On 2nd September 2018, nearly 8000 people, not only from Tamil Nadu but also from Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Punjab, Jharkhand and from other places in North India thronged to attend the Special Blessing Meeting at Bethesda to receive miracles in their body, soul and spirit. The Karunyans led meaningful worship towards the Lord. The entire place was filled with God’s presence through their heavenly singing. Several people testified of the miracles that they received at the earlier meetings held at Bethesda. Samuel Dhinakaran led the gathering in singing, message and powerful prayers for the people. Many received a fresh anointing during his prayer and were instantly healed from knee pain, back pain, and other ailments. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran delivered God’s word and pronounced blessings on the families based on the theme, “I have kept an open door for you” (Revelation 3:8). He prophesied that all closed doors will open from now on and God will remove the stone from their lives and grant them a new life just as He did for Lazarus of Bethany. The Karunyans went into the crowd during prayer time, anointed the people with blessed oil and interceded for them. Many mighty miracles took place and people were testifying on stage saying that, “When the Karunya student prayed for me, I received God’s anointing; I am healed; the tumour has vanished” and many more. Mrs. Evangeline Paul reassured that God has compassion on His people and she prayed powerfully that all chains and bondages of the evil one are broken and that God will restore and replace tears with joy. Many came forward to glorify God having received miracles. At the end of the meeting, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Mrs. Evangeline Paul and Samuel Dhinakaran prayed individually for everyone who came to the meeting. Everyone returned home with great joy, peace, and miracles in their lives. Let the name of God be glorified through such wonderful deeds. 2
“The horse is prepared for the day of battle, But deliverance is of the Lord.” (Proverbs 21:31) “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” (Psalm 20:7) “‘For I’, says the Lord, will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.’” (Zechariah 2:5)
I. PROTECTION “And Elisha prayed, and said, ‘Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.’ Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses of fire and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” (2 Kings 6:17) According to His name, the Lord sends out His chariot of fire and horses of fire around us to protect us. The prophet Elisha is in a place called Dothan in Israel (2 Kings 6:13). There, Elisha conveys through prophecies to the king of Israel whatever the Syrian king, the enemy of the nation of Israel plots in his house against them. So, the king of Israel protects that particular side, place where the Syrian king tries
to come and attack the nation of Israel. Because of this, the king of Syria is unable to subdue the king of Israel. Being filled with wrath, the king of Syria sends his chariots, horses and mighty army to capture the Lord’s prophet, Elisha. They come from all directions and surround the city at night. As Elisha’s servant gets up early in the morning and sets to go out, he happens to see the army, horses and chariots surrounding the city. Elisha did not go out as he was with the Lord. Then the servant came running to Elisha and said in a tensed tone, “Alas, my Lord, what will we do? There is a multitude of horses and chariots surrounding the city to capture you.” Elisha replies saying, “Fear not for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Elisha’s servant got up in the morning and went to see the world in search of worldly gain www.jesuscalls.org - October 2018 JESUS CALLS
and worldly relationships. But what he saw was the enemy’s camp. When we too, do not read the Bible or spend time with the Lord in the morning but seek the world, we will only see enemies and the works of the devil. Only the things that perish will appear before our eyes. It was then that Elisha pleads, “Lord, please open his eyes so that he may see your glory.” The Lord desires that we too pray likewise saying, “open my eyes.” When our eyes are opened, we are able to see the chariots of fire and the horses of fire that the Lord has kept around us instead of the army of the world, oppositions and needs of this world. What does the servant see when the Lord opens his eyes? Elisha’s servant saw that the mountain was full of horses of fire and chariots of fire surrounding Elisha. The Lord did not place His chariots of fire and horses of fire somewhere far off but he placed them around the prophet who had His Word. So, Elisha went and easily took the enemy’s army to the king, made a great feast for them and sent them back to their nation. No evil befell Prophet Elisha because of his enemies (2 Kings 6:23). Beloved, likewise, the Lord has also placed his chariots of fire and horses of fire around you and in this month, He will open your eyes that you may see them. Kingdoms and kings may come up against you. But your eyes will not see them, neither will you be afraid. Your eyes will only behold God’s chariots of fire and horses of fire that surround you.
From where did Elisha receive the grace for his eyes to be opened? The Lord commanded prophet Elijah, “Appoint Elisha in your place as a Prophet” (1 Kings 19:16). The time came for Elijah to be taken into heaven. At that time, Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal (2 Kings 2:1). JESUS CALLS
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Gilgal is the city where the people of Israel made an agreement with the Lord that they would live as His children. It is the place where they were circumcised, dedicated themselves to the Lord and made an agreement with the Lord (Joshua 4:19; 5:2). First of all, Elijah comes to that place. So, if we want our eyes to be opened, first of all, we have to make an agreement with the Lord saying, “Hereafter I will be Jesus’ child and be holy, I will be a child of God and live in accordance with Him”. Elisha stays along with Elijah saying, “Let me also come to Gilgal. Let me also make a covenant with the Lord. Let me also be cleansed.” As the Bible says in Isaiah 44:5, “One will say, ‘I am the Lord’s’; Another will call himself by the name of Jacob; Another will write with his hand, ‘The Lord’s,’ And name himself by the name of Israel.”, the Lord will give that grace to us.
B. Bethel Then Elijah said to Elisha, “Stay here, please, for the Lord has sent me on to Bethel!” But Elisha said, “As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you!” So they went down to Bethel (2 Kings 2:2).
When our eyes are opened, we are able to see the chariots of fire and the horses of fire that the Lord has kept around us instead of the army of the world, oppositions and needs of this world.
Let us plead, “Lord, open my eyes” and the Lord will open our eyes.
A. Gilgal
“Bethel” is the place where God first met Jacob when he was on the run fearing for his life. “And behold, the Lord stood above it and said, “I am the Lord God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie I will give to you and your descendants. Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, ‘Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.’ And he was afraid and said, ‘How awesome is this place! This is none other than
the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven! And he called the name of that place Bethel;…” (Genesis 28:13,16,17,19) Yes, Bethel is God’s house. Elisha was persisting to go to that place with Elijah.
fort, to tell people about the things to come and help everybody to be filled with the Spirit and guide them with a way of escape from harm (1 Corinthians 10:13; 14:3; Isaiah 40:1; 30:21).
When Elisha and Elijah went to Jericho, the prophets there repeatedly said, “Elisha, today the Lord will Yes, it is necessary that we too go to Bethel which take up your master who is over you. From now on, is the house of God. Our body which carries the Spirit you have to be alone. Your life is over. It is the end for your ministry, your family and your future! Today, the of Jesus i.e., Holy Spirit is the house of God. Our Lord will take away your master” and were discouraging him (2 Kings 2:5). That is why Jericho was shut up for the When you open your people of Israel.
Bible and read it, the Lord will show you the path that you have to tread on and will give you prophetic counsel.
body becomes the temple of God (1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19). Even today, shall we plead, “Lord, fill me with Your Spirit so that I will become your temple?” Then the Holy Spirit will descend upon us. Our mind will be delivered from human thoughts and worries. We will be transformed into God’s image by God’s Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:17, 18).
C. Jericho Then Elijah said to him, “Elisha, stay here, please, for the Lord has sent me on to Jericho” (2 Kings 2:4). But he said, “As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you!” I have to go to Jericho.” But Elisha did not leave Elijah saying, “As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you.” What sort of a place was Jericho? Jericho was securely shut up because of the children of Israel; none went out and none came in (Joshua 6:1). The city of Jericho was a place which was a hindrance for the people of Israel to inherit God’s blessings and the Promised Land. The city of Jericho was shut up for the people of Israel. Why was Jericho closed? There were diffident unbelieving prophets in Jericho. Their work was to talk only about the harm that was to happen. Prophets are always there for com-
Even in these ages, there are people who say, “The Lord has already told me that this man will fall, he will die. This ministry will end, this family will fall apart.” Once, when I had gone to Karunya, a young girl came to me and asked, “Uncle, ten persons have told me that I am possessed by a devil. I keep searching but am unable to find any devil. You please pray for me and tell me what kind of devil I have in me.” See how these wicked people torture these children! The city (Jericho) was shut and there is also hindrance for us to inherit blessings only because of such people. The sons of the prophets of Jericho told Elisha, "The Lord is going to take away your master today." But Elisha said, "I know. You keep silent. Enough of your prophecy" and his eyes were only on his master, the prophet Elijah. He was firm saying, "He has the way. He will direct me correctly about the next city. I will only ask him." If someone tells you, "The Lord has shown me that you are possessed. Somebody has done witchcraft for you. You are done", say just like Elisha, "Keep silent" and ask the Lord, "Oh Lord, open my eyes. Why is this negative talk coming from them? Open my eyes and show me through whom You have prepared the way for me. You have said in Isaiah 43:19, 'I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert'. What is that river? What is that road? Please tell me and open my eyes." Each day morning as you open your Bible and read it, the Lord will show you the path that you have to tread on and will give you prophetic counsel. That is www.jesuscalls.org - October 2018 JESUS CALLS
the reason why He has permanently kept on you His eyes, which never dimmeth nor reprimandeth (Psalm 32:8). He will never lift His eyes off you.
D. Jordan As soon as Elisha cast aside all the words of the sons of the prophets in the city of Jericho and came out, the prophet Elijah told him, “Stay here, please, for the Lord has sent me on to the Jordan” (2 Kings 2:6). But Elisha said, “As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you!” So, the two of them went on. There, Elijah takes his mantle and strikes the water and the river Jordan splits into two.
E. Gifts of the Spirit Elijah and Elisha arrive at the place where river Jordan has to be crossed. At the last moment, Elijah says, “Time has come and I have to go. Ask now what you want from me before I am taken away.” Elisha says, “Lord, my master, please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me” (2 Kings 2:9). The Lord Jesus Himself has said, “Ask and it shall be given unto you” (Matthew 7:7; Luke 11:9). God’s answer came down in the form of chariots of fire and horses of fire only after Elisha asked for a double portion of the Lord’s Spirit. Many are of the thought that Elijah was taken up to the heavens in the chariot of fire and horses of fire. I have also seen in many paintings where he is taken up in a chariot. But, he never went up in a chariot.
hind, they are trying to kill even me” and feared for his life and ran away (1 Kings 19:2,3). Fear is something that the Lord dislikes. Elijah did not enquire of the Lord saying, “Lord, I have received this threat. What is the way out that You have kept for me?” but in contrast he ran to the wilderness and hid himself there. That was the day that the Lord told him, “Hereafter you cannot be My prophet. Anoint Elisha for that purpose” and that is why the Lord took him up in a whirlwind. From that day, the chariot of fire and horses of fire surrounded Elisha. You too can receive that grace. First of all, be holy and commit yourself to obediently fulfill all that the Lord tells you to do. Secondly, commit yourself to stand steadfast according to the call to live for Him and give Him tithes (Genesis 28:22). Thirdly, make an effort to only obey the Lord’s word and cast away the prophets who scare you. Last of all, have a desire for the gifts of the Spirit! Then the Lord’s name will surround you like fire. Your eyes will be open only to the glory of God in this wicked world and like Elisha, they will only behold chariot of fire and horses of fire. In times to come, cruel days are ahead in this world. But, the Lord will not allow you to see them. You will
God’s answer came down in the form of chariots of fire and horses of fire only after Elisha asked for the
“Then it happened, as they Lord’s Spirit. continued on and talked, that not be able to see the horrible days as you are sursuddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire, and separated the two of them; and rounded by chariots of fire and horses of fire! What Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.” (2 the Bible says in Psalm 91:7,8, “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; Kings 2:11) Chariot of fire and the horse did not go up to But it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look, and see the reward of the wicked” heaven. They were with Elisha surrounding him. will be fulfilled. Why did Elijah have to go? Who is the chariot of fire? Through him, God brought down fire from the heav“For behold, the Lord will come with fire and ens; brought down rain. But when the enemy of God, with His chariots, like a whirlwind…” queen Jezebel said, “Elijah will be beheaded tomorrow”, he thought, “Alas! I am the only one left be6
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(Isaiah 66:15)
Who is the chariot like a whirlwind? “And of the angels He says: ‘Who makes His angels spirits and His ministers a flame of fire.’” (Hebrews 1:7)
II. FLAME OF FIRE! The Lord Himself comes as a fire to change you into a flame of fire. There will not be chariots of fire around you but you yourself will become a chariot of fire. You are going to be chariots of fire for others as well as the nation. The angels will be as the spirits/
Then, my father cried saying, “Lord, please fill me too with Your Holy Spirit. Spirit of Jesus come into me”. “… the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” (2 Corinthians 3:17) So, there is liberty from the fear which arises due to the arrows of the devil and the worldly sight.
We are transformed like Jesus from glory to glory because of the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:18). We too are Himself appeared transformed like Jesus and become consuming fire and chariots my father and gave of fire.
Jesus before him a loving Spirit of fire when he cried out saying, “Lord, please fill me”. It was not a consuming fire but a fire which pulls people towards Jesus. wind to go forth as spirits to fulfill what you say. Like a spirit, they will bring each one of that which you say. Have faith that the Lord is changing you to be chariots of fire. The Lord brings forth the grace for you to become his ministers, flames of fire, chariots of fire and horses of fire in order to deliver the people from the evil in the nation and to lead the nation according to the will of the Lord. That grace will first of all descend upon your life and your family. My father was saved in the year 1955. After that, he read in the Bible that man can walk with God (Genesis 5:24,6:9; 2 Corinthians 6:16), see Him face to face and directly hear His voice. He further read that the Lord brings out miracles and signs for others by revealing His power like a flame of fire through men (Acts 6:8; 19:12). He thought: I have not seen this grace in anybody’s life in this world today. It was then that he came across the Bible verse in Acts 10:38 – “… God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him”. God was with Jesus as a consuming fire since He was filled with the Holy Spirit (Hebrews 12:29).
Plead with the Lord for that grace saying, “Lord, please fill me with Your Spirit”. The Lord’s Spirit is going to descend upon you and is going to transform you into a chariot of fire and a horse of fire. No harm will touch you. You will multiply according to 1 John 4:4 which says, “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world”. This is the blessing that is a thousand times greater than your present situation. He is going to bless and increase you thus. Not a thousand houses or cars. Anyway the maintenance charges for them would be too high. But God is going to give you a thousand fold chariots of fire and horses of fire. Jesus Himself appeared before my father and gave him a loving Spirit of fire when he cried out saying, “Lord, please fill me”. It was not a consuming fire but a fire which pulls people towards Jesus and that fire is now burning throughout the world. The Lord has been gracious for us to burn thus for three generations through 56 years of the ‘Jesus Calls’ Ministry. We held on and even our children are holding on to that same Spirit. I believe that if it is the Lord’s will, the coming generation will also hold on to that same Spirit. Likewise, the blessing for the next generation will descend upon you too. When Elisha saw Elijah being taken up into heaven by a whirlwind, he looked at him and cried, “My father, my father, the chariots of Israel and its horsemen” (2 Kings 2:12). At that time, Elisha picked up the mantle which fell down from Elijah in his hands. The chariots of fire and horses of fire were with him. www.jesuscalls.org - October 2018 JESUS CALLS
Then, he became a father. Till then, Elijah was a blessing only for his country. But the Lord blessed Elisha with a two fold authority and so, he was not only a blessing to his own country, but he also prophesied to the enemy countries and the enemy kings fell at his feet saying, “Father, father”.
III. PRISON TO THRONE! “And the man said, ‘They have departed from here, for I heard them say, “Let us go to Dothan.”’ So Joseph went after his brothers and found them in Dothan.” (Genesis 37:17) Elisha was surrounded by the chariots of fire at Dothan and Joseph also was taken to that same Dothan by the Lord. Just like it happened to Elisha, Joseph’s brothers also plot to kill him there. “Now when they saw him afar off, even before he came near them, they conspired against him to kill him. Then they said to one another, ‘Look, this dreamer is coming! Come therefore, let us now kill him and cast him into some pit; and we shall say, “Some wild beast has devoured him.” We shall see what will become of his dreams!’” (Genesis 37:18-20) God’s Spirit is in Joseph (Genesis 41:38); he is a prophet, he is a dreamer and because of this, his brothers hated him and wanted to get rid of him; they planned to kill him and even dug him a pit; they were so jealous that their father loved him so much and that he was his favourite son. You might have faced a similar situation. Some will not believe you when you prophesy. They will plot against you and try to destroy you. But, just like it happened for Elisha, there were chariots of fire surrounding Joseph too. God was like a fire in the Spirit form with him and that is why his brother said, “let us not kill him but put him in the pit”. But later, they sold him as a slave. Chariots of fire surrounded him. Chariots of fire cannot be kept locked up in a place. No prison or pit or unjust talk or blame can keep it locked up. The gifts of the Holy Spirit of God that are in you have transformed you into a chariot of fire. It took Joseph from the pit to the house, then to unjust blame and locked him up in the prison. But after that, it took him from the prison to the throne. It made Pharoah make him the ruler next only to him. It made him ride on the royal horse of the king. “Then Pharaoh took his signet ring off his hand and put it on Joseph’s hand; and he clothed him in garments of fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck. And he had him ride in the second chariot which 8
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he had; and they cried out before him, “Bow the knee!” So he set him over all the land of Egypt” ( G e n e s i s 41:42,43). When Pharaoh saw that Joseph was a chariot of fire, a horse of fire, he said that the Spirit of God was in him and had him ride his chariot and his horse and made him go to the throne (Genesis 41:38). You too are going to be exalted in a similar manner. The Lord is going to take you from the prison to the throne. You who have been affected due to the pit and blame, the Lord is going to exalt you to a high position (Isaiah 58:14). “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn.” (Isaiah 54:17) There is no need for fighting or giving guarantee for the unjust blame on your name. You need not plead for justice on your part. There are chariots of fire within you which are the spiritual gifts! Those gifts will take you to the throne. Your path is not the path of men and you don’t need human help! “Stop trusting man whose breath is in his nostrils; For of what account is he?.” (Isaiah 2:22) Every time I go to visit a Prime Minister or Chief Minister as per the Lord’s leading, not once have I gone there with a petition or request. Each time, I would write down the prophetical word for that nation or state and take it with me. Then, that nation, that state would open up. The the leader himself would open the doors by urging the Government to take care of all the arrangements in order to bring God’s love to the people of his state. The Lord has kept that same grace in each one of you too. So do not be discouraged. It will happen to you likewise for that is the power of prophecy! It will give the vision to fulfill everything related to your work in an efficient manner thereby lifting you up. It will give prophetical guidance. The Lord will help you to be lifted up in your studies through the gift of prophecy. He will convey to you through prophecy as to how to be lifted up in the society. The Lord taught Joseph everything through prophecy as to how to save the harvest of the nation, how to collect the seeds, how to distribute them to the people, how to sell them to the people of the world, how to plant the seed in the land again and multiply the harvest. Likewise, He will also give you counsel through prophecy as to how to give guidance to the rulers and
how to give guidance regarding the water problems. Joseph was exalted in the kingdom just because of that. He became an official to all the nations. He was not an official for Egypt alone. All the kings of the nations came to him for food. The Lord is going to bring his children to such a level in these last days. Ask the Lord saying, “Transform me into a chariot of fire. Give me revelations”. Then, you will run fast.
IV. BODY TRANSFORMS An Ethiopian minister reads Isaiah the prophet as he rides on a chariot. The Lord tells Philip, “You go and overtake this chariot.” The minister is riding fast on a chariot driven by horses but Philip is just running
on his feet (Acts 8:27-30). Can anyone run and get into a chariot? But Philip’s body functioned in a supernatural way and he ran faster than that chariot. Elijah too ran before the king’s chariot when the Lord’s hand descended upon him. That is the power of prophecy and that power will strengthen the body too. The prophetical word is the chariot of fire and the horse of fire. It will not allow you to stay in one place. You will keep on running to inherit nations for the Lord. The Lord will give the increase so that His Will will be fulfilled. Miraculously, the Lord will help you to run in a supernatural way for Him through the power of prophecy. You will thrive as the Lord’s chariot of fire!
PRAYER “Lord, close my eyes that are open to the things of this world and open my eyes that I may see the divine things that You do. Lord, close my eyes to the things of this world, to anger, hatred and works of the devil as well as works of men. Lord, open my eyes to see my loving husband, wife, children and Your love which You have given me to enjoy in this world as well as the chariots all around me. Let Your life and glory descend upon me right now. Thank You for opening my eyes. Thank You for opening my eyes, bestowing upon me Your greatness, glory and filling me with the authority to even subdue the domination of the kings. I praise You with all gratefulness for lifting me up so as to help kings and save nations. Amen.” “And on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days; And they shall prophesy.” (Acts 2:18)
In Rourkela… (Odisha) PROPHETIC
24, 25 Conducted by:
Dr. Paul Dhinakaran
& family
and Servants of God
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (Time: 9.00 am - 5.30 pm)
(Time: 9.00 am - 1.00 pm)
Registration Amount Rs. 1200/- (includes Delegate kit & Lunch/Tea) Messages will be in ENGLISH and HINDI For further details: Jesus Calls Prayer Centre, House No T4/14 CIVIL TOWNSHIP ROURKELA 769004. Ph: 0661-2664099 / 8480971286 / 8480971287
Clean DORMITORY Type accommodation can be arranged with Breakfast & Dinner for additional charge of Rs. 1200/- (for 3 days only). Limited no. of beds only available, on first come-first served basis. For online registration: www.jesuscalls.org TOLL FREE no. 1800 425 77 55 ( 7am to 9 pm) Pray! Participate and be blessed!! www.jesuscalls.org - October 2018 JESUS CALLS
“THIS IS MY RESTING PLACE FOREVER AND EVER; HERE I WILL SIT ENTHRONED, FOR I HAVE DESIRED IT.” (Psalm 132:14) In obedience to God’s command, the Bethesda International Prayer Centre was established on 10th October 1993 spanning across 10.5 acres of land with the vision that when people pray with faith, they will receive miracles from the Lord Jesus. The infrastructure consists of the main hall (the Bethesda Dome) and a pool similar to the Bethesda pool mentioned in the Bible. Adjacent to it, lie five small meditation chambers along with the Seven Stations of the Cross. Each station portrays the sufferings that Jesus faced on His way to the cross. Everyone who walks by can have the 10
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experience of a spiritual pilgrimage and envision the sufferings Jesus had to go through for our sake as He bore our sins on the cross. A security guard, while on his night watch in the year 1988 at the Karunya Campus, saw the face of the Lord Jesus in a bright light that came down from heaven touching the earth and that place is called as the ‘Vision Centre.’ Prayer intercessors are available at Bethesda to pray for the people who come either as a group or as individuals. You can meditate either at the ‘Prayer Dome’ or the ‘Vision Centre’ situated adjacent to the Bethesda Dome.
Below are a few testimonials to inspire your faith: MIRACLE CHILD I got married in the year 2009.
got prayed there, God has blessed ing Meeting at Bethesda in 2015
us with this precious gift and we
as a family. We were heartbroken
praise the Lord!
and cried unto the Lord with much burden. I asked the Lord, “Why do I have to go through so much pain and suffering in my life?” The very next year, I conceived but
At the end of the meeting, Dr.
had to abort the child because of
Paul Dhinakaran was praying for
its imperfect growth, as per doctor's
every individual and when my turn
advice. I was greatly distressed
came, he laid his hands on my head
and could not attend any family
and prayed, “Your faith will
function nor had the courage to
strengthen you; God will perform
face anyone. Meanwhile, I went
a miracle for you.” We returned
through several treatments which
home and continued to pray. In
did not serve its purpose and all those treatments failed. Once, the doctor advised me to remove the fibroids in my uterus. After having undergone that surgery, I conceived. However, I had to go through yet another abortion. I
January 2016, I conceived again. Every month, I had to go through a scan, and each time the result was good, and we were delighted. The prayer intercessors at the Prayer Tower were continually praying for
struggled in this condition, and ev-
my safe confinement. God an-
ery time I conceived, it got aborted,
swered every prayer and blessed
and this happened for five times till
me with a sweet girl child in No-
the year 2015. In this painful situa-
vember 2016. We named her
tion, I attended the Special Bless-
‘Vanisha.’ By visiting Bethesda and
- Lakshmi, Coimbatore
40 YEARS OF ADDICTION GONE My husband, Mr. Seniappan was addicted to alcohol for 40 years. Due to this, we had to go through several problems and humiliation in our family. We faced huge debts which we were unable to repay. At this point, I began to visit Bethesda to pray for my husband’s deliverance. The prayer intercessors prayed with burden for my husband’s transformation and financial blessings. God answered their prayers and transformed my husband. Now he is completely delivered from his addictions, and moreover, we are relieved of our debt problems too. There is great peace in our family which I could not even dream of before. All Glory to God! -Raji, Karamadai, Mettupalayam dt. www.jesuscalls.org - October 2018 JESUS CALLS
The 24 hr Chain Prayer Tower has been launched on 4th September 2018. This Prayer Tower holds significant importance to the ministry of Jesus Calls as we have dedicated this Tower to pray exclusively for the protection and blessings of all our dear partners and staff of Jesus Calls, Karunya & Seesha. You too can spare some time to come, stay and pray in this Prayer Tower and be a blessing. To know more about this, you may contact +91 8754426134 or email to bobethesda@jesuscalls.org 12
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Bethesda School of Prayer is launched to conduct a Residential Ministry Training for committed men and women who will be trained in the Prophetical Prayer Ministry and other ministry aspects by many servants of God and Dr Paul Dhinakaran. If you are willing to do the Lord’s work full time, this will be an excellent opportunity to get equipped to serve Him. To know more details, you may contact +91 8056299988 or email to ministrytraining@jesuscalls.org
Welcome to Bethesda... The Bethesda Prayer Centre will be open every day from 6:00 am to 8:30 pm. It is situated at a distance of 25 kms from Coimbatore city. Bus facilities to travel back and forth are available from the Coimbatore Railway station, Gandhipuram Bus Stand and Town Hall. Travel arrangements can be made on payment for those who are interested. For those who come as groups to the Bethesda Prayer Centre, special worship and prayer sessions in their respective languages can be organized. Parks for children to play and canteens are also available. Tourist places like Kovai Kutralam (6 km), Siruvani (11 Km), Malampuzha (70 km), Ooty (110 km) are accessible from Bethesda Accommodation for groups or for individuals is available in Bethesda. To get more information, dial 0422 – 2614581/2614580/ 9487846640 or email to bobethesda@jesuscalls.org - Glory Ravikumar, Manager, Bethesda Prayer Centre
www.jesuscalls.org - October 2018 JESUS CALLS
rayer Festivals mission started as a small openair meeting way back in the year 1970 at Vellore on October 12th by (late) Bro. D. G. S. Dhinakaran, has grown into a magnanimous festival bringing together millions of people in one single event. For the past five decades, Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals are regularly conducted in various cities and towns of our nation carrying the love and compassion of God to people from all walks of life irrespective of caste, creed or religion. In addition, hundreds of churches from different denominations & institutions come together as one body, to share the responsibilities of organizing this event to support the Godly vision given to Dr.Paul Dhinakaran to prepare the world for the second coming of Jesus Christ by proclaiming the goodness of God's abiding love to all humanity and to deliver the people of their sickness & problems. As led by the Holy Spirit, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran calls out the names of people and the problems they go through specifically and prays for their deliverance. Instant miracles are regular occurrences of these Prayer Festivals enabling the people to testify the goodness and wonder-working power of Jesus. During one such prayer festival at Jeypore, Odisha in 2016, we witnessed a young man named Mahesh who was not of a sound mind and was uncontrollably violent. The mother had to bring him with his hands bound in chains to the meeting. God touched him during the prayer time and he was delivered completely from his problem. Both
October 2018 - www.jesuscalls.org
mother & son came running to the stage, overwhelmed by the mighty power of God, testifying the love of Jesus that brought an end to their agonizing life. There are many such heart wrenching testimonies ...I received heavenly peace; I accepted the Lord as my Savior, I am healed from cancer, I can walk ; I can hear; I am delivered from demonic oppressions and Oh! The list goes on. At the Prayer Festivals, arrangements have to be made for drinking water & sanitation, lighting across the venue with power backup and security arrangements with parking facilities for vehicles to avoid traffic congestion .To ensure smoother movement of people, audio & video
Testimony on how God has blessed a Jesus Calls partner
I am Mrs. Shalini Dandel from Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. I have two children. I lost my husband in 1999, and I have retired from the post of a Principal in the Health department which was a government job. My whole family are Jesus Calls partners in different facets. Every time a ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Festival is conducted, we contribute our offerings towards the expenses of the meeting and believe that we sow the seed towards the expansion of His kingdom. God's word and the revelations at the Prayer Festival are incredible and so when we sponsor that event, we also receive the same blessings that are poured upon those who attend the Prayer Festivals. Because of this, I see my children blessed immeasurably. They have received their doctorate degrees and are elevated in all aspects of their life. I give all glory and honor to Jesus who has done great things in my life.
screens at different points for better visibility are arranged so that nobody is left out from receiving the touch of the Almighty God. In addition to this, we also make provisions to telecast the Prayer Festival LIVE through television and through social media. Training is given through the Prayer Academy by trained Ambassadors and prayer intercessors for continuous spiritual nurturing of the people. We provide food and stay for those who require this facility. In today's economic situation, conducting a massive event of this magnitude requires anywhere between 50 lakhs to 1 crore rupees. We are grateful to our dear partners and well-wishers, who have unceasingly supported by way of their sacrificial offerings and prayers in the past.We also witness the amazing ways of how God blesses such precious partners.
Yes, you too will be blessed beyond measure as you take the step of faith in supporting the Prayer Festival ministry, as promised in 2 Corinthians 9:8, “God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
PRAYER FESTIVALS IN THE MONTH OF OCTOBER: Trivandrum - October 13th & 14th
Hyderabad - October 20th & 21st
Rourkela, Odisha - October 26th to 28th Come forward to share the blessings on millions and to pray for this divine venture ! Let's build the kingdom of God together!
HERE IS A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU TO BE A BLESSING. PLEDGE FORM I want to support the PRAYER FESTIVAL ministry (please tick your choice) Trivandrum Prayer Festival Hyderabad Prayer Festival Rourkela Prayer Festival Rs. 1000/Rs.5000/Rs.10,000/(or) Rs............................/Please refer to page 20 for how to send your offerings to ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Festivals in simple ways. www.jesuscalls.org - October 2018 JESUS CALLS
Beloved in Christ, I take immense pleasure to connect with you through the ‘Jesus Calls’ issue of this month. According to the promise the Lord gave this month, “…The Lord, your God, will set you high above all the nations on earth.” (Deuteronomy 28:1) He shall exalt you in your family, your workplace and the society. The Lord has the power to exalt and give strength to all. (1 Chronicles 29:12). When you surrender your life into His hands, He shall lift you up in due time (1 Peter 5:6). No one can stop that. “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how He went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil.” (Acts 10:38) 16
October 2018 - www.jesuscalls.org
We are conducting the Prophetical Prayer Training so that people may receive the anointing of the Lord , be filled with the power of God , to minister and to raise prophets. This month, this training will take place in Trivandrum, Kerala and Rourkela, Odisha. If you reside in and around that area, I invite you to attend this meeting and bring along your friends and family members.
Silver Jubilee- Bethesda Prayer Centre “Now my eyes will be open
and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:15) The Bethesda Prayer Centre was dedicated on 10th October 1993, resembling the Bethesda pool of the Bible.
Magazine ministry One of the highlights of the “Jesus Calls” Ministries is the 'Jesus Calls Magazine.' Started in 1973, this magazine imparts spiritual advice to families that stirs up great faith. At present in India, more than 3 lakh families are receiving the “Jesus Calls” magazine in 7 different languages; Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, Gujarati and English. In Sri Lanka, this magazine goes in Sinhala. Many who contemplated suicide have been transformed. Thousands have received healing. Millions edified. It will be of great help to publish and print this divine manna, the Jesus
Calls Magazine, if you could support through your yearly subscription of Rs 250/- for this magazine exclusively. Also please introduce this magazine to your relatives and friends and help them to receive God’s blessings.
We are conducting the Prophetical Prayer Training so that people may receive the anointing of the Lord , be filled with the power of God , to minister and to raise prophets. This month, this training will take place in Trivandrum, Kerala and Rourkela, Odisha.
Karunya - A Journey of 32 years As the Lord commanded my father, (late) Bro. D. G. S. Dhinakaran, the Karunya Engineering College was instituted on 4th October 1986. Karunya began to fulfill the will of the Lord as esteemed positions around the world are occupied by those who know His name and filled with divine wisdom. I thank the Lord for all the partners who contribute and uphold Karunya in your prayers. Pray that the Lord’s name shall continue to be glorified through Karunya. October 1st is recognized as the World Elders Day. I pray that the Lord who leads till old age, shall strengthen the elders, give them good health and comfort so that they are a blessing to their children and family (Isaiah 46:4). Also please remember our Seesha Old Age Care Home. On 31st October, Wednesday, we are planning to fast and pray exclusively for your needs. Please email your prayer requests to me at paul@jesuscalls.org or send it to the address, 16, D. G. S Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028
FORTHCOMING MEETINGS I have given the details of the forthcoming meetings. I covet your prayers for these meetings to bless millions, bring salvation and miracles from Lord Jesus, a favorable climate and finances.
September September 22 September 23 September 26 September 30
Partner’s meeting, New Delhi NPMA, Prayer for India , New Delhi ICMA conference, New Delhi Partner’s Meet, South Africa, Durban
Special Meetings, South Africa Karunya Alumni meeting, Dubai Special Blessing meeting, Abu Dhabi NPMA, Prayer for Nation, Trivandrum Prophetic Prayer Training, Trivandrum Prayer Festival, Trivandrum Partner’s meeting, Hyderabad Prayer Festival, Hyderabad Prophetic Prayer Training, Rourkela, Odisha Prayer Festival, Rourkela, Odisha
October October 1 - 4 October 5 October 5, 6 October 10 11, 12, 13 October 13, 14 October 19 October 20, 21 October 24-26 October 26-28
November 3 - NPMA, Prayer for elections, Raipur November 4 - NPMA, Prayer for elections, Bhopal November 10, 11- CNI Synod Peace Festival, Daringbadi, Kandhamal,Odissa
and we will pray for you. Pray for us, the ministry and for those who stand along with us in the ministry; the full-time staff, volunteers, ambassadors and asso-
ciate evangelists every day. Let the mercy of the Lord surround you this whole month (Psalm 119:77). Your dear brother, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran
For prayer support anytime, please dial 044- 33 999 000( Tamil / English) , as we are open 24/7. Look up to page 20 to know more on how to send your offering in simple ways towards the ‘Jesus Calls’ Ministries. www.jesuscalls.org - October 2018 JESUS CALLS
“You will find joy in the Lord, and you will ride on the high places of the earth, and you will feast on the heritage of your father Jacob�
THE LORD DOES WONDERS - Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran
(Isaiah 58:14)
CELEBRATE IN THE SPIRIT This year during the month of May, we had organized World Prayer Convention at Jerusalem while the nation of Israel was celebrating its 70th birthday. While we were there in Israel, one day as we were having our family prayers, something new happened. My husband was leading the prayers and suddenly he could not even utter a word as the Lord filled Him with the Holy Spirit. We burst out with joy speaking different languages of God and felt His glory come upon us. We got connected to God and this experience lasted for nearly an hour. You too can experience this anointing when you yearn for it and ask for it. We are privileged to have God so close to us whenever we pray to Him.
"What other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the LORD our God is near us whenever we pray to him?" (Deuteronomy 4:7) 18
October 2018 - www.jesuscalls.org
When the people of Israel stood at the foot of the mountain, it was on fire and the Lord spoke to the people from the fire. Everyone heard the voice of God from the fire. Moses expounded to the people of Israel that it is a privilege to listen to the voice of God and still live and not get consumed (Deu.5:26)! He saw the Lord face to face at the burning bush and heard the voice of God. He exclaimed that he was alive even after seeing the burning bush. Similarly, Jacob saw the Lord too and yet his life was spared (Genesis 32:30).
COMFORT FROM THE SPIRIT You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. (Psalm 32:7) Many are afraid to come near God, but the truth is, if we come close to God, He comes close to us and no evil can touch us. The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and they are safe
(Prov.18:10). Instead of hiding ourselves from God, it’s better to hide in God, and that is the privilege we have. When I lost my parents and my brother, I prayed, "Lord, You are my only hope, fill me with Your presence; let me be filled by You and let me hide in You." The Lord surrounded me with songs of deliverance and preserved me from troubles. He filled me with the Holy Spirit and the Lord made me forget all my sorrows.
"For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory." (Col. 3:3, 4) God is our hiding place in this world and in the life to come. When we confess our sins to God, he becomes our hiding place (1 John 1:7, 9). When temptations threaten to overcome us, the Lord becomes our hiding place (Hebrews 2:18).
"For in the day of trouble He will keep me safe in his dwelling; He will hide me in the shelter of His sacred tent and set me high upon a rock." (Psalm 27:5) What a privilege it is to come close to God! God always welcomes us to come to His throne. Since He has paid the price for us on the cross, everything is given to us freely.
"... Freely you have received; freely give." (Matthew 10:8) "…and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." (Romans 3:24) When my daughter Sweety was a small child, she used to say, “Mummy, help me brush my teeth, bath me, help with my homework”, etc. If I were busy doing my work, she would call me “mummyma” many times and plead with me until I respond to her and say, “Sweetyma, I am here and am coming to help you.” The Lord Jesus has the same heart of compassion. He listens to our prayers and immediately says, ‘here I am, my child.’ There is a quote that says, “Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays.”
The Lord surrounded me with songs of deliverance, filled me with the Holy Spirit and made me forget all my sorrows. Mother Teresa cites that “prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God at His disposition and listening to His voice in the depth of our heart.” Prayer changes our lives. That’s why David says, “One thing I have desired of the Lord …to behold the beauty of the Lord” (Psalm 27:4).
CONNECT WITH THE SPIRIT “Let us grow in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of His body, the church.” (Ephesians 4:15) Several years ago, in my childhood days, a man of God who was filled with the Holy Spirit used to visit our house and pray for our family. His face was shining with the glory of God. He was an illiterate yet he quoted verse after verse from memory. We felt that every verse that he gave for us was a promise to us directly from God as it was exactly an answer to the situation we were going through. He would quote the Bible verses and ask us to turn the pages of the Bible for it. We would not even be able to locate the verse but then he would mention the page number and interpret that verse too. We saw the beauty of the Lord in him. Every word that comes out of our mouth should be God’s word and all our actions should be from Him. Everything that we do should come from Him. He will help you to grow and to become just like him. My www.jesuscalls.org - October 2018 JESUS CALLS
descendants of David will come upon you and your descendants also (Zechariah 12:10).
If you love the Lord, you will be more than a conqueror. Nothing can separate you from the love of God. sister posted on facebook, “When prayer becomes your habit, miracles become your lifestyle.” How true it is! The Lord who has promised to pour out the Spirit of grace and the Spirit of supplication on the
The Lord gave me a word, “the God of Israel is in the midst of you, and you will never have to fear again” (Zephaniah 3:15). You are going to be transformed into the image of God when you grow closer to Him. Return to God, and He will return to you. We need to love God more than anything else. That’s why David said, “I have set the Lord always before me because He is at my right hand and I will never be shaken” (Psalm 16:8). If you love the Lord, you will be more than a conqueror. Nothing can separate you from the love of God. God is going to open new doors and a new thing awaits you. He will take you to the high places of the world as you are unique in the sight of God. You may say, 'I am a weak person and do not know how to speak', but God chooses the weak to confound the wise (1 Cor.1:27). You are the chosen people of God, and the Lord has a purpose in your life. He will make you feast on the heritage of Jacob. He fills you now to enjoy the full measure of His blessings as there is fullness of joy only in His presence (Psalm 16:11).
Simple WAYS TO SEND YOUR DONATIONS Through Prayer Tower: You can visit the Jesus Calls Tower in your area to make a donation in person by Cash / Swiping Machine. Through Post Office: By “Mobile Money Transfer” through Post Offices to the number 9840900 480. By Money Order & EMO, address: Jesus Calls, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. By Demand Draft / Cheque: Drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls” and can be sent by Registered Post to the address: Jesus Calls, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. Through Online: using Credit/ Debit card / Net Banking and Mobile Wallets through the website www.jesuscalls.org. Transaction details can be intimated to our Toll Free 18004257755 – Functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm. By Bank: Beneficiary: JESUS CALLS Account No.: 000901056144, Bank: ICICI Bank Ltd, Nungambakkam Branch, Chennai 600 034. IFSC: ICIC0000009. Details of the donations sent directly to the Bank can be intimated through the email: admin@jesuscalls.org Through Ambassadors: To know the Jesus Calls Ambassador in your local area please contact the Toll Free 18004257755 (functions daily from 7 am to 9 pm) Jesus Calls Mobile App: Download the new Jesus Calls mobile app from Google play store and then you can make your donation through the mobile app. Paytm: Scan the QR Code with your smartphone and donate For 24x7 Prayers: TAMIL/ENGLISH (044 - 33 999 000) TELUGU (040 - 33 999 000) HINDI/ PUNJABI (011 - 33 999 000) KANNADA (080 - 33 999 000) GUJARATI (079 - 33 999 000) MALAYALAM (0471 - 33 999 000/ 2300555)
October 2018 - www.jesuscalls.org
www.jesuscalls.org - October 2018 JESUS CALLS
The “Jesus Calls” Ministry has been presenting the love of God to the people through various facets like television, prayer festivals, letters, social media, etc. The Lord lifts up the partners as well as their families far above all the nations of this world. Here are some testimonies regarding the blessings and miracles that the Lord has granted in their lives:
Simon, healed from skin problem I got married in the year 1995. Suddenly in the year 2000, white rashes appeared on my face and started spreading to my neck. Moreover, I had a strange pain in my chest, and was in severe pain. Since my wife is in the medical field, she helped me receive many different treatments. However, none of those treatments gave any results. Instead, the white rashes became more prominent in size day by day. In this situation, I felt ashamed to even go out due to the humiliation I might face and stayed at home. I went through this agony for six years. In the year 2006, we heard that the “Jesus Calls” Meeting is going to be held in Dimapur. With great expectations, we went to that meeting as a family. On the first day of the meeting during prayer, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit said, “There is a person called Simon here; there are problems in your heart and skin! This is because of witchcraft; but Jesus is healing you. You have to come to the dais and give testimony about the miracle that the Lord has done for you.” During that time, a cool breeze touched me, and I shared what I experienced with my family. As a family, we praised the Lord for this prophetic revelation that He had given. I shared my testimony in front of thousands of people even on the second day of the meeting. We joyfully returned home after the meetings were over. Within a few days, the white scars on my face and neck started to vanish. I received complete healing in my heart too. It has been 12 years now. There is no weakness in me. I am living a healthy life. Moreover, I am a “Jesus Calls” Ambassador in Guwahati and we conduct Couple Esther Prayer Group and Junior Esther Prayer Group. All my three children are young partners, and we witness the blessings in their studies. We thank the Lord for the limitless blessings that we received through the “Jesus Calls” Ministry. - Simon Soran, Udalguri, Assam
Healed instantly; blessed immeasurably I am employed in a star hotel at Thirupathi. I got married in the year 2000, and the Lord gave us a beautiful son. His name is Stephen. Our family life was peaceful and happy, but suddenly, in the year 2012, I received a big blow. I had conceived for the second time, and during the sixth month of pregnancy, I stumbled on a rock as I was walking. I fell and miscarried. I was in tears, and my health condition deteriorated. I was in much pain due to the bleeding. The doctor who examined me told that there were fibroids in my uterus and that a surgery amounting to Rs.1,95,000 was necessary. Our family income was very meagre, and we were under severe debts due to the construction of our house. I had to support and step in to overcome this crisis as we were struggling even for our daily needs. I had no one to turn to for help and ignoring surgery; I continued to go to work. I suffered from bleeding continually for a period of six months. As the days went by, I became very weak. As I had no other option, we went to the doctor again and asked him for his opinion. He prepared me for surgery. Only during surgery, it was found that the pus due to the burst of the cyst in my uterus had reached my spinal cord. The surgeon toiled for three hours to remove it. They emphasized that I have to be in complete bed rest for six months. But due to the situation of our family, I went back to work just after 20 days, and I suffered from severe back pain because of this. There were days when I cried to my husband telling him of my unbearable pain and suffered for about a year. Though our days were spent in tears and difficulties, I watched the “Jesus Calls” programme on ETv2 without fail. That programme was a blessing to me especially the testimonies that were telecast, encouraged me a lot. As I was watching this
October 2018 - www.jesuscalls.org
Give your heartfelt thanks to the Lord for the prominent blessings that He has done in the lives of the partners! You can have prayer assistance anytime by calling the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower at 044-33999000 (Tamil/English) as we are open 24/7. You can visit the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower in your locality for prayers and participate in the meetings that are held there and be blessed. To know more details about the Prayer Towers, visit the website www.jesuscalls.org or call the Toll-free No. 1800 425 77 55 from 7 am till 9 pm. Alternatively, you can also send in your prayer requests to the address, My mother took me to the hospital, and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, “Jesus Calls,” 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Salai, Chennai - 28 or I had to undergo surgery. The cyst was E-mail: paul@jesuscalls.org and we sent for a biopsy which revealed that will pray for you!
programme on the morning of 21st July 2014, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called out my name and said, “Sunita, the Lord’s hands are descending on you. They are transforming you. The Lord is healing your bones. Let not your heart be troubled. You may be finding it difficult to breathe, but Jesus is healing you now.” At that time, a divine joy supernaturally descended onto me, and for the first time, I received divine healing instantly. The pain that I had undergone for two years had vanished, and I was ecstatic. From that day onwards till now, I continue to be in good health. It has been four years now. There are no symptoms of that pain, and I am doing all my household chores and am working healthily. Our family status began to rise with the grace of God. The Lord gave my husband a good job at the airport. My son is a Young Partner. During the academic year 201718, he scored 85% in his tenth standard exams. Our debts started to vanish. The Lord has blessed us financially. Above everything else, when the “Jesus Calls” Prayer Tower was inaugurated at Thirupathi on 6th July 2015, the Lord was gracious to help us meet Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran. We shared our testimony with them, and they even prayed for us. We go to this Prayer Tower every week and receive blessings. We have also enrolled our family in the Family Blessing Plan. The prophecies revealed by the Lord through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran have been fulfilled in our lives. All Glory to God! -Sunita, Thirupathi, Andhra Pradesh
No trace of sickness
I got married in the year 1987 when I was just 14 years old, and I am blessed with two sons and a daughter. Suddenly, in the year 2000, a cyst developed in my throat and I was unable to eat or drink anything.
it was ‘cancerous.’ My entire family was visibly upset. My mother took me to another hospital just to check again and I had to go through another set of tests. I had to spend Rs.20,000/- for these tests because of which I faced a financial crunch too. It became evident through these tests that I had cancer. My mother took me to another clinic for the third time. There too, I had to take a scan from head to toe which lasted for three hours. The doctor told my mother, “At the most, your daughter Elizabeth will be alive for one month. Since cancer has started to affect all her organs, treatment will be of no use.” At that time, my health condition was at its worst. My face and my body were swollen, and I was unable to walk. Seeing my plight, my whole family were in tears! In this situation, a “Jesus Calls” meeting was held at Secunderabad in the year 2001. My mother and sisters had to carry me to this meeting. My hands and legs were swollen so much so that I could neither sit nor walk. I had to lie down on the seat, on the bus. They carried me to the ground where the meeting was to be held. Somehow, we were still expecting a miracle to happen. At that time, our loving (late) Bro. D.G.S.Dhinakaran delivered the message following which Dr.Paul Dhinakaran started to pray. He said, “Everyone lift up your hand and praise the Lord.” At that time, I raised my hands up without my knowledge and started clapping, and I received a wonderful experience at that moment. A bigger and brighter light than the brightness seen on the dais shone on me. God’s peace descended on me, and my body became very light. At the same time, I sat up on the bed that I was lying on. I returned home with a miraculous healing, and on my way back home, I sat down on the bus. After a month’s time, we went to the same doctor for a scan. He was angry and said, “What is the use of a scan? She is going to die at any moment.” However, since we persisted, I underwent that 3-hour scan again. In the end, the report came back as “No sign of cancer.” From that day on till now, I am in good health, and I have not visited any doctor for the past 17 years. I am currently doing ministry in Bidar along with a Pastor. I served as a volunteer in the Bidar Prayer Festival in October 2017. My children are now married, and I am blessed with loving grandchildren. I am living in joy and good health. A million thanks to the God who blesses us from generation to generation. - Elizabeth, Bidar, Karnataka www.jesuscalls.org - October 2018 JESUS CALLS
God’s message given by dear (late)
Dr. D. G. S. Dhinakaran
e read about faith in the Bible as, “precious faith” (2 Peter 1:1). In order for us to become a part of His divine nature, He calls us by His own glory and virtue (2 Peter 1:3, 4). Because faith is one of His attributes! It is by faith the Lord created the worlds (Hebrews 11:3). The Bible tells about Jesus Christ as, “the author and perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2).
“Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12) The day when we confess our shortcomings and receive forgiveness for our sins, on that day the Lord accepts us as His children! (Philippians 2:15; Ephesians 5:1). Then He sends in us the Spirit of sonship to call Him “Abba, Father” (Galatians 4:6; Romans 8:14, 15). That’s why we His children call out to Him without our knowledge as, “Abba, Father” when we pray unto Him for our needs. This is how faith begins in! Once I preached in a conference, in Canada. When the meeting was over, a young girl came to me and said, “Uncle, I felt the words you spoke were flooding with divine love. I am an orphan. Can I call you daddy?” I replied, “My daughter who was 17 years old died in a cruel car accident. Therefore, if you call me “daddy”, it will be sweeter than honey to my broken heart.” At once she hugged me and kissed me several times and with joy she said, “Thank you, thank you.” Yes, the Lord sends a divine Spirit within us and 24
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emboldens us to call Him “Abba, Father” at the moment we repent for our sins and accept Jesus as our personal savior. Then faith is born in our hearts. This faithful prayer brings us the miracles from Him. Hebrews 11:6, explains this as found below:
“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” FAITH THROUGH THE WORD OF GOD “Faith” comes from the Word of God (Romans 10:17). That is why, when we read the verses, we get a feeling that the Heavenly Father is speaking to us through that and our heart accepts and owns all the promises that are written in the Bible are for us. In this world all shall become extinct, but the Word of the Lord stands forever (1 Peter 1:25). According to the verse, “Ask and it will be given to you;… For everyone who asks receives” (Luke 11:9, 10), when in faith, we own it and ask, the Heavenly Father shall
give us what we ask! A member of a particular political party accepted Christ as His personal savior. He used to wear spectacles for short sight. He wanted to tell all around the world the joy he received and so he went to many places and started to preach. But, wearing his spectacles and preaching was an impediment to him. One day, according to the promise, “For I am the Lord who heals you” (Exodus 15:26), he prayed, “Lord, wearing these spectacles is a great handicap to my ministry; I am going to break it now; grant me perfect vision” and with faith he threw away the spectacles. What a marvel! At once the Lord did a miracle and granted him clear sight in his eyes. Perhaps this may appear, to our mind, an acid test. However it has shown us that the faith the Word of God has given to that man of God was so marvelous that we can never forget! We begin to believe in God’s promises, as soon as we are transformed as His children through our experience of salvation. But when we receive the Holy Spirit, they don’t appear like empty stories but become acutely perceptible in our heart. Yes! The fruit of faith makes the life yet to come, a total reality which can be seen with our own eyes! This “faith” is granted as a gift by the Holy Spirit. Moreover, it induces us to believe in supernatural happenings.
DIVINE FAITH The Lord, “calls those things which do not exist as though they do” (Romans 4:17). Yes, the Lord created the earth and all the things therein out of nothing through faith (Hebrews 11:3; Acts 17:24; Psalm 24:1, 2). Yes, when the gift of faith is imparted to us by the Holy Spirit, it works in us mightily to perform wondrous things. When the Lord spoke to me about establishing Karunya University, He said, “that place should be rich in water resources, unfailing supply of electricity and conducive climate!” Therefore we started searching for such a spot. Since we did not get a spot like that, I waited at the feet of our Lord one whole day, with fasting and prayer. Then Jesus appeared to me in a vision and showed me a place called Siruvani surrounded by hills all around, 550 miles away from Chennai and said, “Go, inherit it; that is the place I have chosen for Karunya.” I shared this vision with my friends and we travelled
along with them to this place. When we reached the spot, I was thrilled to find it as exactly as shown by the Lord in the vision. But the people in that area did not come forth to sell their land to us. But the Lord commanded an unshakable steadfast faith in the heart of my father. Being 72 years old, he said with faith, “All of you return to Chennai. I will stay back and definitely purchase this land. God will certainly help us!” For six months, he could not buy anything. Then a local gentleman who accompanied my father, one day told him, “Sir, you have been walking up and down in this area for six months; your hope of acquiring the land has not decreased; I am deeply stirred in my heart; I have a piece of land here measuring 50 acres. I will give you that entire stretch of land, first” and sold that land to us. Today by God’s grace in the same place the Karunya Institute of Technology stands majestically stretching over 800 acres. Yes, even today the Lord calls those things which do not exist as though they did!’ He commands the same faith as a gift to us.
FAITH THROUGH THE GIFT OF PROPHECY King Jehoshaphat was a peerless man in observing all the commandments of God and walking with the fear of God! But suddenly without any provocation, people of some countries rose up to wage war against him (2 Chronicles 20:1,2). The baffled king “set himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout Judah. So Judah gathered together to ask help from the Lord” (2 Chronicles 20:3,4) and from all the cities of Judah they came to seek the Lord. When they prayed together, the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jahaziel, the Levite, and through him God consoled His people and gave them a prophecy: “The battle is not www.jesuscalls.org - October 2018 JESUS CALLS
yours but God’s” (2 Chronicles 20:15). He told them what steps they should take the next day. Then their fear went away. As the songsters went out before the army singing, “Praise the Lord, for His mercy endures forever”, the enemies who came up against them, rose against each other and destroyed one another. Yes! Through the gift of prophecy, the Gift of faith springs up in our hearts. God gave many prophetic words regarding Christ, to His prophets which caused astonishment among them. They searched the time of fulfillment of these prophetic words. Yes, every prophecy has a time of its fulfillment. So at certain times we are doubtful about the fulfillment of prophecies. When we go to preach the gospel, particularly in the midst of people who are against the gospel or to people who do not know the gospel, the Lord gives us faith beyond any comparison. A faith arises within us where we can say that, “God who can transform Saul’s heart and gave him a new heart can transform any heart.” This gives us an incomparable boldness to preach for the souls to be saved.
FAITH THROUGH LOVE The Bible says that, “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love” (Galatians 5:6). It is love that kindles and stimulates faith, within us! It is the love and compassion only that prompted Jesus Christ to perform mighty miracles! The most wonderful of all His miracles was that of raising the Lazarus who was dead to life, four days after his death! Jesus loved Martha, Lazarus and his sister Mary, very much (John 11:5). Yet when Lazarus died, He reached the place four days after his death; when the sisters of Lazarus fell at His feet crying, “Lord, if you had been here, our brother would not have died,” Jesus groaned in His Spirit and was troubled and wept (John 11:3335). As the Bible says, “Love is as strong as death” (Song of Songs 8:6), the zealous love surged in Jesus; and He was determined to bring Lazarus back to life.
When Martha, sister of Lazarus lamented, “Lord, by this time there is a stench, for he has been dead four days,” Jesus strengthened her faith through His faith saying, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” (John 11:40). Yes, only such love and compassion which spring in our hearts kindle the gift of faith to become operative in a mighty way. Several years ago, I was travelling to a city by car, on an official bank duty. The name of a village which was on the way to the city caught my attention! The reason being, there was a sister who often used to write letters to me to pray for her diseased husband. Therefore I stopped the car, and with great difficulty found out that sister’s house. When they saw me, they couldn’t believe and with great astonishment, they asked, “Is it brother Dhinakaran who has come?” Nevertheless what I saw there melted my heart. Just minutes before I had gone there, the husband had asked his wife, “Please carry me along with this cot and leave me outside, let me die in this cot itself.” He was persistent in his request even though his wife said, ‘no’. Therefore with the help of friends, they had put him outside. It was just at that time, I had entered. I prayed for him with much tears. The Gift of faith surged within me and without my knowledge I said, “Dear brother, come let us go inside, you will not die.” Instantaneously, he got up and came inside the house. I spoke to him about the love of our gracious Lord and prayed. The gift of faith operated in me and I rebuked that disease. Amazingly he recovered fully. This is how the “gift of faith” operates in us. According to the verse, “But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with Him in spirit” (1 Corinthians 6:17), we should always be united with God. Only then God can give faith that is required according to different situations. That’s why God has commanded us to, “Be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18). Therefore let us be filled with the Holy Spirit everyday and keep the Gift of faith!
The objective of this book “GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT” explains how to receive and experience the Power and Gifts of the Holy Spirit pragmatically. It also tells us how to save millions of souls for God’s Kingdom through the mighty power and gifts from God.
To get a copy, you can send the amount in favour of “True Friend Management Support Services”, through money order/demand draft to:72, Rajaji Salai, Chennai -600001 and get it delivered by post. For details, contact: +91 9500155588 For online orders: www.truefriendshoppe.com
Available at all Christian Book stores. This Book is available in English, Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, and Malayalam.Cost Rs.150/(postal charge - Rs.36/- will be extra)
October 2018 - www.jesuscalls.org
The Lord God wants to make our lives blossom and fertile! Many
"So why do you worry about
people have a special interest in gardning at home. Our hearts take
of the field, how they grow:
pleasure in nurturing beautiful flowery plants and seeing the flowers
and yet I say to you that even
bloom! Even I have much pleasure in this!
not arrayed like one of
When we visit hill stations such as Ooty and Kodaikanal, how wonderful it is to see the blooming wild flowers and trees that grow naturally without any human efforts! How beautiful they look even when
clothing? Consider the lilies they neither toil nor spin; Solomon in all his glory was these.”
(Matthew 6:28,29)
Dear ones, now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you? The reason,
there is none to take care of them! The reason, God as Creator, had
aren’t we, who have been created
created them. In the Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ clearly says
than they? In the Bible Apostle
about this as follows:
dearly, “Beloved, I pray that you
in His image much more special John writes to Gaius whom he loves
may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (III John 2). “For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” (II Corinthians 1:20) Accordingly, all the God given promises given in the Bible are yes and Amen in Christ Jesus. If we believe this and own it like little children, there is no doubt that we would receive blessings from the Lord. My dear sister, there may be several needs in your life. Whatever it may be, you should not forget that there is not a single need that cannot be fulfilled by God. www.jesuscalls.org - October 2018 JESUS CALLS
“For with God nothing will be impossible.” (Luke 1:37) “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” (James 1:17) Yes, the Lord, who is able to know the thoughts of our heart, knows our desire. When we plead to Him according to His will, He would surely fulfil it. But, what is the reason that sometimes our prayers are not answered? The Bible says, “You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.” (James 4:3) When we want to fulfil our own desires and live a life displeasing to the Lord, He fails to accept our prayer and supplication. Some young women are brought up and educated by their parents with great difficulty and they reach great heights in life. However, in due course, these women become more interested in watching films, dramas and obscene scenes in the TV, and in reading dirty story books and ruin their heart and mind. These filthy scenes and dirty stories get imprinted in their heart and through these they choose a wayward life or a life that heads towards hell, even without their knowledge. In today’s world, plenty of Christian young 28
October 2018 - www.jesuscalls.org
women, even adult women, indulge in such pitiable things. Despite being aware of the parents’ sufferings, difficulties and tears to educate them, they blindly seek after some unknown boy, much against their parents’ wish and become rebellious. Today, plenty are the parents who shed tears because of such young women. The Lord too pities such girls! The Lord tells such girls, “My son (daughter) give me your heart, And let your eyes observe my ways.” (Proverbs 23:26) But, quite unaware that they have taken up a dreadful path, they kick off Jesus, cause much grief to their parents and audaciously proceed in the path of destruction. Their end is dangerous. My dear young children, though the Lord God had commanded Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of the Tree of knowledge, Eve lusted after that fruit, was deceived and lost her blessings. Please do not involve yourself in lustful things like Eve did. Try to live a pleasing life to God as well as to your parents. You can receive your heart’s desires from the Lord Jesus and through your parents in a beautiful and blessed way. The Lord has kept so many greater blessings for us. All He wants is that you should fully trust Him. Let us see how joyful things happened in the life of a woman in the Bible by the grace of God.
HEARTS OPENED One day when Paul, the apostle of the Lord Jesus and those who ministered with him went to the riverside to pray, many women had gathered there. Paul was preaching to them. Among them, there was a woman named Lydia who was a seller of purple. Every word preached by Paul entered into her heart. The Lord opened her heart (Acts 16:13,14). My dear sister, do you have the desire to listen to God’s word like Lydia? Do you have the habit of conversing with God? Does your heart want to read the Bible and pray just for a while, as a duty and long to spend the rest of the time in amusing yourself, as you like? “…he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.” (James 1:8) Accordingly, if your heart leans towards both sides, problems would attack you. You would be at a loss to know what to do. You cannot feel the presence of God at that time. Today we see many, who languish this way. However, for those who spend their time in the things of Jesus just as how Lydia did, He Himself would be everything to you and solve your problems wonderfully. “The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace." (Exodus 14:14) Thus Moses encouraged the people of Israel. According to his faith, the Lord did mighty things in such a way to make the Egyptians,
their enemies, to see how He was protecting the Israelites (Exodus 14:25). Even today, God would do the same things to everyone who believes in Him. My dear sisters, making your life to blossom or break is in your hands. Jesus Christ has given us full authority to live close to Him. His twelve disciples lived close with Him for nearly 3 ½ years. But when the opportunity came, Judas betrayed Him, out of greed for money. Peter denied Him out of fear of man. Thomas did not believe His word and refused to believe that He had risen from the dead. All these would have greatly pained the heart of the Lord Jesus! Today, we too fail to seek the Lord in reverence and we hurt Him by giving importance to human help and thus we become the reasons for losing our blessings which we ought to enjoy. Let us leave this state completely and turn to Jesus like Lydia, with all our heart. Let us make a dedication to Him saying, “Lord, please change my dreadful sinful life or my fault of wandering with two minds.” The Lord would accept it; we would enjoy receiving a blooming divine life from Him.
We come to know this from the above verse. A single woman had brought her whole family to the feet of Jesus by her life. Today, what is the state of your family? Have we kept hidden the sweet pleasure we have received? These days, various problems crop up in family life since the husband and wife do not understand each other well. Particularly, when women fail to be modest and coy but seek luxuries and vulgar things,
The Lord has kept so many greater blessings for us. All He wants is that you should fully trust Him. problems such as suspicion, lack of trust, financial deficiency etc., pile up one by one. Agonies mount up. What is the use of wondering what to do, after everything reaches the peak? The Lord would surely blossom the lives of the women who
Lydia, who accepted Jesus, did not stop with that. She wanted her
are submissive to their husbands and who are diligent in doing their
whole family to receive that sweet experience and hence did good
duties though they may hold high positions, or be very beautiful or
works, pleasing to the Lord.
excel in wisdom.
separated. Ever since they could remember, the children had been living with the mother, without the father’s support. But the husband could not love his wife and made her live in tears by allowing himself to be dominated by unwanted rules and regulations of his mother. The wife, who suffered unbearable agonies because of the mother-in-law, wrote to us a letter seeking prayers for the Lord to save her from that path of tears. We too prayed for her with tears and encouraged her and gave her counsel to pray with faith. Days passed! The Lord did a miracle in that family and enabled the husband, wife and children to live together as a family. Dear sisters, who languish with such problems! Examine the condition of your family. Do you, the mother-in-law, treat your daughterin-law as your daughter and show her love? Or are you jealous of seeing her happy with her husband? Accordingly, do you, the daughter-in-law, honour your husband’s parents who have brought up their son and got him a good job and have made him your husband? Or do you show only hatred towards them, refusing to do your duties for them and dishonour them by leaving them alone in their old age and cause them grief? How painful it is when Christian woman thus walk without any testimony!
“….she and her household
Once, big problems cropped up
Likewise, it is important for
were baptized.” (Acts 16:15)
between a couple and they got
even young women to examine www.jesuscalls.org - October 2018 JESUS CALLS
themselves and change their lives in Christ so as to bring glory to
“And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of
Jesus. He wants you to live well. He, who loves you more than a
cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to
mother, is concerned about your welfare. But, how do you seek
you, he shall by no means lose his reward.”
Him? If you are careful about your spiritual life even in the days of
(Matthew 10:42)
your youth, the Lord would grant you a sweet family life. That’s how He gave me a wonderful and divine life partner. Divine love would overflow in you and among your family members. This divine love would change all the trivial problems and misunderstanding and a way will be opened in your spiritual life so that you can progress as a family. The Lord would grant you family fellowship, love, oneness of mind and care as He gave for Lydia’s family.
HOMES OPENED In the days when Jesus Christ lived in this world, many women followed Him and expressed their
According to the above Scripture verse, when we try to do what we could for the Lord, He sees that and He will grant us various kinds of blessings in our family life.
The Lord would surely blossom the lives of the women who are submissive to their husbands and who are diligent in doing their duties though they may hold high positions or be very beautiful or excel in wisdom.
gratitude by doing ministry for Him through their substance (Luke 8:2,3). Today, Jesus Christ is not in
By the grace of Christ Jesus, a sinful woman departed from sin
what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her." (Mark 14:9) We also receive many benefits from Him. But, what have we given Him for this love? Once, a poor family that had been living in a hut lovingly invited us to visit them. When we went there, we spent some time in talking with them after which the mother of that family placed a plate full of boiled eggs before us. They said with love, “Brother, we are very poor. We have nothing else to give you. We had been collecting the eggs from our hens. Please have them...” Our eyes were filled with tears. What a great love they had! To make them happy, we ate those eggs. The Lord saw the love of those people. After a few years, when we again went to that place, we inquired about them. We were thrilled to hear that they were not poor but were living with wealth and possessions having received blessings from the Lord.
and became His servant. To show Him her gratitude, she brought very
I can write the testimony of many such families. Through these
costly oil of spikenard and poured it on His head. Those who were
miracles we are able to know that Jesus Christ is still alive and that
surrounding Him spoke against her in many ways and ridiculed her.
He sees us though we are not able to see Him.
His faithful servants like Lydia did
Jesus, knowing that ‘she had done what she could’ (Mark 14:1-8) and
Looking at the poor widow who gave two mites, Jesus testified
and do our possible service. That
realizing her true love said,
about her. Today what would He testify about us? Would He men-
the form of man. He died, rose again and is now seated at the right hand of God. He is continuing with His ministry through His chosen ministers, through the Holy Spirit. Today He wants us to express our gratitude by extending hospitality to
was how He stayed in the house of Martha who served Him and
"Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is
showed Him love.
preached in the whole world,
October 2018 - www.jesuscalls.org
tion our name and say, ‘She has done what she could’? Would He
say, ‘She has put in more than all?” Or would He be grieved by our hard heart? Let us examine ourselves and commit ourselves to Him. “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might...” (Ecclesiastes 9:10) According to this Scripture verse, let us commit ourselves to do what we could, when the opportunity comes. Though there were many widows, Prophet Elijah was sent to the widow of Zarephath. All she had was a handful of flour and little oil in a jar. She had decided to make a cake with that, give it to her son and then die since they would be left with nothing more. It was at
this state, the Lord’s servant Elijah was sent to her. God, who saw her good work, did a great miracle. The Bible says that according to the Lord’s word uttered through Elijah, ‘the bin of flour was not used up nor the jar of oil ran dry ‘ (I Kings 17:10-16). Dear sister, who is languishing with lack, poverty and debt problems, please do what you can do for the Lord in giving tithe to Him and in taking care of His servants. The Lord will supply all your needs miraculously (Philippians 4:19). We read about Lydia only very briefly in the Bible. But the three things that were done by her are very, very important. You may be insignificant in the eyes of the
world. But Jesus sees every small good work that is in your life. “A little one shall become a thousand, And a small one a strong nation. I, the LORD, will hasten it in its time.” (Isaiah 60:22) According to this Scripture verse, the Lord will bless you in thousands in due time and lift you up. The Lord would lift you up in order that your light would shine before men, so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16). He will make your life blossom like the flowers of the field. May the Lord bless each one of you and prosper you!
BIBLE QUIZ Bible Portion from Matthew, Mark, Luke & John (Answer with Biblical reference) (Please read the portion line by line carefully. Do not search for any other help.) 1.
What does he hear and believe in whom? What will he have and not come into? What has he passed from? 2. What is given to you to drink in whose name? Whom do you belong to? What will he not lose? 3. Who will avenge whom? What will they do day and night? What does He do? 4. Who will be forgiven? Who will not be forgiven? In which age? 5. What should you do when you pray? What will you receive? 6. Who believes in whom? What will he do? What will he do greater than these? Why? 7. What will be preached? Where? As what? Then what will come? 8. Where is there more joy? Over whom? How many in number are the just? What don’t they need? 9. For what reason did God not send His son? Why did He send Him? Where did He send Him? 10. Whom did Herod fear? Why? What did he do for him? What did he do when he heard him?
Answers must reach us before OCTOBER 20, 2018 Address: Bible Quiz - 80 Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email: stella@jesuscalls.org
www.jesuscalls.org - October 2018 JESUS CALLS
The Couples Esther Prayer Group members praying fervently
Revived by the Lord Jesus One of the sisters of our Esther Prayer Group did not attend the prayer regularly and hence I met her in person along with two sisters and invited her for the prayer. After that she started coming for the meeting and God made her testify thus: “I had no interest to pray or read the Bible. The Lord convicted me. Now by praying for these prayer points, I have regained my original state. I commit myself to read the Bible and pray regularly”. Glory to God. - Mary Samathanam Samuel, Chennai.
Miraculous Healing Sister Avudayammal of our Esther Prayer Group suffered a lot as the red corpuscles in her blood had increased drastically. We wrote a letter to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers for her. The Lord heard the prayer, healed her and helped her body to get strengthened and the count to become normal even without any medicine. - J. Florence Alice Jesu, Shankar Nagar 32
October 2018 - www.jesuscalls.org
Prayer Points revived us The Prayer Points for the month of April, sent by Sister Stella Dhinakaran asking to pray for ‘living with success’ greatly revived every sister who was languishing in various kinds of problems, troubles, and hopeless situations and who could not reach higher levels in life. Identifying ourselves with many of the prayer points, we prayed with much tears and burden, being filled with the Holy Spirit. This strengthened us. Since the prayer points carry burden, we feel that they are applicable to us and hence we pray with burden and tears and with the faith and hope that the Lord would answer our pleas and wipe away our tears. The Lord answers the prayers and does great things. We offer millions of praises to the Lord. - Kumari Jawahar, Erode.
Divine Transformation Sister Beulah of our Esther Prayer Group has a 62 year old brother, who is slightly mentally
challenged. He used to take liquor always. The Lord heard the prayers offered for him in the Esther Prayer Group and graciously brought a change in his mind and helped him to leave his alcoholism. Now he returns home on time. When I was once highly discouraged, the Lord helped me to get renewed in my spiritual life through the prayers offered in the Esther Prayer Group. - J. Packiathai Peter Ponraj, Palayamkottai.
Deliverance from Dejection By the grace of God, every prayer point given for the Esther Prayer Group, reflected the longings in our heart. They were of great help to kindle the fire of
faith in prayer, in all of us. Also, when we prayed for those who were weary in the spirit, we too felt a deliverance from all dejection in us. I thank God for this Esther Prayer Group ministry which has been formed solely for us. - Jeyaseeli Suryakumar, Arumbakkam, Chennai.
God’s Glory Manifested During the Esther Prayer Group prayers, all of us saw the glory of God. The Lord filled each one of us with the gift of prophecy and with the spirit of prayer of praying with oneness of mind, being filled with God’s Spirit. Glory to God! - N. Jeyamani Ammal, Theni.
Much Joy in Praying in the Esther Prayer Group The Holy Spirit helps us to understand each and every Esther Prayer Group prayer points. He encourages us to rise up in prayer. Also, the prayer group members say that it is such a joy for them to take part in the Esther Prayer Group. We give glory to God for giving us the grace to start a new Esther Prayer Group in our church. - Ruth Peter, Malaysia.
Much Blessing The prayer time of Esther Prayer Group was of great blessing to us. According to the promise of that month, we committed ourselves to get filled with the fruits and good works and be the vessels that would glorify the name of the Lord. - R. Selvanayagi, Thiruthangal.
Anointed as Desired Sister Jebamani of our Esther Prayer Group is 81 years old. She had been waiting for a long time to receive the anointing. This month, when we prayed with anointing, she received the anointing with signs of tongues. - I. Beatrice Sarojini, Nagercoil.
Raises up Miraculous Testimonies Every month, the prayer points sent by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran relate to the problems that we face as well as to the struggles in our families and hence God helps us to pray as a group with tears, burden and faith. God raises up many miraculous testimonies among our group. - K.Anbu Selvi, Chennai.
No Trace of Disease The brother-in-law of Sis. Jeya Ruby of our group had swelling in his legs and bloated stomach and suffered for 6 months. When he was taken for medical test, the doctor said that he had cancer which had spread to the whole body. With great agony we prayed for him in the Esther Prayer Group. As per the promise verse given in the Esther Prayer Group - ‘…this is the victory that has overcome the world; our faith’ I John 5:4 - we prayed with faith. The Lord heard the prayer and when he again went for a check-up, the doctors said that there was no trace of cancer. - J. Elizabeth, Thirupur.
Honourable Crown The time we spent with Sister
Stella Dhinakaran during the Special Meet for the Esther Prayer Group leaders held on May 12th, could not be forgotten. Also, I offer millions of thanks to the Lord remembering the crown which dear sister placed on us, in accordance to the promise verse given in the first page of the Jesus Calls magazine - ‘The Lord would place on your head the crown of gold called holiness’. This we never imagined. The Holy Spirit confirmed in my heart that it was how we would be crowned in heaven as we run for the Lord in this earth. I wholeheartedly thank the Lord for all the sacrifices made by Sister Stella Dhinakaran to mould us. - Esther Aruldas, Chennai.
Mighty Miracles Esther Prayer Group meeting was of great blessing. Right from the beginning till the end, the Holy Spirit led the prayer. Everyone prayed for the prayer points, with conviction. Sis. Victoria’s second son had no child even after 3 ½ years of marriage. The Lord heard the prayer offered for him for the gift of a child and helped his wife to conceive. Sister Rajeshwari’s son-in-law had no job for the past 5 years. After praying in this group, his previous office called him back and reinstated him in the job. Sister Sasi’s younger sister suffered from puss coming out of her ear. She could not hear properly. The Lord heard the prayer offered in this group, did a miracle, healed her and made her well. The Lord helped Sis. Rita to clear her debts. When she was www.jesuscalls.org - October 2018 JESUS CALLS
cooking in the house where she is working, her saree caught fire. But the Lord miraculously saved her without any harm and helped her to attend the prayer. Glory to God. - Leela Rani, Chennai.
Harvest is great; labourers are few The Esther Prayer Group leaders’ meet held on May 12th at Chennai was of great blessing and benefit to me. According to the word of God shared by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran – ‘Harvest is great; labourers are few’ I came back home with the burden and decision that I should also work for the Lord. I thank the Lord for the chance given to me to attend the meeting and for the encouraging God’s words shared by dear sister. The Lord has graciously enabled us to start 3 new groups. - K. Beulah Ananthi, Sivakasi.
Family Built by Esther Prayer My husband knew the Lord for the past 22 years and yet had not accepted Him. From the day when I started the Esther Prayer Group, I had been writing to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers for his salvation. The Lord heard the prayer, removed all obstacles and had helped him to take baptism and attend church regularly. Glory to God! - Saratha Ravi, Peermedu, Idukki
Touch of the Spirit This month’s Esther Prayer was of great blessing to us. After we prayed for all the prayer points, we felt the touch of the Holy Spirit. We spoke in tongues and rejoiced in the spirit, praising God. The time of prayer was of great revival to us. - J. Kanmani Ruth, Coimbatore.
Everything Normal The promise verse and the
prayer points were of great blessing to us. The Lord helped us to pray with burden for all the prayer points. Apart from praying for Sis. Selvi’s sickness in our group, we had also wrote a letter to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers for her healing. She had to undergo CT scan in her head and neck. The Lord heard the prayer and helped her to get a normal report. Glory to God! - Esther Jeya, Ariyalur.
Fire Anointing This month, the Holy Spirit filled us in an immeasurable way. As we kept praying for each prayer point with the given verse, perfect peace filled all of us. Those who attended the prayer with weaknesses were delivered. When Sis. Vazharmathi, who never knew to pray, started praying for the first time, all the works of the enemy fled away. She received peace and clarity. - Shanthi Jebakumar, Chennai.
MIRACLES IN THE YOUTH ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Got the grace to read the Bible and pray Sis. Maria Selvi of our group never used to read the Bible or pray. After attending the Youth Esther Prayer Group, the Lord spoke to her and convicted her and now she reads the Bible and prays regularly. Glory to God. - S. Sharon, Tuticorin.
My Dear Sisters, Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you or young children to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group or a Junior Esther Prayer Group or a Couples Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women/ young girls/children/couples in your area could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. This is the end time. Make use of the time given to you. Let us hasten to build the Lord’s kingdom. Contact Address: Sister. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email: stella@jesuscalls.org 34
October 2018 - www.jesuscalls.org
to eat Sis….?’
Rosy was excited
to see Punitha getting down from the car; yet a fear lurked in the corner of her heart. It was the custom of her husband Suresh to come home fully drunk without going for any job. Sometimes, he was even found on the roadside, totally inebriated. It was Rosy’s widowed mother and Punitha who helped her monetarily. Of course, Suresh was once holding a good job which he lost when one day he went to the office in a drunken state. From then on, his alcoholism intensified. It would be a miracle if he went for a job even for a week. Being the only child, Rosy’s mother willingly supported her by selling vadagam, idli podi, kuzhambu podi etc., Rosy managed to survive somehow. Last month, Punitha, her sister-in-law, was a bit harsh while giving her the money, “Don’t spend the money as you like Rosy; I’m giving this from my husband’s hard earned money from abroad”. Rosy was yet to recover from the deep wound caused by her words. After handing over the money to Rosy, Punitha was in a hurry to leave. “Why don’t you have something
“Why? Do you want me to have just butter milk curry and roasted papad, like last time?’ – With this mocking shot, Punitha got into the car and left. Tears flowed freely from Rosy’s eyes. Previously once, when she had made fish curry, which was her sister-in-law’s favourite dish, she derided, “I think all my money is wasted on making fish curry…” The next time, Rosy made buttermilk curry and got the snubbing. She cried bitterly, thinking of her pitiable state. Her husband Suresh, who came home, picked up a fight with her for sending back his sister with no food. Her problems and worries intensified after her mother’s death, The little money and the comfort she was getting from her mother was stopped. However she never forgot her mother’s advice to use the instrument called ‘Prayer’. Not knowing anything else other than ‘prayer’, poor Rosy clung on to that. When her child grew up and began to go to school, all hell broke loose. Punitha firmly refused to pay the school fee and even stopped giving money for food. Seeing their plight one Mr. Moses appointed Suresh in his Real Estate business. Suresh was impressed by Moses’ talk, conduct, humility and daily prayer before starting the work.
Within few years, Suresh began to earn sufficiently. Rosy was scared that he would use the money on drinks, now that he had started earning. But it was quite contrary. “Rosy, tomorrow, after attending church, I am planning to go to village ministry along with Moses Sir. Do you want to come? It seems once in a month, as a family they would be going for village ministry. He has invited me too.” Rosy could not believe her ears and stared at him with wonder. She realized that it was a miracle because of her prayer. When Punitha’s husband had to return to India as he fell sick, Suresh and Rosy admitted him in the hospital, looked after him and spent for his treatment. The hospital expenditure was heavy and Punitha wanted to share some amount. “No sis… You once financially helped us for food. We are always ready to help you. The Lord has lifted us up now and the reason is purely His grace and your help” – Rosy replied. Punitha was moved to realize that Rosy had been grateful for the good she did, though she had stopped giving money at one point. She was amazed to find that ‘He, who is in Rosy’s heart is the Lord”. “I will sing to the LORD, Because He has dealt bountifully with me” (Psalm 13:6). www.jesuscalls.org - October 2018 JESUS CALLS
ANSWER: Today, most of the women prefer outward physical adornments. As fashion keeps booming, adornments are also increasing. The adornment of young children of yester years is different from the adornment of the present day youngsters. Many sisters used to write to me about this. Today, let us meditate on the true adornment that is pleasing to the Lord.
Beauty loved by the Lord “Listen, O daughter, Consider and incline your ear; Forget your own people also, and your father's house; So the King will greatly desire your beauty; Because He is your Lord, worship Him” (Psalm 45:10,11) In this passage, the ‘king’ referred here is the Lord and Saviour and our Father Jesus Christ. Every one of us is His child. 36
October 2018 - www.jesuscalls.org
In the above portion, we saw what kind of beauty He expects to see in His children’s lives. The one word given is ‘beauty’. Do you know the profound meaning of this one word? If we see Mary, the mother of the Lord, in the Bible, why did God choose her as the woman to bear Jesus Christ, the Saviour and the Son of God in her womb? What did the God of gods tell her through the Angel of God? He said, "Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!" (Luke 1:28). Also He said, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God” (Luke 1:30). In that case, look at the word, ‘favour’. When we receive this in our life, we worship the Lord reverentially, even without our knowledge. How do we worship Him? As the Bible says, ‘we worship and bow down’ (Psalm 95:6). This is the reverence that the Lord loves! We read in the Bible,
‘I am dark, but lovely’ (Song of Songs 1:5). How does beauty come in this ‘dark’? It is here the favour of God works. When women thus seek the Lord with reverential fear, along with the beautiful virtue of ‘humility’ which Mary had, God’s favour or grace comes down (I Peter 5:5; James 4:6). This adds beauty to a woman’s life. The Lord is pleased with such beauty. My dear sisters, today, how do we seek the Lord? I have seen many young women who go for work. They have roaming eyes which are not pure. Their behavior is full of this world and devil. Many parents too, encourage their children to behave in this manner. The time now is dreadful. Dear parents, first of all you should receive divine anointing to live as holy people with reverence. Today, many mothers fail to be a good example to their children and dress up in a vulgar manner and lead
their children in the path of perdition by walking in the way of
is prestigious; I was born and brought up in a rich family, rolling
hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, which is
the world. Would the Lord love such mothers and the children? Do
in money; I earn a lot more than you (husband)”. We see with our
proper for women professing godliness, with good works.
you easily give room for the devil and the worldly things in your life?
own eyes, how the devil fills women with evil characteristics such as
Let a woman learn in silence with all submission”
Just think.
worldly pride, arrogance and haughtiness and causes divisions,
(I Timothy 2:10,11).
My dear sisters, my dear young children! Mary, mother of Jesus, who lived as an example for us, the women, was careful in matters such as humility and godliness. Because of such pure and divine beauty, she was chosen as the Mother of Jesus Christ. All the things of this world would change. However, with this realization, when you hold on to the Lord with reverence, your life would become divine and you would enjoy receiving the blessing of this glorious beauty.
Beauty in God’s sight “Do not let your adornment be merely outward;
bitterness and restlessness in families. As a result, many are the women today, who languish in sorrow, being unable to enjoy the pleasure of family life.
Discard all your lusts and desires and hold on to the Lord Jesus Christ firmly. He will fill you with His divine adornment and make you arise and shine for Him.
Modest Apparel Today, it is painful to see the way in which the worldly women dress up themselves. They seek after worldly beauty by wearing dresses that reveal their body as much as possible. My dear sisters, do you want the world? Or the Lord? If you want to live with the beauty that is pleasing to the Lord, you should be careful to cover your body with modest apparel. I need not elaborate on this. Your own conscience would reveal this.
Good Works with Reverence In the Bible we read, ‘let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle
arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine
My dear sisters, if you have
and quiet spirit’ (I Peter 3:4). So, this is a prayer that we need to
apparel; rather let it be the hidden person of the heart,
such characteristics in your life, throw away all those devilish
offer to the Lord, by kneeling down. Let us ask Him, “Lord, please give
with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,
qualities, kneel down for a while and commit your life in the
me this divine gentle nature which is not in me. You lived as the
which is very precious in the sight of God” (I Peter 3:3,4).
presence of the Lord. Then He will change you into precious women.
Personification of meekness in this world. Fill me with You and grant
My dear sisters, please read this carefully. Women obeying their
The Bible says about how the women, who live with true beauty,
me this good character. Give me a quiet spirit. Teach me what to
should be: “…that the women adorn
speak and where. As the Bible says, give me the grace to give
Today, the main reason for many families to be ruined is the haughty
themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and
thanks, without any filthiness, or foolish talking, or coarse jesting’
attitude of the women, “My family
moderation, not with braided
(Ephesians 5:4)”. Thus let us pray
husband and honouring him are the beautiful things loved by the Lord.
www.jesuscalls.org - October 2018 JESUS CALLS
to the Lord, every day. I was amazed to read a particular incident in the Bible. In the 4th chapter of John, we see a Samaritan woman coming to Jacob’s well to draw water. There the Lord Jesus Christ is sitting, wearily. God showed Him His will that this woman should be filled with spiritual thirst, divine blessings and adornment. Please read this carefully. She came near the well as a woman full of horrible ways of sin and bound by the terror of darkness. However, just think how the presence of Jesus along with the will of God brought her life into light from darkness and made it shine. Yes, our Lord is powerful. He is the Personification of love. It is His divine will that none of us, the women, should perish. He would send His power into the lives of the women who are wallowing in sin and are filled with the lust and desires of the world. Somehow He will remove their darkness. He
will fill them with the adornment of fulfilling His will and make them
due course, He changed her in
shine. My dear sisters, how beautifully this Samaritan woman,
things of the world, got filled with
who was leading a filthy life until then, came out of the darkness
His servant. The people of that
through the ‘Word of the Lord’ and became an instrument that arose
transformed life. Dear mothers,
and shone for the Lord, having received divine adornment! So,
children thus?
such a way that she hated the divine adornments and became city were amazed to see her how much do you pray for your My dear young girl, this is a
would you also throw away all the dirty things in your life and commit
dreadful time. So, discard all your
yourself for the Lord in godly reverence to receive this divine
Lord Jesus Christ firmly. He will
lusts and desires and hold on to the go before you, lead you in
beauty? I know of a young girl, who used to adorn herself like the Jezebel
everything, fill you with His divine adornment and make you arise and
of the Bible by applying eye liner etc., and sought after the world
shine for Him. My dear sisters, He
and its passions and lusts. But, one day the grace of the Lord
and as virtuous women and honour
came upon her. Reason? Her mother was praying for her with
commit yourself to receive this
tears. What happened then? The Lord changed her heart into that
by His hand, fill you with the
which was pleasing to Him. In
your life shine!
will lift you up as the priceless pearls you (Proverbs 31:10-31). Will you blessing? May the Lord hold you beauty pleasing to Him and make
(including postal charges)
Authored by
Sister Stella
Sister Stella Dhinakaran waited at the feet of the Lord and with God’s help received the answers for the ten questions that usually arise in the hearts of women related to the subject, “Prayer in Family Life”.
To get a copy you can send the amount in the favour of “True Friend Management Support Service”, through money order/Demand draft to, 72, Rajaji Salai, Chennai -600001 and get it by post. For details, contact: +91 9500155588 For online orders: www.truefriendshoppe.com THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN TAMIL AND ENGLISH 38
October 2018 - www.jesuscalls.org
28 years of addiction gone My wife and I are married for 36 years. We have two daughters and a son. I am working for a government firm. I was addicted to alcohol for the past 28 years. Hence there was no peace in the family. I was fighting with everyone in the family. Though I was working for the government, I became heavily addicted to alcohol, which I consumed along with my friends. Sometimes, I used to fall on roadsides, in an inebriated condition. Often I did not go back home. Hence my wife and children were miserable. Even when both my daughters grew up and attained marriageable age, I did not stop this habit. So, my relatives derided us as to who would marry our daughters. Yet I was not concerned about it and continued with my drinking habit. My life went on thus. At this juncture, my wife came to know of the Jesus Calls ministry and started visiting the Prayer Tower for prayers. She invited me to accompany her and I too visited the Chapel for prayer. Yet, I went there only after taking alcohol. I attended the Family Blessing meeting held in the Prayer Tower campus and prayed. The Lord touched me. My drinking habit vanished completely. I became a child of God. After that my wife and I started visiting the Prayer Tower continually. By the grace of God, our three children’s marriages were held in an excellent manner. Now our relatives are amazed to see our family. Presently, as a family, we are living as God’s children. Glory to God. - M. Punniyakodi, Chennai - 4
Lord, who gave life to the child
As a family, we are ready to pray for you! Contact address for sending your prayer requests: Jesus Calls, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Email: stella@jesuscalls.org
We got married in 2016. I conceived on the 6th month of marriage. Our family was thrilled with this. The child was doing fine; but in the 8th month, when I went for a scan, the report said that the child’s head was too big and that it posed danger. We were shocked to hear this. After a month, when I went for a scan in another hospital, the doctors said, ‘The child’s head is filled with fluid and hence it has become big. There is no chance for normal delivery. So the child has to be removed by surgery or else its life is in danger.” That time we contacted the Prayer Tower and the prayer intercessor assured that the Lord would give life to the child and that we need not worry. Within four hours of prayer, the child was born alive, through surgery. The doctors said that the child would be alive only for five days. The little one which took milk initially did not drink milk for 4 days and did not cry also. She seemed to be in a semi conscious state. We went to the Prayer Tower and enrolled our child in the Young Partners’ Plan. We also prayed along with Sister Stella Dhinakarn during the TV programme and made a vow that we would sponsor a TV programme if the child was healed. Accordingly the child is doing well. As per our vow we sponsored a TV programme in my daughter’s name. The prayer offered for her in that programme was of great blessing. Now she is 1 ½ years old and is hale and healthy without any problem. Even the doctors are amazed to see her. We give thanks to the Lord. - C. Abisha, Chennai. www.jesuscalls.org - October 2018 JESUS CALLS
According to this scripture verse, it is imperative that every woman, after marriage is burdened to build her house according to the Lord's will. She has to seek the Lord's help to build it and not on her own knowledge. The Lord will never allow any lack in the life of those who seek Him. In my life, before marriage, I had absolutely ‘no worries.’ My parents took care of all matters concerning me, and everything that I needed was given to me at the right time. So, I grew up without any worry or burden. However, when my marriage was fixed, I was gripped by a great fear because in married life, the wife handles all the responsibilities of the home. When I heard that I was pledged to be married to Bro. Dhinakaran, I thought about what I lacked. He, on the other hand, was a young man who had the fear of God with many excellent qualities. To add to this, the Bible portion; Proverbs 31:10-31- read by the pastor during my betrothal intensified 40
October 2018 - www.jesuscalls.org
my fear. All the divine qualities that a good wife should possess were mentioned. I was worried and anxious as I did not have those qualities in me. Only then I had a new perspective. I thought to myself that such things were impossible for me, but God would help me. I prayed with reverence, “Lord, Lead me! Give me Your divine grace. I commit my entire life into your hands”. In this way, I clung to God. When I did that and placed my complete trust in Him, His divine peace filled me. My life transformed, that very day. After marriage, there was tremendous progress in my prayer life. I developed the habit of placing my entire devotion to God, trusting Him for everything and rising early in the morning to pray. The Lord helped me to commit every day into His hands, to have family prayer
with my husband, a man of God, and to help him in his ministry whichever way possible. Thus, the Lord was with me and led me by His hand to transform our family into the Lord’s house. My dear sisters, only by seeking the Lord, you would get wisdom and His guidance and build up your family beautifully as a wise woman. Discard the unwanted things within you such as love for money, materials, beauty, etc.. and love the Lord with your whole heart and trust Him. These days, one of the many reasons families are wrecked and ruined is because of ungodly wives. The Bible says, “And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” (Galatians 5:24) Apostle Paul, when living as a horrible man, received the touch of the Lord and became the vessel of
grace. He thus shares his experience: "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me…” (Galatians 2:20) Yes, my dear sisters, please examine your life now! Do you give your first place to the Lord? Do you place your heart’s desires, attachments to the world and your relations and friendships at the feet of the Lord? Only when you do this, the Lord will take care of your family. Perhaps, if you are caught up in the way pleasing the devil or treading in the dark path or any unwanted relationships, shed them off today and hold on to the Lord like Mary, the sister of Martha. The word that I often use is, ‘Hold on to the Lord’. Yes, dear ones, if you hold on to the feet of the Lord with all that you have, surely He would transform your life.
How does a wise woman build her house? First, she should seek the Lord. This happened in my life. After marriage, I diligently prayed every day and held on to the Lord firmly. I had the divine fellowship of ‘He, being in me and me in Him.’ Since the day I clung to Him, I used to keep talking to Him. For instance, when I would cook (in those days, I did not know how to cook properly), I would kneel down and pray to Him like a little child and tell Him, “Lord, teach me to do this. Guide me”. Just imagine! How would it be when the Lord helps us! That was how I learnt cooking
little by little. The Lord was sufficient for me in everything. So, you too should keep Him with you through prayer. Never give room for carnal things or allow them to draw you towards them. Whatever you do, examine whether it would be pleasing to the Lord and act reverentially. If I could do this, you too can pray this way. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me...” (Philippians 4:13)
If you hold on to the feet of the Lord with all that you have, surely He would transform your life. With this hope, trust Him completely. Then the way in which the Lord would carry you, bear you and deliver you would be
blessing given by the Lord. If you try to implement it in a worldly way, you will fail and have to face dark moments in your life such as rift, bitterness, pain and so on. But, as I mentioned above, if you hold on to the Lord only and get united with Him every day while doing your daily chores, you would taste victory in everything. Also, divine peace would abide forever in your family. Christ’s divine love would overflow! Even if your husband or his family may not be supportive of you, the Lord will be with you and fight for you. You have to be quiet. He will be with you as the God of peace and lead you in all aspects of your life. He will not bring to pass the things which you dread. He will keep you away from unwanted quarrels, jealousy, and lust of worldly desires. So, don’t forget this - to hold on to the Lord at all times. Talk to Him day and night like a friend. David, God’s servant, says, ‘I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved (Psalm 16:8). Yes, this is divine life.
My dear sisters! My dear
Dear ones, if you learn this secret of life and walk in reverence, the Lord will give you His wisdom, knowledge and all the other blessings which you never asked for; just like He gave it to Solomon and He will build up your family. Also, He will exalt the woman who fears the Lord, with praise and blessings (Proverbs 31:30).
young women! Married life is a
- To be continued...
wonderful. I was amazed when God gave me His wisdom and knowledge and the divine privilege to build up the family even though I grew up as a pampered child. Like Paul, I realized that it is ‘no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me” and was happy in the Lord.
www.jesuscalls.org - October 2018 JESUS CALLS
“But let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight,” says the Lord (Jeremiah 9:24). 2. Moreover I also gave them My Sabbaths, to be a sign between them and Me, that they might know that I am the Lord who sanctifies them (Ezekiel 20:12). 3. "The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I hope in Him!” (Lamentations 3:24) 4. Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart… (Jeremiah 15:16). 5. Let us lift our hearts and hands to God in heaven (Lamentations 3:41). 6. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26). 7. For I have satiated the weary soul, and I have replenished every sorrowful soul (Jeremiah 31:25). 8. Even though Noah, Daniel, and Job were in it, as I live, says the Lord God, they would deliver neither son nor daughter; they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness (Ezekiel 14:20). 9. For the Lord will not cast off forever. Though He causes grief, yet He will show compassion according to the multitude of His mercies (Lamentations 3:31,32). 10. And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding (Jeremiah 3:15).
BIBLE QUIZ NO.78 WINNERS Hyderabad: P. H. Swarna Vidyullatha, Renuka Perumal East Godavari: Priyanka Battula, Mahabubnagar: D. Sunanda Sundar, Kurnool: Shalini Raj Karimnagar: M. Krupa Kumari
October 2018 - www.jesuscalls.org
Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran
Holy Land Tour - Jordan, Israel & Egypt (8N / 9D) Holy Land Premium Tour Jordan, Israel, Egypt & Dubai (11N / 12D)
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Transportation in A/C Coaches Each group will have Messianic Jewish Guide approved by the Government of Israel with translation in regional language All cost related to the tour are in built. No hidden costs.
For more information & registration SMS/ WHATSAPP ‘YOUR NAME’ to +91 9840999906 or Call 044 4710 1314/15 or visit www.truefriendtours.com Tour Organized by: True Friend Tours (A unit of True Friend Management Support Service Pvt. Ltd.), JC House, 72, Rajaji Salai, Opp to Beach Station, Chennai 600001.
Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(s) Dn/ 513/2018-2020 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/wpp-156/2018-2020 Published before 22nd of every month
God’s Word & Prayer:
Dr. Paul Dhinakaran & Family
2018 October
13, 14 (Saturday and Sunday) Daily 6 pm
TRIVANDRUM... KERALA Venue: PUTHARIKANDAM MAIDAN, East Fort, Trivandrum For details: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Upper Pattom Road, Plamoodu, Pattom, Trivandrum – 695 004. Ph.: 0471-2305551 / 9387809077 / 9446417373/ 9447182998
HYDERABAD... TELANGANA Venue: L.B. STADIUM, Opp. Nizam College, Hyderabad For details: Ph. 040- 27824499 / 6381754568 / 6381754558 2018 October
(Friday, Saturday, Sunday) Daily 5 pm
2018 October
20, 21
(Saturday and Sunday) Daily 6 pm
Venue: SECTOR-13, ROURKELA. For details: Jesus Calls Prayer Centre, House No T4/14 CIVIL TOWNSHIP ROURKELA 769004. Ph: 0661-2664099, 8480971286, 8480971287 Toll Free: 1800 425 77 55 (7 am – 9 pm)
In Daringbadi, Kandhamal (Odisha) - CNI Synod Peace Festival 2018 November
10, 11 (Saturday, Sunday) Daily 4.30 pm
Venue: SARINGERIPI, Opp. Hill View, Daringbadi, Kandhamal District, Odisha. For details: Jesus Calls Prayer Towers, Bhubaneswar (0674-2460903, 9348091958) Cuttack (6380752248, 8895088674 & Koraput (8249151499, 8763172192) We invite you to attend these meetings. Inform your kith & kin and bring them along. PRAY! PARTICIPATE AND BE BLESSED!!