could be taken to millions of souls and draw them to the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray for this glorious ministry that will bring to the Lord the precious souls of our future generations. If the Lord prompts in your heart to support this ministry please visit the Prayer Tower nearest to you or the website For more details to give donations, please feel free to call our Toll Free number 1800 425 7755 from 7am to 9 pm.

Prayer Tower Services “…He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;…to comfort all who mourn.” (Isaiah 61:1,2)

Thousands of people pour into the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers all over the world. People whose hearts are broken by various problems, diseases and challenges in life; people who are left abandoned without any one to comfort or counsel them and people who are groping in darkness like blind people who can see no light anywhere in their lives. The anointed prayer intercessors in the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers receive these broken hearted people with love and care, comfort them, counsel them on the basis of the Word of God and pray for them at the feet of the Lord to turn their sorrow into joy. God hears the effective fer-

vent prayers of these anointed prayer intercessors and performs miracles and healing upon the lives of those who call or visit for prayers. Thus, considering the growing need of the people and the fastly growing number of people who desperately come to Prayer Towers, seeking God’s grace and touch, we are now expanding the facilities of the Prayer Towers, in order to accommodate more seekers. We are endeavoring hard to build Prayer Towers in Karaikudi, Kancheepuram, Thiruvallur, Thiruvannamalai, Arakkonam (Tamil Nadu), Bokoro, Tumka (Jharkhand) Bhopal, Indore and Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh). Please pray without fail for God to enable us to complete these projects. You can also participate in the Jesus Calls Ministry and join us in taking the love of our Lord Jesus Christ to millions of people. We need faithful believers to act as Jesus Calls Ambassadors who would collect the sacrificial donations given by people in their respective areas and issue them a Jesus Calls receipt for the same. You can do this service as a freetime-voluntary-service alongside your regular jobs and professions. Some such ambassadors can join hands together and conduct Jesus Calls Blessing Meetings regularly on a monthly basis. When more and more people get blessed through these prayer meetings, it will pave way to conduct a Jesus Calls Prayer Festival in that area and consequently establish a Jesus Calls Prayer Tower there. If you are led by God to participate in the ministry as an Ambassador please email at or call our Toll Free at 1800 425 77 55.

Forthcoming Meetings “But now has been made manifest, and by the prophetic Scriptures has been made known to all nations, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, for obedience to the faith; - July 2017 JESUS CALLS


to God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen.” (Romans 16:26,27)

As commanded by God we are taking the good news of salvation all over the world. We are doing our best to help people receive the touch of God. This is our prayers too. We have planned to conduct meetings in many places in India and around the world. Let me give you the information of these meetings so that you can uphold me in your prayers. 2017 July 14-15 – Singapore 2017 July 16-19 – Malaysia 2017 July 22 – Blessing Meeting, Chidambaram 2017 July 23 – Blessing Meeting, Karaikudi 2017 July 24 – Prayer Tower dedication, Karaikudi 2017 October 13 - 15 – Prayer Festival, Bidar, Karnataka 2017 October 19-21 – Prophetic Conference, Mauritius 2017 October 22-23 – Blessing Meeting, Mauritius 2017 October 23 – Prayer Tower dedication, Mauritius 2017 October 27 - 29 – Prayer Festival, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh

Please pray for abundance of people to participate in these meetings and be blessed. Pray that God should use us mightily. Pray for many souls to find the Saviour and surrender their lives into His hands. Also pray for journey mercies to be granted to us and those who travel with us.

Wonderful Plan for Loving Children “And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, ‘Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!’ So God granted him what he requested.” (1 Chronicles 4:10)

According to the command of the Lord Jesus Christ to my father Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran, the Jesus Calls - Young Partners’ Plan was 22

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started. The main aim of this plan is to offer an opportunity for the children, teens and youth to partake in the ministry of the Lord, like their parents do and thereby share the blessings that come from God for His children who sow into the kingdom of God. It is also to cover them under the constant protection of God by continuously offering prayers for them by anointed prayer intercessors praying round the clock for them. Thus they are being prayed for to succeed in their studies through wisdom; to be protected by divine protection and for a healthy, successful and bright future and to grow up as godly children inheriting godly blessings. Even we, as a family are praying daily for the blessing of the Young Partners. And God who is faithful to His promises is continuing to bless these Young Partners with His blessings, love and grace. I encourage you too, to enroll your precious children in the Jesus Calls - Young Partners’ Plan and pave way for them to uphold the ministry with their offering and receive the blessings of our Lord. God will see your faith and bless your children. You can enroll your children in Young Partners’ Plan in any Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area or through a Jesus Calls Ambassador or through the Jesus Calls website: To get more details about this plan please send an email to or call 1800 425 77 55.

The Vision of Karunya The Karunya University has been built for the purpose of offering children and the youth with excellent education so that their God – given talents will be brought out to the maximum so that they can use them to serve people efficiently and honestly and thus glow as shining witnesses for Gods’ glory in the society, nation and the world. The Research Facility of the Karunya University is endeavouring to find solutions to the malignancies that are destroying the human society,

and to find ways to purify food and water to offer people the purest form of the same and also to develop one’s God - given personality and ability. In appreciation of these efforts the Indian Government is also offering scholarships and helps to some courses. The Karunya University has signed many Faculties - Student exchange programmes with many reputed universities abroad. Please uphold Karunya University in your prayers. Besides courses in technology Karunya also offers courses in Arts and Science from U.G. courses upto research levels. So encourage your children, friend’s children and relatives’ children to join Karunya and receive excellent education in a spiritual atmosphere. You can get more details of admission and all other details from Karunya website God has given me a vision to start Karunya Christian Schools like the one inside Karunya campus, in many other places in India and allot a portion of seats to extend this excellent education to the orphans and poor and unfortunate who cannot receive such education in any other way. Please pray that God who gave the vision would Himself supply even the resources needed to actuate this huge project and vision. Please continue to uphold the Jesus Calls ministry, the Karunya and Seesha. Do not forget to support this ministry with your offerings and your voluntary services. At the same time don’t get your mind disturbed or worried about your personal life; your family life; your business and your weaknesses. “…My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

According to this Word of God the grace of God shall guide you, strengthen you and lead you through this whole month of July. Your brother who prays for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran


INVITES Applications from Kingdom minded dedicated Christians who possess earnest desire to serve the LORD through different positions mentioned below.

• Qualification - PG in any discipline / MBA • Extensive Experience in current trends in Social Media, Digital Media concepts, Digital Marketing, Remarketing, Content Management and blogging etc. • Candidates with Good Communication & Interpersonal skills


• Qualification – PG in any discipline • Extensive Experience in writing business English, Knowledge in current trends in New Media, Content Management and blogging etc. • Candidates with Good Communication & Interpersonal skills

GRAPHIC DESIGNER (Exp 6 to 10 years) • Qualification - UG in Fine Arts or Equivalent • Extensive knowledge in Photoshop, Indesign, Corel Draw, Page Maker, Tamil & English Typing • Innovative & Creative

LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR: Tamil to English (Exp 10 to 15 years)

ASSOCIATE CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Client / Partner Management (Exp 20 to 25 yrs) • PG / MBA or Equivalent with exposure to corporate management and communication skills • Minimum 15+ Yrs in any Christian Ministry HEAD FINANCE - (Exp 15-20 yrs) • Qualification - PG in Finance, CA or ICWA • Additional certifications in Finance and Accounts • Experience in NGO/Ministry preferred • Excellent knowledge in Taxation, Finalizing accounts, GST etc… REGIONAL ACCOUNTANT (PAN INDIA) (Exp 5-10 yrs) • Qualification –B Com/MCom/ MBA • Good experience in Finance accounts management • Experience in Accounting Packages, Tax, MS Office, Wings, Tally ACCOUNTS SPECIALIST (Wings Software ) (Exp 1-3 Yrs) • Qualification – B.Com / M.Com • Experience in Wings software. MANAGER – INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Exp 5-7 Yrs) • Qualification – BE/ B Tech /MBA • Candidates with Good Communication & Interpersonal skills • Exposure in International business DRUPAL & PHP DEVELOPER (Exp 1-3 Yrs) • Qualification – BE/ B tech • Experience in PHP & Drupal 7 Module development • Theming in Drupal SEO & SEM EXECUTIVE (Exp 1-3 Yrs) • Qualification – BE/ B tech • On page/Off Page optimization • Back Link generation, facebook, Twitter engagement & Generating Traffic MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPER (Exp 1-3 yrs) • Qualification – BE/ B tech • Exp in Hybrid Mobile Application Development • Phonegap / Ionic / Angularjs development

• Qualification - BA / MA English Literature or MA in Mass Communication • Efficient skillset in Translating Materials from Tamil to English, Copy Editing, Proof reading, Compiling, Grammer, Professional writing for Magazine and Publications. • Layout Design Knowledge will be added advantage.

MEDIA PRODUCER CUM EDITOR – MALAYALAM (minimum 5 yrs Exp) • Qualification - - Visual Communication or Equivalent • Skills in Video Editing, Script writing, Producing short films in Malayalam • Placement at Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore

SENIOR VIDEO EDITORS (Exp 5 to 10 yrs) • Qualification – B.Sc Visual Communication or Equivalent • High proficiency in FCP 7 & 10, Avid Media Composer, After effects, Motion, Colour grading Technics, etc… • Placement at Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore

SENIOR PRODUCTION HEAD - EVENTS & PROGRAMS (Exp 8 to 10 yrs) • Qualification – B.Sc Visual Communication or Equivalent • Creative and Extensive experience in Multicam Video Production, Media Crew Management, Good Knowledege in Latest Production Cameras and PCR & ACR suites, Sound Technology, Event Management • Placement at Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore

AUDIO ENGINEER / AUDIO PRODUCTION HEAD (Exp 5 to 10 yrs) • Qualification - B.Sc - Visual Communication / Physics / Sound Engineering or Equivalent • Good working knowledge and experience in Protools, Logic Pro and other sound devcies. Professional expereiences in Sound Mixing, Mastering & Audio Sweetening. • Knowledge in Music composing will be added advantage, Placement at Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore

Apply Immediately with your Resume with cover Letter to: - July 2017 JESUS CALLS


51,000 messages DIGITIZED 30,000 more! LET US PROCLAIM THE LORD’S WORD You can enable generations to enjoy receiving blessings from God’s messages that comforted and transformed countless number of broken hearted people. The messages, prayers and songs of Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran, Dr Paul and family, recorded in audio/video forms, using the then prevalent technology, are almost worn out. Hence, the process of Digitizing has been initiated and we are now restoring them utilizing the latest technology. Also we are collecting, filing and preserving the old issues of the Jesus Calls magazine, photographs of Prayer Festivals and other events etc., in order that they could be utilized as and when required. This onerous task of digitizing, media content storing, setting up of Automated Robotic library, etc., involves huge expenses. Thank God for loved ones like you and for your liberal offerings sent for this project. They have enabled us to digitize nearly 9,000 audio and 42,000 video messages. However 5,000 audio and 25,000 video messages are yet to be digitized. Now we need to purchase specialized equipment to restore these messages. We request you to kindly continue to support us in this great project. You may come forward to digitize a minimum of one message, as an individual or as a family to help us complete this work quickly and take God’s blessing to all the people. The Lord will surely reward you and your children. There is a huge collection of thousands of God’s messages shared by the Dhinakarans. The CDs (Songs and messages), audio/ video cassettes, recordings of God’s miracles and testimonies witnessed through the Jesus Calls ministry are currently being categorized under various topics. For this purpose, the Lord has helped us to acquire an automated robotic tape library through your kind donations. The Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Library would house these categorized messages for people to listen to, according to their need and receive 24

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God’s comfort, edification and peace. Similarly they can enjoy God’s blessings through various other ways such as the Jesus Calls Prayer Academy, magazine and website. Let us praise the Lord for these services which are being carried out ceaselessly amidst several needs. Please pray for the Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Library as well as for the digitizing services. Support this ministry, as prompted by the Lord!

Here is a testimony.... We are partners of the Jesus Calls ministry and Seesha for the past few years. Whenever I required prayer support from the Jesus Calls ministry I used to make a vow and God has also been so faithful in answering them. Through the Jesus Calls magazine I came to know about the “Digitization Plan” and how people were blessed by donating to this facet. In 2012, my father had brain haemorrhage and was terribly sick unto death. At that time I made a vow and I sent Rs. 3000/- immediately. God healed him miraculously and he is now enjoying good health. Likewise, in 2016 I subsequently requested prayers for my mother also and sent another donation towards the Digitization project. Being blessed through this facet, I am so glad to continue my support to this ministry. I am a frequent visitor to the Vyara Prayer Tower, Gujarat where we used to go as a family to attend events conducted there and get prayed for. I have also visited Jesus Calls Prayer Tower’s in Vanagaram, Chennai and Trichy. Glory to God. - Anandhi, Gujarat

My contribution for the digitizing work: (Select your option ) Rs.3,000 to digitize one message Rs.6,000 to digitize 2 messages Rs……./- to digitize …………… messages MY PRAYER REQUEST TO BE PRAYED AT THE PRAYER TOWER ”Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:15)

1. ....................................................................2. ............................................................... 3. ...................................................................... EASY WAYS TO SEND YOUR DONATIONS Prayer Tower: You can visit the Jesus Calls Tower closest to you and make a donation in person by Cash / Swiping Machine. Through Post Office: You may send your donation through Money Order & EMO, Donations also can be sent by “Mobile Money Transfer” through Post Offices to the number 9840 900 480.  By Demand Draft / Cheque: Drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls” and can be sent by Registered Post to the address: Jesus Calls, No. 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028.  Through Online: You can donate through our secure website using Credit/ Debit card / Net Banking and Mobile Wallets. Donation details can be intimated to our Partner Service No. 18004257755 (Toll Free – Functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm)  By Bank: Beneficiary: JESUS CALLS Account No.: 000901056144 Bank: ICICI Bank Ltd, Nungabakkam Branch, Chennai 600 034. IFSC: ICIC0000009 Details of the donations sent directly to the Bank can be intimated through email:  Through Ambassadors: You may meet our Jesus Calls Ambassador in your local area and make your donations. You will be provided an acknowledgement for the same. To know your area Ambassador, Please contact 18004257755 (Toll Free – Functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm)  Jesus Calls Mobile App: Download the new Jesus Calls mobile app from Google play store and then you can make your donation through the mobile app.  Paytm: Donate using Paytm For 24x7 Prayers TAMIL/ENGLISH (044 - 33 999 000)  TELUGU (040 - 33 999 000)  MARATHI (022 - 33 999 000)  HINDI/PUNJABI (011 - 33 999 000)  KANNADA (080 - 33 999 000)  GUJARATI (079 33 999 000)  MALAYALAM (0471 - 33 999 000)

 Through - July 2017 JESUS CALLS


partners to develop research and solve human problems”. To begin with the new centre will offer programs in Engineering, Commerce, Professional Accounting, Computer Applications, Business Administration, Information Technology, Information Security, Digital Forensics and English. Research and teaching on this new, future-focused centre will concentrate on the interfaces between disciplines – for example, where business education meets big data, computer science and digital innovation.


arunya University has unveiled plans to serve more students by the launching of its third extension facility in Coimbatore. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, the Founder and Chancellor with other dignitaries including the Member of Parliament and Church Heads inaugurated the new facility. Karunya University’s new facility was launched on the Coimbatore Mettupalayam state highway. The new campus will house a hub of students aspiring to pursue Engineering, Commerce, Arts, Science, Law and Paramedical programs. The Karunya Periyanayakanpalayam centre in Coimbatore will admit day scholars and also have residential facilities. Admissions are fast picking up in this new centre. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, in his inaugural address said: “We are working with corporate partners to develop this vision to offer tailored Masters Programs co-created with industrial 26

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As the university is geared for the new academic year, the Chancellor Dr. Paul Dhinakaran has strengthened the administration with Dr. Mrs. Ridling Waller (former Principal of WCC ) appointed as the Pro VC, Prof. Dr. Xavier as Chief Operating Officer of Karunya Educational and Research Trust, Prof. Dr. Elijah Blessing as Registrar for Karunya University and Prof. Dr. Joseph Kennady as the Centre Director for Karunya University - Periyanayakanpalayam to serve along with the Vice Chancellor Dr. Sundar Manoharan & other Officers. Dr. E. J. James, Dean has been in Israel working with leading experts in Agriculture, Food, Water, Energy, and Architecture, to launch the new Programs at Karunya based on their latest technology with the involvement of Israeli University faculty and researchers. Roads leading to Karunya University on 10th July will be jam-packed as close to 2200 first-year students and their families attend the official welcoming ceremony. More than 2000 first-time entering undergraduate students had been admitted to Karunya by mid June, which is 20% growth compared to last year. The former figure is expected to climb as late applications are still being processed. A significant trend is observed in Karunya University as it leaps forward with overwhelming response from students from all parts of

the country. Karunya’s new School of Agriculture and Bio Sciences has had a flood of applicants to the various courses. There can also be no denial to the fact that Alumni are the true judges of the university for its core missions - teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. In spite of having several choices, Alumni have repeatedly acknowledged that Karunya is their trusted education brand by seeking admission for their blood relatives and referring the brand to close relatives. In the current academic year, more than 100 alumni have enrolled their wards and siblings

into Karunya University for higher education. This is a simple depiction of the bonding, love, humility as well as the wholesome education offered at the Karunya University. Karunya Christian School enters XIth with 100% results and grades It was celebration time in Karunya Christian School; students soaked the atmosphere with praises and thanksgiving after the declaration of grade X CBSE result. All 40 students from KCS fared well in their exams. Students showed remarkable performance with highest Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA); 3 students

bagged centum in all subjects, 13 students scored 90% while 13 students got 80% and 11 gained 70%. The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the LORD. All glory to God for the strong school culture, rigorous academic program, quality teaching staff, professional and safe atmosphere at Karunya Christian School! Admissions to all classes up to 11th standard with hostels are open.

Keep Karunya in your daily prayers as students, staff, faculty and leaders embark on the divine plans that God has envisioned to the Founder. - July 2017 JESUS CALLS


“But you know his proven character, that as a son with his father he served with me in the gospel.” (Philippians 2:22) The verse above is Paul’s statement about Timothy. There is one thing that the Lord expects from us, that we should serve Him as a son serves his father. Once I became quite ill and was hospitalized for many days. I needed assistance from others for everything. My nephew Ernest was with me through the nights. As days passed by, even when I was sleeping well, he would suddenly come up to me and ask, “Uncle, did you call me?” Seeing me sleeping, he would go back. Similarly, like a son serving his father, we must serve our Lord.

“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” (John 1:12) When we open our hearts to Christ, from that instant, the Lord Jesus becomes our Father. Therefore, we need to minister to Him, neither as duty nor for the sake of ministry establishment, but we should do it wholeheartedly and say, ‘I am serving my Father Jesus; He gave His life for me. From head to foot He was scourged for me. I will do what pleases Him and make Him glad.’ This is the ministry that we must do. The Bible does not say “Serve Christian religion” but says “Serve the Lord.” So serve Christ your Father.

Submit to God’s voice Prophet Isaiah saw a vision and heard the voice


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of the Lord from His throne saying, “Whom shall I send and who will go for us? (Isaiah 6:8). Though the Lord of lords is Almighty, He seeks our help. He asks, “Who will go for Me?” Then Isaiah replies, “Here am I; Send me.” In the year 1948, the Jews and the Arabs were trying to capture the city of Jerusalem. At one point, the Arabian army was caught in between the two battalions of Jewish army. During that time it so happened that the Jewish army Commander of one side had to send an important message to the Commander on the other side. He was in a dilemma as to whom to send as a messenger because if a Jewish soldier is sent, he has to pass by the Arabian army and they would surely kill him. At that time, a little girl going to school came that way. She said, “Sir, give me that message. I’ll deliver it.” She took the letter and held on to it with a tight grip and sped along, munching on a slice of bread from the other hand and humming happily. As she passed the Arabian army, the sound of gunfire was heard. Alas! A bullet had struck and severed the hand that was carrying the letter. In her woozy state, she picked up the severed hand with her other hand and ran into the Jewish army camp on the other side. Seeing this, the

army Commander’s heart melted. She handed over the dismembered hand with the letter to the Commander saying, “Sir, this is the message I had to deliver to you.” The next moment she swooned and died at his feet. “…Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” (I Timothy 1:15) This is the good news of Jesus Christ which He wants us to proclaim to everyone at least once. We need to take this Good News to all places. It must not be on compulsion, and it’s not necessary to join a ministerial establishment, and there is no need to get exclusive training to do ministry. It is enough if deep down in our hearts we have the burden “to minister to the Lord” driven by our intense love for the Lord, then we would automatically begin to do the ministry. Once when I went to Nagaland for ministry I met a Pastor who hailed from Kanyakumari. Quite surprised I asked him how on earth he decided to serve in Nagaland, being so far away from his hometown. He replied, “Sir, once I travelled here for gospel work. When I saw the pathetic state of these people, my heart went out for them. I mused how I could leave them alone without conveying the message of my Father and so decided to stay here. Later on I married a

woman of this place and continued living here.” When I went to his home, I observed that in the midst of various difficult situations, he is serving the Lord. That little girl had completed her race with the delivery of one message with a bullet injury. But this Pastor is a living sacrifice, daily dying for the Lord, staying there and serving Him. (Romans12:1). Let the Word of God, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” ring in our hearts daily.

Give Warning “To whom shall I speak and give warning, that they may hear?” (Jeremiah 6:10) The Lord asks “to whom shall I speak and give warning to my people?” Yes He wants to warn us. Many a times when His people head towards danger, His heart is grieved and He laments, “Will not My words fall on anyone’s ears? Will not someone warn My people?” The Bible says, “…their ears are hard of hearing and their eyes they have closed…” (Matt. 13:15; Acts 28:27). Are we like this today? God had informed Paul, and “…So Paul warned them, ‘Men, I perceive that this voyage will end with disaster and much loss, not only of the cargo and ship, but also our lives’ (Acts 27:9,10). Once a lady had written a letter to me saying, “Sir we have seen an alliance for our son and we are in the process of completing it. Please pray for - July 2017 JESUS CALLS


this and let us know God’s will.” I waited at the feet of the Lord for His answer. Before they could get my reply, they had gone to the bride’s house and conveyed their acceptance and asked them to proceed with the arrangements. With much joy they returned home and there they found my letter waiting for them. They were shocked to read it. Because I had written, “This girl is not suitable for your son.” They were baffled and wondered, “Alas we have already given our consent and how can we withdraw now?” At that same instant, the groom’s uncle hurried in and asked, “Have you finished the engagement for your son with the girl that you have seen?” They replied, “No, we have not yet had the betrothal but we have already given the consent.” He was relieved saying, “Only God has prevented you” and informed few things about the girl. Later they had written to me, “Sir your letter helped us from getting into a great danger.” Dearly beloved, this kind of life is what Christ expects from us. Real ministry is to have attentive ears when God speaks, and to pay heed to Him. People’s expectation of God’s servant is high in all matters. They have hopeful expectation that if the servant of God lays his hand there will be healing and if he pleads with God for anything, the Lord will immediately answer and if he blesses, that matter will be blessed. 30

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Walk with God A servant of God must walk with God and be in His presence all the time. His ears must be always open to listen to what God speaks to him. Can you boldly say, ‘Lord speak to me; I will always walk with You’? We read in the Bible, “Enoch walked with God.” (Genesis 5:24) “Noah walked with God.” (Genesis 6:9) “He (Abraham) was called the friend of God.” (James 2:23) “The Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.” (Exodus 33:11) What an exhilarating experience it is to speak with God and to walk with God! Anyone who serves an establishment spends his time in accomplishing his work as per the rules and regulations of that establishment. But the true servant of God walks with God always. He spends all his time for the Lord; he will wait at His feet prayerfully being filled with the Holy Spirit; he will hear the voice of the Lord and pass it on to others. For Jesus too, the Father showed Him all things that He did (John 5:19, 20).

Do it wholeheartedly “Not with eye service, as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart.” (Ephesians 6:6) Whatever we do, we must do

with all our heart. Just as the Bible says how a servant must serve his master, we must serve the Lord wholeheartedly. Once I met a minister of God from abroad, who asked me, “Why are you always in prayer?” I replied that I am preparing for the sermon. He laughed and gave me his Bible to see. I saw many sermon notes stuck in between the pages. He said, “When I go to the stage, I would say ‘Lord’ and open the Bible; whatever sermon points are there, I would preach on that. My dear ones, the scripture says, “Cursed be he that doeth the work of the LORD deceitfully...” (Jeremiah 48:10 KJV) So whatever we do, we need to wait at the Lord’s feet, do with all our heart to bring glory to God (I Cor. 10:31; Col. 3:24). “For the love of Christ compels us.” (II Cor. 5:14) With the experience of Apostle Paul as said above, we must serve the Lord with all our heart. Even if you pray for just a minute, that prayer should come from the depth of your heart. Then no matter how large the crowd may be, you will pray with tears for them and the Lord will answer your prayers for the people. The service which we do with all our heart and with fear of God is truly the service of a son to his father. Whether we preach, pray or fast, whatever we do, we must do with all our heart. The Lord will honour you definitely when you serve Him with true love and with the fear of God (John12:26).

Donations made to SEESHA are eligible for tax savings as per Section 80G of the Income Tax Act (for Indian citizens) Address: SEESHA, No. 16, DGS Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. To contribute visit For more information, call us at 9300 600 600. - July 2017 JESUS CALLS


In obedience to God’s mandate for the state and a mission to pray and bring healing to the broken-hearted people in and around the state of MP, the Jabalpur Prayer Festival will be conducted from 27-29 October, 2017. By the abundant grace of God, our Prayer Festivals conducted across the country have been a blessing to millions - finding the Lord as Savior for the first time, cancers disappearing, lame walking, the deaf hearing, demonic oppressions leaving. The list goes on. NEW PRAYER TOWERS, MADHYA PRADESH: While there would be several lakhs of people who would be participating in the Prayer Festival, we plan to provide continuous prayer support to people across this state by – setting up 3 new Prayer towers at Jabalpur, Indore & Bhopal; establishing Mission Network meetings at our district locations; and appointing Ambassadors across the state to meet and pray for the spiritual, physical, financial & social needs of the people.

“In every place where I record My name I will come to you, and I will bless you.” (Exodus 20:24)

Bidar is a hill top city in the north-eastern part of Karnataka state in South India which borders Maharashtra and Telangana. Picturesquely perched on the Deccan plateau, the Bidar fort is more than 500 years old and still standing strong. Having a rich heritage of 61 monuments Bidar is nicknamed as the City of Whispering Monuments. In this strong city, God Almighty is yearning to work miracles among people to make them bold and courageous for the Lord to usher in His coming. Hence the Bidar Prayer Festival is arranged for October 13-15, 2017. We have also planned to open a Prayer Tower for the blessing of the people of Bidar district. We expect more than 4 lakh people across the state of Madhya Pradesh & Karnataka respectively, to participate in this Prayer Festival. Besides reaching out to these 4 lakh people, we plan to touch the lives of several other millions through our live TV and Facebook telecasts. Besides this, we will also be providing lodging facilities and food to several thousands who would be coming to this Prayer Festival from neighbouring districts and states. We invite you to support any of these Prayer Festivals and Prayer Towers mentioned here. As you build God’s Kingdom, He will build yours too. How much our Heavenly Father would be pleased as we make these arrangements to enable Him to come! 32

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I. PRAYER TOWER OPERATIONAL COSTS Opening the new Jesus Calls Prayer Towers in Madhya Pradesh/Karnataka Jabalpur  Indore Bhopal  Bidar Need Rs 3 lacs per month to operate each Prayer Tower . (Kindly pray that God will meet all these expenses) Rs ............. each month OR

Rs 50,000

Rs 1 lakh

Rs 3 lacs as one time offering

II. PRAYER FESTIVALEXPENSE Arrangements have to be done for - Stage, Seating, Live TV telecast airtime, Production cost for Facebook live, Advertising, Branding & Promotions, Audio, Video & Lighting, Training and arranging for prayer intercessors to pray at the Camp Prayer Tower, Newspaper & printed invitations, TV Productions and Travel. (For each of these, the expense would be about 5 lacs each. Kindly pray that God will supply all these needs and that we would be able to minister to the needs of every broken hearted person who comes). Jabalpur Prayer Festival, Madhya Pradesh

Bidar Prayer Festival, Karnataka one time offering

MY PRAYER REQUEST TO BE PRAYED AT THE PRAYER TOWER ”Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:15) 1. ....................................................................2. ............................................................... 3. ...................................................................... EASY WAYS TO SEND YOUR DONATIONS Prayer Tower: You can visit the Jesus Calls Tower closest to you and make a donation in person by Cash / Swiping Machine. Through Post Office: You may send your donation through Money Order & EMO, Donations also can be sent by “Mobile Money Transfer” through Post Offices to the number 9840 900 480.  By Demand Draft / Cheque: Drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls” and can be sent by Registered Post to the address: Jesus Calls, No. 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028.  Through Online: You can donate through our secure website using Credit/ Debit card / Net Banking and Mobile Wallets. Donation details can be intimated to our Partner Service No. 18004257755 (Toll Free – Functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm)  By Bank: Beneficiary: JESUS CALLS Account No.: 000901056144 Bank: ICICI Bank Ltd, Nungabakkam Branch, Chennai 600 034. IFSC: ICIC0000009 Details of the donations sent directly to the Bank can be intimated through email:  Through Ambassadors: You may meet our Jesus Calls Ambassador in your local area and make your donations. You will be provided an acknowledgement for the same. To know your area Ambassador, Please contact 18004257755 (Toll Free – Functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm)  Jesus Calls Mobile App: Download the new Jesus Calls mobile app from Google play store and then you can make your donation through the mobile app.  Paytm: Donate using Paytm For 24x7 Prayers TAMIL/ENGLISH (044 - 33 999 000)  TELUGU (040 - 33 999 000)  MARATHI (022 - 33 999 000)  HINDI/PUNJABI (011 - 33 999 000)  KANNADA (080 - 33 999 000)  GUJARATI (079 33 999 000)  MALAYALAM (0471 - 33 999 000)

 Through - July 2017 JESUS CALLS



For the convenience of visitors some of the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Towers are shifted to new places. Continue to come, get prayed and be blessed. Inform your friends & relatives. TAMBARAM PRAYER TOWER Seesha House, New No. 37 (Old No. 7), Gandhi Road, West Tambaram, Chennai – 600 045. Phone : 9940600233, 9003055114.

KUKATPALLY PRAYER TOWER H.No.12-6-11/4, I & II Floors Adjacent to Reliance Digitals Main Road, Kukatpally, Hyderabad 500 072. Phone : 040-65656133,65656144.

PATNA PRAYER TOWER 1st floor, Opp. Tripolia Gate, Tripolia, PO - Gulzarbagh, Patna - 800 007. Phone: 0612-2372908, Mb. Ph:7273841301

TIRUNELVELI PRAYER TOWER No.10-A/2,Trivandrum High Road, Opp. to RMKV, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli 627002 Phone: 0462-2501144,2502929

KARUNYA EDUCATIONAL AND RESEARCH TRUST Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore - 641 114.

WANTED MISSION STAFF FOR KARUNYA UNIVERSITY HOSTELS Karunya University requires 40 male and 20 female Mission Staff to work in their hostels. They will be like campus parents responsible for creating the right mindset in the students. Ideally the Mission Staff should be a person who is well trained in holistic ministry (mainly sports and physical fitness, music, soft skills, career guidance etc.). They will be responsible for the development and growth of the students in hostels and will co-ordinate with their academic mentors. We would prefer graduates or post graduates who are committed for Youth Ministry. KU Alumni, graduates of Prayer Academy or ‘Jesus Calls’ Prophetic Conferences would be highly preferred. The selected candidates will be paid a stipend of ‘12,000 p.m. and will get free accommodation. The appointment will be purely on a contractual basis for an year. Interested candidates may send their applications to:

HR MANAGER, KARUNYA UNIVERSITY Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore - 641114. Ph. No. 0422 2614325, 2614326 34

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ear ones, may the Lord’s blessings abound on you all through this month! May the Lord be with you every second, minute and hour of this month! This month let us meditate on what kind of blessings you can receive by having fellowship with God.

every false way’. ‘Seven times a day I praise You, Because of Your righteous judgments.’ There is life in His Word. “…The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.” (John 6:63)

How glorious it is to read the Bible diligently and receive blessings through the Word! The Word of God gives life (Psalm 119:50). We read about this in Psalm 119:104, 164.

When you read this Word with genuine interest, your heart will abound with joy and you will be filled with the Holy Spirit. It is sad that many lack this divine experience because they don’t take time to read the Word with zeal, wanting to learn what the Holy Spirit is teaching. This leads to painful disputes in the family, at workplaces and other related strife and confusion. What a great joy it would be when you read the Bible as a family and meditate on the verses!

‘Through Your precepts I get understanding; Therefore I hate

“The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul;

Delight in Bible Reading “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night…whatever he does shall prosper.” (Psalm 1:2,3)

the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple…More to be desired are they then gold, yeah, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.” (Psalm 19:7,10). Yes, God’s Words are like honey therefore much importance should be given to read the Bible and pray as a family. In our family, we never fail to pray at any cost. Though we are hard pressed for time, when we pray as a family and meditate on the Word of God, it feels as if heaven has come down! If the Lord wants to give you peace, joy and the blessing of His guidance throughout this month, you have to take a decision that you will be the reason for your - July 2017 JESUS CALLS


family to be blessed. This happens when you read the Bible and seek the Lord. Then you will begin to see miracles happening in your life all through this month. The resurrection power of the Lord will be made manifest in your life. You will be blessed as a family!

IMPORTANCE OF PRAYER “O You who hear prayer, to You all flesh will come.” (Psalm 65:2) What is prayer? It is opening up our heart and speaking to the Lord. Many write to me saying, “I don’t know how to pray. Please write a prayer and send it to me.” The Lord says that the ‘knowledge of knowing Him’ alone gives us confidence to pray. Such prayers will surely be answered. Dear ones, how strong is prayer life? Do you have questions like: ‘How to pray and get united with the Lord?’ or ‘How to enjoy God’s blessings in my family?’ – If you want answers for this, please read this message. The Lord will speak to you. He will give you the grace to live a sweet and pleasant life in union with God. Our dear brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran had sung a song in Tamil on Christian family. The first stanza of the song speaks about how a Christian family should offer the incense of prayer, read the Bible, sing hymns to God and become pure for Him. “For to this you were 36

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called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps.” (I Peter 2:21) Yes, the life of the Lord Jesus Christ is an example to us. Through the four Gospels -- Matthew, Mark, Luke and John the Lord has given us a blueprint of how we should emulate His life. What do we read in Mark 1:35? “Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He (Jesus) went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.” Every morning, He went aside and interacted with God, the Father. He had an intimate fellowship with His Father. That’s why He has said in John 10:30, "I and My Father are one." Dear ones, today I hear many people say that there is no peace and joy in their family. The reason is there is no proper relationship between them and the Lord. How to bring this prayer life into families and individuals who do not know the marvels of being united with God?

Seek the Lord “And when He (Jesus) had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He was alone there.” (Matthew 14:23)

“Now it came to pass in those days that He (Jesus) went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.” (Luke 6:12) Yes, the Lord Jesus sought His Father in the morning, evening and night. He spoke to Him whenever He had time. He is the Son of the Father and the image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15). He is the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person (Hebrews 1:3)! The Bible says in John 5:19,20, “the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner. For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself does…” A man who is sick for nearly 38 years languishes in loneliness. Jesus goes there and tells him, ‘"Rise, take up your bed and walk" (John 5:5 -9). Thus the Father reveals everything to His Son and He does accordingly! I always say, a daughter when she visits her mother’s house, the mother keeps talking to her saying, ‘Let me talk to my daughter, even while I do the cooking…’ and both of them interact so closely with each other. This is how prayer is–it is talking to God and having fellowship with Him.’ When the husband, wife and children of a family follow this practice, that house changes into a little heaven and a house

of prayer. A life devoid of prayer is never a Christian life. Such a life would be occupied by the devil and every wicked thing such as strife, fights, drunkenness, adultery, filth and illegal relationships. Today many families are heading towards such pitiable state! My dear ones, if you seek Him with all your heart, you will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). The Bible says, ‘those who seek the Lord shall never lack any good thing’ (Psalm 34:10). What does Proverbs 31:15 say about women? “She also rises while it is yet night, and provides food for her household and a portion for her maidservants.” Yes! If a woman wants to be virtuous and pious, she needs to get up early in the morning, read the Bible and pray and be diligent in taking care of household matters. When I got married I had no idea about household chores. When I was young my mother used to advise me to learn everything but I was nonchalant thinking that I would manage at that time. But when I got married I wondered, “Alas, I have to take care of the house! It is I, who has to keep everybody happy. I need to keep the house clean, manage things and do my duties to my fatherin-law and mother-in-law’. Without my knowledge I began to seek the Lord. He became my beloved companion.

I get many letters from young women who are worried that they do not have a proper friend, and they ask me to pray about it. I assure them, “It is enough if the Lord alone is your Friend.” In my life, the day I clung on to the Lord as my Saviour, He became my close Friend. It is His Word that is teaching and leading me every day. As I keep reading the Bible, His Words are like honey to me. I received the experience as said in,

The close interaction of daughter and mother when the daughter visits the mother’s home is how prayer is - it is talking to God and having fellowship with Him. “Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart” (Jeremiah 15:16). Having tasted this divine ‘honey’ I find myself reading the Bible whenever I find the time, in the midst of my busy chores. Reading the Bible diligently and meditating on it has become my pleasurable habit. Even without my knowledge I stopped reading other books because ‘Jesus and Jesus’ alone is my intimate Friend. You too should get up early in

the morning and read the Bible diligently. Once you read a chapter, search for the main topic in it, search to see what the Lord is speaking to you and look for what promises you can claim from the passage. Take time to do some self-examination--what changes/ confession you need to make to please the Lord that day and wrap it up in prayer. You will find your prayer time to be a pleasant experience. God’s presence will come down and you wouldn’t realize how the time has flown by! And this will be pleasing to the Lord. We read in the Bible “One who turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination” (Proverbs 28:9). There is no use in praying without reading the Bible. Get up early in the morning, read the Bible and pray for your family and needs. The Lord, who hears prayers will answer your prayer. King David says, “Early will I seek You…When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches” (Psalm 63:1,6). “Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, and He shall hear my voice” (Psalm 55:17). On one particular day David failed to seek the Lord and that led to his downfall of yielding to the lust of the flesh and he faced great suffering because of that. This experience made David alert his son Solomon, "If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will cast - July 2017 JESUS CALLS


you off forever” (I Chronicles 28:9). “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31) Dear ones, the Lord is with you and He knows your needs. “For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him” (Matthew 6:8). Commit yourself to the Lord right now. ‘Lord, until now I was leading an empty life without prayer and Bible reading. Please forgive me. Today I surrender myself to You. Fill me with the spirit of prayer. Teach me to pray just as You prayed to the Father’ – If you ask Him thus, He will teach you. He will wake you up morning by morning, and will “awaken your ear to hear as the learned” (Isaiah 50:4). He will help you live a victorious life.

BEGIN EACH DAY WITH THE LORD “The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.” (Isaiah 58:11) Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "I am the Lord your God, Who teaches you to 38

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profit, who leads you by the way you should go.” (Isaiah 48:17) “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” (Psalm 32:8) Perhaps you may give excuses such as ‘I have plenty of works to do-cooking, washing dishes and clothes and cleaning up, attending to multifarious tasks - I don’t have any time to pray.’ But once you make an effort to get up a little early and spend time with the Lord, the rest of the day you can be in constant conversation with Him no matter what chores you are attending to! You will begin to enjoy unbroken fellowship with your Saviour! I have experienced this in my life. When I keep talking to Him, He even blesses my cooking! Those who eat the dishes I prepare find it to be tasty. The reason, it is not you who do the cooking. Your heart is united with God. He perfects everything concerning your cooking. Follow this profound practice in your life and wait for His presence to fill you every day. When we see rifts in family relationships, or marriages falling apart, we need to recognize that the concerned people have not had a close walk with God. Satan takes advantage of this and diverts their minds to watch TV programs that add no value to life or spend time reading literature that can lead

them astray. Dear ones, beware of Satan’s cunning and crafty devices. Your close interaction with the Lord every day and committing yourself to Him saying, ‘Father, take care of my life. I commit this whole day into Your hands. Show me the path and lead me,’ then the Lord will lead you wonderfully. He will satisfy your soul and prosper you like a spring of water.

ASK FOR DIVINE WISDOM “For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth comes knowledge and understanding; He stores up sound wisdom for the upright…” (Proverbs 2:6,7) When we ask the Lord to give us His wisdom to plan each day excellently, He will give us His divine wisdom. It is a wonderful thing to receive God’s wisdom and act accordingly. When my husband was alive, I used to turn to him for advice for everything, every minute and ask him how to do this or that and what to tell the people and so on. When he died I languished how I could live without his help. Yet when I fixed my eyes on the Lord, His help kept coming to me according to His promise in Psalm 121:1,2. Yes, this promise is yours to claim too! Don’t let depressing thoughts trouble - like you don’t have your father/mother or husband and so on. Just cling on to the Lord and tell your heavenly

Father all your needs - be it lack of wisdom, the technical knowhow to do your work or to complete your tasks within the timeframe. God will give you the grace to finish the job within the stipulated time. His outstretched arms are ready to bless you! So you see this grace is available to the working women as well as homemakers. We all need to walk with the Lord just as Enoch and Noah (Genesis 5:24, 6:9). Their family life was not a hindrance to their walk with God. We need to maintain intimate relationship with the Lord every single minute. “The young lions lack and suffer hunger; But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.” (Psalm 34:10) My dear sisters, if we are not willing to find time to wait in the presence of God and seek Him, the devil will enter into our lives to bring us pain. Then there is no point in lamenting over your problems. So first of all seek the Lord with all your heart (Matthew 6:33). Then God will bless you richly. You will have the privilege of enjoying your walk with the Lord.

PRAISE THE LORD AT ALL TIMES “I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” (Psalm 34:1) We need to praise the Lord at all times. Even when there is a

dearth of blessings in our life or when we lose our dear ones, we need to thank the Lord and praise Him. When my beloved husband Bro. Dhinakaran went to the Lord’s kingdom, and when my son and his family had to leave for another country for the sake of ministry, everybody was concerned about me saying, “You don’t have anybody. You are alone…” But I had the

Have close interaction with the Lord every day. Commit yourself to Him every morning saying, “Father, take care of my life. I commit this whole day into Your hands. Show me the path and lead me.” abundant help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. I looked up to the Lord and thanked Him remembering all the benefits He had given me. The Holy Spirit began to talk to me. Since then He keeps talking to me to seek His presence always and to accomplish His will in my everyday life. The Holy Spirit is wonderfully leading me and is using me in His ministry. Dear ones, please do not get dejected but remember the benefits that the Lord has given you and open your mouth and praise

Him with your whole heart. “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.” (Hebrews 13:15) Only when you think of the good things that the Lord has done for you, and start praising Him for each one of them, naming them one by one, you will not be bothered by oppressing thoughts. Above all, you will get a zealous desire to have a close relationship with the Lord. You will find your prayer time becoming pleasant. ‘For I will pour water on him who is thirsty’ (Isaiah 44:3). Accordingly, the Lord will fill you with the power of the Holy Spirit. After that there will not be any room for dejection. Please praise the Lord, feel His presence and rejoice in Him at all times! “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15,16) What a wonderful God we have! He wants to stay with you. He wants to help you at all times. Commit your life to Him. Let us read the Bible and pray. Let us spend time with the Lord every day; let us seek Him; ask for His wisdom; praise Him all the time and He will be with us always; He will walk amidst our family and prosper everything.  - July 2017 JESUS CALLS


Magnificent Miracle in a day! Sis. Devamani came to attend our Esther Prayer Group Prayer for the very first time from a very far place. She had a heavy heart as her son lost his job and there was debt in the family. Because of this, they were at the point of committing suicide as a family. But, in our EPG prayer as we prayed for her, God heard our tearful prayers and wrought a great miracle to her on the same day. After the prayer, as she was returning home, she happened to meet a friend in the bus with whom she shared about the EPG she had attended and also about her family situation. That friend assured a job for her son and requested for his resume. Luckily she had a copy with her as she brought it for keeping it in EPG prayers. What a great surprise! Her son was granted a job for Rs.60,000/- salary per month. Earlier, he was earning Rs.18,000/- only. Now the salary is 3 times more. This was helpful to settle her loans. Not only that, the land which could not be disposed of for a long time was sold. Praise God. - Mrs. Selvarani Paul, Colombo, Srilanka.

Helps us to be Holy Through Esther Prayer Group prayers, we learn 40

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many things on prayer and to be zealous in having a close walk with God. The prayer points sent by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran is of much help to the women in our area to lead a life of holiness. God heard the prayers of Sis. Stella Dhinakaran and met the financial need towards the education of my children. All glory to God. - Mrs. Thamilarasi Sathya, Balangoda, Srilanka

Cannot be described in words I am the leader of this group. Two sisters who heard about our Esther Prayer Group came to our fellowship from a far off place. The group strength grew and the prayer environment also changed. We had a wonderful time of prayer, sharing the goodness of what the Lord has been doing in our lives. We have no words to explain the joy of the Lord which we experience. Praise be to God! - Sis. Lily Gracy Israel, Malaysia.

Job Granted For the past few months, very few sisters attended our Esther Prayer Group. I claimed the promise verse given for the month of January – Isaiah 54:3 – and prayed to the Lord with tears saying, ‘Lord, bring more women to pray. Please bring new souls…” Hearing the prayer, the Lord brought 2 new souls to our group this month and helped us to pray together as 12 women. Sis. Sujatha of our Esther Prayer Group, suffered a lot as she had no job despite completing M.A. and B.Ed. I wrote to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers for her and we also prayed with burden for her in our group. Sister had sent a reply assuring that the Lord would bless her with a job. The Lord heard the prayer and has helped her to get a job in the

bank. He has enabled her to go for her job with joy. Glory to God. - D. Hepzibah Beulah Tharapuram, Thirupur.

Gift of a child after 25 years I had no child even after 25 years of married life. At this juncture I attended the Esther Prayer Group for prayers. I also sent a prayer request to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers. She too had prayed and sent me a re-

ply assuring that I would be blessed with a child. We too waited with faith. Miraculously I was blessed with a child in the month of February. All glory to God. - Kala, Vizhupuram.

Lord, who Built the House Sis. Ammu of our Esther Prayer Group could not complete her house construction for nearly 8 years. When we prayed as a group of sisters in the Esther

Prayer Group, the Lord did a miracle and helped her to complete the house and move in there. Also, doctors had advised surgery for her in the hip and neck area. But the Lord has been preserving her for the past two years without surgery. I give all glory to the Lord, who has done this miracle in answer to all the prayers offered by us as a group of sisters as well as by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. Glory be to Him! - A. Nirmala, Thiruvallur.

GOD’S MIRACLES IN THE YOUTH ESTHER PRAYER GROUP… Lord, who removed Reproach and Tears Sis. Helen of our Esther Prayer Group could not get a life partner for the past three years. We wrote a letter to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers for her marriage settlement. The Lord heard the prayer, blessed her with a suitable partner and settled her marriage. Millions of thanks to the Lord who saw her tears and removed her reproach and shame. A little boy Lucky’s father went missing and his whole family was in sorrow. We shared with them about the love of the Lord and requested the Jesus Calls Prayer intercessors to pray for that family. I also sent the prayer request to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran last month. She too had prayed and sent me a reply. Accordingly, we heard that the father had returned home on the 9th day and that he had started going to the church regularly. Glory to the Lord! He answered all our prayers. Let the name of the Lord alone be glorified! - Thangam, Aattur.

My Dear sisters, Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women in your area could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. This is the end time. Make use of the time. Contact Address: Sister. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email: Dear sisters, who pray in the Prayer Group, pray with much burden for each and every prayer point sent to you and hold on firmly to the promise word given to you with fervency in the spirit. The Lord will do a miracle. He will also bless you. - July 2017 JESUS CALLS


Dear sisters, We are delighted to write that Sis. Hannah Merlin, Atlanta, USA gathered few women through conference call and conducted her first Esther Prayer Group Fellowship and received a mighty miracle from God in her own life. Just like this, you can also connect with sisters as a group from your city, in your country through conference call to pray and receive blessings and miracles from the Almighty God! For more Details: In America: Mrs. Lincy Pandithurai (EPG – Co-ordinator, USA) Phone Number:214723 34 35. Email: In India: Jesus Calls Office, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028 Phone number: 044- 23456677/72

The Lord’s Mighty Miracle thru’ the Conference Call prayer in America I am the leader of this new group and I have started this from Atlanta, USA. On the day of prayer, all of us joined punctually wherever we were and prayed with much burden for all the prayer points. All of us got filled with His joy as we prayed and the sisters in our group received spiritual

blessings by interceding for other needy sisters. I received a call from my husband who sadly expressed that he had been notified from the hospital that an amount of $20,000 towards his recent surgery should be paid immediately. We were totally broken as we had already spent a huge amount for that surgery. In spite of this problem, God filled me with His divine strength to stand firm and helped me not to leave

my faith. We prayed much in our fellowship for God to perform a miracle. Two days after the Esther Prayer Group prayer was over, when my husband went to the hospital again with great anxiety, he was surprised to find out that the unapproved amount was cancelled by the hospital and they asked him to pay just $200 instead of $20,000. I praise and thank God who has done this great wonder in our life. - Dr. Hannah Merlin, USA.

ANSWERS FOR BIBLE QUIZ - 63 1. God’s word: the word of the Lord tested Joseph (Psalm 105:19&17). 2. The Almighty: He is excellent in power, in judgement and abundant justice; He does not oppress (Job 37:23). 3. The Law of the Lord is perfect, converting, the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple (Psalm 19:7). 4. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord; and He delights in His way (Psalm 37:23). 5. The righteous will hold to his way, and he who has clean hands will be stronger and stronger (Job 17:9). 6. The Lord will judge His people, and He will have compassion on His servants (Psalm 135:14). 7. Redemption of their souls: It shall cease forever (Psalm 49:8). 8. I looked for good; evil; I waited for light; darkness (Job 30:26). 9. Those who love Your law; Great peace; nothing causes them to stumble (Psalm 119:165). 10. From Zion; Salvation of Israel; God brings back the captivity of His people; Jacob rejoices; Israel is glad (Psalm 53:6). 42

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“ K aapaar, Unnai Kaapaar, Kaathavar Kaapaar innum innimalum kaathiduvar..’Vimalammal plucked the tender brinjals from the plant and put them in the basket, even while singing this song. Engrossed in her job, she was mildly surprised to see a man clothed in white, standing beside her. “Who are you son? What do you want?” “I don’t need anything granny. My mother used to sing this song quite often and that’s why I was listening to it… What nice brinjals!” – He said. “Yes, dear! The Lord feeds me only through this. I am also growing greens, drum stick and papaya in my backyard. I sell them off in the market and buy things for my livelihood…”

husband. Aren’t you? Yesterday she carried my water pot when I was struggling to carry it….” “Yes, my wife Ruby only told me about you.” “Yes, yes, she said her husband is a bus driver. But why are you wearing white dress?” “I drive an A/C bus granny… this is my uniform” “Oh” “Granny, my siblings are in Chennai with their families. The vegetables would not go waste if I take them by AC bus. Shall I sell them for you and give you the money? You would get a large amount because organic vegetables could be sold for a good price in the city. Think and decide…”

Raju took leave of her. Within two weeks, granny’s cottage business bloomed with her plucking the vegetables, Raju selling them and she saving the money given by him in the bank. Along with it, granny’s hand made products made from palm leaves also were sold in Chennai. Ruby too joined granny in the business and orders from Chennai began to pour in since the cost was quite low. Other women who were experts in handicrafts also joined granny and soon there was no TV sound in the whole village at day time. Amazed by this, the counselor of the village honoured granny who was moved with gratitude. Holding Raju’s hands she said,

“I don’t know about it dear… The shopkeeper gives me what I ask…”

He took a kilo of brinjal and gave her a hundred rupee note. Quite taken aback, she refused to get it saying that the shop keeper used to give her only ten rupees.

“You should thrive well, my son. May be I failed to bring up my son properly as your mother brought you up. Yet though he has left me like an orphan, through you the Lord has given me a son. You should live well with prosperity…” Thus greeting him, he kissed him.

The man took half kilo of brinjals and asked her the price for that.

“He has been cheating you granny. You could get more for this in Chennai…” So saying driver

Everybody on the stage glorified the Lord singing that song, “Kaapaar, Unnai Kaapaar…”.

“How much is this brinjal?”

“OK dear”

“Oh, dear I don’t know about this… When I give this, the shop keeper used to give me some amount.. that’s all.” “Are you alone, granny?” – asked he. “Yes, my son went to Chennai for job and hasn’t turned up after a few visits. I don’t know his whereabouts and how he is doing. Who are you son? You look unfamiliar…” “Look there! We’ve shifted new to that yellow house. I am a bus driver…” “Oh, you are that dear lady’s - July 2017 JESUS CALLS


from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls.” (Hebrews 12:3) The Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of the God of gods. The Bible says “For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.” (Psalm 33:9) Yet, in which ways did He overcome ‘dejection’ to be an example to us? The life of our Lord Jesus Christ is an example to us. About this we read in the Bible, “For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps.” (I Peter 2:21) In order that we should be blessed, He went through so many sufferings - trials, afflictions, reproach and shame. It was the divine will of the God of gods that He should undergo all these things in His life. “For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted.” (Hebrews 2:18) Does not the Bible clearly explain why He was thus tempted and suffered? When we undergo sufferings and sorrows in our life don’t we despair and become dejected? Don’t we read how the Lord patiently endured everything when He faced despair, enmity and jealousy? “For consider Him who endured such hostility


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Life devoid of burdens and sins We read about this clearly in Hebrews 12:1. “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” In Hebrews 7:26 we read that He is “the High Priest who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners.” In II Corinthians 5:21 we read that ‘He knew no sin’. Let us also follow His footsteps and lay aside all the sins that ensnare us. “…let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” (II Corinthians 7:1) “…present your members as slaves of righteousness for holiness.” (Romans 6:19) Paul, the servant of God, writes to the Thessalonians, “You are witnesses, and God also, how devoutly and justly and blamelessly we behaved ourselves among you who believe…” (I Thessalonians 2:10). Dear ones, let us also today follow this holy life. Let us look up to Jesus, the ‘Hill from where helps comes’, receive His guidance and be victorious. “The LORD will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; You shall

be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.” (Isaiah 58:11) Let us not think of our sufferings and sorrows but think of the divine joy that the Lord gives. “He…for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2). We always think only about the sufferings, tears and afflictions in our life and become dejected. We struggle unable to come out of it. But, look at the Lord Jesus! He thought of the ‘joy’ that was set before Him. Yes, He thought about His seat on the right side of God’s throne. This is a good example to us. About this we read in I Peter 1:6,7; “In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold

that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” Yes, surely your faith would be tested. But in the end, there would be praise, honour and glory. We read in the Bible that “the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you” (I Peter 5:10). In 1969 a terrible thing happened in our family to the extent that our faith was about to be shattered. My husband, who was just 30 years old, fell sick unto death. His both lungs were infected and doctors had given up hope. In that situation I clung on to the Lord with a broken heart according to the verse, “The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit” (Psalm 34:18). The Lord answered me. His Word increased my faith.

“…the righteous are bold as a lion.” (Proverbs 28:1) Accordingly, lion-like courage and faith abounded in me and all my dejection, fears and worries vanished. The Lord did a miracle according to His Word, raised up His son and gave Him divine strength to work for Him once again. “In the day when I cried out, You answered me, And made me bold with strength in my soul.” (Psalm 138:3) How true this is! Yes, dear ones, let us not become weary but consider our Saviour Jesus, who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself and overcame them and lived as an example for us. "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) May the Lord Jesus who has promised thus change all your weariness and worries, fill you with joy and bless you!

Bible Portion from Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel (Send your answers with Bible reference) 1. How is the one, who does what, in what manner? 2. Where and What should be poured like what? 3. For what should not be destroyed, whom did I seek and for what? 4. What withholds what from you? 5. Upon whom, what was poured, and what will I not do to them? Who said this? 6. What are the things that shall not perish from whom? 7. For what, How should one wait? How shall it be? 8. With what, How they speak? What, pursues what? 9. Which is above all things, How? 10. Because of what, I went in bitterness? But what was upon me, How? Answers must reach us before July 20, 2017 Address: Bible Quiz - 65 Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Email: - July 2017 JESUS CALLS


Miraculous recovery of lost things Miraculous deliverance from debt problem I had heavy debts because of which I was miserable. At this time I happened to attend the first day meeting in Pondicherry. That day, when Sis. Stella Dhinakaran was praying, I too joined her in the prayer and prayed for my debt problem. That time I had a vision of the Lord giving me a gift. I came home happily. Within a few days, the Lord granted me a miraculous deliverance from my debt problem. Also, a brother known to me suffered a lot as he could not eat properly because of cancer. I brought that brother to this meeting. The Lord touched him during the prayer time. Now he has started to eat well. Glory to God. - Siriya Pushpam, Pondicherry. 46

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I am married and have four sons all of whom are married and have children. I am a retired government employee. My third son has his own photo studio opposite to the Cuddalore Government hospital. He had 7 costly cameras in that shop. On 24.2.2017, around 2 O’ Clock in the morning, robbers broke into the shop and took away those cameras. We did not know what to do. I could not even pray properly and spend time with the Lord. At this juncture, with great agony, I attended the meeting held in Pondicherry. On that day, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran said that everybody should get up early in the morning and praise and seek the Lord. Those words touched me deeply. I testified about this experience at the close of the meeting and got prayed by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran.

She too placed her hand on my head and prayed for me. When she was thus praying earnestly I felt the hand of the Lord touching me. After this I drew closer to the Lord. On 14.3.2017, we got back all those seven cameras without any damage. Glory to God. Our joy knew no bounds. At once I gave an offering for the Bethesda Project. Praise the Lord. - M. Selvarani, Cuddalore.

Oil of Anointing, divine power When I attended the Family Blessing Meeting in Pondicherry and prayed, the Lord filled me with the oil of anointing. That time a divine power filled me immeasurably. - B. Rock Sahayaraj, Vizhupuram.

The Lord’s hand touched me When I attended the Family Blessing Meeting in Pondicherry and prayed along with Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, the hand of the Lord

touched me. I understood that if we seek the Lord with thirst, we would find Him. - Shobana, Kanchipuram.

Hope from God I came to this meeting with burden. There is no peace at home. I had no good job. So I was heavily burdened. At this state, after the prayer I have the hope that the Lord would change everything. - Arul, Puducherry.

Miraculous healing Since a long time, I had been suffering from stomach ache. When I attended the Pondicherry meeting and prayed, the Lord miraculously healed my stomach ache. Now I am in good health. - M.S. Dayal, Bhilai.

The Lord spoke to me When dear mother Stella Dhinakaran was speaking in the Pondicherry meeting, the Lord spoke to me. Particularly He spoke to me about getting up early in the morning and praying. I go back home with the hope that I would arise and shine for Him. - P. Karthini, Cuddalore.

Deliverance from fear I am doing business. I was always fearful. I attended the Meeting in Pondicherry and prayed. Hearing the prayer, the Lord delivered me from all my fears and has blessed me. - V. Delhi Babu, Vizhupuram.

Bondage of Witchcraft broken I was affected by witchcraft

and hence I had no peace. At this juncture I attended the Pondicherry meeting and prayed for peace. During the prayer time, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran prayed, “Let all those who are affected by witchcraft be delivered; let the bondage be broken…”. Right then all the bondage of witchcraft in me broke and I felt the Holy Spirit coming into me. The Holy Spirit filled me with His power. Now I go back with peace. - C. Jennifer Charles, Chennai – 81

Knee pain gone I suffered from knee pain since a long time because of which I could not walk well. I underwent many treatments but in vain. During the prayer time, when dear mother Stella Dhinakaran prayed for healing, I too joined her in the prayer and I was filled with the presence of the Lord. That time my knee pain vanished completely. Since then I am in good health. - N. Geetha Evangeline, Puducherry – 1

Miraculous deliverance from death I am the only daughter to my parents. I am married and have three children. I started attending special family blessing meetings conducted by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran for the mending of families and began to have faith on the Lord through the words spoken by her. My mother Sarojini fell sick in the month of January and we took

her to a nearby hospital. The Doctor said that she had fluid accumulation in her lungs and that she needed an immediate surgery which would cost Rs.5 lakhs. Yet, they did not give any hope. My mother went into coma and we took her to a bigger hospital, where again they said that her condition was hopeless. Since she was in coma for more than 15 days the doctors wanted to do a surgery on her head. Many tubes were fixed to her nose, chest and mouth. Doctor said that on removal of those tubes she would die. That time I remembered the verse ‘The Lord will perfect everything that concerns me’ quoted by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran in the Family Blessing Meeting. I immediately went to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and requested prayers for my mother. The prayer intercessors too prayed with burden for her. After that I went back to the hospital and asked the doctors to discharge my mother. But they said that she would die if I took her home and that they would not be held responsible for that. I brought her home with faith and continued to get prayers for her by contacting the Prayer Tower. As days went by, her health condition improved and she opened her eyes and began to talk. Soon she was able to walk and since then she is able to do all her works by herself and is keeping good health. Glory to God. - K. Sowmya Shankar, Thiruvottiyur, Chennai. - July 2017 JESUS CALLS


That time I developed a great faith

Miraculous Healing and transformation We got married in the year 2004. Within a few years, we were blessed with a son. When he was two years old, he fell sick suddenly and had convulsions. He suffered from this problem for nearly five years. Days passed! His condition worsened and he had to be admitted in the ICU. Doctors tested him and said that they could not do anything since a nerve in the brain had been affected. He went into a critical stage and many tubes were fixed to him. I did not know what to do. He was in the hospital for several days and I was shuttling between the hospital and home. At this juncture I happened to watch the Jesus Calls TV programme. One sister was sharing her testimony about her miraculous healing from fits, through the Jesus Calls ministry. Finally, when Sis. Stella Dhinakaran was praying I too committed my life to the Lord. 48

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on Him. I did not know to pray and so I visited the Prayer Tower. The sisters there welcomed me with love and prayed with burden for my son. After that I heard about the Young Partner’s Plan and enrolled my son in that. I then had a strong faith that the Lord would heal my son miraculously. Soon there was improvement in his body condition and he began to get well, much to the doctors’ amazement. He was then discharged from the hospital. Now he is in good health. I have committed my life to the Lord, have become His daughter and have received the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is teaching me everything and is leading me. - Fathima, Chennai - 49 Everything made new I am blessed with a son who is married and has two children. I faced problems from my husband.

He was addicted to alcohol and used to take drinks every day because of which he was not aware of what he was doing and lived as he liked. As days went by, his addiction became severe and soon he started to pledge everything in the house to get money to buy drinks. I did not know what to do. We faced severe financial crisis. We struggled even for the next meal. So I preferred death and tried to commit suicide by falling before a train. However I was saved and thus I suffered for more than 20 years. At this juncture, I started viewing the Jesus Calls TV programme. As I kept watching them I was filled with divine peace. After that, once when I was watching Sis. Stella Dhinakaran’s programme, she prayed specially for those who were caught up in alcoholism. I too joined her in the prayer and prayed for my husband’s deliverance. I also started visiting the Prayer Tower in Avadi for prayers. As I kept visiting it for prayers, the Lord began to change my husband’s life.

What a wonder! By the grace of God and by the prayers of Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, my husband was miraculously delivered and stopped taking drinks completely. Now he is a new man. We are now leading a happy family life. Glory to God. - Kamatchi Srinivasan, Thiruvallur. Walked Well I came to know about Jesus through the Jesus Calls ministry. We got married in the year 2001. My husband was working in a company. All of a sudden he fell ill and we took him to the doctor who said that he had a problem in

the spinal cord. As days went by, his condition worsened and his legs were swollen. Doctors said that he should undergo a surgery immediately failing which he would not be able to walk for ever. I did not know what to do. He was in the hospital for several days. At this time I saw Sis. Stella Dhinakaran's programme on the TV and started to have faith on the Lord. I began to pray and also visited the Prayer Tower for prayers. I joined the Family Blessing Plan. The prayer intercessors too prayed earnestly for him. Particularly every day I held on to His

promise and prayed to Him with tears. What a wonder! After that there was a tremendous improvement in his health and he began to walk even without any surgery. Now he is able to drive car and two wheeler. He goes for his job and is also doing his own business. I have drawn closer to the Lord and am living for Him. I have received the power of the Holy Spirit. Through the words spoken by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, my faith increased. Now I am doing ministry as a volunteer in the Avadi Prayer Tower. - Jeya Jeyakumar, Chennai -54

You too may kindly watch the Jesus Calls Television Programme every day and be blessed! - July 2017 JESUS CALLS


Hope you are blessed reading the ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine which brings to you and lakhs of people - God’s messages, Prophecy fulfilment reports, Faith building miracle reports and reports on Prayer Festivals. • If you prefer to get your copy in Odiya or Punjabi language, kindly mail to us or call Toll free 18004257755 or write to us Prayer Tower, 16.Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Salai,Chennai 600028 mentioning the language option (Please tick the choice) Punjabi Odiya • Why don’t you rush to register your dear ones too for them to be blessed ( Please tick the choice) English Hindi Punjabi Odiya You can send your Annual subscription ( Rs 250/-) mentioning ‘for Jesus Calls magazine’(please mention the language also) to Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. You can also donate online through our secure website using your credit card / debit card or net banking. For more details please call our Toll Free No.1800 425 77 55 (7 am to 9 pm)


JESUS CALLS July 2017 - Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(S) Dn/ 513/15-17 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/WPP-156/15-17 Published on 25-06-2017


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